The Paw Print - February 2020

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February 2020 Volume II Issue IV

Dripping Springs High School, Dripping Springs, TX 78620

If AP is a Ceiling, Shatter that Glass Page 4

Finals Exemptions 2 Singles for Singles 3 Absence Answers 5 News 2 Entertainment 3 Features 4 Opinion 5 Sports 6,7 Student Life 8 The Paw Print’s core purpose is to serve the students and staff of Dripping Springs High School, as well as the surrounding community, with the most meaningful news and content regarding our school’s culture and the student body that influences it. From students, to students.


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Photo by: Tessa Stigler

Photo courtesy of Kristen Spiegel

Cover Design: Tessa Stigler


The Paw Print February 2020

News Potential New Classes

Decisions Decisions

Why the Schedules are Made Early Grey Patterson Staff Writer

1 Forensic Science Graphic Design 2 and Illustration I with Lab 3 Digital Media 4 American Sign Language Principles of 5 Marketing and Advertising 6 Public Speaking I


Planning and Governance

Returning students have to decide their upcoming school schedule before spring break of 2020. But why so early? Well, one reason behind early scheduling is to determine potential new classes. “For the administration to make their requests for staff, we have to have everything done, which means every student 8th-11th grade has to have their full request done before we leave for spring break,” Lead Counselor Retta Ary said. “The reason it’s so early is when we come back from spring break the AP’s and Mrs. Gamez look at the number of requests, maybe for forensic science, and if we don’t have enough that it’s going to make a full course like a full class load, which is typically 15 or higher, then that class goes away.”

New classes being started in the high school are based on how many students sign up for the course. If not enough students sign up for a potential class, then the class is not created. “A lot of it does depend on how many responses we get,” Ary said. “If we say we want to offer a basket weaving class, but only four kids sign up for it, then we wouldn’t do that. “ According to Ary, if a student wants to have a new class instituted, then one would have to talk to teachers, and the staff would pitch the idea of a class to the administration. “I get surprised every year,” Ary said. “We are going to [potentially] offer a forensic science class that will be pretty big, graphic design and illustration like digital media world; they want to start a marketing advertising program kind of a spin-off of [the already offered] business classes.”

Exam Exemptions

Spring Final Exam Exemptions Requirements Evelyn Peterson New Editor At the start of the spring semester, the school board decided to implement a new policy in an effort to boost the school’s attendance rate. This new policy, informally known as the “Final Exam Exemption Policy,” rewards students by exempting them from finals for good attendance and grades. However, there are rules and requirements in order for students to be eligible to participate in the exemptions. “Our campus attendance is lower than the state average,” principal Angela Gamez said, “It is one percent lower, and we know that students being in class is beneficial, so we thought, what are some ways to get kids to class?” In order to encourage and persuade students to consistently attend school, they are now given the option to be exempt from some or all of their finals, if their grades meet the minimum requirements. In order to qualify for the final exam exemption, students are only allowed to have three absences per class (see the chart for an example). The school administration wants students to have the desire to learn the subjects taught and remove the stress of testing. “I think [this policy will help with] prioritizing what is done in class,

over a one-time final exam,” Gamez said. For each grade, the number of classes that are allowed to be exempted are different. For the 9th and 10th graders, they are only allowed three exemptions, and only two of those can be core classes. 11th-grade students are allowed

Photo courtesy of Pixabay four exemptions, with only two being core classes (core classes consist of English, math, history, and science). 12th graders are allowed to be exempted from all finals if they meet the policy requirements. “The attendance committee looked at lots of other schools to see what they do, and we took the best,” Gamez said, “The reason we chose to make the exemption policy different for each grade is so that students still have at least some

final exam experience.” Principal Gamez stated some teachers have brought up the concern this policy may affect some students’ scores negatively and are undecided whether this policy will indeed be beneficial. Teachers have mentioned that some classes use projects instead of tests as the final exam grade. In that case, students may have to do the project or do the work for a completion grade of 100. In other cases, a student may need to do a short worksheet or something simple so that a grade can be placed in for the final as a 100. “Teachers are worried that students will not have the cumulative exam,” Gamez said, “and that final grade and that final experience to prepare them for college.” Ultimately the Spring Final Exam Exemptions Policy is a way to boost attendance at school even if it is just a small amount and helps the school financially for projects they may want to pursue in the future. “It is not going to increase attendance the amount we want,” Principal Games states, “it will not fix the problem, but it will encourage students to be here. Some students will not care, but it is still going to help.”

New Exam Exemption Rules and Regulations Evelyn Peterson News Editor

Extra Information

• If a student exceeds the max amount of absences for a class, they are allowed to file for an appeal with the campus attendance committee by May 15. • UT and ACC courses are not a part of these exemptions • PAP, AP, On Ramps, and ACC will go by their non-weighted grades.

Absence Rules

Excused Absences

• 3 absences are allowed PER class - Ex. If Joe misses 4 classes of math, he can no longer exempt that final, but if he only misses 3 or fewer classes of English, he is still able to exempt English; they do not affect each other. • 3 tardies add up to 1 absence • A parent cannot excuse their child

• • •

Doctor notes will excuse absences as long as the student returns the same day and turns in a note If appointment is the last period of the day, the student’s note must be emailed to the attendance office. If a student becomes ill during the school day, they must go to the nurse and he/she will determine to send home the student or not. Any required court appearances Class trips Any school-orchestrated or approved events

Special Excused Absences

Grade Eligibility

• Juniors and seniors are allowed up to 2 days of college visits if the correct paper is filled out and turned into the office. • Religious holidays • Any student under the custody of the state who have court ordered and required service or activities. • Children of military are allowed up to 5 days excused to visit parents, step-parents, or legalguardians who have been called for duty or on leave.

