The Paw Print - February 2021

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February 2021 Volume III Issue IV

Dripping Springs High School, School, Dripping Springs, Springs, TX 78620

The Paw Print Navigating Relationships

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t Ave. Commitmen

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Resolutions Q&A 4 Sports Injuries 7 Objects of Affection 8 News 2 Entertainment 3 Features 4 Editorials 5 Sports 6,7 Student Life 8

Navigating Relationships

The Paw Print’s core purpose is to serve the students and staff of Dripping Springs High School, as well as the surrounding community, with the most meaningful news and content regarding our school’s culture and the student body that influences it. From students, to students.

15 min

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Cover Design: Evelyn Peterson



The Paw Print

February 2021

News A Tribute to Jad Jadeja Alec Stuart News Editor

Engineering, computer science, and robotics teacher Prakesh “Jad” Jadeja passed away on Thursday, Jan. 21. Principal Angela Gamez notified staff after school before sending an email out to students and families that evening. Mr. Jadeja had served the Dripping Springs community for over 15 years. He was and still is considered one of the school’s best teachers. “It is in choosing to teach every day that he showed his passion for what he taught and his desire to develop those passions in our students,” Gamez said. “He constantly looked for ways to improve his programs for the benefit of his students, and his desire to create opportunities for his students for post-secondary success was unmatched.” Indeed, Jadeja and his classes also greatly contributed to the community in many ways. This included expanding efforts to increase women in STEM, to better prepare students collegiately by building the first MIT designated ‘FabLab’ in a high school in the state of Texas, and using the classes and clubs to serve others when able. This past spring, Mr. Jadeja spearheaded efforts to produce PPE for local healthcare workers, firefighters, and EMS, including face masks using a 3D printer. “This is remote learning and doing things remotely,” Jadeja said, speaking with Gary Zupancic of The Dripping

Century News at the time. “The students wanted to do something good and provide front-line workers with something that will really help them. These kids are into it, and this is the real world. How you react, what you can do with helping the front-line in the community with their needs is what it is all about.” Senior Melissa Richardson, a Lend a Hand club member and president of the National Art Honors Society, painted a portrait of Mr. Jadeja currently on display in the library. “[He showed] me a whole new side of creativity: engineering - a side that without [him] I would never have understood,” Richardson said. “[He] embraced the idea of possibility as relative - pushing the limits to anything is possible every day.”

Above: A portrait of Jad Jadeja by Melissa Richardson is currently on display in the school library. Richardson had Mr. Jadeja as a sponsor for Lend a Hand - a club that creates prosthetic arms and hands. Left: Jadeja and his class developed the school’s fabrication laboratory, or “Fab Lab” for short after receiving a grant from the Dripping Springs Education Foundation.

An Uncertain Future School Clubs Have Difficulty Planning Ahead Alec Stuart News Editor In the past few months, many programs have awareness club) is planting a new garden, while changed their competitive activities in light of HOSA is planning a grand awards ceremony for their COVID-19. In some cases, the future plans of programs competitions in the lecture hall on Feb. 10. Overall, most are uncertain, as adapting to the situation brings to competitions are conducted and judged via online light. sessions, with the judge viewing a specific round and “The competitions that we have coming up are UIL deciding who did better. Yet, a few lucky organization Solo and Ensemble Festival and still will compete in person. UIL Concert and Sight reading,” “We had our big county show [at band director Derek Woods the end of January] and will have some said. “Both of these events are results at that time,” FFA director Jordan somewhat up in the air as to how Blount said. they’ll be accomplished due to The Hays County Livestock Show COVID-19 safety concerns.” hosted competitors, limiting attendance With the beginning of the new and cleaning vigorously with a live semester, most programs and stream broadcast on YouTube. Despite clubs reflect on having had a the difficulties, there have been some rough fall season in light of the successes. pandemic. However, the structure For the first time in nine years, the and activities of each program DSHS Choir program had a student makes them unique in how they reach All State, the highest rank in the operate. Choir competitive program. Brody “At this point in time, we’re still Lane, a junior, reached the All State Members drive through at their HOSA not sure how spring competitions choir, being in the top five out of 19 induction ceremony. Photo by @ will go,” Courtney Neva, choir contestants. Being one the best choir dshshosa director, said. “Our TMEA (Texas programs in the entire US, this is not to Music Educators Association) Allbe taken lightly. State choir auditions have been completely virtual this There was also success among the other school year.” 12 DSHS contestants at the Area competition (used to This is an observation seen by most students, including enter All State). personally with speech and debate. Multiple programs Overall, while COVID-19 has created difficulty for have little to nothing going on, as COVID-19 has made programs at this school, events like All State show that the future uncertain. LEAP (the school’s environmental we’re not without achievements.

Junior Providence Daniel practices in band class; sophomores Kate Nolan and Kaylee Cormack read notes in choir. Both programs had to adapt to virtual competition, limited travels, and live performances. Photos by Riordan Tiller.

