The Paw Print - March 2020

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March 2020 Volume II Issue V

Dripping Springs High School, Dripping Springs, TX 78620

The Paw Print

The Jam

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Hall Pass Policy 2 Nerf War Revival 3 Unifieds or Bust 4 News 2 Entertainment 3 Features 4 Opinion 5 Sports 6,7 Student Life 8 The Paw Print’s core purpose is to serve the students and staff of Dripping Springs High School, as well as the surrounding community, with the most meaningful news and content regarding our school’s culture and the student body that influences it. From students, to students.


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Photo by: Tessa Stigler

Cover Design: Tessa Stigler


The Paw Print March 2020

News • • • • • • • •

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Tiger Talks (9th @9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.) Holiday or possible weather make-up day (10th) National Honor Society Induction Ceremony (22nd @6:00-7:00 p.m.) S.T.E.M. Competition Night Car Enthusiasts Club Car Show (25th @7:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.)

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Junior/Senior prom- (2nd @7:30 p.m.) Orchestra Concert (4th @7:00 p.m.) Guitar Concert (5th @6:30 p.m.) Choir Pop Show Concert (14th @7:00 p.m.) Underclassmen Academic Awards Program (19th, @6:30-8:25 p.m.) Senior Academic Awards Program (20th @6:30-8:00 p.m.) Orchestra Concert (22nd @7:00 p.m.) Memorial Day (25th) Last day of school (29th) 2020 Seniors graduation (29th)

ZER -Tolerance Doesn’t Exist in Halls Evelyn Peterson News Editor With the addition of new assistant principals and principal Angela Gamez, an effort to decrease hallway traffic has resulted in confusion amongst some students about the policies and the repercussions for violating newly established expectations. “We do not have anything that is called ‘Zero Tolerance’ at this school,” Assistant Principal Joe Green said. Although there is no “ZeroTolerance Policy,” there is a new policy that has been implemented into school. The emphasis on hall passes is a new method of letting students out of the classroom for the bathroom, the identification of student aides, and students going to the nurse’s office. “We wanted students to be using the restroom closest to their classroom,” Green said. “We have had situations where students were on different parts of campus, so the color coded hall passes are color coded by the hallway, and so the students are not missing tons of class time.” Hall passes are helpful for the students, as well as for the teachers

and administration, according to Green. Additionally, it assists staff in being more accountable for where students are and how many are gone. Green explains that the hall passes make sure that students are not roaming about the halls and that they do not miss a ton of class time. “[The hall passes] are a way for the teachers to organize and make sure that the student is going to the correct hallway bathroom,” Green said, “and we did not want groups of students leaving class. It was a way to signify that you are using the right bathroom and near your classroom, and it is one at a time.” Teachers and assistant principals can take action if a student breaks any of the expectations set by the administration with the hall passes. “It depends on the situation,” Green said. “If a student walks out of class without telling a teacher, that is a discipline issue. As long as the students are communicating with their teacher and using the restroom in their general area, then there are no issues at all.” Disciplinary action is not taken unless a student has repeatedly

ignored conversations with either teachers or assistant principals about wandering the halls, going to the wrong restroom, or not taking the pass. “Typically, when you get to that point, you have ignored several warnings; it has been like a phone call home, so if they continue to ignore the conversations, at that point, we would have them make up time missed from class,” Green said. “When we catch students in the wrong hallway, they are missing significant class time, and they are ditching class or looking to miss a certain part of class, so at that point, we say they need to make up that time through detention or time with the teacher before school.” According to Green, hall passes are a more efficient and helpful way for teachers to let their students out and help the administration identify why students are out in the hallway. “We did not want [hall passes] it to be this big thing,” Green said, “but we did not want the same thing that was happening last year to continue.”

For more information on the Exemption Policy go to

International Issues: Canceling/Renegotiating Trade; Withdrawing American Troops from Overseas


Immigration: Trump Establishes that He Wants to Curb Immigration; Building the Border Wall.

William F. Weld Past Experience: Former Governor of Massachusetts; Former Federal Prosecutor


First Robotics District Championships (1st) Guitar Concert (4th @6:30 p.m.) SAT test (4th at school) Band Fundraiser Night of Jazz (5th @ DS Ranch Park) Service Day Project Pep Rally (9th) Service Day Project (10-11th) Spring Break (16th20th) March Madness (Starts the 17th) School Board meeting (20th) National Assessment of Educational Progress (31st)


Reformation: Free Trade Reform; Immigration Changes

Commonly: Bill Weld Age: 74 Years

Marijuana: Pro-Legalization of Marijuana

Democrats Joseph R. Biden

Commonly: Joe Biden Age: Past Experience: 77 Years Former Vice President; Former Senator from Delaware Globalization: Worker Rights: He Wants to Restore He Wants to Strengthen America’s Standing within Economic Protections for the Globe. Low-Income Workers.



Age: 73 Years

Commonly: Mayor Pete Age: Past Experience: 38 Years Former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana; Military Veteran Younger Generation: Climate Change: One of His Main Topics Pro-Climate Change Illustrates the Need for a Reform and Increased More Youthful President in Environmental Protections Office.