• 9-10th grade students • Eligible for 3 exemptions. Only 2 core courses can be used. • 11th grade students • Eligible for 4 exemptions. 2 core courses can be used. • 12th grade students • Eligible for exemptions in all courses. • Students end-of-thesemester grades must be and 80 or above to have the ability to exempt that class



The Paw Print February 2020


DJ, it’s 2020, Blow My Speakers Up

Ethan Everman Staff Writer

Music Disparity between 2010 and 2020 It’s just after dinner; you take your Nintendo DSi off the charger and sit down in the living room. You pull your iPod out and place your earphones in your ears; you turn it up and blast “Party in the U.S.A.” Life is good. A decade has passed since these events might have happened and by 2020, much of the music we consume has changed greatly. The electro-pop sound that was characteristic of the early 2010s no longer dominates airwaves, and, instead, when we turn on our radios, we hear a trap-dominated song list that dictates the rise of mainstream hip hop. The music that dominated the 2020s so far takes a more tell-all, beat-heavy tone opposed to the bubblegum flavor of the earlier years, that directly links itself into hip hop and its culture. The year 2010 started off strong with hits like “Bad Romance”, “Fireflies”, and “Empire State of Mind”, all of which majorly impacted the flavor of the decade’s music scene. Pop music was dominated by new artists that brought different things to light such as Lady Gaga’s ‘80s Europop influence, Katy Perry’s infectious up-tempo and colors, along with Bruno Mars’ tenor cadence. These artists began the decade with massive hits under their belts and a freedom of exploration that made much of the music

memorable due to their differences in style and approach. By 2020, many of the seemingly mainstay acts that were ruling the music industry years earlier had evolved and became a different type of artist altogether - things like Gaga’s dramatic shift from the drama of her early red carpets to her gilded screen debut, Justin Bieber’s departure from the ability to create good music, and Rihanna’s massive makeup and lingerie empire taking over the real estate that her music used to possess. Much of this change attributes itself through the way that many of the recent songs have become popular - social media. Outlets like TikTok (the video-sharing app) and Twitter have found artists virally successful, an imitation of the viral hits spawned by the dead media outlets Vine and The Jan. 11, 2020 top ten of the Billboard Hot 100 chart sees five of its spots (including number one) held by hip hop or rap songs, far different than the single entry for the chart of Jan. 9, 2010. Hip hop experienced a massive genre explosion in the ’90s and ’00s that became a full brunt force in the ‘10s. This force could be seen through the breakout successes of Drake, J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, and Nicki Minaj, all of whom have left a lasting effect on the music industry. Many of the commercially successful songs of the latter part of the decade use the trap, bass-

heavy beats that try and emulate the hip hop flavor that has become a pop-culture staple. The immense changes from the early doubledigit decades to the 2020s can be seen through the song inspirations and viral consumption that happens nowadays. Even though these changes have shifted pop culture and the whole industry, the music industry still thrives as strong as ever and these changes might even be good for the culture as a whole.

Live From the Grave

Post Mortem Releases, Specifically Mac Miller Andrew Spiegel Entertainment Editor Mac Miller, Lil Peep, Prince, Micheal Jackson, and Avicii are all artists that have released music after their unfortunate deaths. In an age where technology is

taking great strides every day, the reality of post-mortem releases are very prevalent. The late Micheal Jackson was featured on a track with Drake, Prince performed in hologram at the Superbowl halftime show, and Lil Peep released multiple albums after his passing. When an artist dies, most say they live on through their art. But what to do with the unreleased music? Some say let it die with the artists, some say show it to the world. The two schools of thought: if the artist didn’t release it, he or she didn’t want it to be released, or the artist would have released it if he or she had lived. In the case of the most recent post mortem release, Mac Miller’s “Circles” was intended to be released but was postponed by his untimely death. The offices of Mac Miller and the McCormick family released a statement to the public clarifying the circumstances of this post-mortem release. The Pittsburgh artist who died in late 2018, shortly after his release of the album titled “Swimming” has recently released an album from beyond the grave. Miller’s last album titled “Circles” is a continuation of his 2018 release “Swimming”; together the two different musical styles of each album would complete each other, making “Swimming in Circles.” Jon Brion, a close friend of Miller, was helping him fine-tune the album before its release. After Miller’s passing, Brion dedicated himself to finishing the album in the way that Miller intended. The album itself was amazing. The album starts with a selftitled, slow-paced, lyric-heavy melody that is the perfect way into the roller coaster of the rest of the album. The next song in the album, “Complicated”, is nothing different than the Miller we got in “Swimming.” The groovy, high-tempo beat is only out-shined by Miller’s vocals and lyrics. In the

