Enterprise The Idaho
Oneida County's News Since 1879

In March St. Luke’s Hemophilia Center and Children’s Cancer Institute joined the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) in celebrating Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month. Bleeding disorders are relatively rare and not talked about a lot. Bleeding Disorders Awareness month is a great way to spread awareness about different bleeding disorders such as hemophilia, von willebrand disease, rare factor or platelet disorders, and more. Local Malad Elementary School student Gannon Steed was diagnosed with Severe Hemophilia B in 2014, when he was just 2 weeks old. Hemophilia B is a bleeding disorder caused by a lack of blood clotting factor IX. Without enough factor IX, the blood cannot clot properly to control bleeding. Hemophilia B occurs in approximately 1 in 25,000 male births. 20% of all hemophilia cases are spontaneous, meaning someone has the disease even though there is no family history of abnormal bleeding. Gannon’s Hemophilia was spontaneous not genetic. Hemophilia is treated by boosting clotting factor levels or replacing missing clotting factors. People like Gannon who have severe hemophilia receive prophylactic factor infusions to prevent bleeding. At the time of Gannon’s diagnosis, we were approached about participating in a research trial for a new medicine. Hemophilia patients have to be infused either in a central line port or in their vein multiple times a week. The study we were asked to participate in changed treatment from every other day for some patients or three times a week for others… to just once a week. As a family we ended up taking a leap of faith by choosing to participate in the study. As a result, Gannon became the first patient in the world under 5 years old to receive a new drug called Rebinyn. The Research program ended up being a huge blessing, and Gannon has had amazing success on
this medicine.
Just last week Gannon was talking to me about his hemophilia, telling me that kids at school didn’t believe that he had hemophilia or the ones that did, just didn’t understand what it was. I knew that we needed to help fix this. When I saw St. Lukes was doing activities to help spread awareness about bleeding disorders, I knew this could be a way to help my son. We decided to bring their “Paint the town Red” activity to Malad!
On March 5th with help from Malad Elementary School, Tiny Tots Daycare and Preschool, community members and social media we were able to “Paint Malad Red”, by having everyone wear red, hanging red ribbons and signs all around Malad. On social media people from Malad and other cities posted photos of themselves wear-
City officials, neighbors, and yes, the newspaper office were flooded (no pun intended) with calls about the water running down 1st West last week. Some were convinced that a water main had burst, leading to the increasingly deep channel of water that made driveways inaccessible briefly on Thursday, and created a mess in the roadway.
City officials were on notice once the water started running, and worked throughout the end of the week to mitigate the issue as much as possible.
According to City Superintendent Tyler Webster, the cause of the flooding was the snow/thaw conditions that created ideal conditions for the melting snow to channel into the shoulder of the road near the top of 1st west.
“The water is runoff from the field north of 700 North on the East side of 100 W. This has happened quite often—often enough that Dale Hobson placed 3 inch rock down 100 W from 500 N down toward 400 N,” Webster said.
“I think the reason this year is much worse is our weather pattern—warm, then low freezing temperatures and warm snowy/wet conditions that turns off the warm. The warmer weather melts the snow but the ground is frozen so no water is getting into the
ground. This causes a large amount of water for runoff.”
The weather cycle can also allow the ground to become maximally saturated, as the soil becomes soft enough to absorb melting moisture, which is then locked in when it freezes. The ice layer also creates an especially frictionless medium on top of which melting snow heads downhill quickly.
At the end of last week, the city crew worked to “get the residents’ driveways accessible.” This
week, the city has plans to repair the damaged roadway with rock and roadbase.
The conditions that led to this (and the familiar annual flooding in general) are predicted to continue for the next weeks, with another freeze/thaw cycle currently in the forecast for the end of this week.
We will update you when sandbags and other mitigation items are available from the county, as they have been during past years’ flooding.
Tension with Canada escalates
Against the backdrop of on-again off-again tariffs on Canadian products, what had started as a purely rhetorical battle has begun to inflict real damage. A number of Canadian businesses have reportedly begun to pull American products from their shelves and replace them with domestic alternatives, or imports from other countries. Energy producers in Ontario have announced that they will raise the cost of energy to the United States in a continuing trade war as a response to threatened 25% import tariffs on Canadian products, which will for the most part be passed on to consumers. The markets have reacted negatively to the tariffs themselves, but many analysts expressed the opinion on Monday that the market implosion was as much a reaction to an unclear and changing U.S. policy as the specifics of the plans. As markets are generally conservative in their risk aversion, the potential for a U.S. recession affecting global markets, compounded by inflation resulting from tariffs, is causing a sustained panic in stocks across the board.
Fluoridation is a process whereby the element is added to drinking water supplies to help prevent cavities and strengthen teeth. Since the process was introduced, it has greatly improved the dental health of Americans ,especially children. A recent episode in Utah where a malfunctioning fluoride pump released excess fluoride into the water supply led to medical issues for hundreds of people. A bill in the Utah legislature is on its way to Governor Cox, who has said he will sign it. The bill does not ban fluoride, but it does prohibit municipalities from choosing to add it into their water supplies. The reasons cited were the foregoing pump malfunction, the cost of the process, and “personal choice and freedom.” The saving to municipalities were not specifically estimated, and neither was the potential cost to residents as a result of reduced dental health. At present, only 66 of the state’s 484 municipalities choose to fluoridate their water. Those 66 will lose the option to choose to do so after passage.
The Oneida County Event Center will host the annual Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday, March 15. The doors will open at 6:00 p.m., and events will begin at 6:30 p.m. Single plate admission to the fundraiser dinner are $25. This year’s featured speaker will be Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador, who will be addressing guests, along with Idaho GOP Chairperson Dorothy Moon. The event will be catered by the Iron Door Smokehouse, and will include a silent auction along with a live auction and a Shotgun Raffle. Auction items have been donated by Ward Ace Hardware and a number of other local vendors. Sponsors include Ace Hardware/ Ward Feed, Allen Drug, and Hess Lumber. Any member of the Oneida County Republican Central Committee can be contacted about reserving a table.
Last week’s performance of Peter Pan Jr. by the cast of primarily middle school students had a good run, playing to packed audiences of friends, family, and entertainment-seekers. With the Missoula Children’s Theatre production having been unexpectedly canceled at the Elementary School, the Iron Door Playhouse play was a much-needed dose of drama.
Younger actors, even if they tend to be shy in their “normal” lives, also tend to be willing to try things out and take chances in their roles, and it was fun to see the energy and personality the actors injected into their characters. Enthusiasm was certainly a byword of the play, with the actors seeming to enjoy their time on stage as much as the audience did watching them.
Liam Atkinson was the right sort of optimistic and mischievous as Peter Pan, and Anna Chipman brought just the right sort of grounded maturity as Wendy to play against Peter’s whimsy.
Maverik Lewis was sneeringly great as Captain Hook, clearly relishing the villainous turn. The role works best with a strong second, and Bentley Teeples did a great job as Smee. The pirates—Sara Reiss, Ava Felser, Cali Whipple, Rose Butler— did a great job with their stage busi-
ness and choreography, and helped lend the whole play a kinetic sense of constant movement.
The play involves a number of foils—that is, characters who can be compared with one another—and the pirate gang is foiled on the one hand by the Lost Boys, played by Sofia Hess, Levi Balazs, Jace Call, Hyrum Spencer, Danielle Pettis, and Cumorah Carter; and on the other by the Brave Girls, played by Nicole White as Tiger Lilly, Karmyn Charles, Mariah Price, Brynlie Geldhill. Both groups demonstrate different attitudes about childhood and growing up, which is of course the central theme of the the book and musical.
Captain Hook, ostensibly an adult miscreant, secretly just wants to return to childhood. It turns out that the Lost Boys are ready to move in the other direction and start growing up. Peter Pan continues to occupy that nebulous zone in-between adulthood and childhood, and that’s why he’s an indelible cultural figure to this day.
The rest of the cast all performed fantastically, and included (with some overlap) Seth Huckay as John Darling, Alyssa Seamons as Michael Darling, Nicole White as Liza Darling, Caroline Butler as Nana, Hannah Anderson as Mrs. Darling,
Maverik Lewis as Mr. Darling; Ensemble: Saige Blaisdell, Hannah Anderson, Wesley Asay, Jaxson Snow, Jersyn Shulz, Caroline Butler, Ambria DeJong; Stage Crew: Rylee Dunn, William Whipple, London Hess, Dot Teeples.
Production credits include: Director Jeni Sperry, Assistant Director Jaden Hansen, Stage Manager AdaMarie Campbell, Lights and Sound Director Jeff Richins, Lights Britta Hansen, Sound Elizabeth Kent, Laura DeJong, Costumes Shannon Worrell.
