The Idaho Enterprise | March 20, 2025

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The Idaho

Lincoln Day Dinner a big night for Oneida County GOP

Oneida County’s Bryan and Karen Kerr officiated festivities at last weekend’s Lincoln Day Dinner and fundraiser for the Oneida County Central Republican Committee. While there were some party officials who were not able to attend due to other commitments, most of the county’s GOP party representatives were on hand to hear from speakers Bryan Smith and Idaho’s Attorney General Raul Labrador.

The evening also included a dinner catered by the Iron Door Smokehouse, and a silent and live auction featuring items donated by many supporters. Ward’s Ace supplied a rifle for the auction, and Enoch Ward was present to complete the paperwork for the winner.

Before the featured speakers took the stage, two members of the county GOP were honored—longtime GOP figure Jane Ann Ward, and recent Central Committee Chair Larry Oja.

The Lincoln Day Dinner has made a return to the Malad Valley after a COVID hiatus, and has been a big success for the last several years. In the past, speakers have included Dorothy Moon, Sterling Smith, local and state candidates, and many others. It is a chance for the county’s interested Republican voters to speak with their counterparts from elsewhere in the state and share ideas and concerns.

State Senator Kelly Anthon, Representative Doug Pick-

Malad Middle School wins INL Science Bowl; qualifies for Nationals

For the first time ever, a Malad Middle School Science Bowl Team won the INL-sponsored Middle School Science Bowl Regional Competition, making the team eligible to go to Washington, DC, for the national competition on April 2428. On Friday, March 7, the two teams representing Malad Middle School traveled to University Place in Idaho Falls to test their knowledge of math and science against that of 14 other middle school teams in western Idaho.

The students on the winning team were Bentley Teeples (captain), Liam Donnan, Andrew Pickett, Anna Chipman, and Seth Huckaby. Their advisers were Kathy Atkinson and Tia Talbot, math and science teachers at Malad Middle School. Each team must have four members, an alternate, and a teacher who serves as adviser and coach.

The second Malad team was comprised of Jacob Pickett, Luke Schow, Karmyn Charles, Liam Atkinson, and Wesley Asay.

According to Harriet Kung, Acting Director of the Department of Energy Office of Science, “Now in its 35th year, the National Science Bowl brings together the most exceptional young minds from across America with science, technology, and math, and I am honored to congratulate the Malad Middle School Science Bowl team as they advance to the National Finals!”

In the “champion of champions” round, the Malad team first faced Preston Middle School, last year’s winning team. After beating Preston, Malad won against Rigby and finally faced the Idaho Science and Technology Charter School, to which Malad had lost earlier in the competition. It took two tie-breaking questions, both answered quickly and correctly by Bentley Teeples, before the Malad team was declared the winner. Bentley said, “It was the greatest moment of my life.”

The two Malad Middle School teams have studied and practiced four days a week since school started, using a buzzer system donated to the school to learn how to ring in quickly with the right answers to questions on a wide range of science disciplines, including biology, chemistry, Earth science, physics, energy, and math.

At the conclusion of the awards ceremony, a medal was presented to a member of each team; the quiz masters, judges, and timekeepers selected Bentley Teeples and Jacob Pickett of the Malad teams to receive medals for contributing the most to their teams.

The other teams were all from much larger communities. “Some of the schools may be about the size of our school, but

they are all located in larger cities,” explained Kathy Atkinson as she and Tia Talbot expressed their pride in the Malad Middle School teams.

The other teams included one team each from Mountain View Middle School of Blackfoot and Alpine Academy of Pocatello, and two teams each from Blackfoot Charter School, Idaho Science and Technology Charter School of Blackfoot, Vera O’Leary Middle School of Twin Falls, Rigby Middle School, Preston Middle School, and Teton Middle School.

The press release from the National Science Bowl stated: “The NSB brings together thousands of middle and high school students from across the country to compete in a fastpaced verbal forum to solve technical problems and answer questions in all branches of science and math. The national event consists of several days of science activities and sightseeing, along with the competitions.”

More than 10,000 students on winning teams from 46 middle school and 64 high school regional competitions will compete in the National Science Bowl Finals. Two middle school and two high school teams from Idaho will compete this year. The top two middle and high school teams will win $5000 for their schools’ math and science departments. Other schools that place in the top 16 will win $1000 for their schools’ science departments.

The Department of Energy Office of Science manages the National Science Bowl and sponsors the finals competition, including paying for the teams to travel to Washington, DC.

Thomas Market sold to Broulim’s

Last week, we ran a small item announcing that Thomas Market was being sold to Broulim’s. The item was a press release from Jerry Thomas, and the substance of the release has been confirmed. We will be sitting down with Jerry in upcoming weeks to talk a bit about the transition, but in the meantime wanted to verify that yes, Thomas Market will be changing hands. A history of

Thomas Market was recently compiled by members of the Thomas family, which we present here:

Thomas Market History

The Thomas family has been involved in the grocery business in Malad for over 75 years. Stan Thomas started the family business. Stan was born and raised in Malad. During World War II, Stan worked in and managed Purity

Grocery Stores in Ukiah, Eureka, Fort Bragg, and Willets, California. Before the war ended, Stan felt it necessary to return to Malad to help his father run the family farm in the Daniels area, as his brothers were away serving in the armed forces. After the war, Stan returned to California and entered into a partnership with a friend in Willets,

Gaza ceasefire ends

Perhaps not surprisingly, the tenuous ceasefire which had been in place in Gaza ended on Tuesday when Israel resumed airstrikes, which it labeled “pre-emptive” and directed at the Hamas leadership. The ceasefire had been in place in order to allow for the exchange of hostages and the furtherance of negotiations. Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu of Israel stated that Hamas had not been operating in good faith with regard to the release of hostages, and that there was no incentive for Israel to continue the ceasefire conditions. The Trump administration expressed support for the resumption of strikes on Monday as news of the changing situation was announced.

Consumer confidence falls

One of the many elements of the economy that is used to evaluate its strength is the consumer confidence report, which is determined by retail spending relative to the time of year and prior months. Consumer spending was down 1.2 percent in January, and only barely above that level in February, which is almost a full percentage point lower than analysts had predicted. Concerns about inflation and the effects of import tariffs on consumer goods have made buyers more conservative about spending on both long term durable goods as well as non-essential items. The price of baseline expenses, such as gas, groceries, energy, and internet/ technology is expected to rise in coming months as a result of inflationary pressures, which will likely further act as a check on consumer spending outside those areas.

Death penalty bill heads to House

The death penalty is already the law of the state in Idaho for capital crimes, but a bill sponsored by Representative Bruce Skaug of Nampa would add “aggravated lewd conduct with children age 12 and under” to the list of capital crimes which are eligible for the death penalty. The bill would also create strict mandatory minimums for aggravated lewd conduct with children under 16 that do not meet all the requirements for a death penalty convictions. The sponsor stated that this is in response to Idaho’s current laws on molestation and sexual abuse, which he sees as “too lenient.” According to reporting from the Idaho Capital Sun, “the bill spells out more than a dozen aggravating factors, including already being found guilty of a crime that requires sex offender registration, committing lewd conduct against the same victim at least three separate times, being in a position of trust or having “supervisory or disciplinary power over the victim,” penetration, kidnapping, human trafficking the child, torture, using force or coercion, and being armed with a weapon.”

Science Bowl winners Tia Talbon (adviser), Anna Chipman, Andrew Pickett, Bentley Teeples, Liam Donnan, Seth Huckaby, and Kathy Atkinson (adviser).
Bryan Kerr recognizes the contributions of Jane Ann Ward.

Academic Team takes Third at Science Bowl

On Friday, March 14, the Malad High School Academic Team headed for University Place in Idaho Falls to compete in the Idaho Western Regional High School Science Bowl competition. The Malad team, comprised of Alex Christensen, Joe Willie, Joshua Pickett, Jens Huckaby, Micah Butler, Jaden Price, and Daisy Huckaby (alternate) won third place in the INL-sponsored event. Their coach/adviser is Jennie McClain, a math teacher at Malad High School. At the high school competition, teams begin competing by school size. With eight Class C (small) schools, the teams were divided into two pods with Malad competing against Butte County, Mackay, and Wendell. Adviser Jennie McClain felt pretty confident about the Malad’s team’s chances when she overheard another coach say, “Malad terrifies me.” That statement was for good reason as the Malad High

School team had “demolished the competition,” said Mrs. McClain. In Round 1, Malad beat Butte County 195-10, Wendell 140-25, and Mackay 90-55. As three teams moved to the Championship Round from Class C, Butte County defeated Jerome from Class A to reach the Championship Round.