third track of the album, “Blue World”, Miller explores what almost sounds like EDM. But, rest assured, although the underlying beat is something we’ve never seen from Miller before, he still brings amazing lyrical content and an urge to groove. After Miller’s experiment with EDM, we get a change of pace in the fourth track, “Good News.” This track brings the vibe back down and is very heavily driven by a simple guitar and kick drum. In this track, you can tell that Miller wanted all the emphasis to be on the lyrics. In the fifth track, “I Can See”, Miller takes us back to his other studio album, “The Divine Feminine.” The sound for that whole album and for this track was something we’ve never heard before. After the throwback track, Miller gives us a track titled “Everybody” that seems like an acoustic version of itself. Meaning, this song could have easily been done on a computer and with a whole different approach, but it finds itself with an acoustic sound. Half way through the album, track seven, “Woods”, almost sounds like a call for help. This track has a slow and long tempo that carries the listener to the rest of the album. Track eight, “Hand Me Downs”, describes Miller’s desire to meet a nice woman and start a family. This vocal heavy song is a perfect casual love song. At track nine, we get, “That’s On Me”, a soulful track that is also very lyric heavy and very slow. This track includes a cluster of beautiful string instruments but also an array of synthesizers for a modern touch. Track ten, “Hands”, is also very close to the sound we heard in “Swimming.” This track brought us strong verses and a soft beat for easy listening. The eleventh track, “Surf”, is a symphony of trumpets, electric guitars, pianos and soft snares. This song almost feels like a combination of indie and jazz performed by a modern Hendrix. And the last track on the album, “Once A Day”, is the perfect sign-off for the last album Miller has to give. In this track, you can hear the pain in his voice and the passion in the lyrics. This album gave Mac Miller fans one last goodbye. In the album, Miller sings about love, his struggles with substance abuse, depression, life, religion and the future. Overall, this album gives Mac Miller fans closure. It was the perfect sendoff to the artist that had an unfortunate ending to his life. This album and all his previous albums will remain on the radio and streaming surfaces for the rest of time, granting him and other late artists immortality.

Graphic by Maddie Lewis

Valentine’s Day Without a Valentine. Maddie Lewis Staff Writer Every year, cuffed or uncuffed, we are faced with the dreaded Valentine’s day. Surrounded by roses, hearts, candy, and an absurd amount of PDA, the 14th of February can be a drag for those of us who are flying solo. So instead of moping around, feeling sad and lonely, here are five things for the singles to do on Valentine’s day.


Treat Yourself! Buy yourself a gift: chocolates, flowers, or even just something you’ve had your eye on for a while. No one can treat you better than yourself, and you should celebrate that!


Go out with friends! Just because you aren’t being loved in a relationship doesn’t mean you aren’t being loved at all. Surround yourself with the people who love you, and enjoy the night.


Get dressed up and have a photo shoot! Whether you’re by yourself or with friends, getting dressed up is always a confidence booster. So get yourself together, take some bomb pics, and drop them on the gram. Your followers will wish they had spent Valentine’s with you.


Spread the love that is Valentine’s day. Text your friends and family, and let them know how much you appreciate them in your life.


Movie night! Whether it be your typical rom-com or a fast-paced thriller, put on a good film, eat your feelings, and enjoy yourself. You deserve it.

Covers Courtesy of Spotify

Singles for the Singles

A Valentines Playlist for the Lonely Never Enough By Rex Orange County

Drew Barrymore By SZA

Single Ladies By Beyonce Graphic by Maddie Lewis


The Paw Print February 2020

Opinion Absence Answers

The Reality of Decreasing School Attendance Tessa Stigler Editor-in-Chief Attendance has steadily decreased by an average of .3% each year since 2012 and stands at 1% lower than the state average 95.7%, according to 18-19 Texas Academic Performance Reports. Surrounding schools like Lake Travis High School, Austin High School, and McCallum High School fall below our percentage, so what’s the big deal? School funding in Texas is heavily tied to the average daily attendance (ADA). The school receives a certain amount of funding for each student accounted for in the ADA. So when students skip, it brings down the average ADA and affects how much and where the school can spend its money. Attendance is a tricky issue to accommodate, because punishing students with detention or suspension usually doesn’t

encourage them to attend and be active in class. Because of this, some school districts have shifted to encourage good attendance rather than punishing poor attendance. Principal Angela Gamez spoke with surrounding

priority parking, and requiring a certain level of attendance to attend field trips. While incentives such as priority parking may motivate students to show up, they don’t entirely address the issue. One way to increase attendance is by improving the environment where students spend “It’s something that we do need almost all of their time. This to address. Because when could be made possible by inviting students to paint students aren’t in class, even if a mural in the hallways so they’re passing the class and that they feel more a part not attending, we know they’re of the community and by going to get a better education introducing more activities when they’re in school. So, we that include the entire want to try and make that a student body such as board priority.” -Principal Angela Gamez game tournaments or reintroducing the JAM. Encouraging student engagement in school school districts and noticed that through team building and their exam exemptions policy had stress-free activities will ultimately been effective to encourage shift students’ perception of the better attendance. So, at the school day and likely increase start of the spring semester, three attendance. As students start to incentives were presented to the enjoy and look forward to their student body hoping to increase school day, attendance should attendance: exam exemptions, benefit in addition to the students.

What would motivate you to skip less? “Be allowed to leave early if class assignments are done.” “More engaging classes.” Do you think these exam excemptions will be productive in raising attendance? “I may not skip, but I have certainly thought about it, and the prospect of losing my ability to exempt a final has made that a much less desirable option.” Quotes Submitted Anonymously by Students

“I think people respond to expectations, and especially expectations that are fair and make sense. And so if district leadership or campus leadership puts expectations on students, and students go, ‘This isn’t fair,’ it doesn’t change behavior. In fact, it almost may turn behavior the other way. But when students feel like they’re included in their part of it, and they understand the reason behind it, absolutely, I think it will change, and it will prove so anything that has [a] positive focus on, generally, those areas change and they change for the better.” -Asst. Supt. of Finance and Operations Scott Drillette

Restating the Standard The Harm of Standardized Testing Kalyn Hunt Contributing Writer

