Early Bird eNewspaper 5-17-20

Page 1

Light at the end of tunnel

Prakel to vault for Air Force

Drive-thru distribution returns




THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate

Online at earlybirdpaper.com

Weekend edition

Sunday, May 17, 2020 • $1

Commissioners get it 100 percent Darke County Commissioners secured $3.1M Improvement Grant from the FAA appreciated what they did for us. They didn’t have to do it.” Darke County is one of DARKE COUNTY — just three counties in the The Darke County Comstate that received the fully missioners secured a $3.1 million Improvement Grant funded FAA grant from the Northeastern District of from the Federal Aviation the FAA located in RomuAdministration at no cost lus (Detroit), Michigan. to state or local taxpayers “We were competing for the Darke County Airagainst big airports – we port. really weren’t competing,” “This is not costing the Rhoades stated. “We didn’t county a cent,” said Comknow they were doing it. missioner Mike Rhoades. It’s just that John Mayfield, “It is a big gift – this is a big gift, and it is very much the FAA Detroit Airports

By Gaylen Blosser DarkeCountyMedia.com

Any lessons learned in the pandemic? By Linda Moody


DARKE COUNTY— People across America have spent quite a number of days at home or in quarantine during the Coronavirus pandemic. Yours truly reached out to readers once again on Facebook to see how this has impacted their lives. What have they learned about themselves during this stay-at-home order? Do they think it has changed them? Will they be changing their ways once things get back to a new normal “I was already that type of person who prefers to stay at home,” commented Bridget Swabb Ashley. “But I can tell you what I learned about other people during this pandemic! I learned that during this pandemic, more people jumped in to help anyone and everyone they could help in many different ways. I saw people spend their own money for stuff to make masks and then give them away at no charge. I saw people pull together (here in Winchester) to

feed the community three days a week with free meal giveaways and then span out to the county with volunteers to deliver food. I saw people give what they have to those who needed it..example, hand sanitizer, alcohol prep pads. diabetic supplies, and this list goes on and on. Those things were in short supply and those who needed certain things couldn’t buy them due to the bulk buying by others. I saw people pull together for the greater good. Humanity isn’t lost; human kindness still exists. I could go on and on. There are more people out there who care than people who don’t care and only out for themselves.” “I have learned that even though I love my children with all that I am, I am not cut out to be their homeschooling teacher,” admitted Amy Hine. “I work in a school, so i have a lot of respect for teachers already, but after this time of homeschooling, my respect for what they do and See LESSONS | 7A

company expansion, and recreational flying, the FAA wants to help with our plan for growth,” Commissioner Mike Stegall stated. The Darke County Airport is home to Midmark Corporation, home to its based corporate jet aircraft. It is also used frequently by transient corporate aircraft of Fortune 100 companies who operate parts and factories in the See GRANT | 7A

Edison State’s Larson provides State of the College online By Sam Wildow Miami Valley Today

Photos courtesy of Darke County Humane Society

Though temporarily shutdown due to the Coronavirus, the Darke County Humane Society has now reopened its doors to the public. Hours are Mondays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Clawing their way back By Erik Martin


DARKE COUNTY — As many businesses are beginning to slowly reopen from the Coronovirus pandemic shutdown, so too are local animal shelters. The Darke County Humane Society fully reopened Tuesday, May 12. Meanwhile, the Darke County Animal Shelter announced it would resume its Saturday hours, effective May 9. Chief Animal Control Officer Robert Bair said

despite the shutdown of many state and county government agencies, the Darke County Animal Shelter never fully closed down. “Myself and one other person would come in, clean, feed, take care of strays that would come in, going out on emergency calls,” he said. Much the opposite was true for the Darke County Humane Society, said President Ruth McDaniel. “DCHS did close to the See CLAWING | 2A

The Darke County Animal Shelter has resumed its Saturday open hours of 9 a.m. to noon. Other hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

PIQUA — The COVID-19 pandemic may be keeping people apart physically, but that did not keep Edison State Community College from bringing the community together online for its annual State of the College address. Edison State Community College President Dr. Doreen Larson went live on Facebook on Tuesday morning to deliver the college’s annual State of the Address, emphasizing its affordable programs, the 100 percent tuition scholarships to local high school graduates, and partnerships with faculty and the community. “At Edison State, we have had historic strengths as an institution,” Larson said. She highlighted those strengths as the college’s part-time and full-time staff, partnerships with the community, and its fiscal responsibility. “They’ve been able to sustain us as an intuition.” She added their strengths See COLLEGE | 2A

OVER 90% OF OUR PROGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE. Speak with a Career Pathway Advisor to get started by calling 937.548.5546 or visit: www.edisonohio.edu OH-70187080

Gaylen Blosser | DarkeCountyMedia.com

Darke County Airport manager, Scott Naas.

District Office Manager, asked us to put our wish list together, and the next thing you know, he said, ‘we can do this.’” Justification for the one hundred percent federally funded project set forth by the FAA will not only bring the local airport into compliance but will add many new safety features. “Because of our great relationship with the FAA and their understanding of our desire to continue the growth of tourism,


2A Sunday, May 17, 2020


that were placed with fosters and later adopted. We did adopt some animals by having people meet with From page 1A staff by appointment,” she general public upon [Gov. explained. Though one might Mike DeWine’s] stay at expect the shutdown home order,” she said. in March and April had “This led to significant affected pet adoptions, cuts to the paid staff’s Bair said that was not hours and a temporary necessarily the case at halt to volunteers workthe Darke County Animal ing.” Shelter. Despite the temporary “We typically adopt closure, McDaniel said about 20 to 25 dogs a DCHS has nonetheless attempted to fulfill its mis- month. Last month we adopted about 10 dogs. sion to care for injured, Even with what’s going on, abused and neglected since January 1, we’ve still animals. “When space permitted, adopted 91 dogs out of we would sometimes take here,” he said. “We’ve brought in 156 others on a case-by-case basis, but we had curtailed dogs since January 1, and adopted 91. Compared to that with the shutdown. We have rarely used foster last year, we’re still not homes, but early in the cri- doing bad. Last year we adopted out 299 dogs. If sis, we had some puppies

College From page 1A

“Our office is very small. It’s hard to keep that sixfoot distance between people,” he explained. “We’ve got plexiglass up. We clean and disinfect three times a day. We’re trying to do our part and at the same time, be open, be able to adopt.” He noted during the past week, the shelter adopted out six dogs. While the shelter typically handles only dogs, DCHS cares for both dogs and cats, and it is working to upgrade its feline accommodations, with Chris Berg of C & S Painting in Versailles painting the cat room hallway. Both organizations expect there may be issues with funding in the coming months, if not years. “I’d say probably will affect us to a degree. We don’t know yet,” said Bair.

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high schools. Larson said students who want to apply for those scholarships should also apply for financial aid and other scholarships, but then Edison State will pay the difference between what the student’s financial aid will cover and what it will not. “Most of our programs go right into a career,” Larson said. Edison State’s faculty has also “stepped up,” Larson

said, with helping students transition to online learning. She credited that partnership between faculty and students as to being part of why Edison State had “very few students” who needed to withdrawal and “very few students” who were not able to graduate due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Edison State also had a number of successful healthcare-related programs graduate students

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To keep operating, DCHS relies primarily on private donations, volunteers and through fundraising events at PAWS Bingo. McDaniel said monetary donations for rent, utilities and vet bills, as well as kitty litter, paper towels, dry cat, kitten and dog food, and detergent are its most pressing needs at the moment. “We have had none of our typical income since the shutdown,” she said. “Several fundraisers have been postponed and bingo and the pull tab ticket sales have ceased for the time being. We hope bingo can start again soon, but the governor has talked of keeping groups under 50 people in the next phase of re-opening.” Bair, as the county’s dog

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this semester who will now be joining the fight against COVID-19. “They’ll be in that much needed workforce now starting this summer and fall,” Larson said. “You want these students serving you. They are top quality.” Larson then transitioned to the recent economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that even in the midst of this, “Our foundation has continued to thrive.” Larson encouraged people to donate to the college’s foundation if they are able, saying, “These are dollars that go directly to our students.” Larson also complimented the trustees of Edison State, saying, “They’ve really positioned us well to weather this storm.” Edison State also has five critical areas the college emphasizes for its strategic planning that it




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warden, also wished to remind dog owners that despite the Coronavirus shutdown, their canines must still be licensed. “We’re not out checking door-to-door yet, but it’s coming,” he said. “Right now we’re calling everybody. A letter goes out in October. Open enrollment is December 1 through January 31. We send out a reminder around the first of March.” For more information on how to volunteer or donate to the Darke County Humane Society, call 937-548-1009. For information on the Darke County Animal Shelter, visit www.DarkeCountyAnimalShelter.com. Erik Martin may be reached by phone at 937-569-4312 or by email at emartin@aimmediamidwest.com

well as how there is “nothing less” about receiving credits. For a full-time, fullyear student, the cost of studying at Edison State is less than $5,000 a year, and she added, “Those credits transfer to any university.” “Those credits lead to great careers,” Larson said. “There’s nothing less about those credits other than the cost.” As part of its ongoing efforts to help alleviate anxiety during the COVID19 crisis, Larson also discussed how Edison State is offering a 100-percent tuition scholarship for all graduating high school seniors in the Edison State Edison State Community College | Facebook service area and College Dr. Doreen Larson, president of Edison State Community College, went live on Facebook, streaming its annual State of the College address to Credit Plus (CCP) partner viewers on Tuesday morning.


have also allowed the college to continue to grow and create, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Larson said that, at Edison State, its mission statement is at the forefront of everything they do, which is, “Edison State Community College provides the learning opportunities, support services, and commitment that enable students to complete their educational goals and realize their dreams.” Larson emphasized the affordability of Edison State’s programming, as

you compare it month for month, it may be a little bit down, but overall it’s not doing bad,” he added. Asked what precautions will be taken to preserve the health of would-be adopters, McDaniel said the DCHS staff will “maintain vigilant care in keeping all areas the shelter sanitized.” “Staff has been asked to disinfect public areas after each visitor, including chairs, doorknobs, and so forth,” she said. “Staff will be wearing masks when visitors are in the building. Visitors are advised to WEAR MASKS and to sanitize hands both before and after handling any animals.” For now, the Darke County Animal Shelter is still maintaining its “one family at a time” rule.

Greenville Early Bird


428 Greenlawn Avenue, Versailles

has been able to maintain, Larson said. Those include supporting faculty, sustaining the CCP partnerships, expanding its marketing to focus on transfers and the career outcome for its associate’s degree programs, strengthening its academic and co-curricular programming, and also valuing their community partnerships. “Edison State transfers to any four-year program,” Larson said. She added students can also “go into a great career right with the associate’s degree.” To help give back during this pandemic, Larson said Edison State has also “positioned ourselves as the point of distribution of toilet in Miami County.” Edison State has also helped local healthcare facilities in need through the donation of Personal Protective Equipment. Edison State’s health sciences programs have recently donated 4,200 gloves, 500 masks, 90 lab coats, and 100 gowns to Wilson Health, Wayne HealthCare, and the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association. The college has also donated over 1,300 reusable tote bags for school lunch distribution. Larson ended the presentation with a video showing the college’s growth since 1973, noting how they have seen increased enrollment since 2015 in regard to online learning. Larson also urged community members to prioritize their health and keep themselves safe during the pandemic. “We are a strong community. We are a very strong country,” Larson said, adding the community can rebuild and recover. “You can’t recover your health. You can’t recover the health of a loved one … Keep yourself safe.”


Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, May 17, 2020 3A

Arcanum Class of 2020 valedictorians and salutatorians Attending Bowling Green State University majoring in psychology to become a school psychologist • Austen Cutarelli Parents - Deena Meddock, Aaron Cutarelli Attending The Ohio State University majoring in athletic training • Kayla O’Daniel Parents - Johnnie and

Attending Wittenberg University majoring in environmental science • Madison Musselman Heiser Cutarelli O’Daniel Magnani Wright VanHoose Magnani Parents - Jeff and Barb Magnani in interior design and • Abbigail VanHoose Emily O’Daniel Attending Bowling Parents- Eric and Laura architecture Attending Wright State Green State University • Audrey Heiser (McLear) VanHoose University majoring in with an undecided Parents - Greg and Attending The Ohio business finance major State University majoring Heather Heiser Salutatorians:

Aullwood Audubon closures, cancellations


Happy Birthday to North

DAYTON — A decision has been made across the National Audubon Society network to cancel all events, programs, and rentals at Audubon nature centers and properties across the country through June 30 in response to the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, for the same reasons, a decision was made to cancel summer camps, such as Aullwood’s Summer Earth Adventures previously scheduled for the summer of 2020. We will continue to monitor the situation in the State of Ohio and will inform you of any changes or updates to these decisions.

A Happy Birthday to Anna North, turning 3 years old on May 18.

IN MEMORY Mark D. Powell November 23, 1953 May 23, 2015 In loving memory of a dear husband and wonderful father Time passes, memories stay… loved and remembered every day.

In the meanwhile, we have and continue to develop new online content to keep you connected to Aullwood Audubon. Check out our social media feeds on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and updates on our website at www.Aullwood.org. Chris Rowlands is posting a new video every Tuesday at 3 p.m. on Facebook with “Chris’s Critter” songs and guided art projects. Sam Romeo posts an Aullwood Nature Walk every Thursday at 3 p.m. on Facebook. Lots of photos and other videos are also being posted to keep you connected to

our animal ambassadors and the beauty of spring at Aullwood. Please share with your network of family and friends and stay tuned for more virtual activities with Aullwood. Audubon for Kids is an online space available on the www. Audubon.org website in English and Spanish that provides new, fun activities each week, including nature activities, games, quizzes, DIY projects, and more. Visit www.audubon.org/get-outside for Audubon for Kids in English and www.audubon.org/es for “Audubon Para Niños” in Spanish.





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Arcanum Class of 2020 valedictorians and salutatorians Valedictorians: • Rachel Wright Parents - Danny and Charity Wright Attending Wright State University majoring in nursing • Araya Musselman Parents - Amy Mote and Mike Musselman (deceased)



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Genesis 8:22 “While the Earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold Genesis 8:22 “While thethe Earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat,and summer andEarth winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22 “While remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat,and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” and heat,and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”


4A Sunday, May 17, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

There’s light at end of tunnel years. Yes, this was undoubtedly a wake-up call. It got us, especially me, to thinking about slowing down and looking at happenings in a new light. Son Jamie is ready to get with his friends but I think he will be doing it slowly. I sympathize with those who had to lose loved ones over it, and celebrate those who made it through. Let’s all make this a better place to live. We’re in this together. • It sounds like what was meant to be a kind gesture has turned into some people a dirty deed. Thieves are allegedly removing the gift pack-

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ages “fairies” are Nancy Moody, Jerosurprisingly leaving my Burke, Kenny on the doorsteps and Edwards, Margaret doorways of certain Rhoades, Todd people in the county. Thwaits, Melissa What is this world Riffell Mansfield, coming to? Shame Holly Best Irelan, on those who think Linda’s Mike McCord, Al they have the right Hurley, Norman Mood to take from others, Swings Lyme, Mary Lane, especially in this day Linda Moody Wayne Neal, Judy and age. Shame on Francis, Terri Hunt, those who had the Darcy Buckingham, audacity to take joy away Cheryl Leugers, Jim Loy, from others, especially at a Slug Midlam, Jerri Dispentime like this. nette, Jim Thiebeau, Mike • Son Jamie and I extend Lyme (of Ansonia), Dalour condolences to the las Maier, Lyle Cochran, family and friends of Art Jeff Miller, Don Moyers, Downey, Jim Hicks, Dennis Shirley Miller, classmate Goewert, Myrtle Rowand, Jim Hunt, Lindsey PurnDoris Smith, Eva Ruchty hagen, Albert Duncan, and Edwina Kise. Larry Arnett, Vanna • Please pray for: Doug Hannam, Greg Comer, Bruns, Randy Heck, Gabri- Frank Fullenkamp, Cheri el Gilbert, Rusty Maloy, Antrobus Davis, Haskel Chris “Big Daddy” Young, Howard, Guadalupe Self, Vanessa Paris, Marilyn Paul Brubaker, Lila Pinney, Hittle, Toni Meyers, Debbie Randy Hammaker, Kelly Mayse, Rick Clear, Shirley Van De Grift, Merlin “Bus” McEdowney Billenstein, Booker, Danny Brown, Brenda Glunt, Donna Neal Gray, Jack Hale, Jessi Cruze Hall, Chuck Jones, Klosterman, Dakota Miller, Gary Henderson, Chuck Jack and Carol Good, Edwards, Keith Foutz, Mary Ullery, Martha HigLinda Mikesell-Schatz, gins, Scott Clark, Duke Temple, Paulette (Swab) Shields, Phyllis Turner, Kerry Young, Dale Clark, Judi Peters, Linda Birt Schaffer, Herbert Bayman, Vicky Henderson, Roger McEowen, Becky GarrettRoss, Crew Neaves, JackOH-70187473


Maybe if all goes well, we can get on with life soon. It may not be the same kind of life we had, but we can make it even better if we change our ways. Take time to slow down and smell the roses. Try to understand other people and empathize with what they’re going through. I have faults, believe it or not, and maybe I can correct them in the future. It’s hard for me to forgive someone who has caused angst in my life, so it’s time I work on that. I should get in to a better work routine at home, something that I put off when I was working fulltime for more than 50

son Stout, Katie Rehmert, Alayna Marie Brantley, Dawn Oldiges, Don Booker, Tracy Pratt, Jim Marker, Mason Osterloh, Kyndal Wynk, Ron Kreitzer, Stacy Dorko, Keith Starks, Kohen Thwaits, Jerrod Pratt, Al Bliss, Layna Best, Wanda and Joe Bailey, Shelly Hoffman, Pappy Harshman, Bob Hiestand Jr., Tina Kiser Deaton, Lois Hittle, Kevin Hemmerich, Samantha Smith and Ron Kramer. And, pray for all of those affected by the COVID 19 pandemic, no matter what role they played in it. God bless the USA and its people. • Happy birthday: May 20 to Scott Ward, Randy Taylor, Tracey Richardson, Alice Barton, Donna Pauline Elleman, Mary Moyers, Mike Bryant, Dean Easterling, Tony Stewart, Libby Price, Lydia Snyder, J.J. Hall and Danny Gibbs. May 21 to Gaylen Blosser, Bill Gibbons, Leanna Whittington, Debby Sodders, Alice Knick, Wanda Duncan Vetters, Cheryl Edwards, Matilda Lore, Kasity Gregg, Matthew Lewis and Rachel Mendenhall. May 22 to Julie Kimmel, Blaze Anderson and Gordon Knick. May 23 to Vi Klackner

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and Tonya Hartrum Hines. May 24 to Carla Cothran. May 25 to Jana DeBord, Richard Wisner, Carol Littman, Brian Phillips, Doug Cothran, Josh Miniard, Bruce Schuette, Darrell Jones, Bob Hartzell, Dylan Riffell and Brittany Leeper. May 26 to Bobbi Verneman, Ben Studabaker, Donna Harter, Judy K. Middleton, William Kammer (15), Bob Gibbons, Carolyn Waymire, Don Waymire, and Pam Pratt. May 27 to Jerry “J.T.” Tingley, Rick Gibbons, Penny Strawser, Marc Litten and Doug Whittington. • Happy anniversary to: Jeff and Kim Peters on May 20; Chris and Mel Stikeleather and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Grimes, all on May 24; Gary and Carol Hemmerich and Randy and Sue Anderson Byrd, all on May 25; and John and Missy Widener and Rick and Nancy Moody on May 27. Happy belated 54th wedding anniversary to Betty and Lindy Monnin on May 14. Contact Staff Writer Linda Moody at lmoody@aimmediamidwest.com or at (937)569-4315 ext. 1749. Read more news, features and sports at DarkeCountyMedia.com.

Mask distribution at the Health Department DARKE COUNTY — On Thursday, May 21, the health department will be holding another drive-thru mask distribution event. We will have masks available to the public at the Darke County General Health District, 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. or while supplies last. Traffic flow will be to enter the parking lot on the north side of the building and exit onto Garst Avenue. We will give one mask per person, and up to four per family (all family members do not need to be present). This event is intended to serve residents of Darke County who do not have the ability to obtain a mask elsewhere. For questions, please call Traci at 937-548-4196 ext. 232.



Greenville Early Bird

COVID-19 Screening, Cold, or Allergies? No need to leave home…

Sunday, May 17, 2020 5A

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Prakel to pole vault for Air Force Versailles senior accepts appointment to the United States Air Force Academy By Gaylen Blosser DarkeCountyMedia.com

Versailles’ Lucy Prakel signs to pole vault for the United States Air Force Academy.