Director Jeni Sperry notes: “These kids have been a joy to work with. I love their energy, curiosity, and imagination. We’ve discussed the ins and outs of Neverland, the Darling family and how to create your own character. I’m excited for you to see the world that they helped create. A special thanks to all the parent and grandparent volunteers! We couldn’t put on these shows without you. And thank you for letting your children participate. I really have grown to love each and every one of them.”
Bear River Animal Hospital is now offering services in Malad and Tremonton to best serve you and your pet’s needs.
Now accepting new clients, please call and schedule an appointment today!
MALAD CLINIC - Small Animal Only Monday and Wednesdays 8am-4pm 100 Wass Avenue Malad, ID 83252
TREMONTON CLINIC M-F 8am-5:30pm and Saturdays 8am-12pm 390 W 600 N Tremonton, UT 84337
To contact both the Bear River Malad or Tremonton Clinic please call (435) 257-7455
ing red to show their support with the hashtag #GannonRocksRed. We had such a positive response doing this! So many children wore red to help support. I have had many people approach me saying they had no idea these disorders existed. I also had the opportunity to go into my son’s fifth grade class and teach the children about Hemophilia.
11 years have passed since Gannon’s diagnosis. Yes, it’s been a hard road, but he is worth it! I am grateful to Malad Elementary for taking such good care of Gannon, for watching out for him and help -
ing us spread awareness. I’m also grateful to everyone else that helped make this day possible so that we could raise awareness about bleeding disorders in our area.
Editors’ Note: The St. Luke’s article detailing Gannon’s case and providing more information about his care can be found on the St. Luke’s website at https://www.stlukesonline.org and searching for Gannon Steed. The article makes it clear how much the medical staff has taken to Gannon, and how much the Steeds have benefitted from the research and care provided by the facility.
Our Flag
I remember the first time I really noticed how beautiful our country’s flag was. I was serving a mission in a foreign country under military rule; the people were depressed. I hadn’t seen our flag in almost two years. One day, my companion, who was new in the country, and I turned a corner in the capital city, and there, flying proudly over the US embassy, was our flag. It was the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen to that point in my life. I stopped and, with my hand over my heart, sang every patriotic song I knew. Embarrassed, my companion kept nudging me, trying to get me to stop. I turned to him with tears on my cheeks and said, “When you’ve been down here as long as I have and come to love these people as much as I do, you’ll understand what she means.”
After I returned, I entered the Army. My military career spanned 37 years and took me all over the world. I loved standing at attention every morning at 8 am and every evening at 5 when the post flag was raised and lowered each day.
Growing up, people flew our country’s flag daily. They put it out each morning and took it down each night. Those flags never seemed to be tattered or torn in any way. Then, something changed. Flags were allowed to be flown 24/7 if there was a light per-
manently shining on it. At first, this seemed to be a great idea. Many people bought flagpoles and positioned lights to shine on them.
Unfortunately, this has caused us to become casual and forgetful. When we had to put it out each morning and take it down each night, we looked at the flag. If there were any signs of wear, the flag was replaced. Since we no longer have to handle the flag each day, it seems to have been forgotten. I see tattered and worn-out flags flying in yards, over businesses, and even public buildings. What a sad sight it is to see this beautiful emblem of our country disgraced in this way and forgotten.
I understand that we may not always have the funds to replace the flag once it starts to fray. It’s better not to display the flag if it’s showing wear than to fly it. Wait until you can afford to buy a new one; don’t keep flying a tattered one. It’s so disrespectful to us all. I know this isn’t anywhere near Memorial Day, Flag Day, or Veterans Day, which is when most people seem to remember her. But I see a lot of flags out right now whose time has passed. Let’s remember what the flag stands for regardless of any political affiliation. All servicemen and women have or are willing to sacrifice their lives for what she represents. Thanks.
Mike Brignone, Malad
Advisors Robyn Gamble and Rachel Madsen reported that on March 5-7, five MHS students attended the HOSA state leadership conference held at ISU in Pocatello. The HOSA program is designed to help prepare high school students for careers in the health care industry, and provide training and leadership opportunities to that end.
At this year’s State event, Madsen and Gamble report that Tanner Howard , Emma Bird, Purity Miller, and Ayden DeVore participated in the Health Career Display event. Tanner and Ayden researched the career of EMT and created a display while Emma and Purity researched a career in cardiovascular surgery. Bayli Nesbit participated in prepared speaking and wrote and delivered a speech using the theme that was given “Power To the People”. Bayli placed third in the state and is now eligible to represent Idaho at the national HOSA leadership conference held in Nashville, Tennessee in June. Students also attended the ISU Tech
The Oneida County Fairboard is accepting bid applications for the Groundskeeper Position for the Oneida County Fairgrounds.
The position will be a 1-year contract work period which will begin April 15th and continue through October 15th, and will pay $10,000. Co-applicants or a team of two applicants are welcome. Applications and a Job Description are available at the Oneida County Courthouse and at Diane Skidmore’s office up stairs, must be submitted by April 1, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. to: Oneida County Fairboard P.O. Box 13 Malad, ID 83252
Expo while they were there and listened to an emergency room physician advise them on the importance of good mentors.
The Oneida County Fairboard is seeking bids for building an addition to the existing steer barn at the Oneida County Fairgrounds. The addition will be 72’ long, 30’ wide trusses, with a 16.5’ over hang. All potential bids should include a bid for labor and a separate bid for labor plus materials. All bids can be submitted to yahoobuckeroo@hotmail.com or mailed to OCFB P.O. Box 13 Malad, ID 83252. Bids are due Tuesday, April 1, 2025, by 5:00 p.m. For further questions, please call Ken Moss at 208.604.3032 or Eric Eliason at 208.840.1515.
Not recommended for parents or kids...
By Gramma Dot
Just finished Saturday morning breakfast with Tam and Grandma Red. Today, we ate at my house because I’m trying to clean out my refrigerator’s bottom freezer and I found a package of sausage that needed to be consumed. I don’t think I’ve seen the bottom of that freezer in years. So, it is a lofty goal.
Now Tam is a Malad personality. Known to some as the Cat Lady, she walks multiple miles a day, keeps the most beautiful yard on the north side of town, and has strong opinions on most subjects. I like her a lot. I have learned she is one for telling it like it is, or at least how she thinks it is; Grandma Red is just the opposite, although as she ages the filters have dropped off a bit. Maybe that is because she hangs out with Tam. We got to my house, and I started the sausage, scrambled some eggs and popped some English muffins in the toaster. We were doing fine until Tam had to butter her muffin. The butter was hard. Oh boy, did I hear about that.
1852 Uncle Sam cartoon figure made its debut in the New York Lantern weekly
1877 America Chester Greenwood patents earmuffs after inventing them at age 15
1965 Beatles’ “Eight Days a Week” single goes #1 and stays #1 for 2 weeks
1970 Digital Equipment Corp introduces PDP-11 minicomputer
1980 American John Wayne Gacy receives the death sentence in Illinois for the murder of 12 people
1982 ABC TV crime drama “T.J. Hooker” premieres, starring William Shatner
1989 27th shuttle, Discovery 8, launched, first woman to do the countdown
In fact, she prefers her butter melted so she can just dip the muffin in. So, I melted the butter. She isn’t one bit concerned about her arteries. Next, they opted for hot chocolate over OJ. Now, if there is anything I do have, it is a huge variety of hot chocolate options. I hauled out the Swiss Miss packets, the Stephens Gourmet options, Nestle Quick and a few other varieties. Tam was excited to see the Swiss Miss envelopes but come to find out the grandkids (I guess) had opened, and half emptied each envelope. Mostly what was left behind were rock hard mini marshmallows. Tam was not amused! However, using about every variety on the counter she was able to create an acceptable beverage. I think she could have been a bar tender.
Luckily, the honey was out and with the melted butter and warm muffins Tam was in her happy place. Life is Good when friends are comfortable enough in your home to insist on melted butter and have no problem sorting through the hot chocolate! Invite a friend and see if you get to melt the butter!
1991 Exxon pays $1-billion dollars in fines and cleanup of Valdez oil spill
1997 Phoenix lights seen at night over Phoenix, Arizona by hundreds of people, and aby millions on television. Now a hotly debated controversy.