Graphic by Tessa Stigler Based on 31 Student Repsonses

Rule of Ten

Answers to Student Stress Sam Moore Opinion Editor

higher test scores, excessive amounts of homework have been linked to a decrease in scores. National Education Association and National Parent Teacher Association There has been an increase in the support the claim that more than two amount of homework assigned to hours of homework a night becomes high school students. The University counterproductive for high school of Michigan conducted students. This claim has research that suggests also been supported the amount of homework by the Journal of students have had doubled Educational Psychology, in the past 30 years. which found that The amount of homework 90 to 100 minutes of assigned to students is homework resulted in overwhelming. The Princeton decreased academic Review’s Student Life in performance. America survey reported 50% Dripping Springs of students feeling stressed High School is an and half of these students academically highclaimed homework to be the achieving school but biggest stress factor. offers very little to Homework is a heavily their students to aid Photo by Teagan Krewson debated topic amongst in the completion of students. The consensus is that their homework. Studies have shown that 10 workload is too much, resulting in stress, minutes of homework a night per grade sleep deprivation, and lack of leisure level is ideal. That would mean first grade time. students would have 10 minutes and A research study conducted by high school students would have about Standford University showed that two hours. More action to enforce this students felt their workload was hindering 10-minute rule would greatly benefit our their ability to learn “critical life skills”. school’s academic success. While homework has been linked to

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February 2020 Volume II Issue IV

involved. Some students thrive with a certain level of stress or pressure. However, other students fold. So, again, there isn’t a level playing field. Research regarding the brain suggests that too much stress is psychologically and physically harmful. And when stress becomes overwhelming, the brain shifts into a “fight or flight” response, where it is impossible to engage

In the 1800’s, standardized tests were incorporated into the American education system. The practice has been maintained on and off since then. Standardized tests do not provide students with beneficial knowledge for their life. The process is problematic, and it simply creates more issues for staff and stress for the individual testing. There are many different learning environments and many different teaching and learning styles in the United States. Standardized tests don’t value diversity in any area. There is also a wide Graphic courtesy of range of differences in in higher-order thinking the people who take processes necessary standardized tests, to respond correctly to including different cultural the standardized test backgrounds, different questions. levels of proficiency in Students work in the English language, different ways and some different learning and have an advantage over thinking styles, different others due to a variety family backgrounds, and of reasons. Standardized different past experiences. tests provide parents And yet, the standardized and teachers with a false test treats them as if they sense of security when it were all identical. comes to achievement. If Having big important a student scores well on a tests causes stress and test, then it is assumed that fosters poor performance. they know the material. Standardized tests create However, the student may stress for everyone

The Paw Print

Teacher Pop: 135 Student Pop: 2183


The Paw Print encourages the student body to submit letters to the editor. Letters, guest columns, and all material submitted for publication must include the writer’s name and stay under 400 words. The Paw Print does not guarantee to print or online publish work submitted. The meaning of any submission will not be altered, however The Paw Print reserves the right to correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when necessary, as well as condense. Additionally, The Paw Print refuses to print criticism which is not constructive or unsupported by credible evidence. Email submissions to

Editorials, Columns, and Letters mydshssnaps

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my_dshs_news Dripping Springs High School, Dripping Springs, TX 78620

Opinions expressed in editorials, columns, and letters are those of an individual and not The Paw Print, Dripping Springs High School, or its faculty.

For more information on The Paw Print and its policies visit The Paw Print is a member of the following organizations: CSPA, NSPA, ILPC, and ASPA.

have simply memorized the facts or formulas or tricks necessary to do well on the test. Because students know that test scores may affect their future lives, they do whatever they can to pass them, including cheating. Standardized tests are not a reliable and objective measure of student achievement, yet produce scores which can be — and sometimes are — manipulated for political purposes. In 2011, 178 teachers and administrators changed answers to increase test scores in Atlanta. Recent revelations in the cheating scandal put the spotlight back on the often corrupt nature of the standardized testing process. By replacing standardized testing with additional options, including portfolio-based assessment, lowstakes testing, adaptive testing, or on-demand assessments, it will create a way in which everyone is given a fair opportunity. Students feel the pressure when it comes to performing well on tests, and test scores can affect student confidence. Educators should, therefore, overhaul the standardized testing culture and put the emphasis back on helping students master content and critical thinking in a way that best prepares them for life after high school.

The Paw Print’s core purpose is to serve the students and staff of Dripping Springs High School, as well as the surrounding community, with the most meaningful news and content regarding our school’s culture and the student body that influences it. From students, to students.

Awards ILPC 2018-2019 Honor CSPA 2018-2019 Second Place ASPA 2018-2019 First Place

Meet the Staff Editor-in-Chief Tessa Stigler Sports Editor Rigley Willis

Features Editor Katie Haberman

Online Editor Cady Russell

Entertainment Editor Andrew Spiegel

News Editor Opinion Editor Evelyn Peterson Sam Moore Staff Writers Madeline Tredway, Ethan Everman, Maddie Lewis, Grey Patterson, Grant Williams Byline Illustrator Cat Covatta

Advisor Jessica Stamp

The Paw Print is inserted inside the Century News, and distributed to racks next to the front office, CL&I, and the student media room. 2,000 copies are printed.


The Paw Print February 2020

Features If AP is a Ceiling, Shatter that Glass

Advanced Placement Classes Take Effort, Time

What We’re Watching So much has been released in the past year - so what is The Paw Print watching? “It was an incredible show that showed the dark side of being a hero and the light side of being a villain, and I like the juxtaposition of those two.”

The Witcher

Ethan Everman, staff writer

Frozen 2

“It was overall stunning. The animation was - what’s the word - stunning! I enjoyed the performance of Kristen Bell, who is the best. Kristen Bell, if you’re reading this, I love you.”

