The real heroes
Drive-thru COVID-19 testing
Pandemic affects everyone
THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate
Weekend edition
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Sunday, April 19, 2020 • $1
Spirit crews in New York By Linda Moody
Courtesy photos
Here is a group of vehicles cruising northbound in Greenville last Saturday night.
Cruising Broadway rejuvenated By Linda Moody
GREENVILLE — Memories of cruising Broadway became a reality last Saturday night in Greenville, where numerous vehicles motored down the streets, and at the same time bringing nostalgia back to countless people. Connie Foureman Stollar and Randy Ward both had the same ideas in recent months. Stollar was watching TV one night recently and saw where people were going by home-bound people’s houses blowing their horns on their birthdays. “It reminded me of us cruising Broadway,” she said. “If everybody got in a car, why not do it again.”
Stollar spearheaded the cruise after making it an event on Facebook, and Randy Ward and his son, Austin, have started a post on Facebook, reflecting on what it was like in the early days. “Well, everyone around here has always talked about it or told stories of the old days and how fun it was fun,” Ward said. “It’s like a rolling car show.” Stollar believes cruising Broadway started in the 1960s and ended in the early- to mid-’90s. “We had a blast,” said Stollar about last weekend’s adventure. “Thanks for all that came out and maintained social distance and the smiles, waves, bands in the upstairs windows, horns, old cars,
Scott Yoder is shown here waving at the cameraman in his 1964 Barracuda. It was
See CRUISING | 3A noted there were all kinds of vehicles that participated in Cruising Broadway.
Voters urged to complete ballots Ohio’s March 17 primary election to April 28 and go the “mail only” route due to the threat of the Coronavirus has presented not DARKE COUNTY – In 2018’s primary election, only 17 percent only a challenge to Buckeye State voters, but to boards of election of Ohio voters cast absentee ballots. In 2020, that number will be across all of the Ohio’s 88 counties. 100 percent. Darke County Board of ElecThe state’s decision to postpone
By Erik Martin
tions Director Paul Schlecty calls Ohio’s first-ever mail-only election an unprecedented experience for him and his counterparts. “It’s fresh territory for everyone,” he said. “There’s never been an election like it.” As of today, April 14, registered voters who have not yet requested
an absentee ballot or submitted their ballots will have two weeks remaining to complete the entire process. Schlecty said voters should not procrastinate when filling out their applications and returning
GREENVILLE, OH / LIBERTY, IN – Spirit Medical Transport, LLC, sent four ambulances and crewmembers from its Greenville and Liberty locations Thursday night to assist FDNY medics and firefighters in New York. Early Thursday afternoon Global Medical Response (GMR) mobilized a second deployment of American Medical Response (AMR) crews and ambulances to New York City and has sent additional teams and vehicles to New Jersey, in response to a FEMA request to help the federal government and local emergency personnel respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the second major deployment in less than two weeks. On March 30, GMR deployed hundreds of EMS crews and ambulances to New York City in response to FEMA’s request. Those crews initially deployed are still assisting FDNY medics and firefighters in New York. “This pandemic is devastating hundreds of communities, and our crews are answering the call to assist local emergency medical service providers in the hard-hit areas of New Jersey and New York,” said GMR Chief Operating Officer Ted Van Horne. “It is heartbreaking to see how this virus is affecting over 1.5 million people globally. Our teams train year-round to help with crises, and now they are deploying to use their expertise to help patients in extreme need. They are dedicated to the patient who needs them.” AMR contracts with other EMS companies like Spirit around the country to assist with such deployments. The crews began work under the guidance of FEMA, state and local governments when they arrived at their assigned area Friday night. “We are proud we’ve been
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