2003 The journal Nature reports that 350,000-year-old footprints of an upright-walking human have been found in Italy
2012 Encyclopedia Britannica announces that it will no longer publish printed version of its encyclopedia
2023 Vinyl records outsell CDs in the U.S. for the first time since 1987 (41 million records vs 33 million CDs), according to new report
Cale Don Briggs, Malad, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Alberth C Black, Malad, fails to safely secure child under 6 in safety restraint to meet requirements, $27.50, costs $56.50
Kyson Daniel Price, Malad, temporary permittee not accompanied by a license driver over 21 years of age, $44.50, costs $56.50
Draden James Swett, Ogden, driving without privileges, $150.00, costs $172.50 MALAD CITY
Taber Paskett, Malad, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Billy Don Bolley, Garden City, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Melanie Joy McDaniels, Salt Lake City, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50 MAGISTRATE COURT
Robert Lyle Barnes, Downey, violation of protection order, $152.50, costs $232.50, 90 days jail, 90 days jail suspended, 12 months probation – Agency: OCSO
Robert Lyle. Barnes, Downey, violation of protection order, $152.50, costs $197.50, 90 days jail, 90 days jail suspended, 12 months probation – Agency: MCPD
Chase Martin, Malad, overtaking and passing school bus, $300.00, costs $56.50 – Agency: MCPD
Tuesday Pinpoppers – 3/3/25
Malad Rock Products 30 6
Nell J. Redfield Hospital 21 15
Millstream Cutting 20 16
American Legion 19 17
Hotel Malad 17 19
Snips 16 20
Tipsy Pins 11 25
Ward’s ACE 10 26
High Game – Em Searle 199 Scott Searle 279
High Series – Scott Searle 644, Britt Fredrickson 521
Dennis Thomas League – 3/6/25
KC Oil 33 11
Thomas Market 27 17
Hubcap Lounge 24 20
Chat & Chew 24 20
Nikity Nacs 21 23
Malad Gun Club 18 26
Dude Ranch 14 30
Blaisdell Ranch 14 29
High Game – Diane Williams 175, Danny Smith 230 High Series – Scott Searle 585, Diane Williams 503
Other 200 Games – Scott Searle 220, Marty Hill 219
Malad Elementary Breakfast
Monday March 17th- Cereal Assortment, Breakfast on a Stick
Tuesday March 18th- Cereal Assortment, Max Pancake
Wednesday March 19th- Cereal Assortment, Sausage Egg Biscuit
Thursday March 20th- Cereal Assortment, Muffin/ Yogurt
Malad Middle & High School
Breakfast Monday March 17th- Cereal Assortment, Max Pancakes
Tuesday March 18th- Cereal Assortment, Breakfast Calzone
Wednesday March 19th- Cereal Assortment, Breakfast Bar
Thursday March 20th- Cereal Assortment, Waffle
Malad Elementary Lunch
Monday March 17th-Mini Calzones, Garlic Bread, Food Choice Carrot Sticks or Fruit Cocktail
Every meal served with Juice/ Milk/Coffee & Salad Bar
March 18 - Chicken Fried Steak, Veggie/ Fruit, Dessert, Wg roll
March 20 - Beef Stew, Veggie/ Fruit, Dessert, Roll
Tuesday March 18th-Tex Mex Mac, Breadstick, Food Choice Corn or Pineapple
Wednesday March 19th- Mini Corn Dogs, Chips, Food Choice Celery or Pears
Thursday March 20th-Turkey Gravy, Mash Potatoes/Roll, Food Choice Green Beans or Peaches
Malad Middle & High School
Monday March 17th-Western Burger, Baked Fries, Salad Bar, Food Choice Celery Sticks or Fruit Cocktail
Tuesday March 18th-Spaghetti w/Meatballs, Garlic Bread, Salad Bar, Food Choice Corn or Pears
Wednesday March 19th- Chicken Cordon Bleu, Baby Bakers, Salad Bar, Food Choice Green Beans or Grapes
Thursday March 20th-Sante Fe Turkey Wrap, Chips, Salad Bar, Salad Bar, Food Choice Carrot Sticks, Pineapple
Every meal served with Juice/ Milk/Coffee
March 14 - Chicken noodle soup, Grilled cheese sandwiches, Fruit salad, Dessert
March 19 - Lasagna, Peas, Peaches, Dessert
Brady Bosworth, March 13
Madison Edwards, March 13
Marilyn Goddard, March 13
Debra Howard, March 13
Norma Lasa, March 13
Justin Moon, March 13
Patsy Bybee, March 14
Judith Jones, March 14
Crystal Marble, March 14
Amie Marshall, March 14
Jaycee Sweeten, March 14
Jerry Thomas, March 14
Ammon Treasure, March 14
Camie Tripp, March 14
Cody Boot, March 15
Calvin Garrett, March 15
Braun Hill, March 15
Aspen Hubbard, March 15
Wendy Jones, March 15
David Kent, March 15
Caitlyn Boel, March 16
Ray Davis, March 16
Jan Edwards, March 16
Paige Moeller, March 16
Ethan Reel, March 16
Polly Scott, March 16
Trevon Tapp, March 16
Heather Clark, March 16
Cody Jamal Andersen, March 16
Bernice Weeks, March 17
Austin Atkinson, March 17
Tod Daniels, March 17
Don Day, March 17
Dennis Evans, March 17
Amy Hatch, March 17
Ferris Hess, March 17
Kim Hess, March 17
David Jenkins, March 17
Vicki Larkin, March 17
Preston Kent, March 17
Trevor Nieffenegger, March 17
John Blaisdell, March 18
Jason Gugelman, March 18
Ashli Haven, March 18
Aubree Davis, March 19
Valaree Estep, March 19
Charles (Chuck) Moon, March 19
Dale Davis, March 20
Natasha Mikesell, March 20
Brenda Thomas, March 20
MAIELI’S THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE – Neck or Whiplash Issues or for just a great massage. Call Maieli Murray (626) 337 - 0772 (1-52)
ALANON - We are only a phone call away. For information on meetings, call 208-220-5295 or 208251-9808. (1-52)
ANNOUNCEMENTS, MALAD AA/NA MEETINGS, Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:00 p.m., Call: Rick M. 208-7663584; Gary B. 435-230-3734; Jack H. 208-830-7371; or Kirk S. 208-
241-2297; or AA Hotline 208-2351444. (1-52)
Kodiak GMC 450, 6 Speed 2003 Diesel Truck Hauler, $10,777. 20ft Walton Gooseneck 2019 Trailer/ Hoist. $9,777. 20 ft Solar Panels Trailer/Generator. 2020 $7,500 Call 385-240-8179
FOR RENT- MALAD $1,950 Basement Bright, Cheerful Double Lighting, Windows, New Paint, Floors, Bathroom and Kitchen. Call Pat 562-665-2444
5 YEARS AGO (2020)
The Malad Valley Welsh Society held a St. David’s Day party on Monday, March 2, at the Oneida County Library. Members enjoyed an evening visiting and enjoying a dinner of Leek soup, Welsh breads and Welsh cookies.
The Malad High School boys’ basketball team broke a 14-year drought from state tournament appearances when they earned the play-in win to compete in the 2A Idaho State Boys’ Basketball Tournament last weekend in the Boise area. The Dragons claimed the Consolation Trophy.
Team members are Bridger Bastian, Chase Richardson, Traven Ward, Tom Simpson, Davis Larsen, Trevor Howe, Jason Fonnesbeck, Grayson Tripp, Jace Williams, Payton Briggs, Colton Ihler, Riley Cluff, and Coaches Kory Kay, Zach Jeppsen, tony Gibbs, Marshall Martinson and Trevor Ward.
10 YEARS AGO (2015)
The Oneida County Hall of Fame is proud to announce the inductees for 2015. Terry Jones will be honored for athletics, and Curt Hoskins will be honored for business and public service.
Earl Gillies was among a small group of Korean War veterans that was awarded the “Ambassador for Freedom & Peace Medal”. The award was presented by Dongman Han, Consul General, Republic of Korea with the ceremony taking place in Far West, Utah.
Wayne Ross of Malad was selected as Idaho’s 2014 Hunter Education Instructor of the Year. The award was presented at the annual Fish and Game Banquet honoring individuals in the Southeast Region who volunteer their time and service to the Idaho Fish and Game. Besides receiving a plaque, Ross was given a lifetime resident hunting license by the Idaho Fish and Game.
Josephine Hoffman was one of 28 high school students awarded an Honorable Mention in the University of Idaho’s 24th Annual High School Art Exhibition, sponsored by the College of Art and Architecture’s Studio Art and Design Program.
15 YEARS AGO (2010)
The First Presbyterian Church honored Girl Scout troops in a candlelight presentation. Pictured in The Idaho Enterprise are Maegan Chelette, Stephie Briggs, Rylee Jacobsen, Aubrey Thomas, Gabby Simmons, Kaylee Evans, Faith Chelette, Nicole Thomas, Sidney Carey, Kodie Heyder, Brooks Purdum, Eva Dillard and Greta Dickerson.