Katie Haberman, features editor “I like that it doesn’t have the ending you want out of it. I like bad endings.”

Maddie Lewis, staff writer

Cowboy Bebop

500 Days of Summer

“I like the cinematography, and the cuts and transitions are really cool. And the food is so well animated - it makes me hungry!”

Rigley Willis, sports editor

Ethan Everman Staff Writer The AP, or Advanced Placement, program consists of college-level curriculum that contributes challenging course material in order to educate high school students. This program, which came to fruition via the College Board, helps high school students gain college credits by passing exams for certain courses at the end of each school year. “Well, at this school and probably other schools, our AP classes are very rigorous and fast-paced, even compared to other school’s AP classes,” Evelyn Balderrama, AP Literature and AP Language teacher, said. “Part of [work ethic] is putting forward the work and time; the rigor and the pacing may be hard, and teachers move through concepts and different lessons pretty quickly.” The fast pacing of the AP classes helps students become immersed in the college environment. The AP exams test every student for a large capacity of knowledge about a specific subject; therefore, the quick timeline of the course can help the student learn as much as possible. “When you really look at it, they’re taking a semester class in college extended over two

semesters,” senior Madeline Tredway said. “I mean, that sounds kind of easy when you think about it, and the workload is a lot, but it’s just the workload.” DSHS has many different APsourced classes and programs, from AP Art to AP Biology and beyond. In 2018, around 1.24 million American students took a total of 4.22 million AP Exams, which shows an increase of 65% from the number of students who did so in 2008.

The Student Research Foundation cited that the pressure upon certain students to strive in an AP class is enforced by the idea that just being in the class seemingly determines your intellectual strength. Yet, many DSHS teachers stated that they believe the success of an AP student lies in their work ethic and not their natural intelligence. “Just be ready to work hard, and it’s not going to be easy,” Balderrama said. “But if you’re willing to put forth the effort, and I can probably speak for most teachers here, they’re going to work with you and meet you wherever you are and get you to the level that you need to be at.” Though the AP exams require a lot of coursework, they help the student save money (through the ability to gain college credits by the exam) and also help the students prepare for the college environment. “Don’t let it consume you,” Tredway said. “Realize that you’re more than just someone who takes an AP class and that you have different interests, and if something in the AP classes does not come naturally to you, or you don’t get it right away, that doesn’t make you unfit to be in an AP class. It doesn’t make you different from everybody there; it doesn’t matter until you actually do the work.”

Evelyn Balderrama, AP Literature and Language teacher. Photo by Teagan Krewson

“I think that there are many benefits to the classes,” senior John Mihaly said. “First and foremost, for certain, they place you in a good position for when you apply to university. That looks very attractive. The colleges like to see your rigor and your strive in this and AP courses in general.”

How to Prep for College: Junior Edition Tools to Prepare for a Successful Senior Year

Around the World in 365 Days Effects of Year-Round School Madeline Tredway Staff Writer no immediate danger of this happening, teachers in the district feel that there may be some advantages to this system. “Academically, it would help a lot of kids,” Jaqueline Compean, biology teacher, said. Compean has a unique perspective on this argument, as her high school tested out yearround schooling for two years. “It would help a lot of younger kids, especially with reading,” Compean said. Compean explained that many younger children in school struggle with retaining reading skills over summer break, and that this continuous cycle of schooling would nullify that issue.

*Check out for links/ extra information*

On the Town: St. Cupid’s Day Drip Dining Options for Valentine’s Katie Haberman Features Editor

Homespun (For a Classic Date Night) “However, I know for me, I needed that summer break to recharge and be with my family,” Compean said. Compean emphasizes that these extended breaks leave time for students to separate themselves from school and focus on themselves as an individual rather than characterizing themselves as solely a student. “Vacations can be just as enriching as education,” Compean said. Luckily, year-round school is not in DSISD’s future, and these downfalls will not come to fruition. “Overall, I did not like year-round school,” Compean said. “[I] would not want it for the high school.”

131 E Mercer St, Dripping Springs, TX 78620 (Open 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. on V-day) Menu: Locally sourced American & European cuisine Atmosphere: Rustic & Cozy

The Leaning Pear (For the Adventure-Seeking Pair)

111 River Rd, Wimberley, TX 78676 (Open 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. on V-day) Menu: Locally sourced American cuisine Atmosphere: Cozy yet elegant, with an indoor fireplace and a ‘treehouse’ seating area

Sonic (For a Last-Minute Bite to Eat)

400 E Hwy 290, Dripping Springs, TX 78620 (Open 6 a.m. - 11 p.m. on V-day) Menu: American fast food! Atmosphere: Surprisingly similar to the way you’ve decorated your car!

sey Hu tton

No more summer vacation. No more two weeks of winter break. No more Thanksgiving break. No more road trips or family vacations. This is what the average student would face if year-round schooling were to be put in place, but the academic advantages may outweigh the loss of these breaks. As standardized tests have proven, students have trouble retaining information over extended breaks like summer vacation, so a solution has been posed: students must stay in school for 45 days and get a 15 day break, cycling over and over again throughout the entire year. Although Dripping Springs ISD is in

sends them to your schools. Other items must be asked for in advance from Libby Weaver, the registrar (libby. Finally, how do you stay organized with all this mess? The easiest answer is to create an organizational system. For example, make a list for each college you plan to apply to, filled out with application deadlines, test score and recommendation letter requirements, scholarship opportunities, and tuition rates. The counseling center prefers spreadsheets that you can update, but it’s up to the individual person to decide the level of organization that they want to achieve. In the end it is important to remember that while this is a stressful time, students before you have completed the application process time and again. If you find yourself seeking help, ask your current senior friends what their tips and tricks were to filling out the applications or ask your counselors for help. You got this.