“My mom was actually to do something greater surprised when she than myself.” heard when I applied Recently Prakel as a junior and she was Courtesy photos | DarkeCountyMedia.com attended a banquet held United State Air Force Academy appointee, Lucy Prakel and United States Congressman Warren Davidson. for the newly appointed surprised that I wanted to apply. She supported me future Air Force Cadets. on an official visit to through the whole way “After our nomination, United States. said Prakel. “When you Villanova as well and I they had a banquet where and my dad did as well “I applied for a get older you work on was also looking into and of course my coach, Representative Warren leading the underclassmen all the other nominees Marquette.” Adam Schwartz.” came,” said Prakel. Davidson nomination and and then once you’re a Students from all “My siblings (Mary, from the two Ohio U.S. first year senior you have “Representative Warren over compete for an Margaret, Sam and Davidson and Senator Senators,” said Prakel. the opportunities to lead appointment to the U.S. Rob Portman were able to Caroline) have given me “I received one from the whole cadet wing.” Air Force Academy, great role models to look attend. I was able to talk Senator Rob Portman and “When you graduate making it one of the most one from Representative up to,” Prakel concluded. to them and some other you’ll be leading a whole selective universities in “I probably wouldn’t have nominees there.” Warren Davidson. The lot more people as a the country. pushed myself as much if Prakel took time to more nominations you get Second Lieutenant so “After I waited and they weren’t there to push the chances are higher they train you really well,” thank her family and waited and waited for coach for helping to reach me.” you’re going to get an Prakel added. “At the my appointment – I her goals. appointment so I was able Air Force Academy they Contact Darke County Media Sports still wasn’t sure if I was “I want to thank my to have two.” say they prove leaders of Editor Gaylen Blosser at gblosser@ going to get it, but in Cadets at the Academy character and I think that parents because they aimmediamidwest.com or 937-548late April I finally got have been supportive the live by a code of honor is a great thing. That is 3330 my appointment,” Prakel and integrity, reinforcing what I want to do – I want whole way,” Prakel said. noted. “ I knew if I got it I that code with their was going to take the Air daily actions and with PEST CONTROL Force appointment so it the goal of maintaining Call Today: was an easy decision once honor and integrity when 937-564-9216 I got admitted.” placed under great stress. 800-451-3767 PEST CONTROL SOLUTIONS Nominations to the The academy inspires www.thermalbedbugcontrol.com United States military and trains the leaders of Standing Seam academies come tomorrow’s Air and Space BED BUG CONTROL WITH HEAT from United States Forces. • Safe Computer Monitored Electric Heating Units Metal Roofing Congressmen, United “Once you get there you • Effective One Day Treatment 765-857-2623 States Senators and the workSALVAGE on buildingYARD yourself • Discreet Unmarked Trucks • Kills All Life Cycles 765-509-0069 Vice President of the up and leading yourself,” • Cost Effective No Need To Throw Items Away SCHOENLEIN Owner: Vincent Goodhew BED BUGS-ROACHES-FLEAS-ANTS-SPIDERS SALVAGE YARD TRUCKING AND

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Beamsville Memorial Day service canceled Try our Spicy Steak, Chicken or Barbacoa on your next burrito or bowl

Lucy is a senior and going to Air Force Academy

Lucy Prakel Versailles High School Track & Field


BEAMSVILLE — Due to the Covid-19 and the Stay at Home Order being extended, the annual Memorial Day Service at the Beamsville Christian Church and Richland Township will be canceled for 2020. However, the cemetery will still be decorated to pay tribute to those who have died while serving their country.



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VERSAILLES – Versailles senior, Lucy Prakel has accepted an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy to continue her education while pole vaulting for the track and field team. “It’s great to have the opportunity,” Prakel said of serving her country. “The Air Force offers great ideas for leading others. I want to be able to lead others and positivily influence them.” The U.S. Air Force Academy is a military academy for officer cadets of the United States Air Force and United States Space Force located immediately north of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Prakel, the daughter of Mike and Christy Prakel plans to study biology and pursue a career in the medical field after graduation. The recruiting process had Prakel researching options while continuing to pursue an Air Force Academy education and pole vaulting career. “I reached out to the coaches first and they reached back to me,” Prakel said of the Air Force Academy track and field program. “They were interested and I waited a little bit. We talked back and forth and eventually they offered me an official visit. That’s when I got pretty serious. I did go


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6A Sunday, May 17, 2020

GOEWERT — Dennis E. Goewert, age 64, of Ansonia, Ohio, passed away at 5:20 a.m., Friday, May 8, 2020, at Briarwood Nursing Home in Coldwater, Ohio. Dennis was born October 25, 1955, in Greenville, Ohio, to the late Earl and Glenna (Tangeman) Goewert. In addition to his parents, Dennis was preceded in death by his sister, Beverly Cox. Dennis is survived by his brothers and sisters-inlaw, Earl and Ginny Goewert of St. Henry, Ohio, and Fred and Linda Goewert of Versailles, Ohio; sister, Linda Bulcher of Ansonia; brother-in-law, Bill Cox of Arizona; nine nieces and nephews; and numerous great-nieces and greatnephews. Dennis formerly worked at Clopay in Russia, Ohio. He was an avid fan of The Ohio State Buckeyes and Ansonia Tigers. He enjoyed outdoor activities, especially fishing and canoeing. Burial was in Greenville Township Memorial Gardens in Darke County. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Diabetes Association. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey.com DAVIS — Lawrence E. Davis, age 74, of Columbus, Ohio, passed away at 10:26 a.m., Tuesday, February 18, 2020, at his residence. Lawrence was born February 14, 1946, in Sidney, Ohio, to the late Orva and Catherine (Larger) Davis. In addition to his parents, Lawrence was preceded in death by his brothers, Steve and Thomas Davis. Lawrence is survived by his brothers and sisterin-law, Bruce Davis of Piqua, Ohio, and John and Karen Davis of Versailles, Ohio; sisters, Theresa D’Innocenzo of Milford, Massachusetts, and Karen Belton of Valrico, Florida; and numerous nieces and nephews. Lawrence retired from the U.S. Marine Corps. He served as a mechanic on the Presidential Helicopter Marine 1 during the Nixon Administration. Lawrence was a member of the American Legion, Fraternal Order of Eagles in Columbus and the NRA. Burial was in Shelby memory Gardens in Sidney with Rev. Fr. Jim Simons officiating. A Memorial Mass will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, 410 West Tenth Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210. Arrangements are entrusted to Bailey Zechar Funeral Home in Versailles. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www. zecharbailey.com ROWAND — Myrtle D. Rowand, age 84, of Greenville, Ohio, passed away at 6:17 p.m., Saturday,

May 9, 2020, at Greenville Health & Rehab. Myrtle was born September 17, 1935, in Woodington, Ohio, to the late Carl Curtis and Winnora (Mendenhall) Rowand. In addition to her parents, Myrtle was preceded in death by her sister, Betty Garland. Myrtle is survived by her brother-in-law, Earl Garland of Greenville; nieces and nephews, Tim and Tammy Garland of Greenville, Jim Garland of Greenville, Tammy and Randy Elliott of Arcanum, Ohio, Kim and Patti Garland of Greenville, Pam Garland of Greenville, and Tom Garland of Greenville; and numerous greatnieces and great-nephews. Myrtle was a former member of Woodington Congregational Christian Church. Burial was in Greenville Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Darke County Humane Society. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www. zecharbailey.com FOWBLE — Dortha Mae Fowble, age 87, of Greenville, Ohio, passed away at 9:25 p.m., Wednesday, May 6, 2020, at Village Green Healthcare Center in Fowble Greenville. Dortha was born June 10, 1932, in Darke County to the late Lewis S. and Bertha M. (Harshman) Baker. In addition to her parents, Dortha was preceded in death by her husband, Byron E. Fowble on February 3, 2018, whom she married July 10, 1957; son, Harold Reier; grandson, Gary Bowers; brothers, Everett Baker, Wilbur Baker and Ervin Baker; and sisters, Esther Auter, Violet Baker, Helen Enicks, and Thelma Miller. Dortha is survived by her children, Kenneth and Ann Fowble of Auburn, Indiana, Russell and Nancy Reier of Hamilton, Tonia and Alex Mangen of South Daytona, Florida, and Starla Bowers of Union City, Indiana; grandchildren, Ashlie and Lance Anthony, Andrea Gabbard, Brandon Bowers, Candice Bowers, Makenzie Boner, Mark Reier, Brian Reier, Joy Reier, Camma Fowble, Gina Fowble, Julia Fowble and Amanda Fowble; numerous great-grandchildren; brother, Roy Baker of Greenville; sisters and brothers-in-law, Edna and Don Peden of Greenville and Stella and Chester Shell of Greenville; and numerous nieces and nephews. Dortha retired from Sheller Globe in Union City after 22 years of service. Burial was in Greenville Township Memorial Garden. Memorial contributions may be made to Heartland Hospice. Con-

dolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey.com CHILCOAT — Kaye Lauretta Chilcoat, age 87, of Greenville, Ohio, passed away at 12:22 a.m., Saturday, May 9, 2020, at the State of the Heart Hospice Care Center in Greenville. Private Graveside Services will be held at the convenience of the family in the Greenville Township Memorial Gardens. Visitation will also be private at the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Condolences at www. zecharbailey.com DOWNEY — Arthur Vaughn Downey, Sr. passed away at 9:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 12, 2020, after a long battle with liver disease. He was 82 years old. Downey Art was born May 4, 1938, in Girdler, Kentucky. He graduated From Greenville High School in 1957. While in high school, he was a member of the U.S. Air Force Reserves then following graduation, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Art took pride in waving the Downey name. After the passing of his father, he made sure the decorating of the family gravesites continued. Art was a member of the Trinity Wesleyan Church of Greenville, the Darke County Harness Horseman’s Association, past Director of the Greenville Boys Club, past officer of the Greenville Baseball for Boys, and past member and officer of the Greenville JC’s. Art was a Greenville City Water Department employee for 30 years retiring in 1989 as the Greenville Water Department Superintendent. He took great pride in overseeing the building of the new water treatment plant in 1980. On the job site everyday knowing where every nut, bolt, water pipe and valve needed to be. In Art’s younger days, he enjoyed leading Bible study classes and doing guest sermons at the Bethel Long Wesleyan Church of Longtown, Ohio. Art enjoyed watching harness racing, Cincinnati Reds, Dayton Flyers Basketball games, hunting, fishing, and any sport that a family member was involved in. After retirement, Art enjoyed and found relaxation by spending time with his family from the north to the south. Art is survived by his wife of 61 years Korene “Rae” (Marshall) Downey, as they were married December 20, 1958, at the Nashville EUB Church. Rae rarely went anywhere without Art. Rae was always by his side. Her love and devotion to Art was more than evident especially during the last

few years of Art’s life as he battled his illness. He is also survived by his five children: Jerry Downey and wife Angie, Vaughn Downey and wife Pam, Cindy Downey and fiancé Douglas, Larry Downey and Allen Downey and wife Trish; 13 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, brother George Downey and wife Phyllis of Sharonville, Ohio, as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Art was preceded in death by his father Glen “Daddy” Downey, mother Alta Mae (Garland) Downey, step mommy Dorthy (Garland) Downey, sisters Marcella (Downey) Hardy and Janice (Downey) Barnes; brothers Charles Downey, Glen Downey, and Donald Downey. Funeral Services will be held at 1 p.m., Monday, May 18, 2020, at the Trinity Wesleyan Church, 1400 East Main Street, Greenville, Ohio, with Pastor Drew Bush officiating. Burial will follow in the Miami Memorial Park Covington, Ohio. The family will receive friends on Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, and on Monday one hour prior to the service at the church. It is the wishes of the family that Memorial Contributions be given to the State of The Heart Hospice of Darke County. Condolences for the family may be sent to www. zecharbailey.com WILLIAMS — Carol Fay (Gibson) Williams entered the arms of her loved ones and her Lord on Mother’s Day, May 10, 2020, at age 81. She passed peacefully Williams in her home in Arcanum, Ohio, with her family by her side. She lived years beyond expectations, having valiantly battled heart disease and diabetes for most of her life. Carol was born December 22, 1938, in the Appalachian Hills of South Charleston, West Virginia, to the late William Henry and Mary Elizabeth (Southern, O’Dell) Gibson. While they had little, they were rich in faith and love for family. They later moved to Rutland, Ohio, where she graduated from high school. With the help from her older sister and her husband, she moved to the city to begin a new life. It was while working at Battelle Institute in Columbus, Ohio, that she met the love of her life, William “Bill” Williams. They were married in 1961 in the white church on the hill in Rio Grande, Ohio. Over the next 58 years, Bill and Carol lived a life of adventure, discovery, responsibility, and achievement. Carol provided needed sup-

port as Bill completed his graduate studies, and they joined the University of Michigan community in Ann Arbor, Michigan. They adopted two daughters, Gwen Ellen Williams and Sarah Elizabeth (Williams) Rock. Carol was an amazing mother, ensuring her children had access to the best education, limitless opportunities, and remained active in faith through the United Methodist church. Despite these enormous responsibilities, she went on to attend Eastern Michigan University and completed a BA in Business Education, as well as many credits towards her master’s degree. She began teaching through the Ann Arbor School system, eventually teaching Adult Education at Willow Run. Carol still found time to volunteer helping the elderly and taught Sunday School and Confirmation with Bill at the Dixboro United Methodist Church. One of Carol’s true passions was playing bridge with her friends. Competitive as she was, she mostly enjoyed the time spent with her friends, many being lifelong companions. She was so proud when achieving Life Master, a distinction she had worked towards for so many years. Carol had a knack for arts and crafts, sewing, needlepoint, photography, and cooking. Genealogy became a significant passion in the last few decades, which led her to find relatives and new discoveries about her ancestors. History was her favorite subject and you would be hard pressed to find anyone who has read more books than Carol. After raising their daughters, Bill and Carol began travels all over the country and the world. Through Bill’s work with the university, they lived in six countries, learned new languages, and went on countless adventures from riding camels to dinners with dignitaries. Being a grandmother was one of the dearest parts of her life. Carol is now with her mother, joining her three brothers, Gene, Calvin, and Harvey; and her two sisters, Joyce and Pauline, in Heaven. She leaves behind her husband of 58 years, Dr. William J. Williams; their two daughters, Gwen Williams and Sarah Elizabeth (Williams) Rock and her husband, Lewis. Deeply grieving are her loving grandchildren, Kasey, Riley, Morgan, Devin, Shelby, and Brenna; and her two great grandchildren, Keegan and Kiera. Per her request, Carol is asking all donations be given to Visiting Angels of Englewood, State of the Heart Care, and/or Comprehensive Health Care. These companies provided amazing, compassionate care for Carol and our family and they are owed our undying gratitude. You are all appreciated

more than you could ever know. Carol was at peace when she left us, knowing we would all take care of dad and their dearly loved dog, Lilly. Remember the good times, her laugh and smile. Take a moment to remember how much she loved us all, how she unapologetically expressed her rebel soul, and how she took such good care of so many of us. And definitely enjoy a good donut in her honor. “It is well, it is well with my soul.” Online condolences may be left for Carol’s family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com KISE — Edwina L. Kise, age 73, of Versailles, Ohio, passed away at 5 p.m., Tuesday, May 12, 2020, at Versailles Rehab & Healthcare Center. Kise Edwina was born December 16, 1946, in Scioto County, Ohio, to the late Roy Edgar and Janie Francis (Mingus) Lindamood. In addition to her parents, Edwina is also preceded in death by her sister, Joanne Smith; brothers-in-law, Russell Smith, Vancil Crabtree, Glenn Messer and Edgar Kise; and sister-in-law, Katherine Moore. Edwina is survived by her husband of 54 years, Roger D. Kise, whom she married February 12, 1966; daughters and sons-in-law, Melissa and Dan Pond of Versailles and Vicki and Ed Ruhe of Versailles; grandchildren, Stephen and Alexis Ruhe, Brian and Amber Ruhe, T.J. Boutwell and Dustin Ruhe and fiancée, Rachel Berning; siblings, Anna and David Keeney of Springfield, Ohio, Janie “Frankie” and Charles Kronk of Springfield, Virginia and Paul Gammon of Portsmouth, Ohio, David and Linda Lindamood of Lucasville, Ohio, Darrel Lindamood of Lucasville and Cathy Messer of Lucasville; brothers-in-law and sister-in-law, Carl Kise of Michigan and Ralph and Doreen Kise of Michigan; and numerous nieces and nephews. Edwina was a homemaker. She was a former member of the Immanuel Baptist Church in Arcanum. A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m., Monday, May 18, 2020, at Bailey Zechar Funeral Home in Versailles with Pastor Dan Kuhbander officiating. Burial will follow in Oak Grove Cemetery in Ft. Jefferson. The family will receive friends on Monday from 12 to 2 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association or State of the Heart Care. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www. zecharbailey.com


Help Wanted


Help Wanted

region. These aircraft are required to back taxi for take-off or upon landing operation, significantly increasing their incident exposure while on the runway in a non-controlled environment. This new taxiway will mitigate potential risks on the airfield. In addition, the current fuel and terminal facilities like beyond the threshold end of the Runway 27 approach and, in some instances, represent obstructions to approach and/or departure surfaces. The construction of the parallel taxiway, terminal apron enable the relocation/ development and fueling systems in compliance with current FAA criteria. “Mike Rhoades and the Commissioners really took this airport by the horns and have done a very good to keep pushing the FAA to see what they could fund to help and make sure we are going in the right direction,



Help Wanted



Help Wanted

Sunday, May 17, 2020 7A

T accomplished and keeping county will never be able to get that because we can’t the airport up to current standards. Last year we got give the kind of money up.” “Next thing I know, a a two million dollar grant given to us, and it only cost week ago Wednesday, they called and said you have the county five percent (Mission area) been awarded 3.1 mil($100,000) of that out of Distributing The Monitor newspaper the county general fund to lion dollars from the FFA Requirements: department to put that taxiget two million. way in, and there is now a “We’ve been working 1.) Valid Texas Drivers License Cares Act,” Rhoades said. with them. I’ve been up to 2.) Social Security Card “He said the Cares Act will Romulus, Michigan twice La casa editorial de El Nuevo Heraldo, por años ha sido un periódico diario 3.) Vehicle Insurance pick up your portion of that talking to the main man which is $155,000 – so we the FAA – he had been multipremiado en Texas yatEEUU. Nuestra compañía se basa en la veracidad 4.) Dependable Transportation down here in Darke County got all the money, we’re de la noticia y coberturathree en latimes.” zona fronteriza del Valle del this Río all Grande putting in, andy itel “He came down in Febru- doesn’t cost our county taxnorte de México. ¡Nos interesa una a payers nuestro equipo! anything.” ary asked us to que get ase list, A significant benefit of a wish list of what else we If you meet the requirements the new taxiway and west wanted. The old taxiway apron iscompleto, the safety it brings only goes El Nuevo Heraldo busca a unabout Editorhalfway Adjunto de tiempo and can be available between Gaylen Blosser | DarkeCountyMedia.com to the airport. down the runway so the big Two airplane hangers at3am-6 the Darkea.m., CountyCALL Airport that will need to be moved to make room for a new taxiway. TODAY! TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019 | The Monitor, www.themonitor.com conocedor de noticias de Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica. “It is definitely a safety planes couldn’t use that. Contact: Joe Esparza factor that we needed to The requirement for the Candidatos con español como primer idioma es indispensable. new taxiway has to be 300 make the airport more gicides and cover crops to of planning come to fruito keep developing,” Help said(956) 984-8430 Wanted Help Wanted 501 Scott tion,” said 501Commissioner the appreciable the people,” ftPeriodismo, away from the existing farm ground.” DC Airport manager, Help Wanted Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Licenciatura Comunicaciónes. Experiencia 501Requisitos: 501 enHelp 501 501toequivalente. or leave concluded Rhoades. “It is Mike Rhoades gets to see runway. That put it over Mattmessage Aultman. “It is also Naas. “Mike has had this definitely a safety factor for where weenhave two hangers the fruit of his labors before great to see $3.1 million Excelente gramática, experiencia edición y redacción; así como traducción airport under his hand for planes landing and taking that needed to be moved. closing out a long and disa long time, so we know it of federal dollars return to a español. OPPORTUNITY off – for the small ones and Nowde weinglés are going to put tinguished Darke County Darke County to improve will continue to go in the NOW infrastructure AVAILABLE! the new taxiway in, and we the large ones.” Commissioner run. to continue right direction.” Experiencia en paquetes de diseño como InDesign, QuarkWork Xpress y Photoshop. area) on the project has will be compliant with the “I’ve been a commission to strengthen our economic The project includes the(Mission Distributing The Monitor newspaper a planned start date ofbajo SepFAA. diario con presencia digital, forEl20Nuevo years,Heraldo and myes first development options of construction of a parallelRequirements: un periódico que se produce tember 2020. “That is going to cost 3.1 year, I was saddled with local companies to utilize taxiway to Runway 9/27 1.) Valid Texas Drivers License fines millionrequiere to get it laborar done, and I de semana y días festivos. thehorarios airport,”determinados. said Rhoades.El puesto the airport. The airport (4,800 x 35’) and 2.)construcSocial Security Card Contactun Darke County Media Sports La casa editorial de El Nuevo Heraldo, por años ha sido periódico diario didn’t think anymore about “I have been working is vital to our agriculture tion of a West Apron Ter3.) Vehicle Insurance (Edinburg/McAllen areas) Editor Gaylen Blosser at gblosser@ AIM Media Texas, ofrece excelentes prestaciones, 401K, vacaciones, en Texas yitEEUU. compañía se basa en la veracidad 4.)Distributing Dependable Transportation becauseNuestra five percent of thatmultipremiado time with the FAA community as well when minal (6,700 SY). aimmediamidwest.com or 937-548The Monitor newspaper deto laget noticia y coberturathat en la zona fronteriza del Valle is $155,000. Well, the trying everything it comes to applying fun“It is great to see years 3330del Río Grande y el días de enfermedad pagados, seguro médico y dental.