In the Championship Round, the size of school does not matter. In Round 1 Malad beat Skyline of Idaho Falls 85-70. In Round 2, Malad lost to the eventual overall winner, Twin Falls, 205-45. In Round 3, Malad beat Challis 110-55, thereby winning 3rd place. Twin Falls High School will go to Washington, DC, one of two teams to represent Idaho in the National High School Science Bowl.

At the awards ceremony, the team received their 3rd place trophy, and a medal was given to Josh Pickett for his major contribution to the team.

Lincoln Day Dinner

continued from front page

ett, County Commissioners Bill Lewis and Brian Jeppsen, Mayor Joan Hawkins, County precinct chairs, and scores of others were in attendance.

An invocation was offered by Randy Willie, Chair of precinct 4, and the flag ceremony was conducted by Oneida’s Boy Scout Troop 1776.

Before the featured speakers were introduced, Jane Ann Ward and Larry Oja—who have both served a number of positions within the county GOP establishment over the years— were honored from the podium.

Bryan Smith was introduced as the first speaker. Chair Bryan Kerr noted that “Last year he came to Malad and helped explain the evils of Proposition 1.”

Smith has served for many years in various capacities on the Bonneville County Central Committee, including as Chair and 2nd Chair. He is currently been serving as the Bonneville County State Committeeman, which he has done since 2022.

Smith was born in Idaho, where his father was a baker, and his mother was a stay-at-home mom. According to his official bio, he was the first one in his family to go to college. “His parents instilled in him the values of hard work, savings, courage, and faith. These values are what drove him to take the first step and pursue a college degree. He attended Rick’s College (now BYU-Idaho) in Rexburg, Idaho.” He graduated from Brigham Young University in 1986 and then went on to law school. He received a Juris Doctor in 1989 with honors from the McGeorge School of Law at the University of the Pacific.

“I’m so glad I get to speak before Raul Labrador. You can’t upstage a brown eyed labrador,” Smith joked. The tenor of his speech was “Isn’t it a great time to be a Republican?” Smith extolled the speed and dynamism of President Trump, and used it as a pivot to the question “he said he’s trying to make America great again—what does that mean?”

According to Smith during his speech, “Our country has not done a good job of following God. We’ve kicked him out of schools. We made abortion the law of the land for over

MHS Students qualify for State Music

Fifteen student musicians from Malad High School traveled to Grace for the annual District Music Solo and Ensemble Contest on Tuesday, March 11. At the conclusion of the competition, five Malad soloists and a treble ensemble comprised of six students received scores that qualified them to go to the State Competition.

As explained by Foster Garrett, Malad High School music teacher, receiving a “superior” score at District Contest no longer automatically means the soloist or ensemble will go to State. The student or group must rank 1st or 2nd in their category in order to go to State.

Those placing 1st at the District Contest were Joe Willie with a tenor vocal solo, Bronson Garrett with a

tenor saxophone solo, Tavin Barnes with a baritone saxophone solo, and a treble vocal ensemble comprised of Abigail Cox, Aubrey Palmer, Madilyn Shaw, Emree Hanks, Kayla Wilson, and Adilyn Schow. Placing 2nd were Serena Whipple with a euphonium solo and Mary Zabriskie with an alto saxophone solo. Alternates, who will go to the State Competition if someone in their category drops out, were Hannah Zabriskie with a French horn solo, Kayla Wilson with an alto vocal solo, Natalie Webster with a soprano vocal solo, and Jaden Price with a baritone vocal solo. Nathan Briscoe received an “excellent” score for his baritone vocal solo.

40 years. BUT, we’re starting to see some changes take place. How did it take place? Donald Trump appointed justices who used their vote to change the law.”

Smith continued on that theme, explaining that he believed “We need to be vigilant now, and God has given us a chance. And he has given us the best chance we’ve been given in my lifetime.” He encouraged each person to consider what they could do to help make America Great Again, and used the analogy of lifting a piano. What can we do as individuals to make America great again? “We need to all lift where we stand,” Smith said. “If we all lift where we stand and we remember our covenant and lay a claim to the promise of the almighty that we can make America great.”

The keynote speaker of the night was Raul Labrador, who currently serves as Idaho’s Attorney General. Kerr overviewed Labrador’s political history, which includes being one of the founding members of the congressional “Freedom Caucus,” which is often seen as being the most direct precursor to the MAGA movement.

According to Kerr, “he breathed new life into a position that had gotten stale. I’ve heard it said that he would stand up to Satan himself,” he joked, anticipating one of Labrador’s talking points.

Labrador began with a story about how he decided to become the AG, as a result of the pandemic and COVID in Idaho, and how he was at the mall and he was wearing a mask which he momentarily slipped off and was immediately photographed. “They knew that if they could shame me, they could shame you,” he said, speaking to the audience.

“The only way I could make a difference was to run for office. There was a change in Ada county where the commissioners went from D to R. The first thing I did when they got elected was ask them to put me on the public health board where I could actually do something. It was one of the most controversial things I’ve ever done. Every doctor came out against me and said I wasn’t qualified. The person I was replacing was a politician too, but they agreed with

the mask mandate, etc, so that made them ‘qualified’ in the eyes of some.”

Labrador noted that “I was still frustrated because the state of Idaho was still shutting down schools, churches, etc. Several AGs asked me to run for office as AG because ‘they can make a huge difference.’ I thought the job was just to be a government lawyer, but that wasn’t it. In Congress, I had to get 434 other people to agree with my opinion. When I was 1 of 1 I could wake up and decide what I wanted to do, and I saw my job was to protect the inalienable rights.”

Both Kerr and Labrador noted the strong percentage of Oneida voters who supported Trump (“the second-highest percentage in the state!”) and opposed ranked-choice voting. “I want to thank you for what you did in this county. 85% of you voted against ranked-choice voting. The state has passed a law that says you can’t mislead people, which I thought they were doing. The courts did not agree with me and we lost that case. The whole time that they were talking about the issue they were only talking about the closed and open primaries. After I sued and I showed that it talked about two different subjects. I was really proud even though I lost that fight that we changed the discussion. The state of Idaho voted against it 70 percent to

30 percent. All of us together were able to educate the public.”

Labrador then turned to discussing some of the changes he had been able to make in Idaho: “I thought maybe the job of the AG was a boring job. But the last two years I’ve been able to make a huge difference in Idaho.”

He recounted his work at increasing the scope of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, legal opposition to Title 9 (athletic gender issues) concerns, abortion restrictions, Lava Ridge (solar farm project) opposition, and others.

He concluded his speech by recounting a fight he had undertaken as AG with the Satanic Temple, which is a secular political organization that uses legal provocation to force the litigation of separation of church and state issues, and had come out on top of the argument, leading the Idaho Statesman to note the “Labrador defeats Satan.”

Following the speeches, the night was turned over to awarding the silent auction bidders their prizes, and a live auction which saw energetic bidding from the audience.

Oneida County continues to be a conservative stronghold in the state, and the Lincoln Day Dinner has been a showcase of that status over the last few years.

Musicians from MHS traveled to District competition in Grace, at which several qualified for berths to State.
Alex Christensen, Joe Willie, Daisy Huckaby,Joshua Pickett, Jens Huckaby,Micah Butler, and Jaden Price
Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador spoke to Oneida County Republicans at the Lincoln Day Dinner.

Thomas Market

California to own and operate a store they named United Food Center. Stan permanently moved back to Malad to find work and raise his family two years later. He quickly found work at the Bannock Street Grocery but learned that it was difficult to work for another person after being his own boss and manager. At that time, six grocery stores were operating in Malad. Despite the prevalence of other grocery stores in the area, he felt there was a need for another store on the south end of town, so he decided to build and open his own store. Stan and his wife, Erma, opened the Food Center on South Main Street in January 1949, while three feet of snow covered the ground. The grand opening for the 1,500 square foot store was a huge success. The store had refrigerated produce, milk, and meat cases, and shelving Stan had built himself. Food Center was one of the first grocery stores in Idaho to offer wrapped, self-service meat in the counter. In 1957, he built his home behind the store so that he could be closer to his family and business. He and Erma raised their 8 kids in that home. The business grew and Stan opened a new 5,000 square foot store in January of 1961 to keep up with population growth and consumer demand. The new store was named Stan’s IGA. The original 1,500 square foot building was torn down to create a parking lot for Stan’s IGA, the original store was the newest building in Malad when it was demolished. Stan had a reputation for hard work and excellent customer service. He was also an active member of the community, serving on the Malad Chamber of Commerce, Oneida County Fair Board, and the Oneida County Hospital Board. Stan operated the business for 27 years until he passed away in August of 1977 from complications due to cancer.