Miya Alger, of Malad, has accepted membership in Golden Key International Honor Society and was honored during a recent induction ceremony at Brigham Young University where she is a student.
Competitors at the recent State CPA Competitions that finished in the top 10 were, Carlie Stewart, Mechelle Hill, Katrina Martin, Jacob Stevens, Cameron Watkins, Kye Martin and Cassie Morley.
Sydney Ellis has been selected as the Malad High School Student of the Month for March. This award is selected each month by the members of the Malad High School Faculty.
Malad Middle School students had an assembly with some visitors from Haiti. Rousseline (Buissereth) Salter, her mother Lomaine Buissereth, her brother, Phaya Buissereth, and his friend Lee Thibodeux, took time to talk to the students about the February earthquake that struck the island and their family’s experience. Phaya and Lee also entertained with some traditional Haitian music.
20 YEARS AGO (2005)
They performed the Flag Ceremony and Pledge of Allegiance to open the City Council Meeting during Girl Scout Week. Representing three Girl Scout troops- Daisy, Brownie and Juniors –they are Tiffany Williams, Baylee Mikesell, Randi Garamendi, Cassie Morley, Natalie Felter, Becca Stieg, Lindsey Tubbs, Reilly Perry, Shalae Moss, Shannon Williams and Nicole Lamb.
Earning special awards at the Malad District Scout Recognition Dinner were Clair Neal with his wife, Machelle, Wendy Thomas with her husband Larry, Robert Bullcreek with his wife Tina, and Mary Naylor.
2004 Eagle Scouts award recipients were recognized: Danny Hess from Troop 457, Blake Origer from Troop 455, Devin Plowman from Troop 444, Brayden Eliason from Troop 401, Joshua and Michael Corbridge from Troop 422, and T.J. Reeder from Troop 452.
Captain Erik Knutsen is shown in a picture in The Idaho Enterprise with several Iraqi school children, showing excitement at the opening of a new school for them. Captain Knutsen writes: “Let me talk about the attached picture. It was taken last week in a small town NW of Kirkuk while we opened a school for the Iraqi children. The school opening is just one of many projects we are currently working on. This new school has four classrooms, an enclosed courtyard, a storage room and an Administrator’s room. The school is painted a pinkish color, so it really stands out in the town. Before we built this school, the children met in just a few small rooms that had dirt floors. After the opening ceremony we handed out coats, book bags, shoes, blankets and school supplies to each child. The children; they were smiling, laughing and just loved having their picture taken. This day made all the hard training, long hours and the separation from my family much more bearable”.
30 YEARS AGO (1995)
A western dance, featuring Harry Sherman’s Rough Stock band, will help raise funds to restore the Malad swimming pool. Along with Rough Stock, workers were pictured at the pool restoration site. Those in the picture are Don Daniels, Donny Hunt, Dee Isaacson, Boyd Stokes and Mark John. Other fundraisers planned include Tootsie Roll sales, a Walk-a-Thon headed by Anita Jeppsen and Shelly Eliason, a quarter horse raffle by Dave and Alice Edwards, and an auction featuring Lynn and JoAnn Livingston.
The Steering Committee for a New Middle school, met with the Oneida School Board and presented a formal recommendation to proceed with preparations for holding a bond election in May to cover the cost of purchasing land and constructing a new middle school in the Oneida School District.
The Oneida County Trail’s End CowBelles completed a brand book. Shown assembling the book are Fern Thomas, Deon Jones, Janice Goddard and Sandra Jones.
MHS Grapplers competed in the State Wrestling tournament in Moscow. Senior Jeremy Shepherd brought home a silver medal, and Jared Robbins earned a fifth place medal. Eric Buehler and Riley Jones placed seventh in the tournament. Winning matches, but unable to place were John Blaisdell and Casey Winward.
Pocatello High School Coach Greg Evans, who led the Pocatello High School Indians to a first place finish in the regular season and tournament championship, was named Coach of the Year. Greg is the son of Rex and Mildred Evans of Malad.
40 YEARS AGO (1985)
The United States Achievement
Academy announced that Scott R. Smith has been named a 1985 United States National Award winner in agriculture. Scott, who attends Malad High School, was nominated for this National Award by Kent Scott, a Vocational Agricultural teacher at the school. Scott is the son of Bert and Peggy Smith.
Corey Bybee, son of Andy and Patsy Bybee has been named a National Award winner in Science, by the United Stated Achievement Academy. A student at Malad Junior High School, Corey was nominated for this award by Stuart Portela, a science instructor at the school.
Stephanie Cottle, daughter of Fay and Steve Cottle and 1984 Community Concert Guild Student Concert Winner, will be performing at the First Ward Church on March 20, at 7:30 p.m. Also performing will be Jana and Amber Dredge, Elizabeth Ward, Dustin Smith, Mary Ann Gunnell, DaraLee Salveson, Vanessa Bennett and Shawn Steed.
J. Shawn Harrison, son of Jess and LaRae Harrison, has been called to serve a 24-month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Switzerland, Zurich mission.
Miss Tallia Hess, age 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hess of Malad, Idaho, has been selected to be a contestant in the 1985 Idaho Little Star Pageant to be held at the Holiday Inn in Twin Falls, Idaho. Each contestant will be judged on poise, personality, appearance and interview.
50 YEARS AGO (1975)
Four Malad High declamation students qualified at the Regional Festival in Idaho Falls for the State Festival this weekend in Lewiston. Receiving superior ratings were Arch Williams, expository; Julie Jensen, after dinner speaking; Delaine Illum, panel discussion, and Wendy Thomas, salesmanship.
Selection of delegates and alternates to Syringa Girls State was announced at the meeting of the American Legion Junior Auxiliary by Mrs. Fern Thomas and Mrs. Rea Thomas, Girls’ State co-chairmen, American Legion Auxiliary. Delegates are Becky Crowther, Gina Byrd and Delaine Illum with Cindy Griffiths, Diane Crowther and Ann Jones as alternates.
Malad City and Oneida County have purchased the buildings occupied by Malad Senior Citizen Center from Bert and Alberta Marble for $14,000. The buildings will continue to house the Center, Mayor Glen B. Williams stated. Some assistance with the purchase is expected from Community Housing and Development funds, the Mayor said.
The silver anniversary of Miss Malad City Pageant, sponsored here since 1950 by the Malad Lions Club, is being observed this year. Eight Malad High School Senior girls are participating. The girls, include, Susan Ipsen, Sheree Ann Stayner, Jill Ward, Tracy Bybee, Kathy Thomas, Rebecca Suzanne McDaniel, Tonya LeeAnn Laws and Cindy Lee Kent.
60 YEARS AGO (1965)
A farewell testimonial will honor Elder Joseph Hugh Williams, Sunday, March 21, at the Malad LDS First Ward. Elder Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams, has been called to serve in the Central German Mission.
Allen Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Harrison, has recently been named to the dean’s honor roll at California State Polytechnic. Mr. Harrison is majoring in ornamental horticulture and is living at Santa Maria, California. Wendell High School has reason to
pride itself in senior Jeanne Madsen a transfer from Malad. According to Mrs. E. Cox, typing teacher, Jeanne is the fastest typist WHS has ever known. When Mrs. Cox first tested Jeanne on typing speed, she found that Jeanne typed an average of 88 words per minute without errors for five minutes. Her most recent test showed an average of 91 words with one error. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Madsen, Wendell, and former Pleasantview residents.
70 YEARS AGO (1955)
Pfc. Gerald Jones, who has been serving with the U. S. Marine Corps in Japan, arrived for a 30-day leave. He was met in Ogden, Utah and spent time with his family. Upon the expiration of his leave he will report to Bremerton, Washington.
Jess Dredge, Jr., who has served with the Military Police in the U.S. Army for the past two years, received his release March 10 at Fort Ord, California. He has spent the past year in Hawaii. He was met at Salt Lake City Monday by his father, Jesse R. Dredge.
Pictured in The Idaho Enterprise is the bowling squad of the Oneida County Grain Growers, which has placed first in league play of the City Association for the fourth consecutive year. Runner-up team was the Chat ‘N Chew. Shown in the picture are Wanda Goddard, Alyce Jones, Phyllis Tapper, Elaine Madson, Ruth Blaisdell, Lorraine Blaisdell and Ruth Chugg.
80 YEARS AGO (1945)
Definite arrangements have been made with the Utah Power and Light Company for them to bring electricity to the Stone-Holbrook areas. Their plan is to start contacting prospective customers immediately. Two hundred fifty six units must be prescribed to. After this has been done the list together with the agricultural units represented must be presented to the War Food Production administration. If they okay the project the company will start immediately to build the line.
