Creative Talents - Digital Art Magazine

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DIGITAL ART MAGAZINE Issue 4: Dec '22 CREATIVE TALENTS NFT Art Showcasing and the creative talents behind some of the amazing NFT projects

Cover Artist

Find out more on page 14

Creators Featured

Own a Cover Art NFT

Collect and own an NFT of the magazine covers. They are available on the Carbon Neutral platform Voice (click here) and now also on Opensea (click here).

Voice offers an easy purchase with no need to create a crypto wallet. Both platforms offer the same unlockable content but the NFT artwork format differs.

With each NFT you receive the following:

• Two downloadable versions of the magazine.

• A link to claim a CT Crypto Token to redeem for discounts on merch and NFTs.

• The same link will allow you to register for air drop NFTs.

• A link to view the artwork in the magazine in a virtual gallery. Random gifts may be left in the gallery for visitors to claim.


This magazine does not offer financial or investment advice. It simply showcases the creators behind NFT projects and gives you to opportunity to explore their work. As with any financial transaction you should ensure you are aware of what you are buying, if it has unlockables, utility and any associated terms and conditions.

All images in this publication are sourced / owned / created by the creators featured, unless otherwise stated on their websites or social media pages and as such must not be copied or sold without the express consent of the artist.

This publication is created and owned by James Hurley, © 2022.

Please feel free to share the magazine but do not make changes to any of the content.

Articles Why Bother with an Audience? 3 Authenticity and Authority 12 Competition Time (Jams2Blues) 38 Win a printed Magazine 39 2 NFT Creative Talents
James Hurley
Links Editor &
James Hurley
Cheetah Cub Coalition 4 Mel Hearts 6 James Hurley 14 Stacey Mayer 24 Thomas 30 Project Life 32 Kryptonig 34 Laurentiu Boboc 36 Twitter Website

Why bother

with an Audience?

As a digital artist, building an audience for your work is crucial for a number of reasons. From gaining exposure and recognition, to receiving valuable feedback and generating income, having a dedicated audience can have numerous benefits for your art career.

Here are 10 reasons why digital artists need to build an audience, and some of the best ways to achieve this.

1. Exposure and recognition. Building an audience for your work can help you gain exposure and recognition for your art. By sharing your art on social media and engaging with your followers, attending art events and exhibitions, and participating in online art communities, you can showcase your work to a wider audience and gain recognition for your talent. This can lead to opportunities for collaboration, commissions, and sales of your art.

2. Feedback and improvement. Having an audience can provide you with valuable feedback on your work, which can help you improve and grow as an artist. By engaging with your audience and asking for their thoughts and opinions on your art, you can gain valuable insights into what works well and what can be improved. This can help you refine your techniques and develop your artistic style.

3. Community and support. Building an audience can also help you establish a community of like-minded individuals who can provide support, encouragement, and inspiration. By connecting with other artists and art enthusiasts, you can build a network of individuals who share your passion for art and can provide support and advice as you progress in your career.

4. Motivation and accountability. Having a dedicated audience can also provide you with a source of motivation and accountability, which can help you stay focused and committed to your art. Knowing that your work is being appreciated and enjoyed by others can provide a sense of fulfillment and drive you to continue creating and sharing your art.

5. Generating income. Building an audience can also help you generate income through things like selling prints or merchandise featuring your art, or by offering art classes or workshops. By engaging with your audience and promoting your art, you can build a dedicated following of individuals who are interested in purchasing your work or participating in your classes.

6. Showcasing your work. An audience can also provide you with opportunities to showcase your work at exhibitions, galleries, and other events. By building a dedicated audience, you can demonstrate to curators and gallery owners that there is interest in your work, which can increase your chances of being selected for exhibitions and other opportunities.

7. Connecting with other artists. Building an audience can also help you connect with other artists and art enthusiasts, which can lead to valuable connections and networking opportunities. By engaging with your audience and participating in online art communities, you can connect with other artists and potentially collaborate on projects or exhibitions.

8. Building a professional portfolio. Having an audience can also help you build a professional portfolio and online presence, which can be useful for applying for grants, residencies, and other opportunities. By sharing your art on your own website and engaging with your audience on social media, you can build a strong online presence and showcase your work to potential clients and opportunities.

