Eary Bird eNewspaper 4-12-20

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Winery making sanitizer

Everyone’s life is changing

Hall now Panthers coach




THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate

Online at earlybirdpaper.com

Weekend edition

Sunday, April 12, 2020 • $1

Sign marks Annie’s childhood home Annie Oakley landmarks easier to find Courtesy photo

Fish Choice Food Pantry is available to help during, but is also looking for assistance during the pandemic.

Who can help during the pandemic?


GREENVILLE – The mission of the Darke County United Way is to fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community. But, what does that really mean? What does that look like on a day-to-day basis for many living in Darke County during a pandemic? Where do folks turn who need help or want to provide help? The United Way has reached out to many local nonprofits to see how they are helping folks during this time and what some of their needs are as well. • Fish Choice Pantry continues to provide food commodities three times per week. Individuals wishing to utilize the food bank must be Darke County residents. Food distributions are available on Mondays from 1-2 p.m., Wednesdays from 10-11 a.m., and on Fridays from 4-5 p.m. Home delivery is also available for shut-ins. At this time, Fish is need of milk and toilet paper. Most stores have put quantity limits on these items; therefore, they cannot purchase enough to keep in stock. Any other food donation is also accepted. Fish is also looking for volunteers for deliveries. Fish is located at 400 Markwith Avenue in Greenville. They may be reached at 937-5482000 or https://www. fishofdarke.org/. • Grace Resurrection Community Center

(GRCC) has seen an increase in the use of their pantry as well. They are accepting cash and food donations. The clothing pantry and clothing donations are closed at this time. GRCC also provides a hot meal Monday-Thursday from 11 a.m.-noon. They are currently looking for volunteers to prepare and serve the meals. Food pantry distributions are Mondays and Thursdays from 6-8 p.m. GRCC is located at 433 E Water St., Greenville. They may be reached at 937-5482595 or http://grccenter. org/contact.htm • Elderly/Shut-In Initiative - Tribute Funeral Homes has partnered with Bohndox Concessions and Remedy Plumbing. They are providing free items to seniors, shut-ins, and immunecompromised individuals. Financial contributions are being received by EUM Church (111 Devor Street, Greenville). Food/cleaning/hygiene products are also being accepted. In addition, meals are being delivered on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. For more information, contact 937564-1170. • Blessing Boxes There are two Blessing Boxes in Greenville. These are simply boxes where folks put food items in and those who are in need can take food out. One of the boxes is located in front of Tribute See HELP | 2A

A new sign has been erected to show Annie Oakley’s childhood home near Willowdell.

Courtesy photos

An Ohio Historical Marker stands in Brock Cemetery recognizing Annie Oakley

NORTH STAR – Journey up U.S. Route 127 to the location across from Star Greenhouses near North Star. A new sign catches your eye with a memorial below marking the site where Annie Oakley’s childhood home once stood. Stand in the spot and see the trees and woods where Annie shot and trapped game to help her mother in desperate financial times. Her game was superior quality and brought a good price because she had such sharp skill that her birds were not riddled with buckshot. Eventually, Annie earned enough money to pay off the mortgage on the house. Traveling a little farther east to Spencer Road in Willowdell, you will see the marker for Annie Oakley’s birthplace on the “old Swallow farm.” From there with a couple of short turns, you are on the Greenville–St. Mary’s Road driving southwest toward U.S. Route 127 to pay respects to Annie Oakley and Frank Butler at their grave site in the Brock Cemetery. The map created by Richard Wright illustrates that each of these sites is within a few miles of one another. Following its mission to preserve the accurate memory of Annie Oakley and support the National Annie Oakley Center at Garst Museum, the Annie Oakley Center Foundation (AOCF) most recently spearheaded the project erecting the See ANNIE | 2A

Donate to Darke County COVID-19 Relief Fund DARKE COUNTY – Many Darke County residents are asking themselves how they can help their neighbors during this devastating time of the COVID-19 virus. One way is to donate to the COVID-19 Relief Fund established by the Darke County Foundation and Darke County United Way. One hundred percent of your contribution will be distributed to one of several local non-profit organizations

that provide basic needs for Darke County residents. These groups may include Fish Choice Pantry, Grace Resurrection Community Center, and Senior Outreach, which provide groceries and meals; Greenville Community Unity, NextStep Ministries at EUM Church, and St. Vincent DePaul Society, which provide assistance for rent, utilities and homelessness. All groups have been United Way partner programs. Donations are tax-

deductible. Checks made payable to Darke County Foundation (memo: COVID19 Fund) may be sent to the Darke County Foundation, P.O. Box 438, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Or you may donate online at www.darkecountyfoundation.org. For questions, call the Darke County Foundation at (937) 548-4673 or Darke County United Way at (937) 547-1272.


2A Sunday, April 12, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Hospitals amend policies

Courtesy photo

Across from Star Greenhouse near North Star is a monument to Annie Oakley’s birthplace.


toric sites associated with Annie Oakley’s life in Darke County. Jenny DeMange and Chelsey From page 1A Grillot of Star Greenhousnew sign at her childhood es are the volunteers who graciously maintain the home. Generous donations to beautiful landscaping that enhances the North Star the AOCF, a 501(c)(3) site while Paula Rutschilnon-profit organization, ling donates her efforts to provided funds for the new sign, and volunteers ensure that the flowers at Annie’s birthplace show continue to preserve the love and admiration this and the other his-

that people have had for the “world-famous sharpshooter” from Darke County. In addition to the new sign, the AOCF has replaced the historical markers in the Brock Cemetery and in front of Garst Museum to foster a better understanding of Annie Oakley and promote tourism in Darke County.

Blood Center to make an appointment to give. They may be reached at 937-461-3450 From page 1A • Rent and Utility / Funeral Homes on Broad- Homeless Assistance way. The other is located - The organizations handling these types of needs in front of The Natural include Community Path on East 3rd Street. Both of these are good for Action Partnership (937smaller or individual food 548-8143), Community Unity (937-547-1156), items. • Blood Donations are and NextSteps (937548-3211) through EUM understandably down Church. at this time. If folks are They are living in healthy, consider reaching out to the Community unprecedented times.

They have thousands in our community who are currently out of work. If you have the ability to give a little extra to these places, please do. Anything that can be done to help is greatly appreciated. If you need help, please do not hesitate to reach out. The United Way is available to talk you through options. Please call us at 937-5471272 or email at unitedway@darkecountyunitedway.org.


DAYTON – The Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association (GDAHA) announced that member hospitals will amend the visitation policy for maternity patients in area hospitals. “The number of confirmed COVID19 cases continues to increase in the Dayton region. We are now seeing confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ohio with ages that range from infant to 98 years of age,” said Sarah Hackenbracht, President & CEO of the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association. As Ohio’s COVID-19 cases are confirmed, the Ohio Department of Health has provided a clear picture that infants, toddlers, and young children are not immune from COVID-19. To protect the health of the mother and baby during labor and delivery, expectant mothers will be allowed one support person to accompany them for the birth of a child. “As hospitals prioritize the safety of all patients, special attention must be focused on our most vulnerable patients – newborn infants.” Hackenbracht continued. All other aspects of the amended visitation restrictions from March 20, 2020 remain in effect. Visitors will no longer be allowed for hospitalized patients. Exceptions will be

made in the following circumstances: • Maternity patients: One support person. • One person will be allowed to accompany a patient having major surgery on day of surgery and one day after surgery. • End-of-life situations • Minor patients (<18 years old) may have two visitors, but visitors are limited to only parents or guardians. • Patients who require assistance due to mobility, reorienting/confusion, interpretation, courtordered, or healthcare decision making may have one additional assistance person. Visitors will not be permitted for confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients in the hospital unless the patient meets one of the above exceptions. Patients will be limited to one visitor/support person in the emergency department, for surgery, a procedure, or an office visit. No visitors under 18 years of age will be permitted in the emergency department, ambulatory, or outpatient setting. Exceptions will be made in the following circumstances: • End-of-life situations • Minor patients (<18 years old) may have two visitors, but visitors are limited to only parents or guardians. • Patients who require


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assistance due to mobility, reorienting/ confusion (patient safety), interpretation, court-ordered, or healthcare decision making may have one (1) additional assistance person. Screening procedures for patients and visitors also began on March 20. • Visitors will not be permitted in the emergency department, ambulatory, or outpatient setting for confirmed or suspected COVID19 patients unless the patient meets one of the above exceptions. • Visitors to a hospital and emergency department will be screened for symptoms and travel or exposure history by hospital staff. Visitor screening will also take place at selected ambulatory facilities. • Visitors will be asked to leave a facility if they have had symptoms in the past 24 hours or exposures in the last 14 days. • If the visitor is a driver for a patient, they will be asked to wait in their car until the patient’s appointment is completed. • Visitors must wash their hands, or use hand sanitizer, before and after leaving rooms and hospital buildings.

Pot pie dinner canceled HOLLANSBURG – The Hollansburg American Legion chicken pot pie dinner scheduled for April 19 has been canceled. If able, they will re-schedule in May. They thank everyone for their attendance.

✓ Vote FOR. Keep and expand the excellent educational, recreational, and historic features of your Park District.

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Vote FOR. With passage of the 1 mill additional levy, the present ½ mill levy will no longer be collected.

maintain over 1,000 acres of natural areas and 14 miles of paved trails.10% Discount r is applied afte $ Purchase


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Genesis 8:22: "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."


Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, April 12, 2020 3A

Empowering adds video support DARKE COUNTY – Empowering Darke County Youth has added face-to-face video tutoring to its online capabilities. Available formats include Google Hangouts, Zoom and Facebook. “We went ‘live’ a little over a week ago and are already working with a number of students,” said Bob Robinson, Empowering executive director. “Our resources are limited; however, we still have room to provide help to the students who need it. If your child is struggling with his or her academics, please let us know at empoweringdistance101@ gmail.com.” The Empowering

approach is no different than in the past, other than tutors and students no longer meet in a physical environment. Homework through the student’s District daily routine must be done first. If at the end of the day the student needs homework help, tutors will provide it as best they can. In addition, help will be provided to the student who is still struggling with the basics, such as reading, language arts and math. “Historically, the majority of our students typically need extra help, or sometimes just ‘tune-ups,’ in these core areas,” Robinson added. “If they were struggling in the tra-

ditional environment, as most of our students were, chances are they will still be struggling in the virtual environment. Our goal is to provide the help they need.” Caregivers can request help at empoweringdistance101@gmail.com. When requesting help, please provide the student’s name, grade level and the areas where help is needed: Math, Spelling, Reading, Grammar and/or Homework. The tutor best able to help in one or more of these areas will respond as quickly as possible. Due to the impact COVID-19 has had on the economy, most of the financial support Empow-

Learning center taking students

ering has received in the past has been impacted. If any business, organization or individual has the ability to help us continue to help our students, please send your contribution to Empowering Darke County Youth, P.O. Box 1113, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Additional information can be requested at empoweringyouth101@gmail.com. The Empowering Mission: Empowering Darke County Youth is a 501c3 United Way Partner Agency providing After School and Summer Tutoring programs to assist students in the areas of language arts and math with the goal of Strong Students for a Strong Community.

ARCANUM – The Arcanum Early Learning Center will be utilizing an online enrollment process this year due to the recent school closure extension. Parents interested in enrolling their child in preschool for the 20202021 school year can enroll by accessing the virtual link on the district’s website and Facebook page. The enrollment process begins Monday, April, 13 and ends on Friday, April 24. Students will then be placed in a class using a random lottery drawing based on parent’s preference. A confirmation phone call will be made to parents the following week with further instructions on how to register for the upcoming school year. There is also an informational video highlighting the vision and structure of the preschool for new families and a question form to ask specific questions. Contact Elementary Principal Joni Pechie with questions, (937) 692-5174 ext. 1313. LAWN & GARDEN




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During these crazy times, self care is important! If anyone needs product, please give me a call. The recording will tell you how to get in touch with me. I will be more than happy to send your product, at no charge, or deliver to anyone in the Greenville area. Anything that you may need, I will help any way that I can! We will get through this together! Stay well!

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• Large screen TVs must be manageable by one person to be collected. • Appliances with CFCs removed, and clearly documented as such, will be acceptable for collection. • A Refrigerant Recovery Statement must be attached to appliances for collection. • No yard waste without stickers. Each resident may place out for collection up to five large items on their regular pickup day during this week.

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lead acid batteries, appliances containing CFCs (Freon), concrete, oil tanks, and large screen TVs (not manageable by one person). The following is required of acceptable items: • Loose materials (such as carpeting, fencing, fence posts, etc.) must be bundled and tied. Each bundle should not exceed 4’ in length and 2’ in diameter or 75 pounds. • Propane tanks must be empty and valves removed for collection.

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Greenville spring cleanup slated GREENVILLE – Rumpke Waste, Inc. will provide spring cleanup service for the residents of the City of Greenville during their scheduled pick up day of the week of April 13-17. This is for large items only—no bags. Rumpke encourages residents to set out items for collection on the evening before their normal collection day. The following is a list of items that will NOT be included in this spring cleanup: Tires, liquids and/or hazardous waste,


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 Daily path of programming meets the needs of all levels of dementia, which utilizes resident’s remaining skills and reawakens past talents.  Solace is our late-stage program which engages our most vulnerable and frail residents.  The Clare Bridge dining program helps residents to enjoy and manage dining through dementia-friendly menus and specialized, supportive techniques to maintain the use of utensils.  Partnerships are built through consistent assignments of care partners.  InTouch by Brookdale brings the outside world inside for our residents. InTouch is ideal for those with physical or cognitive limitations and provides an unintimidating, intuitively designed touch-screen computer interface that features picture-based screen promts-so it’s easy to use.  Who they were before Alzheimer’s is who they deserve to be with Alzheimer’s. No one should be defined by the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Maintaining identity and a strong sense of self comes from living a life that is filled with meaning, purpose and daily contributions-at Brookdake you can live your best life!

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4A Sunday, April 12, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Because of this virus, everyone’s life is changing a shame but it’s Mansfield, Holly necessary for us to Best Irelan, Mike survive. McCord, Al Hurley, Thanks to my Jerry Miller, Norman son, I still have Lyme, Mary Lane, my sanity, I’m Wayne Neal, Judy thinking. He has Francis, Terri Hunt, had this message Linda’s Darcy Buckingham, from day one: Cheryl Leugers, Jim Mood “Keep the faith, Swings Loy, Aaron McNutt, we’re going to be Linda Moody Slug Midlam, Gene okay. Matter of Rieman, Jerri fact, we’re going to Dispennette, Floyd be more than okay. We are Sandifar, Jim Thiebeau, going to be stronger for Mike Lyme (of Ansonia), it and more appreciative Dallas Maier, Lyle of everything once we get Cochran, Jeff Miller, Don our life back.” Moyers, Shirley Miller, May God bless us all. classmate Jim Hunt, • Jamie and I extend Kenny Brewer, Lindsey our condolences to Purnhagen, Albert the family and friends Duncan, Larry Arnett, of Charles “Peewee” Vanna Hannam, Cynthia McEldowney, Lynn Downey, Greg Comer, Lathrop, Fred Canan, Carl Frank Fullenkamp, Cheri “Tuffy” Humerick, Carl Antrobus Davis, Haskel Moorman, Ronald Coates, Howard, Guadalupe Joe Mamazza Jr., Leroy Self, Paul Brubaker, Lila Murphy, Mary Bullard, Pinney, Randy Hammaker, Marilyn Simons, Bernard Kelly Van De Grift, Merlin Liebrecht, Fred Smith and “Bus” Booker, Danny Joan Williams. Brown, Neal Gray, Jack • Please pray for: Hale, Jessi Klosterman, Randy Heck, Gabriel Marilyn Peterson, Dakota Gilbert, Rick Clear, Miller, Jack and Carol Shirley McEdowney Good, Mary Ullery, Billenstein, Brenda Glunt, Martha Higgins, Scott Gary Henderson, Phyllis Clark, Duke Temple, Mong, Chuck Edwards, Paulette (Swab) Shields, Keith Foutz, Linda Neil Isch, Phyllis Turner, Mikesell-Schatz, Jeromy Kerry Young, Dale Burke, Kenny Edwards, Clark, Judi Peters, Linda Margaret Rhoades, Todd Birt Schaffer, Herbert Thwaits, Melissa Riffell Bayman, Adam Ullery, Vicky Henderson, Don Hittle, Roger McEowen, Becky Garrett-Ross, Crew Open Neaves, Jackson Stout, Normal Katie Rehmert, Alayna Hours Marie Brantley, Dawn


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VOTE "NO" Please vote "No" for the 1 mill levy for the Park District! No matter how you "break it down," it still adds up to over 13 MILLION in ten years.

PLEASE VOTE "NO!" OH-70182960

You can call the Auditor's Office at 937-547-7310 to confirm these figures. Paid for by Jim and Evelyn Shuttleworth, 6928 Stahl Rd., Greenville, OH 45331

Oldiges, Don Booker, Tracy Pratt, Jim Marker, Mason Osterloh, Kyndal Wynk, Ron Kreitzer, Stacy Dorko, Keith Starks, Kohen Thwaits, Jerrod Pratt, Al Bliss, Layna Best, Wanda and Joe Bailey, Shelly Hoffman, Pappy Harshman, Bob Hiestand Jr., Tina Kiser Deaton, Lois Hittle, Kevin Hemmerich, Samantha Smith and Ron Kramer. And, pray for all of those affected by COVID 19 pandemic, including our medical people, EMTs, first responders, firefighters who are out there protecting the people and putting their lives in danger.