The Malad High School Dragons basketball team ends the season win and loss column with seventeen victories against eight losses. Seniors who finished their careers include, Bill Parry, rugged guard for three years; Barney Lewis, fiery center; DeVon Daniels, who played good ball as forward; Gene Edwards, guard and center for two years, and Gerald Thomas, guard for three years. Pictured in The Idaho Enterprise are Grant Dudley (manager), Gerald Thomas, Dell Anderson, Barney Lewis, Gene Edwards, Bennie Nicholas (manager), Leon Williams, DeVon Daniels, Larry Jones, Jack Parry, and Dr. N. M. Jorgenson, Coach. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dennis are in receipt of a letter dated February 24 from their son, J. J. Dennis, radio electrician, USNR, in part as follows:
“No doubt you’ve been hearing quite a bit about Iwo Jima and the terrific battle for the island. Well censorship was okayed it for me to say I was there, and what an eye filling spectacle it was. Some of the boys had been under fire for the first time and got quite nervous when shells started popping close by. It’s sorta frightening anyhow. Well I came out of it in one piece so far and guess you could say I’m ready for more whether I like it or not.
“It is very cold here most of the time. The island is nothing but a piece of volcanic rock with dense patches of brush growing among the rocks. Haven’t had any mail for over a month, hope we will soon be able to get some.”
GIVEN that IDAWY Solid Waste District (District) has submitted to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Groundwater Monitoring Programs for landfills servicing the Bear Lake County, Caribou County, and Oneida County areas. The purpose of these Groundwater Monitoring Programs is to provide updates to aquifer protection relevant to the areas served. This public notice is made pursuant to IDAPA, and as determined in Section 31819 of Idaho Code. These Groundwater Monitoring Programs may be reviewed at Local County libraries, details provided below:
Caribou County:
• Soda Springs Public Library 149 S Main Soda Springs, ID 83276. Phone: (208) 547-2606 email: https:// soda.lili.org/contact/ HoursMon-Thur 9:00am-7:00pm Fri 10:00am-5:00pm Electronic Copies can be downloaded at: http://swti.org/ CaribouGW Or at the IDAWY District office located at 241 S Main, Suite #3 Lower Left, Soda Springs, ID 83276 (208) 4171625. Office hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, except holidays.
Oneida County:
Oneida County Free Library
31 N 100 W, Malad City, ID 83252. Phone: (208) 7662229 email: oclib3@hotmail. com Hours - Monday – Friday 11:30 AM – 5:30 PM Saturday 10am-1pm Electronic Copies can be downloaded at: http://swti.org/ OneidaGW Or at the IDAWY District office located at 241 S Main, Suite #3 Lower Left, Soda Springs, ID 83276 (208) 4171625. Office hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, except holidays.
The public is invited to comment on this preliminary design application. The 30-day comment period commences with the first publication of this announcement starting the week of February 10, 2025. Written comments will be accepted during the public comment period and should be directed to: The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Pocatello Regional Office, Attn: Dustyn Walker, 444 Hospital Way #300 Pocatello, ID 83201.
Lewis N. Stoddard, Bar Number
Benjamin J. Mann, Bar Number
10198 Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C.
300 W. Main St., Ste. 150 Boise, ID 83702
Phone: 801-355-2886
Facsimile: 801-328-9714
Attorney for Plaintiff | HWM File No. ID21861
Planet Home Lending LLC, Plaintiff, v.
Unknown Heirs and Devisees of the Estate of Martha S. Pritchard; and Unknown Parties in Possession of or with an interest in the real property commonly known as: 22490 W 10500 S, Stone, ID 83252, Defendants
Case No.: CV36-24-0120
To: Unknown Heirs and Devisees of the Estate of Martha S. Pritchard and Unknown Parties in possession of or with an interest in the real property commonly known as 22490 W 10500 S, Stone, ID 83252
You have been sued by Planet Home Lending LLC, the Plaintiff, in the District Court in and for Oneida County, Idaho, Case No. CV36-24-0120.
The nature of the claim against you is an action brought to judicially foreclose on the property located at 22490 W 10500 S, Stone, ID 83252 that you may have an interest in.
Any time after 21 days following the last publication of this summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case No., and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at 10 Court St., Malad City , ID 83252, (208) 766-4116, and served a copy of your response on the Plaintiff`s attorney at Lewis N. Stoddard of Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C., 300 W. Main Street, Suite 150, Boise, ID 83702, (208) 670-8001.
A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter.
Dated: December 9, 2024
Oneida County District Court /s/ Deputy Clerk
Idaho Project No. A021(815), in Oneida County, Key No. 21815; for the work of rehabilitating and resurfacing pavement at various locations throughout Oneida County. Chip sealing on routes I-15, MP 16.8 to MP 24.9, SH-36, MP 100.0 to MP 112.4, SH-38, MP 0.0 to MP 19.0.
Sealed proposals will be received only at the office of the IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT, 11331 WEST CHINDEN BLVD. BLDG #8, BOISE, IDAHO 83714 or PO Box 40, BOISE, IDAHO 837070040, ATTN: ADVERTISEMENT AND AWARD. Bids may also be submitted electronically through Bid Express (www.bidx.com). All bids must be received by two o'clock p.m., on April 1, 2025.
For any design related questions please submit through QuestCDN. Instructions on how to use this process are located on the Notice to Contractors page.
Digital copies of the Plans, Proposals, and Specifications must be downloaded for a fee of $22.00. Bidders must appear on the plan holders list for their proposal to be accepted by the Department. Please contact QuestCDN.com at 952-2331632 or info@questcdninfo.com for assistance in downloading and working with this digital project information.
General Bidding information and Specifications may be obtained from the Idaho Transportation Department website at http:// itd.idaho.gov/business/
This contract requires full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which protects persons from being denied the benefits of or excluded from participation in programs or activities; or subjected to discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, Limited English Proficiency or economic status. The Contractor is encouraged to utilize the goods and services of disadvantaged firms in accomplishing the tasks or providing the services of this agreement, and to provide equal opportunity to all subbidders and suppliers.
Legal notice is hereby given that the ONEIDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION will hold a public hearing on April 2, 2025, at 6:00 P.M. at Oneida County Event Center to consider the following:
APPLICATION #: 25-0021
Following are recent calls received by dispatchers at the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office. During the month of February, the Sheriff’s Office investigated 113 cases. During this time, the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office dispatchers received and an unknown number of total calls. This report includes only new investigations and does not include regular investigations, civil services, and the other responsibilities of the Sheriff’s Office.
Monday, Feb 17, 2025
• 02:25 Suspicious Person Reported. I-15 Shoulder
• 03:13 Slide Off Reported
• 09:15 Slide Off Reported
• 09:28 Slide Off Reported
• 14:39 Abandoned Vehicle
• 16:48 Traffic Hazard. Metal in road
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025
• 11:46 Juvenile Problem Reported. MMS
• 13:30 Civil Call
• 18:01 Suspicious Person Reported
• 19:21 Alarm Reported. US Bank
Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025
• 16:18 Battery
• 19:16 Medical Emergency
Thursday, Feb 20, 2025
• 10:51 Juvenile Problem Reported. MMS
• 12:34 911 Call. Unknown Situation
• 16:31 Motorist Assist
Friday, Feb 21, 2025
• 02:20 Agency Assist
• 10:13 Traffic Complaint
• 19:01 Citizen Assist
• 19:11 Mental Health Call
Saturday, Feb 22, 2025
• 03:15 Suspicious Circumstance Reported. Potential threat
• 06:53 Slide Off Reported
• 14:43 Traffic Complaint
Sunday, Feb 23, 2025
• 08:43 Agency Assist
• 20:23 Welfare Check
• 20:28 Suspicious Circumstance Reported
Monday, Feb 24, 2025
• 01:08 Mental Health Call
• 11:30 Civil Call
• 12:00 Citizen Assist. Ride home from hospital
• 17:29 Traffic Accident
• 22:31 Welfare Check. Person walking on freeway shoulder
Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025
• 10:53 Civil Call
• 16:45 Suspicious Circumstance. Potential threat
• 22:13 Suspicious Circumstance. Possible gunshot heard
Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025
• 07:05 Animal Call. Horses loose on 500 W
• 14:32 Civil Call
• 15:48 Juvenile Problem
Reported Thursday, Feb 27, 2025
• 17:02 Citizen Assist
• 19:05 Child abuse or neglect reported Friday, Feb 28, 2025
• 12:38 Motorist Assist
• 15:10 911 Call. Unknown situation
• 19:35 Suspicious Person Reported. Possible theft Saturday, March 1, 2025
• 10:59 Hit and Run Reported
• 14:31 911 Call. Unknown situation
• 15:21 Welfare Check
• 15:52 Medical Emergency
• 17:23 Hit and Run Reported. Pedestrian struck
• 17:37 Traffic Accident Reported
• 20:07 Medical Emergency
After 75 years of service, Thomas Market is proud to pass the torch to Broulim’s Fresh Foods and pursue new opportunities.