Requirements: norte de México. ¡Nos interesa que se una a nuestro equipo! 1.) Valid Texas Drivers License Solicitantes deben estar autorizados para trabajar en los Estados Unidos. If you meet the requirements El Nuevo Heraldo busca a un Editor Adjunto de tiempo completo, and can be available between 2.) Social Security Card Interesados inmediatos favor de enviar su curriculum vitae a Zulema Philllips, 3am-6 a.m., CALL TODAY! conocedor de noticias de Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica. Vehicle Insurance Completed projects that if the weather had been Bertha Archey stated,con español going on Esparza but we need to H1N1 was a 3.) pandemic…it Contact: Joe Candidatos como primer idioma es indispensable. Directora de Publicaciones en Español, El Nuevo Heraldo y El done. Extra alDid correo (956) 984-8430 needed miss warmer so we could have “My life hasn’t changed be patient and help each did not receive the hoopla; MyMonitorNews.com 05/21/2019 4.) Dependable Transportation Requisitos: Licenciatura en Periodismo, Comunicaciónes. Experiencia equivalente. or leave message

giving hugs to family been outside more. We y (956) because we work but it’s zbaez@elnuevoheraldo.com, other. I pray that God no one wore masks. It electrónico: 982-6666. Excelente en edición y redacción; así and socomo very traducción thankful my have always put money childrengramática, lost their experiencia keeps all of our friends and sad my affected my whole housede inglés a español. family healthy. Feeling in ofrece a savings so dad couldn’t have family safe.” hold.” AIMand Media Texas es un empleador que igualdadaccount de oportunidades y un lugar deistrabajo libre de drogas. Experiencia enor paquetes de diseño como y Photoshop. veryXpress sad for seniors … the we are were not InDesign, as hard Quark turned for closure pay “I found out Iam stronMichelle Rose Dotson accomplish on a daily basis OPPORTUNITY El Nuevo Heraldo es un periódico diario con seold.” produce bajo youngque and hit financially as presencia a lot of digital, to him.” ger than I thought I was,” respects offered, “Working in the with 25-plus children has you meetsaid theAlice requirements NOW AVAILABLE! horarios determinados. laborar fines de semana y días festivos. “I learned what a rebel people requiere and the stimulus Jack Lovejoy said, “WellEl puesto Barton. public during thisIf whole multiplied tenfold.” (Edinburg/McAllen areas) I am,” confessed Annnie money helped us. We all I found out I’m not ready Audrey Hathaway thing, I never really seen a Bill Gunckle said, “I AIM Media Texas, ofrece excelentes prestaciones, 401K, vacaciones, and can beThe available Distributing Monitorbetween newspaper Sonner. “The only fear I must still be cautious of médico remarked, “I have learned to retire.” have learned that I liked to change. We were as busyRequirements: días de enfermedad pagados, seguro y dental. 3am-6am, CALL TODAY! have is spiders.” where we go and wear “I am grateful I was that I love staying at home as ever. So I didn’t really stay at home when it was 1.) Valid Texas Drivers License Solicitantes deben estar autorizados para trabajar en los Estados Unidos. Contact: Laura De Leon masks, gloves, and social not alone,” said Tammy and I am Card happier doing in my decision; being told to see a change atleast 2.) Social Security Interesados inmediatos favor de enviar su curriculum vitae a Zulema Philllips, Contact Staff Writer Linda Moody Insurance distance ourselves until Gibson-Eichler. “We need more and buying less. We Union City.” 3.) Vehicle not so much.” 956-821-5358 Directora de Publicaciones en Español, El Nuevo Heraldo y El Extra al correo at lmoody@aimmediamidwest.com MyMonitorNews.com 05/21/2019 4.) Dependable Transportation this is over.” to be more grateful for plan on not burdening “I’ve learned that two “I will never get bored or at (937)569-4315 electrónico: zbaez@elnuevoheraldo.com, y (956) 982-6666. ext. 1749. Read or leave message Barb Teaford stated, everything we have. It ourselves with as many people CAN exist together at home,” remarked Gary more news, features and sports at AIM Media Texas es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y un lugar de trabajo libre de drogas. DarkeCountyMedia.com. “I enjoyed being home. would have been easier evening activities so we in a small house and not Francis. “I have plenty of canthe continue sit down let the little thingsIfbecome projects and hobbies and you meet requirements meals as a family each an issue,” said Robin HesI will never go hungry at and can be available between night.” son. “Staying home was home!” 3am-6am, CALL TODAY! Laura Dehave Leon “Our lives not us as Deb Crist stated, “I have really no sacrifice forContact: really changed that much,” we are content to stay at 956-821-5358 learned I don’t like it!” message said Debby Sodders, “Not home. We learned to liveor a leave “I have kind of enjoyed going to church or out little differently and what just being able to sit and we thought was a priority to a sit-down restaurant relax and take care of would be the only real seems trivial right now. I myself,” was Susan Pyle’s miss not being able to see changes. I’ve learned to be response. more creative with meal my grandsons, but talk to Jimmy Meade had this them at least once a week. planning. Most of all I’ve to say, “I’m ready for this learned to be more thankto end. I have learned stay- Just take it one day at a time. We we’ll get through ful for what I have.” ing at home isn’t my style Rita Rinderle said, “I this.” of living. I think with all really found out just how William Byrd said, “I of what people are doing Apply much of a Trump suphave learned people are involves with every day porter I really am! The dumb an will believe anylife, like washing hands Today media sucks! No I will not using sanitizers. These are thing so they can blame something for being miser- change! People are trying all common sense things. & Get to strip us of our freeable.” The mask thing….people doms!” Dave Bricker stated. never wore masks before Excited Jamie Cook had this to “A lot of the things that when sick, why wear it About say: “I learned not to take I needed to do didn’t get now. You’re breathing in teachers and daycare prodone because we were your own germs which Your viders for granted. (They could cause you to become always making excuses all need raises). I also sick. I think it’s something to go somewhere. I like Future! learned that you can fully getting items shipped to to get people scared and unpack a house in two the house so that I can for all hospitals to make Positions available for the Cameron weeks, after six months of fix things. While I am more money when someCounty Group - Valley Morning Star moving into it. And also working on the house or one dies.” & Brownsville Herald that there are so many fixing my truck up, my “We have started and compassionate people in completed several projects wife is sewing masks to that we have put off,” said donate. Then we take cof- this community. I have POSITION SUMMARY: fee breaks together. I don’t seen so many caring souls Carla Cothran. “I have You will be operating from an inside environment in a and hearts just pour out think anyone knows all learned to spend more centralized location to develop and maintain profitable to help each other.” wisely. And, to cherish my of the answers to what is advertising accounts through inbound and outbound family more!” Marla Moore commenttelemarketing, building rapport with current customers ed: “I don’t want to get as and attracting new customers by recommending busy as my life was before. effective multi-media advertising solutions that will help I liked staying home, but them achieve the revenure results they are looking for. missed eating out. I am never bored because I QUALIFICATIONS always have projects.” * Bachelor’s Degree “I have learned that * 2-year proven track record of proven people need to shut off results If you’re looking for a career and not just a job, email resume to: their TVs. This pandemic was so sensationalized; it * Advertising or marketing industry lindamedrano@aimmediatx.com put such fear in people,” experience is ideal EOE replied Kimberly Warner Hiegel. “How does one get REQUIREMENTS: mental health counseling • Prospecting and cultivating leads when they think they are • Develop strategic sales approach for advertisers definitely going to get this • Identify and negotiate agreements with a consultative virus and die? They can’t selling approach just go to see a doctor. • Develop lasting account relationships How many people know • Maximize opportunities selling across all media platforms there is a toll-free number to call crisis? I think this affected several people If you’re looking for a career and not just a job, email resume to: mentally. I will not be Copyright (c)2019 McAllen Monitor, Edition 05/21/2019 Nbuzzard@aimmediamidwest.com making any changes. The From page 1A

Apply Today & Get Excited About Your Future!

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Positions available for the Cameron County Group - Valley Morning Star & Brownsville Herald

April 23, 2020 10:33 am (GMT +5:00)

If you’re looking for a career and not just a job, email resume to:


From page 1A


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Greenville Early Bird

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8A Sunday, May 17, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

ial r o m e M Week Day nd a nd! Weeke








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WEEKEND EDITION Sunday, May 17, 2020 Section B

Festival gets new look for 2020 This year the festival will be in drive-thru fashion. Carla Cothran of the auxiliary said Rocky’s Recipe ROSSBURG — The 63rd barbecued chicken dinners annual Rossburg Fire Departwill be served via a drive-thru ment’s Ice Cream Social will not be the same this year; how- at $7 per meal, starting at 4 ever, not all is lost. It is still set p.m. and continuing until sold out. This will include a half for June 6. chicken, butter, roll, chips and The festival traditionapple sauce. It is estimated ally features numerous people that 500-plus dinners will be gathered around, and enjoysold. ing themselves, with games, “We also will have half galincluding bingo, for all ages, lons of homemade ice cream entertainment, a visit from CareFlight, raffles, pie auction, for $10 for sale,” she said. “Flavors are vanilla, chocolate, and lots of food, including chicken dinners and homemade strawberry, mint chocolate chip, Oreo Cookie, Reese’s ice cream.

By Linda Moody


Linda Moody | DarkeCountyMedia.com

This photo was taken at least year’s Rossburg Fireman’s Social. Visitors to the festival enjoyed the chicken dinners and ice cream, just two of the features of the one-day annual event.

Cup and butter pecan. If they want to pre-order to guarantee that they get their favorite flavor, they can call 937/3386154 (FD), 937/338-4602 (Chief Rob) or 937/459-6653 (Doug) This is prepay only.” Raffle tickets will be available at the drive-thru for $5 for one or $20 for five. “The drawing will take place on a live feed on FaceBook, Saturday, Sept. 12 at noon,” she said. Contact Darke County Media Staff Writer Linda Moody at lmoody@ aimmediamidwest.com or 937-569-4315, ext. 1749. Read more news, features and sports at DarkeCountyMedia.com.

Ansonia Local Schools, OSU Extension to host drive-thru food distribution ANSONIA — Shared Harvest Foodbank, in partnership with the Ohio Army National Guard and Ohio Reserves, will host a “drive-thru” food distribution at Ansonia Local Schools, May 20. The Ohio Army National Guard is again preparing food boxes for 1,000 Darke County families at the food bank, according to Terry Perdue, Executive Director of Shared Harvest Foodbank. Many SHARED barriers to receiving food at this distribution have HARVEST been waived. “Typically, FOODBANK a family receiving food must produce a photo ID, INFO proof of residency, selfWHAT: Pop-Up Driveverify income, and sign a Thru Food Pantry form,” Perdue said. “All of WHEN: 4:30 to 6:30 those requirements have p.m., Wednesday, been temporarily waived May 20 in wake of the COVID-19 WHERE: Ansonia Local School Parking pandemic.” Lot All Darke County resi600 East Canal St. dents in need of food are Ansonia, OH 45303 welcome to attend this event and receive food. No pre-registration is required to receive food. Anyone picking up food should drive to the distribution site during the appropriate hours. “People receiving food need to stay in their vehicles while being loaded and be patient as we work to get everyone the food they need,” Perdue said. Dr. Roseanne E. Scammahorn, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator for Ohio State Extension, Darke County said, “At the first event, held in April, nearly 750 families were able to pick up much-needed food supplies. We would like to top that number at the May 20th distribution. We understand that not everyone will have transportation or will feel safe enough to attend. That is why we encourage friends and families to help one another out. If you know someone that would benefit from this opportunity, but cannot make it, please come and pick up a box on their behalf.” Dr. Scammahorn said, “I would also like to say a special thanks to Jim Atchley, Superintendent, Jim Robson, Junior High/Senior High Principal, and Educators, Toni Shellabarger and Tammy Green for helping bring Shared Harvest Foodbank to our community. It takes a whole team to coordinate these events and I appreciate their hard work to make this event happen.” Visit darke.osu.edu or sharedharvest.org for more information.

Arcanum resident Dorothy Stringer fulfilled a lifelong dream by joining the West Alexandria police force in April of this year.

Courtesy photo

Stringer achieves lifelong dream by joining WA police By Anthony Baker

dents than male, she said, something she credits to the example being set by current female police officers. “I think a lot of women are empowered by see— Officer Dorothy Stringer ing other women do it,” Stringer said. “So they’re stepping out and following their dreams as enforcement really came well. We’re going to see through,” Stringer said. a lot more women in law “If you have a dream, go for it. Don’t ever give up. enforcement in the years You just have to keep try- to come.” “I think women bring a ing until you succeed.” Stringer joined the West lot to the table as far as Alexandria Police Depart- law enforcement goes,” Stringer continued. “We ment as an auxiliary offihave care, compassion, cer in April. She’ll move empathy, and an inner to part-time status after completing her on-the-job strength that’s amazing.” Assistant Police Chief training as a volunteer. Mike McDonald said that “It’s something I’ve Stringer’s life experience always wanted to do,” is part of what made her Stringer said. “But I had an attractive applicant as kids young. Now that my kids are grown, and I have a police officer. “One of the reasons grandkids, it’s my turn to I liked her is because follow my dreams.” she’s not some 20-yearStringer’s cohort in old student coming the Edison program was the first in the region to See STRINGER | 2B include more female stu-

“I think a lot of women are empowered by seeing other women do it. So they’re stepping WEST ALEXANDRIA out and following their dreams as well. — Officer Dorothy String- We’re going to see a lot more women in law er was in her forties when enforcement in the years to come.” she decided to follow


her dream of becoming a police officer. She graduated from Edison State Community College’s Basic Peace Officer Academy in December 2019. “It’s a lot of training: very in-depth, very rigorous,” Stringer said of the school’s intensive sixmonth program. “It’s not easy. First you’ve got to make it there, and then you’ve got to do well. They want to make sure they’re putting someone qualified out there to enforce their laws.” The program runs six days a week, according to Stringer, who completed the course while working full-time. Students also have to prove they can meet the program’s physical fitness requirements, which include being able

to run for a mile and a half. “If God forbid you have to go toe-to-toe with someone, you need to be able to hold your own until back-up arrives,” Stringer said, underlining the necessity of strict physical fitness standards. “If you can’t run a mile and a half, you’re not going to last 30 seconds in a fight.” Stringer went through the program twice, the result of a serious ankle injury that sidelined her during her first time through. “Once it was healed, I went right back at it. I wasn’t giving up. That’s where my passion for law




2B Sunday, May 17, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Stelvideo Memorial Day Service scheduled vehicles, and supplies right onto a hostile beach during World War II. His LST 491 arrived at Omaha Beach on the morning of June 6, 1944, now known as D-Day. LST 491 made four trips from England to France hitting a different beach each time during the Normandy Invasion. Later he was involved with the invasion of Southern France and Okinawa. As a civilian, Adams and his family have participated in numerous activities to promote

OH-70186772 OH-70183760

JUST NORTH OF ANSONIA AT 11808 St. Rt. 118 is a 3 bedroom home on 1.6 acres M/L. Has barn. Upper 60’s.

veterans and teach about World War II. Diana Spitler is Adams’ niece who makes documentaries about her family’s participation in the armed services. In addition, she created a promotional presentation for USS LST 325 that was viewed by the French parliament. She was awarded the Philo T. Farnsworth Award for excellence in community programming from the Central States Region. Currently, Spitler is working on a video


project about the Korean, Vietnam, and Cold War, and Enduring Freedom. She wants all to recognize that freedom is not free and the future generations must not forget the sacrifices our military continues to make. Attendees may bring a lawn chair and are reminded to maintain safe distancing during the service. American Legion Post 140 will then conduct a Memorial Service at 2 p.m.


4 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL on Wagner 1:00-2:30 P.M. Avenue across from LOWE’S! Can be divided!. Call 211 Westminster Dr., Greenville Joe for additional information! Diamond Mill Rd., Englewood – Price Just Reduced 1320 Highland11984 Dr., Greenville 1320 Highland Dr., Greenville BUILDING LOT at 1010 Gray Avenue. 120x140. Well maintained home. Close to restaurants Well maintained home. Close to restaurants $30,000. and shopping. Newer windows and and shopping. patio Newer windows and patio lead out into your totallydoors fenced in that lead out into your totally fenced in $29,900 FOR THIS HOME at 7713 US doors Rt. 36!that New NEW LISTING back yard and covered patio. back yard and covered patio. W.719 Geroge St., Arcanum roof in October 2018; free-standing stove 719plus Central Ave., Union City,17OH Central Ave., Union City, OH Ready to start your business in downtown Arcanum? Or Great 3 bedroom home, close Great to grocery electric heat. 3 bedroom home, close to grocery store and doctors office. Updated continue tostore runkitchen the 24 hour fitness gym that has been and doctors office. Updated kitchen 16 ACRES M/L surrounds this 3andbedroom bathroom. Newerprofitable plumbingsince inand most the bathroom. in ismost the being opened.Newer The firstplumbing floor layout set up house. solid house. custom brick ranch home! Formal entry; with the workout area, lounge area, game room, back entry 1195 Fort Jefferson Ave., Greenville 1195 Fort Jefferson Ave., Greenville maple cabinets in unique kitchen; Florida Room way, and theLooking There is aThis garage Looking for an investment? This isback it! workout One for anroom. investment? is door it! One overlooking lake with fountain and gazebo! to move equipment in & out. The upstairs is open and the house has2.5 4 – 1 bedroom apartments plus house has 4 – 1 bedroom apartments plus there are 3 single 1 bedroom units. there are 3Currently single 1 used bedroom units. but could possibilities are endless. for classes, car attached garage PLUS 33x50 brick building 417 N Walnut St., OH417apartment, N WalnutorSt., OH beUnion turnedCity, into studio youUnion wouldCity, live upstairs with 3 overhead doors! Corner of Childrens Homepump, and Roof, sump windows Roof, are newer. sump pump, and windows are newer. and run your business out of the first floor. The upstairs is Road and Arcanum-Bears Mill Road. $469,000. Electric updated. Bath remodeled. 2 car Electric updated. Bath remodeled. 2 car 77'x18'6' withand new laminate flooring and a/c. garage with opener. One bedroom down garage with opener. One bedroom down and Jim Shuttleworth 2 bedrooms upstairs. 2 bedrooms upstairs. BLUE Evelyn Shuttleworth SPRUCE Joe Shuttleworth First Choice First Choice REALTY Greg Shuttleworth Realty Realty Richard Edwards 547-9770 The Right Choice The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331 1400 Wagner Ave. 1400 Wagner Ave. www.bluesprucerealtyinc.comGreenville, OH 45331 Greenville, OH 45331 548-5464 548-5464 www.cbfirstchoice.com 548-5464 www.cbfirstchoice.com www.cbfirstchoice.com

OPEN HOUSES Sunday, May 17, 2020 1:00-2:30 120 Cherry St., New Madison Move in ready 5 bedroom home with lots of options. Long list of improvements. Large detached garage.

115 Hickory Dr., New Madison Nice 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath brick home with lots of updates on a large lot. Attached garage. Metal roof. Immediate Occupancy.