9. Establishing credibility. Building an audience can also help you build a reputation and credibility as an artist, which can be beneficial for career advancement. By consistently creating and sharing high-quality art, and engaging with your audience, you can establish yourself as a credible and talented artist, which can open up new opportunities and advance your career.

10. Sense of fulfillment. Finally, having a dedicated audience can also provide you with a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, knowing that your work is being appreciated and enjoyed by others. Creating art can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience, and having an audience to share your work with can add to this sense of fulfillment.

3 NFT Creative Talents

Cheetah Cub Coalition Project

This is the beginning of a lovely story, with a serious message!

I am sure you will agree that to see a living, breathing creature capable of 0-100 kph in just 3 seconds, is simply amazing. Their ability to sprint at such high speeds, wears them out and when cheetahs don’t have to hunt, they rest. Cheetahs are not predatory towards humans and this has made them vulnerable to human exploitation.

The Cheetah is both graceful and delicate. In ancient times when Cheetahs were abundant in numbers, they were kept as pets, used as a status symbol, taken to the battles, used for hunting as well as killed and used for their beautiful fur.

The cheetah has lived in association with humans since at least 3000 BCE. They have many unique features, but more about that next time!

For millions of years, the cheetahs roamed around the world, looking after their little cubs, hunting together or in solitude, wary of other

predators and of humans…

We brought about much change in the world. We wanted to change the land for our own benefit and the animals had to fit around these changes. The speed with which these changes happened was unprecedented.

Right now, cheetahs are one of 10 animal species most close to extinction in our modern world. In 1900s an estimated 100,000 cheetahs were found in habitats throughout continental Africa and from the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula to India. Now, just over 7000 remain in the wild.

There has been a 90% loss of habitat, with wild cheetahs now mainly found in Africa, and this is where much of the conservation work now takes place to keep the cheetah species in existence.

On a positive note, Cheetah Conservation Fund, which is an international charity, has facilitated the repopulation efforts of the cheetahs into India. This has been in the making for the past 10 years, and recently, 8 cheetahs were transport from Namibia, to their new home in India!! More on this in the next issue….

In August 2021, the Cheetah Cub Coalition was Born. Who are we?? Well, first and foremost we are a group of people who have connected in Web3 space because we love animals. We may also be all slightly fond of NFTs and Art, games, crypto and anything blockchain related really.

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We love all animals, as we discovered when some baby dragons were born to one of our community members and we were all glued to the photos of the growth progress and stories of how many flying insects were being consumed by the cute little lizards.

Our mission is to adopt all the cheetahs that are still left in the wild by creating a greater awareness of the vulnerability of the cheetah species.

Where and how do you even start with this mission?

Well, developing a super cute Art collection of cheetah cubs as an NFT was our first move. The idea and the utility of the project is to offer support to various animal charities. Those who mint, will get a unique NFT, generated from the collection of 7100, and part of the mint cost will be donated.

Our female artist has created the main generative collection of the Cheetah Cubs, as well as a supplementary collection for the benefit of the cub holders. More on this next time!

Born Free Foundation were the charity Cheetah Cub Coalition partnered with from the start. We went on to support Born Free for the next 12 months with donations of over $23,000 benefitting the charity.

We have made links with some amazing groups and individuals, also on a mission to make a positive Impact in support of good causes.

The Cheetah Cub Coalition has a relaxed community with the base on Discord, where all are welcome to pop in and socialise / engage in the ways people find comfortable. Most weeks we run an educational session, to help us learn more about the conservation of the cheetah species, and the work that is carried out by various animal charities. We also discuss other issues which negatively impact on the cheetah population, such as climate change, loss of habitat, trophy hunting and illegal pet trade. Many of these issues are very complex and linked to political and economic struggles around the world. But, this is what motivates us – we believe that even small efforts and changes can benefit the animals. By exploring ways in which we can help with the valuable work of conservation agencies, parks, sanctuaries and charities, and utilising our Art, social platforms, community spirit and Web3 technology, we can and we will continue to make a positive Impact where it really counts. We have many more cheetah cubs in our Art collection to mint, and each cub minted will release funds for the invaluable conservation work.

Anyone who would like to help the cause progress, can mint a cheetah cub now. Our website and the mint link can be found at You can follow us on Twitter https://twitter. com/CheetahCubNFT

If you are interested in joining our project, there are additional perks once you mint a cheetah cub NFT, you will get an NFT from our separate collection called The Wild Ones (more about this collection in our next chapter).