Stan’s legacy was carried on by his son, Dennis

The Oneida County Republican Central Committee would like to thank the Community for all your support of our annual Lincoln Day Dinner Celebration held on Saturday, March 15th at the Oneida County Events Center.

We would like to thank the local businesses, Hess Lumber, Ace Hardware/Ward Feed, Allen Pharmacy, R&R Driving School, Redd Roofing, and Edith’s Florist for your support of our event.

We would like to thank Iron Door Smokehouse, a local catering company, for its excellent food and service. Anita Jeppsen, Breanna Charles, and their catering staff did a great job as always.

We would like to thank the Events Center Director, Shelby Blackner, for her hospitality and flexibility of always accommodating our annual schedule.

We would like to thank our speakers,

Thomas, and his wife Brenda. Dennis began working at the store as soon as he could wear a store apron. After graduating from high school, attending Brigham Young University, and serving in the US Army in Vietnam, Dennis opened the Savings Center, a small grocery store in Montpelier, Idaho. He and Brenda operated that business for two years. Dennis returned to Malad in 1974 to work with his dad and manage Stan’s IGA. Dennis purchased Stan’s IGA from his mother, Erma, after his father’s passing in 1977. That year, he joined Associated Food Stores, Inc. and changed the name to Thomas Foodtown. Dennis expanded the store several times in the 1980s to address the demands of a larger product selection and population growth. Dennis and Brenda made numerous improvements to the grocery store, which included installing new check stands with UPC scanners in the early 1990s and other expansions allowing for a loading dock, larger backroom area, and a cardboard compactor for recycling cardboard boxes. Operating the growing business became too much work for one person. In 1991, Jerry Thomas, Dennis and Brenda’s oldest son, accepted a management position at Thomas Foodtown. Jerry had recently graduated from Brigham Young University and was moving back to Malad with his family. Jerry and Dennis worked side-by-side, operating the store from that point.

In 1998, it was apparent that the business had outgrown itself. Brenda, Dennis, and Jerry decided to construct a new 18,000 square foot grocery store on property south of the existing store. The construction of the new store spurred yet another name change, Thomas Market. Thomas Market held its ribbon cutting on April 21, 1999, and introduced Malad to many cutting-edge grocery store innovations, including a full-service hot/cold deli and fresh bakery. It was the first business to feature automatic sliding doors

Raúl Labrador (Keynote Speaker) and Bryan Smith (IDGOP National Committeeman) for coming and giving of their time to support the Oneida County GOP. Everyone commented on how much they enjoyed the evening.

We would like to thank Boy Scout Troop 1776, for presenting the colors and leading us all in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Many thanks to all the Lincoln Day Committee Volunteers who always give hours and financial support to help our event be a success. We couldn’t do it without you.

A Special thank you to all who donated and purchased items for our Auction. Your generosity supports our expenses needed to keep our voices heard in Boise.

Thank you, Brandon Hall and all the staff at the Idaho Enterprise for your great articles on our event and for coming to cover the event each year.

Malad’s Thomas Market will change over to Broulim’s at the beginning of June.

in Malad. Thomas Market has been a cornerstone of the community since it opened. Jerry has continued to provide the excellent customer service the community has come to expect as he took over full operations of the store after Dennis passed away on November 12, 2013.

Thomas Market has deep-founded roots in the Malad community which were planted and cultivated by Stan Thomas and carried on by Dennis, Brenda, and Jerry Thomas. The residents of Oneida County have long supported and been able to depend on the service provided by the Thomas Family and the employees at Thomas Market. In return, the Thomas family and their employees have enjoyed serving and being an integral part of the Malad community.




March 20 - 26, 2025

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Malad Valley Dental

Evening of the Arts to feature artists Burbidge and Lewis

The 12th annual Evening of the Arts is an opportunity for a few of the many talented artists in our area to display their works; four or five different artists are invited to participate each year. Sponsored by the Nell J. Redfield Hospital Foundation as a fund raiser as well as an opportunity to showcase local artists, the event will be on Thursday, April 3, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Event Center at the Fairgrounds.

Anthon Burbidge

Anthon Burbidge and his family moved to Malad Valley from Syracuse, Utah, in 2022 so that he could continue to expand his timber business. He works with wood mortise and tenon joint construction methods to frame houses and other types of buildings. As an offshoot of his profession, in what he calls his “bread-and-butter work,” he makes signs and decorative pieces from wood. Those are the works of art he will display at the Evening of the Arts. Anthon and his wife Jenny have five children, and the whole family gets involved with designing and building signs and other art pieces from wood. Anthon said that he and his family “love, love, love living in Malad.”

Dan Lewis

Now an art teacher at Marsh Valley High School, Dan Lewis says he has loved being an artist for his entire life, beginning with drawing animals and dinosaurs in kindergarten and starting water colors in junior high. When serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in southern Utah, Dan met acclaimed Church artist Del Parson. Coming back to Utah to attend college at Dixie College and Southern Utah University, Dan took classes from Parson, who encouraged him to pursue his art talents full time. Dan has done freelance work for the Church, including publishing works in Church magazines, the Friend and the Ensign. After marrying and settling in Downey, he completed his teach -

The Oneida County Fairboard is accepting bid applications for the Groundskeeper Position for the Oneida County Fairgrounds.

The position will be a 1-year contract work period which will begin April 15th and continue through October 15th, and will pay $10,000. Co-applicants or a team of two applicants are welcome. Applications and a Job Description are available at the Oneida County Courthouse and at Diane Skidmore’s office up stairs, must be submitted by April 1, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. to: Oneida County Fairboard P.O. Box 13 Malad, ID 83252

ing certificate at ISU and began teaching art at Blackfoot Junior High and then Hawthorne Middle School in Pocatello before his career at Marsh Valley began ten years ago. He and his wife Jodi have two daughters (including Maggie Lund of Malad) and three sons, all of whom have served as models in Dan’s works.

Everyone is invited to the Evening of the Arts to see samples of Anthon’s wood work and Dan’s oil paintings as well as the artistic works of Britney Leckie (photography), Robert Bullcreek (metal work), and Stephanie Jones (wooden floral arrangements). Art projects by Malad 4th and 5th grade students and Middle and High School students will also be on display.

In addition, the culinary arts students of Malad High School will provide popcorn treats, and Malad High’s Chamber Choir will perform.

The Oneida County Fairboard is seeking bids for building an addition to the existing steer barn at the Oneida County Fairgrounds. The addition will be 72’ long, 30’ wide trusses, with a 16.5’ over hang. All potential bids should include a bid for labor and a separate bid for labor plus materials. All bids can be submitted to or mailed to OCFB P.O. Box 13 Malad, ID 83252. Bids are due Tuesday, April 1, 2025, by 5:00 p.m. For further questions, please call Ken Moss at 208.604.3032 or Eric Eliason at 208.840.1515.

Greeting cards featuring photographs taken by local photographers of local scenes will be for sale during the evening.

Admission is free, but attendees will want to bid on dozens of unique, colorful, and useful gift baskets during the live and silent auctions. This year’s silent auction will take place about 7: 15 with silent auction tables closing at 7:00, 7:30, and 7:45. All proceeds from the auction will go to remodeling patient rooms and purchasing equipment for our local Hospital.


Painter Dan Lewis
Wood worker Anthon Burbidge

Grandparents Only

Not recommended for parents or kids...

Jones, Davis, Evans, Williams. The Welsh were not creative when it came to names. I guess they figured if it was a good one, keep using it…first, last, whatever. And apparently, I’m not any more tuned into name-details than they were. The Thorpe Cousins are considering a reunion this spring and asked if we Malad Thorpes could scout out a place. There’s a bunch of these Utah Thorpes, and I had heard the Davis home in Samaria could handle a bunch. So, I called Friend Luke, who knows everything about Samaria and asked if we could come out and see the Davis Home.

“Absolutely,” was his immediate reply. We decided to meet him there at 4:30. We arrived and waited. No Luke or Shayna, so I called.