Snyder, Michael Kerrigan, Taylor Meadows and Monica Gibbs Saintignon. April 21 to Frank Barrow, Maggie Jenkins, Megan Ward, Paige Heck, Sue Grile and Amy Hanes. April 22 to Marvin Peters, Scott Rudnick, Don DeMange, Greg Amspaugh, Dixie Gray, Alma Bruns, Scott Gibboney, Erick Burns and Andrea Baker Gray. April 23 to Danny Batten, Andy Gates, Kim Foureman Freeman, Bill Burk, Kevin Collins, George Stammen, Dave Bullard, Ryan Benge, Donna Howdieshell, Ronnie Mayo, Candice Kendall and Bill Merz. April 24 to Ron Greeson, Jeff Peters, Phyllis Happy birthday: April 16 to Todd Gasper, Turner, Starr Baltes Schmitmeyer, Carol Good, classmate Pat Barga, Joe Shari Wappelhorst, Rick Grillot, Carla Hummel, Bubeck, Donna Konicki, Andrea Brookbank Clark, Cheryl Emmons and Angie Annie Sonner, Larry Grimes, Taylor Kress, Ken Easterling Jones. April 25 to Dennis Mescher, Kimberly WarnerHiegel and Tressa Emmins. “Beazer” Beasley, Makayla Waymire, Donn Thornhill, April 17 to Bob Ethan Reichert, Rich Christian, Joe VanVickle, Black, Kent Wilcox, Debbie Kyle Schlechty, Amber Hammontree, Emily Clark Schoen, Michael Buckmaster and Amy Hine. and Allen Blackburn. April 26 to Ryan Stoltz, April 18 to Derek Schmitz, Katrina WideneR, Russell Potter, Brad Boyter and Michael Kelly. Jeanne Lyme, Delbert April 27 to Paul Fourman, Jerry Wilker, McCleskey, Kathy Bothast, Dustin Wilker and Brian Alex Niekamp, Deanna Harrod. April 19 to Joe Wintrow, Moody, Richard E. Hole II, Stephanie Griliot, Denise Mayo Lee, Connie Mike Husted and Heather Keller, Dan Whittington, Wilkin. Renee Whittington and April 28 to Johnn Debbie Reel. Christman, Tasha Mikesell April 20 to Patty Nieseand Darin Whittington. April 29 to Nancy Adams, Kassie Frye, Karen Clack and Tammy Wilcox. April 30 to Bernie May, Cindy Horsley, John Bennett, Dr. Beth Vehre, Mark Bevins, Kristen Cooper and Marietta Beane. Happy anniversary to: Kelly and Crissy Moody and Lori and Mark Kimmel on April 16; Ron and Cindy Cox on April 19; Ron and Turner on April 21; Darke County CRIME STOPPERS Laura Jason and Kori Weiss, on April 24; and Betty and John Grimes (70) and 937 Nathan and Tona Leeper, all on April 28. OH-70181650

this virus. Gail “Jim” Christman reached out to the newspaper the other day to talk about his mother, Nancy Hofacker, who died recently as a result of Coronavirus. He said she contracted it after she entered the facility about a month ago for physical therapy after she kept falling at the age of 81. “There is no funeral yet,” he said. “They were going to cremate her.” Christman said his mother was diagnosed about a week and a half ago. “It hit her quickly,” he said. “At first, they thought she would bounce out of it. It was scary for me. It was almost like a nightmare that came to life.” He said her preacher, Jim Morehouse at East Main Church of Christ in Greenville, will probably hold a memorial later. “I asked him if I could sing a song there,” Christman said. “It’s ‘How Can I help You Say Goodbye’.” Christman is her only child and he is missing her. Yes, a lot of families are having to forego funeral services and that’s

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news coverage,

Darrah Fetters

WANTED FOR: Warrant issued for Parole Violation LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 108 Imo Blvd., Greenville, Ohio ALIAS: Unknown DOB: 05-11-1992 HEIGHT: 5’6” WEIGHT: 130 HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Blue TATTOOS/PIERCINGS: “Promise” (Right Pinky Finger); “Love” (Left Collar Bone), Circles (Behind Right Ear); “Karrah” with a Heart and Star (Left Shoulder);”Bella Vita (Right Ribcage); Crossbones and Skull (Left front hip); Chinese Writing (Right Shin) MARKS/SCARS: None

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This pandemic has changed all of our lives and will probably continue to do that as we are being given time to focus on our past and think about a more positive future during this quarantine. In a way, I am thankful for lots of things during this time. I’m extremely grateful that my siblings (Ron Moody, Bev Brumbaugh and Brenda Norton) and I decided to get together to be with just ourselves one afternoon recently before COVID-19; and that I took Jamie to the barbershop to get his hair cut and beard shaved before all of the closings. And, while there, and because no one else was in line, I asked the barber, Bo Hiatt, to cut my hair and she did. Do you think maybe I had a premonition because I’ve never had a barber cut my hair before. (Bo’s great). Even though we miss them dearly, I am so thankful that Dad and Mom didn’t have to live through this pandemic, especially when the nursing home they were in has been hit with several cases of it. We especially have been sorry to hear about all of the deaths that have been taking place because of


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Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, April 12, 2020 5A

Retired Teachers Association plans blood drive Neave Township GREENVILLE – The Darke County Retired Teachers Association will sponsor a community blood drive Tuesday, April 14 from 12:30-6:30 p.m. at the Greenville Church of the Brethren, 421 Central Ave., Greenville. The blood drive includes platelet and plasma donations. Community Blood Center is strongly advising donors to make an appointment at www. DonorTime.com or call

(937) 461-3220 to allow for orderly and safe social distancing at blood drives and efficient blood collection. Community Blood Center is relying on donors to maintain the blood supply as the community acts to halt the spread of coronavirus COVID-19. CBC is emphasizing it is safe to donate. Blood drives are exempt from the Ohio Department of Health Stay at Home Order and eligible

donors are free to leave their homes to donate. CBC is enforcing social distancing at blood drives to protect donors and staff and is taking measures to avoid over-collecting. They ask donors for their patience and flexibility as we schedule them accordingly. CBC must continue to supply red cells, platelets and plasma to its regional hospitals. Red cells are

plans one meeting

frequently needed in surgeries and emergencies. Automated donations of platelets and plasma are critical for the treatment of cancer, trauma, transplant, and burn patients. To find out more talk to a CBC specialist at (937) 461-3220. The “Spring into Giving” argyle socks with CBC blood drop are free when you register to donate. Learn more at www.GivingBlood.org.

GREENVILLE – Neave Township Trustees will have one regular meeting in April. The next Neave Township meeting will be on Monday, April 27, 7 p.m., at the Neave Township Building, 3880 St. Rt. 121, Greenville. They will be following the Ohio Governor DeWine’s directive to respect each other’s social distance of six-feet and per current guidelines during the coronavirus, Covid 19 situation. The public is always welcome at any of the township meetings.

Twin Township trustees adjust meetings of the building. Participants will be able to listen to the conference call with proper social distancing as declared by the Governor of Ohio. The trustees encourage you to follow social distancing and limit the number of people visiting graves of loved ones at Ithaca Cemetery. However, as funeral

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City of Greenville Tax Filing Deadline Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the City of Greenville Income Tax Department will follow the lead of the Ohio Tax Commissioner and extend the filing date from April 15, 2020, until July 15, 2020. 2019 local income tax returns filed on or before July 15, 2020, will be considered timely filed and will not be subject to late filing penalties or interest. Estimated payment for the first and second quarters of the 2020 tax year will also be extended to July 15, 2020.

homes in Ohio have guidelines to adhere to from state and national agencies covering what can and can’t be done when it comes to preparing for, and providing funeral/burial services, contact your funeral home providing services for burial restrictions at Ithaca Cemetery. Email twin.twp. darke@gmail.com.


will continue meeting the second and last Monday nights of each month at 7:30 p.m. The trustees and fiscal officer will join the meetings via teleconference. The conference call will be available to the public at 123 West George St., Arcanum, for each scheduled meeting. Participants will not enter the building but remain in their vehicle in the parking area northeast

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ARCANUM – The General Assembly recently made changes to Ohio’s Open Meetings Act in response to the Covid-19 outbreak (HB 197). It is important to note that these changes are temporary, in effect from now until the end of the Governor’s declared state of emergency or December 1, 2020 (whichever comes first). Following HB 197, the Twin Township Trustees

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Community Resources Grocery Store List of Updated Hours due to the COVID-19 Response: • Kroger (937) 548-1960 - Monday through Thursday 8:00 am- 9:00 pm (Senior 60+ or health complications 7:00 am- 8:00 am Only) Friday through Sunday 7:00 am- 9:00 pm. The store offers pick-up, delivery, and shipping. • Walmart (937) 547-9644- Monday through Sunday 7:00 am- 8:30 pm (Tuesdays from 6:00 am-7:00 am for seniors 60+). The store offers pick-up. • Aldi- Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am- 7:00 pm. Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 am- 7:00 pm (Vulnerable shopper hours on Tuesday and Thursdays from 8:30 am to 9:30 am). The store offers delivery (may be some limitations) • Versailles IGA (937) 526-3349 - Monday through Saturday 7:00 am- 8:00 pm. Sunday 8:00 am- 6:00 pm. Will pull orders and bring out curbside if you call, fax at 937-526-3353 or e-mail at igajohns@gmail.com. • Eikenberry IGA (937) 548-9214- Monday through Saturday 7:00 am-8:00 pm. Sunday 8:00 am- 8:00 pm. The store offers pick-up and delivery (call store for delivery limitations). • New Madison Supermarket (937) 996-1781Monday through Saturday 8:00 am-9:00 pm. Sunday 10:00 am – 8:00 pm. • Palestine Community Store (937) 548-3456Monday through Saturday 11:00 am- 7:00 pm. Sunday 12:00 pm- 5:00 pm Note all store hours are subject to change


DARKE COUNTY AREA FOOD BANKS • ANSONIA UNITED METHODIST FOOD PANTRY  (937)337-5781  Appointment only Monday starting at 10am and Thursday starting at 6pm • CASTINE AREA FOOD BANK  (937)996-8763 • FAITH UNITED METHODIST FOOD PANTRY (ARCANUM)  (937)692-8934  Call for appointment Wednesday from 9:30-11:30am to be picked up Thursday from 1-2:30pm • FISH CHOICE PANTRY  (937)548-2000  Monday 1-2pm, Wednesday 10-11am, Friday 4-5pm  Home delivery • GRACE RESURRECTION  (937)548-2598  Monday-Thursday 6-8pm  Soup Kitchen Monday-Thursday 11am-12pm • VERSAILLES FOOD PANTRY  (937)658-2117  Versailles School District Area Only  Tuesday 5-6pm • UNION CITY HELP CENTER  (765)964-4475  Call Tuesday and Thursday 9am-1pm to make pick-up appointment  Pick up curbside • COMMUNITY SPONSORED RESOURCE – EUM Church, Greenville  (937)564-1170  Hot meals to Seniors 3 days a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday  Groceries- call to schedule a delivery on Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday

Mental Health Resources • Ohio Crisis Text Line- text keyword “4HOPE” to 741 741


Other resources

• Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services- 1-877-275-6364

Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities- 937-548-9057

• Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 (1-800-846-8517 TTY)

Homeless Shelter – Community Action Partnership – 937-548-8143

• Tri County Board of Recovery & Mental Health Services Hotline- 1-800-351-7347

Other county resources are available and can be found at www.darkecountyhealth.org



6A Sunday, April 12, 2020

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Greenville Early Bird

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Ansonia’s Hall named Panthers coach the team and the game of football.” “Coach Hoening has high expectations,” said Hall. ANSONIA – Ansonia “He is a very disciplined alum, Adam Hall has been named the new Tri-County coach and playing for him teaches you that discipline North Panthers head footthat you need to be successball coach. ful at the next level.” “I’m excited,” said Hall. “Coach Hoening is a “I’ve been wanting to be a head coach for a long time. great coach and he really is a great person,” Hall added. I’m ready for this Corona Virus to get over with. I am “If it wasn’t for Coach Hoening I wouldn’t have ready for it to clear up so the opportunity that I have we can get going.” right now.” Hall was a senior startHall was a two year ing offensive and defensive lineman on the 10-0 Anso- starter for the Tigers before moving on to play football nia Tigers 2014 playoff team under Coach Eugene for the Defiance Yellow Jackets college football Hoening. team. “When it comes to foot“Adam started really ball Adam’s all in,” said coming on his junior year Coach Hoening. “He was and then his senior year,” a very dedicated player in high school. Adam was our Hoening said of Hall’s high best offensive lineman and school days. “I can rememprobably our best defensive ber he always struggled to finish conditioners under lineman as well. He was time and then when he was just totally dedicated to

By Gaylen Blosser DarkeCountyMedia.com

a senior he was able to finish his conditioners – he could run as fast as the running back.” Hall, a 2010 Ansonia graduate and a 2014 Defiance Collage graduate takes over a Panthers high school football program that is coming off a 1-9 losing season. “I don’t think they will be 1-9 long with Adam running the show,” said Coach Hoening. “There are quite a few seniors coming back,” Hall said of North’s football program, “and their eighth grade team won the conference last year in junior high.” The current Coronavirus epidemic has made it difficult for Coach Hall to begin working with his Panthers players as he would like. “I have only been able to talk to a few of the players through email, but I have

not met them face to face,” Hall stated. “I know they are working out on their own as much as they can.” “I definitely am looking forward to building a program at North,” added Hall. “I know it’s a place that it can be done.” “I look back when I started coaching,” said Coach Hoening. “I knew nothing and I soon learned I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Adam is so far ahead of me where I was when I was his age coaching football.” “Adam has such a grasp of the defensive side of the ball,” continued Hoening. “He’s been a defensive coordinator so he knows what he wants out of his defense. Offensively he has more-less adopted my philosophy; ‘run first and if that doesn’t work run it again.’” Hall is the son of the late Shannon Hall, father

Gaylen Blosser | DarkeCountyMedia.com

New Tri-County North football coach, Adam Hall calls the defensive plays for the Ansonia Tigers in the 2018 OHSAA playoffs vs Sidney Lehman Catholic.

Steve Hall and stepmother Annette Hall and the grandson of Marvin and Judy Peters of Ansonia. “No matter how she felt, she was at every game to watch her boys play, Adam and Aaron,” Coach Hoening said of Hall’s late mother, Shannon. “I’m sure there were some nights that it would have been easier for her stay home but she was there for every game.” With all Panthers high school coaching positions

open, Coach Hall is working on building a successful coaching staff. “We are looking for coaches,” said Hall. “The junior high coach is going to stay on and do that.” Please email Coach Hall if interested in joining the Tri-County North coaching staff at: adam.hall@ansoniaschools.org Contact Darke County Media Sports Editor Gaylen Blosser at gblosser@ aimmediamidwest.com or 937-5483330

Greenville’s Hunt named All-American 2020 NSAF All-American Team is such an honor,” Hunt stated. “I have worked extremely hard to compete GREENVILLE – Greenat the National Level, and ville senior, Riley Hunt be in top national rankings. has been selected a high school All-American for her I was looking forward to accomplishments nationally competing in New York earlier in March, but due in the pole vault. to The Corona Virus, the “Being selected to the

By Gaylen Blosser DarkeCountyMedia.com



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therefore selected an AllAmerica team based on season accomplishments in terms of both marks and honors won. We are pleased to advise that you have been selected as an All American. As a junior, Hunt earned the 2019 OHSAA DivisionI girls pole vault state championship with an alltime state record jump of 13’7” to earn Gold. The Greenville senior is looking forward to defending her state title but must wait along with all Ohio high school athletes to see what lies ahead for the spring sporting season. “I am praying for some part of our outdoor season to be salvageable,” Hunt stated. “With social distancing I am unable to vault. I am used to training with BJ at Snap Fitness, and vaulting at Ultimate Air. I am running and doing home workouts so that if we do get to compete I am ready.” “Being able to compete and wear the Greenville uniform has been a blessing,” Hunt added. “Coach Coblentz introduced me to pole vault as a seventh grader. I was super pumped to be able to try pole vaulting. I want to finish

Morgan Gilbert Greenville High School Softball



Greenville’s Riley Hunt stands atop of the podium wearing her gold medal after winning the 2019 OHSAA D-I State Championship pole vault title.

my senior year making Greenville proud. If I get to put on my Greenville track uniform again, I won’t take it for granted. I also won’t take for granted all of the hours spent with Coach P, Coach Coblentz, and my teammates. I have so much to be grateful for.” “I still feel like we had a lot more in the tank for this year,” Coblentz said. “There were still goals that didn’t have the chance to be met. I’m hoping for the best that we may be able to salvage some kind of an outdoor season to just have a chance at those goals. My heart breaks, not only for Riley, but for all the athletes that were looking forward to competing and rising to their potentials.” Hunt took time to reflect on a high school career and thank many that have helped her through an SALVAGE YARD amazing pole vault career.

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Gaylen Blosser| DarkeCountyMedia.com



Courtney Bryson Greenville High School Softball

talented young person.” “I am extremely proud of Riley,” said Greenville Athletic Director Aaron Shaffer. “Her accomplishments are well deserved. She works tirelessly at her craft and is always willing to work hard on the track, in the classroom, and within the school. She is a tremendous young lady with a very bright future.” “This is a testament of the hard work Riley has put in through the years to rise to being one of the best women pole vaulters in the nation,” said Greenville pole vault coach Micah Coblentz. “There’s no doubt in my mind that she deserves and has earned this prestigious honor.” Hunt was notified of her prestigious award by the New Balance Nationals stating: Congratulations on a wonderful 2019 – 2020 winter track and field season! While we regret that we had no choice but to cancel the New Balance Nationals we do not want your season accomplishments to be overlooked. We KNOW how hard you have worked to achieve the ultimate level in national prominence. We have




competition was cancelled. On March 7th, I was lucky enough to win my third Indoor D1 State Championship in pole vault.” “Her athletic awards, winning the state track meet, winning the indoor meet multiple times, state track records, etc. speak for themselves as to the kind of athlete we have at Greenville High School,” said Greenville High School Principal Stan Hughes. “To match her athletic achievements, she is also a great student of academics, and a leader in our building. We are lucky to have taught and coached such a wellrounded, hard-working, and