So now that you know about the conception of the Cheetah Cub Coalition, join us in the next publication for the next chapter. We will look at how the cubs have navigated through some very interesting parts of the NFT space and tell you some more of our story on the mission to save the cheetahs!

5 NFT Creative Talents

Mel Hearts Creator

Before we dive into what you do and why tell me a little about yourself

My name is Mel Hearts! I am a creative polymath, and when my birthday comes in February, I will be “The Answer To Everything” years old! (If you get this reference, we can most definitely be friends!) I am an avid reader. I LOVE nature, kindness, and all the beautiful, tiny, miracles abound in the world we live in! I live in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina with my husband, our nine dogs, two very loving turkeys, a flock of generous, egg-giving chickens, and a rescue cat who thinks he is a dog! The turkeys love their hugs. The dogs love everything. The cat loves food. And the chickens, well they just like to escape and wander the neighborhood! I love people and animals alike!

I love bringing light to others’ lives, so one of my first jobs was as a Certified Nurse’s Aide, in a nursing home facility. The stories, friends, and lessons I received there have lasted me a lifetime! I ruptured a disc in my spine lifting on a patient there, so then I altered my career plans and became a tattoo artist for about 14 years. Fibromyalgia and shaking hands brought a quiet end to my ability to give meaningful skin art to others so I retired from that, and picked up Photography, which led me right to digital art, NFTs, and all of the amazing people in web3.

Role Creator Location Behind the Camera Links • Website 6 NFT Creative Talents

As an artist, Founder, Author and Ambassador what attracted you to the art world?

I have always been attracted to the art world. As a lover of knowledge and learning, I truly enjoy getting glimpses of how others view the world. You can get a feel for this through their art, or stories. Everyone processes information and stimuli differently, so I think it is a special gift to be able to share your innermost responses to these things in a visual, auditory, or physical way. Art is also very therapeutic. Sometimes it is easier to “vent out” your feelings and frustrations through creating, when you can't seem to find the appropriate words.

There are many interpretations as to what an NFT is, some of these may be confusing to the non-technical consumer, how do you describe them to a prospective collector?

Great question! I start by explaining what the difference is between fungible, and non-fungible. Fungible basically means interchangeable. So a good example of this would be a dollar bill. One dollar bill is worth exactly as much as another dollar bill. On the other side, Non-fungible means that something is unique, and its value cant be exchanged for something similar. A great example of this can be made using baseball cards. A Babe Ruth rookie card is not worth the same thing as a Derek Jeter Rookie card, so they are not interchangeable.

When it comes to NFTs. I explain that once they are yours, they are yours forever and your “receipt” of purchase is forever on the blockchain. You can’t lose it, or misplace it. I also convey my love for the fact that you can attach all kinds of neat digital perks and rewards to the NFTs for the holders, like access to special events, or downloads.

When you create digital art whats your “trigger” what inspires you to create?

Oh man…. EVERYTHING!! I am like a sponge. I take everything in and use it to fuel my creative output! I have gotten into the habit of keeping my art laptop close by me at all times. For me, the trigger I think is just being able to stop and create whenever it suits me. I get such joy from creating, and then sharing that it seems like a beautiful endless circle of inspiration!

From your website I can see that you offer digital art, physical prints and animated displays which of these product types do you find sell the best and do you offer them as unlockable content when you sell an NFT?

I have had the highest response so far to digital art that includes the ability to download the NFT art and any digital extras. I try to ALWAYS offer a download of at the least, the NFT art, (Which if it’s animated, is always a 30 second or longer MP4 file) so that the purchaser can truly have possession of

NFT Creative Talents

the art that they connected with. This way too, if the holder of the NFT wants a framed print, they have the ability to take the file and print it as they wish.

Having had the benefit of reading one of you pdf books “Hope’s Genesis Voyage” and seeing some characters from the book appearing as NFTs on Voice can you tell me did the story inspire the characters or did the creation of the artwork inspire the story?

I LOVE that you read my book! (Its also available on Amazon in hardcover, paperback, or Kindle!)