“We are out here in the backyard.” I started around the house to meet them. They weren’t there. Luke assured me they were. They weren’t. Finally, we realized they were at the “Davis Cabin” which sleeps a few and I was at the “Davis Home” which sleeps a bunch. We laughed, and he told me he didn’t have a key to the “Davis Home” but

Curlew Senior Citizens’ Menu

Every meal served with Juice/ Milk/Coffee & Salad Bar

March 25 - Spring Break March 27- Spring Break


1774 The British parliament passes first of the Intolerable Acts: the Boston Port Act, which closed Boston harbor until colonists would pay for damages following the Boston Tea Party

1800 Alessandro Volta reports his discovery of the electric battery in a letter to Joseph Banks, president of the Royal Society of London

1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is published in Boston

1854 Boston Public Library open in Boston, Massachusetts as the first large free municipal library in the U.S.

1886 First AC power plant in U.S. begins commercial operation in Massachusetts

1930 American fast food restaurant chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is founded as Sanders Court & Café by Colonel Harland Sand-

would send me contact info.

About that time as I’m poking around the porch, I hear, “Can you hear me?” I looked around and didn’t see anyone. The “voice” was getting a little tense, “I can see you. Can you hear me?” Luckily, before “the voice” called 911, I realized it was the security system. I looked into the camera and introduced myself to “the voice.” I explained why I was poking around and apologized. “The voice” turned out to be Murrell King who is married to Lisa used-to-be Davis. He sent me a link to the website which I in turn sent to the Utah Cousins.

So, the point of this whole narration is to remind us not to take communication for granted. Luke had no idea we needed a big place. The Davis Home was the Davis Cabin in his world. I didn’t even think about there being a Davis Cabin and a Davis Home. Those Utah Thorpes would have been really cozy if they had rented the cabin. Maybe it would have given them an authentic pioneer experience. Just remember, it is a Good Life when everyone is on the same page and when you are poking around, don’t forget to smile you’re probably on camera!

Malad Senior Citizens’ Menu

Every meal served with Juice/ Milk/Coffee March 21 - Sloppy joes, Baked beans, Carrot and raisin salad, Dessert March 26 - Pork Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli, Rolls, Dessert


Spring Break!

No School March 24 - 27


Patsy Bybee, March 14

Judith Jones, March 14

Crystal Marble, March 14

Amie Marshall, March 14

Jaycee Sweeten, March 14

Jerry Thomas, March 14

Ammon Treasure, March 14

Camie Tripp, March 14

Cody Boot, March 15

Calvin Garrett, March 15

Braun Hill, March 15

Aspen Hubbard, March 15

Wendy Jones, March 15

David Kent, March 15

Caitlyn Boel, March 16

Ray Davis, March 16

Jan Edwards, March 16

Paige Moeller, March 16

Ethan Reel, March 16

Polly Scott, March 16

Trevon Tapp, March 16

Heather Clark, March 16

Cody Jamal Andersen, March 16

Bernice Weeks, March 17

Austin Atkinson, March 17

Tod Daniels, March 17

Don Day, March 17

Dennis Evans, March 17

Amy Hatch, March 17

Ferris Hess, March 17

Kim Hess, March 17

David Jenkins, March 17

Vicki Larkin, March 17

Preston Kent, March 17

Trevor Nieffenegger, March 17

John Blaisdell, March 18

Jason Gugelman, March 18

Ashli Haven, March 18

Aubree Davis, March 19

Valaree Estep, March 19

Charles (Chuck) Moon, March 19

Dale Davis, March 20

Natasha Mikesell, March 20

David Spencer, March 20

Brenda Thomas, March 20



Stephen Charles Johnson, Malad, fail to register vehicle annually, $10.50, costs $56.50

Kaleb Blaine Nelson, Malad, fail to register vehicle annually, $10.50, costs $56.50


James J. Everson, Incom, fail to register vehicle annually, $10.50, costs $56.50 Miriam Naylor, Bluffdale, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50


Samuel Reese Kunzler, Provo, fail to register vehicle annually, $10.50,

costs $56.50 Brex K Martinsen, Malad, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50 Cesar Eduardo Silva Gonzalez, Moses Lake, operate vehicle without a current or valid class d/operators license, $150.00, costs $159.50 Gregory G West, Oceanside, fail to register vehicle annually, $10.50, costs $56.50


John J Roberts, Elwood, aiding in a misdemeanor, $142.50, costs $192.50, 30 days jail, 30 days jail suspended, 6 months probation –Agency: OCSO

ers in North Corbin, Kentucky

1976 American publishing heiress Patty Hearst convicted of armed robbery for her part in 1974 California heist

1996 Erik & Lyle Menendez found guilty of killing their parents

1999 Legoland, California, the first Legoland outside of Europe, opens in Carlsbad, California

2016 Barack Obama becomes the first U.S. President to visit Cuba since 1928, arriving for a three-day tour with First Lady Michelle

2019 Finland is the world's happiest country, South Sudan is world's least happy, according to annual World Happiness Report

2019 The Walt Disney Company acquires Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox entertainment business for $71 billion

Stake Relief Society Workshops

The Malad Stake Relief Society held an activity on March 15 at the Malad Stake Center. Approximately 180 women aged 14 and up participated in the four workshops that emphasized growth as well as fun. After an introduction to spiritual growth by Stake Relief Society President, Paula Hannah, Cassie Nimer spoke about her family’s journey to spirituality. Quoting Proverbs 3:4-5, Cassie told about learning to rely on the Lord and acknowledging His help in all things. Attendees were then divided into three groups that rotated among short workshops emphasizing intellectual growth, physical growth, and social growth.

Christie Schow led the physical growth workshop, teaching some basic yoga exercises. She said that everyone should do something active every day because we are expected to

take care of our bodies.

A ”Jeopardy” spinoff taught about intellectual growth as the participants were divided into four groups that competed to see who knew the most about women in the scriptures. The activity was led by Ashley Price, Amber Willie, and Rhonda Daniels of the Stake Primary Presidency.

Nacona Smith and Tori Green led the social growth workshop, beginning with demonstrating aggressive, passive, manipulative, and assertive approaches to common social interactions. The participants then participated in a “speed dating” game during which participants faced each other in two lines and asked questions of each other in two minutes before moving to another participant.

Attendees enjoyed visiting while eating a light luncheon at the conclusion of the workshops.

Tuesday Pinpoppers

Searle 268

Series – Scott Searle 669, Kenna Roco 540

High Game – Lana Tripp 196, Tyler Smith 247

Series – Tyler Smith 694, Lana Tripp 531

Other 200 Games – Brett Blaisdell 244, Danny Smith 234

MAIELI’S THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE – Neck or Whiplash Issues or for just a great massage. Call Maieli Murray (626) 337 - 0772 (1-52)


ALANON - We are only a phone call away. For information on meetings, call 208-220-5295 or 208251-9808. (1-52)


AA/NA MEETINGS, Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:00 p.m., Call: Rick M. 208-7663584; Gary B. 435-230-3734; Jack H. 208-830-7371; or Kirk S. 208-

241-2297; or AA Hotline 208-2351444. (1-52)

FOR SALE- MALAD Kodiak GMC 450, 6 Speed 2003 Diesel Truck Hauler, $10,777. 20ft Walton Gooseneck 2019 Trailer/ Hoist. $9,777. 20 ft Solar Panels Trailer/Generator. 2020 $7,500 Call 385-240-8179

FOR RENT- MALAD $1,950 Basement Bright, Cheerful Double Lighting, Windows, New Paint, Floors, Bathroom and Kitchen. Call Pat 562-665-2444



5 YEARS AGO (2020)

Top scholastic honors were recently announced by Malad High School for the Class of 2020. Stephie Briggs was named as valedictorian and Garren Huckaby was named as salutatorian of this year’s graduating class. Both will represent their class and will speak during Commencement Exercises on May 20.

Recognized as the Malad High School Class of 2020 top 10 percent are Garren Huckaby, Stephie Briggs, Meaghan Tooke, J.D. Atkinson, Kristle Jensen, Jeni Alder and Landon Smith.

In the Malad City Council meeting on Wednesday, March 11, Mayor Joan Hawkins announced that Malad City Superintendent Dale Hobson had retired.

Hobson has been with the city for 35 years. Mayor Hawkins thanked Hobson for his years of service to the city, stating that he was a hard worker, and the city will miss his wealth of knowledge and expertise.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, local organizations and public institutions have made decisions to either postpone or cancel events.

Governor Brad Little has been monitoring the situation with public health officials and on March 13 signed a proactive emergency declaration to further prevent coronavirus spread in Idaho. At that time there were no confirmed cases of the virus in Idaho. There are now seven confirmed cases. the Governor asked residents to be proactive in order to protect those most vulnerable to the virus and also to minimize the impact on our healthcare system.

