Kids du'a booklet

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In the name of Allah the Beneficient The Merciful "Oh Allah! Take me out of doubt and favour me with the light of understanding. O Allah! Open for us the doors of your mercy And unfold for us the treasures of your knowledge With your mercy, Oh the most merciful. O Allah (s.w.t) send your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Du’a before Starting my Work

Glory be to Him Who does not treat the citizens of His kingdom unjustly and harshly. Glory be to Him Who does not let the torment and pain come suddenly upon mankind. Glory be to the Compassionate, the Merciful. O Allah, fill my heart and mind with true enlightenment, discerning intelligence, quick understanding and knowledge. Verily, You are able to do all things.

Du’a for Increase of Knowledge and Memory

"Oh Allah! Make useful for me what you have taught me and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me. Oh Allah! I ask you for the understanding of the prophets and the memory of the messengers, and those nearest to you. Oh Allah! Make my tongue full of your remembrance and my heart with consciousness of you. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, and you are my availer and protector and best of aid."

Du’a before Studying

"Oh Allah! I entrust you with what I have read and I have studied. Oh Allah! Bring it back to me when I am in need of it. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, you are my availer and protector and the best of aid."

Du’a after Studying

Du’a to learn the Holy Qur’an by heart

by Imam Ali (as)

O Allah, have mercy on me that I abondon forever acts of your disobedience to You as long as You keep me alive (in this world) and have mercy on me regarding constraint and difficulty which will not preoccupy my mind. Bestow upon me comely appearance which pleases You. Impose upon my heart the memorisation of Your book as You have taught me, and let me recite it in manner that will meet with Your approval. O Allah enlighten my insight with it; expand my breast with it; comfort my heart with it; make my tongue fluent with it; employ my body with it and give me strenght for it and help me with it, for there is no helper for it except You. There is no god except You.

O our Lord, do not suffer our hearts to go astray after You have rightly guided us, and grant us mercy from You, for verily You and You (alone) are the ever bestower.

I will recite this Du’a to be a good Muslim

O Lord, cause me to enter a goodly entrance and cause me to go out a goodly exit, so grant me from You an authority to assist me.

My Du’a when I am afraid

“O Allah introduce Your Self to me, For,if you do not introduce Your Self to me, I will not recognize Your Prophet (saw). O Allah make me recognize Your Prophet (s.a.w), because if I do not recognize Your Prophet (s.a.w), I will not recognize Your Proof! O Allah! Make me recognize Your Proof. For, if you do not make me recognize Your Proof, I will deviate from my religion"

Du’a e Ma’refate Imam Mahdi (a.s)

O Lord, I have wronged myself. So forgive me. Verily, save You there is no one who can protect from the consequences of sinning.

My Du’a for Forgiveness

O Allah, I have fasted for You And I break my fast on the food provided by You And on You I rely.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Du’a when breaking the Fast

O Allah, Lord of the month of Ramadhan in which You sent down the Qur’an, and made fasting obligatory on Your servants. Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, and enable me to go for pilgrimage to Your sacred House, in this year and in every year, and forgive me those sins that I carry, for surely, none can forgive them except You, O Beneficent, O All-Knowing.

Daily Du’a for Ramadhan

O Allah, gladden the people of the graves, O Allah, enrich every poor person, O Allah, satisfy every hungry one, O Allah, clothe every unclothed one, O Allah, help every debtor pay his debts, O Allah, relieve every distressed one, O Allah, return every traveller to his home, O Allah, release every prisoner, O Allah, correct every wrong in the affairs of the Muslims, O Allah, cure every sick one, O Allah, ease our poverty by Your wealth, O Allah, change our evil state to a good one through Your excellent state, O Allah, relieve us of our debts, and help us against poverty, Surely, You have power over all things.

Beneficial Du’a for everyday

O Allah, we earnestly desire from You an honoured state, through which You strengthen Islam and its people, and degrade hypocrisy and its followers. And make us in it, amongst the inviters towards Your obedience, and the leaders to Your path, give us through it, honour of the world and the hearafter.

Extract from Du’a e Iftitah

O Allah! Thank them for my upbringing, reward them for honouring me, and guard them as they guarded me in my infancy. Du’a no. 24

Sahifa e Sajjadiyya

Sura e Fateha requested for the thawaab for all the Marhumeen | +255 754 786301

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