3:00-4:30 7849 Delisle Fourman Rd., Arcanum

First Choice Realty


Solid ......................................8991 OldUS US36, 36,Bradford, Bradford,937-718-0351 937-718-0351 SolidRock RockApostolic Apostolic .......................... 8991Old CAC .....................................................630 CACofofGreenville Greenville ....................................... 630Pine, Pine,Greenville Greenville937-730-1313 937-730-1313 Apostolic Church ...............212 ApostolicRestoration Restoration Church ........212W.W.Pearl PearlSt.,St.,Union UnionCity, City,IN,IN,765-625-1404 765-625-1404


Greenville Assembly of God RouteRoute 118N118N Greenville, OhOh937-548-5445 7219 State Greenville, 937-548-5445 GreenvilleFirst First Assembly of .7219 God State


Favorite Church .................................. 1601South SouthStreet, Street,Piqua, Piqua,773-6469 773-6469 FavoriteHillHillBaptist Baptist Church .......................1601 First Baptist Church .....................................7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville First Baptist Church ..........................7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville548-7616 548-7616 Faith Church ........................................... E Russ FaithBaptist Baptist Church ...............................740740 E RussRd., Rd.,Greenville, Greenville,548-1808 548-1808 Greenville Temple ...................... 4689 Childrens GreenvilleBaptist Baptist Temple ..............4689 ChildrensHome HomeBradford BradfordRd., Rd.,548-7283 548-7283 Union Baptist Church .............225 UnionCity CityFirst First Baptist Church .......225S.S.First FirstSt.,St.,Union UnionCity, City,OH OH937-968-6163 937-968-6163 Cornerstone Baptist Church 933 N. 933 Howard St., Union City,City, IN, IN, 765-964-3119 CornerstoneHistoric Historic Baptist Church N Howard St., Union 765-964-3119 Bible Church ................................... BibleBaptist Baptist Church ........................510 510Front FrontStreet, Street,Greenville, Greenville,937-547-1239 937-547-1239


Beech Church of the ..3420.3420 Harrison Rd., Rd., Hollansburg, 937-997-4895 Harrison Hollansburg, 937-997-4895 BeechGrove Grove Church of Brethren the Brethren Bradford Church of The Brethren .............................120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Cedar Grove Church ...................................373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Cedar Grove Churchof...............................................373 LoveCreek Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Oakland Church The Brethren . 8058 Horatio-Harris Rd. Bradford, 448-2287 Oakland of The Brethren ........ 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Bradford, 448-2287 PitsburgChurch Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd.,Rd. Arcanum 937-692-8772 Pitsburg Church of Brethren Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum Greenville Church of the ............8376 Brethren ........................421 Central 937-692-8772 Ave., 548-3583 Greenville Church of the Brethren ......................................421 Central Ave., 548-3583 CATHOLIC

CATHOLIC St Mary’s Catholic Church .........................233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616

StStMary’s Church....................................14233E Wood W Third Greenville 548-1616 DenisCatholic ................................................ St,St. Versailles 937-526-4945 StHoly Denis ..............................................................14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Family (Frenchtown) .................. 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family...................................................15 (Frenchtown) ............................. 11255 St Star Rt 185, St Louis Rd, Versailles North Star937-526-4945 419-582-2531 StImmaculate Louis ..................................................................15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Conception ............. 5874 N. Buckneck Rd., Bradford, 937-526-4945 Immaculate Conception .......................5874 N.W Buckneck Bradford, St Mary.......................................425 Hickory St,Rd., Union City, IN,937-526-4945 765-964-4202 St Mary ..................................................425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN, 765-964-4202 CHRISTIAN

CHRISTIAN Coletown Congregational Church .....2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590

Coletown Church ............ 2876 State Route 571, Greenville East ZionCongregational Church ...................................................6171 St. Rt. 36,548-6590 Greenville East Church ....................................................................6171 St. Rt. Greenville FirstZion Congregational Church ............115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH36, 937-548-3575 First Congregational Church ................... 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 Woodington Congregation Church ...8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441


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Woodington Church6808 .........8978 N State 49,Greenville, GreenvilleOH548-9441 Stelvideo Congregation Christian Church, Church St .Route Stelvido, 316-8198 Stelvideo Christian Church, 6808Church Church St. Greenville, OH 316-8198 Teegarden Congregational ... ......... 2753 Stelvido, State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 Teegarden Congregational Church ............2753 State 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 CMA Church ...................................306 DevorRoute St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955 CMA Church ...............................................306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955 CHURCH OF CHRIST

Commercial - Residential Automotive

Bonded, Licensed, Insured 24 Hour Emergency Service 701 Wayne St. Greenville

Rossburg United Methodist .............................. St.,Street Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church ... 112117 WestRoss South Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Trinity United Methodist Church ..........112 West South Street St, Arcanum, OH937-526-3855 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist .................122 W Wood Versailles Versailles United Methodist ...........................122 W Wood Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church ............. 8849St,Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church .........................8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855 MISSIONARY

Greenville Church of Christ ........4599 Chldrns Hm Main BrdfrdStreet, Rd., Greenville, Missionary Church..................1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 East Main Church of Christ ......... 419 East Greenville,937-548-4467 937-547-1557 Greenville Pleasant View Missionary Church......5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885 East Main Church of Christ ................... 419 East Main Street, Greenville, 937-547-1557

CHURCH OF GOD NON-DENOMINATIONAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL Ansonia First Church of God ........................750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 Castine Church ...................................624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Ansonia First Church of God ..................................750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 Castine Church of the Brethren .................... 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 The New Beginning Church of God .... 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Calvary Bible Church......................... 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 The New Beginning Church of God .............802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Calvary Bible Church ................................... 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Triumphant Christian Center.............1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300 Beamsville Christian Church ..6102 Beamsville-Union Greenville 547-0009 Triumphant Christian Center ..................... 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300 Beamsville Christian Church .......6102 Beamsville-Union City City Rd. Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Friendship Community Church ...1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 EPISCOPAL Friendship Community Church ........1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 EPISCOPAL True ........................................... Route Greenville 548-3558 St Paul’s Episcopal Church ..................201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575 True LifeLife ......................................................... 59905990 StateState Route 36, 36, Greenville 548-3558 St Paul’s Episcopal Church ...........................201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575 Living Waters Ministries ........................... 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 Living Waters Ministries .......................................102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 INTERDENOMINATIONAL INTERDENOMINATIONAL Bible Fellowship Church...........7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville, 937-547-1952 Family of God ...........................................310 W South Arcanum, 692-8521 Bible Fellowship Church................. 7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville, 937-547-1952 Family of God ........................................................310 W South St.,St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Northside Community Fellowship ........8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 564-5942 Lighthouse Christian Center ........ 5256 Sebring Warner Greenville, 548-7464 Northside Community Fellowship.................8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 564-5942 Lighthouse Christian Center ...............5256 Sebring Warner Rd.,Rd., Greenville, 548-7464 Rosehill Country Church .....................Rt.St.49Rt.and 49 McFeeley-Petry and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Rosehill Country Church .............................St. Rd, Rosehill LUTHERAN Versailles Christian Church .................105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 LUTHERAN Versailles Christian Church ...........................105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 John Lutheran Church ................7418 State Route 121, Greenville548-5404 548-5404 Hillgrove Hillgrove Federated Church .. 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Union 968-6332 St.St.John Lutheran Church ......................... 7418 State Route 121, Greenville Federated Church .......1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd.,Rd., Union City,City, 968-6332 Paul’s Lutheran Church ......13495 Greenville Marys Vers.,419-336-7111 419-336-7111 Congregation CongregationAnshe Anshe Emeth Emeth Jewish Synagogue ............Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-623-1234 StStPaul’s Lutheran Church ........... 13495 Greenville St.St. Marys RdRdVers., Jewish Synagogue .... Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-623-1234 Paul Lutheran Church ........................ E. 4th Street, Greenville548-5770 548-5770 Arcanum StStPaul Lutheran Church ................................... 131131 E. 4th Street, Greenville Arcanum Community of...........................................109 Faith .............................. W. 109George W. George St., Arcanum Community of Faith St., Arcanum Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran . 6825Route State 722, RouteIthaca, 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 St.St.Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchChurch ..6825 State 678-8584 Common Ground Christian Church ...............120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 OakesRd., Rd.,Pitsburg Pitsburg937-692-5670 937-692-5670 PENTECOSTAL Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church ................. 8520 Oakes PENTECOSTAL Apostolic Lighthouse ..........................................332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 Trinity Lutheran Church ........1470 W. State Route Union 765-964-5712 Faith Trinity Lutheran Church .............1470 W. State Route 28,28, Union City,City, IN IN765-964-5712 Faith Apostolic Lighthouse .............................332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 Trinity Lutheran church .................. 204 E. Wood Street,Versailles Versailles937-526-3091 937-526-3091 PRESBYTERIAN Trinity Lutheran Church ...........................204 E. Wood Street, First United Presbyterian Church ............................... 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 PRESBYTERIAN METHODIST-UNITED METHODIST-UNITED First United Presbyterian ................... 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 CHURCH OF Church CHRIST Abbottsville United Methodist Church ......................3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum UNITED


Abbottsville United Methodist Church .................................. 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church .. Corner of Pearl and High Ansonia 337-5781 Ansonia United Methodist Church ......Corner of Pearl and High St., St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUMChurch Church ......................................... 1451 Street, Greenville, 45331 EUM ....................................................1451 SaterSater Street, Greenville, OH OH 45331 FaithUnited United Methodist Church .................101 E. South Arcanum, 692-8934 Faith Methodist Church ...........................101 E. South St.,St., Arcanum, 692-8934 FirstUnited United Methodist Church .................... 202 W 4th Greenville, 548-3075 First Methodist Church ................................202 W 4th St.St. Greenville, 548-3075 FortJefferson Jefferson United Methodist ..............3856 Church Greenville548-4410 548-4410 Fort United Methodist ........................ 3856 Church St.,St., Greenville Gordon Grace United..........................................750 Methodist Church....... 750 Arcanum-Ithaca 678-9062 Gordon United Methodist Arcanum-Ithaca RdRd 678-9062 Nashville United Methodist...... 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 Nashville United Methodist.............5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist..... 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 New Madison United Methodist ..............149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist ................... 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765

St.UNITED Paul United Church of ChristOF ........................129 CHURCH CHRIST W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506

UNITARIAN St. Paul UnitedUNIVERSALIST Church of Christ ..............129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506 First Universalist Church ..................... 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST

WESLEYAN First Universalist Church ............. 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403 Trinity Wesleyan Church .....................................1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 WESLEYAN Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church .............. 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331 Trinity Wesleyan Church ..........................1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Bethel Long Wesleyan Church........................................ 255 Stingley Road, Greenville

Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church ....... 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331 Bethel Long Wesleyan Church ............................255 Stingley Road, Greenville

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CHURCH OF CHRIST Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Chldrns Hm Brdfrd Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467 MISSIONARY Greenville Missionary Church ......... 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842

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Updated 3 bedroom, 2 bath Tri-level on 1.6 acres. Attached 2 car garage. Detached 2 car garage with office.


STELVIDEO — The Stelvideo Memorial Day Service will be held at 1 p.m. on Sunday, May 24, at the Stelvideo Cemetery, weather permitting. World War II veteran Marion Adams and his niece, Diana Spitler, will be the speakers. Adams enlisted in the Navy right out of high school in May 1942. He was assigned to an LST as a radioman. An LST (Landing Ship Tank) was a ship specifically designed to land troops,

abuse and other crises, according to Stringer. “Not everybody that’s a drug addict is a bad perFrom page 1B son,” Stringer said. “People that have a major crisis in their life, like drug right out of her mama’s abuse, mental health, house,” McDonald said. suicide. We can get them “When I went through my last police academy I into treatment, get them on a better path.” was 22. To be willing to In the meantime, go through that at this Stringer has been enjoystage of life really says ing getting to know the something about her people of the village she character. I couldn’t do now serves. it.” “I’m really honored to Like McDonald, Stringhave been chosen to be a er was drawn more to the service side of police part of this police department. I can’t tell you work than the side dealhow amazing it’s been,” ing with enforcement. Stringer said. “The chief “People think it’s just has been taking me out about fighting crime or writing citations, but it’s and introducing me to members of the communot,” Stringer said. nity, and everybody has “We can help people been so nice.” find solutions. Law “It’s an honor to be enforcement gives a voice to people who don’t have able to serve this community,” Stringer continued. a voice.” “It’s the best feeling you This includes people struggling with substance could possibly have.”

Since 1946

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COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS Where Price & Quality Meet All your Home & Agricultural Building Needs 300 S. Main St Ansonia, OH 937-337-3111 M-F 7:00 – 5:00 Sat 7:00 – 12:00 (Noon) See Photos at www.ansonialumber.com


Recycle your out of date electronics DARKE COUNTY — The Darke County Solid Waste Management District and 1 Shot Services, Bradford, are joining forces to sponsor an Electronics Recycling Day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., beginning May 20 through June 30, at 1 Shot Scrap and Recycling. 1 Shot is located at 6377 Hahn Rd, Bradford. This event is normally a one-day event, however, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, we are extending the collection. By extending the event, we will eliminate the gathering of a large group at one location during a specific time. Electronics equipment can be very expensive

to throw away or even recycle. Local businesses can pay high dollars to have electronics hauled to a disposal site. Computers, especially, which go out of date as fast as they come on the market, can be extremely costly. Again this year, CRT televisions and monitors will not be accepted through the district’s collection. 1 Shot Scrap and Recycling will accept televisions for a fee. Neighboring county residents have paid as much as $1 per inch to have their computer or television monitors recycled. 1 Shot will accept CRT monitors and televisions up to 32” for $5 each, 32” and

above for $10 each and projection televisions for $15 each. Fees are subject to change after June 30, 2020. All equipment that is brought in for recycling will be disassembled for recycling. Computer hard drives will be drilled on site to protect your personal information. Some of these items may include computers (CPUs, PCs, laptops), keyboards, monitors, printers, typewriters, adding machines, calculators, copiers, small kitchen appliances such as microwaves and toaster ovens, radios, telephonic equipment, manufacturing equipment, cables, cords, and other electronic wiring.

Soup kitchen still serving

Thank you to all for the tremendous response with our last consignment equipment auction, weather you were one of the 490 registered online bidders, or if you were just inquiring, we appreciate you! Moving forward, we will continue to live stream our equipment auctions via www.equipmentfacts.com as well as live, onsite bidding as current regulations allow. Consignments are already committed for this auction. Our bidder list continues to grow of local, state, and national buyers. Early consignors can take advantage of National/Regional/Internet advertising and exposure. Check out our competitive seller commission rates: $1 - $1,000 10% of gross sales per lot/item $1,001 - $20,000 5% of gross sales per lot/item $20,001 – Above 0% of gross sales per lot/item

Auctioneers: Grant Bussey 937-564-6250 and Mike Baker 937-459-9558



Agri & Farm Equip. – Lawn/Garden – Trucks – Trailers – Excavation - & More!


TOM LONGENECKER AUCTION ONLINE ONLY Wednesday May 20th, 2020 -10:00 A.M. 5862 Kruckeberg Rd. Greenville, OH 45331 DIRECTIONS: From downtown Dayton;Ohio Take I -70 West to St. Rt. 127 North to Greenville to Kruckeberg Rd. Turn right on Kruckeberg go approx. 1 mile to sale site on left. (Watch for signs) Auctioneers Note – Pick up time will be Thursday May 21St.,8:00 A.M. -11:00 and 12:00-3:00 P.M. Tuesday -Wednesday May 26th& 27th from 8:00 A.M. – 11:00 and 12:00 -3:00 due to the Memorial Day Holiday. Go to edwardsauctions.com for more information and pictures. Featuring Live Audio & Video so you can bid at home or on the go with your smart phone or tablet. Go to www. edwardsauctions.com or auctionzip.com; enter auctioneer ID # 3426 at the bottom of the page; click on the current auction date; click on bid now button to enter auction. LARGE COLLECTION OF FENTON & OTHER GLASSWARE-TOYS-COLLECTIBLES ANTIQUES-COLLECTIBLES-RARE BICYCLES-CAST IRON DINNER BELLS-HORSE DRAWN SLEIGHGO-CARTS-RESTORED GAS STATION OIL TANKS W/PUMPS-MANY UNIQUE ITEMS Fenton-Bells Baskets, Animal Figurines, Candy Dishes, Compotes, Bowls, Bud Vases; Anniversary Fenton Pieces; SeveralHand Painted & Signed Fenton Items; Other Glassware Collectibles; Barbie Dolls; Wide Variety of Fast Food Toys; Complete Set of 100 McDonald Corp. Disney Figurines 100 Years of Magic; And Much More. Owner: Tom Longenecker Trust, Rochelle L. Titko Successor Trustee TERMS: CASH or local checks w/proper ID. Visa & Master Card Accepted w/3% Clerk Fee. Auctioneer licensed in Ohio. Auction held online only.We must collect sales tax.

• Res. #20-56 authorize Auditor file application with Ohio Rural Water Assoc. Retro Group to participate in Group Rating Program and authorize payment fees for services/emergency. • Res.#20-57 authorize S/SD enter contract Jones & Henry Engineers, LTD render professional consultation services. • Res. #20-58 authorize enter contract ODOT Operating Assistance Grant/Emergency. This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 A.M. through 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Jessica Ross, Clerk of Council City of Greenville

Approved: Michael Rieman, Law Director

CITY OF GREENVILLE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE A public hearing will be held by Greenville City Council on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Room, Municipal Building, Greenville, OH, on a recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission to amend the zoning for a 2,333 acres lot at the north end of Meadow Lane, 753 N. Broadway, from SR1 (Suburban Residential 1) to SU (Special Use). The property owned by the Darke County Park District, and the application submitted by Roger Van Frank, Director of Darke County Park District. Due to current events, the meeting will be held via “Zoom”. Any citizens wishing to address Council during the meeting may connect to “Zoom” using the following information: |https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85262376472?pwd=TFVDZ1BzZUtZQ1I1bWhlT3hOZi8zQT09 | Meeting ID: 852 6237 6472 | Password: 134424 The meeting will also be available to watch on Facebook Live and GPAT. The links can be found under GPAT on the City’s website and at www.cityofgreenville.org. Jessica Ross, Clerk Greenville City Council


Tonya Price 224 W. Water Street Greenville, OH 45331 Plaintiff v. Eyvonne Fields 200 ½ Harrison St. Greenville, OH 45331 and Joshua Sweatt 415 ½ E. Fourth St. Greenville, OH 45331 Defendants TO: JOSHUA SWEATT, FATHER OF JOSIAH HABERNY, WHOSE LAST KNOWN ADDRESS WAS IN GREENVILLE, OHIO. Who shall take notice that a Complaint/Motion for Legal Custody/Motion for Temporary Custody, Plaintiff’s Motion for Ex Parte Temporary Custody of the minor child, Josiah Haberny, has been filed by Tonya Price, maternal grandmother. That said Complaint is set for Hearing on the 7 day of August, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. before the Darke County Common Pleas Court at the Courthouse, 504 S. Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331 You are required to appear at the time and place above. Cindy Pike Clerk