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Sunday, April 12, 2020 7A


Greenville Early Bird

& Chris Canan of Bradford, Ron & Karen Canan of Bloomer; three sisters and brother-in-law, Shirley Miller of Bradford, Sandy Batten of Bradford, Deb & Dave Dirksen of Bradford; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Due to the Coronavirus there will be private services. A livestream of the service will be available at https://m.facebook.com/ stockerfraley at 3 p.m. Saturday, April 11, 2020. A recording of the service will be posted within an hour after the service at stockerfraley.com below Fred’s obituary. Condolences may be left for the family at www.stockerfraley.com. SMITH – Roman Gabriel Smith, 47, of Tipp City, passed away Thursday, April 2, 2020 at his Tipp City home after a 2 1/2 year battle with cancer. He was born June 4, 1972 Smith in Greenville. He married his high school sweetheart, Tina Durnell, nearly 24 years ago on May 25, 1996. Survivors include his two sons Peyton, attending University of Cincinnati, Caiden, attending Urbana University, and his daughter, Kenna, a junior at Tippecanoe High School; his father and mother, Jeffrey Smith (Nellie), and Holly Tryon of Greenville; father and mother in law, Robert and Marcia Durnell (Layman) of The Villages, Florida; a brother Derek Smith (Amy) of Greenville, a brother in law Shawn Durnell (Christine) of Casselberry, Florida. Roman grew up in Greenville, was a 1990 graduate of Greenville High School, continued his education, and graduated from Bowling Green University in 1995. He and his family lived in Orlando, Fla. and Tipp City. In high school, Roman’s love for sports started as a member of the baseball and soccer teams and then continued as a coach for many of his children’s teams. He was an avid supporter of the Tipp City athletic program. Roman worked for the past 12 years for Freshway Foods of Sidney as the Director of Procurement. As a graduate of United Fresh Leadership Program and Cornell Executive Leadership, Roman was respected across the nation as a leader in the area of fresh produce. As a loving father and husband, Roman enjoyed spending his leisure time with his family at various sporting events, cruises, and for many years, being at the family’s lake property and boating on Brookville Lake. Roman attended Ginghamsburg Church and as a believer, his faith was evident in all aspects of his life. He always put family first and instilled his faith in them. From nightly cross-country prayers while traveling to Sunday’s at home with his family; he never missed a chance to

be a positive influence. A Celebration of Life is tentatively scheduled for June 6, 2020 at 10 a.m. at Ginghamsburg Church 6759 South County Road 25A, Tipp City, Ohio with pastor Rachel Billups officiating. The family will receive friends following the service at the church. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Romans’ family to set up a trust for his children. Donations may be sent to Zechar Bailey Funeral Home or to the family directly. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey. com. BULLARD – Mary Catherine Bullard, 74, of Greenville, passed away peacefully surrounded by her family on Saturday, April 4, 2020 at her home. Born in GreenBullard ville, Ohio on August 22, 1945 she was one of 5 children to the late David O. & Emma M. (Byrne) Pretzman. Mary had previously worked for Weaver Brother’s in Versailles. She was a member of the Greenville Moose Lodge #329. She enjoyed playing bingo, playing cards with her family, and trying her luck with scratch-off lottery tickets. She will be missed deeply. In addition to her parents she is preceded in death by her sisters Evelyn L. Bailey; Helen Staver; Barbara L. Camp. Mary is survived by her children Melissa J. Apple (Rob); David W. Bullard (Peggy); Sue Beane (Tom): sister Sue Mullins: brother David O. Pretzman (Peggy): grandchildren Beth Beane; Tyler Bullard; Joseph “Joey” Bullard; Victoria Peters; Jonathan Mullins; Henry Apple; Ashley Magusin; Andrea Harris: numerous great-grandchildren: special friends Louise Spurlock; Drema Anderson: as well as many more friends and family. There will be a graveside service was held Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at the Greenville Union Cemetery, Greenville, with George Kinworthy officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the funeral home to offset expenses. Online condolences www.zecharbailey. com. SMITH – Robert Edward Smith, 85, of Troy, passed away at 8:20 a.m. on Saturday, April 4, 2020 at Troy Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center. Born in Greenville, Ohio on July 23, 1934 to the late Carl G. Smith & Lora I. (Dininger) Smith. Robert was a truck driver and hauled dairy and hay, and also heavy equipment for Champion Papers. He loved to hunt and fish, and was very good at archery. He won many trophies over the years for his archery skills. After serving in the United States Marine Corp he lived in Oregon until

moving back to Ohio in 2019. He is preceded in death by his parents: wife Mariam “Mary” Smith: brother Richard Smith: a sister in infancy: and his son Jonathon Smith in infancy. Survived by his siblings Don & Kim Smith; Ronald & Betty Smith; Barb & Jim Hocker; Shirley & Larry Becker; Judy Force: cousin Donna Miller: many nieces and nephews and extended family. There are no services scheduled for Robert per his wishes. Arrangements entrusted to Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, Ohio. Online sympathies www.zecharbailey.com. ROBINSON – Richard P. “Dick” Robinson, 67, of Covington, passed away Friday, April 3, 2020, at Hospice of Miami County Inpatient Unit, Troy. He was born April 18, Robinson 1952, in Troy, to the late James R. Sr. and Rosella Ruth (Cain) Robinson. He married Sandra “Sandy” (Hathaway) Robinson on June 26, 1971; she survives. Dick will also be missed and remembered by his two children, Scott (Angie) Robinson of Fort Loramie and Stephanie Robinson of Piqua; four grandchildren Megan, Tyler, Kelsey, and Zachary Robinson; two great-grandchildren, Skylar and Peyton; siblings Marie Hamilton, Denny (Mandy) Robinson, and Frank Robinson; and many nieces and nephews. Dick was preceded in death by a sister, Bonnie Robinson-Wieringa; and a brother, Bill Robinson. Dick was a 1971 graduate of Covington High School and drove a milk truck for over 36 years. He had worked for Chalmer Fisher and retired from Schafer Milk Hauling of Russia. He enjoyed attending auctions, where he was known as the ‘saw man’, for his extensive collection of hand saws. Due to the coronavirus pandemic and restrictions on gatherings, a celebration of Dick’s life will be held at a future date. Arrangements are in care of Moore Funeral Home, Covington. Online condolences may be left for the Robinson family at www.moorefh.com. FORD – Shirley A. Ford, 81, of Greenville, died in the early morning on April 4, 2020 at Rest Haven Nursing Home, Greenville; she had been in failing health for the past Ford twi years, and passed away from cancer and other health issues. Born August 13, 1938 in Union City, Ind. to Mary Catherine (Yoder) Melia & Estil Roth. She worked at Fairlawn Steak House in Greenville as a cook for many years. Also, at Lambert’s in Ansonia and Hines Bowling Alley in

Greenville, also as a cook. Later she worked at Heartland Nursing Home in Greenville as a nurse’s aide and later as a housekeeper; retiring after 26 years there. Preceding her in death were her parents; daughter Susan M. Yount; sisters Betty Jordan, Margaret Grile; half- brother Ron Hines; nephew Bucky Grile; husbands Delbert Yount, David Weitemier, Lloyd Fort, and Christopher Ford. Surviving are her children Delbert Yount, Jr. & Jami of Versailles, Pamela Brewer & Ken of Greenville, Sheryl Yount of Greenville, Rick Yount of Greenville; grandson Eric Yount of Richmond, Ind.; sisters Carol Sue Schuler of Hamilton, Helen Teeter of Greenville; special cousin Tammy Reier of Greenville; nieces and nephews; former good neighbors Carol Fashnet and Suzi & Mike Brown; and co-worker Shirley Duke. A very special thank you to the State of the Heart Hospice Care Team for all of the comfort and care they gave to Shirley - Also to all her caregivers at Resthaven, especially Adam, Carla, Ashley, Tonya, Tammy M. & Quinella “Moo” at Rest Haven for all their hard work, patience, care and kindness of Shirley during this difficult time with the coronavirus. Shirley was a lifelong member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and was baptized in 1965. She loved to read and study the Bible. She also loved her spiritual family at the Kingdom Hall. Above all, she believed in the resurrection hope and the hope that the Bible talks about for the dead to be brought back to life on a paradise earth that helped to sustain her in her last days. She was a hard-working, strong, dependable and generous woman, and would give you the shirt off her back. Shirley loved animals, and gave to several animal charities over the years. She loved feeding her outside birds, flowers, country music and TV westerns. Also, an occasional glass of champagne, and “vanilla frosties”, She was an amazing cook, and provided great meals to her family over the years. In her 70’s she wrote her autobiography for her kids. Shirley grew up on a farm and really enjoyed the farm life. She drove John Deere tractors, and when about 10 years old she pulled her sister, Carol Sue from quick sand on the farm with the tractor and saved her life, all by herself! She loved the Darke County Fair since child-

hood, and never missed a year. She camped out at the fairgrounds for over 26 years; she became a very skilled camper. She would also take her scooter and load her dog “Babe” on the front of it and cruise the fairgrounds during off times at fair, they both had a blast, and the Early Bird once took their picture. She loved to fish, backpack, and took many trips to Canada, West Virginia and Michigan with her second husband. She lived a full life; she was loved by many, and will be greatly missed by family and friends. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, services for Shirley are to be private and conducted by Elder Kirby Goff. Burial to follow at Ft. Jefferson Oakgrove Cemetery, Greenville. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to State of the Heart Care. Arrangements entrusted to Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, Ohio. www.zecharbailey.com. MAMAZZA – Joseph Alfred “Joe” Mamazza, Jr., 57, of Ansonia, passed away suddenly at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 2, 2020 at his home. Born in Greenville Mamazza, Jr. on May 7, 1962 to the late Joseph A. Mamazza, Sr. & Anne M. (Patterson) Swabb. Joe loved the outdoors, and getting his “wind therapy” on his Harley Davidson motorcycle. He enjoyed spending time with his wife and going on vacations. He was loved by many and will be deeply missed. In addition to his parents he is preceded in death by his sister Monica King; brother Jimmy Baker; and step-brothers Junior and Butch Swabb. Survived by his loving wife Darlene (Brumbaugh) Mamazza whom he married May 5, 2018; children Jessica Mammaza & Travis Strong, Joey Mamazza, III & Heidi; step-children Matt Teague & Leslie, Christina Sullivan & Andrew Boevers; grandchildren Herschel Murphy, Brayden Timmerman, Joshua Timmerman, Nevaeh Wyant, Lucas Mamazza, Jonah Mamazza, Oliver Mamazza, and Ellie Teague; as well as two grandchildren on the way; step-granddaughter Kayleigh Strong; siblings John & Diane Mamazza, Marcia & Art Jester, Marla & Walter Davis; step-sisters Debbie & John Melton, Georganna Swabb; step-father Waldo See OBITUARIES | 8A


MURPHY – Leroy Eugene Murphy, 85, of Greenville, passed away at 2:35 a.m. on Friday, April 3, 2020 at Greenville Health and Rehab in Greenville. Born in New Murphy Lebanon, Ohio on April 14, 1934 he was one of four children to the late Howard & Ruth (Brown) Murphy. Leroy retired from Dayton Power & Light, and was the proud owner of “Murph’s Coins” in Greenville. He loved collecting coins and was a member of the Darke County Coin Club. He enjoyed going to car shows. He will be deeply missed. In addition to his parents he is preceded in death by his wife Marilyn Murphy; son Leroy Murphy, Jr.; granddaughter Kerri Murphy; brothers Charlie Murphy; Robert “Bob” Murphy: and sister Mable Hunt. Survived by his children Terry & Kim Murphy, and Deborah Beyke; 7 grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren; sister-in-law Lucy Murphy; and his beloved dog “Mister Big”. Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, a Celebration of Leroy’s Life will be held at a later date. Please check back for updates. Arrangements entrusted to Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, Ohio. www. zecharbailey.com. CANAN – Frederick J. Canan, 77, of Bradford, passed away Monday, March 30, 2020 at Springmeade Health Center. Fred was born in Bradford on July 20, 1942 Canan to the (late) Walter & Pauline (Westfall) Canan. He was a graduate of Bradford High School, Class of 1960 and worked as a supervisor at FRAM for 21 years. Fred was a member of Common Grounds Church (formerly Bradford Church of the Brethren) and previously was a Mason. He loved to watch any sport, especially like The Ohio State University Buckeyes. Earlier in life he enjoyed golf, hunting and fishing. He was preceded in death by his parents and wife, Helen E. Canan in 2014. Fred is survived by his children, Kathy & Dan Wood of Beavercreek, Cully & Tabatha Canan of Bradford, Jon & Carmen Canan of Anna, Jennifer & Scott Snowden of Kettering; grandchildren, Rachel & Ryan Paulus, Nick & Sara Canan, Luke & Jessica Wood, Katie Wood, Iris, Willow, Ren, Nova Canan, Elaine, Andrew, Joseph, Elizabeth, Harrison Snowden, Hayden, Drew, Parker, Michalla Davidson; great-grandchildren, Gavin Paulus, Grace Levinson, Gwen Cason, Lily Goudy; three brothers and sistersin-law, Roger & Ruthanne Canan of Columbus, Scott

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8A Sunday, April 12, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Tri-Village Rescue plans blood drive April 18 DAYTON – Tri-Village Rescue Services will host a community blood drive Saturday, April 18 from 8 a.m. to noon in the Conference Center, 320 North Main St., New Madison. Community Blood Center is strongly advising donors to make an appointment

at www.DonorTime.com or call (937) 461-3220 to allow for orderly and safe social distancing at blood drives and efficient blood collection. Community Blood Center is relying on donors to maintain the blood supply as the community acts to


family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey. com. WEAVER – Gail D. From page 7A Weaver, 65, of Greenville, passed away at 10:35 a.m. & Ann Swabb, mother-inSunday, April law Marie & Gene Rieman; 5, 2020, at brother-in law Darrin & Greenville Jennifer Brumbaugh; sisterHealth and in-law Darla & Stephanie Rehabilita(Prince) Brumbaugh; as tion in Greenwell as many nieces, nephville. Gail was ews, aunts, uncles and speborn Dec. cial friends. Weaver 12, 1954 in Due to the coronavirus Greenville, to pandemic, the family will the late Dalton and Helen have a Celebration of Joe’s (Hatfield) Weaver. Life at a later date. Please Gail enjoyed the outcheck back for updates. Arrangements entrusted to doors including fishing and working out in the yard. the Zechar Bailey Funeral He also had a great love of Home, Greenville - www. sports and enjoyed watchzecharbailey.com. VAN HOOSE – Harrison ing THE OHIO STATE Buckeyes and the CincinEdward Van Hoose, 76, of Greenville, and formerly of nati Bengals win a game every once in a while, Who Indian Lake, passed away Dey! His favorite past time on Sunday April 5, 2020 was coaching his son Chris at 1:59 a.m. at Rest Haven Nursing Home, Greenville. and his friends in Pee Wee He was born April 2, 1944 Football, where he played an active role as VP. Sports in Glo, Ky. the son of the late Nathan & Nancy (Con- were a big part of his life for many years and he very ley) Van Hoose. much supported Chris He worked as a painter in several factories in Lima. in many sporting activiHe enjoyed making art and ties. Gail participated in track & field and football played drums in a theeat Greenville Senior High person band for 30 years. School, where he graduated He is preceded in death in 1973. Gail very much by his parents; his son, enjoyed late 60’s, early 70’s Mark Van Hoose; his Camaro’s, and Corvettes. sisters, Pauline Phillips, Blanche Collins, Magdeline He also loved to be outside Burkett, Ethel Watkins; and doing yard work, playing brothers, Ralph Van Hoose, with the dogs Butch and Tucker, and spending time and Bob Van Hoose. with his “Sugar Cookie” He is survived by his children, Eric (Laura) Van Carolyn. He spent most of his career working at Kal Hoose of Arcanum, Lori Plastics (United TechnoloDaniels (Jim Smith) of gies) for 12 years in GreenBelle Center; grandchilville and Copperweld in dren, Abbi Van Hoose, Piqua for 18 years. Evan Van Hoose, Jason Gail is survived by his Daniels, Sabrina Daniels; significant other, Carolyn J. his sister, Betty McGinnis Harmon of Greenville; son of Galon; and numerous and significant other, Chris nieces and nephews. J Weaver and Brittany A celebration of life will Kemper of Greenville; stepbe held at a later date. daughters Jennifer Kimmel Arrangements are being and husband Aaron Kimhandled by Zechar Bailey mel of Greenville, Crystal Funeral Home, Greenville, Wegley and husband Travis Ohio. Wegley of Vandalia; stepson Condolences for the

halt the spread of coronavirus COVID-19. CBC is emphasizing it is safe to donate. Blood drives are exempt from the Ohio Department of Health Stay at Home Order and eligible donors are free to leave their homes to donate.

CBC is enforcing social distancing at blood drives to protect donors and staff and is taking measures to avoid over-collecting. We ask donors for their patience and flexibility as we schedule them accordingly. CBC must continue to

supply red cells, platelets and plasma to its regional hospitals. Red cells are frequently needed in surgeries and emergencies. Automated donations of platelets and plasma are critical for the treatment of cancer, trauma, transplant, and burn patients.

To find out more talk to a CBC specialist at (937) 461-3220. The “Spring into Giving” argyle socks with CBC blood drop are free when you register to donate. Learn more at www.GivingBlood.org.

John Harmon and Wife Kristina Harmon of Greenville; grandchildren, Hannah Weaver, Aidric Weaver and Dylan Stump; step grandchildren Dominik Clark, Cheyenne Harmon, Bryce Echeman, Kaden Echeman, Tori Kimmel, Savannah Leach, Ryleigh Leach, Landen Kimmel and Logan Kimmel; brother, Gary Weaver; nephew Bryan Weaver and wife Li Weaver of Fairview, Tenn.; great nieces Elizabeth Weaver and Sarah Weaver of Franklin, Tenn.; aunt and uncle Ruthann and Herschel. There will be a graveside service was held Friday, April 10, 2020 at the Gettysburg Cemetery, Gettysburg, with Rev. Dr. Fred Bernhard officiating. There will be no visitation. The service was streamed on the Zechar Bailey Facebook Page. It is the wishes of the family that Memorial Contributions be given to State of the Heart Hospice of Darke County or the Darke County Cancer Association. Condolences for the family may be sent to www. zecharbailey.com. MACIAS – Joshua “Josh” T. Macias, 29, of Versailles, passed away unexpectedly at his home on Sunday, April 5, 2020, in Versailles. He was born on December 12, 1990, in Greenville Macias to Michelle Minor of Richmond, Ind. and Thomas Macias of Sidney. Josh was preceded in death by his grandmother, Linda Bain; his grandfather, Luis Macias; and his great grandparents, Robert and Edythe Cline and Guadalupe and Josephine Macias. Josh was a 2009 graduate of Greenville High School. He has spent the last sev-

eral years working as a molder at the Foundry in Russia. Josh loved sports, especially soccer. He enjoyed spending time outdoors, hiking, and riding his bike, scooter, and his hoverboard. He was a hard worker and a loving person. Josh was dedicated to the things he enjoyed and gave it his best. In addition to his parents, Josh is survived by his step-father, Marcus Minor of Richmond; his girlfriend, Casey Ellis of Versailles; his children, Addysan, Grayson, and Harmony; his siblings, Jordan Macias and Sarah Snowden and several other brothers and sisters; his grandfather, John Bain and his wife, Darlene; his several aunts and uncles, especially, Lisa Hileman and her husband, Ron, and Jody Hocker and her husband, Rick, all of Greenville; and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, a private family service took place on Thursday, April 9, 2020, at Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus. Burial will follow in Greenville Union Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be given to the funeral home to help offset final expenses. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com or by calling at (937) 548-1133. WILLIAMS – Marilyn “Joan” (Bucholtz) Williams, 87, formerly of Franklin Township and most recently of Greenville, passed away at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at the Brethren Retirement Community of Greenville. Joan was born March 13, 1933 in Bradford, and the daughter of the late John and Grace (West) Bucholtz. She was a homemaker, a farmer’s wife, a real

estate saleslady for Paul Clark Realty and enjoyed sewing and cooking. Also, Joan was a member of the West Grove United Church of Christ. She was a 1951 graduate of Williams Franklin High School, and a writer for the Greenville Daily Advocate, Piqua Daily Call and the Early Bird. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband Richard L. Williams May 1, 1978. They were married in 1959. Also her brother Dale Bucholtz and sisters Arlene (Bucholtz) Kerr and Thelma (Bucholtz) Rhoades. Joan is survived by her children Barbara Long of Huntsville, AL., Judy (Donald) Koogler of Greenville, John (Dana) Williams of Greenville and Brian (Brenda) Williams of Troy; grandchildren Richard Long, Matthew Williams, Elisabeth Williams, Riley Williams and Parker Williams as well as numerous nieces and nephews. A Private Graveside Service at the convenience of the family will be held at the Gettysburg Cemetery Gettysburg, Ohio with Pastor Don Smith officiating. There will be no visitation but a public Celebration of Life Service will be held at a later date. It is the wishes of the family that Memorial Contributions be given to the Franklin Monroe FFA in care of John Williams and mailed to the Franklin Monroe High School 8591 Oakes Road, Arcanum, Ohio, 45304. Funeral arrangements by Zechar Bailey Funeral Home Greenville, Ohio. Condolences for the family may be sent to www.