Valentine's Day

Stories From Your Peers Sierra Trbovich Staff Writer Feb. 14, also known as our beloved holiday, Valentine’s Day, is a day for love, whether it’s platonic or romantic. Remember the days back in elementary school when we would throw parties and everyone would make their class sweet, little cards with candy and treats? Ah, the good old days. Well, now that we’re older, it’s always fun to take a trip down memory lane, and reminisce over old memories from this beloved holiday. So, that’s exactly what we’re going to do. “I have had strep eight times, and six of those times were on Valentine’s Day or close enough to where I could not go to school that day,” sophomore Izzy Fletcher said. “They used to set up a box for me, and my mom would pick it up at the end of the day so I would still get valentines regardless. Despite that, Valentine’s Day is my third favorite holiday.” Poor Izzy, that does not sound like fun whatsoever, and who would’ve guessed that someone could have the luck of getting the same illness that many years in a row, on the same day. Cupid doesn’t seem too happy with you. “I gave a girl chocolate once that said you make my heart melt, and she gave it to some random dude, but that’s more depressing than funny,” freshman Casey Daniels said. It’s okay Casey. I think I can speak for most of us anyways, that we’ve all been rejected. “In second grade before I moved, we made these boxes for Valentine’s Day to hold our candy, and my crush who everyone swore liked me back, gave me extra candy and wrote a little note which is somewhere in my memory box buried in my closet,” sophomore Abby Surface said. Personally for me, hand written notes are my favorite and I will always cherish them, and keep them somewhere. To any of the readers, if you’re stuck on what to get someone, definitely look into writing a handwritten note. “I haven’t had many eventful Valentine’s Days, but last year my friend hosted a ‘Galentine’s Day’ and she

invited a bunch of super cool girls, and we just hung out and did fun sleepover things like baked cupcakes, went to Target, and played games,” sophomore Ariela Barron said. “We all watched ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’, and it was very fun, because we all learned the living room routine; we also made valentines for each other and stayed the night, it was the most interesting Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had.” Hanging out with friends on this day is also very memorable. It’s one of those memories that you remember whenever the holiday comes around again. “On Valentine’s Day one year, my ex boyfriend gave me a teddy bear and a rose that could glow, and hugged me and moments later,” sophomore Brooklyn Hagblom said, “I said I hated him and asked for him to leave me alone and ran off with the presents while my ex sat on the ground right there and sobbed. I never talked to him again.” Well, I suppose that is one way to break up with someone, right? “A cute memory I have of Valentine’s Day was when I received flowers from my middle school boyfriend.” This was sent from an anonymous source. The middle school relationships never get old. “Well, in 6th grade, I gave a girl Valentine’s chocolate in English,” freshman AJ Bergeron said. “I’m pretty sure I just walked in and handed them to her and sat down; she never really mentioned them afterwards, especially since she was dating someone at the time. Yes, I gave chocolates to a taken girl. Not a smart move, but a very 6th grade style move. Two days later, it was her birthday and I gave her a card and put my number in it after I signed my name.” Well, I can agree with you there that giving a taken girl a valentine probably wasn’t your best option, but hey, I give you props. Sadly, that is all the stories that we come bearing, but hey, maybe these will make you dig up some of your old stories to reminisce and laugh on whatever it may be.

*20 students were polled during this survey. Infograph by Brooklyn Hagblom.

Photo by Allie Wheeler.


The Paw Print February 2021


Who Is Grimes?

Abby Tredway Staff Writer

The electronic artist Claire Boucher, gift from God. This was her first critically professionally known as Grimes, can best acclaimed album, and won her a record be described as an enigma. Boucher deal with 4AD. does not feel like a real person in any way, Between the release of Visions and her shape, or form. Grimes has five albums, next album Art Angels, Grimes remained one of which was made entirely on in the public eye, and in 2013 posted a Garage band in the span of three weeks. statement about her experience as a She was born in Vancouver in 1998 and female musician and disappointment started making music in 2007. that her feminist stance was typically Her debut album Geidi Primes was seen as anti-male. For this time period, weirdly only released on cassette it was pretty unusual for artists to when it first came out in 2010. speak up about things like this, Weird may be the only way to so it was very brave of her describe most of her earlier to do so. Leading up to the music. She made Geidi Art Angels release, Grimes Primes completely by herself, stayed busy with opening giving her audience a bit for Lana Del Rey, music of a peek into her mind. videos, soundtracks, and Grimes described this the release of her lead album as cyber single, Flesh Without Blood. twee and the most On Nov. 6, 2015, Grimes MySpace album released Art Angels, ever. Though the which she described album is only 31 minutes as orchestral emo long, it features 11 production. For tracks, my favorites this album, she being Rosa and Avi. messed around Geidi Primes is said with guitar, giving to be sort of a it a completely Dune concept different sound album, as her to her previous dream at the time releases. This would have been album has two to direct the Dune of her most movie. popular songs, Grimes Preforming in March of 2012. Later that year, Kill V. Maim and Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons she released her Flesh Without Blood. Art second album, Angels went number Halfaxa, which she describes as her most one on Billboard U.S. alternative charts, underrated album. This began the path to and received the title of album of the where she is today, as she started to tour year from numerous publications. outside of Montreal and gained more of A little less than five years later, Grimes an online presence after Halfaxa. Boucher finally followed up Art Angels with her links this album to her vacation in Halifax, album Miss Anthropocene after conflicts Canada. In 2020, Grimes talked about her with her label. Boucher describes this as older music, saying she didn’t realize songs her best album yet, and mentions that had real lyrics, she just thought people the video game Shadow of the Colossus were saying random things, which explains reminds her of it. Her concept for this a lot. album was a fictional universe with a After her collaboration EP, Darkbloom, bunch of new gods that were building she released her first album that achieved the simulation. major success, Visions in 2012. While Shockingly, a few months later making the album, Grimes wanted to go Boucher gave birth to her and Elon completely insane and do anything that Musk’s oddly named baby. Grimes is was musically possible. To do this, she definitely one of the weirdest people I locked herself in her apartment for three have heard of, but she seems to be so weeks and just sat down and worked on weird that she is normal. I can’t wait to the album. She describes this experience see what she has coming next, no matter by saying she felt as if she started to how strange it is. channel spirits and that her music was a

Who Does DSHS Love Stats Out of 30 students, 16.6% said they loved their friends the most, 6.6% said they loved their pets the most, 13.3% said they loved their significant other the most, 16.6% said they loved their siblings the most, and 46.6% said they loved their parents the most.