Pete Buttigieg Platform:


Past Experience: U.S. President; Real Estate Developer; Reality Television Star

Bernie Sanders Past Experience: Senator from Vermont; former congressman


The Final Months of the 2019-2020 School Year

Healthcare: He Wants to Instate a Medicare for All; Healthcare Overhaul

Commonly: Sanders Age: 78 Years

Education: He Wants to Make College Free for Anyone.

Elizabeth Warren

Commonly: Warren Age: 70 Years

Past Experience: Senator from Massachusetts; Former Harvard Professor Income Inequality: Political Corruption: She Wants to Ensure She Wants to Cut Down that any Income class is on Political Individuals Properly Funded. Perceived as Too Powerful.


Countdown Calendar

Republicans Commonly: Donald J. Trump Donald Trump

Infographic by Ethan Everman


The Paw Print March 2020


The Jam

The Only Club on Campus That Rocks

golden years, program thrived. That program The Jam. With concerts every first Friday more music being produced every day, The Jam was the place to be. “I’d love for [The Jam] to be offered as an independent study again,” CL&I Librarian Karen Tiller said. “Right now, it’s strictly just a music mixing club. As far as the concerts, that kind of went away with Mr. Norton, he was providing all of the equipment.” The Jam is currently a club hosting around 14 members. The members of The Jam are only allowed to be in The Jam room during off periods or before and after school. But, if The Jam were to be offered as an independent study class, as it was in the past, members could be creating two times as much music. The fact of the matter is the school doesn’t offer a class that supports the engineering and production of music. Sure, we have band, orchestra, AP music theory, classical guitar and choir. But, there is no class that teaches students how to use Logic Pro or other music creating softwares. The Jam not only provides the

Let me take you back a few years. Before court yard construction, before the occupation of D-Lot and before B-Lot parking. In this, the one was, and

software, equipment, time and space to learn how to make music, but it gives students the motivation and validation to make music. “In other music classes, you have to follow the curriculum,” senior Eddie Timmerman said. “You have to do what the teacher tells you, but with The Jam, you can do whatever music you want, so you can really pursue your passions. It’s way better.” Timmerman has been a member of The Jam for years, and he said it has shaped his future greatly. “I guess, it’s just given me more time to pursue my personal passions instead of just the required stuff,” Timmeran said. “I just really appreciate having a place to do what I want to do.” Tiller, who has seen the effect that The Jam has had on students first hand, also spoke to the importance of The Jam. “I feel like it’s opened up the world for some of the kids back there, because they didn’t have a place,” Tiller said. “They didn’t have a class that really fit what their interests were or that really gave them an opportunity to expand on those passions and [The Jam] provides that for them. And, I think, it’s turned some of their worlds around.”

Photo courtesy of kAmp.

Andrew Spiegel Entertainment Editor

“Can’t Be Mad In


The First Full Length

Album from kAmp.

Welcome back to kAmp. As you likely already know, kAmp. is a rap group comprised of a few seniors. Adian Willcox, Draven Stamper, Dylan Willms, and Mason Gamez make up the up and coming rap group that you have likely already heard. KAmp. first hit the sound waves with their single, “TERIYAKI” which debuted on Soundcloud and was also the group’s first single to be put on Spotify. After the song took off inside and outside of the community, the group decided to dedicate months to a full length album. Along the way, some of the members released solo projects and collaborated with other artists, but overall, this project was their baby. The project I’m referring to is their latest album titled, “CAN’T BE MAD IN HEAVEN.” To further emphasize the blood, sweat and tears the group put into this album, here is some insight on their journey to create the album. First let me clarify, the group is comprised of high school kids that work in a car wash. With that being said, they don’t have the resources to access professional recording equipment or software. To combat this roadblock, the group forged a makeshift studio in a closet. “CAN’T BE MAD IN HEAVEN” is the group’s most serious project to date. This album was

Andrew Spiegel Entertainment Editor

recorded in a low budget studio (a closet) but if I hadn’t told you, you would have never known. The quality of the album is nothing short of professional, which speaks to just how talented this group is. Aside from the quality of the album, which is spectacular, the actual lyrical content of the album is far beyond the expectations of a high school rap group. In the album, the group raps about many problems the youth of today face on a daily basis, as they are also members of the youth of today. The group has unmatched rhythm and lyrics that can hold by themselves. Above all, this album is original. By that I mean, it doesn’t sound like everything else; heck, it doesn’t sound like anything else. In this album, there are signs of inspiration from other artists, but nothing so dramatic that you could accuse them of stealing. This album broke many expectations that were set after their first single. Overall, this album is a testament to hard work and making the best of all situations. The boys of kAmp. are still hard at work premoting the album and working on a music video. “CAN’T BE MAD IN HEAVEN” is streaming everywhere now.