zecharbailey.com. DOUGHMAN – Nancy JoAnn Doughman, 79, of Greenville, passed away peacefully at 5:15 a.m. on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at Resthaven Nursing Home, Greenville. Born Doughman on March 28, 1941 in Springfield, she was a daughter to the late Roger F. & Katherine L. (Lantz) Doughman. Nancy enjoyed watching Cleveland Indians baseball games, and Equine shows on TV. She is preceded in death by her parents: Son Terry Lee Doughman: Aunts Grace Barger; Orpha LantzReed. She is survived by siblings Ronny, Jim, Carl, Kenny, Tommy, Dean, John, Mike and Dwight Doughman; Mary Holloway: as well as many cousins, nieces, nephews and extended family members. There are no services scheduled for Nancy. Arrangements entrusted to the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, Ohio. www.zecharbailey.com. RIDENOUR – Robert Lawrence Ridenour, 87, of Greenville, passed away at 12:05 a.m. Friday, April 3, 2020. Due to the current conditions of the Coronavirus Pandemic all service and burial for Bob will be scheduled later at the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home Greenville, Ohio. Condolences for the family may be sent to www. zecharbailey.com. WEHR – Carol Jean Wehr, 81, of Greenville died Monday, April 6, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic there will be no services. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey.com

Coach Shellhaas and the Ultimate Air crew for pushing me to be the best I can be,” said Hunt. “We are From page 6A extremely fortunate to have a high caliber training facil“Through track / pole vault I have had the oppor- ity and coaching staff for Indoor season.” tunity to travel and meet Ohio’s all-time No. 1 a lot of amazing people,” female high school pole Hunt shared. “New York vaulter, Greenville’s Riley City New Balance NationHunt signed this past als, Grand Haven Beach Vault, Capitol Hill Competi- November to continue her education while pole vaulttion in Omaha, Nebraska ing for the nation’s premier are some of my favorite Division-I pole vaulting meets.” program, the University “Coach Coblentz has of Arkansas Razorbacks, a been instrumental in member of an elite Power my success. Words can’t describe how much I appre- Five Conference. “Looking forward, I canciate him. He has taught not wait for my future as me how to be a better an Arkansas Razorback,” person as well as a fierce competitor. Coach also has said Hunt. “In July, I will be attending my last competia lot of patience.” “As we get through these tion as a high school student in Omaha, Nebraska. crazy times as a country, I know Riley and I are grate- I will then begin to prepare ful for how her high school to start my collegiate career. I am excited to comcareer has gone,” Coach Coblentz said, “the lifetime pete at the next level, and continue to set big goals. memories we’ve been able Until then, I will continue to have and make.” to dream big dreams, and “I also want to thank

pray the Corona Virus ends soon.” “I’m so grateful that Riley has the opportunity to continue reaching her dreams at one of the best pole vault programs in the country, The University of Arkansas,” Coach Coblentz said. “This is all out of our control, so I hope she’s making the most out of having extra time to spend with family before she’s off to college into the next chapter of her amazing athletic and academic career. I know she’ll continue to do great things.” “I appreciate my family, Greenville Athletics, my community, and my God that allows me the opportunity to do what I love,” concluded Hunt. “This virus has given me a chance to reflect on how big of a blessing pole vault and the people I get to work with are. I miss it.”

Attention Local High School Seniors DARKE COUNTY MEDIA WILL BE HONORING


2020 With a specialty publication titled: Senior Scrapbook of Memories Class of 2020

On May 22nd Darke County Media will be publishing an insert with Senior class composites available by the schools and students can send in any candid photos such as individual senior pictures, sports, or any memories that they want to share of their senior year. Send a photo of an event, group of friends hanging out, or just an individual Senior photo. ( Photos accepted need to be in good taste and will be at the discretion of our management.) We will publish pictures as space allows. First come first serve. Please include name and school of student, along with a tag line and/or caption of the photo. Deadline for photo submissions: May 4th. Email photos to: crandall@aimmediamidwest.com

Hannah Berry Franklin Monroe Track and Field OH-70182446

For the best local news coverage, visit earlybirdpaper.com


Contact Darke County Media Sports Editor Gaylen Blosser at gblosser@ aimmediamidwest.com or 937-5483330

Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, April 12, 2020 9A

Some challenges of going remote with your business The internet has made it possible for businesses in various industries to go remote, but such a transition does have some unique challenges. • Software: Hasty transitions to remote work, like those forced by the COVID-19 outbreak, created a crisis of sorts for companies that previously had not had many remote employees. Employees were suddenly asked to work on home computers that may or may not have had all the necessary applications for them to perform the daily


instant messaging apps like Slack to facilitate immediate communication between employees. This can drive greater efficiency and promote the sense of community among staff that many companies are proud to have fostered. • Customer service: Ensuring customers can seamlessly connect with your business, and your customer service staff in particular, should be a priority when switching to a remote work setting. A 2014 study published in The Quarterly Journal of Economics even found that remote working allowed customer service staff to get through 13 percent more

calls each day. Remote customer service employees won’t have the direct access to management and fellow team members that they had when working on-site, so business owners can employ central management platforms that make it easy to access information regarding new products and services and previous interactions with and responses to customers. That access can help solve issues while reducing the likelihood of substantial lag time as customer service employees wait to hear from coworkers and managers about how to respond to certain issues. Many businesses were

thrown into the proverbial deep end when forced to go remote due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Challenges present themselves during such transitions, but these challenges can be overcome with a handful of effective strategies.

How to support local businesses during mandatory restrictions

Protect yourself against COVID-19 and other diarrheal and respiratory illnesses, and help prevent the spread of germs to others, by following these simple hand hygiene guidelines:

(Editor’s Note: Please consult your local laws and regulations before publishing this story to confirm its content aligns with mandates currently in place in your city.)


he outbreak of the novel coronavirus COVID19 throughout the United States in March 2020 transformed American lives in ways many might never have imagined possible. Social distancing recommendations and restrictions on gatherings of more than a handful of people had a ripple effect on the economy that adversely affected many small businesses. Small businesses are the backbones of local communities. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses make up 99.9 percent of all businesses in the United States and employ 59.9 million employees. The SBA notes that the accommodation and food services sector is the second largest small business industry. Many of these businesses have been hit especially hard as more and more of their regular customers stay at home in the wake of government advisories promoting social distancing. But small businesses are vital to local communities, and there

Wash your hands throughout the day, and particularly under these circumstances: • Before preparing your nose food • After touching an • Before eating animal or picking up • After using the toilet animal waste • After changing a • After handling pet diaper or helping a food or treats child use the toilet • After handling • Before and after garbage or garbage exposure to cans someone who is sick • Before and after • After coughing, attending to a cut or sneezing or blowing wound


tasks associated with their jobs. Companies that must transition to being remote, whether that transition is temporary or permanent, must recognize that remote employees will need access to software necessary to do their jobs. Workers who only have old computers at home may need to be provided with computers that are compatible with the versions of software used in the office. • Communication: Communication issues between remote workers can be an easy fix. Even businesses that are facing sudden and forced transitions to remote workplaces can utilize

remotely, and just like that the number of remote workers skyrocketed.


Information resource: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

regulations regarding the takeout and delivery of alcohol. Utilizing such services can be a great way to support local businesses while still adhering to recommendations designed to slow the spread of COVID-19. • Purchase a gift card. Gift cards can help small businesses generate revenue at a time when their doors are largely closed to the public. This can be vital to these businesses’ survival, and it gives consumers something to look forward when life returns to normal.

are ways to support them and help them stay afloat as they confront the challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak. • Order delivery. It’s still possible to enjoy foods from your favorite local restaurants. Many restaurants that had not previously done so have begun to offer delivery services, be it curbside or at-home, and this can provide a great respite for families who have had to cook three meals a day at home for their entire families for extended periods of time. Curbside delivery has made it possible to get takeout meals without compromising social distancing recommendations. • Recognize that more than food is available for takeout. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York announced relaxations on laws governing what can and cannot be obtained via takeout, allowing takeout on goods that were previously restricted in regard to takeout. For example, Cuomo announced that the New York State Liquor Authority intended to temporarily relax

• Help market local businesses. Spread the word when local businesses deliver in the wake of the restrictions put on them due to COVID-19. Share tvhese experiences via social media or online reviews, and urge your neighbors to patronize these businesses. Local businesses are suffering during the COVID-19 outbreak. But communities can come together to support business owners and their employees to help these vital businesses stem the tide.

Kremer Roofing OH-70182885


he number of professionals working remotely has risen dramatically over the last decade-plus. According to an analysis from Flexjobs and Global Workplace Analytics, there was a 159 percent increase in remote between 2005 and 2017. That shift toward remote work might have been silent and gradual for much of the 21st century, but the volume was ramped up during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in the United States in March 2020. In an effort to slow the spread of the potentially dangerous virus, government officials urged businesses to allow their employees to work

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10A Sunday, April 12, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Adult Coloring

Easter Egg


Color just for fun!



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WEEKEND EDITION Sunday, April 12, 2020 Section B

Winery contributes to making sanitizer They said that LaSelle even arranged to come pick up the wine and transport it to Dayton for distilling, be lighter than usual in a process that will take a the coming months, even Belle of Dayton crew four though The Winery still sells wines for carryout and days of working 12 to 14 hours a day to complete. can deliver in Ohio. The Belle of Dayton His idea, it was noted, founders announced March “Why not distill the wine into the primary ingredient 22 that they were going to begin producing hand saniof a product in great need tizer, to be either donated — hand sanitizer?” “Wineries are not permit- to first responders and hospitals, or, if there are ted to produce high-proof alcohol, so I began reaching enough ingredients and packaging available, to be out to distilleries in the distributed to the public for region about the idea,” he donations. said. “When I called Mike Williams said the Winery LaSelle, co-founder of Belle at Versailles will get about of Dayton distillery with Murphy LaSelle, I found my one-third of the finished hand sanitizer product. match.”

Winery at Versailles donates 1,000 gallons By Linda Moody


Courtesy photo

Members of The Winery family owners, Carol and Mike Williams (in the center) are daughter Lisa Heidenrich and son, Jamie, who is the vice president of operations and participating with their Pennsylvania Winery as well. The Willamses have donated 1,000 gallons of wine to a Dayton distillery to help make hand sanitizer for usage by first responders and medical officials.

GREENVILLE – The Darke County General Health District will be closing to the public for all services over the next two weeks. The Centers for Disease Control is warning that the U.S. may see a spike in COVID-19 numbers over the next two weeks. The health department’s staff is still available to take phone calls but inspections and appointments will be limited. At this time, the department plans to reopen from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Monday, April 20. For questions call the Environmental Division at 937-548-4196 ext. 209 or the Nursing Division at 937-548-4196 ext. 224. If you have specific question related to COVID-19, please call Ohio Department of Health’s phone number at 1-833-4-ASKODH or the Darke County Health Department, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at 937548-4196 option 5. Birth and death certificate applications should be accessed by going to their website www. darkecountyhealth.org/services/ birth-death/ At this time, the prevention of COVID-19 in the county is of vital importance. Because of this, and their limited staff, they may be delayed in responding to other needs but will do so as quickly as possible. The Darke County Health Department appreciates all of the public’s cooperation as they strive to assure the community’s health. As a reminder, the Darke County Health Department does not diagnose, test or treat Coronavirus COVID-19. If you are feeling sick or have questions about your personal health, please contact your health care provider or an urgent care provider. Emergency rooms should be used for immediate life-threatening conditions only. Also, please remember to keep 6 feet of separation distance from one another.


Village students participate in a bear hunt By Bethany J. Royer-DeLong DarkeCountyMedia.com

ARCANUM — A bear hunt, of sorts, was held in the village in the last few weeks to keep students active and engaged. “It kind of exploded,” said Joni Pechie, Arcanum Elementary Principal, who based this creative event on the children’s book, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury. The idea was to encourage students, as the weather grew milder and while abiding by social distancing, to walk or drive through the Arcanum neighborhoods to find stuffed bears or even printed pictures of bears in the windows of area homes and businesses. Pechie began the event with a Facebook Live reading of the popular book, followed by a variety of challenges posted on social media such as counting how many brown or white bears to how many were wearing accessories or clothing. Students were even tasked with finding particular bears around the community with clues provided by Pechie. One such bear was discovered at the new village administration building by Arcanum student Madelynn Dillon. Pechie explained how the event got bigger than expected, assuming a few families would participate only to have over 100 bears around town. Further, the plan was to hold the event for a week. However, as the bear hunt gained in popularity, the event continued into the following week. She even included a randomized wheel to draw names for prizes. Those prizes were a book and a pencil mailed to a student to again, keep them engaged and entertained. Pechie, like many area school teachers, administrators, and facilitators, is looking for ways to boost student morale during this challenging time with social distancing and other factors related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Currently, Pechie is hosting

Courtesy photo

A bear was discovered at the new village administration building by Arcanum student Madelynn Dillon during the school district’s bear hunt to keep students active and engaged while abiding by social distancing.

various weekly wrap-ups on Facebook Live, such as science experiments, pep rallies with the school fight song, every Friday. She explained one reason for not only the bear hunt but other activities is due to the fact parents are worried about children not dealing well with

the ramifications of COVID-19 that has included the closure of playgrounds and an inability to see their friends. The bear hunt provided an opportunity not only for students but also for families to get out of the house. Pechie shared how one grandparent participated every day

with their grandchild while keeping safe with social distancing. She also noted that while Arcanum is small and made the hunt more accessible, she does encourage others to find ways to do anything extra. See HUNT | 4B



Health dept. closes to public

VERSAILLES — Mike and Carol Williams, owners of The Winery of Versailles, have joined forces with the owners of a distillery in Dayton to turn a thousand gallons or so of excess wine into hand sanitizer. Mike said he had some wines that would have required some additional fine-tuning in the cellars before release. Since his tasting room is closed during the coronavirus pandemic, chances are his bottle sales are going to

“We will give it away,” Williams said. “We’re contacting front-line health care organizations and first responders to find out who has a need for it.” Mike’s wife and partner in business, Carol, said she is not sure yet how much hand sanitizer has been made. “We sent 1,000 gallons of wine,” said Carol. “That will be distilled to around 100 gallons of alcohol. To that they add glycerine and additives. Not sure what that volume will be after that. We will get 1/3 of finished product. Not sure as this won’t be completed until Wednesday (today) or Thursday4B


2B Sunday, April 12, 2020

Franklin Monroe Board to meet

Grimses wed 69 years

UNION CITY, Ohio -John and Betthy Grimes, Union City, ohio, will observe their 69th wedding anniversary on April 28. They were married on April 28, 1951, at the Nazarene Church in Union City, by the Rev. George Gillespie. The couple are the parents of two sons, Mike (deceased) and Bill (Kim) Grimes of Columbia, S.C. There are three grandchildren, Tia (Stuart) Stevens of Indianapolis, Ind., John of Augusta, Ga., and Angela (Jayson) Burbee of Columbia, S.C.; and six great-granchildren, Gabrielle, Lauryn, Aaron, Miyoung, Jordyn and Hannah.

Betty, John Grimes




PITSBURG – The Franklin Monroe

Board of Education will hold a Board of Education meeting in the Board of Education conference room at 8639 Oakes Road on Monday, April 20. The meeting will begin at 8 p.m.

Greenville Early Bird

Online at earlybirdpaper.com


Solid ......................................8991 OldUS US36, 36,Bradford, Bradford,937-718-0351 937-718-0351 SolidRock RockApostolic Apostolic .......................... 8991Old CAC .....................................................630 CACofofGreenville Greenville ....................................... 630Pine, Pine,Greenville Greenville937-730-1313 937-730-1313 Apostolic Church ...............212 ApostolicRestoration Restoration Church ........212W.W.Pearl PearlSt.,St.,Union UnionCity, City,IN,IN,765-625-1404 765-625-1404


Greenville Assembly of God RouteRoute 118N118N Greenville, OhOh937-548-5445 7219 State Greenville, 937-548-5445 GreenvilleFirst First Assembly of .7219 God State


Favorite Church .................................. 1601South SouthStreet, Street,Piqua, Piqua,773-6469 773-6469 FavoriteHillHillBaptist Baptist Church .......................1601 First Baptist Church .....................................7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville First Baptist Church ..........................7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville548-7616 548-7616 Faith Church ........................................... E Russ FaithBaptist Baptist Church ...............................740740 E RussRd., Rd.,Greenville, Greenville,548-1808 548-1808 Greenville Temple ...................... 4689 Childrens GreenvilleBaptist Baptist Temple ..............4689 ChildrensHome HomeBradford BradfordRd., Rd.,548-7283 548-7283 Union Baptist Church .............225 UnionCity CityFirst First Baptist Church .......225S.S.First FirstSt.,St.,Union UnionCity, City,OH OH937-968-6163 937-968-6163 Cornerstone Baptist Church 933 N. 933 Howard St., Union City,City, IN, IN, 765-964-3119 CornerstoneHistoric Historic Baptist Church N Howard St., Union 765-964-3119 Bible Church ................................... BibleBaptist Baptist Church ........................510 510Front FrontStreet, Street,Greenville, Greenville,937-547-1239 937-547-1239


Beech Church of the ..3420.3420 Harrison Rd., Rd., Hollansburg, 937-997-4895 Harrison Hollansburg, 937-997-4895 BeechGrove Grove Church of Brethren the Brethren Bradford Church of The Brethren .............................120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Cedar Grove Church ...................................373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Cedar Grove Churchof...............................................373 LoveCreek Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Oakland Church The Brethren . 8058 Horatio-Harris Rd. Bradford, 448-2287 Oakland of The Brethren ........ 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Bradford, 448-2287 PitsburgChurch Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd.,Rd. Arcanum 937-692-8772 Pitsburg Church of Brethren Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum Greenville Church of the ............8376 Brethren ........................421 Central 937-692-8772 Ave., 548-3583 Greenville Church of the Brethren ......................................421 Central Ave., 548-3583 CATHOLIC

CATHOLIC St Mary’s Catholic Church .........................233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616