It’s that time of year again! Love is in the air. Stores are filled with heart shaped candy. Who do the students think of when they are asked about who they love? Tia Davison Entertainment Editor “My Mom. My mom is probably one of my best friends; she’s always been there for me. Though we get into fights over little things, I know she’s always got my back at the end of the day.” - Sierra Trbovich “My boyfriend Nicholas. He has the most comforting energy, I’m always excited to see him, he has been supportive of all my hard work, and he makes me feel like a boss lady.” - Samantha Moore “Tristan Leopold. He makes me laugh even when I’m crying, he really listens to me, he is patient when he is teaching me something new, he encourages and pushes me when I set a goal, he likes to go on adventures, and he is passionate.” -Evelyn Peterson “My parents and brother. They raised me up in a lovely and welcoming household. Home truly is my favorite place due to them.” -Alec Stuart “I love my mom. She’s a very dynamic person in the sense she’s been through so much and has a reason for why she is the person she is today.” -Gabriella Plasencia “My little sister Whitney. Whenever I come home from school and she sees me, she gives me a hug, and she always makes me smile. It’s my job as her big sister to support her and make her feel loved, so I try and do as much as I can with her. I love making her laugh, and I love being goofy with her.” -Mallory Neff “My mom. She supports and provides for me.” -Ethan Garcia “My mom and my brother and my friends Dill and Gracie. My mom is always there for me even when I’m at my lowest, which, trust me, she’s seen me at my lowest. My brother, because we have basically lived the same life, just him a year older, and we know each other super well. My friends Gracie and Dill, because they help me escape my depression.” -Brooklyn Hagblom “My family and my pets. They always know how to cheer me up and make me happy. My pets love to cuddle and make me feel good and learn to appreciate life more.” -Kayla Childress “My cousin Georgia. She always makes me laugh and is my best friend.” -Audrey Edwards

“My mom. She works harder than anyone I know.” -Margot Heltzel

46.6% Parents

13.3 Significant Others

Tell Me Something Good Love Edition

“I love my best friend Kiara Bobb. She’s my best friend, my platonic soulmate. She’s been by my side since forever and has changed my life in all the best ways. We can talk for hours about the most random topics, and we can go do silly things whenever we want. She gives the best hugs and has the best laugh. She loves being the one to drive us places. She’s been by my side and is going to be there for the rest of my life.” -Cady Russell

16.6% Friends 6.6% Pets

Photo By: Camryn Sulser.

“Mom. She’s always there for me and tries to do everything she can. She’s gone out of her way to make my day better even if it interferes with hers.” -Abby Hernandez “My friends. They look out for me and I do the same for them. We help each other out and want the best for each other.” -Dominic Gearing “My best friend. Ashley. She’s determined, self-less, caring, enthusiastic, unique, free-spirited, inviting, and inspiring.” -Sophia Portillo

16.6% Siblings

“I love my Dad because he introduced me to two of the best movies of all time, the Bee Movie and Pride and Prejudice.” -Mia Perez “My older sister. She forces me to live outside of my comfort zone and is always up for an adventure.” -Mattie Gretzinger “I love my mom because she has always been there for me and continues to support me!” -Paris Shirley

What’s Up With Frank Tredway Ocean Abby Staff Writer Recently, Frank Ocean completely wiped his Instagram account. This is weird because he had pictures dating back to 2015 on there. Typically, when Frank Ocean performing in an artist does this, it signifies a new era coming, usually 2012. photo by Per Ole Hagen followed by a new album or single. But what does this mean for Frank Ocean? His most recent release was two singles, Cayendo and Dear April, on March 25. However, his most recent album, Blonde, was released Aug. 2016. The gap between Ocean’s first project, Channel Orange, and Blonde was about four years. If he follows the pattern of his last release, an album must be releasing soon right? Well, it’s not that easy with Frank. We could get an album in five years or tomorrow morning, you never really know. Though, some are speculating that this could mean Ocean is done with music, following the death of his little brother Ryan Breaux. However, I think that’s pretty unlikely. Given that music is his passion, it wouldn’t make much sense for Frank to stop now. Whatever we get whenever we get it, I know it will blow everyone away, as that seems to be what Ocean does.

“I love my parents. They love me no matter how much I screw up.” -Nate Newman “Logan Urwiler. He always makes sure I’m safe and loves me the way I am and stuff.” -Elizabeth Pena “My Parents. They care for me and are always very helpful.” -Eli Rudy “Mattie Gretzinger. She’s my best friend and has always been there for me and put up with whatever crazy ideas I’ve had since the age of two.” -Mackenzie Cunningham “Mom and Dad. They always support and believe in me in all of my talents and interests.” -Camden Packer “I love the little yellow bird with a Mohawk that sits outside my window while I’m on Zoom (His name is Rico). I love him because even though I don’t give him any food, he comes to sit by my window every day and that makes me very happy.” -Ben Lourens


