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Sunday, January 17, 2021 • $1
YFC Ministry Center hosts open house Jan. 28 Staff report
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Youth for Christ’s Ministry Center will host an Open House Thurs., Jan. 28, 2021 from 6 to 8 p.m. The 4,000-square-foot first floor provides necessary office space and meeting space for youth activities.
GREENVILLE — “What’s going on in there?” If you traveled West Main Street by the Greenville traffic circle the past few months, you might have asked yourself this question. Months before a new sign appeared in the window, Youth for Christ of the Miami Valley purchased the building, located at 107 W. Main Street, and began renovating it to become a new Ministry Center for the organization. On Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021, Youth for
Christ will host an open house at the Ministry Center and all are invited. The building, which many people will recognize as the former location of Bread of Life Christian Bookstore for many years, and more recently, the Final Bow Dance Studio, had all the attributes necessary to become a valuable ministry tool for YFC. The 4,000-square-foot first floor is just large enough to provide necessary office space while also having enough
meeting space for most of the activities Youth for Christ regularly conducts in Greenville. Yet, it is also small enough to easily maintain. Add to that the very central and visible location, the new Rotary Park at its side, and plenty of parking, including the recently upgraded city lot at its rear entrance, and the building couldn’t be much more ideal. Transforming this building into a new Youth for Christ Ministry Center was made possible because of
the investment of numerous individuals and businesses. To date more than $35,000 has been contributed to purchase materials and supplies. Perhaps of even greater value, 50 individuals contributed approximately 2,000 hours of labor to transform the building into an attractive and versatile space, while still maintaining the character of the building’s original architecture. For those interested in touring the new Youth for See YFC | 2A
Brinley family creates Tri-Village scholarship TV seniors may apply beginning Feb. 15 Staff report
Nathaniel Kubik | Darke County Media
Shown from left to right: Owner Isabel Delgado, Owner/Manager Eduardo Delgado, employee Lukas Tadeo, and former Fairlawn owner Pat Foley.
La Carreta 3 now open in Greenville Staff report
GREENVILLE — A new Mexican restaurant is now open in Greenville at the location formerly known as the Fairlawn Steakhouse. La Carreta 3, located at 925 Sweitzer Street, had its grand opening last Sunday,
Jan. 10. La Carreta 3 is the third installment in the chain of “La Carreta” restaurants, with other locations in Celina and St. Mary’s, Ohio. All three locations are owned and operated by the Delgado family. Eduardo Del-
gado is the manager of the Greenville restaurant. “We noticed people from Greenville coming to our Celina and St. Mary’s locations, and we had always wanted to expand, so we started looking in the area and managed to find
this place,” said Delgado. “We’re extremely excited to bring our food to the Greenville community and look forward to getting to know people in the area.” Pat Foley, the former See LA CARRETA | 2A
Ansonia Community Food Pantry open Staff report
ANSONIA — In these challenging and difficult times of COVID-19, help can be found at the Ansonia Community Food Pantry. Located in the Ansonia
United Methodist Church, located at 200 West High Street in Ansonia. The Community Food Pantry operates through the cooperative efforts of the Ansonia First Church of God,
the St. Henry Cluster in Burkettsville, and Ansonia UMC. The food pantry is stocked with a variety of products through generous donations and financial support of the churches and
the surrounding community. Hundreds of individuals and families make contributions of money and food for the pantry, as well as such groups as Ansonia Animal See PANTRY | 2A
NEW MADISON — Bill and Rosy Brinley of Hollansburg have been proud supporters of Tri-Village schools since their children began attending in the 1970s. The couple demonstrated their love for the school and its students by starting a fund that will award yearly scholarships to Tri-Village High School graduates. The William and Rosalyn Brinley Family Scholarship Fund was established at the Darke County Foundation to support the furthering of educational endeavors of Tri-Village students. “This is our school,” said Rosy. “We know the teachers. We know the students. We know the community. It’s like our own family. We wouldn’t consider living anywhere else.” The scholarship fund will make its first awards totaling $4,000 to the class of 2021. Tri-Village seniors may apply for the scholarships beginning Feb. 15 at Applications are due Mar. 31. As a permanent endowment, the fund will use investment income to generate awards every year indefinitely. The Brinleys hope their example of giving will inspire others to offer financial assistance to Tri-Village graduates who face ever-increasing college tuition. “By establishing this scholarship, we hope other people will also consider doing the same thing for our students,” said Bill. “Supporting our students will help Tri-Village remain a strong school district.” Bill and Rosy started attending Tri-Village sporting events and activities when their children — Gary, Byron and Susan — participated in the 70s and 80s. They continued cheering for their grandchildren who also attended TV. Going to basketball games is still a favorite activity, and they have missed those outings this year due to pandemic restrictions. The couple has deep roots in the community. Bill has lived in the Hollansburg area his entire life besides a few childhood years in Indiana. He graduated from Westmont High School (consolidation of Palestine and Hollansburg communities) in 1958. Westmont became Tri-Village High School in 1972. Rosy went to Lindamood