The story inspired the creation of the artwork at first, and then as I created more characters for the book and its upcoming sequel, I noticed that it became reciprocal. The images I create help me to better describe in detail what I am imagining!

As an experienced AI artist what attracted you to start using AI tools and which ones are your favorites?

Another amazing question! So, as I said, I am an avid reader. I like words. There are so many! What drew me to AI assisted art creation was the fact that I could use my extensive vocabulary to create

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art. ART WITH WORDS?! Yes please!

I love that even changing one word in a sentence will totally change the kind of image produced. I also love that I can describe a concept or an emotion and from that, these beautiful images are born! It is exciting watching the images take shape, and every completed generation is like a Christmas present for me! My current favorite AI tool right now is Midjourney.

Do you have any tips relating to creating digital art that may inspire others to pick up the digital pen and start making artwork?

There are so many “Pros” to digital art! I love that it is mess-free.

The tools available mimic the output of real art tools so well now! I can paint with watercolor, then move to oils, or charcoal, without smudging my surface or having to spend hours picking up and putting away tools.

Another fantastic point is that the stability tools can smooth out lines for people like me with shaky hands, making clean concise drawing a possibility. I have a really neat digital pen that I use and it is really like I am drawing on paper when I use it.

It behaves the same way with pressure and tilt sensitivity.

File storage is yet one more plus to digital art. I don't have to worry about my creations getting lost, bent, ripped, dirty, misplaced, or destroyed.

And last but not least.. OPTIONS! There are so many! If you can imagine it, there is a place for it in the digital art world. I think that this is prolific for sustaining and encouraging imagination.

As a successful NFT artist, what guidance would you offer a new or emerging artist looking to break into NFT sales and which platforms would you recommend?

The number one piece of advice I give is to follow your passion! Create what makes you happy. Create art that makes YOU smile. Then share it! Connect with the people who also smile because of it. Take your time and build your personal community of like minded peers. Art that comes from your heart and soul WILL speak to others!

Don't let Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) drive you to waste your time creating art that is part of a fad because the feeling of the art won’t be there for people to connect with.

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Be your authentic self and that will draw others to you like moths to a flame. Be patient. Art is not going anywhere. Your niche will find you and success will follow.

I started on Opensea. If you have some experience with Crypto currency, Opensea is a good starting point. There is a platform called Voice that I feel is a great in between step for people who have no NFT experience. You can mint your art on the blockchain, and others have the option to purchase with a credit card, instead of just with crypto currency.

I think it is important to note anyone wanting to get into creating NFTs should do a good amount of research into crypto currency, digital wallets, wallet security practices, and gas (transaction)fees, before just jumping right in.

Have a beautiful day, and stay creative!

Own a copy of Mels Book

You can own a copy of Mels book either by buying on of the NFTs that include a pdf copy or by visiting Amazon (click here: and purchasing a physical copy of the book.

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Artist Guide

Authenticity & Authority

Authenticity and authority are two important qualities that can help an artist to build a successful career and a loyal following for their art. Authenticity refers to being genuine and true to oneself, while authority refers to having a deep understanding and knowledge of one's craft. In the world of art, where there is a vast amount of competition and many different styles and forms of expression, it is crucial for an artist to differentiate themselves and stand out from the crowd. Demonstrating authenticity and authority can help to do this by building trust, credibility, and emotional connections with their audience.

One of the key reasons why authenticity is important for an artist is that it helps to create a strong emotional connection with their audience. When an artist is being genuine and true to themselves in their art, it allows their audience to see a piece of themselves in the art. This can create a sense of familiarity and connection, which can be crucial for building a loyal following. For example, if an artist is creating art that is inspired by their personal experiences and emotions, it can allow their

audience to relate to the art on a deeper level. This can help to create a sense of shared humanity and understanding, which can be a powerful way to connect with others.

In a world where there is a vast amount of competition and many different styles and forms of art, it can be challenging for an artist to stand out from the crowd. By being authentic and true to themselves in their art, an artist can create a unique and original style that is unlike anything else. This can help to make the artist's work more distinctive and memorable, which can be crucial for building a successful career.

Another important quality for an artist to demonstrate is authority. This refers to having a deep understanding and knowledge of one's craft, which can help to establish the artist as an expert in their field. It means that they are confident in their abilities and have a strong grasp of the technical aspects of their art. This can be particularly important for artists who are trying to build a reputation as a professional in their field. For example, if an artist is creating art that requires a high level of technical skill, such as digital painting

NFT Creative Talents

or 3d digital sculpture, demonstrating authority can help to show that they are capable of creating high-quality work.