The Paw Print

February 2021

Features Virus Complications

Abigail Hernandez Staff Writer

Consequences of New Strain

Families and their loved ones sit close by the TV watching as the ball from Times Square begins to drop. The countdown starts at 10, and eventually strikes 12 a.m. Cheers persist throughout the neighborhood as fireworks go off. Loud booming flows through the streets and the thoughts of a new year form in people’s minds as they wish for a better year. Although a new year has begun, the detrimental effects of COVID-19 still remain. COVID-19, still very prevalent within the community and the world, still affects many people’s lives. New discoveries of the prevalent strains of virus currently hold scientists’ attention. Though not more deadly, more infectious variations of the virus exist. With this in mind, the possibility of cases rising even further poses no threat, so this can possibly impact the school and the learning environment. “The more contagious virus does concern me because this means that it will expose more individuals,” English teacher Claire Zimmerman said. “If the mortality rate of the mutated virus became lower, then it would not seriously trouble me. However, since the mortality rate stays the same, this means that more people have a chance of injury or death than before with the included precautions of masks and hand washing. This fact will remain devastating, especially as we pass the threshold of two million deaths worldwide.” Fear knows no boundaries, especially with something that lacks popularity and worldwide knowledge, but Dripping Springs ISD has put as much effort as possible to do the best for the community, and have a system in place if another lock down occurs. “If another lock down occurs, we would return to 100 percent remote learning [because] the safety and health of our staff and students remains our first priority, and we want to maintain a safe learning environment for all,” Principal Angela Gamez said. Staying remote offers a safe option, but some

teachers do have a preference when it comes to getting to know their students and interacting with them. “Under normal circumstances, I prefer in-person teaching because the relationships with students develop better, and the classroom environment becomes generally more enjoyable,” Zimmerman said. In times like these, however, teachers and staff members agree that the safety of students as a top priority gains uttermost importance and that even though online learning may not occur ideally, it resides as the best option, and students should stay flexible with the format. “I understand that remote schooling persists as an important option to have available so that students, faculty, and their families stay safe during the pandemic,” Zimmerman said. “Dripping Springs ISD has encouraged teachers to stay consistent with their teaching strategies in case we had to go remote again, so there wouldn’t result in too many changes on an academic level.” With all this going on, one must understand that remote learning poses as the best option safety wise if cases begin to drastically rise again, but going all remote still has an effect on both students’ social lives and mental health. “My biggest concern, if we went back into lock down, would pose as the lack to play for a state championship, and one last year of baseball with the guys I have grown up with,” senior Christopher Frickel said. “I would become pretty frustrated mainly because I am a senior and having to end my high school career not at school, would only bring disappointment.” However, students try to keep their hopes up that the new year will bring some good, and to have a more optimistic outlook for what will come. “If I’ve learned anything from 2020, do not take anything for granted,” sophomore Elizabeth McDowell said.“This year I’m trying to stay positive and enjoy the moments and memories that I’m able to make.”

Navigating Relationships Socializing in 2021 “In a lot of ways when I’m first meeting someone, I prefer meeting them online because you get to share more of your personality than in a school setting,” sophomore Liliana Dyck said. “It also takes away from that social anxiety of meeting someone for the first time because you still show your face, but behind a screen instead.” Making new friends has changed since last year, for a multitude of reasons, but the biggest one appears as the apparent distance between people right now. Little expressions, attitudes, auras, etc do not show through the screen, making almost every on-screen interaction stale and lifeless. “Whenever we do break out rooms, it becomes a struggle,” sophomore Kira Heflin said. For Heflin and Kayla Johnson, breakout rooms during a zoom call make a period slightly more dreadful. “I find breakout rooms awkward and quiet. I had one the other day, though that went pretty well, only because we could laugh at the silence and bond through that. In most cases, difficulties arise when trying to find that bond,” Johnson said. Bouncing off of what Johnson described, the emptiness of someone’s presence has an effect of how people interact with one another. The circumstances one faces on

camera and sharing themselves to other people behind screens for the vast majority lacks simple logic, specifically for break out rooms, but otherwise fine, as Dyck prefers. However, some instances have grown on people that show the positives proven after trial and error for online students attending zoom calls. “Nuance exists in real life that you just can’t do on Zoom,” Heflin said. “In a Socratic seminar, one student would unmute himself a few seconds before he spoke, as a little signal to everyone that he would join the conversation, so I’m totally going to use that.”

College Setbacks Truths of Fine Art School Sophomore Liliana Dyck, a singer and sound artist, has taken many considerations involving her freedom from student debt to authority. Her passion falls into the fine arts category, setting her apart from someone aiming for a more conventional profession that requires a college degree. “I think there’s a lot of opportunities now to be an independent artist,” Dyck said. “Personally, I want to do performances in addition to that, so that would set me back, but also there are so many places you can get internships now and all of the equipment and software is becoming readily available to the general public, so I think it would be more beneficial to have some real-life experience.” In Dyck’s situation, attaining a college degree in sound engineering wouldn’t be worth the time and money. Not to mention, how it would compensate after she graduated. “My worries would definitely just be debt because my career wouldn’t start off right away, most of the money would be spent on a career without a promise and an actual job after graduation,” Dyck said. Dyck reframes from the prospect of attending a fine arts-oriented college because her philosophy aligns with application and experience over outdated processes that would set her back on a field such as the music industry which changes so rapidly, that a four-year school wouldn’t be able to keep up with it. “I’ve learned technology is progressing so quickly and that the college curriculum is behind the game at this point,” Dyck said. “Internships are the way to go.”

Gabriella Plasencia Staff Writer

2021 Resolutions Q&A Abigail Hernandez Staff Writer

Q: What is your 2021 New Year’s Resolution/Goal?

Photo by Camryn Sulser.