“It’s local musicians making nonlocal tier music” - Adian Willcox

Photos by Ramsey Hutton

“Get over that we’re in your math class and listen to the lyrics” - Dylan Willms

Maddie Lewis Staff Writer

@Administration Eliminates Nerf War Students Hope to Revive Tradition Put to Rest

That’s right, our cherished and beloved Nerf war tradition has been put to a stop this year, and most likely perpetually. Students are filled with confusion, anger, sadness, and loss, but the question we’re all asking is “why?” After multiple extensive interviews, I’m here to report on what the reasoning behind this tradition’s halt truly is. Throughout this year, we’ve all heard the rumors that the Nerf war is “over for good”, “canceled only this year because of construction”, or that it’s “only going to be open for seniors.” But according to student council president Riley Wheaton, the war is “more work than it’s worth.” The clubs (the Interact Club and Project Graduation) that usually put it on end up making a profit, but it simply isn’t worth the work it takes to host the Nerf war. “Last year, Project Grad did it, but it was such a mess, and they didn’t make much money from it,” Wheaton said. Although, money is a factor, it doesn’t seem it was the breaking point for canceling the whole thing. Principal Gamez claims that there were many important factors in coming to this decision. The number one reason Gamez elaborated on is that the war is an “inconsistent message” to send to students when the

administration works to emhasize student safety. “When students walk around with things that look like guns, it makes for an uncomfortable and potentially unsafe learning environment,” Gamez said. Although some students seem upset by the loss of the Nerf war, you can’t say you don’t see the irony in students bringing plastic guns to a school setting. Gamez also claims that the school board has witnessed a big problem with reckless driving over the years on campus and within the community. “It causes safety issues even beyond the school,” Gamez said. It is a huge disruption of school when the Nerf war is in full fledge in her estimation. “There are ways to continue the Nerf war that doesn’t affect school, but that would also be up to students to come up with creative solutions,” Gamez said. Gamez says that the only way to have a Nerf war

is if it’s independent from the school and completely off campus. And with that, it seems there are already groups of students forming to save the Nerf war. Senior class president, Andrew Spiegel, alongside seniors Trace Young,


Wheaton and Maverick Walker are planning an independent Nerf war for the students. “The Nerf war is a student favorite,” Spiegel said, “and it’s very important to honor the traditions of DSHS.” For Nerf war updates, follow on Instagram, @my_dshs_news.


The Paw Print March 2020

Features Unifieds or Bust

Students Discuss Theatre College Audition Process Katie Haberman Features Editor From the outside, the Palmer House Hotel in downtown Chicago looks like it does every week of the year: grand, elegant, and overwhelmingly calm. However, on the first weekend of February each year, it’s anything but. The guests residing here during this week double as a group that most people would normally dread, full of individuals who can’t stop singing, won’t stop dancing, and who can collectively be labeled using two words: theatre kids. The occasion for such a large gathering of high school drama geeks? It’s relatively simple - college auditions, in the form of an event called Unifieds. Each of these students traveled across and even outside of America in order to showcase their skills to an arrangement of around 70 available schools’ program directors. Alongside these hopefuls were a few of DSHS’s own students, who attended in hopes of receiving offers to prestigious musical theatre, acting, and stage management programs. “You go into this process thinking you know exactly how it is going to pan out, and it never ends up that way,” Ryan McCartney, prospective musical theatre major, said. “You really discover who you are and your limits through these ruthless few months and you can either let that break you, or build you and make you a stronger person. In order to guarantee a program acceptance, many hopefuls audition and apply for upwards of 20 schools; many of these auditions take place at Chicago Unifieds. Most programs require a separate live or digital audition alongside the general university application, each with their own specifications. “I would prepare my monologues and would adjust them to each school’s requirements, and I think I ended up with 5 monologues and one song,” Cassie Martin,

hopeful acting major, said. “Then, I would research each one of the schools and come up with specific questions about the program for each of them. In Chicago, I auditioned for 16 schools.” No matter the school or the program, each audition experience is wholly unique. While some auditors may keep a prospective student in the audition room for over 15 minutes in order to chat and get to know the person, others only want to see the prepared material and may acknowledge a Photo courtesy of candidate Yvonne Davison with a mere smile and nod.

Sarah Davison (right), Ryan McCartney (center), and Allie Haberman (left) stop for a picture. Amidst a busy schedule of auditions, students find time at Chicago Unifieds to explore the city.

“[In] my favorite interview at Unifieds, we chatted about my friends in theatre, my dogs, and our favorite tv shows amongst all the other interview questions,” Sarah Davison, prospective production and design/stage management major, said. “I started my [worst] audition out with forgetting another copy of my resume in the hall, and then I proceeded to tell them I liked shows specifically about murderers. It was a little awkward to say the least.”

In a Class of His Own

Inside Project Graduation What It Is, What to Know

Q&A with ACC Professor Cady Russell Online Editor

Tessa Stigler Editor-in-Chief Q: Why did you

decide to start teaching at high schools?

A: “I started teaching in high school just as a necessity, because I needed to make the number of classes. But one of the reasons I like teaching Dripping Springs is because ACC tries to get more consistency so they’ll guarantee that we get both semesters.” In this photo, Blake Farrar teaches a lesson to his students. As an ACC adjunct professor, his lessons differ from those of a hired high school teacher.