SAT. NOV. 9, 2019 10:00 AM


Trucks-Motorcycle-Lawn 261 N. SHILOH RD., PLEASANT HILL, OHIO Equipment-Shop ToolsAntique Tractors Household Trucks and Equipment 1929 Ford Model AA Stake Bed1946 Oliver 70 and 1954 Oliver truck in nice condition; 1997 Ford Ranger XLT, 4 speed,66, both older restorations; Oliver w/245,000 miles, good condi-Radex 2-14 breaking plow; Oliver tion. Radex 2-12 breaking plow; New Motorcycle 2001 Suzuki Intruder DS,Idea #19 manure spreader; buzz 800cc, 26,000 niceexhaust bike. manifold, pto covers, radiator, fan, water pump; WC oil pan; saw; Parts, F-12miles, head and Lawn Equipment & Shop Oliver wheel weights. Tools Exmark Quest zero turn mower, Trailers 23 HP, 50” deck; John Deere 16 ft tandem axle tractor International gooseneck trailer with 4 ft dovetail; 9 ½ x 5 utility trailer; yard wagon. LTR 166 lawn w/bagger, 16 HP Briggs and Stratton, SAT. NOV. 2019 10:00 AM Antiques and Collectibles 42” deck; 4’ lawn roller; 9, White 5910tine ROUTZONG RD. OH 45331 550 tiller; Fimco trailerGREENVILLE, Lard rear kettle; lard press; bell scrapers; cast iron tractor seat; pre- 1950 reconditioned bicycle and Trucks-Motorcycle-Lawn mounted lawn sprayer; pull beparts; cast iron spreader/seeder; horse and wagon; RR padlocks; Pennsylvania and Penn Central RR lanterns; minEquipment-Shop Toolshind fertilizer Household Troy Bilt string er’s carbide lamp;trimmer/blower RR spike driver; crocks; horse drawn walking plow; horse drawn walking cultivaTrucks combination; garden seeder; tors; singletrees; roller; mowing 1929 Modellog AA Stake Bed scythes; hand crank grinder; hay fork w/trolley; pitcher pump; wheelFord barrow; long handle kraut cutter; swords; child’s table truck nice condition; tools; in 4 bicycles; DeWalt 1997 7739w/chairs; child’s rocker; rocking chair; insulators; mason jars; pedal Ford 4 train; speed, radial arm saw;XLT, Makita cut several off tractor;Ranger pre-1950 electric cast iron toys; Budweiser 8 horse hitch; coffee grinder; Ford w/245,000 miles, good condisaw; Delta compound miter TW 5 pedal tractor; mantle clocks; # 2 dinner bell; egg scale; IH cultivator wrenches; buggy wrenchtion. saw; Craftsman radial arm miter Motorcycle es; wooden pulleys; corn saw; magnetic base drilljobber; press;Newton High School Yearbooks 1949-1979 some years missing. 2001 Suzuki Intruder DS, lathe; Craftsman 3/8” bench 800cc, 26,000 miles, nice bike. Model tractors drill press; disc sander; band Lawn Equipment & Shop saw; jointer/planer; small plat- G; Allis Chalmers D-19; Allis Chalmers WD 45; Oliver 99; Oliver Allis Chalmers D-21; Allis Chalmers form scales;Tools machine bases; 60; OliverQuest 88; Oliver OC-3 crawler; Oliver 770; Oliver 1555; Oliver 1655; BF Avery; Super A Farmall; Exmark zero turn mower, chain hoist; tool boxes; leather 23 HP , 50” deck; John Deere WD 9 Farmall; Farmall Cub; John Deere 630 LP; John Deere 820; unstyled John Deere A; John vise; tobacco bailer; building LTR 166 lawn tractor jacks; grinder; logw/bagtongs; Deere bench GP; Ford 8N w/plow; Fordson; tractor show badges. ger, 16 HPcamper Briggs and Stratton, casters; stand; stack 42” deck; cut 4’ lawn roller; of rough lumber; gasWhite grill; Shop Tools and Lawn Equipment 550 rear tinefryer; tiller; 2Fimco turkey deep wheeltrailer cart; Craftsman 22 HP lawn tractor mounted lawn sprayer; pull beRadio Flyer coaster wagon. w/42” deck; Huskee 21 HP lawn tractor W/46” deck; Yardman push hind fertilizer spreader/seeder; mower (likeHousehold new); Power Back 5250 watt generator; 15 gal spot sprayer; hedge trimmers; electric Troy Bilt string trimmer/blower Grandmother clock; leather sofa chainsaw; wheel barrow; cans; reel type mower (needs engine work); Delta band saw; miter combination; garden gas seeder; w/recliners; bookcase; 5 piece saw; table saw; table sander; drill wheel barrow; long handle wicker set; double drop table;press; parts cleaner; pedestal grinder; floor jack; jack stands; tools; bicycles; DeWalt 7739 wooden rocking chairs; cherry school desk; benches; John tools; battery charger; ½ & building4 jacks; roller tool box; air wood tools; wrenches; hammers; machinists radial arm saw; Makita Farm cut offPower toy tractor w/stake trailer; Deere battery powered ¾ socket sets; drills; grinders; 2 roto tillers (need engine work); Reese hitch and bars; welding table; saw; Delta miter sausage presscompound lamp; Radio Flyer tricycle; 10 gallon milk cans; large metal cabinet from Bradford roundhouse; bead breaker; chain binders. saw; Craftsman radial arm miter sprinkling cans; lard cans; early baby scales; trunks; Waring Pro saw; meat magnetic grinder. base drill press; Guns lathe; Craftsman 3/8” bench OWNERS drill press; sander; band Marlin modeldisc 57 .22 magnum lever action w/weaver scope; Remington Scoremaster model 511 saw;DEAN jointer/planer; smallDENISE platAND .22 bolt action; Mossberg model 500 12 ga. PFLIEGER pump; Deerfield model 700 .410 pump; Remington hex form Terms:scales; Cash or machine good checkbases; w/proper ID. chain hoist; tool boxes; leather barrelMC, black powder revolver; small black power cannon. Visa, Discover accepted vise; tobacco bailer; building w/3% fee. jacks; grinder; log tongs; Household Lunch bench by Heavy Smokers casters; camper stand; stack BBQ. Grandfather’s clock; 3 mantle clocks; washer and dryer; electric range; refrigerator; dining table and of rough cut lumber; gas www.auctionzip.com user grill; chairs; hide-a-bed double bed; dressers; swivel rocker; recliner lift chair; 2 TV’s, VCR; quilt turkey deep fryer;sofa; 2 wheel cart; 11883 for pictures. Radio coaster wagon. racks; plant stands; end tables; desk chair; sweeper; folding chairs; lamps; kerosene lamps; fans; Never aFlyer buyer’s premium. Household crock pots; 2 window AC’s; coolers; canning equipment; canning jars; ice cream freezer; fishing pole; Grandmother clock; leather sofa tackle box. Minnow bucket; w/recliners; bookcase; 5 Hershey piece tins, walkers; canes; cast iron skillets. Mobility scooter w/rear wicker doublehitch. drop table; transportset; for Reese wooden rocking chairs; cherry wood school desk; benches; John Deere battery powered Farm Power toy tractor Stock w/stake trailer; Nursery sausage press lamp; Radio Flyer tricycle; 10 gallon milk cans; 15 3’to 4’ Colorado Blue Spruce; 10 3’ to 4’ Norway Spruce; and 5 Scotch sprinkling cans; lard cans; early baby scales; trunks; Waring Pro Pine balled and ready to plant. meat grinder.



Heirs of Don Wintrow OWNERS Don “Butch” Wintrow, Diana Ashmore, Deb Floyd


937-547-3202 CELL # 937-423-2656 email: Rich@edwardsauctions.com



Terms:Cash Cashororgood goodcheck check w/proper Terms: w/proper ID. ID. Visa, MC, Discover accepted Visa, MC, Discover accepted w/4% fee. w/3% fee. www.auctionzip.com user ID 11883 for Lunch by Heavy Smokers BBQ. piictures and updated info. www.auctionzip.com user 11883 Lunch for by pictures. Heavy Smokers BBQ. Never a buyer’s premium. Never a buyer’s premium.

sprinkling cans; lard cans; early baby scales; trunks; Waring Pro

Next Auction: Friday – July 3, 2020 at 9:00 AM Bussey Brothers Auction Lot: 4398 St Rt 49 S, Greenville OH 45331

On May 5, 2020, the City of Greenville, Ohio, adopted the following legislation:

Darke County Common Pleas Court Domestic Relations Division Case No. 20 DIV 00178 Judge Hein Magistrate Huber


Now Accepting Consignments!




ger, 16 HP Briggs and Stratton, meatdeck; grinder. 42” 4’ lawn roller; White 550 rear tine tiller; Fimco trailer mounted lawn sprayer; pull behind fertilizer spreader/seeder; Troy Bilt string trimmer/blower Terms: Cash or good check w/proper ID. combination; garden seeder; Visa, MC,barrow; Discoverlong accepted wheel handle w/3% fee. tools; 4 bicycles; DeWalt 7739 Lunch by Heavy Smokers radial arm saw; Makita cut off saw; Delta compound miter BBQ. saw; Craftsman radial arm www.auctionzip.com usermiter saw; magnetic base drill press; 11883 for pictures. lathe; Craftsman 3/8” bench Never a buyer’s drill press; discpremium. sander; band saw; jointer/planer; small platform scales; machine bases; chain hoist; tool boxes; leather vise; tobacco bailer; building jacks; bench grinder; log tongs; casters; camper stand; stack of rough cut lumber; gas grill; turkey deep fryer; 2 wheel cart; Radio Flyer coaster wagon. Household Grandmother clock; leather sofa w/recliners; bookcase; 5 piece wicker set; double drop table; wooden rocking chairs; cherry wood school desk; benches; John Deere battery powered Farm Power toy tractor w/stake trailer; sausage press lamp; Radio Flyer tricycle; 10 gallon milk cans; sprinkling cans; lard cans; early baby scales; trunks; Waring Pro meat grinder.


DARKE COUNTY — Students who have graduated from a Darke County high school and have completed at least two years of college may be eli-

gible for several scholarships from the Darke County Foundation. Fields of study include healthcare, education, business, law, and theology. Further criteria and online application are available at www.darkecountyfoundation.org. The deadline to apply is June 1, 2020.


Greenville City Council

County scholarship deadline is June 1

Terms: Cash or good check w/proper ID. Visa, MC, Discover accepted w/3% fee. Lunch by Heavy Smokers BBQ. www.auctionzip.com user 11883 for pictures. Never a buyer’s premium.

However, GRCC’s clothFood Pantry at GRCC is ing bank is closed until also donating food items to families from 6 to 8 p.m. further notice. “And, there is a need for Mondays and Thursdays, with no stipulations at the monetary donations for GREENVILLE — Darlene Huffman, soup kitchen present time because of the operating funds,” she concluded. pandemic. coordinator at Grace Resurrection Community Center (GRCC) wants the CITY OF GREENVILLE public to know the facility PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is still giving out lunches from 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. A public hearing will be held by Greenville City Council every Monday through on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at 7:30 P.M. on a recommenThursday. dation from the Planning & Zoning Commission to amend Box or bag lunches will the zoning for 1.83 acres, and parts of Sater Subdivision, be served outside the door Out-lots 12 & 22; as well as Wayne Park Addtion, the South on Boston Street. half of lot #1619 and lots #1620-1623 in their entirety from Huffman said there are Special Use (SU) to Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD-R). The property is owned, and the application submusually 50 to 70 meals premited, by Robinson Benanzer Development II. pared and served to those who show up. Due to current events, the meeting will be held via “Zoom.” Huffman, who has been Information for connecting via “Zoom” will be released at a with the soup kitchen later date. since its start, indicated that 22 different churches The meeting will also be available to watch on Facebook are involved in getting the Live and GPAT. The links can be found under GPAT on the City’s website at www.cityofgreenville.org. meals prepared and handed out. Jessica Ross, Clerk She also noted that the

Sunday, May 17, 2020 3B


Greenville Early Bird



Trucks Equip

1929 For truck in Ford Ra w/245,00 tion.

2001 S 800cc, 26 Lawn E

Exmark Q 23 HP, 5 LTR 166 ger, 16 H SA 42” deck 5505910 rear Trucks mounted hindEquip ferti Troy Bilt combinat 1929 wheelForb truck tools; in 4 b Ford radial Ra arm w/245,00 saw; De tion. saw; Cra saw; mag 2001 S lathe; C 800cc, 26 drill pres Lawn saw; joinE form sca Exmark chain hoQ 23 , 5 vise;HPtob LTR jacks;166 be ger, 16 H casters; 42” deck of rough 550 rear turkey de mounted Radio Fly hind ferti Troy Bilt Grandmo combinat w/recline wheel b wicker se tools; 4 rb wooden radial Deere arm ba saw; De sausage saw; Cra sprinkling saw; meat mag grin lathe; C drill pres saw;DE join form Terms:sca Ca chain ho Visa, MC, vise; tob w/3% fee. jacks; Lunch be by casters; BBQ. of rough www.auc turkey de 11883 for Radio Never aFly b


Grandmo w/recline wicker se wooden r Deere ba sausage sprinkling meat grin


Terms: Ca Visa, MC, w/3% fee. Lunch by BBQ. www.auc 11883 for Never a b OH-70187283



ger, 16 H meatdeck grin 42” 550 rear mounted hind ferti Troy Bilt Terms: Ca combinat Visa, MC,b wheel w/3% fee. tools; 4 b Lunch by radial arm saw; De BBQ. saw; Craf www.auc saw; mag 11883 for lathe; C Never ab drill pres saw; join form sca chain hoi vise; tob jacks; be casters; of rough turkey de Radio Fly

Grandmo w/recline wicker se wooden r Deere ba sausage sprinkling meat grin


Terms: Ca Visa, MC, w/3% fee. Lunch by BBQ. www.auc 11883 for Never a b


4B Sunday, May 17, 2020

Greenville Early Bird


Jeff Slyder Mental Health Services Auctioneer/ REALTOR

gbusseyauctioneer@privategarden.org gbusseyauctioneer@privategarden.org

Grant Bussey Grant Grant Bussey Bussey 937-564-6250 Grant Bussey Auctioneer/ Auctioneer/ Auctioneer/ 937-564-6250 Realtor Realtor Auctioneer/ Realtor •Estates Real Estate Estates •• Realtor • Real Estate • Real Estate Estates • Estates • Ag & •Farm •Farm Real Estate Ag & Farm ••Ag & Machinery • Real Estate • Ag & Farm Machinery Machinery Machinery •Personal Construction ••Ag & Farm • Personal • Personal Equipment Property Property Property Machinery • Personal Property

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�n CristA_uctioneer Complete Auction Service �n CristA_uctioneer �n CristA_uctioneer �n CristA_uctioneer

Associate of GEB051720


DISCLAIMER: The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of error in advertisements beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s employees or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. We reserve the right to edit, properly classify, cancel or decline any ad. All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it


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Board of Elections board to meet on Monday

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illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status or national origin, or intention to make any preferences, limitations or discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. ERROR CORRECTION: CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST TIME IT RUNS. Report any errors promptly. Credit can be give for only ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. Adjustment for any error is limited to actual cost of space involved. Aim Media

Concrete Truck Drivers Needed. Class A or B CDL (or PERMIT) required. We will train. Automatic Transmission. Recently increased starting pay! Full-time, benefits, vacation, profit sharing, uniforms. Contact Nate or Bob at St.Henry Tile Company, Inc. 281 West Washington Street, St. Henry, Ohio or at 419-678-4841. Online applications accepted at www.sthenrytileco.com.

Customer Service Manager

Darke County Media and The Earlybird are looking for a customer service manager to handle the weekly distribution duties of the Earlybird. The position is responsible for all aspects of customer service and delivery of the Earlybird weekly as well as the hiring and training of The Earlybird’s 50+/carriers that deliver our product. The ideal candidate will be ethical and hard-working and have an eye for detail in ways to improve the circulation of the Earlybird. Your week begins Friday evenings with the arrival of the Earlybird, its distribution to our customers over the weekend and follow-up duties with customer service and carrier management the rest of the week.

Land Services

Business Consulting

The position is full time, requires a good running vehicle and involves both day and night responsibilities. Ideal candidates will be required to pass a drug test and have a driving record of good standing.

Full or part-time Carpenter. Minimum 2 years experience. 548-2307 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT

Houses For Rent

2 BR brick duplex w/attached garage. Arcanum schools. Rural area. No Pets. $500/mo + deposit. Call evenings 937-423-2200

Houses For Rent

3 BR ranch style house in Greenville 2BA $675 No pets. 937-447-7845 Storage

We have two walking routes available in Arcanum.

Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am - 5pm • Fri. 8:30am - 4pm Want To Buy


Cars/Trucks, running or not UP TO $500. Free pick-up. 937-423-2703 or 937-621-5809 NO English or French bull- SUNDAY OR HOLIdog 6m - 2y. house DAY CALLS broke. Will pay up to $800. 937-548-6709 Want To Buy

AGRICULTURE Garage/Yard Sales Hunting Land

5694 Grubbs Rex Rd. Arcanum May 21-23 9-4 Clean Multi Family garage sale. Furniture ( Living, Dining & Bedroom) Household appliances, DIshes, TV, Antiques, toys, girl clothes NB- 18 M, 2004 Buick Lasaber. For pictures go to Darke County Ramage FB page.

Furniture Accessories

4 Piece Queen Size Bedroom Suite. Oak in Good Condition.$600 Please 937-621-7476

Check out our Classifieds for bargains!


For more details, please contact Lori Denniston at


CONTRACT RATES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST BUSINESS LINE ADS $1.85/line, $7.40 min. IN MEMORIAM, CARD OF THANKS 45¢ word “Homeowner” ads are $1.85/line, $7.40 minimum

WANTED: Farm Ground to Rent. Half Doubles $260/acre. Spring payment, fertility manage2 BR 1/2 double in ment program. Greenville. Range, Re- 937-564-6351 frig. and W/D hookup. No Pets , No Smoking $375/m 937-548-2397 MERCHANDISE

We are looking for dependable people who are free to work a few hours on the weekends to deliver The Early Bird newspapers.

If you are looking for an active, rewarding opportunity to work for one of Darke County’s longstanding companies and gaining much community knowledge and experience in staff management, give us a call today.



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Darke County Media, The Daily Advocate and The Earlybird are part of AIM Media Midwest. The company offers full time employees a complete benefit package including medical, dental and vision health benefits, 401k participation, short term disability and earned vacation.

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You may also place your ad and use your Visa, MasterCard or Discover Cards. These ads may be phoned in by calling: (877) 844-8385. Fax: (937) 548-3376. DEADLINES: Classified Display 4:00pm 2 Days Prior to Publish Date Classified Liners Noon 2 Days Prior to Publish Date Classified ads may be mailed or brought into our office at: 100 Washington Avenue, Greenville, OH 45331 or emailed to cking@aimmediamidwest.com


MOWING, large or small jobs. Also Landscaping, Shrub Trimming, Spraying/Fertilizing, Snow Removal. Reasonable rates. References available. Very dependable. 548-1716, ask for Justin

DARKE COUNTY — The Board of Election’s Board members will meet at 9 a.m. on Monday, May 18, 2020, to conduct the Post-Election Audit of the March 17, 2020, Primary Election. The Board meets in the office located at 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville.


Midwest does not assume financial responsibility for errors or omissions. Please request corrections in acceptance with the deadline schedule. The publisher assumes responsibility for typographical errors, but in no case for more than cost of that part or parts appearing in error. ADVERTISING STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE: We reserve the right to edit, change, reclassify or reject any advertising. Unless you have an open account with Aim Media Midwest, payment for business line ads must be in our office by noon two days prior to the date of publication.

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including the press who wish to watch or listen to the meeting may do so by watching the Facebook Live feed at https://www. facebook.com/tcbmds/ videos/. Questions or comments may be submitted via text or voicemail to 937-265-8589 during the live session. Questions or comments received after the live session has ended may be addressed by Board staff or at the subsequent Board meeting. The Finance Committee will meet virtually beginning at 6 p.m.

MIAMI COUNTY — The Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services will meet at 6:45 p.m. on Wednesday, Phone: 937-459-7731 May 20. In keeping with slyderauctionservices@bright.net orders limiting groups of people, the meeting will Complete Auction Service be held virtually, with just Complete Auction Service Complete Auction Service Antiques • Estates a few staff physically presAntiques • Estates Service Complete Auction to manage the online Antiques • Estates Antiques •Equipment Estates• Appraisals RealEstate Estate• Farm • Farm • Appraisalsent Real Equipment meeting. Members of the Real Estate Estate • • Antiques Farm Equipment • Appraisals •• Estates Real Farm Equipment • Appraisals Antiques Estates public including the press may watch the meeting on Real Equipment •• Ohio Appraisals Bradford, Ohio Real Estate Estate •• Farm Farm Equipment Appraisals Bradford, Ohio Bradford, Bradford, Ohio the Board’s Facebook Live 937-448-2589 937-448-2589 937-448-2589 video feed; no member of - Bradford, 937-448-2589 Ohio Ohio Cell: 937-417-4799 -Bradford, Cell: 937-417-4799 the public will be admitCell: 937-417-4799 rwcrist@yahoo.com Cell: 937-417-4799 ted to the Board office. rwcrist@yahoo.com 937-448-2589 937-448-2589 rwcrist@yahoo.com .a. .a. Members of the public .a. Cell: 937-417-4799 Slyder Auction Services



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Greenville Early Bird

Health Department to open with limited hours DARKE COUNTY — The Darke County General Health District will reopen offices to the public by appointment only. All visitors will be screened upon entry and a mask will need to be worn. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one to you. The Environmental Division will be accepting in-office appointments with limited hours beginning May 18. If you need to make an appointment for Environmental Services or for a Birth or Death certificate, please call 937-5484196 ext. 209 to schedule an appointment. Appointments will be scheduled Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and Tuesday and

Thursday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. If you are able to call, email, or mail information to the Health Department without making an appointment, we are asking that you do so. Birth and death certificate applications can be accessed by going to our website www.darkecountyhealth.org/services/ birth-death/ The Nursing Division will be giving vaccinations beginning on Tuesday, May 19, by appointment only. To schedule an appointment with the Nursing Division, call 937-548-4196 ext. 224. For all patrons over two years of age, a mask will be required to be worn. When you arrive at the health department for

your vaccination appointment, please stay in your car and call 937-548-4196 ext. 224. We will notify you when we are ready for you to enter the building. This will help limit people gathering in one area, which will aid in keeping everyone healthy. A copy of the Director’s Orders can be found at https://coronavirus.ohio. gov/static/publicorders/ Directors-Stay-Safe-OhioOrder.pdf. General questions regarding the orders should be made by calling the Ohio Department of Health’s phone number at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH. If you have a complaint regarding a business and the Stay at Home order, call 937-548-4196 ext. 209.