by Ram

For seniors, college applications are in the past, though for many, the outcomes are unclear. For juniors, however, college stress has just begun. On Jan. 9, juniors found themselves subject to Rising Senior Night, or a kickstarter for counselors to explain the logistics of college applications and admissions for juniors. If you were unable to attend, do not fear - all of the information can be found here. But how should you organize your junior year to prepare for senior year? From April to June of junior year, college visits, taking the ACT and SAT, asking for recommendation letters, making a list of potential colleges, and starting on your resume are key elements to staying ahead. In July, the counseling center recommends that work begins on college essays, and in August, registration for standardized tests is still readily available. When September rolls around, gathering recommendation letters and having essays corrected and critiqued are crucial elements to staying on track. In October, the financial aid application (FAFSA) opens, which is a crucial element in ensuring that you and your family can afford to send you to school. Finally, in November, submit applications, request transcripts from counseling center, and send official test scores to colleges. More information detailing both the fall and spring semesters will be available at

The administration highly recommends that students take the ACT and/or SAT at least twice before junior year is over. The school administers many practice tests and even offers a few free testing opportunities during schooling hours, so watch your email for those opportunities and dates. These can also be found at If you plan to apply specifically to schools in Texas, is the website for you. This site can be used for any 2-4 year public school applications in Texas, and opens on July 1. If you plan to apply to out-of-state schools and Texas private schools, Common App is most likely the more efficient site to use. Common App hosts over 830 schools, and it opens on Aug. 1. Though these sites don’t go live until summer, essay prompts on each site remain relatively consistent throughout the years, which means that getting a head-start on writing is readily available. Alongside this, Common App also allows its users to input general information concerning their general personal information ahead of the Aug. 1 date, which gives students ample time to set up their account. Certain schools on both Common App and may ask for supplemental information like letters of recommendation, test scores, and shot records. Only ask for letters of recommendation if your application calls for it, and get them in early, as they are mailed in. SAT and ACT scores must be ordered from their respective websites, and letters of recommendation must be requested from the counseling office unless the student is using Common App, as the site automatically


Cady Russell Online Editor

Rolling in Thyme and Dough (For the Early (Love) Birds)

Photo by Ramsey Hutton

333 US-290, Dripping Springs, TX 78620 (Open 6:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. on V-day) Menu: Breakfast, lunch, and everything in between Atmosphere: Homey & Comforting


The Paw Print February 2020


Super Bowl LIV

Dripping Springs students made their predictions for the conference championship games, while also predicting who will emerge victorious in Super Bowl 54

Grey Patterson Staff Writer



Kansas City San Francisco Chiefs 49ers

Super Bowl Champion

Super Bowl MVP

Kansas City Chiefs

Patrick Mahomes

Tennessee Titans

Derrick Henry

Brennan Frickel Tennessee Titans

Green Bay Packers

Kylin Richardson Kansas City San Francisco San Francisco Chiefs 49ers 49ers

Deforest Buckner

Kansas City Chiefs

Aaron Rodgers

Matt Hernandez Green Bay Packers

Green Bay Packers

Tristen Ingle

Photos provided by Teagan Krewson

Court-side to the Mound 103.1 KDRP play-by-play broadcaster Chris Austin talks about his professional baseball career. Rigley Willis Sports Editor

Chris Austin may be a familiar name to some of you. He has been the play-by-play broadcast announcer for years now for Dripping Springs High School athletics. He has covered all sports ranging from basketball to baseball and even lacrosse. However, despite being an accomplished broadcaster, Austin has a more defining trait. Austin is a pitcher and lead-off hitter for the Cleveland Indians Fantasy Camp in Major League Baseball.

how, Cleveland heard about me a couple of years ago and asked me to “So really it’s a bunch of 40-year-old, 50-year-old, join the fantasy camp.” 60-year-old guys that are invited by the team, in my case the Indians, to come out to spring training a week and a half before the real pros come, and we just play baseball; it’s pretty simple really.” “I’m the lead-off guy, and I batted .444 last year with a couple of doubles, and I pitch quite a bit as well, but I didn’t do “Really, it’s to get the town that’s hosting that too hot in that aspect last season, but team’s spring training into the baseball mood. I’m hopeful I’ll pick it up next week when We’re also out there to warm-up the field and I fly to Arizona.” the [umpires].”

So what exactly Is fantasy camp?

How do you factor into the team?

Why do the teams do this?

How did you get involved with this? One of the perks of playing in fantasy camp, Chris Austin’s very own baseball card. Photo by Rigley Willis.

“You know, I’ve played baseball all my life, and I just love the game so much. I play in a rec league in Waco with my buddies and, some-

You can catch Chris Austin along with Rigley Willis every Tuesday and Friday for home basketball action. Tune into 103.1 FM or head to the Sun Radio App or the Sun Radio Website to tune in.


The Paw Print February 2020


Top NBA Teams of the Decade

Injury Prone Check Up on How Injuries Affect Girls Grey Patterson Basketball Season Staff Writer

Grant Williams, Rigley Willis, and Andrew Spiegel rank their most memorable championship teams of the decade. Summaries by Grant Williams.