Photo by Tessa Stigler

Q: Do you find yourself struggling to get high school students to take college courses seriously?

A: “No, I don’t think so. I mean, with any subject, especially for seniors, there’s a certain amount of maybe burnout that happens towards the end [of the year] and people already focused on the future. But, it’s the same with any class.”

Though Chicago Unifieds counts as the largest gathering of schools for theatre-related college auditions, Unifieds also occur in New York and Los Angeles. Most schools that attend Unifieds aren’t even officially a part of the Unifieds organization; in fact, the majority of programs send auditors to the Palmer House during Chicago Unifieds in order to provide a cheaper option for students who aren’t able to travel to each school specifically to audition. “Chicago Unifieds saved me so much time and allowed me to audition for 20-plus schools, which I would have not been able to do if I had gone to all on campus auditions,” Martin said. “It was a fun, chaotic, and unique experience… and I got to spend a week in Chicago.” During Unifieds, and throughout the entire audition process, prospective theatre majors are constantly reminded of the thick skin they must wear in order to pursue such a subjective career. With the constant rejections and lengthy waiting periods (many hopefuls are kept waiting until April to receive an acceptance), the process never seems to get any easier. “The most stressful thing is comparing yourself to other people,” McCartney said. “In this industry that is an exceedingly easy thing to do and it’s inevitable to most people, but it does nothing for yourself except add more stress to an already stressful process. The one thing this process has taught me is to focus on yourself and keep your eye on the prize.” However, as most (if not all) of these hopefuls would argue, they wouldn’t rather be doing anything else. Though the process is arduous at best, those living it strive to find the joy in honing their craft on the daily, and never let the stress keep them from pursuing their passions. “It’s a whirlwind,” Davison said. “The whole selling yourself aspect can be terrifying, but I know it will be worth it in the end.”

With graduation quickly approaching, seniors are preparing their own graduation celebrations and family-filled events. But in the midst of all of this planning, the school is planning its own graduation party, known as Project Graduation. “Graduation is a time for celebration and lasting memories,” Tina Wheaton, Project Graduation coordinator, said. “Unfortunately, graduation night is statistically the deadliest driving night nationwide for high school seniors. For many years, DSHS parent volunteers have run Project Graduation exclusively for our graduating seniors.” But why was Project Graduation even started? “The mission of Project Grad is to turn [graduation] into the safest night of the year by providing an all-night lock-in event where seniors can have fun, spend time together, win prizes, and stay safe

and off the roads,” Wheaton said. Project Graduation has had about a 25% attendance rate in the past two to three years, but prior to that between 50-60% of the senior population attended. “We will have several activities brought in, like Silent Disco, DJ, laser tag/nerf war set up, movies… and more,” Wheaton said. “If you have something you’d like, please contact with requests.” In a survey taken at the start of February, about 25% of seniors were not planning on going, with about 25% thinking that they would go. The last 50% were undecided. “And just as important,” Wheaton said, “We will be giving away [money], TV’s, laptops, college refrigerators, gift cards, and more! We are working to ensure this is a free event for all seniors this year as well.” But all of those prizes cost money. Wheaton says that Project Graduation typically costs between $25-30 thousand,

which includes the venue, food, transportation if needed, activities, raffles, and prizes. So how can people help out? “Donate,” Wheaton said, “time, money, and/or food. Spread the word about how great an event this is and encourage your seniors to attend.” About 50% of the senior body knows what Project Graduation is, with 18.8% having no idea and 31.3% knowing very little. “Family that came in for the event, will most likely go home to catch some ‘z’s’ before a weekend of graduation parties begin,” Wheaton said, “As for your friends - encourage them to come. Make one last night of memories together before you head your separate ways.”

Spring Forward or Fall Back? Effects of Daylight Savings Time Ethan Everman Staff Writer

depression increases by 11%. “Daylight savings most likely has a negative effect on society,” Portillo said, “because if people are not adjusted and getting a steady amount of sleep, their At six years old, you overhear your everyday lives can be extremely affected. An hour parents talk about an extra hour of seems extreme to blame for this, but when people have sleep. You’re overjoyed - this is a dream a lack of sleep or get too much sleep, it affects their come true. Now, when you hear that the driving, mood, level of creativity, and motivation to clock loses an hour and clocking out from work complete tasks which can be linked to lower appears just that much later, this productivity.” dream turns into a nightmare. Though for many Benjamin Franklin Daylight Saving Time holds the credit for the creation of illustrates a period between the practice, he only penned a March and November where satirical essay about waking up the clock effectively moves earlier in the day in 1784 after backward an hour, while being woken up by the strong it moves forward an hour Parisian sun. after November. This practice “I believe the purpose of spawned after World War I as Daylight savings is to simply just a way to conserve energy and to take advantage of sunlight,” fuel, which were in deep scarcity Portillo said. “And to make better afterward. use of it throughout the day, “Daylight savings is beneficial however, I don’t believe that there is as it grants people an extra hour another reason behind it.” to sleep,” sophomore Sophia Though the United States technically Portillo said. “However it’s not observes the practice, there are some exceptions worth it in the end because when like Hawaii and Arizona (except the Navajo Nation) the time changes back an hour it and U.S. Territories such as American Samoa, Guam, just makes it more difficult for people to Puerto Rico, and others. The closer to the equator, the adjust to. Even though many countries still less a state needs to shift its time due to the lack of During Daylight Saving Time, the use it, I feel as if we had clocks turn back. Daylight Savingchange between seasons. a steady schedule year round we “One way it could be seen as helpful is by Time can negatively impact both would be better off.” turning back the clock,” Jeff Bixby, AP World teachers and students. Daylight Saving Time affects History, AP Government, and AP Psychology Photos by Teagan Krewson around 1.6 billion people, and due teacher, said. “We are getting a little more to the time shift, there has seemingly exposure to the sun at a time of the year when been a link between the practice and adverse mental days are getting shorter and as a result there is a greater effects. According to the Danish Psychiatric Central susceptibility to conditions like seasonal affective Research Register, when the clocks switch forward, disorder.”