With that, the latest directive from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare and all local Public Health Districts, including the Southeastern Idaho Public Health Department encourages the postponement or cancellation of mass gatherings and events.

10 YEARS AGO (2015)

Malad High School announced that William Thomas and Cassidy Stewart have been named valedictorian and salutatorian for the Malad High School class of 2015. They will represent their class at commencement exercises to be held on Wednesday, May 20, 2015.

Jacob Stevens of Malad was part of the University of Idaho team that won third place and $10,000 in the Business Plan Competition of the inaugural Idaho Entrepreneur Challenge.

Five Malad High School seniors competed in the District All-Star Basketball games played at Pocatello High School.

Paige Robbins, Saige Smith, and Alex Ward played in the girls’ AllStar game. Carson Hoskins and Dylan Thorpe were invited to play in the boys’ All-Star game.

Malad is fortunate to welcome a family medicine specialist, Dr. James Pickett, D.O., to the staff at the Oneida County Clinic and Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital. Residents are encouraged to come meet Dr. Pickett on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital in the front foyer/ waiting room.

15 YEARS AGO (2010)

Pictured in The Idaho Enterprise, the Dragonettes showed off their four trophies, one for each dance they performed, at the Idaho State Dance Competition. Members in the picture

are Rachel Peterson, Kayla Thomas, Brittany Coburn, Ashley Bercier, Jerika Snyder, Ashley Richards, Paige Moeller, Beth Blaisdell, Whitney Hunt, Kaylynn Bell, Rochelle Bullcreek, Nichole Hubbard, Hayli Tripp and Kayla Harrison.

Of the 94 people who signed up for the Blood Drive at the American Legion, 84 donors actually signed in at the event. The drive was successful, since the goal was 70 pints and the actual draw was 74 pints. Thirty high school seniors helped make the drive successful. Rick Madsen, Legion Commander, was chairman and Lila Moss, was co-chairman.

20 YEARS AGO (2005)

Pictured in The Idaho Enterprise are the new officers that will be leading the American Legion Post #65 next year, Dale Daniels, 1st vice commander; Gene Caldwell, commander; Dan Marteeny, adjutant; Clarence Kent, 2nd vice commander; Earl Gillies, historian; Bill Moss, judge advocate; Gene Edwards, service officer; and Con Alder, chaplain.

The Malad High School Wrestling team, along with their parents, was together one last time to honor the 2004-2005 team members.

Awards were presented to several wrestlers for their work this season.

Ben Ray earned an award for being a two-time Idaho State Champion at 103 pounds. He also finished with 104 career wins, finishing this season with 37 wins, including 20 pins.

Levi Christiansen was honored for scoring the Most Points throughout the season. He also had the Most Reversals, Escapes, and Near Falls. He finished with 104 career wins, including 20 pins this season.

Trevor Price earned a Captains Award. He also received an award for being District Champion. He finished the season with 103 career wins, including 36 wins this season.

Steve Mason also earned a Captains Award. He was honored for getting 100 career wins.

Brady Robbins and Pat Bennett were presented with their Senior Plaques.

Ben Cockrell and Kamas Reel were given awards for winning District Championships. Reel also finished second in the state and finished the season with 65 takedowns and 68 reversals.

30 YEARS AGO (1995)

Two Malad residents, Neal A. Shumway and Judith Gumpolen, were arrested March 14 in a drug raid south of Malad, at 580 South Main. The location was a suspected meth lab, and was raided by the Oneida Sheriff’s Office, Idaho State Police, Idaho Bureau of Narcotics and Region III Hazardous Material Response Team, assisted by the Malad Fire Department. The house was eventually demolished.

Top-notch scout Leaders are Owen Ward and Wendy Thomas, shown holding their District Awards of Merit, presented to them at the Scout Recognition Banquet.

Eight runners from Malad and Holbrook took part in the JAZZ Tip Off 5-K road race in Salt Lake City. Those participating were Deron Scott, Bryson Nalder, Kelly Scott, Kyle Jones, Weston Nalder, Nathan Jones, Dixie Scott and Dawn Marie Jones.

40 YEARS AGO (1985)

Members of the Malad High School boys’ basketball team, 1985 3-A Ida-

ho State Champions, were honored at a banquet and program, March 19. More than 200 persons--players, coaching staff and spouses, special guests, cheer squad, pep band members, parents, fans and others—were served a roast beef dinner in the Commons area of the new high school.

Two special guest speakers for the program which followed in the gymnasium was Ladell Andersen, head basketball coach for Brigham Young University and former Maladite, and Curtis Hoskins, formerly of Malad and who is presently the executive vice-president for Utah Power & Light.

Rosi Fallis, daughter of Rose and Bill Fallis, was selected Valedictorian for the Senior Class of 1985. The Salutatorian honors for 1985 will be shared by Craig Jensen, son of Shelden and Yvonne Jensen, and Shawn Steed, son of Lyle and Kathleen Steed. All three students achieved their respected positions by the accumulation of “ACT averages and grade point averages,” states the “Kampus Keyhole” (Malad High’s Newsletter).

Pictured in The Idaho Enterprise are the Senior Citizens’ Center current officers for 1985. Helen Dennis, vice chairwoman and publicity, Joe Dennis, chairman; John Nielsen, member, Dephane Taylor, nutrition director, Louise Brinkerhoff, site manager, Cora Hatch, recreation, Lila Thorpe, entertainment and Mary Romrell, secretary.

The Malad girls competing in Drill Competition at Grace High School were Heidi Broadhead, placed second; Monica Bybee, placed 10th and Lisa Barber, placed 12th in the competition.

50 YEARS AGO (1975)

At one of the largest Boy Scout Courts of Honor in many years, more than 200 merit badges were awarded during ceremonies, March 18, at the Malad Stake Building. Highlight of the Court was awarding Eagle Badges to twin brothers, Tim and Todd Esplin, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Esplin. Tim and Todd earned 24 merit badges to qualify and both have been elected to the Order of the Arrow.

The Malad Third Ward team took first place in the Malad LDS Stake Young Women’s basketball tournament. This team, plus Malad First Ward, which placed second, and winner of the Malad Second-Fourth Ward game Thursday will play in the regional meet at Tremonton, according to Mrs. Irene Alder, Stake Young Women’s basketball director.

Team members are Lisa Hess, Lisa Parry, Terry Christophersen, Annette Corbridge, Nadine Sorensen, Julie Jensen, Irene Sorensen, Sandy Anderson, Rhonda Dorius, Jana Price, Nola Thomas, coach.

Spring fashions were shown following a luncheon at the American Legion Building. Mrs. Beverly Adams, Auxiliary president, welcomed guests and introduced Mrs. Sandra Hess, commentator for the fashion show.

Models were Tammy Hill, Trudy Ashton, Lorna and Lisa Hess, Diana Martin, Clinton Gugleman, Celeste Christophersen, Nicona Lewis, Lisa Andersen, Becky Crowther, Diane Crowther, Gina Byrd, Cindy Griffiths, Ann Jones, Rhonda Dorius, Su-

san Thomas, Kenna Lee Kent, Molly Hess, Amy Hess, Terry Christophersen and Jan Edwards.

60 YEARS AGO (1965)

Winning the Title of “Miss Malad for 1966” at the conclusion of the Malad Lions Club 16th annual Miss Malad City Pageant was Sandy Bowen, Linda John, first runner-up; Lorene Ward, second runner-up and “Miss Congeniality” Donette Neal.

One of the 12 delegates who represented Brigham Young University in the 1965 National Model U. N. General Assembly in New York City was Nancy Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomas from Malad. She is presently a junior at BYU and majoring in Elementary Education. At the “Most Preferred Dance” March 18, T. D. Jones and Sandy Bowen were announced as the Most Preferred couple at Malad High School. Earlier in the week the student body voted Sandy and T. D. as the boy and girl they would most like to date.

In the daily “Nothing Serious” column Monday, March 22, Dan Valentine, Salt Lake Tribune writer, declared that his nominations for the small towns in Idaho having the prettiest girls would be Malad first, St. Anthony second, and Buhl Third. We take pleasure in commending Mr. Valentine on a keen eye and excellent judgment.

Pvt. Richard C. Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Robbins of Stone, left Salt Lake City by plane for Ft. Dix, New Jersey, from where he embarked for Germany.