In addition to establishing credibility and expertise, demonstrating authority can also help an artist to educate and inspire their audience. When an artist has a deep understanding of their craft, they can share this knowledge with their audience in a way that is engaging and informative. This can be particularly important for artists who are working in more specialized fields, such as art history or conservation. By sharing their knowledge and expertise with their audience, an artist can help to inspire others to learn more about their craft and to appreciate the beauty and complexity of their art.

Overall, authenticity and authority are important for an artist because they can help to build trust, credibility, and emotional connections with their audience. These qualities can be particularly important for artists who are trying to build a successful career and a loyal following for their art. By demonstrating authenticity and authority, an artist can differentiate themselves from others, establish themselves as experts in their field, and inspire and educate their audience.

How do you demonstrate this?

The few simple ways to get started are:

1. Have a landing page, blog, portfolio page where you can publish your story and achievements, i.e. an artists Bio and CV. This is where people can find out more about you and link to your community

2. Post updates about your artwork and creatives process on social media and if you have one on Discord. This is where people learn more about the real you and find out about your


3. Take part in groups about art, but be specific and ensure the audience in that group matches your niche. After all there's no point joining a group of car photographers if you create generative art! Don't spam the group with sales posts, offer help on technical questions and how tos. People are naturally inquisitive and will view your profile and any links.

4. Make it easy for people to find you and your work. Its surprising how many artist social media profiles don't have links to websites or Bio Pages. If you are using social media make sure your posts relate to your artwork and creative processes not the last party you went to or a funny or political meme. You have one chance to make first impression.

5. DONT flood social media with sales posts share the background creative process and ensure that your links page, website or social media pages have links to your sales site or chosen sales platform.

6. Try to encourage people to either sign up to a mailing list or discord server. Separate them away from the distractions that are on social media and sales platforms. Then engage them with fun, educational posts and activities.

No one is saying its easy, becoming a full time artist is hard work, it takes effort and commitment. Building a business and showing Authenticity & Authority are simply one of the stepping stones in that journey. Each artist featured in this magazine have demonstrated both these in abundance and can now add to the fact they are a published artist to their CV.

13 NFT
Creative Talents

Creative Talents Editor

Creators Bio

James is BOLD and direct, this is reflected in his art. He doesn’t let other peoples actions or approaches to life corrupt his mind or attitude. He is his TRUE SELF and has learned to follow his own path brushing himself off and carrying on when he stumbles or has taken a wrong turn, he learns from mistakes or failures. James has turned his negative thoughts about his dreams and ambitions, “its impossible”, into his reality “I’m Possible” this was achieved when he realised he is his most under used and undervalued asset. When asked to describe his work James responded as follows:

“I am an Artist. I am a creator. I am a creative entrepreneur. I turn Love, Joy, Passion, challenging emotions into art that makes connections between fantasy and reality to make photo-art that feeds the creative mind and generates happiness at a subconscious level.

I LOVE who I am and I POUR this love, my compassion and raw emotions into my photography and Photo-art as a way of sharing my LOVE with you. My sole aim is to leave a lasting impression on people that I meet, that interact with me online or choose to invest in my work, either my artwork or the magazine.

In short, if you want artwork that resonates with an emotion you have experienced or that fuels your thoughts then look no further, but remember, emotions should be observed and recognised for what they are they should be learnt from and not drive your choice and decision making.”

Creators Achievements

• 2018 - Started learning how to use Photoshop and Indesign.

• Mar 2018 - Landscape photographs donated to the Patterdale Hall Estate and displayed in their holiday homes.

• Mar 2018 – Heaven art gallery Creations; “Magical” Honorable Mention. “Glamorous” 3rd Place.

• Mar 2018 – issued first edition of Mycreativeimages magazine

• April 2020 – LightSpaceTime Gallery 10th Figurative exhibition Special Recognition for excellence in art.

• Feb 2020 – LightSpaceTime Gallery 10th Cityscapes exhibition Special Recognition for excellence in art.

• Mar 2020 – LightSpaceTime Gallery 11th Abstracts exhibition Special Recognition for excellence in art.