StStMary’s Church....................................14233E Wood W Third Greenville 548-1616 DenisCatholic ................................................ St,St. Versailles 937-526-4945 StHoly Denis ..............................................................14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Family (Frenchtown) .................. 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family...................................................15 (Frenchtown) ............................. 11255 St Star Rt 185, St Louis Rd, Versailles North Star937-526-4945 419-582-2531 StImmaculate Louis ..................................................................15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Conception ............. 5874 N. Buckneck Rd., Bradford, 937-526-4945 Immaculate Conception .......................5874 N.W Buckneck Bradford, St Mary.......................................425 Hickory St,Rd., Union City, IN,937-526-4945 765-964-4202 St Mary ..................................................425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN, 765-964-4202 CHRISTIAN

CHRISTIAN Coletown Congregational Church .....2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590

Coletown Church ............ 2876 State Route 571, Greenville East ZionCongregational Church ...................................................6171 St. Rt. 36,548-6590 Greenville East Church ....................................................................6171 St. Rt. Greenville FirstZion Congregational Church ............115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH36, 937-548-3575 First Congregational Church ................... 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 Woodington Congregation Church ...8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441


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109 Rhoades Avenue Greenville



Woodington Church6808 .........8978 N State 49,Greenville, GreenvilleOH548-9441 Stelvideo Congregation Christian Church, Church St .Route Stelvido, 316-8198 Stelvideo Christian Church, 6808Church Church St. Greenville, OH 316-8198 Teegarden Congregational ... ......... 2753 Stelvido, State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 Teegarden Congregational Church ............2753 State 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 CMA Church ...................................306 DevorRoute St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955 CMA Church ...............................................306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955 CHURCH OF CHRIST

Commercial - Residential Automotive

Greenville Church of Christ ........4599 Chldrns Hm Main BrdfrdStreet, Rd., Greenville, Missionary Church..................1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 East Main Church of Christ ......... 419 East Greenville,937-548-4467 937-547-1557 Greenville Pleasant View Missionary Church......5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885 East Main Church of Christ ................... 419 East Main Street, Greenville, 937-547-1557

CHURCH OF GOD NON-DENOMINATIONAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL Ansonia First Church of God ........................750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 Castine Church ...................................624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Ansonia First Church of God ..................................750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 Castine Church of the Brethren .................... 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 The New Beginning Church of God .... 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Calvary Bible Church......................... 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 The New Beginning Church of God .............802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Calvary Bible Church ................................... 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Triumphant Christian Center.............1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300 Beamsville Christian Church ..6102 Beamsville-Union Greenville 547-0009 Triumphant Christian Center ..................... 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300 Beamsville Christian Church .......6102 Beamsville-Union City City Rd. Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Friendship Community Church ...1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 EPISCOPAL Friendship Community Church ........1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 EPISCOPAL True ........................................... Route Greenville 548-3558 St Paul’s Episcopal Church ..................201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575 True LifeLife ......................................................... 59905990 StateState Route 36, 36, Greenville 548-3558 St Paul’s Episcopal Church ...........................201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575 Living Waters Ministries ........................... 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 Living Waters Ministries .......................................102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 INTERDENOMINATIONAL INTERDENOMINATIONAL Bible Fellowship Church...........7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville, 937-547-1952 Family of God ...........................................310 W South Arcanum, 692-8521 Bible Fellowship Church................. 7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville, 937-547-1952 Family of God ........................................................310 W South St.,St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Northside Community Fellowship ........8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 564-5942 Lighthouse Christian Center ........ 5256 Sebring Warner Greenville, 548-7464 Northside Community Fellowship.................8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 564-5942 Lighthouse Christian Center ...............5256 Sebring Warner Rd.,Rd., Greenville, 548-7464 Rosehill Country Church .....................Rt.St.49Rt.and 49 McFeeley-Petry and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Rosehill Country Church .............................St. Rd, Rosehill LUTHERAN Versailles Christian Church .................105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 LUTHERAN Versailles Christian Church ...........................105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 John Lutheran Church ................7418 State Route 121, Greenville548-5404 548-5404 Hillgrove Hillgrove Federated Church .. 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Union 968-6332 St.St.John Lutheran Church ......................... 7418 State Route 121, Greenville Federated Church .......1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd.,Rd., Union City,City, 968-6332 Paul’s Lutheran Church ......13495 Greenville Marys Vers.,419-336-7111 419-336-7111 Congregation CongregationAnshe Anshe Emeth Emeth Jewish Synagogue ............Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-623-1234 StStPaul’s Lutheran Church ........... 13495 Greenville St.St. Marys RdRdVers., Jewish Synagogue .... Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-623-1234 Paul Lutheran Church ........................ E. 4th Street, Greenville548-5770 548-5770 Arcanum StStPaul Lutheran Church ................................... 131131 E. 4th Street, Greenville Arcanum Community of...........................................109 Faith .............................. W. 109George W. George St., Arcanum Community of Faith St., Arcanum Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran . 6825Route State 722, RouteIthaca, 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 St.St.Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchChurch ..6825 State 678-8584 Common Ground Christian Church ...............120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 OakesRd., Rd.,Pitsburg Pitsburg937-692-5670 937-692-5670 PENTECOSTAL Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church ................. 8520 Oakes PENTECOSTAL Apostolic Lighthouse ..........................................332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 Trinity Lutheran Church ........1470 W. State Route Union 765-964-5712 Faith Trinity Lutheran Church .............1470 W. State Route 28,28, Union City,City, IN IN765-964-5712 Faith Apostolic Lighthouse .............................332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 Trinity Lutheran church .................. 204 E. Wood Street,Versailles Versailles937-526-3091 937-526-3091 PRESBYTERIAN Trinity Lutheran Church ...........................204 E. Wood Street, First United Presbyterian Church ............................... 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 PRESBYTERIAN METHODIST-UNITED METHODIST-UNITED First United Presbyterian ................... 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 CHURCH OF Church CHRIST Abbottsville United Methodist Church ......................3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum UNITED


Abbottsville United Methodist Church .................................. 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church .. Corner of Pearl and High Ansonia 337-5781 Ansonia United Methodist Church ......Corner of Pearl and High St., St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUMChurch Church ......................................... 1451 Street, Greenville, 45331 EUM ....................................................1451 SaterSater Street, Greenville, OH OH 45331 FaithUnited United Methodist Church .................101 E. South Arcanum, 692-8934 Faith Methodist Church ...........................101 E. South St.,St., Arcanum, 692-8934 FirstUnited United Methodist Church .................... 202 W 4th Greenville, 548-3075 First Methodist Church ................................202 W 4th St.St. Greenville, 548-3075 FortJefferson Jefferson United Methodist ..............3856 Church Greenville548-4410 548-4410 Fort United Methodist ........................ 3856 Church St.,St., Greenville Gordon Grace United..........................................750 Methodist Church....... 750 Arcanum-Ithaca 678-9062 Gordon United Methodist Arcanum-Ithaca RdRd 678-9062 Nashville United Methodist...... 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 Nashville United Methodist.............5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist..... 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 New Madison United Methodist ..............149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist ................... 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765


Bonded, Licensed, Insured 24 Hour Emergency Service 701 Wayne St. Greenville

St.UNITED Paul United Church of ChristOF ........................129 CHURCH CHRIST W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506

UNITARIAN St. Paul UnitedUNIVERSALIST Church of Christ ..............129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506 First Universalist Church ..................... 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST

WESLEYAN First Universalist Church ............. 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403 Trinity Wesleyan Church .....................................1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 WESLEYAN Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church .............. 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331 Trinity Wesleyan Church ..........................1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Bethel Long Wesleyan Church........................................ 255 Stingley Road, Greenville

Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church ....... 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331 Bethel Long Wesleyan Church ............................255 Stingley Road, Greenville

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CHURCH OF CHRIST Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Chldrns Hm Brdfrd Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467 MISSIONARY Greenville Missionary Church ......... 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842

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Rossburg United Methodist .............................. St.,Street Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church ... 112117 WestRoss South Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Trinity United Methodist Church ..........112 West South Street St, Arcanum, OH937-526-3855 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist .................122 W Wood Versailles Versailles United Methodist ...........................122 W Wood Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church ............. 8849St,Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church .........................8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855

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1320 Highland Dr., Greenville 1320 Highland Dr., Greenville Well maintained home. Close to restaurants Well maintained home. Close to 12, restaurants Sunday, April 2020 3B and shopping. Newer windows and and shopping. patio Newer windows and patio doors that lead out into your totallydoors fenced thatinlead out into your totally fenced in back yard and covered patio. back yard and covered patio. 719 Central Ave., Union City, OH719 Central Ave., Union City, OH Great 3 bedroom home, close Great to at grocery 3 bedroom home, close to grocery Online earlybirdpaper.com volunteering,store please conwww.ohioresponds.odh. to maintain Liability Proand doctors office. Updated storekitchen and doctors office. Updated kitchen tact Brittanyand Weitzel, RS atNewer plumbing in most the ohio.gov/ to see all the tection. bathroom. and bathroom. Newer plumbing in most the the Darke County Health training information for 3. Must comply with house. house. Department at 937-548your interest. If you have any other additional train1195 Fort Jefferson Ave., Greenville 1195 Fort Jefferson Ave., Greenville 4196 ext. 202. any questions regarding ing requirements of the LISTING Looking for an investment? This Looking is it!NEW One for an investment? This is it! One Group(s) you join. 11984 Diamond Mill Englewood, OH house has 4 – 1 bedroom apartments plus house has 4 – Rd., 1 bedroom apartments plus 4. Must complete all If you areunits. ready to downsize with1a bedroom beautiful setting there are 3 single 1 bedroom there are 3 single units. out your back window, that would include a gold fish required fields when filling JUST NORTH OF ANSONIA, this 3 bedroom home at 11808 St. Rt. 118 417 N Walnut St., Union City,you OHhave 417 aNview Walnut St., Union City, OH pond and woods. They believe there are hardwood floors out your volunteer profile. Roof, sump pump, and windows are newer. Roof, sump pump, and are windows are newer. has 1.6 acres M/L and a barn. Upper 60s under all the floor covering, 2 bedrooms uncovered. 6 acres 5. Must ensure your proElectric updated. Bath remodeled. car updated. Bath remodeled. car of woods withElectric deer2and fox running through. New roof 22017, file is up to date at all times down and withpump opener. Oneago. bedroom down and new well 2 years 29,900 FOR THIS HOME, at 7713 US Rt. 36! New roof ingarage October with 2018; opener. One bedroomgarage (contact information, pro2 bedrooms upstairs. 2 bedrooms upstairs. free-standing stove plus electric heat. fessional license, etc). Simply go to https:// LOCAL

Greenville Early Bird

Medical Reserve Corps needs volunteers

INVESTMENT PROPERTY, at 411 Euclid! Front unit

Sam Schwartz wants any type of:

• Carpentry Work • Siding • Room Additions • Garages • Restoration

1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331 548-5464 548-5464 www.cbfirstchoice.com 548-5464 www.cbfirstchoice.com


and rents for $465 per month. Back unit has 1 bedroom and rents for

• Foundation Replacement • Crawl Space Work • Roofs/Re-Roofs

$350 per month. Upper 60s


Linda Beumer; John Doe, Unknown Spouse of Linda Beumer; The Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Administrators, Executors, and Assigns of Linda Beumer, Deceased; Steven J. Hale; Jane Doe, Unknown Spouse of Steven J. Hale; Connie Yoder; John Doe, Unknown Spouse of Connie Yoderl Brian Ord; Jane Doe, Unknown Spouse of Brian Ord; Brad Ord; Jane Doe, Unknown Spouse of Brad Ord; Justin Ord; and Jane Doe, Unknown Spouse of Justin Ord, will take notice that on December 11, 2019 AM Solutions, LLC filed its Complaint in the Court of Common Pleas, Darke County, Ohio in Case No. 19CV00559, on the docket of the Court, and the object and demand for relief in the Complaint is for an in rem foreclosure and reformation of the following described real estate to wit:

SECLUDED SETTING, with this 3 bedroom custom built brick ranch home! Formal entry; solid maple cabinets in unique kitchen; Florida


room looks out to lake with fountain and gazebo! 2.5 car attached garage PLUS 33x50 brick building with 3 overhead doors! 16+ acres


at corner of Childrens Home and Arcanum-Bears Mill Road $469,000


Project Manager Experienced in:

Must be proficient in 3D Auto Cad Inventor Managing Multiple Projects Construction Processes of Commercial Buildings Interpret Architectural Plans & Specs Submittal Process, Scheduling, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Billing Purchasing

Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards



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LINDA BALLARD aka LINDA A. BALLARD, her unknown heirs, administrators, executors, successors and/or assigns, whose address is unknown and cannot be ascertained with due diligence, and UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF DONALD E. BALLARD, whose identity and address is unknown and cannot be ascertained with due diligence, and UNKNOWN TENANTS, at 320 Delaware Ave., Greenville, Ohio 45331, whose identities are unknown and cannot be ascertained with due diligence, shall take notice that on the 20th day of February, 2020, THE PEOPLES BANK CO., commenced an action in the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio; said case being captioned: “THE PEOPLES BANK CO., Plaintiff vs. DONALD E. BALLARD, et. al., Defendants”, and being Case No. 20-CV-00114 on the docket of said Court, for foreclosure of Mortgage and for ordering the sale of real estate located at and commonly known as 320 Delaware Ave., Greenville, Ohio 45331, for the satisfaction of any and all liens, which is described as follows:

On April 7, 2020, the City of Greenville, Ohio, adopted the following legislation: • #20-34 Ord. supplemental appropriations. • #20-35 Ord. transfer. • #20-36 Res. declare emergency in the City of Greenville related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak. • #20-37 Res. authorize enter contract with ODOT for road salt. • #20-38 Ord. consent to ODOT PID no. 105410 county/ route/section: DAR SR 118/502 declare emergency. • #20-39 Ord. consent to ODOT PID no. 113070 county/route/section: DAR-CS FY2021 declare emergency. • #20-40 Res. accept Brumbaugh Construction, Inc. bid for Wagner Avenue Widening Project. • #20-41 Ord. authorize settlement agreement regarding alleged property damage 1468 Sater St. declare emergency. • #20-42 Ord. amend ordinance 17-93 to update projects Waterworks Surplus Fund. • #20-43 Res. regard water supply services in Greenville related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak declare emergency. •#20-44 Res. move Income Tax filing date in City of Greenville related to Coronavirus/CODI-19 outbreak declare emergency.

Situate in the County of Darke in the State of Ohio in the City of Greenville and bounded and described as follows: Being Lot No. 2626 in Wayne Wood Addition to the City of Greenville, Darke County, Ohio except 1.0 foot of uniform width taken off of the south side of said lot, but subject to all legal highways, easements, conditions and restrictions of record. Parcel No. F27-2-212-26-02-04-142-00 (Part of Lot 2626) Any person claiming any interest in or Lien upon, the real property above listed may file an answer setting forth the nature and amount of any interest owned or claimed and any defense or objection to the foreclosure. Such answer shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of Courts and a copy of the answer shall be served on the Plaintiff’s Attorney, Scott D. Rudnick, 121 W. Third St., Greenville, Ohio 45331, on or before May 22, 2020, (28 days after the date of final publication of this notice.) If no answer is filed on or before the last day for filing an answer, a Judgment of Foreclosure will be taken by default. The parcel upon which a foreclosure is taken by default shall be sold for the satisfaction of the Plaintiff’s Mortgage Lien, and any other valid liens or claims as well as the costs incurred in the Foreclosure preceding, which are due and unpaid.

This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 A.M. through 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Jessica Ross, Clerk of Council City of Greenville

The Right Choice The Right Choice

1400 Wagner Ave. has 2 bedroomsOH 45331 Greenville,

Upon the filing of an Entry confirming the sale of the parcel, there shall be no further equity of redemption. After the filing of any such Entry, any person claiming interest in or lien upon the parcel shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any interest in any equity of the parcel.

Approved: Michael Rieman, Law Director


LOWES! Can be divided! Call Joe for additional information!


Fabcor Hiring


First Choice Realty First Choice First Choice Realty The Right Realty Choice

4 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL, on Wagner Avenue across from


GREENVILLE – The Darke County Health Department is asking for volunteers to register with the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). MRC consists of community-based units established by local organizations to meet the public health needs of their communities. The MRC consists of medical and non-medical volunteers who are able to help with response efforts in time of emergency. Any healthcare professionals or non-medical community members 18 years or older can register for MRC. Steps to volunteer: 1. Must be 18 years or older 2. Must complete an approved training PRIOR to registering, and every three years after, in order

Tract One • Situated in the City of Greenville, County of Darke and State of Ohio: • Being Lot Numbered Three Hundred and Twenty-two (322) as designated and described on the recorded plat of said City of Greenville, Ohio, and its additions except the two following tracts, to-wit: (1) a strip of equal width off the rear end of said Lot Eight (80) feet in width, heretofore sold to Cyrus Hart, the same fronting on Riffle Avenue. (2) Also excepting the East side of the remainder of said lot fronting Fifth-eight and Three-fourths (58 ¾) feet, more or less, on Martin Street, and extending back of uniform width to the North Line of said eighty foot strip last mentioned and which has been heretofore sold to Florence Sneary. • The part herein conveyed being the remainder of said Lot Number Three Hundred Twenty-two (33) and being Thirty-two (32) feet in width fronting on Martin Street, and extending South of the same width to the North line of said 80 foot string above mentioned, excepting a strip twelve (12) feet wide at the rear of the premises herein conveyed and North of and abutting upon said 80 foot strip for a right of way for the occupants and owners of the lot to the West formerly owned by Joseph C. Katzenberger. • Prior Instrument Reference: Volume 596, at Page 181

Tract Two • Situated in the County of Darke, State of Ohio, and in the City of Greenville and bounded and Cindy Pike, Clerk of Courts described as follows: Law Office of Rudnick & Hosek, LTD • Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot #322 Attorney for Plaintiff 121 W. Third St. in Farran’s Addition to the City of Greenville, Ohio; Greenville, OH 45331 thence North 00° 03’ 40” West a distance of 57.05 feet to a point; thence South 88° 38’ a5.5” West a distance of 51 feet to the TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING; thence North 00° 03’ 40” West a distance of 5 feet to a point; thence South 88° 38’ 15.5” West to a point on the West line of Lot #322; thence S 00° 06’ 02”West a distance of 5 feet to a point; thence North 88° 38’ 18.8’ East Auctioneer/ a distance of 27.544 feet to the place of REALTOR beginning, containing 0.0032 acre, more or less, Real Estate, Farm, and being a part of the premises excepted and Slyder Auction Personal Property, Autos, reserved by Lydia J. Allen and Clara Allen as an Services Collectibles, & Antiques alley in a Warranty Deed recorded in Vol. 134, Page 356, Deed Records, Darke County, Ohio. Phone: 937-459-7731 • Reference to a survey and plat as recorded in Plat slyderauctionservices@bright.net Vol. 27, Page 3, Darke County Recorder’s Office, by James F. Stayton, Registered Surveyor #6739, Complete Auction Service said survey being dated June 4, 1990. Complete Auction Service • Reserving to the Grantor herein, her heirs and Complete Auction Service Antiques • Estates Antiques • Estates Service Complete Auction assigns, an easement for Ingress and egress Antiques • Estates Antiques •Equipment Estates• Appraisals RealEstate Estate• Farm • Farm • Appraisals thereon upon the described property. Real Equipment Real Estate Estate • • Antiques Farm Equipment • Appraisals • Prior Instrument Reference: Volume 654, Antiques Estates Real Farm Equipment • Appraisals •• Estates at Page 215. Real Equipment •• Ohio Appraisals Bradford, Ohio Real Estate Estate •• Farm Farm Equipment Appraisals Bradford, Ohio Bradford, Bradford, Ohio Property commonly known as 425 Martin Street, 937-448-2589 937-448-2589 937-448-2589 - Bradford, 937-448-2589 Ohio Greenville, Ohio 4331, Parcel No. F27-2-212-35-02Ohio Cell: 937-417-4799 -Bradford, Cell: 937-417-4799 Cell: 937-417-4799 rwcrist@yahoo.com Cell: 937-417-4799 06-15100 rwcrist@yahoo.com 937-448-2589 937-448-2589 rwcrist@yahoo.com .a. .a..a. Cell: 937-417-4799 Cell: 937-417-4799 rwcrist@yahoo.com DEFENDENTS NAMED ABOVE ARE REQUIRED TO AN.a. SWER ON OR BEFORE THE 1ST DAY OF JUNE, 2020. rwcrist@yahoo.com rwcrist@yahoo.com



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4B Sunday, April 12, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Winery From page 1B

Courtesy photo

Mike LaSelle, who owns the distillery in Dayton that is collaborating in this hand sanitizer-making endeavor, sent Mike Williams of The Winery at Versailles, the label that will go on the hand sanitizers.