70 YEARS AGO (1955)

Nine Future Farmers of the Malad chapter will attend the state convention of the organization at Nampa, March 31 to April 1, Lloyd Sorensen, chapter advisor, reports.

The delegates are comprised of present officers of the Malad group and newly elected officers. Attending will be Darl Williams, Larry Howell, Dallas Neal, Gary Hill, Robert Lund, John C. Hill, J. A. Neal, Brent Littlejohn, Montie Jones and Mr. Sorensen.

Aiding in the production of a BYU assembly last week were two students from Malad. Anna Lou Call and Terry Williams.

The assembly was presented by the Air Force ROTC and the sponsor Corps. Miss Call was co-chairman of the event and also wrote the script. Mr. Williams portrayed the lead part in the presentation.

Chaperoned by Mrs. Floyd Dorius, Misses Barbara Parry, Rosiland Ward and Erma Jean Dorius attended a Future Homemakers’ meeting in Boise. The annual Gold and Green Ball at the Second Ward was held Saturday night with the theme, “Sweethearts.” Little boy and girl sweethearts were Joey Laws and Gladys Sweeten. The five debutantes were, Bonnie Williams, Elda Mae Williams, June Wade, Sonja Smith and Fay Sweeten.

A roller skating rink, being operated each Saturday, will be opened April 2 at the LaGrande Hall by Earl Chapman and Bert Empey, operators of the Berthana Roller Rink in Ogden. The managers report that matinee skating is scheduled 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. each Saturday. A floorshow is also being planned for the Saturday evening session on April 2.

20 YEARS AGO (2005) These new officers will be leading American Legion Post #65 next year. Left to right, are (front) Dale Daniels, 1st vice commander; Gene Caldwell, commander; Dan Marteeny, adjutant; Clarence Kent, 2nd vice commander; (back) Earl Gillies, historian; Bill Moss, judge advocate; Gene Edwards, service officer; and Con Alder, chaplain.
50 YEARS AGO (1975) Malad Third Ward team took first in the Malad LDS Stake Young Women’s basketball tournament. This team, plus Malad First Ward, which placed second, and winner of the Malad Second-Fourth Ward game Thursday will play in the regional meet at Tremonton, according to Mrs. Irene Alder, Stake Young Women’s basketball director. Team members from left, front row, are Lisa Hess, Lisa Parry, Terry Christophersen, Annette Corbridge, Nadine Sorensen; from left, back row, Julie Jensen, Irene Sorensen, Sandy Anderson, Rhonda Dorius, Jana Price, Nola Thomas, coach.



Idaho Project No. A021(815), in Oneida County, Key No. 21815; for the work of rehabilitating and resurfacing pavement at various locations throughout Oneida County. Chip sealing on routes I-15, MP 16.8 to MP 24.9, SH-36, MP 100.0 to MP 112.4, SH-38, MP 0.0 to MP 19.0.

Sealed proposals will be received only at the office of the IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT, 11331 WEST CHINDEN BLVD. BLDG #8, BOISE, IDAHO 83714 or PO Box 40, BOISE, IDAHO 837070040, ATTN: ADVERTISEMENT AND AWARD. Bids may also be submitted electronically through Bid Express ( All bids must be received by two o'clock p.m., on April 1, 2025. For any design related questions please submit through QuestCDN. Instructions on how to use this process are located on the Notice to Contractors page.

Digital copies of the Plans, Proposals, and Specifications must be downloaded for a fee of $22.00. Bidders must appear on the plan holders list for their proposal to be accepted by the Department. Please contact at 952-2331632 or for assistance in downloading and working with this digital project information.

General Bidding information and Specifications may be obtained from the Idaho Transportation Department website at http://

This contract requires full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which protects persons from being denied the benefits of or excluded from participation in programs or activities; or subjected to discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, Limited English Proficiency or economic status. The Contractor is encouraged to utilize the goods and services of disadvantaged firms in accomplishing the tasks or providing the services of this agreement, and to provide equal opportunity to all subbidders and suppliers.




Legal notice is hereby given that the ONEIDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION will hold a public hearing on April 2, 2025, at 6:00 P.M. at Oneida County Event Center to consider the following:

APPLICATION #: 25-0021

APPLICATION BY : Oneida County Planning and Zoning Commission

PROJECT SUMMARY : The Oneida County Planning and Zoning Commission proposes amendments to the Oneida County Development Code


WRITTEN COMMENTS regarding this application must be received by the Oneida County Planning and Zoning office, no later than five (5) business days prior to the public hearing, October 30, 2024. 30 North 100 West Malad City Idaho.



Legal notice is hereby given that the ONEIDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION will hold a public hearing on April 2, 2025, at 6:30 P.M. at Oneida County Event Center to consider the following:

APPLICATION #: 25-0003 for a Conditional Use Permit


PROJECT SUMMARY: Sam Naylor is seeking a Conditional Use Permit to build a primary home. The property is located at 1586 N 5600 W., Malad, ID 83252. Sam Naylor has built an accessory dwelling and now would like to build a primary home.

PROJECT LOCATION: The approximately 13 acres is located at 1586 N 5600 W., Malad, ID 83252. You are invited to attend the public hearing and offer comments for consideration.

WRITTEN COMMENTS regarding this application must be received by the Oneida County Planning and Zoning office, no later than five (5) business days prior to the public hearing.


From the Ranch: I’m a Proud American Producer

It's easy to see that I’m very proud to be a part of the agriculture industry. Each week I share stories, topics, news or information I find interesting and moving about the industry that provides the most basic needs for society. I’m proud of the heritage I was raised with by farmers and ranchers that loved the land, the livestock and the good Lord that provides it all. I didn’t really think it was possible to love a lifestyle and work more, until I went on vacation outside of the country and I realized what a truly incredible industry I get to be a part of.

In life we often believe that what we experience is the norm. We assume that the way we do everything from cooking dinner to putting on our pants is not only the normal way, but the way that everyone does it. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth and until we experience life in another way, we never really appreciate what we have.

I was just coming out of high school when I realized that while ranchers in Montana and Idaho both raise cattle for beef, they could do it so differently. I grew up in an area criss-crossed with rivers and creeks that allowed for season long irrigation. Our rotational grazing meant we would return to previously used pastures once they had grown up again. I was surprised to learn that my counterparts on the Idaho desert relied on Mother Nature to provide the irrigation and were happy to have only one go grazing their various pastures.

This small example quickly taught me how operations in the same industry producing the same end product could go about it in various ways based on what resources they had. I learned to expect differences, variations, and adaptations within the industry and even appreciate the differences. And even still, I was surprised to find just how different it can be a whole world away.

Recently visiting the small country of Costa Rica, I have the fortunate opportunity to experience agriculture half a world away. The developing country depends on their agriculture industry for 6.5% of their

GDP and 14% of their labor force using only 10% of the land. This might not seem like much, but in a country whose lifeline is tourism, these small numbers are actually quite significant.

These producers are quite literally farming and ranching in the jungle, waging war against the dense wilderness that constantly threatens to take over their operations. The very posts they use to build fences, soon sprout and grow into new trees as they are constantly watered and nourished.

Outside the few major cities of Costa Rica, the infrastructure and roads are very primitive. The narrow, potholed roads may connect the rural country together, but certainly limits what sort of vehicle can make the drive from point A to point B. This in turn meant that their equipment, anything from tractors to horse trailers to big trucks, was small and limited.

Large operations of Costa Rica were more similar in size to what we might consider a large hobby farm here in the US. And not only could they sustain a family or two, but even gave the family a status of being wealthy.

I could go on and on describing the differences of agriculture between the two countries but I think you get my point. We wake up each day with the same type of work to carry out, but the way we go about that work- the scale of the work, the tools at hand, or the miles to cover- are vastly different.

So many of the differences we experience in our two industries is due to the advancements in technology, constant research and refined innovation. And through all these advancements, we have created an industry that has the ability to help feed the world in a highly efficient and sustainable way. In a time when it seems like our practices, ideals, and livelihood are under constant attack, I am so proud of how far our industry has come, the challenges we have overcome, and the reach our products have around the world. I’m not just proud to be a producer, but I’m extremely proud to be an American producer.

Western Welding Academy Visits MHS

On Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 Western Welding Academy visited Malad High School on their Blue Collar Tour to teach the students throughout America about the trades. The Blue Collar Tour inspires the younger generation of welders to pursue their dreams of being involved in the blue-collar workforce.