“I want to be more present in the moment. Time is going by very quickly lately and I would like to value it more.” - Logan Moore, senior

A: “I want to edit more videos and learn Premiere Pro.” - Chris Palafoutas, sophomore

A: “My goal for this year is to spend more time with my family instead of playing video games” - Adam Alba, freshman

A: “My top New Year’s resolution is to get myself

first place in my jiu-jitsu tournament.” - Ethan Crank, freshman

A: “My New Year’s resolution is to go on more walks Photo by Camryn Sulser

and to exercise more.” - Lorelei Pauska, freshman

A: “I want to hit some of my goals in the gym and also

become a better athlete.” - Jack McTiernan, sophomore

Gabriella Plasencia Staff Writer Although talent is difficult or if not, impossible to teach, Dyck agreed that if ACC decided to have a production and sound engineering class at the school, she would definitely sign up. She then predicted that the turn out would end up making it a popular class. “I think there’s a lot of independent artists everywhere, like a Soundcloud rapper guy, and all genres, really,” Dyck said. “So I think that would get a lot of interest, actually.” Niche classes in high school would be helpful for students to experiment and take their passion seriously, but another factor that is critical for young artists is getting support from their family. “My parents are super supportive with whatever I do and supportive of my music career, so that’s not an issue,” Dyck said. As some may not have a similar situation, sophomore Kayla Johnson, has expectations from her family to go through college for something more substantial than an art degree. “I think my mom would rather I get a business degree, which is smart,” Johnson said, “but there’s also ways to integrate artistic practices that go along with the job like marketing because it’s basically an umbrella because even graphic design can fall into that category.” In a more ideal world, Johnson would be able to prove that the success rate of an arts degree correlates with a high paying job, but that is not the case in this one. “I want something where there’s always different projects around the corner and get to be creative,” Johnson said. “There’s a lot of options that range from animation to interior design, but at the same time that’s

terrifying of having to depend on an art degree, because you’re basically going into debt not knowing where to go from there and commissioned-based professions are typical.” The relief in Johnson’s experience with contemplating art school was serious research and discussion with parents about the realistic aspects of a career involved with art. For example, how people live off of commission or how a freelance lifestyle looks like. In order to believe it, Johnson needed examples to reference from by searching careers for artists besides someone who makes videos about drawing and becomes a social media personality, all for the sake of compromising a dream in order to get the closest thing to it. Photos by

The Paw Print


Feburary 2021

Editorials Eccentric Locales

Lack of Mental Health Education Impairs Students

towards the end of the construction of I-35, the zoo shut down in 1969. The remains include dilapidated barns and cages with the occasional sight of bones from the once-popular animals. Little information about the current owner of the property exists, however, with a quick trip through the woods past Walnut Creek Park, the site still stands.

Weird Places of ATX Sophia Portillo Features Editor Austin, Texas. The place is known for watching bats under the Congress Bridge, listening to live music, and visiting the well-known swimming holes unique to the area. Although credited for its weirdness, Austin cannot explain these four locations which define the meaning of the word in imperceptible ways.

Museum of Natural and Artifical Ephemerata

By far the most peculiar place on this list, the Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata, still open to the public today, remains one of the only family-owned museums still in existence. However, due to the pandemic, the museum has suspended the public from getting a first-hand tour. Founded in 1921, the gallery gets its name, “Ephemera,” as something is previously thrown out, but thought to have cultural value and interest later on. Among each of the oddities featured at the museum, the most popular object remains as the last cigarette smoked by the famous actress, Marilyn Monroe. Other sights, more specifically found in the taxidermy section, include an old flamingo head found in a dumpster treated with mercury, a jackalope, and a pygmy kangaroo reconstructed without the knowledge of how the original animal looked. Back in the late summer of 2008, the museum held a rather unique exhibit that featured mis-engineered biodiversity including a two-headed cow named Patches with feet chewed off by rats, to an ear of corn which replicated a human hand. To peak your curiosity, I will stop sharing the objects found in the museum so you can discover the weirdness for yourself.

Coxville Zoo

Next on the list, the unsettling location known for its abandoned feel, the Coxville Zoo, originally opened in 1939 by Alvin Cox. Originally a gas station and grocery store near the corner of Yager and North Lamar, the Coxville Zoo became a popular site particularly because of Cox’s pet monkey. As more and more visitors came to see the monkey, the owner eventually began to collect more exotic animals, especially from soldiers who could not house the animals during the war, until the gas station became a zoo. However,

Harley Hunt Contributing Writer The students in the high school, by far, are the most likely generation to struggle with mental illnesses. These young adults are raised with the world at their fingertips, therefore being subjected to political unrest, addictions to social media, moral shifts, and constantly comparing themselves to others - all while being raised by the generation most likely to have homes where both parents are occupied with full time jobs. Students may have access to crisis management regarding mental health but few have access to crisis prevention. This school is lacking in preventative mental health education. The administration must consider requiring all high school students take a mandatory mental health education class, as part of the required curriculum. Making it an entire class can give students a breath of fresh air from their busy schedules and help better prepare them for life by giving them the tools to handle adult emotions and events. The campus already has a school Mental and Emotional Health Counselor, Ms. Opiela, who can help make sure the class is actually effective.Teaching this information in a classroom environment where everyone has access to it can also help change the culture

Westlake Hills Fallout Shelter

Taking a trip back to the fearful era of the 1960s with constant nuclear threats, found underneath Westlake Hills, remains an old fallout shelter. Everything from food, beds, clothing, and even a map and radio of the nearby surroundings resided inside after six decades of shutdown from the outside world. The bunker itself accompanies another site located at Zilker Park. Also, a fallout shelter, photos of the bunker, which many still view today, reside at the Austin History Center. The property on which the bunker holds housing has sold and as a result, availability to visit remains unknown. Although nuclear threats no longer remain as the same hazard that they did decades ago, the bunker still serves to show the importance of preparation during comminatory times.

