Artist Spotlight -James Hurley

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Artist Spotlight

James Hurley

Creative Talents Editor

NFT Creative Talents

Creators Bio James is BOLD and direct, this is reflected in his art. He doesn’t let other peoples actions or approaches to life corrupt his mind or attitude. He is his TRUE SELF and has learned to follow his own path brushing himself off and carrying on when he stumbles or has taken a wrong turn, he learns from mistakes or failures. James has turned his negative thoughts about his dreams and ambitions, “its impossible”, into his reality “I’m Possible” this was achieved when he realised he is his most under used and undervalued asset. When asked to describe his work James responded as follows: “I am an Artist. I am a creator. I am a creative entrepreneur. I turn Love, Joy, Passion, challenging emotions into art that makes connections between fantasy and reality to make photo-art that feeds the creative mind and generates happiness at a subconscious level. I LOVE who I am and I POUR this love, my compassion and raw emotions into my photography and Photo-art as a way of sharing my LOVE with you. My sole aim is to leave a lasting impression on people that I meet, that interact with me online or choose to invest in my work, either my artwork or the magazine. In short, if you want artwork that resonates with an emotion you have experienced or that fuels your thoughts then look no further, but remember, emotions should be observed and recognised for what they are they should be learnt from and not drive your choice and decision making.”

Role Photographer, digital artist, magazine owner and editor. Location Lost in his own mind Links

Broken by Society




Social pressure is such a big influence of people. It tells you what to wear, what to look like, what scents and makeup or clothes to wear. It teaches us to conform and be part of the herd. It breaks our spirit and takes away our personality. Don't be broken by society. Be you be free, be the amazing person you are meant to be.


NFT Creative Talents

Deep This piece is created to show how disconnected some individuals have become from the world, from family, from nature and is a reminder that being unhappy is the universe's way of telling you that you aren’t on the right path. Don’t live other people’s lives and soak up the things they are doing and sharing via the web, find your path, find your “what” and strive to remodel yourself into the person you want to be.


NFT Creative Talents Drowning In this piece Im tackling the frustration of watching people get pulled in a direction they dont want to go and ripping themselves from their true path and letting their dreams disapear.


NFT Creative Talents

Dont Be Consumed By Others All too often people let go of their dreams, and don’t live the life they deserve because they are dragged into the lives of strangers. Pulled in a direction that they don’t want to go simply because of “peerswation” or the need to earn a wage to survive. Don’t lose sight of your dreams. Don’t let others clip your wings. Follow the path you choose and fly amongst the clouds.


NFT Creative Talents

Darkness on the Fells Nature and the emotions and feelings it generates within me are key to my creative process. This artwork was made to remind people that when you are walking in areas of natural beauty, make sure you are prepared, you had suitable clothes, footwear and are not relying on a mobile phone to navigate.

Whats Left after all the blooms have fallen away? Take a moment to think of this question not only in the context of the tree blossom but also in reference to all the “embellishments” we do to ourselves to make us stand out from the crowd. But surely whats left after all the blossom has fallen and all the “add ons” have been taken off is whats important, isn’t it? Isn’t what we do and how we treat other people more important than what we wear or own?


NFT Creative Talents

Harsh Beauty Hidden behind the beauty of nature is the harsh reality. Life is not a bed of roses. Young animals and birds may be cute when you see them but they are incredibly vulnerable. Take a humble bird, it spends time making a nest in a safe location, weaving trigs and manmade materials into a home to keep her eggs warm and safe. She sits on them until the hatch and then heads out to look for food. When she returns they are gone. Taken by other birds. Nature is cruel, she is harsh. Don’t take her at face value and respect the struggle that creatures we take for granted go thro.


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