In 1966, the U.S. enacted a law that allowed states to opt-out of the practice. The University of California performed a study on Indiana after its change to incorporate the practice and found that 1% more energy is being used after the clocks are changed, hindering its initial purpose. “I do not think we should keep it, especially after all the negative impacts it can have on society as a whole.” Portillo said. “It would be best to stick to a yearround schedule to ensure that people are getting a steady amount of sleep and to prevent the shift which causes unadjusted scheduling and sleep deprivation throughout the day.”


The Paw Print March 2020

Opinion Bridging the Gap Sam Moore Opinion Editor

Normalizing Less Common Plans After Graduation

There are more options available to high school graduates than a four-year state or private university, but these options are rarely discussed with students. The lack of effort to inform students about the multiple paths they can take after graduation impedes their abilities to choose the future that is right for them. The most beneficial plan after high school depends upon the individual. For some, going directly from high school to a four-year university is the right option for them. College can be an expensive investment, but a highly beneficial one. Attending college directly following high school is a personal choice; for some, taking a break or a gap year would make it more difficult to return to the academic mindset. In a recent student poll, the majority of students chose college as their plan for after high school. Another available option is a trade school, which is a hands-on education of specific skills that link directly to a career. Through trade school, you can earn your associate’s degree while taking a career-

system. According to a study focused program. If you have certain skill done by the American sets or interests that could be cultivated Trade school Gap Year and enhanced by a trade school, 2% it may be a more beneficial Association, investment than a traditional 98% of Full-time job students college. The best schools state 2% felt as if they that trade school graduates No college had grown as are experiencing a rise in job 5% opportunity due to a changing a person and 97% economy. said felt as if they Gap year had matured during Joining the military directly their time away from following high school is another 7% school. option to be considered. This A two-year university allows you to serve your country and attend college without being is a more affordable Two knee-deep in student debt. You Year College way to earn a twoalso get the opportunity to learn year associate’s 14% degree, which many useful skills, travel, and find is a way to yourself. A viable choice for many is earn your taking a gap year. A gap year is an active year off of school. Gap years provide students with the opportunity for growth. It allows them time to experience the world, other cultures, and gain a sense of self before Graphic by Sam Moore. Student poll of graduation plans shows rejoining the education

College 70%

that college is still the majority option.

Up Close and Personal

Craving Coffee

Sharing Private Information is Detrimental to Some Students

Understanding the Dangers of Caffeine Consumption

Madeline Tredway Staff Writer

Sungwoo Ahn Contributing Writer Thousands of teenagers consume there are a lot of detriments attributed energy drinks such as Monster every to caffeine usage. day, often several times a day. If you drink a lot of caffeine it But are they safe? Unfortunately, can cause anxiety, insomnia, and the answer to this question is yet to addiction. Caffeine blocks the effects be determined. However, many of adenosine, a brain chemical that teenagers assume that these drinks makes you feel tired. At the same time, impose no harm because they can it triggers the release of adrenaline, the purchase them at the local grocery “fight-or-flight” hormone associated store. with increased energy. Teenagers drinking a lot of caffeine Caffeine’s ability to help people can cause health and mental stay awake is one of its most prized problems. To prevent this, there should qualities. On the other hand, too much be action to caffeine can reduce the amount make it difficult of caffeine that to get enough teenagers drink. restorative A teenager in sleep. Studies the United States have found died because he that taking a consumed too large amount many high-caffeine of caffeine drinks in a short appears to period, a coroner increase the has said. Davis amount of time Allen Cripe died that takes to fall about an hour asleep. It may after collapsing also decrease in his high school the total near Columbia, sleeping time. South Carolina. Caffeine Richland County addiction is coroner Gary Watts the excessive determined that and harmful the 16 year old had Freshman Riley Sprockett, energizes with a latte use of caffeine consumed a latte before returning to class. Photo by Savannah Karas. over a period, from McDonald’s, a large Mountain which has negative effects on your Dew drink and a highly caffeinated health, social interactions, or other energy drink in just under two hours. areas of your life. As caffeine is widely Caffeine is almost a necessary accepted and used as a drug, many substance to not only students but people don’t believe caffeine can be adults as well. Caffeine, which is addictive. contained in coffee, soda, and energy We should discourage the drinks, helps to keep us awake and adolescent use of excessive caffeine energized. That’s why we hear the and make an effort to support healthy phrase ‘morning coffee’ a lot because sleeping habits so that students do not having a cup of coffee in the morning feel they need caffeine to stay awake helps people stay awake and active during their school day. during the day. This results in the teenage consumption of caffeine, but