Artistic rendition of the NBA logo provided by Rigley Willis

2012-13 Miami Heat 1 The The 2012-2013 Miami Heat were the first “super-team” of the decade. The Heat were able to add Lebron James and Chris Bosh, while also retaining Dwyane Wade. This team won the finals the year before and had been to the past two but this team also had another addition, veteran shooter Ray Allen. This team went on to win 66 games in the regular season putting them at the top of the Southeastern division of the Eastern Conference. During the playoffs they faced a challenge in the conference championship series but ended up winning in seven games to make it to the NBA Finals. The Heat would go into the finals to face up against the San Antonio Spurs, who put up a fight but the Heat gained too much momentum after Game 6 when Ray Allen hit a clutch corner three to tie the game and later force a game six in overtime.

The 2010-11 Dallas Mavericks 2The 2010-2011 Mavericks were centered around star Power Forward Dirk Nowitzki from Germany. The Mavs were able to surround Nowitzki with guards Jason Kidd and Jason Terry while also picking up Tyson Chandler a future NBA All-Star to play along with Nowitzki in the frontcourt. The Mavs had a record of 57-25 which was second in the Southwest Division of the Western Conference. During the playoffs, Nowitzki carried the Mavs scoring 26 points, hauling in 9.7 rebounds, and dishing out two assists per game, and leading the Mavs to the NBA Finals with only three playoff losses. The Mavs faced a star full Miami Heat team in the finals but were able to overcome that series in just six games winning the series 4-2.

The 2015-16 Cleveland Cavaliers 3The 2015-2016 Cleveland Cavaliers, the season that Lebron James was able to bring a Finals win to Cleveland. The previous year Lebron James returned to Cleveland to join a young point guard Kyrie Irving, power forward Kevin Love. The team went 57-25 finishing first overall in the Eastern Conference. The first two rounds of the playoffs they didn’t lose a game and lost only two games in the Eastern Conference Finals. Going into the NBA Finals they would rematch against the Warriors after their loss in the previous year. The series went into seven games and the Cavaliers were able to pull through thanks to a block by Lebron and a clutch shot by Kyrie both in the closing minutes of Game 7, winning 93-89.

Early in the season, the girls varsity basketball team suffered a loss of players due to injuries that have prevented some players from coming back to the game. With these injuries, the team has had to rearrange their line-up to replace those who can no longer play. “We’ve been riddled with injuries, but at the same time we’re [20-7 and 6-0] in district,” Head Coach David Norris said, “Some of the other girls have stepped up and plugged in gaps that we needed.” First, varsity starter Hannah Peña tore her ACL, and, like a domino effect, two more active players, Ali Beck and Carson Hall, also caught the injury bug. “I immediately became more of a supporter,” Peña said. “I was supportive before, but when I got injured, I realized I had to take the role of cheering on my team.” However, multiple injuries have not stopped the team from having a winning season and maintaining a win percentage of 74%. “Even with all the injuries, we have been doing well,” sophomore starter Caroline Gamble said. “We won two tournaments, and we won a good amount of our pre-season games [as well as] all of our district games,.”

The two tournaments the Tigers won were the San Antonio Edgewood ISD tournament and the Fredericksburg tournament. “[In playing against] 6A, you get more competition and you have to be more involved,” senior starter Avery Johnson said, “and with our district, sometimes it’s pretty laid back in the games. It gives more people playing time, but you don’t get the competition, so it’s harder to go into the playoffs.” The team played 6A teams in the pre-season having a 2-4 record against them within tournaments and outside of district. “I want to make it farther than the third round, and then I’d love to make it to state, but if not, my first goal right now is to go undefeated in district,” Johnson said. The team is 7-0 in district (as of Jan. 23) and is on course to have an undefeated district championship. “We always say, ‘Next player up.’ I always tell the girls, ‘You’re a play away from being a starter or having more minutes,’” Norris said, “‘or an injury away from being a starter,’ so they prepare, [and] we prepare all of them like they are starters.”

2014-15 Golden State Warriors 4TheThe 2014-2015 Golden State Warriors were a team that was secretly building a dynasty while the other top western teams were battling in the previous years. The Warriors were made up of a star backcourt with Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson while power forward Draymond Green distributed the ball and was a monster on defense. The Warriors had a record of 67-15 Winning the Pacific Division of the Western Conference. The playoffs were passed through easily by the Warriors as they would go on to play the Cleveland Cavaliers and Lebron James. They didn’t have much problems as they were able to win the series in 6 games and mark the start of a dynasty.

5 The 2013-14 San Antonio Spurs The 2013-2014 San Antonio Spurs were a fundamental team with a coach in Gregg Popovich who was able to connect young talent with experienced veterans. The young talent of Danny Green and Kawhi Leonard were put together with veterans Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili, and Tim Duncan to create a very strong center of experience. The team went 62-20 During the regular season winning the Southwest Division of the Western Conference. In the playoffs, they faced a challenge with the Dallas Mavericks in the first round who forced a Game 7. After that they had no problem reaching the Finals where they would face the Miami Heat who had beaten them in the Finals in the previous year. The Spurs had no problem this year however, as they won the series 4-1.


The 2016-17 Golden State Warriors

The 2016-2017 Golden State Warriors had two straight NBA Finals appearances in the seasons before and this team was looking for more. They were able to acquire what was known as the “Hampton’s Five” lineup of Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, Draymond Green Andre Iguodala, and new addition Kevin Durant. The Warriors went 67-15 Finishing first in the Western Conference. In the first three rounds of the playoffs the Warriors didn’t lose a single game to make it to the Finals. They would be playing Lebron and Kyrie for the third season in a row. Though the new addition of Kevin Durant proved to be too much as the Warriors won in just five games.