The tour visits 30 schools in 60 days, to teach welders from schools across the nation how to become the most elite welders possible. The students who attended the event got hands-on experience with new types of welding and were critiqued on their prior welding skills to produce the best welds possible.

The blue-collar tour event itself contained welding demonstrations, competitions, drawings, and much more. Malad High School was able to invite four other schools and students from the Malad Middle School to this event to share their excitement and hope of getting students across Idaho interested in joining the workforce. The students who were able to be there learned the value of the trades and how blue-collar trainees are needed now more than ever.

Quacy, an instructor from Western Welding Academy, told the students how the blue-collar workforce averages the age between 45 to 56 years old and they are retiring faster than we can supply the workforce with more help. He went on to tell us that welders take part in everything from building the frames for cars and trucks to building foldable tables. Check out the news report on the Channel 8 website for more information and video content from the event.

Here are some of the takeaways from just 3 of the students who attended:

Jaxon Blaisdell- “ I learned that Blue

are out of supply and it is important for kids to learn the trades to work independently. I also learned that you don’t have to go to college to be successful.”

Jaxon Purdum-” I learned about blue-collar trades and how in demand they are for the United States.”

Cruz Carter- “ I learned how to tig weld and it was super fun and it inspired me to get better at welding to be able to become a better welder.”

Collar workers
The Western Welding Academy visited Malad High school on its Blue Collar Tour last week.
Malad’s young welders were able to get some hands-on training with the WWA.

War on Weeds—weeds are everybody’s problem

THE ISSUE: Scotch thistle

White bryony (Bryonia alba) is a perennial climbing vine that is native to Eurasia. It was originally introduced into the U.S. in the 1970’s. It invades residential and other forested areas. It causes significant damage as it climbs trees, shrubs, and structures. All parts of this plant are poisonous to humans and livestock, especially the roots and berries.

White bryony vines can grow up to 12 feet long, forming dense mats of vegetation on trees and shrubs. White bryony can block out sunlight, which can kill the host species, or it can cause branches to break off when loaded with snow. It grows extremely fast, up to 6 inches per day. It has dark green leaves that are palmately lobed. Each leaf is associated with a tendril, allowing it to grasp on to a tree or shrub, giving it stability as it climbs. It has a stout root system that can be up to 18 inches in length. Flowers are white to yellow or yellow to green in color and are approximately ½ inch in diameter. Each flower has 5 petals and is found in clusters at the leaf axil. Green berries develop, as they mature, they turn black in color. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)


• Prevention— Learn to identify this plant. Never transport unknown plant material.

• Mechanical— Digging out the roots of White bryony can be an effective control method if done correctly. Dig out roots in the fall after the leaves have died back and ensure that the roots are cut 3-5 inches below the

soil surface. After removing White bryony monitor the area closely, digging out regrowth as needed. Make sure that you wear protective clothing as this weed is poisonous.

• Chemical— Glyphosate when applied using the ‘cut stem’ method is an effective control method. This method can be used any time of the year. Cut stems 3-4 inches below the soil surface and then apply concentrated glyphosate to the cut stems (just enough to wet the surface). This allows the glyphosate to penetrate the root system, providing good control. Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide, and it will kill other vegetation it contacts. Always read and follow herbicide label directions!

Justin Hatch, University of Idaho Extension Agriculture Educator in Caribou County. 208-547-3205 JLHatch@


Wendy Jo Campbell Howell

September 11, 1959 ~ March 9, 2025

With sadness and gratitude in our hearts we announce the passing of Wendy Jo Campbell Howell. She returned home to her Father in Heaven and our beloved Savior on Sunday, March 9th, 2025, in her home. Her loving husband was at her side as she peacefully left this earth. We are grateful her pain is gone, and she is whole and happy again. Wendy was born on September 11th, 1959, in Idaho Falls, Idaho. She is the fourth daughter of Wendell Odell Campbell and Janet Jaunita Curtis. Her dad decided he wasn’t getting a boy, so she was named Wendy after him. The next child was a brother, then two more girls.

She was preceded in death by her parents, her father-in-law Norman L Howell, her two sisters Debbie Johnson, Cherise Carillo, a nephew Cory Johnson and two brother in-laws, Brent Howell and Todd Howell. Wendy is survived by her one true love Norman Reed Howell. She is also survived by her four siblings Vicki (Alan) McCombs, Becky (Paul) Robertson, Kim (Mary) Campbell and Shawna (Sam) Howlett. Two Brother in-laws Jack Johnson and Marty Carillo. Stepchildren Tammy Howell, Daniel Howell, David Howell, Kim (Mike) Hess, Mike (Kerri) Howell and her wonderful mother-in-law whom she dearly loved, Helen Howell.

Wendy is the mother to Josh (Susa) Wood, Kara (Jeremy) Sabin, Callie Turner and Jake (Hope) Wood. She has seven grandchildren Jace, Bear, Ziggy, Chakra, and Suri.

10 grandchildren in-laws Cordell, Kansas, Makayla, Adam, Ariah, Cody, Kade, Gabe, Paul and Belatrix. She has many nieces and nephews and their children who will miss her.

Wendy and Norm were married on September 15, 2000. They were later sealed in the Brigham City Temple. Their marriage was full of laughter and love.

Wendy was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She served many times as the Relief Society enrichment director. She enjoyed being girls camp director and as a ward missionary. She and Norm were the Curlew ward Trek Masters in 2007. They enjoyed that calling.

A Big Thank You!

Who is that team that just took state I haven’t heard of that town

It must be from Northern Idaho that’s where all talent abounds.

No way, that was Coach Terry Jones team and the City is Malad!

The Jones dynasty of 1985 still echoes all around.

Coach Jones work ethic was amazing and brutal were his drills

He was not only teaching skills but he was teaching boys how to become men.

No messing around on his watch because this was serious stuff.

The whole town was rooting his efforts on,

the teams were fun to watch.

Now time has gone on to another generation and now more records stand.

Coach Jones holds a state basketball title and 4 runner-up titles.

Coach Justin Jones holds 3 basketball championships.

Coach Tyler Jones holds 5 state basketball champs and 2 runner-up titles.

Coach Trevor - back in Malad, holds 1 runner-up ladies champs.

The Jones Family created a Dynasty of that, there is no doubt.

Throughout the State their names ring Clear. The Champions are in the house.

Wendy is described as funny, pretty, crafty, caring, compassionate and a dear friend. She enjoyed teaching school, collecting owls, gnomes and other fun things. Wendy was a good home decorator, she liked to craft, garden, color, scrapbook, crochet and had many other talents.

Wendy and Norm loved holidays. Their favorite was Halloween. People never knew what they’d do at their annual Halloween Bash. Their costumes were epic. Wendy and her five sisters were usually up to something. They loved being together and making memories.

It is a comfort to know Wendy is with loving family members. She is most likely planning a party or something fun. She will be greatly missed. We love you! Together Forever!!

A celebration of her life was held on Tuesday March 18th at 12:00. A viewing was held from 10:30-11:30 that morning and from 6:00-7:30 on Monday March 17th. Garland chapel 175 South Main, Garland, Utah. In lieu of flowers please donate to the National Liver Foundation in her name. Charitable Giving American Liver Foundation PO Box 299 West Orange, New Jersey 07052. Or call Kevin at 646-737-9406. You can also donate online at the American Liver Foundation Donations.

Thank you for your love, prayers and support.

We would appreciate your thoughts and memories of Wendy. They can be shared on the guest book at “Horsley Funeral Home”.

Thanks for the hard work of all.

Thanks for the many years of something to look forward to enjoy with friends, rooting our Dragon team on to victory. Thanks for creating a work ethic that turned our young boys into men. Thanks for the memories!

The Dragon Pride Lives On!

A grateful Community Love,

The Horsley Family,

Phone: 208-766-4773

Wendy Jo Campbell Howell
Photo courtesy of Robert Vidéki, Doronicum Kft.,
On behalf of the Malad High School baseball team we would like to give a huge thank you to Jacob Shirk and Peak Performance Helicopter for going above and beyond and helping us get our field dry so we could play our home Opener.

SPORTS Lady Dragons off to strong start in first week

The Lady Dragons played in their first 2025 softball game as they hosted the Snake River Panthers for their season opener on Wednesday, March 12. As a new season begins, there are plenty of changes on the diamond, but at the end of the day the team played just like the same old Lady Dragonsdominating from the very first pitch of the game.