Role Photographer, digital artist, magazine owner and editor.


Lost in his own mind Links

• Voice (photography)

• Foundation (digital art)

• Gallery

• May 2020 – LightSpaceTime Gallery 10th Botanicals exhibition 2nd place in Photography and digital images.

• May 2020 – LightSpaceTime Gallery 10th Botanicals exhibition 5th place overall.

• Sept 2021 – D31 Gallery Open 2nd place (judges choice) .

Broken by Society

• Sept 2021 – awarded Elite status on the ISSUU platform for the Mycreativeimages magazine.

• March 2022 - issued first edition of Creative Talents magazine.

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This piece is created to show how disconnected some individuals have become from the world, from family, from nature and is a reminder that being unhappy is the universe's way of telling you that you aren’t on the right path. Don’t live other people’s lives and soak up the things they are doing and sharing via the web, find your path, find your “what” and strive to remodel yourself into the person you want to be.

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In this piece I'm tackling the frustration of watching people get pulled in a direction they don't want to go and ripping themselves from their true path and letting their dreams disappear.

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Don't Be Consumed By Others

All too often people let go of their dreams, and don’t live the life they deserve because they are dragged into the lives of strangers. Pulled in a direction that they don’t want to go simply because of “peerswation” or the need to earn a wage to survive. Don’t lose sight of your dreams. Don’t let others clip your wings. Follow the path you choose and fly amongst the clouds.

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What's holding you back?

I created this piece when I realised that there is only one thing holding me back from my dream job or creating art full time and running my magazine.......and that's ME! The fear of uncertainty of what the future holds if I walk away from a well-paid job and the loss of a guaranteed income is my biggest hurdle. It may be time for me to overcome that fear.

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Lost Souls

Emotions can be difficult, repeating and fixing themselves in our mind, combined with the softly spoken (or shouted) yet soundless (to others) words that fill your mind. This loop, this pattern the inability to escape from it is so destructive and soul-destroying.

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Darkness on the Fells

Nature and the emotions and feelings it generates within me are key to my creative process. This artwork was made to remind people that when you are walking in areas of natural beauty, make sure you are prepared, you had suitable clothes, footwear and are not relying on a mobile phone to navigate.

Creative Talents
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23 NFT Creative Talents

Stacey Mayer Artist

Stacey Mayer has always directed her creative energy into her art. From early childhood drawings on the walls of her family’s home to eventually using a digitizer tablet and then drawing on a cell phone screen, her stylized drawings are filled with animation and movement.

Life-changing events have contributed to her desire to instill energy into her artistic endeavors. Her uniquely recognizable equine and wildlife art express her love of life and sense of joy in our wonderful world.

Stacey spent part of her childhood in a foster family, then lost her own parents and two younger siblings in a boating accident at age 16. Through a happy marriage and being blessed with 4 wonderful daughters and a grandson who just turned 7, her artwork imparts a sense of hope, joy, and energy in the face of adversity gathered from the calm between the storms.

Before Windows 95 initiated the era of large hard drives and easy online storage, she began learning how to create digital artwork. Seeing a way to share her art with a larger audience, she founded™ in 1996 , the first of her award-winning websites.

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Teaching herself HTML,™ was developed into a free online coloring book containing her trademark horses, other animal favorites, fantasy characters, and even prehistoric animals which have earned her numerous fans over the years. Her art and coloring pages have become worldwide favorites for more than a generation.

With a lifetime of association with Arabian horses in the United States and indeed on a global scale, her artwork graces the homes and stables of Arabian horse enthusiasts across Europe, the Middle East, Australia, and the US.

For many years she has enjoyed posting her late-night cell phone sketches of Arabian horses on Instagram, leading to her equine art being featured in international lifestyle magazines, in both Australia and the Middle East.

After several careers, with decades of working in the digital environment, site development, and social media marketing, Stacey was hired to work with HCL/Google in their Bothell, WA campus


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Central Texas Links

curating World Events on the Google map. A friend and coworker from Google then encouraged her to explore the world of WEB3 and NFTs.

Soon after she minted her first NFT, she was quickly signed up by Augmentor Labs LLC, Florida , and SportCashOne , of Switzerland. She is a founding contributor to the Hype Hounds Kennel Club and their NFT canine adoption and rescue projects. Her distinctive equine art and other artworks appear in locations all over the Internet.