“We just provided the wine to distill,” she said. “We will distribute locally to mainly police, EMT, etc. We need to see how much finished product we have and what size containers. I am thinking it will be more ‘industrial

size’ like a quart or so. I will know much more as soon as we pick it up. We should have it by next week.” Contact Staff Writer Linda Moody at lmoody@aimmediamidwest.com or at (937)569-4315 ext. 1749. Read more news, features and sports at DarkeCountyMedia.com.

Bradford will host blood drive halt the spread of coroDAYTON – Bradford navirus COVID-19. CBC High School will host a is emphasizing it is safe community blood drive to donate. Blood drives Thursday, April 16 from 1-7 p.m. The Community are exempt from the Ohio Blood Center Bloodmobile Department of Health Stay at Home Order and will be at 750 Railroad eligible donors are free Ave., Bradford. CBC is to leave their homes to strongly advising donors donate. to make an appointment CBC is enforcing social at www.DonorTime.com distancing at blood drives or call (937) 461-3220 to allow for orderly and safe to protect donors and staff social distancing at blood and is taking measures drives and efficient blood to avoid over-collecting. We ask donors for their collection. Community Blood Cen- patience and flexibility as ter is relying on donors to we schedule them accordmaintain the blood supply GEB041220 PAGE 1 OFingly. 1 CBC must continue to as the community acts to

DISCLAIMER: The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of error in advertisements beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s employees or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. We reserve the right to edit, properly classify, cancel or decline any ad. All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it

Land Services

COMPLETE LAWN CARE Spring Clean up, Rolling, Mowing, Bushes, Mulch, and much more. Call John 937-621-0663

LANDSCAPING SERVICES - Spring & Fall Cleanup. Bed Maintenance, Edging, Mulching, Shrub Trimming, New Landscaping. Free Estimates. Gettysburg Outdoor since 1999! 888-834-1549

Hunt From page 1B

“This is a new normal for them, anything differ-

supply red cells, platelets and plasma to its regional hospitals. Red cells are frequently needed in surgeries and emergencies. Automated donations of platelets and plasma are critical for the treatment of cancer, trauma, transplant, and burn patients. To find out more talk to a CBC specialist at (937) 461-3220. The “Spring into Giving” argyle socks with CBC blood drop are free when you register to donate. Learn more at www.GivingBlood.org.

illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status or national origin, or intention to make any preferences, limitations or discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. ERROR CORRECTION: CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST TIME IT RUNS. Report any errors promptly. Credit can be give for only ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. Adjustment for any error is limited to actual cost of space involved. Aim Media

Land Services


Courtesy photo

Not all bears were “stuffed,” as noted by this printed bear found by Madelynn Dillon at the Arcanum village administration building during the school district’s bear hunt held over the last few weeks.

Land Services

TROY – The Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services will meet Wednesday, April 15 at 6:45 p.m. In keeping with orders limiting groups of people, the meeting will be held virtually, with just a few staff physically present to man-

Customer Service Manager

Darke County Media and The Earlybird are looking for a customer service manager to handle the weekly distribution duties of the Earlybird. The position is responsible for all aspects of customer service and delivery of the Earlybird weekly as well as the hiring and training of The Earlybird’s 50+/carriers that deliver our product. The ideal candidate will be ethical and hard-working and have an eye for detail in ways to improve the circulation of the Earlybird. Your week begins Friday evenings with the arrival of the Earlybird, its distribution to our customers over the weekend and follow-up duties with customer service and carrier management the rest of the week.

Midwest does not assume financial responsibility for errors or omissions. Please request corrections in acceptance with the deadline schedule. The publisher assumes responsibility for typographical errors, but in no case for more than cost of that part or parts appearing in error. ADVERTISING STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE: We reserve the right to edit, change, reclassify or reject any advertising. Unless you have an open account with Aim Media Midwest, payment for business line ads must be in our office by noon on Thursday for your ad to appear.

MOWING, large or small jobs. Also Landscaping, Shrub Trimming, Spraying/Fertilizing, Snow Removal. Reasonable rates. References available. Very dependable. 548-1716, ask for Justin

Houses For Rent

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Darke County Media, The Daily Advocate and The Earlybird are part of AIM Media Midwest. The company offers full time employees a complete benefit package including medical, dental and vision health benefits, 401k participation, short term disability and earned vacation.


BUSINESS LINE ADS $1.85/line, $7.40 min. IN MEMORIAM, CARD OF THANKS 45¢ word “Homeowner” ads are $1.85/line, $7.40 minimum

Houses For Rent


117 South St. GR 2BR, 1.5 BA 1 car garage. screened patio, fenced, central A/C new updates, bsmt, W/D hookup, pet friendly $610/m 937-417-5881

SPACIOUS,. Nice 3 BR UC,OH, 2 baths, Pets stove, refrig., W/D h u, attached garage no German Shepherd pets-smoking $575/m + Black/ Tan Female deposit 937-417-5573 3 yrs old AKC Registered $350 937-417-4174 2 BR brick duplex Storage w/attached garage. Arcanum schools. Rural AGRICULTURE area. No Pets. Storage for personal & $500/mo + deposit. business use. Penske Call evenings Truck Rentals. Call Hunting Land 937-423-2200 Greenville Stor & Lock. 548-1075, 5328 Mi2 story, 3 BR, 1.5 bath chelle St WANTED: Farm house. new renovated Ground to Rent. of-street parking - stor$260/acre. Spring payage - W/D hookup 530 Half Doubles ment, fertility manageE Fourth St. Gr. ment program. $700/mo + deposit call 937-564-6351 405 Gray Ave 2 BR 937-423-2604 family, living, dining rooms, kitchen, back MERCHANDISE porch, basement, bath up, garage Metro ok, 937-548-5005 Want To Buy

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mail to 937-265-8589 during the live session. Questions or comments received after the live session has ended may be addressed by board staff or at the subsequent board meeting. The Finance Committee will meet virtually beginning at 6 p.m.

age the online meeting. Members of the public, including the press, may watch the meeting on the board’s Facebook Live video feed; no member of the public will be admitted to the Board office. Questions or comments may be submitted via text or voice-

You may also place your ad and use your Visa, MasterCard or Discover Cards. These ads may be phoned in by calling: (937) 548-3330. Fax: (937) 548-3376. DEADLINES: Classified Display 4:00pm Thursday Classified Liners Noon Thursday Classified ads may be mailed or brought into our office at: 100 Washington Avenue, Greenville, OH 45331 or emailed to jkaiser@aimmediamidwest.com Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am - 5pm • Fri. 8:30am - 4pm

Drivers Delivery


The position is full time, requires a good running vehicle and involves both day and night responsibilities. Ideal candidates will be required to pass a drug test and have a driving record of good standing.

Reach reporter Bethany J. RoyerDeLong at 937/548-3330 or email broyer-delong@aimmediamidwest. com. Read more news, features, and sports at DarkeCountyMedia. com.


Bartender wanted weekends Northern Preble County Tired of looking out 937-423-5563 your windows and seeing tall grass call Brian REAL ESTATE Brown Mowing Service FOR RENT 937-547-1064


continue to improve.

Recovery board to hold virtual meeting

Land Services

LAWN MOWING Residential or Commercial. Senior Discounts-Fair Rates-Fully Insured. Contact Daryl Riffle at 937-459-2173

ent, exciting and engaging and that is safe, we are going to do it,” said Pechie who is already thinking about new ideas and activities, while waiting on the weather to

FOUND CATS Cats that have shown up on my property in the New Madison area. Are you missing them? Please call or text 937-621-3434.


What are her thoughts about The Winery’s contribution to society right now? “We have always felt that giving back to our community is the right thing to do,” she said. “This was a need we could fill and are honored to do it.” She said her husband had contacted a few distilleries and Belle of Dayton answered back. “We worked with Mike, Tim, and Murphy LaSelle,” Mike said. “I know others are also doing it,” she said. Do the Williamses have anything to do in the processing of the product?


5B Sunday, April 12, 2020

ESCC scholarship offer expanded PIQUA – Edison State Community College is committed to easing the burden created by the COVID-19 pandemic and understands the stress this healthcare challenge has placed on every community. Graduating high school seniors are no exception as they may be faced with difficult decisions about their plans for starting college in the summer or fall. As part of its ongoing commitment, Edison State has expanded its College Credit Plus (CCP) tuition scholarship offer to include a larger population of students. The new, expanded opportunity consists of a 100-percent tuition scholarship for all graduating high school seniors in the Edison State service area and CCP partner high

schools, regardless of their level of participation in the CCP program. Edison State offers over one-hundred degrees, certificates, and short-term technical certificates in the areas of Business, Engineering and Manufacturing, Health Sciences, Information Technology, and Social and Public Services designed to help graduates enter the workforce. In addition, partnerships held with four-year universities across the state and country provide a seamless transfer upon a students’ completion. For more information about the tuition scholarship, contact Jordan Keith, Enrollment Manager, Piqua Campus Location at 937-778-7846 or jkeith@edisonohio.edu

or Rachel Carlisle, director of Regional Campus Enrollment Management and Student Services at the Greenville, Troy, and Eaton Campus Locations at 937-778-7895 or rcarlisle@edisonohio.edu. All students must complete the FAFSA and accept any grants and scholarships that may be awarded before receiving the CCP tuition scholarship. The CCP tuition scholarship is only applied to students’ accounts after all other grants and scholarships are awarded. Recommended FAFSA filing dates are May 1 for the summer semester and Aug. 1 for the fall semester. Additional information can also be found at www. edisonohio.edu/CCP-scholarships.

PPE collection continues GREENVILLE – The Darke County General Health District along with the Darke County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is seeking donations of personal protective equipment (PPE) to support the county’s need for response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. They are encouraging anyone who may have a surplus of personal protective equipment to donate them. Citizens who are able to make home-made cloth masks are also being asked to help. As many have heard through the news, the

United States has a shortage of PPE. Although many manufacturers in the United States are stepping up production to support the need, donations are currently still needed. If you’d like to donate, call the Health Department at 937-548-4196 Ext: 232 to schedule a drop off. Donated PPE can be dropped off by appointment at the Darke County General Health District, 300 Garst Ave., Greenville, OH 45331. Items being accepted include: N95 Masks, Surgical Masks, Gowns, Hand Sanitizer, Cloth Masks,

Face Shields, Gloves, Eye Protection, and Cleaning Wipes. Go to the following link for instructions on how to make home-made cloth masks: https://www.cdc. gov/coronavirus/2019ncov/prevent-getting-sick/ diy-cloth-face-coverings. html The Darke County General Health District and the Darke County EMA would like to thank all the citizens of Darke County for doing their part in helping stop the spread of COVID-19. Remember Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Home.

Union City Lions sponsor Olympiad UNION CITY – The Union City Lions Club met March 10 at the Union City Community Room. After another enjoyable meal prepared by D’s Restaurant the Lions were presented a program about the UCHS Science Olympiad Team. The Lions are the sponsor of the team that competed at Butler University on Feb. 29. The team of eight students competed in 23 events. The team talked to the club about the events they competed in and about some of the trials they had as they prepared for the competition. The club saw what the students built for seven of their events. The students

Greenville Early Bird

Non-resident licenses suspended COLUMBUS – In response to the public health situation with COVID-19 and the Ohio Department of Health’s (ODH) Stay at Home Order, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife is temporarily suspending the sale of non-resident hunting and fishing licenses until further notice. “People entering the state are being asked to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days, making

Liberty Twp. updates meetings PALESTINE – In order to respect the social distancing guidelines, the Liberty Township Trustees announced they are suspending the meetings held on the third Monday of each month until such time that the Governor lifts the “stay at home” order. The regular first Monday meetings will still be held at 7pm at the township house in Palestine.

MV Alumni Banquet canceled UNION CITY – Mississinawa Valley’s alumni banquet scheduled

CHECK OUT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE www.facebook.com/new madisonsupermarket for a complete listing of over 80 sale items! Copy of entire ad available at the store starting Monday morning.

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Oscar Mayer 2.25-4.2 oz Reg $2.19 LUNCHABLES $1.25ea Boneless Skinless CHICKEN BREAST $1.99lb Large orders will be filled following week Thick Sliced BULK BACON $2.99lb Large orders will be filled following week Boston Butt


Beef Boneless


Reg $2.79

$1.29ea $.79lb ASPARAGUS On the Vine



5 ears for


Kraft 12 oz

reg $3.39

Florida’s Natural 52 oz

Blue Bonnet 1lb

reg $1.19

$.99lb $1.39lb

reg $2.79


Stone Ridge Creamery 35 oz 20 count Assorted

reg $4.49

Essential Everyday 10.5-16 oz

reg $2.49


reg $3.99

VELVEETA CHEESE ORANGE JUICE $2.99ea SLICES $2.99ea Lipari Essential Everyday 6 oz reg $.69 MUENSTER YOGURT $.39ea CHEESE $3.49lb SOFT SPREAD MARGARINE

Essential Everyday Essential Everyday 16 oz reg $4.49-$4.69 10 count 4 pack 30 oz CHUNK CHEESES $3.49lb BISCUITS Borden’s 12 oz reg $2.69 Essential Everyday AMERICAN CHEESE 14.25 oz 5 count SINGLES $1.99ea BAGELS

Shopper’s Value 56 oz square pkg

Reg $2.19




Children & Families Wednesday, April 15: Jonathan Newman – Faith Thursday, April 16: Special Guest TBD – Small Business Recently, Powell was appointed to OHIO 2020, a bipartisan task force that will focus on helping get Ohio’s economy back on track in the wake of the COVID19 pandemic. The panel began meeting remotely this week. To participate in the community conversations, visit the @VoteJenaPowell Facebook page. Each event will begin at 9:00am. If you have any questions about the event or how to access the Facebook page, please email Rep80@ohiohouse.gov



ARCANUM – State Representative Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) announces she will be hosting community conversations with special guests from her district next week. Each event will be held via Facebook Live. “As we face the coronavirus pandemic, I want to hear input from our community leaders regarding how we can rise stronger than before,” said Powell. “I look forward to engaging with my constituents and hearing their questions on issues that matter most to them.” Each special guest will focus on a certain topic: * Monday, April 13: Eric Fee – Community Involvement Tuesday, April 14: Paul Hemminger –


STUFFED PORK SUMMER SAUSAGE $3.99lb SAUSAGE $2.19lb Eckrich Carolina PEPPERONI $4.29lb TURKEY HAM $3.19lb Butterball Eckrich CAJUN TURKEY FRIED TURKEY BREAST $4.99lb BREAST $4.69lb Sara Lee Eckrich BUFFALO CHICKEN OVEN ROASTED BREAST $5.69lb CHICKEN BREAST $4.69lb Arctic Shore16 oz Reg $5.49 Eckrich PINK SALMON COTTO SALAMI $3.99lb FILLETS $4.99ea

Extra Large

Powell hosts community conversations

NEW MADISON – Tri-Village Elementary school is currently registering for Kindergarten for next school year. Children being registered must be 5 years old by August 1, 2020 in order to be eligible. Parents can visit the school website, to the right of the page under kindergarten registration and complete the form. Please contact Angie Harrington in the office at 937-996-1511 opt 2 if you have any questions.

*Additional purchase requirements do not include the item, 24 pack soft drinks, tobacco products and alcohol products*


For more information about the Science Olympiad program, go to https:// www.soinc.org/

TV kindergarten registration



showed some things that they had worked on and answered questions from the club.

for May 2 has been canceled. The banquet will not be rescheduled until 2021.

***We now have Sunday beer and wine sales***

1 lb

Pictured are Coach Kirk Schilling, Josiah Bowers, Gabe Fulton, Andrew Osornio, Sullivan Thomas, Christina Sowinski, and Coach Blake Clevenger.

asked to abide by ODH guidance and self-quarantine for 14 days before they do so. The mission of the Division of Wildlife is to conserve and improve fish and wildlife resources and their habitats for sustainable use and appreciation by all. Visit wildohio. gov to find out more. ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at ohiodnr.gov.