Liddia Gonzalez took the mound for the MHS softball team, mixing things up to start the season as not all the players were eligible for the opening game. While Head Coach Bri Admas missed those strong players she also commented, “I could move any of these girls almost anywhere and they would be good! They adjust well to whatever we need to do. It’s pretty cool.”

The Panthers got on base with their first batter due to getting hit by the pitch, but then the Lady Dragons went three outs on the next three batters. Logan Maroney scooped up the sacrifice bunt to get the out at first base. Gonzalez handled the other two outs from the pitcher’s circle, both with a count of 2-3.

Malad started batting at the top of the lineup with Teagan Daniels stepping up to the plate. Patiently waiting for a ball in the strike zone, Daniels was walked on base. She stole second as Bostyn Combs followed behind her at the plate, and later third on a wild pitch. Daniels finished her run around the bases with a final dash to home plate on a passed

ball as Riglee Peterson was up to bat.

Peterson made her way from the batter’s box back around to home plate in nearly the same fashion as Daniels, capitalizing on the Snake River errors to advance around the bases after being walked on.

Down the lineup, Tylee Venable hit a single line drive to center field. The Panther’s error gave enough time for Venable to advance to second while Kialey Pickett, courtesy runner for catcher Maroney, and Hadley Summers, on base with her usual slap hit, punched in two more runs to make it 4-0. Brylee Oglesbee hit a double to center field, batting Venable in before the Lady Dragons hit their third out to end the inning.

Taking the field, Gonzalez made quick work ending Snake River’s second inning at bat, pitching three consecutive strikeouts. Daniels and Combs ran in scores six and seven before the Panther’s put a stop to the Lady Dragon offense. But their own offense was once again short lived as Gonzalez put three more strikeouts across the plate. Snake River connected with one hit plus a walk on in the mix, but the quick end to the inning kept them scoreless.

The Panther pitcher was unintentionally the best hitter for Malad as she sent four players on base with two hits with the pitch and two walk ons. After Peterson hit a hard ground single to left field to punch Oglesbee in for the run, Snake River hit Maroney at the plate to send Marinn Brown in for another Malad score. Daniels took a chance at

home plate on a wild pitch to put the Lady Dragons up 11-0 before the inning ended.

After another quick three strikeouts by Malad’s sophomore pitcher, the MHS team took up their bats and helmets for what would turn out to be the final inning of the game. Gonzalez, on base with four straight pitches outside the strike zone, stole second as Venable went to bat and advanced to third on the ground ball hit. Ready to steal home, Gonzalez took advantage of the third baseman’s error and scored another run for Malad. As Oglesbee singled on a grounder to shortstop, Venable, advancing behind Gonzalez, completed her trip around the bases to make it 13-0.

As Brown went up to bat, Oglesbee managed to steal second and later advance to third. Poised for any opening, Oglesbee ran in one more score as Malad picked up their second out after a ground out. With one more out, the Panthers would take over hitting. With one more score, the Lady Dragons would end the game 15-0.

Combs stepped up to the plate for Malad, hitting a triple bagger after Snake River tossed two balls and a foul. With one final base to cover to end the game, Combs was set to take advantage of any error or opportunity.

Teammate Peterson, up to bat, took in an inside pitch, the Panther’s wary of the possible runner coming from third base. The next pitch, low and wide, rolled off of the catcher’s mitt and behind her. Combes set off for home,

sliding in before the catcher could return for the out.

Commenting on their first game of the season, Coach Adams shared, “I am super proud of both varsity and jv teams. Both had shutouts and run rules. Liddia pitched amazing- almost a no hitter. We struggled to hit against the slower pitching but still got it done.” She continued, “We have a strong team this year. I’m grateful for all the parents that have put so much time into their daughter’s softball careers. It helps us a ton when they get to this level.”

Dragons baseball season opens with split vs Snake River, Century

In their opening week of the 2025 baseball season, the Malad Dragons split their games, taking the victory in Blackfoot against the Snake River Panthers while swallowing the loss at home as they hosted the Century Diamondbacks. Regardless of the results, the MHS team is more than ready to take the field again this season.

Taking their first game on the road, the Dragons travelled to Snake River High School on Wednesday, March 12. The Panthers held the lead to begin the game, picking up their first run just before snagging their third out. It wasn’t until the top of the third inning that Malad put up a run on the scoreboard. With an out ahead of him, Ky Willie made it on base with a bunt. Two hitters down the line, Carter Blaisdell knocked a triple to center field to punch in Willie.

Into the bottom of the third, the Dragons held the Panthers scoreless led by pitcher Kurt Ward on the pitcher’s mound. The hurler put back to back strikeouts before the pitch got away from him and sent the next batter to first. It didn’t matter though as Easton Green picked up a pop fly on the next play to end the inning.

Brycen Howe got the offense rolling as they took to hitting, slamming a double to right field. Holdyn Higley followed with a single line drive hit to center, advancing Howe to third base. In position to bat in Howe, Green hit a bunt towards the pitcher’s mound, getting on base, advancing Higley and plus taking the lead with Howe’s run.

Making the same play work for them again, Carter Carey hit another bunt to the pitcher to get on base. With the bases loaded, Willie went to bat, taking his base after four wide throws from the Snake River hurler, and sending in Higley for the score. Green followed in kind across home plate as Cale Briggs was walked on base. With the bases loaded again, Blaisdell hit a double ground ball to right field, punching in Carey, Willie and Briggs, the last making it across the plate as the ball was being thrown to home. Suddenly, the Dragons had taken a significant lead now up 7-1.

Blaisdell and Showell scored two final runs for Malad before the inning closed. Blaisdell, stealing third as Showell was walked on base, ran in the final length as Howe hit a hard grounder. Having already advanced to second on defensive indifference,

Showell advanced to third on Blaisdell’s scoring run, putting runners now on first and third. Seeing Howe suddenly take off for second base and the Panther’s take the bait, Showell headed to home plate to score on the steal. Malad put up their final out of the inning, ending it up 9-1.

Snake River made some progress as they went to bat, adding two runs to their score. The MHS infielders were quick to snag the outs they neededBriggs picking up the out at second base off the assist by Showell, Green catching the fly ball to right field, and Showell getting the final out off the assist by catcher Carey as the Panther’s attempted to steal third base.

Across the remaining innings, Malad was the only to put up a final score. In the top of the sixth, Briggs, the first batter of the inning, tripled on a 2-2 count to right field. As Malad picked up their second out of inning, Briggs completed his turn around the bases to put the Dragons up 10-3.

Missing out on their Burley game due to weather, the MHS baseball team next played Monday, March 17, their first game in Malad for the season. Century put up a tough defense, holding the Dragons scoreless in the first four innings. On the flip side, the Diamondbacks scored one run in the opening inning, although it could have been two had Carey not caught the long throw from shortstop Briggs to tag the runner out attempting to steal home.

Century grew their lead in the third inning as they put up four runs. Malad finally made it on the scoreboard in the button of the fifth. Carey, getting on base after four straight pitches outside the strike zone, aggressively made his way around the bases, stealing second and later advancing to third as Willie was up to bat. Down the lineup one more hitter, Carey stole home as Willie made the steal at second.

Unfortunately, the Dragons were unable to follow with any additional runs, the Diamondbacks taking the win 1-5.

Analyzing their two opening games, the Dragons saw a lot of good play happening on the field- strong fielding, good hits and strategic base running. As the team continues to pull together this season and tight up their game, the next several weeks are sure to be promising for Dragon fans.

The MHS baseball team will hit the road again for their next game as they play against Box Elder on Wednesday, March 19.

The Lady Dragons were unable to play their scheduled game in Marsh Valley due to weather over the weekend. They next are set to play on Wednesday, March 19 as the host the Sugar/Salem Diggers. Malad @ Snake River Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Beutler advances in Elks Shoot-Out

March 15th, Sawyer Beutler represented the State of Idaho at the Regional Elks Hoop Shoot, held for the competition’s first year to be hosted in Idaho. In the competition, Beutler competed against state champions from Oregon, Washington and Alaska.

Beutler shot an impressive perfect score, hitting 25 of 25 free throws to win regionals and advance to Nationals that will be held in Chicago, Illinois on April 26th.

For his perfect score, he also received the Frank Hise Most Outstanding Shooter Award.

Beutler is the first participant in the 53 years of Hoop Shoot history to advance to Nationals representing the Preston Elk’s Lodge.

The National Competition in Illinois will be held at Wintrust Arena, the home court of DePaul University basketball teams, and WNBA’s Chicago Sky. At the National Competition Beutler will compete against 12 contestants, all representing the 12 regions across the country.

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