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March 2020 Volume II Issue V

In high school classes, it’s common for the teacher to try to get students’ attention through various means. It starts with an icebreaker on the first day of school, then it’s a project about your favorite things, then it’s a personal essay on your family - and for some students, that’s too much information given out against their will. Although these kinds of facts may seem benign, students have a right to keep any information they want to themselves, and teachers should be required to ask every student if they Advanced are okay with an Placement activity or Academic that Privacy? involves sharing this kind of Graphic by Maddie Lewis. Depicts personal an overwhelmed student. information. Icebreakers, especially at the beginning of the year, are an easy way for teachers to memorize names and get students to familiarize themselves with each other. Sometimes icebreakers are just saying your name aloud, but sometimes they include saying a fun fact about yourself or playing “two truths and a lie”, and therein lies the problem. Teachers need to keep in mind that these kinds of games create anxiety in some students as they try to come up with facts about themselves that won’t warrant judgment from their peers. High school is notorious for its critical atmosphere, and causing stress in students for the sake of icebreakers is unnecessary. In Pre-AP English II, there is a project introduced to students that involves interviewing and making a “portfolio” on a relative that isn’t part of your immediate family. It makes sense for teachers to infer that everyone has a grandmother or an uncle, but they don’t take into consideration that family is complicated. Some students, for many reasons, are not close to any of their distant relatives and this project puts not only them but their

The Paw Print

Teacher Pop: 135 Student Pop: 2183


The Paw Print encourages the student body to submit letters to the editor. Letters, guest columns, and all material submitted for publication must include the writer’s name and stay under 400 words. The Paw Print does not guarantee to print or online publish work submitted. The meaning of any submission will not be altered, however The Paw Print reserves the right to correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when necessary, as well as condense. Additionally, The Paw Print refuses to print criticism which is not constructive or unsupported by credible evidence. Email submissions to

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my_dshs_news Dripping Springs High School, Dripping Springs, TX 78620

associate’s degree without breaking the bank. After you earn your associate’s degree, you have the option to transfer to a four-year university to earn your bachelor’s degree. Going to a two-year college for an associate’s degree, or before transferring to a four-year college can be financially beneficial in regards to school payments, the ability to save and earn money, and generally lower cost of living. A two-year college can also allow you to improve your transcript before transferring to a state or private school. Non-traditional options after graduation, such as gap years and trade schools, are given a stigma of being less successful and susceptible to failure; on the contrary, 90% of students who take a gap year return to school within a year, and learning a trade is becoming more economically beneficial than it has ever been. Teachers and administration should make a larger effort to educate students on all options available to them. If college isn’t the right option for you, there are many viable options to choose from.

Opinions expressed in editorials, columns, and letters are those of an individual and not The Paw Print, Dripping Springs High School, or its faculty.

For more information on The Paw Print and its policies visit The Paw Print is a member of the following organizations: CSPA, NSPA, ILPC, and ASPA.

The Paw Print’s core purpose is to serve the students and staff of Dripping Springs High School, as well as the surrounding community, with the most meaningful news and content regarding our school’s culture and the student body that influences it. From students, to students.

Awards ILPC 2018-2019 Honor CSPA 2018-2019 Second Place ASPA 2018-2019 First Place

parents in an uncomfortable position. There are so many circumstances that would cause this and at this point, it is negligent of teachers to not recognize this. It can be argued that teachers are willing to make exceptions for students like this if they just talk to them, but it should not be qualified by talking. It is embarrassing for students to ask for accommodations like this, because it is essentially admitting the problem in a personal way to a stranger. This, to many, is even worse than just going through with the project or the icebreakers, which is why so many students just suffer through it. There is no reason a teacher shouldn’t offer alternatives from the very beginning; preschool teachers ask children if they want a “hug, highfive, or a wave” as they walk into the classroom, allowing the student to greet the teacher at their comfort level. An icebreaker can be a student’s fun fact about themselves, their favorite food, or just saying their name. A project can be interviewing a distant relative, an immediate family member, or a teacher. Each of these alternatives still allows the student to participate fully in the activity and takes the pressure off of them. As previously mentioned, high school can be rough on some people. It’s difficult to exist as an individual with a unique background in a class with 20 other people that the teacher is supposed to treat the same as you. This is why the school district has been pursuing a more streamlined way of teaching that allows students to pursue their path of learning that fits their own needs, from the GT program to the switch from Google Classroom to Canvas. Resolving this issue is a small thing teachers could do to make the secondary education process easier and better for everyone.