The University of Texas

Finally, last on this list resides the unexpected campus of the University of Texas. However, this exact location takes place underground among the eight miles of secret tunnels concealed to the public. Found among the vast and mysterious area includes pipes, some even made up of acid waste, ramps, entrances to buildings, windows, and old storage rooms. These tunnels made it possible to gain access to the main tower in which Charles Witman, the 1966 UT gunman set camp in. In more recent years, back in 2006, a series of online posts concluded the first time that the public saw the tunnels. Included in the pictures lies a large, open room with sand and strange equipment in cages in addition to a strange code of numbers and letters on the wall which ended with the unsettling statement “forgive me.” As the site became more popular, curious explorers sought out to create maps of the hidden tunnels. The campus then installed extensive security including hidden motion cameras and door alarms. News coverage even took place and the college threatened to arrest anyone who trespassed into the area. The tunnels today remain mysterious to all except those with a clearance badge to gain access. The code inside still rests as a mystery, however, many still look for ways to break into the obscure tunnels.

Stressful Situations

Students Struggle to Find Motivation

Mallory Neff Staff Writer

In the past year, COVID-19 and the changes to Stress, like motivation, is also an important factor in the school have had a detrimental effect on student’s motisuccess and work ethic of students. Many students are vation. Although we are already six months into the school either lacking stress or have too much. A lack of stress or year, it is still difficult for students to be engaged in school care for assignments can lead to procrastination, asand for them to enjoy learning. signments not being completed to the best of student’s This term and next, students have to have the right abilities, or not being completed at all. This can eventually motivation and have to work to reduce stress in their lead to excessive stress and worry about grades. Too much school and home lives. We have to handle these situations with caution and understanding rather than with incentives and or punishment. Motivation is important for a student’s happiness and success in school. The right kind of motivation can help students go further in their effort and find interest in their classes. Currently, the lack of motivation and excess stress is causing students to be disinterested in their classes and the things they are learning. Most students don’t enjoy learning because they aren’t given the opportunity to. The topics either don’t appeal to them or they don’t allow for much independent thinking or creativity. Giving students room to explore what they’re learning and make it their own will make it more appealing and more fun. Online learning is especially difficult Using a Chromebook from the high school, sophomore Makynna Hubbard for interactive learning and good motivaexhibits the online learning experience. Photo by Hailey Jarvis tion. Being online, you may miss out on class activities and it can get boring. Although remote students may have more time throughout the day, stress can also negatively impact student’s success. this very aspect can lead to procrastination. This can also Excess stress can eventually make people exhausted cause more stress, because students aren’t constantly and fatigued. A buildup of this stress increases the likeliaround teachers and peers, and therefore don’t have hood of mental illness and disorders. That is why it is so iman immediate social support system, which is one of the portant that we deal with issues like this with caution and biggest buffers for stress. intention. These behaviors caused by stress are supported

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February 2021 Volume III Issue IV

The Paw Print

by research and theories such as the Yerkes-Dodson Curve and the General Adaptation Syndrome Theory. Although the first and arguably easiest way to encourage a student’s work effort and participation is incentives and/or punishments in the form of lower grades and points off, this can damage a student’s future motivation and can cause them to become disinterested in a subject they once enjoyed learning. This is called the over justification effect. When students receive an incentive or reward for something they had previously been interested in and enjoyed, they may lack that interest in the future. Many, if not all, students are motivated by college hope or grades to some extent. Although this is effective, it is not as effective as learning for the satisfaction of it or completing assignments because they are willing to learn. This willingness to learn is called intrinsic motivation, and in a school setting, this type of motivation can be improved by taking on more creative projects or relating the information to real-life to find its relevance. Putting in extra effort to succeed and learn the information so that it is easier to understand and complete helps to increase interest in a subject. Positive appraisal and changing perspectives allow students to find new interests and enjoy learning much more. This also helps to reduce the effects of stress. Motivation is a crucial part of successful education and after, a successful life. Having good motivation and dealing with stress efficiently is beneficial to our minds, bodies, and overall happiness. Finding joy in the things you are learning about will allow you to be more proactive and less frustrated throughout your lifetime.

Teacher Pop: 144 Student Pop: 2171


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and school community perspective around mental health challenges. This can give students room to seek help without stressing about what others will think. Mental health, although we’ve made steps in the right direction, is still misunderstood, stigmatized, and often ignored in America today, especially in our youth. Many people live their lives with undiagnosed mental illnesses and harm themselves and others because of their lack of preventative education, healthy coping mechanisms, and ability to reach out for the help they need. A mental health education class can normalize asking for and receiving help. It will help open that door and make it easier for students to seek assistance. The school knows how to prioritize the students. We already have mandatory physical education classes. Mental and emotional health is just as (if not more) important than physical health, so it deserves a class of its own. Giving students access to an educational course that will allow them to better understand the normality of their feelings and give them tools to deal with challenges in their day to day lives is important enough to require before graduation.

The Paw Print’s core purpose is to serve the students and staff of Dripping Springs High School, as well as the surrounding community, with the most meaningful news and content regarding our school’s culture and the student body that influences it. From students, to students.