After careful consideration, Jerry Thomas has decided to sell and has chosen the Broulim’s family—a longtime friend—to continue his family’s legacy. Since 1949, Thomas Market has been a trusted part of the community, built on three generations of dedica -
Legal notice is hereby given that the ONEIDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION will hold a public hearing on April 2, 2025, at 6:30 P.M. at Oneida County Event Center to consider the following: APPLICATION #: 25-0003 for a Conditional Use Permit APPLICATION BY: Sam Naylor
Sam Naylor is seeking a Conditional Use Permit to build a primary home. The property is located at 1586 N 5600 W., Malad, ID 83252. Sam Naylor has built an accessory dwelling and now would like to build a primary home.
PROJECT LOCATION: The approximately 13 acres is located at 1586 N 5600 W., Malad, ID 83252. You are invited to attend the public hearing and offer comments for consideration.
WRITTEN COMMENTS regarding this application must be received by the Oneida County Planning and Zoning office, no later than five (5) business days prior to the public hearing.
APPLICATION BY : Oneida County Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803
CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-708-7311 EXT. 257
PROJECT SUMMARY : The Oneida County Planning and Zoning Commission proposes amendments to the Oneida County Development Code
SALOME’S STARS #12345_20250310 FOR RELEASE MARCH 10, 2025
EDITORS: These horoscopes are for use the week of MARCH 17, 2025.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with Idaho Code, 34-1405, an election will be held on Tuesday, May 20th, 2025, for the position of Oneida County Library District Trustee. Declarations of Candidacy and Petitions are available at the library, 31 North 100 West, Malad, Idaho and at the county clerk’s office located at 10 Court Street. Candidates for the position of trustee must be a qualified elector residing within the Oneida County Library District boundaries. Declarations and petitions must be returned to the district office no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 21st, 2025. For further information contact Kathy Kent, Library Director, 31 North 100 West, Malad, Idaho 83252 or County Clerk at 10 Court Street, Malad, Idaho.
WRITTEN COMMENTS regarding this application must be received by the Oneida County Planning and Zoning office, no later than five (5) business days prior to the public hearing, October 30, 2024. 30 North 100 West Malad City Idaho.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Con-
sider moving beyond the usual methods to find a more creative means of handling a difficult on-the-job situation. Avoid confrontation and aim for cooperation instead.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) A seasonal change creates a new look for the outdoors. It also inspires Taureans to redo their own environments, so this is a good week to start redoing both your home and workplace.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20)
A misunderstanding needs to be straightened out so the wrong impression isn’t allowed to stand. If necessary, offer to support the use of a third party to act as an impartial arbitrator.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A career change offering what you want in money and responsibilities could involve moving to a new location. Discuss this with your family members before making a decision.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) Feeling miffed over how you believe you were treated is understandable. But before you decide to “set things straight,” make sure that the whole thing wasn’t just a misinterpretation of the facts.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Showing you care makes it easier to build trust and gain an advantage in handling a delicate situation. What you learn from this experience will also help you understand yourself better.
tion. Broulim’s is honored to uphold that tradition. With over a century of experience serving rural Idaho communities, Broulim’s Fresh Foods is committed to providing excellence in services and selection. They look forward to welcoming Thomas Market team members, engaging with the community, and enhancing your shopping experience. Stay tuned for more details!
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Planning for the future is fine, especially if you include the roles that family members may be asked to play. But don’t be surprised if some hidden emotions are revealed in the process.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Making choices highlights much of the week, and you have a head start here, thanks to your ability to grasp the facts of a situation and interpret them in a clear-cut manner.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Carrying a torch can be a two-way situation: It can either keep you tied to the past or help light your way to the future. The choice, as always, has to be yours.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Your watchwords this week are “focus, focus, focus.” Don’t let yourself be distracted from what you set out to do. There’ll be time later to look over other possibilities.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A workplace opportunity might require changes that you’re not keen on making. Discuss the plusses and minuses with someone familiar with the situation before you make a decision.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Love and romance are strong in your aspect this week. If you’ve already met the right person, expect your relationship to grow. And if you’re still looking, odds are, you’ll soon be finding what you want!
BORN THIS WEEK: You approach life in a wise and measured manner, which gives you a competitive edge in many areas.
© 2025 King Features Synd., Inc.
When Foster Garrett came to Malad as the Middle and High School Band and Chorus teacher, the school music programs were suffering from lack of interest by students. The high school band had 7 students registered when Mr. Garrett arrived. His enthusiastic approach to band and chorus led to higher enrollments in all music classes and performing groups by the end of his first semester.
To promote the band program, Mr. Garrett began having all 5th grade students go to one room at Malad Elementary School where they could try to get sounds from instruments such as a trumpet, trombone, clarinet, and flute. The program was very successful, as can be seen by the beginning band now having more than 30 students enrolled every year. When the beginning band has a lot of students, more students are likely to want to go on to the intermediate and advanced bands and to continue their involvement in music even after high school.
This year’s instrument demonstration event was held in one of the vacant classrooms in the new elementary school on Wednesday, March 5. All the 5th grade students gathered first to hear Mr. Garrett talk about
the various instruments and the benefits of participating in music.
Then each classroom of students came back into the room where the students were able to hear and see the trumpet, trombone, flute, and clarinet demonstrated; then they were able to blow into the horns to try to get a sound from the instruments. Instruments were provided by Summerhays Music in Utah, and high school band students assisted by sanitizing each instrument after a student blew into it. Mr. Garrett demonstrated the trumpet, Jean Thomas demonstrated the clarinet, and Dante Clavere from Summerhays demonstrated the trombone. High school flute players helped students with the flute when Ralph Bennett was unable to be there.
Assisting the 5th graders and the adult musicians were Aubrey Kennedy, Tavin Barnes, Mary Zabriskie, Hannah Zabriskie, and Kayla Wilson. The students filled out forms to take home so that their parents can see what instruments they preferred and enjoyed blowing into. Students will be able to enroll in beginning band in the 6th grade, the first year of middle school.
June 26, 1948 ~ March 5, 2025
Larry Wayne Dickerson was born on June 26, 1948, and later adopted by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Dickerson. He was then raised in Virginia before heading out on his own.
He married and had two lovely daughters Catherine and Carmen. Sadly, Catherine succumbed to brain cancer and passed away at the precious age of three.
Larry moved to Malad around 2005 and later met and married Elsie Hiebert. They were sealed to each other in the Logan Temple on April 10, 2010.
Larry loved serving people and especially loved being with friends, neighbors and his ward family. He was a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and served in various capacities including, but not limited to, Ward Missionary, Emergency Preparedness specialist and several others.
He was a proud patriot and will be remembered by his kindness and unfailing generosity to all he met.
Larry is survived by his loving daughter Carmen Lueke and her
Wendy Jo Howell, 65, of Garland, Utah passed away at her home on March 9, 2025. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, March 18th at 12 noon at the Garland LDS Church, 175 S Main Street. Viewings will be held Monday evening from 6-7 P.M. and again prior to the service from 10:30-11:30 A.M.
Ruth Zivkovic Thank You!
There’s someone in our town that deserves a BIG SHOUT OUT!
Her name is Ruth Zivkovic that’s what this tribute is all about.
The council had an idea, Would a walking path work in our town?
A baseball park, and a playground - and a place for family to gather round. Well Ruth Z got excited and the plan took off full steam. Hard work was not an effort, because that, she had always been. She got grants and planted trees, you’d see her working hard She was out there on her knees, working in the sod. She had a knack where plants
should go, and every bush and tree. Before long, we had a masterpiece because of Lady Z. So water a bush for Lady Z and with gratitude in your heart. We have a beautiful masterpiece Because of her masterful art. Thank you so very much Council woman Ruth ZivkovicSusan Wittman, City Clerk, the City Crew, Sid Hess, Dale Hobson, Robbie Hess, Rod Tubbs, Gaylen Garrett, Dean Hamilton
What a beautiful place we have to enjoy
A Big Thank You to All of You!
Former Mayor Spence & Debbie Horsley
BINGO Friday March 14 7:00 p.m.