Meet the Staff Editor-in-Chief Tessa Stigler Sports Editor Rigley Willis

Features Editor Katie Haberman

Online Editor Cady Russell

Entertainment Editor Andrew Spiegel

News Editor Opinion Editor Evelyn Peterson Sam Moore Staff Writers Madeline Tredway, Ethan Everman, Maddie Lewis, Grey Patterson, Grant Williams Byline Illustrator Cat Covatta

Advisor Jessica Stamp

The Paw Print is inserted inside the Century News, and distributed to racks next to the front office, CL&I, and the student media room. 2,000 copies are printed.


The Paw Print March 2020

Sports State Taken

Wrestlers End Season on High Note with Titles Grant Williams Staff Writer

The varsity wrestling team came out of their district tournament on top. And, then, again at regionals. They dominated the competition with every player on varsity going to regionals. Every wrestler finished in the top four of their weight group at the district meet. Defending state champion, senior Chase Warden led the team with a first place finish at district and regionals, and he looked to reclaim the state championship. Other key wrestlers that headed to regionals and took that title included Micah Ribera and Luke Norton. The team qualified 12 wrestlers for the state meet hosted on Feb. 21. Regional Coach of the Meet Joe Kirksey returned to the state meet, looking to push every wrestler further. Visit, mydshssports on Twitter, or @my_dshs_news on Instagram to see if Warden defends his title and how all the competitors finish.

Athlete Reflects on Kobe Grant Williams Staff Writer Q&A with Xavier Phillips, varsity shooting guard Why did you choose to model your basketball game after Kobe Bryant? “Because he’s known as one of the best players and his game is special and different from other players in the NBA.”

What specific parts of his game do you focus on? “ “How he scores, because, if you play, you need to know how to score, and what to do when.”

How has that impacted your game? “It’s helped me a lot to improve my game by being able to study what he does and how I can put what he does on the court into what I do myself.”

Has his mentality impacted you in any way? “Yes, because he played like he was the best player on the court every game he played. And that’s the same way I now try to play in every game. I have the mentality of the best.” How are you able to focus on that “mamba mentality” while you’re on the court? “I just try to stay locked in and play my best, and the mindset just comes as a result of me doing what I do on the court.”



Photos by Max Levey 1. Shooting guard senior Xavier Phillips drives to the basket against state-ranked LBJ on Jan. 31 at home. The Tigers won 55-48, a major upset. 2. Shooting guard senior Xavier Phillips shoots at the game against LBJ. 3. The team celebrates defeating state-ranked LBJ. 4. The Tigers start to see the end is near against state-ranked LBJ.


<Varsity wrestler JJ Guerroro pulls back his opponent’s arm at the Wrestling Dual against Lake Travis in the competition gym on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Guerroro ended the match with a pin in the third period. Photo by Paige Miller



Keeping Pace with Track Runners Preview Upcoming Season

The Road to a Full-Ride Athlete Discusses his Path to College Basketball

Rigley Willis Sports Editor

Grey Patterson Staff Writer Looking back on last year’s track season, having multiple athletes compete at the state level, this season is all about building off of past accomplishments according to track and field Head Coach Marisa Tuzzi. “I’m really excited. I think coming off of last year’s track season, we’re doing nothing but building momentum,” Tuzzi said. “We had an unprecedented number of kids go to the state meet. So, we’re coming off bringing most of those kids back from last year’s state meet and then coming off of cross country season where both the boys and girls went to state as well. We have got that as a strong aspect of this track season.” Those returning runners include seniors Avery Kalsu, Tyler Herron, Andre Perry, and sophomore Marleena Mickel. All of the previously mentioned athletes competed in the 2019 state track meet and will be competing this season. “I think, last year, going to state, it was kind of mind-boggling to actually be there, and I think the experience I had last year, getting fourth, and missing the chance to medal has made this season mean so much more,” Kalsu said. Track practice officially began this season on Jan. 14. Each week, practice typically consists of four early morning practices, Monday through Thursday, with a break on Friday. The early morning practices typically start at 7 a.m. and last until the workout is over which is before 8:20 a.m. “It’s a lot of discipline, a lot of discipline, especially waking up every morning at 6:45 a.m., and then once again putting all that mileage in,” varsity runner junior Caleb Lopez said. “It really pays off when you’re winning a race.” The first meet was on Feb. 15 with the Tiger Relays the following weekend on Saturday, Feb. 22 with Smithson Valley rounding out the month. The team will travel extensively in March across the state before the Texas Relays March 26-28. The high school will host the district championships April 1-2. The state meet is at the University of Texas Mike A. Myers stadium on May 8. “It’s very rewarding to see the kids that don’t particularly like running become successful and learn to love


The Paw Print March 2020

Cross Country athletes compete together during the fall semester. Often times cross country members will participate in track during the spring semester because cross country ends in the fall. Photo by Kate Ginther.