Stacey draws, paints, and sculpts in her sunny studio with Benjamin, her 7-year-old grandson, who has P.A.H., a rare and progressive pediatric cardiopulmonary disease.™ NFT Gallery, now presents Stacey’s recognizable NFT art and matching scarves through a Shopify store, a new development in the digital collectives marketplace.

Stacey and her family have recently moved from their home in Seattle to Central Texas, where Benjamin is taking part in the world-renowned P.A.H. study program at Houston Texas Children's Hospital .

Stacey’s digital collectibles support Benjamin as he continues to grow and develop his artistic talent in the face of an uncertain future.

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Thomas Creator

Thomas is an 8 year old boy with autism. He uses art to express himself and to share his stories with the world. Over the last few years, Thomas has had medical procedures and ongoing therapies that required him to be inside every day at times when most children are allowed to roam freely and play, so Thomas has used his artwork as an outlet to show his imagination and flex his creative muscles.

Thomas's interests are video games, dinosaurs, and music. These themes are reflected in the pieces that he creates. Each unique character that is featured has a long and detailed story that fits into a larger world where all of the characters interact, form alliances, and sometimes battle each other.

Some of the recurring characters in Thomas' World are TON (a giant robot), Metal Knight, Terminator Alligator, DJ BAT (a music playing robot)...and DJ B.a.t.s. who is the arch nemesis of DJ BAT.

The World Of Thomas NFT Collection is made up of 20 pieces of original art using different styles in pen, marker, paint, and 3D Pen. 5 copies of each piece are created to form a 100 piece collection on the Polygon blockchain. We hope that this will allow more people in the world to share in the stories that Thomas creates. Many pieces will be given out as gifts to his family, friends, teachers, and therapists in an effort to bring more people into the world of nfts.

In the future, Thomas hopes to create video games with his characters and stories, and he has already started crafting two different board games featuring the adventures of one of his favorite heroes, Metal Knight.

All proceeds will go towards Thomas's art supplies, and to help him create a fully playable board game.

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Role Artist


Thomas' World Links

• Opensea NFTs

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Project Life Collection


Project Life, is an NFT initiative by Suki's Fine Art. The artist behind Suki’s Fine Art is (Suki)rtha Joseph Premnath and she specializes in prophetic art and art inspired by her faith with focus on family and kid friendly content. She is an award-winning multi-disciplinary self-taught artist working with various mediums and styles.

Growing up she won first place in two National Art Competitions and several state-level and school level art competitions in India, her birthplace. This helped fuel her growing passion for art. Several years later, she is now a Software Engineer creating software for Healthcare Services in the US and creator of conventional art and NFTs to encourage and build community.

Suki recently won the people's choice award in a juried international art competition for three of her conventional art pieces. Being a Software Engineer and Artist, Suki believes that the NFT world provides her with the perfect opportunity to use both technology and artistic passions. As more and more people start using web 3.0, Suki believes there is a real need for family and kid centric content creators while also supporting the vulnerable and the weak. One of the missions of Suki's Fine Art is to give generously, both creatively and monetarily to places of need. That mission flows into Project Life Infinity. All NFT art produced by Suki’s Fine Art for Project Life Infinity will be mission driven, actively participating in real life needs of the most vulnerable.

The Project

All profit from the genesis collection, Mr.H2O, will go towards making a tangible difference in the life of children living on the streets of various parts of India, Suki’s birthplace. This will happen through an organization founded by Suki’s uncle. While he is no longer with us, his dream of reaching children on the streets of various metros across India, continues through Metro Missions, a Chennai based Non profit organization. Metro Missions provides Christ centric community child support including, but not limited to, food, tuition, counseling, community activities, support during natural disasters, training, career guidance and financial help with college fees for children living in poverty.

Suki has two more collections underway and upon reaching various milestones in this project, Project Infinity will support other mission driven NFT projects on Web 3.0 that have similar interest for supporting people in need.