Phone: 208-766-4773 www.idahoenterprise.com
March 13 - 19, 2025
13 14 15 16
This year’s Evening of the Arts, a fund-raising event sponsored by the Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital Foundation, will be on Thursday, April 3, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Event Center by the Fairgrounds. Admission is free to this event that provides an opportunity to see works of art by some of Oneida County’s outstanding artists, including Robert Bullcreek and Stephanie Jones.
Robert Bullcreek
Robert Bullcreek and his family moved from Weiser to their home north of Malad in 1999. He has worked with metal for at least 40 years and enjoys turning his thoughts and ideas into works of art. He says, “The more you work with metal, the more you want to make it come alive and be both useful and beautiful.” Robert is a certified welder and worked in machine shops prior to coming to Malad. He is also a farrier and uses horseshoes in some of his works of art. He appreciates everyone who assists him in turning a piece of metal into a work of art, including those who do the finish work on his pieces. He and his
Stephanie Jones
Stephanie Jones, her husband Kevin, and their two sons moved to Malad three years ago when the Ogden area became too crowded. Stephanie began making floral arrangements about eight years ago when her stepmother persuaded her to work with silk flowers. She soon realized that making floral arrangements that would last far beyond the event – be it a wedding, funeral, or family reunion – was very rewarding. She next ventured into making arrangements with wooden flowers made in Thailand and Indonesia. She says, “I enjoy knowing that I am helping an entire village when I buy my wood in rolls similar to toilet paper rolls. The men have harvested the tapioca roots; the women use machetes to make the flowers; the young people take the wood and flowers to markets.” Stephanie has roots in Malad. Her grandmother was Katherine Willie Jones from Holbrook, and her grandfather was Stephen L. Jones.
As the only fund raiser for the OEF, the Mail-a-Thon replaces the Telethon that was held for many years. All funds go to classroom/ curriculum grants and for teachers and scholarships for MHS seniors.
Please be generous when you receive an invitation to donate to your Oneida County schools, students, and teachers.
If you fail to receive a Mail-a-Thon form, just send your donation to the OEF at 250 West 400 North or use the handy QR Code:
All donations are tax deductible and will go to the curriculum area or scholarship fund designated by the donor. (For additional information, see website: www.oneidaeducationfoundation.org.)
Other artists who will display their works at this year’s Evening of the Arts are Britney Leckie (photography), Dan Lewis (oil painting), and Anthon Burbidge (wood working). Art by the 4th and 5th graders of Malad Elementary School and by the Malad Middle and High School art students will also be displayed. Popcorn treats will be provided by Malad High School’s Culinary Arts students. The Malad High School Chamber Chorus will perform at the event. Besides enjoying beautiful and unusual works of art, attendees will be able to bid on baskets donated by local businesses, organizations, and individuals. Silent auctions will continue throughout the evening with tables closing at different times, beginning at 7:00. The live auction will be at 7:15. Everyone is invited to come to bid on art works, trips, restaurant coupons, household decor, vehicle accessories, gardening supplies and other useful and unique gifts. All proceeds from the auction will be used in the ongoing remodeling of patient rooms and the purchasing of equipment for our local Hospital.
Friday Day Show - 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. - FREE Saturday Day Show - 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - FREE Evening Show - 6:30 p.m. - $15
The Malad Bowling Association held their annual city tournament February 10th-16th. Association officers are: President- Doyle Williams, Vice president- Chris Illum, Association Manager- Lacie Hess, Directors- Marty Hill and Julie Green. Team event was held on Monday and Thursday league nights and doubles/singles events were on the 15th and 16th. We had a very successful tournament due to the dedication of the bowlers bowling all events. In addition to bowling there were more opportunities to win prizes with squad prize drawings, tray prizes, 50/50 drawings and raffle prizes. Our bowlers and many local businesses made the drawings and prizes possible due to their donations. A big thank you to everyone involved for being so generous.
Payout standings are Teams: 1st place Hotel Malad total 2432 Marty Hill Brett Blaisdell Rick Giordano Scott Searle 2nd place Thomas Market total 2403 Ceylon Reeder Julie Green Danny Smith Tyler Smith 3rd place Chat N Chew (tie) 2398 Shawn Blaisdell Scott Blaisdell Zack Blaisdell Darren Tripp 3rd place Malad Rock Products (tie) 2398 Joey Keele Rebecca Wakley Jason Gugelman Ceylon Reeder
Payout Standings
Doubles: 1st place: Lana Tripp/Suzie Hess total 1287 2nd place: Steve Thomas/Brett Blaisdell total 1285 3rd place: Nathan Williams/John Riding total 1264 4th place: Emily Searle/ Chey Wilson total 1251
Singles: 1st place: Sonny Blaisdell total 738 2nd place: Joey Keele total 681 3rd place: Zack Blaisdell total 672 4th place: Vernette Sidwell total 663
All Events: 1st place: Sonny Blaisdell total 1915 2nd place: Ceylon Reeder total 1842 3rd place: John Riding total 1831 4th place: Shawn Blaisdell total 1826
14 total teams, 26 doubles event pairs, 47 singles event participants, and 40 all events participants.
A big thank you to past and present bowlers who volunteered their time to keep score during the tournament events: Chris Illum, Lana Tripp, Doyle Williams, Shelby Riding, John Riding, Shelly Williams, Susan Wittman, Stephanie Mason, Kenna Roco, Bob Christophersen, Mandi Hess, Danny Hess, Rachel Green, and Lacie Hess Squad prize winners: Steve Thomas, Lauren Williams, Becca Wakley, Darren Tripp, Shawn Blaisdell, Lana Tripp, Travis Williams, Trey Green,
Doyle Williams and Brett Blaisdell
Traveling prize winners: Marty Hill, Shawn Blaisdell and Doyle Williams
50/50 Raffle Winners: Vernette Sidwell, Rachel Green, Lana Tripp, Doyle Williams, Trey Green, Ceylon Reeder, and Julie Green
2025 Malad City Bowling Tournament Business Sponsors
Donations by the following local businesses are much appreciated:
On The Run
Malad Bowl
Bamma Wamma’s Pop
Pizza Stop
Oneida Family Dental
American Legion
Chat N’ Chew
Dude Ranch Cafe
Dr. Ed Thorpe
Liquid Lava Coffee Co.
Harley Jones Central Service
Allen Drug
Malad Chamber of Commerce
Daisy Hollow & Floral
Las Fiestas
KC Oil
Northern Title
Just For Fun Toys
The Pines Restaurant
ATC Communications
Farm Bureau
Ward ACE Hardware
Hess Lumber
Ron Keller Tire
Hess Pumice
Ganache Bakery
Physical Therapy Solutions
Up The Creek
Hair By Lisa
Studio 20 Design
Napa Auto Parts
Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital
Thomas Electric
Edith’s Collective
Ireland Bank
Mountain States Insurance
J Peak Propane
Nucor Steel
Iron Door Smokehouse
Storm Bowling Products –Max Neal
Ed & Wendy Jones
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Malad City Bowling Tournament
Raffle Winners
• Kenna Roco
o Storm Bowling Bag and Bowling Jersey
• Ceylon Reeder
o Storm IQ Pearl Bowling Ball and Bowling Jersey
• Britt Fredrickson
o Storm Hustle Bowling Ball and Bowling Jersey
• Lacie Hess
o $25 gift card donated by Physical Therapy Solutions
o Shirt/carpenter pencils/sweatshirt/utility knife/screwdriver/ bucket donated by Hess Lumber
• Brett Blaisdell
o Spices/sauces/hats/bucket donated by Ward ACE Hardware
o Dixon Vacuum Bottle/Drink Refill Card donated by Central Service
o Sweatshirt/Utility Knife/Carpenter’s Pencil donated by Hess Lumber
• Lacie Hess
o $25 gift card to Thomas Market donated by The Chamber of Commerce
o Shirt/Carpenter’s Pencils/ Sweatshirt/Utility Knife/Screwdriver/Bucket donated by Hess Lumber
o Spices/Sauces/Hats/Bucket donated by Ward ACE Hardware
• Ceylon Reeder
o Spices/Sauces/Hats/Bucket donated Ward ACE Hardware
o Water Bottle donated by Hess Pumice
o $25 Gift Card donated by Ganache Bakery
o $25 Gift Card donated by Physical Therapy Solutions
• Eric Burbank
o $25 Gift Card donated by The Pines Restaurant
o Shirt/Carpenter Pencils/Sweatshirt/Utility Knife/Screwdriver/ Bucket donated by Hess Lumber
o Sweatshirt/Hat donated by Ron Keller Tire
• Lacie Hess
o Ottoman donated by Thomas Electric
• Gracie Smith
o Blanket donated by KC Oil
o Mug donated by Northern Title
o $25 Gift Card donated by Just For Fun Toys
• Britt Fredrickson
o Teeth Whitening Kit donated by Dr. Ed Thorpe
o $20 Gift Card donated by Liquid Lava Coffee Company
• John Riding
o Spices/Sauces/Hat/Bucket donated by Ward ACE Hardware
o Portable BBQ Grill Combo/
Drink Refill Card donated by Central Service
o Sweatshirt/Screwdriver/Carpenter’s Pencil donated by Hess Lumber
• Brianna Williams
o Sonicare Power Toothbrush donated by Oneida Family Dental
• Ceylon Reeder
o Spices/Sauces/Hats/Bucket donated by Ward ACE Hardware
o $50 ACE Gift Card donated by Farm Bureau Insurance
• Brett Blaisdell
o Bowling Ball Bag/Bowling Shoe Covers/Hammer Grip Ball/Finger Guards/Polishing Towel/Northern Title Swag donated by Northern Title
• Ceylon Reeder
o ATC hat/shirt/bag/gift card donated by ATC Communications
• Brianna Williams
o Gift Basket/Gift Card donated by Harley Jones
• Brianna Williams
o Floral Arrangement/Candle Scents donated by Daisy Hollow
o $10 Gift Card donated by Las Fiestas
o $20 Gift Card donated by Bamma Wamma’s Pop
• John Riding
o Knife Set donated by KC Oil
o Mug donated by Northern Title
o $25 Gift Card donated by The Pines Restaurant
• Lacie Hess
o Gift Basket donated by Allen Drug
o $25 Gift Card for Central Service donated by The Chamber of Commerce
o Bubble Bath donated by Alice’s Beauty Shop
As March begins, there aren’t many that aren’t hoping for the cold days of winter to be behind us and the sunny warm days of spring to take their place. But none are more hopeful than the athletes and coaches of the spring sports season. With softball, baseball, and track practices in full swing with games and meets in the near future the spring season is here whether Mother Nature agrees or not. Thankfully, the weather has cooperated enough for the various teams to take their training outside. The fresh spring air and warm sunshine have only energized the athletes, bringing an excited anticipation for their upcoming games.
