Early BIrd eNewspaper 5-10-20

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Happy Mother’s Day

Fairies making rounds

Covid-19 doesn’t halt expenses




THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate

Weekend edition

Greenville HS Class of 2020 honored


GREENVILLE — Schools across the state are scrambling to find an alternative way to hold graduation and proms, spring sports, concerts and end-of-year banquets have been canceled. This year’s graduating class will have a story to tell like no other. Families and friends are trying to find ways to show the Provided photo Class of 2020 Shown is an example of how the 2020 they are special. GHS graduates will appear. As a community, we must find ways to lift up and honor this class of students. Main Street Greenville is working with Wintrow Signs & Designs, and the City of Greenville to install banners of Greenville High School graduating seniors downtown and around the city. There are a limited number of banners that can be hung on light poles downtown and will be on a first-come, first-served basis, but Main Street Greenville is working with Greenville City Schools and local businesses to hang all banners prominently around town. Once the banners are hung, a map of the students and their locations will be available through Main Street Greenville. Order your banner by visiting www. mainstreetgreenville.org and clicking on the link – GHS Class of 2020. Orders are due by May 15 and payment all materials are due by May 20. The cost for each banner is $100. The list of required items will be available on the order form. Order forms are also available by emailing info@mainstreetgreenville.org or calling 937-548-4998. Ryan Berry, executive director of Main Street Greenville, said, “I have a daughter that is a 2020 graduate and I understand what these students and families are going through. They are missing out on a lot of activities most of us take for granted. This is a small way we can honor these students and let them know we care.” Due to the pandemic, Main Street Greenville is seeking sponsorships to help defray the cost of banners for students and their families. The organization understands that many families are out of work and struggling to get by and doesn’t want to refuse a 2020 GHS graduate because of a lack of funding. Sponsorships will ensure that all graduates and their families can participate in this recognition. To sponsor a GHS graduate or for more information, call 937-548-4998 or email info@ mainstreetgreenville.org. Sponsorships can also be mailed to 421 S. Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Please note GHS 2020 in the memo section of your check.

Online at earlybirdpaper.com

Sunday, May 10, 2020 • $1

Community rallies for family By Jim Comer


BRADFORD — The Village of Bradford began to gather early Tuesday morning in support of a local family after tragedy struck Monday evening claiming the life of a 12-year-old boy in a fatal structure fire. At approximately 11:08 p.m., emergency personnel from the Bradford Fire Department responded along with Bradford Rescue and mutual aid from area departments, that included the Versailles, Covington and Piqua Fire Departments, to 420 North Miami Photos by Jim Comer | Darke County Media Avenue in Bradford in referThe Refinery Coffee House, located only a few blocks away from the fire, is accepting donations for the Huff ence to a residential strucfamily. ture fire. According to an earlier interview by Assistant Fire Chief Dave Richard, of the Bradford Fire Department, fire crews arrived on the scene to find residents of the home trapped on the upper floors requiring rescue from firefighters. After the rescues were made, firefighters were forced to go into a defensive attack after the interior became unsafe with ceilings falling in. At least three people were treated for smoke inhalation and injuries sustained during their efforts to escape from the inferno and transported from the scene to an area hospital. A resident of the home, identified as 12-year-old Kaleb Huff, was discovered deceased in an upstairs bedroom of the

The Village of Bradford is rallying together to assist a local family after a house fire claimed the life of a 12-year-old boy on Monday.


Local family working on masks can make these masks. We decided to make them because we were giving back and I think that giving GREENVILLE — A Vietnamese family living in back to others and especially our community is very Greenville has joined the important especially during ranks of mask makers. this difficult time…to help “We decided to make protect them and support the masks because we the community.” had heard that healthcare According to Dang, facilities were running out helping make the masks in of PPEs and we wanted addition to herself and her to give back to our community,” said Kathy Dang, mother, are the matriarch interpreting for her mother, of the family, Lam Van, Courtesy photo Thuy Nguyen, owner of TK Thuy’s mother; Thuy’s Working on sewing masks in their home during the pandemic are sisters sister, Van Nguyen; and Nails in Greenville. “We Van, on the left, and Thuy Nguyen. The women are daughters of Lam have done much research Van, who also helps as do their children. They have found something to See MASKS | 2A do in the stay-at-home order that was put in place recently. to find the right way we

By Linda Moody


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Early BIrd eNewspaper 5-10-20 by The Early Bird - Issuu