GTS to resume normal operating hours GREENVILLE — Effective Monday, May 11, the OBSERVANCE Greenville Transit System NOTICE (GTS) will resume normal operating hours. GTS Greenville Transit System will be closed Monday, May will be operating from 6 25, in honor of Memorial a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday to Day. Friday, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays, and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sundays. COVID-19. We are happy to say that GTS had been closing we are seeing an increase early due to decreased in requests for trips and ridership as a result of

we are hopeful that these requests will continue to increase as we all return to normal. GTS sincerely appreciates our passengers and their patience and cooperation during this time. If you have any questions please contact the Public Transportation Director, Erin Kies, at (937) 548-0437.

Sunday, May 17, 2020 5B

Greenville BOE meeting May 21

come before the Board. PLEASE NOTE: As a result of the current pandemic and in accordance with the Governor’s request to keep groups to 10 or less, we will not be GREENVILLE — The Greenville Board of Education will hold a meeting allowing the public into the Anna Bier room for the meeting. at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 21, in The public can view the meeting live the Anna Bier Civic Center, Memorial on the Greenville City Schools FaceHall, Greenville. The purpose of the book page: https://bit.ly/3bxxoqv meeting is for any business that may

NEW MADISON SUPERMARKET ***We now have Sunday beer and wine sales*** AD PRICES IN EFFECT MON., MAY 18, THRU SAT., MAY 23, 2020 HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8-9, Sun. 10-8 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - NO DEALER PURCHASES *Additional purchase requirements do not include the item, 24 pack soft drinks, tobacco products and alcohol products*

CHECK OUT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE www.facebook.com/new madisonsupermarket for a complete listing of over 80 sale items! Copy of entire ad available at the store starting Monday morning.

PRODUCE SPECIALS 3 lb Washington

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DAIRY SPECIALS Dairy Pure 16 oz

reg $2.39 SOUR CREAM $1.49 ea Land O Lakes 16 oz reg $2.39

her to do something, she gets it VERSAILLES — Alyssa Dierdone. She is kind and compassioninger is a three-year member of the ate on what she wants to do in life. Versailles FCCLA. Over the course She has been an active member of of her three years, Alyssa served the FCCLA program. Alyssa will be as the chapter Treasurer both a perfect fit at Indiana University. I her junior and senior year. Along wish you well. Congrats!” Reporter with being an officer, Alyssa also Haley Mangen also says, “Alyssa is received her Power of One Degree Dieringer a very hardworking and easygoing her sophomore year. officer. She always has great ideas and is FCCLA has played an important role willing to help out with whatever needs in Alyssa’s life. Alyssa comments about done” her time in FCCLA saying, “FCCLA has After high school, Alyssa plans to attend been a lot of fun throughout the years, Indiana University Fort Wayne to major in and it has really helped me get out of medical imaging. The Versailles FCCLA my comfort zone.” Advisor Pat Rhoades chapter would like to thank Alyssa and reflected on Alyssa by saying, “Alyssa wish her the best of luck with her future is just a well rounded young lady. She is plans. Good luck Alyssa! quiet but can also take charge. If you ask




Marie Callender 28-46 oz reg $8.75-$8.79

FRUIT OR CREAM PIES $4.99ea MEAT SPECIALS Carolina 95% Fat Free

TURKEY BREAST $2.19lb Kahn’s Deluxe

CLUB OR GARLIC BOLOGNA $2.39lb Farmland 95% Fat Free


reg $3.69


GROCERY SPECIALS Frito Lay 7 ¾ – 8 oz

reg $3.79

Kraft 16 oz

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SIDNEY — Students who are about to begin their third year of Law School may apply for the $3,500 Law Student Assistance Scholarship until May 28. The online application is found at www.commfoun.com, the Community Foundation of Shelby County website. The scholarship is available to law students who currently reside or were residents at the time of their high school graduation in any of the following Ohio counties: Auglaize, Darke, Logan, Mercer, Miami or Shelby. Applicants will need to provide their grade transcript, FAFSA information, and community and school service lists. They will also need to gather letters of recommendation. Interested applicants are encouraged to start the application as soon as possible.

reg $1.79

$.99ea Stone Ridge Creamery 48 oz reg $3.49-$3.59

Armour 14 oz

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Essential Everyday 45 oz tub

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FRENCH ONION 52 oz reg $3.99 AMERICAN CHEESE CHIP DIP $1.49ea SINGLES 100% ORANGE $3.49ea JUICE $2.99ea Dairy Pure 16 oz reg $3.99 Kraft 8 oz HEAVY WHIPPING Philadelphia reg $2.99 Minute Maid 52 oz Zero Sugar reg $2.49 CREAM $2.79ea CREAM CHEESE LEMONADE BAR $2.49 ea Fruit Rush Gallons reg $1.49 OR MANGO FRUIT DRINKS $.99ea Essential Everyday PASSION FRUIT 64 oz reg $3.39 Cracker Barrel 8 oz reg $3.99 DRINKS $1.99ea ALMOND MILK $2.49 ea EXTRA SHARP 52 oz reg $2.99 Essential Everyday CHEDDAR 16 oz reg $3.99 SIMPLY CHEESE $2.99ea LEMONADE $1.99ea Kraft 8 oz reg $3.99 BUTTER QUARTERS $2.49 ea Sunny Delight 64 oz reg $1.59 SHREDDED Gold Peak 52 oz reg $2.99 CITRUS CHEESES $1.99ea TEA $1.99ea DRINKS $.99ea Lipari Mini Cheeses CO-JACK, COLBY OR PEPPERJACK $3.79lb

Essential Everyday 8 oz

FCCLA Senior Spotlight: Alyssa Dieringer


New Crop GREEN BEANS $1.19lb “BIG SMILE” PEACHES $1.69lb ATHENA CANTALOUPE $2.99ea BROCCOLI CROWNS $1.19lb Compare to Indiana Melons CAULIFLOWER $1.99/hd



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reg $3.39



Betty Crocker 4.5-8 oz

reg $2.99

reg $1.49

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Fresh Never Frozen

Cooperfarms Honey Roasted SPLIT SMOKED TURKEY FRYERS $1.69lb BREAST $4.39lb Yoder’s Oscar Mayer 2-4.4 oz reg $2.19 MACARONI $1.79lb or LUNCHABLES $1.19ea SALAD 5lb Tub $1.59lb Fresh Never Frozen


Yoder’s Mustard


$1.79lb 5lb Tub $1.59lb

Frank’s 12 oz

reg $3.49-$3.59

Essential Everyday

Lawry’s 12 oz

reg $3.19

Essential Everyday 6 oz



STEAK SAUCE Sweet Baby Ray’s 18 oz


Keebler 10-13.8 oz

$1.99ea reg $4.69 $3.49ea reg $2.65

$1.49ea reg $3.49


reg $3.99


Essential Everyday 5.75 oz

reg $1.49

Kraft 22-30 oz

reg $3.99



reg $1.69

reg $4.99-


Essential Everyday 5 oz

WHEAT THINS, reg $1.49 TRISCUITS AND CROUTONS $.99ea ASSORTED SNACK Wesson 48 oz reg $4.79 CRACKERS $1.99ea COOKING OILS $2.99ea

FRUIT ROLL UPS, GUSHERS AND Keebler 7 oz reg $2.69 ASSORTED FRUIT Planter’s 16 oz reg $4.29 WHITE CHEDDAR OR SNACKS $1.59ea HONEY ROASTED ORIGINAL CHEEZ-IT Maxwell House 30.6 oz reg $7.99 OR DRY ROASTED CRACKERS $1.79ea PEANUTS ORIGINAL GROUND $2.49ea COFFEE $4.99 Essential Everyday Nabisco 7-13 oz reg $3.99 10-10.5 oz reg $1.39 Limit One with Additional $20.00 Purchase CHIPS AHOY MARSHMALLOWS $.99ea French’s 20 oz reg $2.49 COOKIES $1.99ea Hostess 9.5-11.25 oz reg $2.99 YELLOW MUSTARD $1.79ea MINI DONUTS $1.99ea OH-70187441


6B Sunday, May 17, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Local businesses, customers show Village of Versailles receives appreciation for Rumpke employees national recognition

Welcome to Welcome to Welcome to

COLUMBUS — American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) is proud to announce that the Village of Versailles received Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) Platinum designation and the Certificate of Excellence in Reliability, both of which are presented by the American Public Power Association (APPA). The RP3 program recognizes utilities that demonstrate high proficiency in reliability, safety, workforce development and system improvement. There are three levels of designations, Diamond, Platinum and Gold. Versailles’ Platinum

customers can help keep Rumpke employees safe by following a few simple precautions. Bag all trash – even if it is being placed in a trash can. Keep recycling loose. Don’t put recycling in a plastic bag, and only put items on Rumpke’s acceptable items list in your recycling container. Place trash and recycling at the curb the night before scheduled collection. Don’t place batteries, tires, liquids, flammable items or household hazardous waste in trash or recycling containers. Properly dispose of medical sharps by placing in a rigid plastic container, taped shut, clearly

2015 JEEP Welcome to RENEGADE

PIQUA — Edison State Community College faculty member Eileen Thompson, of Kettering, has been named a recipient of the May 2020 Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award from the Southwestern Ohio Council for High Education (SOCHE). Edison State nominated award winners based on the institution’s criteria, with special consideration of demonstrated excellence and awards received throughout the past academic year. “We are so proud that Professor Eileen Thompson has been recognized as a Faculty Excellence Award winner through the 141 N. BroadwaySouthwestern Ohio Council 141 N. Greenville Broadwayfor Higher Education,” said Edison State Provost Chris 141 N. Broadway 937-548-1175 GreenvilleSpradlin. “Her valuable 141 N. Greenville Broadway service to the College and 937-548-1175 hamiltonautosalesllc.com 937-548-1175 Greenville excellence in the classroom 2015hamiltonautosalesllc.com 141 N. Broadway make her worthy of this CHEVY hamiltonautosalesllc.com Greenville recognition.” 2015 141 N. Broadway EQUINOX LT 937-548-1175 2016 2.4 hamiltonautosalesllc.com Ltr., CHEVY Greenville 2015

Auto Sales, LLC HAMILTON WELCOME BACK Auto Sales, LLC 2015 JEEP LATITUDE 2.4 Ltr.,JEEP 4-Cyl., BEST DEAL RENEGADE 2015 2WD, Very Clean, 2018 LATITUDE RENEGADE Only 58,XXX Miles





Thompson receives Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award

labeled sharps and placed into trash. Properly prepare large items for collection by removing Freon from appliances and wrapping mattresses, box springs and upholstered furniture in plastic. If you have excess trash from spring cleanups, consider taking it directly to the transfer station or renting a Rumpke open top dumpster. Rumpke has been a part of the Darke County business community since 1989. Its transfer station and hauling operation is located at 5474 Jaysville St John Rd. About 100 individuals work at that site.

HAMILTON Auto Sales, LLC HAMILTON Auto Sales, LLC WAS 15,495 Only 26,XXX Miles 2.4 Ltr., 1.4 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 4-Cyl., RENEGADE 2WD, Very Clean, FWD,Very 33Clean, MPG, 2WD, OnlyLATITUDE 58,XXX Miles Remote Start, SALES WAS 15,495 Only2.458,XXX Miles Ltr., 4-Cyl., WAS Only 26,XXX Miles


4-Cyl., FWD, FORD hamiltonautosalesllc.com EQUINOX LT 937-548-1175 only CHEVY 57,XXX Miles

1.5 LTR Turbo 4-Cyl., FWD, WAS 14,995 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., EQUINOX LT 2015 4cyl, Full, Very only 457,XXX Miles 2.4 Ltr., Door Sedan, 2.4 Ltr., Clean, Below CHEVY 4-Cyl., FWD, FWD, Clean WAS 14,995 NADA Pricingi 4-Cyl., FWD, only 57,XXX Miles EQUINOX LT only 57,XXX Miles 2.4 Ltr., WAS 14,995 WAS 4-Cyl., FWD, WAS 14,995 only 57,XXX 2013 Miles

$14,495 NOW $14,495 NOW $10,695 $9,995

65,XXX miles MAZDA

$15,995 2.5 Ltr.,Camera 4-Cyl., AWD, 2012 Sunroof, $15,995 and Back-up$15,995 $13,995 CHRYSLER $15,995 Camera

andV6,Sunroof, Back-up 3.6AWD, Ltr., AWD, CX5 Camera 7Ltr., Passenger, Back-up 2.5and 4-Cyl., Only 40,XXX Miles


AWD, Sunroof, and Back-up Camera


NEW INVENTORY TOWN & NEW INVENTORY 2012 2015 COUNTRY 2012 2007 CHEVY CHEVY CHRYSLER 3.6 Ltr., V6, CHRYSLER NEW SILVERADO LT INVENTORY Touring Edition, SONIC LT TOWN &Crew TOWN & 5.3 Ltr V8, FWD, 1.8DVD Ltr., 4Player, Cyl., 2015 COUNTRY Cab, Short back, 2012 2012 Hatchback, FWD, Super Clean

$15,995 $15,995


Ltr., V6, CHEVY Only 12,XXX 3.6 Ltr.,Clean V6, Super CHRYSLER Touring Edition, Mile, Must see to WAS $10,388 Touring Edition, SONIC LT TOWN & FWD, DVDAppreciate Player, TOWN & FWD, DVD 1.8 Ltr., 4Player, Cyl., Super Clean COUNTRY 2012 Hatchback, FWD, Super Clean WAS NOW COUNTRY 3.6 Ltr.,Clean V6, Super WAS $10,388 CHRYSLER 3.6 Ltr., V6, Touring Edition, WAS $10,388 FWD, DVDEdition, Player, Touring TOWN & 2018 Chevy Cruze LT, 1.4 Ltr.,LT, 4-Cyl., MPG, remote Super Clean FWD, DVD Player, 2018 Chevy Cruze 1.4FWD, Ltr.,334-Cyl., FWD,start, 33 MPG, 2018COUNTRY ChevyWAS Malibu LT 1.5 LTR Turbo 4-ctl, FWD, NOW and only 26,XXX miles WAS $15,795 ......................................................NOW $15,495 Remote Start, Only 26,XXX Miles WAS $15,495 ......... $13,995 Super Clean WAS $10,388 Very Clean, Below NADA pricing ......................................................... $15,995 3.6 Ltr., V6,

NOW $9,995 $8,995 $8,750 $12,995

NOW $9,995

NOW $9,995 $8,750


2016 Fusion, 2.5 Ltr.,1.4 4-Cyl., 4 Door Sedan, FWD 2016 Dodge Journey SXT, 3.6 Ltr., V6, 2018 Chevy Cruze 1.4 Ltr., 4-Cyl., FWD, 33 MPG, remote start, Miles....... $14,995 2017Ford Chevy TraxLT, LT, Ltr., 4-Cyl Turbo, FWD, OnlyAWD, 35,XXX WAS $10,388 Touring Edition, WAS $10,995 ...........................................................................................NOW $10,695 72016 Passenger, 40,XXX Miles ........................................ $15,995 and only 26,XXX milesSXT, WAS $15,795 ......................................................NOW $15,495 Dodge Journey 3.6 Ltr., V6, AWD, 2018 Chevy Cruze LT, 1.4 Ltr., 4-Cyl., FWD, 33 MPG, remote start, FWD, DVD Player, 7 Passenger, 40,XXX Miles ................................................................. 2018 Cruze LT, 1.4 FWD, 33 MPG, $15,995 2015 Chevy Equinox LT, 2.44-Cyl., Ltr., 44-Cyl., FWD,4-Cyl., only miles......................................... 2016 FordChevy Fusion, 2.5 Ltr., DoorLtr., Sedan, FWD 2016 Ford Fusion, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 457,XXX Door Sedan, only 26,XXX miles WAS $15,795 ......................................................NOW $15,495 2016and Ford Fusion, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 4 Door Sedan, Remote Start, Only 26,XXX Miles WAS $15,495 ......... $13,995 WAS $10,995 ...........................................................................................NOW $10,695 Super Clean $14,995 ...........................................................................................NOW $14,495 FWD, Clean WAS $10,695 ......................................... $9,995 FWD,Ford Clean WAS 2.5 $9995, $705 NADAFWD ....................................... $9,795 2016 Fusion, Ltr.,2.4Ltr., 4-Cyl., 4below Door Sedan, 2015 Chevy Equinox LT, Ltr., 4-Cyl., FWD, 57,XXX miles......................................... 2016 Dodge Journey SXT, 3.6 Ltr., V6,sunroof, AWD, 2015 Mazda CX5, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., Grand Touring, AWD, 2018 Chevy Cruze LT, 1.4 4-Cyl., FWD, 33 only MPG, remote start, 2015 Ford Escape, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl, Loaded, 2015 Ford Escape, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl, Loaded, Backup Camera, WAS $14,995 ...........................................................................................NOW $14,495 WAS $10,995 ...........................................................................................NOW $10,695 7 Passenger, 40,XXX Miles ........................................ $15,995 and $10,388 only 26,XXX miles WAS $15,795 ......................................................NOW $15,495 Backup Camera, Only 19,XXX Miles ............................ backup camera .................................................................................................. $15,995 Only 19,XXX Miles WAS $15,995 ............................................. NOW $15,795 2015 Chevy MazdaFusion, CX5, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., Grand Touring, AWD, sunroof, 2015 Equinox LT, Ltr.,4-Cyl., FWD,Touring, only miles......................................... 2016 Ford 2.5CX5, Ltr.,2.4 4-Cyl., 44-Cyl., Door Sedan, FWD Renegade Latitude, 2.4 Ltr.,Grand 4-Cyl., 2WD, Only 58,XXX miles, 2016 Ford Fusion, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 457,XXX Door Sedan, 2015 Mazda 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., Grand Touring, AWD, 2015Jeep Mazda CX5, 2.5 Ltr., AWD, 2018 Chevy Cruze LT, 1.4 Ltr . , 4-Cyl . , FWD, 33 MPG, remote start, backup camera .................................................................................................. $15,995 $10,995 ...........................................................................................NOW $10,695 Sunroof, Backup Camera ........................................................................ SOLD WAS $14,995 ...........................................................................................NOW $14,495 Sunroof, Backup Camera WAS $15,995 .............NOW $14,888 FWD, WAS $10,695 ......................................... $9,995 veryClean clean WAS $15,495 ................................................................................... $14,995 2015 Jeep Latitude, 2.4 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 4-Cyl., 2WD, Only 58,XXX miles, and onlRenegade yAltima, 26,XXX mi2.4 lLtr., eLT, s WAS $15,795 ......................................................NOW $15,495 2015Mazda Chevy Equinox 2.4 Ltr., FWD, 2015 Chevy Equinox LT, Ltr., 4-Cyl., FWD, only 57,XXX miles......................................... 2015 CX5, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., Grand Touring, AWD, sunroof, Chevy Equinox LT, 2.4 Ltr., 4-Cyl., FWD, Nissan 2.5 4-Cyl., S Series, FWD, only 43,XXX miles 2015 Ford Escape, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl, Loaded, very clean WAS...........................................................................................NOW $15,495 ................................................................................... $14,995 Only 57,XXX Miles WAS $14,495 ............................................. NOW $13,995 WAS $14,995 $14,495 2016 Fusion, 2.5.................................................................................................... LtrOnly .,WAS 4-Cyl ., 4$14,995 Door Sedan, FWD OnlyFord 57,XXX Miles .....................NOW $14,495 Backup Camera, 19,XXX Miles ............................ $15,995 backup camera .................................................................................................. $15,995 WAS $13,990 $12,995 2015 Nissan Altima, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., S Series, FWD, only 43,XXX miles 2015Mazda Nissan Altima, 2.5 Ltr.,Grand 4-Cyl., S Series, FWD, 2015 CX5, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., Touring, AWD, sunroof, WAS $10,995 $10,695 Nissan Altima, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., SFWD, Series, 2013 Chevy Cruze, 1.4 Ltr.,$12,995 4-Cyl., Turbo, ECO Sedan, localFWD, trade, 2015 Renegade Latitude, 2.4Ltr., Ltr.,............................................. 4-Cyl., 2WD, Only 58,XXX miles, 2015 Mazda CX5, 2.5 4-Cyl., Grand Touring, AWD, WAS $13,990 .................................................................................................... $12,995 Only Jeep 43,XXX Miles...........................................................................................NOW WAS NOW $11,995 2018 Chevy Cruze LT,....................................................................................................... 1.4 Ltr1.8 .Ltr, 4-Cyl .,4-Cyl, FWD, 33 onlMPG, remote backup camera .................................................................................................. $15,995 Only 43,XXX Miles $13,990 .....................NOW $12,995 Sunroof, Backup Camera WAS $15,995 .............NOW $14,888 2015 Equinox .Ltr., , 4-Cyl ., FWD, y 57,XXX mistart, les......................................... 80,XXX miles $8,495 2015Chevy Chevy Sonic LT, Hatchback, 2013 Chevy Cruze, 1.4LT,$15,495 Ltr.,2.4WAS 4-Cyl., Turbo, ECO Sedan, FWD, local trade, very clean WAS ................................................................................... $14,995 2015 Renegade Latitude, 2.41.8 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 2WD, OnlyHatchback, 58,XXX miles, and onl y 26,XXX mi l e s WAS $15,795 ......................................................NOW $15,495 FWD,Jeep Super Clean WAS $8,995 ........................................................... $8,750 2015 Chevy Sonic LT, Ltr., 4-Cyl, 80,XXX milesEquinox ....................................................................................................... $8,495 2015 Chevy LT, 2.4 Ltr., 4-Cyl., FWD, 2015 Nissan Altima, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., S Series, FWD, only 43,XXX miles WAS $14,995 ...........................................................................................NOW $14,495 very cleanSonic WAS $15,495 $14,995 2015Ford Chevy LT,.,WAS 1.8................................................................................... Ltr., 4-Cyl, Hatchback, FWD, very Clean ......... $6,995 FWD, Super Clean .................................. $8,750 2016 Fusion, 2.5.................................................................................................... 4-Cyl 4$8,995 Door Sedan, FWDonlysunroof, Only 57,XXX Miles WAS $14,995 .....................NOW $14,495 WAS $13,990 $12,995 2015 Mazda CX5, 2.5 LtrLtr.Ltr., , 4-Cyl .,.,Grand Touri nFWD, g, AWD, 2015 Nissan Altima, 2.5 4-Cyl., S Series, 43,XXX miles WAS $10,995 $10,695 2015 Nissan Altima, 2.5Turbo, Ltr.,ECO 4-Cyl., Series, 2013 Chevy Cruze, 1.4..................................................................................................$15,995 Ltr., 4-Cyl., Sedan,SFWD, localFWD, trade, WAS $13,990 .................................................................................................... $12,995 backup camera...........................................................................................NOW OnlyChevy 43,XXX $13,990 .....................NOW 2015 Equinox Ltr.,2.44-Cyl FWD, y 57,XXX milocal les......................................... 80,XXX milesMiles ....................................................................................................... $8,495 2013 Chevy Cruze, 1.4LT, Ltr.,2.4WAS 4-Cyl., Turbo, ECO.,onl Sedan, trade, 2015 Jeep Renegade Latitude, Ltr..,, 4-Cyl 2WD, OnlFWD, y 58,XXX miles, $12,995