Lady Dragon Softball
The Lady Dragon Softball team is chomping at the bit to get their season underway. Head Coach Bri Adams said, “Ending last year with the silver when they had been working for the gold has left them hungry. They have been pushing themselves harder at practice this year and I can see it in their eyes- they want it this year. They aren’t leaving any T’s uncrossed or i’s undotted.”
Coach Adams and her team are taking a very intentional and focused approach as they begin this season. From putting a large emphasis on fundamentals, setting a strong foundation to their play that will be helpful at every level of the game, to instituting new throwing routines, the MHS softball team is looking to make the adjustments that will bring the improvements they need to play at a high level.
Aside from their play on the field, the Lady Dragons are also focusing on building connections and relationships among their team. “We have a
big group of seniors and a huge group of freshmen and a few in between. We’ve been doing things at practice to bridge the gap and the girls have been running with it. They have been so amazing to be willing to get to know each other. Our upperclassmen have stepped up as leaders and it has been truly awesome to see as a coach.”
Looking ahead at their schedule this spring, the Lady Dragons are taking on a number of new teams. “Our schedule is tough this year,” said Coach Adams. She continued, “We scheduled mostly bigger schools. Sugar Salem and Bonneville are new schools in addition to playing bigger schools from Logan and Snake River. They will all be good competition for us.”
Taking on more competitive teams will only help the softball team as they set big goals this season. Hitting against better pitchers, seeing more strategic runners, and playing longer, more physically and mentally taxing games will make them into a stronger team.
The Lady Dragon will play their first game on their home turf as they host the Snake River Panthers on Wednesday, March 12 at 4pm.
It’s nearly time for the long awaited “Play Ball” roar to announce the beginning of the 2025 Dragon baseball season. With a new season comes plenty of “new” to a team, and this year is no different for the MHS team. At the top of their list of new things is a new coaching staff, led by Head Coach Jeff Snow, assisted by Ty Price, Chad Maroney, and Tyrell Hubbard.
With a new coaching line up come multiple changes in style, philosophy, training, and strategy. But whatev-
Closing out the third week of sales, the girls sold 416 packages in town this past weekend. These are great numbers considering they have been selling in town for the last two weeks. Now, we are in the final stretch of cookie sales, with only two weeks left to sell our remaining 249 cookies. As of Monday, the Juniors had 35 packages left, the Brownies had 108 and Daisies had 106. The Cadettes sold out while at On the Run last weekend. We will mostly have Thin Mints, Caramel delites (Samoas) and Peanut But-
ter Patties (Tagalongs), though we may have other varieties available, just ask. We have a couple of determined girls that would like to reach their goals of 200, 375 and 625 packages. They will most likely be selling cookies this weekend near Exit 13. Check our Facebook page Malad Girl Scouts of the Malad Valley Personal Classified for our Pop Up locations this weekend.
Along with the $0.70/pkg that comes back to the troop, the girls earn rewards from council like a patch, color changing cup, flashlight, bandana, etc. Though the other part of the rewards, the one that the par-
er “new” the team experiences, the Dragons are ready to bring their game when they take the field.
The MHS baseball team will be competing against several new teams this season, taking on teams from Century, Box Elder, Bear River and Clearfield in addition to several local teams. These teams will provide a different challenge for the Dragon team in many aspects. First, most of these teams and programs are larger which makes them much more competitive and will push Malad to step up their own game. Secondly, a number of these teams have warmer conditions that allows them to get out on the field earlier than the Dragons. Keeping up with their early season experience could be demanding, in a good way, for Malads’ teams.
First on their list to compete against are the Panthers at Snake River High School on Wednesday, March 12.
Both the MHS softball and baseball teams are looking forward to the new facilities this season. While the fields won’t be ready for their opening games, they are hoping and anticipating that they will take the new diamonds mid-April. Coach Adams shared, “We are crossing our fingers and toes that it will happen sooner than later.”
The new ball fields, located across from Malad High School, are a highly anticipated and long awaited upgrade. They will provide better seating, parking, concessions, and an all around better experience for the teams and fans. On days that feature home games by both teams, fans can easily move back and forth to support all their favorite Dragon athletes instead of having to choose between the two.
The Malad track is abuzz once
again as the MHS track team has begun practices for their new season. Patiently waiting for a little sunshine and warm weather, the athletes let out a cheer as they took their first laps of the season around the track.
Taking over the coaching helm of the Malad track and field team is Head Coach Caleb Williams. Coach Williams, already serving among the track staff, stepped into the role after Coach Crozier left Malad for a new teaching and coaching opportunity. Looking at his staff and team, Coach Williams shared, “We are going to have a great season this year. I think we will see great individual and team wins this year.”
Over 50 athletes have joined the team to begin this season but Coach Williams shared, “I’m still working to recruit a few more.” The team includes handfuls of seasoned tracksters as well as new athletes that are willing to give it a try. The coaches are excited to see the talent before them, even wishing for some athletes they could turn back the calendar and draft them to the team seasons earlier.
Only into their second week of practice, the MHS track team is first focusing on strength, endurance, and agility before zooming in on the distinct demands of each event. Getting a benchmark and an understanding of the individual talent will help both the coaches and athletes know what events they should be competing in.
Malad will compete on their own track for their first meet of the season as they hold the Malad Invitational meet on Thursday, March 20 beginning at 10 am.
Rain or shine, snow or not, the spring Dragon athletes are ready to take on another season. It may only be the beginning, but the energy of the 2025 spring season is sure to be promising for the MHS teams.
ents actually appreciate is Program Credits. They are an individual reward, acknowledging the hard work and entrepreneurial success of Girl Scouts. Once a girl sells 100 packages of cookies she has earned $15 in Program Credits that can be put towards their Girl Scout membership for next year. For every additional 50 packages sold, they get an additional $15 in credits. If the girl sells 300 packages then they have paid for their membership for next year with $5 left over to spend within our council. In theory girls only need to pay for their first year of membership and then have the opportunity
to earn it each year forward. Thank you to all of the leaders, volunteers and parents that volunteered their time so that the girls could sell cookies. Stacey Clark (Leader), Brittany Donnan (Parent), Laura Dickerson (Volunteer), Katy Maughan (Leader), Makinzie Shandrew (Leader), and Kristy Zahn (Leader).
Cookies are $6 a package. If you cannot make it to one of our pop up sales, please email maladgirlscouts@ gmail.com or call Kristy at 714-7266687 to get an order delivered to your house.