Early Bird eNewspaper 2-14-21

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THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate

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All content © 2021 The Early Bird. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

Sunday, February 14, 2021 • $1

Weekend edition

Wayne HealthCare donates disinfecting wipes Local schools to benefit

Provided photo

A Wayne HealthCare representative makes a donation to Ansonia Local School District.

out the pandemic. An example of that generosity occurred in March 2020, when the Darke County Staff report school district donated with their Foundation, many of their disinfecting GREENVILLE — Some- decided to donate all wipes to the hospital. 3,300 plus containers of times mistakes turn into It was a welcome donaClorox disinfecting wipes blessings. tion as COVID-19 cases to Darke County schools Such was the case and the Greenville YMCA. were on the rise and when Wayne HealthCare disinfectant products, From the hospital’s of Greenville received perspective, the donation like wipes, were in short four pallets of disinfectsupply. is a tangible way to give ing wipes that it hadn’t Deliveries were made back to the community, ordered. to the following school which has so generously Rather than return the districts: Greenville City supported the hospital wipes for a refund, the School District, Ansonia and Foundation throughhospital, in conjunction

Local School District, Franklin Monroe Elementary Local School District, Mississinawa Valley Local School District, Versailles Exempted Village Schools, Arcanum-Butler Local School District, TriVillage School District, Bradford village School District, and St. Mary’s Catholic School in Greenville. Thank you to the Darke County community for your continued support of Wayne HealthCare.

Dill hired as OSU extension educator By Nathaniel Kubik DarkeCountyMedia.com

GREENVILLE — Taylor Dill was recently hired as agriculture and natural resources educator at the OSU extension in Darke County. Dill returns to the OSU extension after having previously interned with the branch in 2015. She is coming back to Ohio after working for a year at a cooperative extension in North Carolina. Dill is a native of Hollansburg and 2014 graduate of Tri-Village High School. She was raised on a 1,200acre row crop farm and has been Dill around the agriculture industry for a majority of her life. Following high school, Dill attended Wilmington College and recieved a degree in agriculture with a focus in agronomy. She then went on to recieve her Master’s in agronomy from the Ohio State University. Since then, she has worked in numerous capacities in the agriculture industry. Dill noted that her return to Darke County is a dream come true. “I’m incredibly excited to be able to help the farmers in Darke County,” said Dill. “I’ve always wanted to return home to Darke County and serve my community. I couldn’t be more excited and thankful for this opportunity.” When asked what she is most looking forward to, Dill stated that it’s the relationship she will build with the community. “Working with local farmers and building oneon-one relationships is always one of the best parts of the job,” Dill confirmed. “The relationships I’ll build in Darke County will be very special to me, and I look forward to begin working with farmers and improving Darke County farms.”


To contact the writer, email nkubik@aimmediamidwest.com or call 937-569-0066.

Public domain image

St. Valentine, as depicted in 1575 by artist Jacopo Bassano, in St. Valentine Baptizing St. Lucillac. Valentine, a priest (perhaps, even, a bishop) secretly performed marriages for young couples in defiance of imperial law, for which he was beheaded by Claudius II on Feb. 14, 270 A.D.

Valentine’s Day a sentimental journey Feb. 14 celebrates love, legend, and tradition By Carol Marsh


DARKE COUNTY — When Sleepless in Seattle premiered in theaters across America in 1993,

the romantic comedy, starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, inspired a generation to consider the age-old question of star-crossed, fated love; a tale of two strangers (named Sam and Annie) who, upon meeting by chance, find themselves “perfectly matched” as a result of some not-so-perfect life circumstances. The movie ends with Sam and Annie romanti-

cally holding hands atop the Empire State Building, as Jimmy Durante’s gruff voice croons of the importance of love and “making just one someone happy.” While this cinematic moment is a heartfelt tribute to Valentine’s Day, February 14th has an checkered history, steeped in pagan lore, Christian legend, and artful tradition. The origin of Valentine’s

Day can be traced back to the ancient pagan celebration of Lupercalia, a fertility festival dedicated to the horned Roman god of agriculture, Faunus, as well as Romulus and Remus, the twin founders of Rome. Occurring annually on the “Ides of February” (1315), the festival was also known as Dies Februatus See JOURNEY | 3A

Miss Bubbles Coat Drive still going strong New children’s coats offered Feb. 18 By Carol Marsh


GREENVILLE — The Second Annual Miss

Now, with freezing temperatures dipping into the single digits, more coats, Bubbles Coat Drive, which hats, mittens, gloves and scarves are needed. began in October, is still Because the weather going strong, collecting gently used and new winter has turned so cold, Miss Bubbles Laundry has outdoor apparel.

donated a second round of new winter coats for children (youth sizes 8 to 18) which will be distributed Thursday, Feb. 18, between 3 and 5 p.m., or until the See DRIVE | 2A

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