Awards NSPA Best of Show 2020 ILPC 2018-2019 Honor CSPA 2018-2019 Second Place ASPA 2018-2019 First Place

Meet the Staff Co-Editor in Chief Sam Moore Co-Editor in Chief Evelyn Peterson Features Editor Sports Editor Cady Russell Sophia Portillo Online Editor Cady Russell

Entertainment Editor Tia Davison

News Editor Alec Stuart

Opinion Editor Sam Moore Student Life Editor Evelyn Peterson

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The Paw Print is inserted inside the Century News, and distributed to racks next to the front office, CL&I, and the student media room. 2,000 copies are printed.


The Paw Print February 2021


Alive and Kickin’ Boys Soccer Looks to Make Best of Season After Last Year Playoff Cancellation Cady Russell Sports Editor Soccer season is in full swing, and after a year of week and the game at the end of the week. And, it challenges, and a canceled playoff season last year, the could be very tough games. It’s just very hectic, but fun season is more meaningful than ever. in the end, because it’s a grind.” “I think we all came into this season optimistic but also Despite the challenge that district play can be, the with the idea that we aren’t going to take anything players say it’s worth it; they create memories that the for granted,” Head Coach Josh Hill said. “I still players treasure. feel bad for last year’s seniors that didn’t “My favorite soccer memory has to be when we get the chance to play in the playoffs. I went to Frisco and played the high school tournament think this group is playing for those seniors last year,” Ortega said. “I think it’s the best group the this year.” high school’s ever had. It was just amazing to see us Soccer playoff season is usually held in play against top-caliber high schools and, just, really March, and that’s when the COVID-19 hold our own and then just show that. Being pandemic first hit the United States in able to bond with the whole team just felt full force. really amazing. And, I think, you can “I think my hope is just for ask anyone from that team, it’s everyone to be on the same page,” definitely their favorite part of the senior varsity player Jair Ortega said. year.” “So when we face struggles during There are 16 games in district the season that we can overcome play this season with two byes, it without having to do anything. and the team already played two I just hope that our teams are on tournaments. the same page.” “I just love that it gives me an outlet And the preseason this year is to constantly get away from everything tough. Every two years, districts and just let me be myself without any change, and Dripping Springs was distractions like school and other stuff like moved out of the 5A Austin district to that,” Ortega said. the 5A hill country district. Coach Hill mentioned that the varsity team has “We scheduled a tough preseason skilled players for every position, and that comes from against some really good 6A programs many players also playing club. to prepare us for the season,” Coach “I think, balance is not too hard just because when Hill said. “Our district changed from high school starts, club ends, and so you can completely last year, and it will be much more switch your focus over,” Ortega said. “So, it’s not too competitive this year.” hard on me, I guess, because it’s like there’s not really District play usually consists of two much balancing for me to do. It kind of allows me to just games per week, one on Tuesday and focus on one thing.” one on Friday. As district play drags out, players and coaches alike “Soccer season is hectic. It’s are taking every minute of playing time as a a lot of balancing injuries from gift. different players, people who “I hope that we get a chance to play don’t pass, people who are sick every game,” Coach Hill said. “Our goals one day,” Ortega said. “And it’s are to win district and put together a long like, we all got to balance, playing playoff run. I think this year’s team has a Photo by Max Levey a game at the beginning of the great shot to have a special year.”

“It’s just that culture of everyone bettering themselves. So then the team can succeed and, move forward.” -Jair Ortega, 12

Ortega rushes up the field with the ball during the Dripping Springs Showcase, held from Jan. 7-9. Photo by Max Levey.






6 1. In the game against Westwood on Jan. 7, junior Javier Ortega passes the ball. The game ended 1-1, with both goals scored in the second half. Photo by Max Levey. 2. The varsity boys team huddles before their game. The team tied, won, and tied in that tournament. Photo by Max Levey. 3. Ethan Roberts, senior, takes the ball up the field during the game against Westwood on Jan. 7. Photo by Max Levey. 4. Boys soccer lines up in the Westwood box for a free kick. The game ended tied 1-1. Photo by Max Levey. 5. Junior Adam Knuston takes the ball up the field in the game against Westwood. Knuston made varsity as a freshman. Photo by Max Levey. 6. In the game against Cedar Park, junior Ian Driggers steals the ball from an opposing player. DSHS won the game 2-0. Photo by Max Levey.


The Paw Print February 2021



What is your favorite baseball memory? “When I was 12 or 11, something like that, we stayed in these dorm-type rooms with the whole baseball team, and a bunch of the guys that are on the team now were there with me, and we had a great time and won the championship.”

Senior Dylan Wolfe, Varsity Baseball Cady Russell Sports Editor

What is the team chemistry like? “We all kind of have our own personality, but we all just kind of meshed together really well. I mean, like, we’ve known each other forever.”

What are you looking forward to for the upcoming season? “We’ve all played baseball since we were nine and been on the same teams and known each other. I think it’s gonna be a lot of fun moving forward because we’re all already such a tight-knit group.” What have you done in the preseason to prepare for this season? “Well, we’ve been in the baseball class working hard every single day. We lift three or four times a week, running multiple times a week. You know, we’re out there at the baseball field. Getting work done after school is over. I think there’s a lot of work ethic between the guys.”

How did COVID-19 ending the season early last year impact people’s attitudes towards this season? “I guess that it puts a lot more emphasis on just taking advantage of every moment that you got. I know, for sure, that coaches are really preaching that. Just work hard because you never know what’s going to happen tomorrow and give it all today. So, I know that’s been a lot of people’s minds.” What is something that you want out of this season? “I would love to just to kind of blow it out with a great ending season. I know for some of us, we’re moving on to college baseball. I’m not one of those. This is my last season. I’m hoping we can be successful going to playoffs, but most of all, just I kind of enjoy each moment and be able to look back and feel really proud of everything we’ve done.”