Junior Lileee McGinnis (left), senior Madalyn Jarvis (top right), and sophomore Ashleigh Aksamit (bottom right) all look to score in their 62-32 win over Travis on Dec. 10. Photos by Max Levey

2018-19 Toronto Raptors 7TheThe 2018-2019 Toronto Raptors were a team that was determined to win and bring a Finals to the North and Canada. They were able to make a huge move in free agency and pick up Kawhi Leonard for a year before he went back to Los Angeles. They had a record of 58-24 finishing second in the Eastern Conference. Going into the playoffs Kawhi took a huge leadership role because of his previous playoff experience with the Spurs. They faced a challenge with the Philadelphia 76ers, but won in Game 7 and then beat the Bucks in 6 to get to the Finals. They would be playing a Golden State Warriors team who had injuries but were still a huge threat. The Raptors were able to come through and win the series in six games, essentially ending the Warriors Dynasty and finally claiming a Finals win for Canada.

State Potential Grant Williams Staff Writer

The 2011-12 Oklahoma City Thunder 8The 2011-2012 Thunder are the only team on this list that didn’t win the NBA Finals. That being said, this team was stacked and had three future MVPs in James Harden, Russell Westbrook, and Kevin Durant. The Thunder went 47-19 finishing first in the Northwest Division of the Western Conference. Going into the playoffs the star tandem were able to reach the Finals, easily, only losing three games to get there. They would play the Miami Heat in the Finals where they only won a single game in the series, but this team can’t be forgotten because of all of it’s talent.

9 The 2009-10 Los Angeles Lakers The 2009-2010 Lakers were a team with an experienced starting lineup that was athletic and dominant. With players like Derek Fisher, Pau Gasol, and Kobe Bryant who had plenty of playoff and finals experience playing alongside Shaq to win the finals together in the 2001-2002 season. This team was able to have a regular season record of 57-25 and finishing first in the Pacific Division of the Western Conference. When it got to playoff time this team came together and only lost four games to get to the NBA Finals where they played the Boston Celtics. The Series went into seven games where LA was able to pull through with a victory of 83-79.

The boys varsity soccer team is back and looking to do big things this season. Head Coach Josh Hill and his team has a winning record with only a few losses in non-district play with the losses all within at least two goals and many of their wins blowouts. The Tiger soccer team is ranked 65th in state and hopes to be a state contender. The team recently beat rival Marble Falls 3-0, and they’re looking to dominate distrct which started Friday, Jan. 24 away at Travis. The boys team is looking to see if they can keep up their season and see if they can compete with the only four losses in the previous season. We will also see if they can compete in the playoffs stage of the season and possibly bring home the hardware.

The 2017-18 Golden State Warriors 10 The 2017-2018 Golden State Warriors were pretty much a mirror image of the team before it with only one distinct change in rookie bigman Jordan Bell. The team was in a good and favored spot to start the season and was the easy favorite to win the NBA Finals. This team went 58-24 finishing second in the Western Conference. They went into the playoffs and struggled in the first rounds more they had in the past and went into a seven game series with the Houston Rockets in the Western Conference Finals to get to the NBA Finals. They would face yet again the Cavaliers and Lebron, but this was a team without Kyrie Irving. The Leadership of Lebron just wasn’t enough to face the Warriors as the Warriors swept the Cavs in four.

Senior wing Andrew Spiegel attempts to evade the defenders. Photo courtesy of Kristen Spiegel.

Story and Rankings Provided by: Grant Williams Staff Writer

Rigley Willis Sports Editor

Andrew Spiegel Entertainment Editor


The Paw Print February 2020

Student Life Love Letters To...


Dear Me, I’m proud of you. You’re trying your hardest. That counts for something. You’re probably scrutinizing yourself over something stupid right now. Stop that. It’s a waste of time. Making mistakes is okay. You’re not perfect, and no one expects you to be. There’s always time for you to improve. You’re probably feeling extremely overwhelmed right now. That’s okay. Lie down for a bit. You’re going to feel better. Hang in there. Love, You -submitted anonymously



2: Freshman boys basketball team huddles with coach during tournament. The team plays around 20 games each year. Photo by Manny Espinosa.


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“It’s something I grew up with. My family is a basketball family. I’ve played it my whole life.” -Senior Xavier Phillips



3: Annie Carter poses for the camera during club photo day. Annie Carter joined PALs this year, a club that focuses on making everyone feel included. Photo by Tia Davison.

4: PALs members meet up at local coffee shop Mazama’s to brainstorm ideas. PALs meets outside of school for community service, in addition to twice a week trips to elementary schools, and an in school meeting every other week. Photo courtesy of Maddie Lewis.

“This is my first year doing PALs, and the main thing I’ve gotten out of it is the community. I transferred to Dripping sophomore year and had a tough time making friends and feeling a part of something. The people have just welcomed me in, and I’ve made my friends that way. We basically just hang out with [kids from elementary school] and be their friend. It makes my day every single Tuesday, and Thursday is just the best ever.” - Senior Annie Carter


Color Guard “There was one thing that I just couldn’t get my sophomore year, and my section leader stayed after with me until I got it to the point that my hands were bleeding because I was trying so hard. But the fact that she was willing to do that for me was awesome. I just really love being able to participate and perform with my teammates, the great friendships and bonds that I made along the way.” - Senior Mackenzie Newlan

5: Junior Vivien Tooke practices with teammates during color guard class period. Color guard performs at home and away football games, as well as competes against other high school programs. Photo by Teagan Krewson.


6: Mackenzie Newlan poses for the camera during club photo day. Mackenzie has been a part of color guard for four years and is leading her senior year as a Lieutenant. Photo by Teagan Krewson.

Spread Design: Tessa Stigler

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