Courtesy photo

recreational travel unfeasible,” said ODNR Director Mary Mertz. “We look forward to reopening license sales when hunters and anglers can safely return.” This temporary suspension went into effect at midnight on April 6. Sales will resume when COVID-19 guidelines change or are lifted. While individuals who currently possess a non-resident hunting or fishing license may hunt or fish in Ohio, they are

$.89ea reg $2.59




$1.99ea reg $1.59


Essential Everyday 13 oz 5 reg $2.99 Bagel Bites 7 oz

reg $2.59

CHEESE TEXAS SNACKS $1.99ea TOAST $1.89ea Essential Everyday 2 lb reg $2.99 Banquet 7 oz reg $1.19 FROZEN BREAKFAST OR VEGETABLES $1.99ea MEAT POT PIES $.89ea Essential Everyday 20-32 oz reg $2.99 Birdseye 21 oz reg $5.99 ONION RINGS TOTS, SHRIMP OR HASH BROWNS CHICKEN VOILA $3.99ea OR FRIES $1.99ea


Hunt’s 20 oz

reg $1.49

Mott’s 24 oz 6 count

Hershey’s 7-14 oz

Hunt’s 13 oz 4 count

reg $1.49

Manwich 15-16 oz

reg $3.25


BAKING CHIPS $2.49ea SNACK PACK SLOPPY JOE Essential Everyday 18 oz reg $1.79 PUDDING CUPS $.99ea SANDWICH OATMEAL $.99ea SAUCE OH-70182818

reg $2.99

$1.99ea reg $1.49



6B Sunday, April 12, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

MVCTC nursing students graduate ENGLEWOOD – The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCT) Adult Education Practical Nursing Program held its first graduation ceremony of the year in the Student Activity Center on Feb. 14. The Center was full of family and friends there to support the 17 graduates. Multiple faculty and staff Courtesy photo were also in attendance to MVCTC Adult Education Practical Nursing program is proud to congratulate the 17 recent graduates congratulate the graduates on that completed the program and are ready to test for the NCLEX licensure exam. successful completion of the

rigorous program. The graduates spoke about MVCTC’s nursing program making an impact on their lives. The graduating class presented their lead instructor Martha Brown with gifts to show their thanks and appreciation. MVCTC Adult Education Director of Practical Nursing, Stephanie Benson, stated, “This was a very moving experience for all those in attendance. Job

opportunities are plentiful for the graduates, as many were offered jobs from their preceptor clinical sites before graduation.” Local graduates included Haylee Beanblossom, Union City; Reba Daniel, Arcanum; Ashley Lacey, Greenville; and Tiffany Smith, West Manchester. For more information about MVCTC Adult Education programs, visit www. mvctc.com/AE.


Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, April 12, 2020 7B

MVCTC firefighter class participates in training DAYTON – Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) Firefighter/EMS seniors recently participated in a training that taught them how to deal with ruptured and burning natural gas lines. The training took place at the Dayton Fire Department Training Center. MVCTC Firefighter instructor John Shaw stated, “Firefighter students learned how to deal with flammable gas fires, because of the intense heat involved incredible focus is a must, the Class of 2020

did an amazing job.” The Senior Firefighter Class of 2020 participating included Connor Anthony (Versailles), Erin Baker (Huber Heights), Logan Blubaugh (Tipp City), Emily Crosby (Brookville), Ethan Davis (Versailles), Danny Dia (TrotwoodMadison), Nicholas Hartman (Tipp City), Taylor Hurd (TriVillage), Jesse Jergens (West Carrollton), Lauren Kilgore (Vandalia-Butler), Alec Neace (West Carollton), Ricky Salone (Northmont), Kanyon Schall (Preble Shawnee), Kyle Smith

(Vandalia-Butler), Lexus Tracey (Huber Heights), Ashley Tynes (Brookville), Dylan West (Valley View), Michael Wilburn (Northmont), and Gabriel Worley (Twin Valley South). Dedicated to providing premier educational choices and advanced employment preparation for youth, adults, and organizations, MVCTC has proudly served the Miami Valley since 1971. For more information about MVCTC, please visit www. mvctc.com.

Courtesy photo

MVCTC Class of 2020 Firefighter/EMS students participated in Gas Pad Training at the Dayton Fire Department Training Center.

Tribute To Darke County Senior Spring Sport Athletes


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Baseball Tyler Beyke John Butsch Ethan Detrick Ethan Flanery Franklin Alec Fletcher Monroe Tytan Grote Baseball Terry Miller Logan Garber Tony Sells Caden Goins Brayden Skinner Dalton Goubeaux Marcus Wood Jacob Meyer Softball (State Qualifier from a year ago in shot/disc) Jarin Young Courtney Bryson Softball Haleigh Behnken Audrey Heiser Abbi VanHoose Chloe Brumbaugh Caitlin Christman





Baseball Gaven Trevino Drew Davidson Softball Tristin Booker Track Mercedes Smith Erica Gaynor Ernie Jones Tori Derstine

Phoebe Weidner Rachel Wright Austen Cutarelli Ethan Garbig JT Whitaker

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8B Sunday, April 12, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Simple strategies to meet the neighbors after moving A lot goes into building safe, strong communities. While no single factor can be highlighted as more important than another in regard to building strong communities, a willingness on the part of residents to connect with their neighbors can greatly benefit local neighborhoods and the people who call those communities home. According to Mental Health America, a community-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting the mental health of all Americans, research has shown that social connections increase happiness and lead to improved overall health and even longer lives. Adults may find that establishing a connection with their communities, and maintaining that connection while juggling the responsibilities of work and a family, is not always so easy. That’s especially so for adults who have recently relocated to new areas. Reaching out to neighbors can be a great way for adults to build new relationships that can benefit them as individuals and strengthen their communities. * Don’t be shy. People often want to know who’s living next door, so adults who have

reveal some common interests that can serve as strong foundations for budding relationships. * Host a backyard barbecue. Backyard barbecues are laid back affairs, and that pressurefree atmosphere is perfect for meeting new neighbors. Once you have settled in, invite a handful of your neighbors over for the barbecue. If you have children, invite neighbors who also are parents, ideally ones whose children are the same age as your own. Kids have sparked many a conversation, and discussions about local schools, parks and programs for youngsters can be great ice breakers. * Volunteer. Volunteering with community-based organizations is another great way to meet new neighbors. Volunteering with an organization whose mission you identify with may be even better, as you’re likely Reaching out to neighbors can be a great way for adults to build new relationships that can benefit them as individuals and to find like-minded neighbors strengthen their communities. who share your passions when working with such groups. Strong communities are built your neighbors likely did as recently moved need not be shy doubt ask questions when you around people. When moving well. Sharing stories about about introducing themselves to introduce yourself, so be ready to a new community, adults can your school days and/or local their new neighbors. Introduce to answer these questions. overcome the challenges such hotspots can be a great way to yourself and share what inspired Questions may focus on your relocations present by taking break the ice. Don’t hesitate to you to move to your new neigh- career and where you grew up. If you grew up in the area where ask some questions of your own various steps to connect with borhood. * Answer and ask as well. Asking questions might their new neighbors. you recently moved, some of questions. Neighbors will no

Turn your new house into a home Historically low mortgage interest rates are helping to drive a new wave of home sales. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau indicates roughly 14 percent of the population, or around 40 million people, move every year for various

reasons. Statistics Canada’s Canadian Housing Survey found about half of Canadian households have either moved within the past five years or intend to do so within the next five. While people may be inclined to move far from

their current residences, the moving resource Move. org notes that some U.S. states are seeing an influx in people leaving while others are absorbing new residents. Illinois, Alaska, New Jersey, New York, and West Virginia are the


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top five states Americans are leaving, while Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, and Montana are gaining residents. People relocate for various reasons. After moving into a new house, it can take some effort to turn that house into a true home and feel comfortable in your new environs. These steps can help that process along. * Create at least one complete and serene space. Focus on setting up the bedroom so you can retreat at the end of the day. Invest in new furniture or get new bedding to give the room this comforting feeling. * Create an organizational plan. It can be tempting to want to throw



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After moving into a new house, it can take some effort to turn that house into a true home and feel comfortable in your new environs.

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your hard work. * Hang artwork. Hang a few select pieces of artwork or family photos shortly after moving in. Surround yourself with things that make you feel good. * Bring mementos. Your first home may bring about warm feelings. While you can’t recreate it entirely, you can use a piece of furniture or a few family heirlooms to make your new space feel homey. * Rely on familiar scents. Break in the new space with familiar aromas, whether it’s preferential air fresheners, scented candles or baking your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. Moving into a new home can be exciting. Certain touches can help make the new space feel more like home.


Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, April 12, 2020 9B

Container gardening tips Gardening is beneficial in various ways. The AARP states that some of the health perks associated with gardening include improved mood, increased vitamin D levels (which benefits bones and immune system) and reduced risk of dementia. In addition, if gardening efforts include growing herbs, fruits and vegetables, it can be a costeffective way to eat healthy. For gardeners without sufficient space or for those with mobility issues, container gardening can be an ideal way to grow everything from flowers to vegetables. Better Homes & Gardens says most plants are not fussy about the containers in which they grow so long as some of their basic needs are met. This means watering correctly for the type of plant, and ensuring sufficient drainage. The following are some other ways container gardening efforts can prove successful. * Watch water. Planet Natural Research Center says plants with thin leaves

typically need ample water, and plants with thick leaves need less. Use this as a guideline to gauge water needs. * Size correctly. Plants should be sized to the container. Consider dwarf varieties of certain plants if your containers are small. * Choose the right soil. Fill containers with a commercial potting soil rather than soil from the garden. Garden soil can dry into a solid mass, while commercial mixtures have amendments like peat moss, vermiculite, compost, and other ingredients to help with soil texture and moisture retention. * Mix it up. When planting containers of flowers and other greenery, Good Housekeeping says to include “a thriller, a spiller and a filler” as a good rule of thumb. The thriller is the focal point, the spiller a trailing plant, and a filler has smaller leaves or flowers to add bulk and color. * Poke holes. Drainage holes are essential so that soil will not become

36 Ve For gardeners without sufficient space or for those with mobility issues, container gardening can be an ideal way to grow everything from flowers to vegetables.

waterlogged. Holes don’t need to be large, but there should be enough of them so that excess water can drain out readily. * Select the right container material. Container materials may be affected by gardeners’ budgets, personal taste and other factors. For those who live in hot climates, selecting a light-colored container can help prevent further soil heat absorption. Container gardening is a healthy and enjoyable activity that can pay dividends in various ways.

How to design your dream custom-built home There are many advantages to designing your own home. Gone are the builder-basic styles, layouts that don’t work for your family and exteriors you can’t tell apart from your neighbors’. To help with your planning, check out these tips.

Find the right property. There are no limits to what you can create with a custom-built home, but the size and quality of your lot do impose restrictions. While you don’t need to have everything decided when you purchase the property, make

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sure you have a general idea of what you need. Your architect can help with this. Also, double check zoning laws, so you don’t wind up not being able to build your dream three-story home on a residential street that only allows bungalows.

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10B Sunday, April 12, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

BWC board reduces rates AHS selects February Students of the Month ARCANUM – Students of the Month for February from Arcanum High School are Nate Kessler and Jorie McDermott. Selections were made by the faculty on the basis of accountability, honesty, and service demonstrated at Arcanum High School. Kessler and McDermott were nominated because of the accountability, honor, and service that they demonstrate at AHS.

Kessler was nominated because of the effort that he demonstrates to students in his classes. McDermott also leads through accountability in class at AHS. She is always well prepared and strives to do the best that she can each day. The Student of the Month program is sponsored by Chick-Fil-A and McDonald’s.

Shellhaas participates in commencement LEXINGTON, Ky. – The University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences recognized more than 250 candidates at a Dec. 20 Commencement Ceremony at Rupp Arena. Among those participating was Rachel Shellhaas, Greenville, with a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience. Home to 19 academic departments that offer major degrees in 27 disciplines and 36 minors, the College of Arts and Sciences provides education in fundamentals to every undergraduate student at the University of Kentucky and builds foundations for advanced study in every field. Its faculty integrates innovative research with exceptional teaching and outreach, thereby providing paths to understanding the past, solving the problems of today, and imagining the possibilities of tomorrow.

claims, so we’re happy to pass these savings along to our employer community,” said BWC Administrator/ CEO Stephanie McCloud. “It’s our hope employers will use these savings to invest in the safety and wellness of their workplaces.” The rate reduction becomes effective July 1, the start of state fiscal year 2021. It will save private employers $131.6 million over this year’s premiums. It also follows a 10 percent rate reduction for public employers — counties, cities, schools and oth-

ers — that went into effect Jan. 1. Overall, the average rate levels for the 249,000 private and public Ohio employers in the BWC system are at their lowest in at least 40 years. Premiums paid to BWC not only cover health care and lost wages for injured workers, they also support BWC’s Safety & Hygiene Division, which offers training, consultations and other services to help employers improve workplace safety. Employer participation in these services has grown by more than 70 percent since 2010. Total

annual claims, meanwhile, have fallen 19 percent over that time to 84,364 in 2019. The 13 percent rate cut represents an average statewide change to premiums and does not include costs related to the administrative cost fund or other funds BWC administers. The actual premium paid by individual private employers depends on several factors, including the expected future claims costs in their industry, their company’s recent claims history, and their participation in various BWC programs.

Whirlpool supports Special Olympians GREENVILLE – Whirlpool was one of the companies honored as Awards Presenters for their support of the Darke County Special Olympics athletes at last May’s Track and Field Event. Corby Shrader and Alex Quevas, of Whirlpool presented ribbons for the 50 m. run in the boys 12 - 15 year old division to Diesel Weatherly, Tri-Village; Juaquin Flores, Mississinawa Valley; Aidan Honeyman and Chris Marshall, Greenville Middle. Held annually for all Darke County school-aged special needs athletes, this one-day event is held at the Jennings Sports Complex next to Greenville High School, which draws the largest participation


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Courtesy photo

Whirlpool presenters were Corby Shrader and Alex Quevas with Diesel Weatherly Juaquin Flores, Aidan Honeyman and Chris Marshall.

of special needs athletes around the county. This year, the Track and Field Event is scheduled for Friday, May 8 (Monday, May 11, bad weather day). The Special

Olympics program offers year-round athletic opportunities. For more information about Darke County Special Olympics, please call 937-504-2050.


Courtesy photo

Nate Kessler and Jorie McDermott are Students of the Month.

COLUMBUS – Ohio’s private employers will pay nearly $132 million less in premiums to the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation next fiscal year under a 13 percent rate reduction the agency’s Board of Directors approved recently. The reduction marks BWC’s third largest rate cut in 60 years and follows the agency’s largest rate reduction (20 percent) that the board approved last year. “The employers and employees we cover in our system continue to experience fewer and less costly