NOW $9,995

NOW $9,995 NOW $9,995

$14,495 $14,495 DEAL

2013 CRUZE MAZDA FWD, Local Trade, BEST 2013 ESCAPE 1.42.5 Ltr.,CHEVY Turbo 4-cl., Only 80,XXX miles LTR 4-cyl,CX5 CHEVY 2015 Loaded with Eco4-Cyl., Sedan 2.5CRUZE Ltr., backup camera, CRUZE 2013 MAZDA 1.4 Ltr., Turbo 4-cl., Grand Touring, FWD, Local Trade, 2013 Only 19,XXX AWD, Sunroof, Eco Sedan 1.4 Ltr., Turbo 4-cl.,miles Only 80,XXX CHEVY CX5 miles CHEVY

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$8,495 NOW NOW $15,995 $14,888 $8,495 FWD, LocalWAS Trade, $8,495 $15,995 $15,795 NOW CHEVY

Backup Camera FWD, Local Trade, Eco CRUZE Ltr.,Sedan 4-Cyl., Only 2.5 80,XXX miles CRUZE 1.4FWD, Ltr.,Grand Turbo 4-cl., Touring, Local Trade, WAS AWD, Sunroof, Eco Sedan 1.4Only Ltr.,80,XXX Turbo 4-cl., miles Camera WAS FWD,Backup Local Trade, Eco Sedan 2009 Only 80,XXX miles

Only 80,XXX NEW miles



HONDA FWD, Hatchback FORD CHEVY CHEVY with 1-Owner, RIDGELINE NEW ESCAPE AVEO LT AVEO LTMiles RTS 2.5 90,XXX Ltr., 4-Cyl., 2015 1.6 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 1.6 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 2009 Loaded, Backup 2009 3.5 Ltr V6, 4X4, FWD, Hatchback FWD, Hatchback FORD Camera, Only very clean CHEVY with 1-Owner, with 19,XXX Miles ESCAPE with1-Owner, ONLY 90,XXX Miles AVEO LT Miles 102,XXX miles AVEO LT 2.5 90,XXX Ltr., 4-Cyl.,


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$4,695 NOW $15,995


1.6 Ltr.,2009 4-Cyl., Loaded, Backup 1.6 Ltr., 4-Cyl., FWD, Hatchback Camera,WAS Only FWD, Hatchback CHEVY with 1-Owner, 19,XXX Miles 90,XXX Miles with 1-Owner,

AVEO LT $11,995 $10,995 $4,695 $4,695 $15,995

$4,695 $4,695


VeryRiviera, WellCentury, ......................................................................................... $29,995 2009 Buick Chevy Aveo LT,Maintained Ltr., 4-Cyl .,2FWD, 1 Owner , Trade..... $2,995 1963 4301.6Cubic Inch, Owners, 2003 Buick 3.1 Ltr.,Hatchback, V6, FWD, Local WAS $9,588 ........................................................................................................$8,995 ALL PRICES PLUS TAX, TITLE & FEES Very Well Maintained ......................................................................................... $29,995 onl y 90,XXX mi l e s ...............................................................................................$4,695 1963 Buick Riviera, 430 Cubic Inch, 2 Owners, 2011 Impala 3.5ALLLtrPRICES ., V6, 12/15/2019 TITLE, &FWD, FEES 2006 Chevy Chrysler TownLS,& Country 3.8 FWD, Ltr.PLUS , V6, 7TAX, Passenger Very Well Maintained ................................................. $29,995 12/15/2019 local trade ............................................................................................................$5,995

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ive and helpful.” “Professor Thompson was an amazing teacher for this course, and I feel like my knowledge of reading, writing, and comprehending essays has increased because of her.” “Eileen Thompson has been by far the best professor I have had at Edison State. She gave timely feedback, constructive criticism, and was concerned about my success in her class and my future in college.” Edison State faculty members were among colleagues from SOCHE’s twenty-two-member institutions honored including, the Air Force Institute of Technology, the University of Cincinnati, the University of Dayton, Wittenberg University, and Wright State University. Formed in 1967, SOCHE is a regional consortium of 22 colleges and universities in southwest Ohio to promote educated, employed, and engaged citizens. SOCHE is the trusted and recognized regional leader for higher collaboration, working with colleges and universities to transform their communities and economies through the education, employment, and engagement of nearly 200,000 students in southwest Ohio. For more information about SOCHE, visit www.soche.org.



80,XXX miles .......................................................................................................$8,495

Provided photo

Eileen Thompson was named May 2020 Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award from the Southwestern Ohio Council for High Education.

Quality at Its Best

Miles 201290,XXX Chrysler Town & Country, 3.6 ltr,4-Cyl., V6, Touring Edition, FWD,Sedan, DVD Player, 2013 Chevy Cruze, 1.4 Ltr., Turbo, ECO

1.6Chevy Ltr., 4-Cyl., 2015 LT, 2.4 Ltr., 4-Cyl., FWD, Only 65,XXX Miles ....... $13,995 SuperEquinox Clean WAS $10,495Miles ................................................................................. FWD, Local Trade, 80,XXX ................................... $8,495$9,995 FWD, Hatchback 2011 Toyota Tacoma, 2.7 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 2WD, 2012 Chevy Malibu Lt, 2.4Miles ltr,3.64 cyl., Sedan, FWD, 91,XXX miles 2012 Chrysler Town & Country, ltr, V6, Touring Edition, FWD, DVD Player, $8,750 w/6 Foot Bed, Only 94,XXX ........................................................ $12,995 2012 Malibu, 4-Cyl., Chrome Wheels, Black .................. withWAS 1-Owner, $9,588 ........................................................................................................ Super Clean WAS $10,495 ................................................................................. $9,995$8,995 2011 Chevy Impala LS, 3.5 Ltr.,3.5 V6,Ltr., FWD,V6, FWD, Local Trade .. $5,995 2011 Chevy Impala LS, 90,XXX Miles 2012 Chrysler Town & Country, 3.6 ltr, V6, Touring Edition, FWD, DVD Player, 2013 Chevy Cruze, 4-Cyl., Turbo, ECO Sedan, Chevy Impala LS,ltr,3.51.4 Ltr.,Ltr., V6, FWD, 20122011 Chevy Malibu Lt, 2.4 4 cyl., Sedan, FWD, 91,XXX miles Local Trade WAS $5,995............................................................ NOW $5,495 Super Clean WASLtr., $10,495 ................................................................................. 2009WAS Chevy Aveo, 1.64-Cyl., Ltr., 4-Cyl., Hatchback, FWD, $8,495 $9,588 ........................................................................................................ $8,995$9,995 FWD, Local Trade, Miles ................................... local trade ............................................................................................................ $5,995 2009 Chevy Aveo, 1.680,XXX Hatchback, FWD, 2012 Chevy Malibu Lt, 2.4 ltr,Miles 44-Cyl., cyl., Sedan, FWD, 91,XXX miles 1 Owner, Owner, Only 90,XXX ........................................ $4,695 2011 Chevy Impala LS, 3.5 Ltr.,Ltr., V6, FWD, 1 Only 90,XXX Miles WAS $4,695 .................................... NOW $4,495 2009 Chevy Aveo LT, 1.6 FWD, Hatchback, 1 Owner, 2012 Chrysler Town & Country, 3.6 ltr, V6, Touring Edition, FWD, DVD Player, 2012 Malibu, 4-Cyl., Chrome Wheels, Black .................. $8,750 local trade ............................................................................................................ $5,995$8,995 WAS $9,588 2007 Chevy Silverado LT............................................................................................... 1500, 5.3 Ltr V8,3.8 CrewLtr., Cab,V6, 7 Passenger, Super Clean WAS........................................................................................................ $10,495 $9,995 2006 Chrysler Town &................................................................................. Country, only 90,XXX miles $4,695 2011 Chevy Impala LS, 3.5 Ltr., miles V6, FWD, Local Trade .. $5,995 20092011 Chevy AveoImpala LT, FWD, 1 Owner, Short Bed, Super Clean, and only 131,XXX .................................. $12,995 Chevy LS, 3.544-Cyl., Ltr.,.............................................. V6, 2012 Chevy Malibu Lt,1.62.4 ltr,Country cyl., Sedan, FWD, milesFWD, 2006 Chrysler Town &Ltr., 3.8 FWD, Ltr.,Hatchback, V6, 791,XXX Passenger, FWD, Needs Body Work $2,995 2012 Chrysler Town & Country, 3.6 l t r , V6, Touri n g Edi t i o n, FWD, DVD Pl a yer , only 90,XXX miles ............................................................................................... $4,695 2007 Honda Ridgeline RTS 3.5 Ltr V6, 4x4, 2009WAS Chevy Aveo, 1.6 Ltr., 4-Cyl., Hatchback, FWD, $9,588 ........................................................................................................ $8,995$5,995 local trade ............................................................................................................ needs body work Miles ................................................................................................ $2,995 2005 Chevy Silverado, 5.3 V8m Extended 2006 Chrysler & Country 3.8 Ltr.,........................................ V6,Ltr., 7 Passenger, FWD, Cab, $4,695 Clean, 102,xxx ............................................................ $10,995 Super Clonly eTown anAveo WAS $10,495 .................................................................................$9,995 1Very Owner, Only 90,XXX Miles 2011 Chevy Impala LS, 3.5 Ltr.,Cubic V6, FWD, 2009 Chevy LT, 1.6 Ltr., 4-Cyl., FWD, Hatchback, 1 Owner, 1963 Buick Riviera, 430 Inch, 2 Owners, 2WD, Local Trade ....................................................... $6,995 body............................................................................................................ work ................................................................................................ $2,995 2006needs Chrysler Town & Country, 3.8 Ltr., V6, 7 Passenger, FWD, local trade 2012 Chevy Malibu Lt,430Town 2.4Cubic ltr............................................................................................... , 4Inch, cyl.,Country, Sedan, FWD,3.8 91,XXX milV6, es 7 Passenger,$5,995 2006 Chrysler & Ltr., only 90,XXX miles $4,695 Very WellCentury, Maintained ......................................................................................... $29,995 Needs Body Work .................................................................................. SOLD 1963 Buick Riviera, Owners, 2003 Buick 3.12FWD, Ltr.,Hatchback, V6, FWD, Local Trade..... $2,995 2009 Chevy Aveo LT, 1.6 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 1 Owner, $9,588 ........................................................................................................$8,995 ALLLtr., PRICES PLUS & FEES 2006WAS Chrysler Town &Work Country 3.8 V6, 7 TAX, Passenger, FWD, Needs Body .............................................. $2,995 2005 Chevy Silverado, 5.3 V8Ltr., Extended Cab,TITLE FWD, Very Well Maintained ......................................................................................... $29,995 2012 Chrysler Townmiles & Country, 3.6 FWD, ltr,Cubic V6, TouriTAX, ng Edi ti2on,Owners, FWD, DVD Player, $4,695 only 90,XXX ............................................................................................... 1963 Buick Riviera, Inch, 2WD, Local Trade .................................................................................. SOLD 2011 Chevy Impala LS, 3.5ALL................................................................................................ LtrPRICES .,430 V6, 12/15/2019 PLUS TITLE & FEES needs bodySilverado, work $2,995 2005 Chevy 5.3 V8m Extended 2006 Town & Country 3.8 Ltr., V6,Ltr., 7Owners, Passenger, FWD, Cab, $29,995 VeryChrysler Well Maintained ................................................. Super Cl e an WAS $10,495 .................................................................................$9,995 1963 Buick Riviera, 430 Cubic Inch, 2 12/15/2019 1963 Buick Riviera, 430 Cubic Inch, 2 Owners, l o cal trade ............................................................................................................$5,995 2WD, Local ....................................................... $6,995 needs bodyTrade work.......................................................................... ................................................................................................ $2,995 Very Well Maintained PLUS FEES 2012 Chevy Malibu Lt, 2.4 ltr, 4 cylALL ., Sedan,PRICES FWD, 91,XXX milesTAX, TITLE &$29,995


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AVEO LT $15,995 $14,888 2007 2009 1.62015 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 2009 $8,495

Have Dirty The health and Have AADirty needs body work ................................................................................................$2,995 of1 Owner our Vehicle? Aveosafety LT,430 1.6Cubi Ltr., c4-Cyl Hatchback, , 2015 ., Grand g, AWD,onlsunroof, Vehicle? 1963 Chevy Buick Riviera, Inch,., 2FWD, Owners, 2015 Mazda NissanCX5, Altima,2.52.5Ltr.,Ltr4-Cyl ., 4-Cyl ., S SeriTouri eCall s,nFWD, y 43,XXX milesYour for Your 2009 Call for Hamilton Auto onl y 90,XXX mi l e s ...............................................................................................$4,695 backup camera ..................................................................................................$15,995 Very WelHave l Maintained.........................................................................................$29,995 WAS $13,990 ....................................................................................................$12,995 Hamilton Auto customers staff Aand Dirty FREE FREE Have Dirty 2006 Chrysler Town & Country 3.8Problem! Ltr.,PLUS V6,A 7 TAX, Passenger , FWD, 2015 Renegade 2.4., Turbo, Ltr., 4-Cyl y 58,XXX mitrade, les, No No ALLProblem! PRICES TITLE & FEES 2013 Jeep Chevy Cruze, 1.4Latitude, Ltr., 4-CylService ECO., 2WD, Sedan,OnlFWD, localDept. Sales Multi-Point Sales Dept. Multi-Point is priority....... needs bodytop work ................................................................................................$2,995 very cleanmilWAS $15,495Service ...................................................................................$14,995 80,XXX es .......................................................................................................$8,495 Call &2 Owners, Call &make makeanan 12/15/2019 Vehicle? Vehicle? 1963 Buick Riviera, 430 Cubi c Inch, 2015 Nissan Altima, 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., S SeriCall eCall s,Inspection FWD, only 43,XXX mi l e s for Your Inspection for Your appointment for ofof Veryappointment Well Maintained.........................................................................................$29,995 WAS $13,990 ....................................................................................................$12,995 forone one Mon --Fri 8-5 FREE FREE Mon Fri 8-5 Masks available!! Tony Ulman, No Problem! NoALLdetail Problem! PRICES PLUSpackages! TITLE & FEES Hamilton Auto 2013 Chevy Cruze, 1.4 Ltr., 4-Cyl., Turbo, ECO Sedan, FWD, local trade, 548-1175 our Service Manager Multi-Point Have ATAX,packages! Dirty 548-1175 ourdetail Multi-Point Hamilton Auto Auto Hamilton Sales Service Dept. 2015WAS Chevy Sonic 1.8 Ltr., 4-Cyl, Hatchback, 80,XXX ....................................................................................................... $8,495 Sales Service Dept. ...........................................................................................NOW $14,495 very cl$14,995 eanmiles WAS $15,495LT, ...................................................................................$14,995 FWD, Super Clean WAS $8,995 .................................. $8,750



$14,995 $14,995

JOURNEY and 2015 Back-up CX5 2015 2016 2015 CHEVY Camera 2.5MAZDA Ltr., 4-Cyl., SXT MAZDA DODGE EQUINOX LT 3.6AWD, Ltr., V6,Sunroof, AWD, CX5 7Ltr., Passenger, 2.4 ltr2015 4 cyl, JOURNEY and Back-up CX5 2.5 4-Cyl., 2015 Only 40,XXX Miles FWD, only AWD, Camera 2.5 Ltr.,Sunroof, 4-Cyl., SXT MAZDA

Eileen Thompson, Associate Professor of English, was nominated by Dr. Paul Heintz, Jr., Dean of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Heintz says, “Eileen Thompson is an outstanding faculty whose extensive knowledge leads to greater success for her students and is a continual source of information for her coworkers. She has participated in a significant number of service activities at Edison State, including numerous AQIP teams and committees, high school articulations, curriculum development, and supporting Edison State’s ESL students. Eileen is an indispensable asset of Edison State, and we appreciate all that she does.” Students in Thompson’s class also appreciate having her as a professor, stating, “Professor Thompson went above and beyond what I thought a professor needed to do. She is very support-


NEW INVENTORY FUSION 2016 2.4 Ltr., 2015 WAS 14,995 2.5 FORD Ltr., 4-Cyl., EQUINOX LTFWD, 2018 Chevy 4-Cyl., 2015 hamiltonautosalesllc.com 4 Door 2.4Sedan, Ltr.,Miles CHEVY only 57,XXX Malibu LT CHEVY FUSION FWD, Clean

Voted Darke County’s Best Used Only 58,XXX Miles $15,495 $13,995 WASMAZDA 15,495 CHEVY NOW NOW WAS CarWAS Dealer 5 years in a row!! WAS 14,995 $14,995 $14,495 CX5 CRUZE $15,995 WAS 15,495 2015 2013 $14,995 $14,495 2016 BEST DEAL 2.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 1.4 Ltr., Turbo 4-cl., $15,495 $13,995 $10,695 $9,995 DODGE MAZDA CHEVY AWD, Sunroof, Eco Sedan 2015 2015 FORD 2WD, Very Clean, WAS 15,495 2015

data to national statistics tracked by the EIA. AMP covers the cost of subscription to the eReliability Tracker service for all of its members. “Versailles’ commitment to reliability, safety and workforce excellence is commendable,” said Jolene Thompson, AMP president and CEO. “This recognition shows how dedicated Village of Versailles Utilities is to serving its customers.” For more information on the APPA’s RP3 Program or the Certificate of eReliability Program, please visit www.publicpower.org.

Provided photo

Area businesses provided lunch as a sign of appreciation for the Rumpke Waste and Recycling team.