running,” Head Track Coach Ben Reid said. “Track is one of the few sports that can be lifelong. Being part of the success we have had at Dripping Springs the past few years makes kids enjoy competing and running for the rest of their lives.” Part of this success was winning district last season. The team stopped a 5-year drought as the last district championship was in 2014. “I always say [that] it’s because of the people, because of the community, the team we push each other, and we spend so much time together and so many miles together that we know each other so well, and there’s a bond that the team has,” varsity runner junior Maddie Livingston. “It’s just so special.” Visit or my_dshs_news on Instagramn for results from the Tiger Relays and more throughout the season.

for me to make my decision, I knew just who to talk to.” Trace Young is one of the As for Young’s parents, they were open more recognizable faces within the to any and all opportunities, including Central Texas basketball landscape. a reality in which Trace did not play He has played with and against players basketball. such as Will Baker, KJ Adams, and Max “My mom was, honestly, open for Smith, all of which anything. She are going to or are told me to do already going to whatever would Division I schools make me happy, for basketball. This and I time, it was Trace’s recently visited turn. On Feb. 10, the University Young announced of Tennessee his long-awaited for the school commitment to alone and not Colorado State for a basketball University on a scholarship,” full-ride basketball Young said. “I scholarship. really Colorado State appreciate my was not Young’s lone mom for keeping offer; he had a bevy my best interests in of schools that were mind.” interested in him from As for Trace’s the beginning. father, he believed “I had looks that the basketball from University of route was best for Houston, Lehigh, his future. Johns Hopkins, TCU, “With all the Hendrix, Arkansas, time, energy, and San Diego State, money that my and [University of mom and dad California] San poured into me, Diego,” Young said. they believed, With the amount especially my of offers that Young dad, that Senior Trace Young practices with his varsity received, he put a teammates. Young is set to attend Colorado State playing basketball lot of thought into his in college and University next fall on a full scholarship. Photo by Anastasiya Smith. decision, including capitalizing on the advice that those my future was the close to him gave. best option for me. Plus, basketball is “I talked a lot to my friends who have what I love, and I believe that I will still already made their college decisions have time in college to take pictures and [for basketball] to go over the thought make films, which, I would say, are my process that they went through and try two other driving passions that I have,” and get some better insight,” Young said. Young said. “The biggest thing for me was how much Young’s photography and playing time that I’ll get and which school videography (@tracecreate) account best supports my future.” has grown a following over the past One of those friends that Young sought couple of months. for counseling was Texas Longhorn center “Pretty much anytime me and my Will Baker. friends are hanging out, we make a film “He really influenced me a lot,” of some sort,” Young said. “I’ve done Young said. “When we were younger, all short, mini-films over skating, vinyl records, we talked about was [playing college and just hanging out with friends in basketball] and all the late nights we general, and that’s kind of the vibe that I spent in the gym, along with early strive for in my videos.” mornings in the gym built a really strong bond between us. So, when it came time

Hill Country Rivalry Boys Varsity Soccer comes out on top against Marble Falls. Photos by Paige Miller 1. Varsity Tiger soccer celebrates their 3-0 win during the home game at Tiger Stadium against Marble Falls on Tuesday, Jan. 14. Junior Kay Athamatten scored twice and sophomore Adam Knutson added a goal. 2. Seniors Brady England, Jalen Chavez, and Andrew Spiegel cherish their win at the home game at Tiger Stadium against Marble Falls on Tuesday, Jan. 14. 3. Coach Kiaune directs senior Andrew Spiegel during the home game at Tiger Stadium against Marble Falls on Tuesday, Jan. 14. In his free time, Spiegel made multiple films with a small group of friends for both YouTube and UIL. 4. The varsity boys soccer team gathers before the game resumes during the home game at Tiger Stadium against Marble Falls on Tuesday, Jan.14.






The Paw Print March 2020

Student Life Formal

1. Students cheer as a Pitbull song begins to play. Throughout the night, the songs that generated the most energy tended to be songs made by Pitbull. Photo by Enrique Bermudez. 2. A group of students begin to record videos on the popular social media app, Tiktok. At the Formal, 1 you could find several people dancing in different corners of the alloted space so they could record themselves. Photo by Enrique Bermudez. 3. Senior Carson Hall and junior Preston Vaughn joke around on the dance floor. Hall’s shout was loud enough to break the focus on the camera. Photo by Luke Reed.





4.While the Winter Formal was going on, students like senior Jack Dombroski organized a “Winter Informal” of sorts. During the gathering, students grilled hot dogs in the cold, illuminated by truck headlights and music. Photo by Enrique Bermudez

5. As the “Winter Informal” came to an end, those attending wished to establish a recurrence of this event for every Winter Formal. Following this image, the Informal was put away until next year. Photo by Enrique Bermudez.


Winter (in)Formal (in) Formal



Formal 6. Seniors and juniors Sofia Albini, Hope McFarlin, Riley Wheaton, and Sydney Morriss all join up for a potrait. At the Formal, many groups of friends lined up for certain photo-ops where you could take pictures. Photo by Enrique Bermudez. 7. Before the main crowd of people began to pile in, a senior began to play ping pong with himself, running back and forth. He was not very successful. Photo by Luke Reed.



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