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2019CHEVY TOYOTA RAV 4 XLE AWD, 2.5L 4 cyl., sunroof, power, silver, 26,648 miles ......... $26,995.........$25,500 2020 EQUINOX LT FWD, 1.5L 4cyl., all power, likeallnew, blue,super 13,102nice, miles .....................................$25,995 $24,500 2019BUICK DODGE GRANDAWD, CARAVAN 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond.,miles maroon, 42,532 miles ..... $20,995.........$19,500 2020 ENCLAVE 3.6L V6,GT, leather, loaded, like new, white, 19,340 ...................................$39,995 $38,900 2019DODGE GMC ACADIA FWD, 3.6L all power, very nice, miles ............................$31,995 $30,500 2019 GRANDSLT CARAVAN GT, V6, 3.6Lleather, V6, leather, all power, like gray, new, 15,970 gray, 31,557 miles ..............$21,995 .........$20,500 2019TOYOTA GMC ACADIA SLT AWD AWD,2.5L4cyl.,sunroof,all 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 30,212 miles .................... $32,995.........$31,500 2019 RAV 4 XLE power,super nice,silver,26,648miles ..................$26,995 $25,500 2019 CHEVY 1/2 TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, 2019 CHEVY EQUINOX AWD miles 2.0L4cyl.,one owner,all power,like new,silver,3,623miles .................$31,995 $30,900 super nice, white,RS 40,171 ...................................................................................................... $43,995.........$42,500 2019 RS RS AWD 3.6L 2.0L V6, leather, one all owner, loaded, like new, white, 8,956 miles ..$40,995 $39,900 2019CHEVY CHEVYBLAZER EQUINOX AWD, 4 cyl., sunroof, one owner, power, like new, silver, 3,623 miles ........ $31,995.........$30,900 2018 SLSL 2WD 2.5L 4cyl.,leather,loaded,nice,silver,46,284miles ................................$19,995 $18,500 2018NISSAN NISSANROGUE ROGUE 2WD 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, nice, silver, 46,284 miles ......................... $19,995.........$18,500 2018 CAB 4X44X4 P.U.P.U. 5.3L V8,V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp 2018GMC GMC1/2 1/2TON TONSIERRA SIERRASLT SLTCREW CREW CAB 5.3L leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp white, 54,852..............................................................................................................................$40,995 miles ........................................................................................................................ $40,995.........$39,500 white,54,852miles $39,500 2018CHEVY CHEVY1/2 TAHOE LT 4X4, 5.3LREG. V8, leather, all P.U., power, likeV6, new, blue, 45,670 exc. miles......................... $45,995.........$44,500 2018 TON SILVERADO CAB 4WD 4.3L well equipped, cond., 2017 SUBARU FORRESTER, 2.5 I Touring 2.5L 4 cyl., AWD, leather, sunroof, loaded, red, 30,059 ................................................................................................................................$26,995 $25,500 white,miles 91,427 miles ........................................................................................................................ $19,995.........$18,900 2018 TAHOE DENALI LT 4X4,5.3LV8,leather,all power,like new,blue,45,670miles ................................$45,995 2017CHEVY GMC ACADIA AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 43,706 miles...$32,995 .........$44,500 $31,500 2017 ACADIA DENALI AWD, 3.6L2.0L V6, 4leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., 2017GMC INFINITY QX30 HATCHBACK, cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 51,137 miles .... $20,995.........$19,500 maroon, 43,706miles ...........................................................................................................................$32,995 $31,500 2017 BUICK ENCLAVE FWD, 3.6L V6, sunroof, leather, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 22,443 miles ........ $30,995.........$29,500 2017INFINITY CHEVY ¾QX30 TONHATCHBACK, CREW CAB LTZ, 4X4 P.U., 6.6L Duramax cond.,maroon,51,137miles Diesel, one owner, 2017 2.0L4cyl.,leather,loaded,exc. .............$20,995 $19,500 leather,TRAVERSE loaded, likeLTnew, silver, miles exc. ................................................................................ $57,995.........$56,900 2017 CHEVY AWD, 3.6L22,658 V6, loaded, cond., silver, 71,737miles ..............................$20,995 $19,500 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX PREMIER FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, leather, loaded, super nice, 2017 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, all power, exc. cond., white, 50,919 miles .........................$21,995 $20,900 white, 43,234 miles ........................................................................................................................ $22,995.........$21,900 2017 PREMIER FWD, 4 cyl., one owner, leather, loaded, super nice, 2017CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX TAHOE LT 4WD, 5.3L V8,2.4L leather, loaded, exc. cond., black, 56,673 miles ..................... $39,995.........$38,500 white,43,234miles ..............................................................................................................................$22,995 $21,900 2016 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71, all power, super nice, 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX PREMIER AWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, leather, loaded, like new, maroon, 25,984 miles .................................................................................................................... $30,995.........$29,900 gray, ...............................................................................................................................$23,995 $22,900 201637,504 BUICKmiles ENCORE FWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all power, exc. cond., maroon, 19,298 $19,995.........$18,500 2017 CHEVY TAHOE LTmiles 4x4, .................................................................................................................... 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, sunroof, all power, super nice, black, 2016 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO REG. CAB 4X4 P.U. 4.3L V6, well equipped, super nice 82,556 miles .......................................................................................................................................$36,995 $35,500 red, 30,326 miles ........................................................................................................................... 2017 CHEVY TRAVERSE PREMIER AWD 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, all power, super nice, pearl white,$22,995.........$21,500 2016 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD., 2.4L, 4 cyl., one owner, all power, very nice, silver, 43,460 miles .... $17,995.........$16,900 60,797 miles .......................................................................................................................................$27,995 $26,900 2016 TOYOTA RAV 4 LIMITED, AWD, 2.8L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all options, one owner, 2017 CHEVY FWD,miles 1.4L ............................................................................................................. 4cyl., one owner, loaded, exc.cond., black, 31,235 miles .................$14,995 $13,900 sharp, TRAX black, LT 39,072 $26,995.........$25,500 2017 CAB 4X4 3.5L V6, one owner, allowner, power,exc. super nice, silver, 2016TOYOTA CHEVY TACOMA EQUINOXCREW LTZ FWD, 2.4LP.U., 4 cyl., leather, loaded, one cond., 25,871maroon, miles .......................................................................................................................................$29,995 $28,900 50,539 miles .................................................................................................................... $20,995.........$19,500 2016 4 LIMITED, AWD,LT2.8L 4 cyl., leather, options, one very owner, 2015TOYOTA CHEVY RAV ½ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 sunroof, P.U., 5.3LallV8, all power, nice, silver, 106,258 miles ....................................................................................................................... $23,995.........$22,500 sharp,black,39,072miles .....................................................................................................................$26,995 $25,500 2015CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX EQUINOXLTZ LT FWD, FWD,2.4L 2.4L44 cyl., cyl., leather, loaded, loaded, exc. cond., miles .............................$17,995 .........$16,900 2016 one black, owner,47,116 exc. cond., 2015 SUBARU AWD, 2.5L 4 cyl., one owner, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 50,539 FORESTER miles ........................................................................................................................$20,995 $19,500 white, 109,695 miles ..........................................................................................................................$16,995 .........$15,500 2016 CHEVY TAHOE LTZ 4WD, 5.3l V8, one owner, leather, all power, exc. cond., maroon, 2015 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, 96,957exc. miles .......................................................................................................................................$33,995 $32,900 cond., white, 82,450 miles ...................................................................................................... $27,995.........$26,900 2016 R/T,CREW 3.6L V6, leather, super black, 76,755 $14,900 2014DODGE CHEVYGRAND ¾ TONCARAVAN SILVERADO CAB 2WDloaded, P.U., 6.0L V8,nice, well equipped, verymiles nice, ...........$15,995 2015 SUBARU FORESTER AWD, 2.5L 4 cyl., one owner, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 74,026 miles......................................................................................................................... $22,995.........$21,500 white, 109,695 milesSIERRA .......................................................................................................................$16,995 $15,500 2014 GMC 1/2 TON SLE EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, Z71, loaded, super nice, maroon, 47,997LTmiles .................................................................................................. $27,995.........$26,900 2015 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, 2014cond., CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., black, 45,015 miles............. $16,995.........$15,500 exc. white, 82,450 miles ...........................................................................................................$27,995 $26,900 2014FORD GMC F150 ½ TON SIERRA SLTCAB, CREW 5.3L V8,sunroof, leather,loaded, loaded,super red, 70,859 2015 LARIAT CREW 4X4CAB P.U.4X4 3.5LP.U., V6, leather, nice, miles .... $30,995.........$29,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, blue, 73,702 ...............................................................................................................................$32,995 $31,500 crystalmiles red, 53,627 miles ................................................................................................................ $20,995.........$19,500 2014 3.6L one owner, nice, blue, 73,764 miles ..$17,995 .........$16,900 2014CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX EQUINOXLTZ LTZFWD, FWD, 2.4LV6,4 leather, cyl., leather, sunroof,loaded, loaded,super exc. cond., crystal red,53,627miles $19,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX......................................................................................................................$20,995 LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 73,013 miles .. $18,995.........$17,900 2014 LTZ cond.,blue,73,764miles ........$17,995 $16,900 2014CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX EQUINOX LTFWD, FWD,2.4L4cyl.,leather,sunroof,loaded,exc. 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 84,441 miles $14,995.........$13,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ........................................................................................................................ FWD, 2.4L4cyl.,leather,loaded,exc. cond.,crystal red,73,013miles ...........$18,995 $17,900 2013CHEVY BUICK1/2 ENCLAVE FWD, 3.6LW/T V6,REG. leather, exc.4.3L cond., 78,178 .................. $17,995.........$16,900 2014 TON SILVERADO CABloaded, 2WD P.U., V6,goldmist one owner, wellmiles equipped, 2012nice, TOYOTA SIENNA LE..................................................................................................................$14,995 VAN, 3.5L V6, one owner, all power, Teal Green, 134,224 miles ....................$11,995 .........$10,900 very red, 62,207miles $13,900 2011TOYOTA CHEVY SIENNA 1 TON SILVERADO LS CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 6.0L, gas, one owner, well equipped, 2012 LE VAN,3.5LV6,one owner,all power,Teal Green,134,224miles ........................$11,995 $10,900 good cond., silver, 195,621 miles ................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 2011 CHEVY TRAVERSE LTZ AWD 3.6L V6, leather loaded, very nice, maroon, 125,710 miles ............$10,995 $9,500 2011 NISSAN QUEST LE VAN, 3.5L V6, one owner, sunroof, leather, loaded, very nice, 2011 NISSAN QUEST LE VAN, 3.5L V6, one owner, sunroof, leather, loaded, very nice, dark cherry, 162,985 miles ............................................................................................................... $9,995...........$8,500 darkcherry,162,985miles ....................................................................................................................$9,995 $8,500 2011 CHEVY AVALANCHE LTZ 4WD, 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, loaded, very nice, 2011 GMC TERRAIN FWD, miles 2.4L ....................................................................................................... 4cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 154,727 miles ...........$8,995 $7,500 diamond white,SLT 244,251 $15,995.........$14,900 2010CHEVY GMC ACADIA FWD, 3.6L leather, loaded, veryallnice, maroon, 166,460 miles ................. $10,995...........$9,500 2010 1/2 TONSLT SUBURBAN LT V6, 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, power, exc. cond., silver, 2008 HONDA ODYSSEY VAN, 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, good cond., silver, 235,438 miles........................$6,995 ...........$5,900 231,478 miles .....................................................................................................................................$10,995 $9,900 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX VAN, 3.3L V6, well equipped, good cond., 2010 CHEVY TRAVERSE LTZ FWD, 3.6 V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, blue, 75,909 miles .......$14,995 $13,500 silver, 165,841 miles......................................................................................................................... $4,995...........$3,500 2010 SIERRA SLTLT EXT. CAB 5.3Lloaded, V8, leather, very nice, silver,miles 196,095 miles ..$14,995 $13,500 2007GMC CHEVY TAHOE 4x4, 5.3L4X4 V8,P.U., leather, very loaded, nice, maroon, 206,573 ..................... $9,995...........$8,900 2007FORD GMC FLEX YUKON SLT 3.5L 4X4, V6, 5.3Lleather, V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, nice, gray,182,704miles 218,764 miles..............$7,995 ............... $9,995...........$8,500 2009 SELXLAWD, one owner, loaded, nice, brown, $6,900

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TRUCKS, VANS&&SUV’S SUV’S ...................................WAS WAS TRUCKS, VANS


2007 TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 2WD,cond.,silver, P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, good condition, 2008 CHEVY HONDA ½ ODYSSEY VAN,3.5LV6,leather,loaded,good 235,438miles ..........................$6,995 $5,900 black,YUKON 199,709XLmiles $10,995...........$9,900 2007 GMC SLT ...................................................................................................................... 4X4,5.3LV8,leather,sunroof,loaded,nice,gray, 218,764miles ......................$9,995 $8,500 2007 TAHOE 4X4, 5.3L V8, loaded, super maroon, miles .................................$13,995 2007 CHEVY CHEVY 1/2 TONLT SUBURBAN LT 2WD, 5.3L V8, nice, loaded, super 109,737 nice, gray, 223,587 miles .............$8,995 .........$12,500 $7,500 2006 CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO EXT. CAB LT 4X4 P.U., 6.6L Diesel, all power, good cond., 2006 CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO EXT. CAB LT 4X4 P.U., 6.6L Diesel, all power, good cond., beige, 235,359 miles ...................................................................................................................... $14,995.........$13,900 beige,GMC 235,359 miles $13,900 2006 ENVOY XL...........................................................................................................................$14,995 DENALI 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, gray, 199,889 miles....$8,995 ...........$7,500 2006 TOWN&&COUNTRY COUNTRYVAN,3.3LV6,well VAN, 3.3L V6, well equipped, good cond., 227,123 miles ....$3,995 ...........$2,900 2006 CHRYSLER CHRYSLER TOWN equipped,good cond., blue,blue, 227,123 miles ......$3,995 $2,900 2006 Z71 4X4LTCREW 3.5L P.U., 5 cyl.,5.3L all power, cond., 2006 CHEVY CHEVY COLORADO ½ TON SILVERADO CREWCAB, CAB 4X4 V8, all good power, very white, nice, 228,586 miles .$8,995 ...........$7,900 2006 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, black, 102,187 miles ...........................................................................................................................$13,995 $12,500 black, 102,187 miles ...................................................................................................................... $13,995.........$12,500 2006 JEEP WRANGLER 4WD CONVERTIBLE, 2.4L 4 cyl., 6 speed, very nice, 2005 NISSAN MURANO SL AWD, 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, silver, 278,727 miles ... $5,995...........$4,900 orange, 136,685 miles $7,500 2005 CADILLAC SRX .........................................................................................................................$8,995 AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamondMURANO white, 154,592 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,500 2005 NISSAN SL AWD, 3.5LV6,leather,sunroof,loaded,very nice,silver, 278,727 miles .........$5,995 $4,900 2004 TRAILBLAZER LS 2WD, 6 cyl., all power, veryvery nice,nice, maroon, $5,995...........$4,900 2005 CHEVY GMC ENVOY SLT FWD, 4.2L 6 cyl.,4.2L leather, sunroof, loaded, blue,220,295 104,531miles miles........... .....$8,995 $7,900 2004 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 105,466 miles ...................... $7,995...........$6,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, exc. cond., blue, 148,224 miles ............. $6,995...........$5,900 diamond white, miles .............................................................................................................$10,995 $9,500 2004 CHEVY ½ 154,592 TON SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, 2004 CHEVY TRAIL black, BLAZER LS 2WD, 4.2L6cyl.,all power,very nice,maroon, 220,295 miles ...............$5,995 $4,900 fair condition, 342,618 miles .................................................................................................. $8,995...........$7,900 2002 1 TON CARGO VAN, 5.7L, V8,cond.,beige,105,466miles well equipped, good cond., $6,900 2004 CHEVY CADILLAC SRXEXPRESS AWD, 4.6LV8,leather,loaded,good .............................$7,995 blue, 252,939 .......................................................................................................................... $3,995...........$2,900 2004 CHEVY TRAIL miles BLAZER LS 4WD,4.2L,6cyl.,all power,exc. cond.,blue,148,224miles ....................$6,995 $5,900 2002 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SPORT, 3.3L V6, loaded, fair cond., silver, 191,288 miles ................ $2,995...........$1,900 $4,900 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD,5.3L,V8,leather,loaded,good cond,.red, 231,470 miles.......$7,995 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. red, 231,470 miles . $7,995...........$4,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 215,294 miles ........................................................................................................................$6,995 $5,900 maroon, 215,294 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995...........$5,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZERLTLT2WD, 2WD,4 4dr.,dr.,one oneowner, owner,cloth clothseats, seats,loaded, loaded,exc. exc. cond., CHEVY TRAILBLAZER cond., 182,686 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995...........$8,900 beige,beige, 182,686 miles ...........................................................................................................................$9,995 $8,900 2001 TOYOTA SEQUOIA LIMITED 4WD, 4.7L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 219,764 miles. $5,995 ...........$4,900 2001 TOYOTA SEQUOIA LIMITED 4WD, 4.7LV8,leather,sunroof,loaded,sharp,black, 219,764 miles .....$5,995 $4,900 2001 GMC C6500 BOX TRUCK, 7.2L Caterpillar Diesel, well equipped, good cond., 2001 GMC BOX TRUCK, 7.2L Caterpillar Diesel, well equipped, good cond., white,C6500 225,365 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995...........$8,900 white,DODGE 225,365DAKOTA miles ...........................................................................................................................$9,995 $8,900 2000 SPORT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.7L V8, loaded, very nice, white, 167,762 miles . $6,995...........$5,900 1999 MONTANA VAN, all power, nice cond., green, 160,151 miles..................... $6,995...........$5,900 2000 PONTIAC DODGE DAKOTA SPORT EXT.cloth CABseats, 4X4 P.U., 4.7LV8,loaded,very nice,white, 167,762 miles........$6,995 $5,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats,all power,nice cond.,green, 160,151 miles.......................$6,995 $5,900

CHEVROLET 2019 CHEVY CAMARO CONVERTIBLE, 3.6L V6, all power, like new, white, 2,160 miles ................... $37,995.........$36,900 CHEVROLET 2018 CHEVY IMPALA PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 40,784 miles ........ $20,995.........$19,900

2019 CHEVY CAMARO CONVERTIBLE, 3.6LV6, all power, like new, white,2,160miles .........................$37,995 $36,900 2017 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, super nice, maroon, 48,194 miles .... $15,995.........$14,900 2019 CHEVY IMPALA PREMIER 4 DOOR, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, like new, black, 32,832 miles ........$24,995 $23,500 2016 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl., all power, one owner, exc. cond., maroon, 32,100 miles ... $17,995.........$16,500 2018 CHEVY CHEVY CRUZE PREMIUM, 4 DOOR, 1.4L leather, like.............................................. new, 2016 MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl., exc.4cyl., cond., blue, loaded, 23,915 mi. $17,995.........$16,900 maroon, 22,750 miles ..........................................................................................................................$17,995 $16,900 2013 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 51,875 mi. ..... $14,995.........$13,900 2010 IMPALALTLT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc.nice, cond., blue,11,777 118,206 miles ...... $11,995...........$9,900 2017 CHEVY CHEVY CRUZE 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., all power, one owner, super white, miles ..........$17,995 $16,500 2010 IMPALALT,LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6,one well equipped, good cond., silver, 258,287 miles..................... $4,995...........$3,500 2017 CHEVY CHEVY CRUZE 4dr.,1.4L4cyl., owner,all power,super nice,maroon,48,194miles ..............$15,995 $14,900 2008 IMPALALTLT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6,well sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 167,922 miles ............... $10,995...........$9,500 2015 CHEVY CHEVY CRUZE 4 dr., 1.4L 4cyl, equipped, very nice, black, 76,639 miles ........................$9,995 $8,500 2007 CHEVY COBALT RS, 2 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl., 5 speed, well equipped, good cond., red, 151,567 miles .. $3,995...........$2,900 2014 CHEVY LT, 4 CONVERTIBLE, door, 3.6L V6, all 5.7L power, condition, gold, 44,651 $15,500 1992 CHEVYIMPALA CORVETTE V8,exc. leather, loaded, show car, miles........................$16,995 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4dr., 3.5LV6, leather, sunroof, loaded,exc. cond., blue,118,206miles .............$11,995 $9,900 maroon, 55,589 miles .................................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ 4 DOOR 3.9L V6, leather, sunroof, all power, exc. cond., silver, 150,678 miles. $11,995 $10,500 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4dr.,3.9LV6,sunroof,loaded,very nice,maroon,167,922miles .........................$10,995 $9,500 2019 CADILLAC XTS FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super sharp, black, 46,641 miles ...................... $26,995.........$25,500 1992 NISSAN CHEVY CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE, 5.7Lleather, V8, leather, loaded, showgray, car, maroon, 55,589 miles .....$15,995 $14,900 2018 ALTIMA SL, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., loaded, very nice, 44,950 miles .................. $16,995.........$15,500 2018 TOYOTA CAMRY SE, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, nice, silver, 41,226 miles........................ $20,995.........$19,500 2018 CADILLAC XTS AWD, 3.6L V6, sunroof, leather, loaded, like new, silver, 42,759 miles............... $30,995.........$29,900 2019 TOYOTA CADILLAC XT5 4IA, DOOR, leather, like new, black, 29,754 miles............$33,995...........$8,900 $32,900 2016 SCION 4 dr., 3.6L 1.5L V6, 4 cyl., auto,sunroof, all power,loaded, gray, 72,556 miles ...........................................$9,995 2018 BUICK TOYOTALACROSSE, CAMRY SE, 4dr., leather,loaded, loaded,nice,silver,41,226miles ...............................$20,995 $19,500 2016 4 dr.,2.5L4cyl., 3.6L V6, leather, very nice, gold, 17,321 miles ....................... $21,995.........$20,900 2010 BUICK HONDALACROSSE, ACCORD CROSSTOUR DOOR, 3.5Lsunroof, V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, 2016 4 dr., 3.6L 4V6, leather, all power, super nice, super nice, maroon, miles 25,788 miles .................................................................................................................... $24,995.........$23,500 gray, 159,219 .............................................................................................................................$9,995 $8,500 2011 REGAL CXL, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., loaded, exc., cond., 100,534 2008 BUICK MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0Lleather, V6, leather, sunroof, loaded,gray, super nice, miles ............... $7,995...........$6,900 2010 FORD FUSION SE, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., all power, very nice, gray, 181,948 miles .............................. $5,995...........$4,500 beige,MERCURY 69,814 miles ..........................................................................................................................$10,995 $9,500 2008 MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, 2008 PONTIAC G6 GT CONVERTIBLE, 3.9L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, silver, 95,831 miles ..........$8,995 $7,900 beige, 69,814 miles ........................................................................................................................ $10,995...........$9,500 2001 SATURN PONTIAC AURA AZTEKXE, FWD, 3.4L V6,V6, wellleather, equipped, poor nice, cond.,silver, yellow, 291,721 miles......................$1,995 $800 2007 4 dr., 3.5L sunroof, 221,458 miles ............................. $3,995...........$2,900 2002 CENTURY,CUSTOM 4 dr., 3.1L V6, well3.1L equipped, cond.,poor beige, unknown ..................... $2,995...........$1,900 1999 BUICK BUICK CENTURY 4 DOOR, V6, wellgood equipped, cond., black,miles 245,578 miles ...$1,995 $900 1994 XJSCONVERTIBLE,4.0L6cyl., CONVERTIBLE, 4.0L 6 cyl., leather, loaded, show maroon, car, maroon, 52,066 miles ...... $17,995.........$16,500 1994 JAGUAR JAGUAR XJS leather, loaded, showcar, 52,066miles .............$17,995 $16,500



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