The genesis collection, Mr.H2O launched in July 2022. New NFTs are minted and dropped every other day on OpenSea on Polygon and Ethereum blockchains. Mr.H2O is inspired by life giving water. Mr.H2O is a collection of over 100 individually (not AI generated), digitally painted avatars featuring various moods and accessories. Each individual Mr.H2O is inspired by different pieces of scripture and these scriptures define the characteristics of individual Mr.H2O. Read his description, traits and mood to get the complete picture of your Mr. H2O. All profits from direct sales and royalties go towards positively impacting the life of children living on the streets in Chennai, India.

NFT Creative Talents

Role Artist


Bringing people together


• Opensea

33 NFT Creative Talents

K ryptonig Project

Do you have any perceived reason why a tech start-up outside of Silicon Valley would dare boast of it’s ability to become an Unicorn in the African Tech space in 2 years of operation?

Well, Kryptonig is that start-up company on the Web3 space that could be found on Forbes Next Billiondollar Startups. Started in October, 2021; Nwokedi Uchenna Adams, a prospective social scientist at the University of Nigeria came up with a Blockchain idea that will change the face of digital finance in years to come. The prototype of his Brain Child, Kryptonig, is a company focused on driving mass adoption by developing decentralized systems that enables transparency in the decision making processes for community members while rewarding them for authenticity and creativity in the industry. Kryptonig is an NFT brand that intends to bring liquidity, authenticity and trust to the NFT market by solving inherent problems barring mass adoption.

About Founder and Team

In 2020, he moved a step further as he co-founded a new tech company, Collabcentr Inc. of which he became the Chief Operations Officer. Leaving the company in 2021, he started building Kryptonig and K-NFTs - an MVP designed to bootstrap the new company by generating seed funding for internal operations through NFT projects such as the; Ether SCB, The Cactus Series, The Equidist Collection, RT occurrence, The Fin Wars, Whizturtles Collection (Hikers Game collection & Kryptonig User Access Pieces), Rarest, Die Offenbarungsserie and many more to come.

The Kryptonig platform is being developed by an amazing team @litecondevs spearheaded by a Gen Z developer; Nwokedi Daniel, a seasoned developer who doubles up as Kryptonig’s Chief Technology

34 NFT Creative Talents

Role Project Location

Proving Unicorns are real Links

• Opensea NFTs

Officer and Founder, litecondevs.

Other amazing people on the team include Aideyan Joshua, a contemporary artist from The Benue and O.J Feranmi who is the brain behind the Whizturtles Collection.

Utility Driven Must-Haves’

Building a company is like nurturing a child and requires strategic resources necessary for it’s growth.

The WhizTurtles NFT is a collection of 700 unique turtles on the Polygon Chain from K-NFTs designed to give you access to Kryptonig’s DAO Liquidity Pool and Hikers upcoming P2E game – Both technologies currently being developed at NUA Labs.


The WT holders can earn passive income by playing the NFT PLAY2EARN GAME; HIKERS and holders experience these technologies first hand and also have important features opened to them.

Unique Utility: OG holders are given the room to advertise their NFT projects on Kryptonig’s Show TV up to 60 Days after launch.

35 NFT Creative Talents

Laurentiu Boboc Artist




Displayed at NFT New York


• Linktree

36 NFT Creative Talents
37 NFT Creative Talents

Competition Time

Jams2blues Creations LLC hosts a monthly art competition, where selected winners NFTs are purchased and displayed in a Prestigious virtual art gallery. Select participants and winners receive rewards, and special tokens for participating.

The competition is monthly, and up to 3 entries can be made per artist. The competition takes place on the carbon neutral NFT Platform only, NFTs minted on other platforms will not count for entry.

Entering is 100% free, bring your best, and jams2blues will share every participant as well. Original creations/photos/animations/ music only, royalty free work is not accepted, nor is infringement of intellectual property of any kind.

Every entry will be vetted and curated by James Lee and Anna Lee, Both Co-founders of Jams2blues Creations LLC.

38 NFT Creative Talents

Win a Magazine

Enter this competition for a chance to win a printed copy of the magazine and one each of the NFT covers from issue 1,2 and 3.

Simply answer the questions and add bonus points by sharing social media posts of the magazine and the virtual gallery spaces. Competition closes on January 16th 2023

39 NFT Creative Talents
NFT MAGAZINE Previous editions Issue 4: Dec '22 CREATIVE TALENTS 001 Click to read Click to read Click to read 002 003

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Creative Talents - Digital Art Magazine by mycreativeimages - Issuu