What is the team’s hope for this season? “State championship. That’s kind of a generic answer, but definitely that’s what we talk about, for sure. As hopes go, [we’re] hoping for the end of the season to be played. ”

New Year, New Games 2021 Spring Season Underway, Keep an Eye Out on These Sports Cady Russell Sports Editor

Injury Impact

Due to COVID-19, schedules can change in an instant. See for updated schedules.

Greater Effort Needs to Be Made To Prevent Damage in Athletics Sam Moore Co Editor-in-Chief *This is an editorial and is the opinion of the writer. This is NOT a news story.

Boys Basketball Boys basketball has a couple more games in district in February than the Lady Tigers, with their district ending on Feb. 12 against New Braunfels Canyon, which also happens to be Silent Night. Playoffs last until late February or early March, depending on how far the playoff run goes.

Basketball may be a winter sport, but it’s still going strong into early February. District play ends Feb. 5 against Kerrville Tivy, which is an away game. Playoffs however start after district ends and runs as long as the playoff run lasts.

Boys Soccer In the game against New Braunfels Canyon, junior Ashleigh Aksamit aims to pass the ball. DSHS lost 54-31. Photo by Hailey Jarvis

Girls Soccer

It is soccer season and it is the sport to watch. Lady Tiger soccer is ranked seventh in the state and 25th nationally. District started Jan. 19 against Hays Johnson, and lasts until March 18, ending with a game against Kerrville Tivy. With two games per week, there are plenty of opportunities to catch a game. Playoffs start March 25 and last until early April.

Softball Softball lost most of its season last year when school shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first tournaments start in early February, with district starting on Feb. 16 against Hays Johnson. If the season progresses as normal, there will be 16 district games, lasting until April 23. However, due to the pandemic, things can change in an instant.

Senior Bry Peters prepares to serve during practice. Tennis was unique and has two seasons, fall and spring. Photo by Darby Austin


Girls Basketball

Boys soccer is a district to watch. This team is ranked 33rd in the state and 109 nationwide. District started with a game against Hays Johnson on Jan. 19, and ends with an away game on March 19 against Kerrville Tivy. Playoffs also last from March to April and depend on the playoff run made by the team.

Wolfe on the pitch during the 2019-2020 season. Only the starting tournaments got a chance to be played.

It is no secret that sports-related injuries are a common occurrence at the high school level. It happens to most athletes at least once in their athletic careers and has been debated at our school who is to be held accountable for these injuries. The coaches at DSISD take diligent measures to prevent injuries from occurring in their athletes. Coaches at our school make sure to partake in recovery days, such as yoga to help their muscles after a competition. Dripping Springs coaches, along with prioritizing recovery, have demonstrated encouragement of healthy diets. Coach Harlow stated in an interview that she encourages her athletes to eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water. A very important part of being an athlete is weight training and foam rolling. Coach Amrine stressed that they teach their athletes how to safely lift weights with proper form as well as foam roll their muscles to assist with recovery. Based on a conversation with multiple coaches, they are doing everything in their power to prevent injury. So, where is the problem occurring? Most likely the problem is occurring in the athletes not fully understanding why preventative measures are being taken. If an individual does not understand why something is important, they are less likely to take it seriously. Perhaps these sports injuries are being caused by athletes not fully understanding and complying with the preventative measures that are being put in place. The coaches provide students with knowledge on how to foam roll and properly take care of their muscles and bodies. The coaches can provide athletes with proper information, but they can’t go home with their students to make sure they’re following guidelines. The coaches should do everything they can to educate their students on how and why they take preventative measures such as foam rolling, stretching, and warming up, but there is only so much we can expect of the coaches before it becomes the athletes’ responsibility.

Spring Tennis Tennis is back in action after a great fall season. Flex and JV kicked off the season with meets at Fredericksburg and San Marcos on Jan. 21 and Jan. 28. Varsity starts with the Georgetown Minz Classic on Feb 5. Play lasts until April 1, with the District 25-5A Tournament for all teams still TBD. If qualified, the regional tournament would be on April 27-28 and the state tournament from May 20-21.

Baseball At the time this edition of the “Paw Print,” was sent to press, the baseball schedule had not been released. However, baseball has some preseason tournaments coming up in early February, after teams are picked Jan. 28. Spring break also holds a lot of games, with games for every team on March 16 and a varsity game March 17. District play should last well into April with playoffs following. *At the time of the deadline for this paper, there had been no word on track or wrestling schedules, both still TBD.

Swim in Playoffs

February Marks End of Season February marks the end of swim season, and the team has hopes of state titles. Regional Championships are held from Feb. 5-6 at College Station. All of the divers on the team will compete at this meet. If swimmers qualify for state, the Girls State Championship will

Junior Reid Johnson takes the ball up the field during a game. Johnson was moved up to varsity this year. Photo by Gabi Bastone

Coach Larry Lechow wraps a football player’s hand. Lechow was one of two trainers on campus. Photo by Ariela Barron

Cady Russell Sports Editor be held from Feb. 19-20, while the Boys State Championship will be held from 26-27, both of which are held at the University of Texas at Austin. Senior Jordin Gwyn takes a breath at a meet. Gwyn also swims in a local summer league called Tiger Splash. Photo by Savannah Karas

A student trainer wraps an athlete’s foot. DSHS offers training programs for students interested in athletic medicine. Photo by Ariela Barron


The Paw Print

February 2021

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Design: Evelyn Peterson

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