HAMILTON Welcome to HAMILTON Auto Sales, LLC HAMILTON Welcome to Auto Sales, LLC 2.4CHEVY Ltr.,JEEP 4-Cyl., 2015 LATITUDE 2WD, Very Clean, 2015 JEEP CRUZE LT 2018 WAS 15,495 2.4 Ltr., RENEGADE Only 58,XXX Miles 1.4 Ltr., 4-Cyl., 4-Cyl., RENEGADE CHEVY FWD, MPG, 2WD, Very33Clean, LATITUDE 2015 JEEP CRUZE LT Remote Start, Only Miles 2.458,XXX Ltr., 4-Cyl.,

designation is for a threeyear period starting in 2020. Criteria within each of the four RP3 areas are based upon sound business practices and recognized industry-leading practices. The Certificate of Excellence in Reliability recognizes utilities that placed in the top 25 percentile of reliability nationwide in 2019, as measured against the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) data. The APPA helps public power systems track outage and restoration data through its eReliability Tracker service and compares the


GREENVILLE — Thank you notes, small gifts and free lunch are just some of the ways the local Darke County community has shown team members at Rumpke Waste & Recycling how much they appreciate their efforts to keep businesses and neighborhoods clean and green during the pandemic. “The outpouring of support, we continue to see is heartwarming,” said Rumpke Region Manager Noel Moomey. “It is almost a daily occurrence that a driver comes in with a care package from a customer or a thank you note.” Moomey mentioned that the team was especially appreciative of businesses providing lunch for the team. The Greenville Domino’s location provided pizza, as part of the pizza chain’s Feed the Need campaign. Earlier in the month, Tribute Funeral Home partnered with BMF Fitness in Greenville to purchase pizza, chips and water for Rumpke drivers. “We perform an essential service,” Moomey said. “Proper trash collection is vital to protecting human health. Our team is on the front lines working to keep our customers safe, and it feels really good to be appreciated for our important role we play in society.” Moomey added that

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Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, May 17, 2020 7B

FCCLA Senior Vet tech program applications at Edison State Spotlight: Jenna Mangen lished in 2019 to meet the demand of a rapidly growing and continuously evolving field of work. Labor trends indicate that the Veterinary Technology career field is growing at a much faster rate than the average for all occupations. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that opportunities in this field are expected to increase by 19-percent from 2018 to 2028, with 130,500 jobs projected nationwide by 2028. For additional program information or to apply,

visit www.edisonohio. edu/programs. A program-specific application must be submitted by May 29, 2020, for a Fall 2020 start. For more information about the program, email Elizabeth Bingham, Veterinary Technology Program Director at ebingham@edisonohio. edu. For questions regarding admission, email health science pathway advisors Carin Benning at cbenning@edisonohio.edu or Lornette Dallas at ldallas@edisonohio.edu.





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things that I would VERSAILLES — not have been able Jenna Mangen is a to anywhere else. four-year member I was able to grow of the Versailles in my leadership FCCLA. During her skills and really be time in the chapter, a part of the bigJenna served as both ger picture.” Advithe Vice President Mangen sor Pat Rhoades and Treasurer duradds, “Jenna is a ing her sophomore year, and the President dur- one of a kind leader and young lady. She has been ing her junior and senior President for two years years. Over the course of and kept her local orgaher four years, Jenna has received numerous awards nization literally moving forward. I am so proud of and recognitions. Jenna received her Power of One her accomplishments in and outside of school. She Degree her freshman year has shown leadership by and her Chapter Degree teaching in the classroom her junior year. Jenna has and helping the younger also competed at both the members grow. Jenna will Regional and State level be a success in whatever various times. Her sophoshe attempts. This young more year, she competed lady has been one of the with the project Focus on best leaders I have had Children, earning gold at both the Regional and State the pleasure to work with. Congrats!” Historian Malia levels. The following year, Wise also says, “Jenna Jenna competed with the was a super hard-working Advocacy project, earning president who did a lot for a silver rating at both the our chapter and was super Regional and State levels. This year, Jenna competed helpful with our project, and I appreciate everywith her Leadership projthing she has done for our ect, and earned silver, but chapter.” the State Conference was After high school, Jenna canceled due to COVID-19. FCCLA has played a big plans to attend Bowling Green State University to role in Jenna’s life. Jenna reflects on her time saying, major in accounting. The Versailles FCCLA chapter “Over the past four years, would like to thank Jenna I have grown so much and wish her the best of through FCCLA. By being in this organization, I have luck with her future plans. Good luck Jenna! been able to experience

bandry, restraint, nursing, surgical preparation and assistance, drug administration, anesthesia, laboratory techniques, dentistry, and radiography at private practices, emergency hospitals, specialty offices, research facilities, diagnostic laboratories, and zoos. Clinical experience in various facilities, including private practices and emergency medical centers, will also provide students with on-the-job training. The Veterinary Technology program at Edison State was estab-

PIQUA — Edison State Community College is currently accepting program applications for the Associate of Applied Science degree in Veterinary Technology. The Veterinary Technology program at Edison State will train students to work in the field of veterinary medicine as a veterinary technician. Graduates of the program will be prepared to provide care under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian in the areas of animal hus-

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2019BUICK TOYOTA RAV 4 XLE 2.5L 4 cyl.,loaded, sunroof, power, super nice, silver, 26,648 miles ......... $26,995.........$25,500 2020 ENCLAVE AWD,AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, likeallnew, white, 19,340 miles ...................................$39,995 $38,900 2019CHEVY DODGETRAVERSE GRAND CARAVAN GT,V6, 3.6L leather, loaded, exc. Cajun cond.,red, maroon, miles ..... $20,995.........$19,500 oneV6, owner, loaded, like new, 16,43542,532 miles ...............$34,995 $33,500 2019 LT AWD, 3.6L 2019 GMC ACADIA SLT FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, all power, very nice, gray, 15,970 miles ............................$31,995 ......... $30,500 2019 TOYOTA RAV 4 XLE AWD 2.5L4cyl.,sunroof,all power,super nice,silver,26,648miles ..................$26,995 $25,500 2019 GMC ACADIA SLT AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 30,212 miles .................... $32,995.........$31,500 2019 AWD 2.0L4cyl.,one owner,all power,like new,silver,3,623miles .................$31,995 $30,900 2019CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX 1/2 TON RS SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, leather, sunroof, one owner, loaded, like new, white, 8,956 miles ..$40,995 $39,900 2019 CHEVY BLAZER RS40,171 AWD 3.6L super nice, white, milesV6, ...................................................................................................... $43,995.........$42,500 2019NISSAN CHEVY ROGUE EQUINOX RS AWD, 4 cyl., one owner, all power, like new, silver, 3,623 miles ........ $31,995.........$30,900 2018 SL 2WD 2.5L 2.0L 4cyl.,leather,loaded,nice,silver,46,284miles ................................$19,995 $18,500 2018 NISSAN ROGUE SL 2WD 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, nice, silver, 46,284 miles ......................... $19,995.........$18,500 2018 GMC 1/2 TON SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U. 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp 2018 GMC 1/2 TON SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U. 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp white,54,852miles $39,500 white, 54,852..............................................................................................................................$40,995 miles ........................................................................................................................ $40,995.........$39,500 2018CHEVY CHEVY1/2 TAHOE LT 4X4, 5.3LREG. V8, leather, all P.U., power, likeV6, new, blue, 45,670 exc. miles......................... $45,995.........$44,500 2018 TON SILVERADO CAB 4WD 4.3L well equipped, cond., 2017 SUBARU 2.5 I Touring 2.5L 4 cyl., AWD, leather, sunroof, loaded, red, 30,059 milesFORRESTER, ................................................................................................................................$26,995 $25,500 white, 91,427 miles ........................................................................................................................ $19,995.........$18,900 2018 TAHOE DENALI LT 4X4,5.3LV8,leather,all power,like new,blue,45,670miles ................................$45,995 2017CHEVY GMC ACADIA AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 43,706 miles...$32,995 .........$44,500 $31,500 2017 ACADIA DENALI AWD, 3.6L2.0L V6, 4leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., 2017GMC INFINITY QX30 HATCHBACK, cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 51,137 miles .... $20,995.........$19,500 2017 BUICK ENCLAVE FWD, 3.6L V6, sunroof, leather, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 22,443 miles ........ $30,995.........$29,500 maroon, 43,706miles ...........................................................................................................................$32,995 $31,500 2017INFINITY CHEVY ¾QX30 TONHATCHBACK, CREW CAB LTZ, 4X4 P.U., 6.6L Duramax cond.,maroon,51,137miles Diesel, one owner, 2017 2.0L4cyl.,leather,loaded,exc. .............$20,995 $19,500 leather, loaded, like new, silver, 22,658 miles ................................................................................ $57,995.........$56,900 2017 AWD, 3.6L V6, 2.4L loaded, exc.one cond., silver, 71,737miles $19,500 2017CHEVY CHEVYTRAVERSE EQUINOX LT PREMIER FWD, 4 cyl., owner, leather, loaded, ..............................$20,995 super nice, 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX PREMIER FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 43,234 miles ........................................................................................................................ $22,995.........$21,900 2017 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., black, 56,673 miles ..................... $39,995.........$38,500 white,43,234miles ..............................................................................................................................$22,995 $21,900 2016CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB P.U.,leather, 5.3L V8, Z71, like all power, 2017 PREMIER AWD, 3.6L V6, one4X4 owner, loaded, new, super nice, maroon, 25,984 miles .................................................................................................................... $30,995.........$29,900 gray, ...............................................................................................................................$23,995 $22,900 201637,504 BUICKmiles ENCORE FWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all power, exc. cond., 2017 CHEVY TAHOE LTmiles 4x4, .................................................................................................................... 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, sunroof, all power, super nice, black, maroon, 19,298 $19,995.........$18,500 2016 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO REG. CAB 4X4 P.U. 4.3L V6, well equipped, super nice 82,556 miles .......................................................................................................................................$36,995 $35,500 red, 30,326 miles ........................................................................................................................... 2017 CHEVY TRAVERSE PREMIER AWD 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, all power, super nice, pearl white,$22,995.........$21,500 2016 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD., 2.4L, 4 cyl., one owner, all power, very nice, silver, 43,460 miles .... $17,995.........$16,900 60,797 miles .......................................................................................................................................$27,995 $26,900 2016 TOYOTA RAV 4 LIMITED, AWD, 2.8L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all options, one owner, 2017 TOYOTA TACOMA CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 3.5L V6, one owner, all power, super nice, silver, sharp, black, 39,072 miles ............................................................................................................. $26,995.........$25,500 2016 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, one owner, exc. cond., 25,871 miles .......................................................................................................................................$29,995 $28,900 maroon,RAV 50,539 miles .................................................................................................................... $20,995.........$19,500 2016 TOYOTA 4 LIMITED, AWD, 2.8L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all options, one owner, 2015 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, sharp,black,39,072miles .....................................................................................................................$26,995 $25,500 silver, 106,258 miles ....................................................................................................................... $23,995.........$22,500 2016 one black, owner,47,116 exc. cond., 2015CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX EQUINOXLTZ LT FWD, FWD,2.4L 2.4L44 cyl., cyl., leather, loaded, loaded, exc. cond., miles .............................$17,995 .........$16,900 2015 SUBARU AWD, 2.5L 4 cyl., one owner, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 50,539 FORESTER miles ........................................................................................................................$20,995 $19,500 white, 109,695 miles ..........................................................................................................................$16,995 .........$15,500 2016 CHEVY TAHOE LTZ 4WD, 5.3l V8, one owner, leather, all power, exc. cond., maroon, 2015 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, 96,957 miles .......................................................................................................................................$33,995 $32,900 exc. cond., white, 82,450 miles ...................................................................................................... $27,995.........$26,900 2016 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN R/T, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, black, 76,755 miles ...........$15,995 $14,900 2014 CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB 2WD P.U., 6.0L V8, well equipped, very nice, silver, 74,026 miles $22,995.........$21,500 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ......................................................................................................................... FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 2014 GMC TON SIERRA SLE EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, Z71, loaded, 64,353 miles1/2......................................................................................................................................$17,995 $16,500 super nice, maroon, 47,997 miles .................................................................................................. $27,995.........$26,900 2015 CHEVY TAHOE LS 4X4, 5.3L V8, loaded, super nice, maroon, 80,132 miles ................................$25,995 $24,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., black, 45,015 miles............. $16,995.........$15,500 2015 FORESTER AWD, 4 cyl., one owner, 2014SUBARU GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLT2.5L CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., leather, 5.3L V8,sunroof, leather,loaded, loaded,exc. red,cond., 70,859 miles .... $30,995.........$29,900 white, 109,695EQUINOX miles ..........................................................................................................................$16,995 $15,500 2014 CHEVY LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, crystal ½ red, 53,627 miles ................................................................................................................ $20,995.........$19,500 2015 CHEVY TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, 2014cond., CHEVY EQUINOX 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 73,764 miles ..$17,995 .........$16,900 exc. white, 82,450 LTZ milesFWD, ...........................................................................................................$27,995 $26,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 73,013 miles .. $18,995.........$17,900 P.U.one 3.5Lowner, V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, 2015 FORD F150 LARIAT CREW CAB, 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L4X4 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, super super nice, nice, blue, 73,702 ...............................................................................................................................$32,995 $31,500 white, miles 84,441 miles ........................................................................................................................ $14,995.........$13,500 2013CHEVY BUICKEQUINOX ENCLAVE FWD, exc. cond., 78,178 miles .................. $17,995.........$16,900 2014 LTZ FWD,3.6L 3.6LV6, V6,leather, leather,loaded, one owner, loaded,goldmist super nice, 2012 TOYOTA SIENNA LE VAN, 3.5L V6, one owner, all power, Teal Green, 134,224 miles ....................$11,995 .........$10,900 crystal red,53,627miles ......................................................................................................................$20,995 $19,500 2011 CHEVY 1 TON SILVERADO LS CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 6.0L, gas, one owner, well equipped, 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX FWD, 2.4L4cyl.,leather,loaded,exc. cond.,crystal red,73,013miles ...........$18,995 $17,900 good cond., silver,LTZ 195,621 miles ................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 2012 EQUINOX loaded, exc.sunroof, cond., black, ...........................$7,995 $6,500 2011CHEVY NISSAN QUEST LT LEFWD, VAN,2.4L 3.5L4cyl, V6, one owner, leather,138,505 loaded,miles very nice, dark cherry, 162,985 miles ............................................................................................................... $9,995...........$8,500 2011 NISSAN QUEST LE VAN, 3.5L V6, one owner, sunroof, leather, loaded, very nice, 2011 CHEVY AVALANCHE LTZ 4WD, 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, loaded, very nice, darkcherry,162,985miles ....................................................................................................................$9,995 $8,500 diamond white, 244,251 miles ....................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 2011 GMC TERRAIN SLT FWD, leather,loaded, loaded,very exc.nice, cond., maroon, 154,727 miles ...........$8,995 $7,500 2010 GMC ACADIA SLT FWD, 2.4L 3.6L 4cyl., V6, leather, maroon, 166,460 miles ................. $10,995...........$9,500 2008CHEVY HONDA1/2 ODYSSEY VAN, 3.5LLTV6, leather, goodall cond., silver, miles........................$6,995 ...........$5,900 2010 TON SUBURBAN 4WD, 5.3Lloaded, V8, leather, power, exc.235,438 cond., silver, 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX VAN, 3.3L V6, well equipped, good cond., 231,478 miles .....................................................................................................................................$10,995 $9,900 silver, 165,841 miles......................................................................................................................... $4,995...........$3,500 2010 CHEVY TRAVERSE LTZ FWD, 3.6 V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, blue, 75,909 miles .......$14,995 $13,500 2007 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4x4, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, very nice, maroon, 206,573 miles ..................... $9,995...........$8,900 2007GMC GMCSIERRA YUKONSLT XL EXT. SLT 4X4, 5.3L P.U., V8, leather, 218,764 miles ............... $9,995...........$8,500 2010 CAB 4X4 5.3L V8,sunroof, leather,loaded, loaded,nice, very gray, nice, silver, 196,095 miles ..$14,995 $13,500

Troutwine Chevrolet

TRUCKS, VANS&&SUV’S SUV’S ...................................WAS WAS TRUCKS, VANS


2007 ½ TON LTleather, CREW one CABowner, 2WD, loaded, P.U., 5.3L V8,brown, all power, good condition, 2009 CHEVY FORD FLEX SELSILVERADO AWD, 3.5L V6, nice, 182,704miles ..............$7,995 $6,900 black, 199,709 ...................................................................................................................... 2.4L 4 cyl., well equipped, very nice, blue , 199,574 miles ............ $10,995 $6,995 ...........$9,900 $5,500 2008 TOYOTA SCIONmiles XB WAGON,, 2007 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, loaded, super nice, maroon, 109,737 miles .................................$13,995 .........$12,500 2008 CHEVY HONDA ¾ ODYSSEY VAN,3.5LV6,leather,loaded,good 235,438miles ..........................$6,995 $5,900 2006 TON SILVERADO EXT. CAB LT 4X4 P.U.,cond.,silver, 6.6L Diesel, all power, good cond., 2007 GMC XLmiles SLT ...................................................................................................................... 4X4,5.3LV8,leather,sunroof,loaded,nice,gray, 218,764miles ......................$9,995 $8,500 beige,YUKON 235,359 $14,995.........$13,900 2006 ENVOY XL SUBURBAN DENALI 4WD, leather, sunroof, loaded, nice, gray, 199,889 miles....$8,995 ...........$7,500 2007 GMC CHEVY 1/2 TON LT 5.3L 2WD,V8, 5.3L V8, loaded, super nice,very gray, 223,587 miles .............$8,995 $7,500 2006 TOWN & COUNTRY VAN,LT3.3L well6.6L equipped, cond.,good blue,cond., 227,123 miles....$3,995 ...........$2,900 2006 CHRYSLER CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO EXT. CAB 4X4V6, P.U., Diesel, good all power, 2006 CHEVY COLORADO Z71 4X4 CREW CAB, 3.5L 5 cyl., all power, good cond., white, 228,586 miles .$8,995 ...........$7,900 beige,CHEVY 235,359½miles $13,900 2006 TON ...........................................................................................................................$14,995 SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, 2006 CHRYSLER TOWN & ...................................................................................................................... COUNTRY VAN,3.3LV6,well equipped,good cond., blue, 227,123 miles ......$3,995 $2,900 black, 102,187 miles $13,995.........$12,500 2005 SL AWD,LT3.5L V6,CAB leather, loaded, nice, silver, 2006 NISSAN CHEVY ½MURANO TON SILVERADO CREW 4X4sunroof, P.U., 5.3L V8, allvery power, very nice,278,727 miles ... $5,995...........$4,900 2005 SRX...........................................................................................................................$13,995 AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., black,CADILLAC 102,187 miles $12,500 diamond white, 154,592 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,500 2005 NISSAN MURANO SL AWD, 3.5LV6,leather,sunroof,loaded,very nice,silver, 278,727 miles .........$5,995 $4,900 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 2WD, 4.2L 6 cyl., all power, very nice, maroon, 220,295 miles ........... $5,995...........$4,900 2005 CADILLAC GMC ENVOYSRX SLTAWD, FWD, 4.2L 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, nice, blue, 104,531 miles .....$8,995 $7,900 2004 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond.,very beige, 105,466 miles ...................... $7,995...........$6,900 2004 TRAILBLAZER LSV6, 4WD, 4.2L,sunroof, 6 cyl., allloaded, power,exc. exc.cond., cond., blue, 148,224 miles ............. $6,995...........$5,900 2005 CHEVY CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L leather, 2004 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, diamond white, 154,592 miles .............................................................................................................$10,995 $9,500 fair condition, black, 342,618 miles .................................................................................................. $8,995...........$7,900 2004 CHEVY TRAIL BLAZER LS 2WD, 4.2L6cyl.,all power,very nice,maroon, 220,295 miles ...............$5,995 $4,900 2002 CHEVY 1 TON EXPRESS CARGO VAN, 5.7L, V8, well equipped, good cond., blue, 252,939 .......................................................................................................................... $3,995...........$2,900 2004 CADILLAC SRXmiles AWD, 4.6LV8,leather,loaded,good cond.,beige,105,466miles .............................$7,995 $6,900 2002 GRAND CARAVAN SPORT, 3.3L V6,power,exc. loaded, faircond.,blue,148,224miles cond., silver, 191,288 miles ................ $2,995...........$1,900 2004 DODGE CHEVY TRAIL BLAZER LS 4WD,4.2L,6cyl.,all ....................$6,995 $5,900 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. red, 231,470 miles . $7,995...........$4,900 ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD,5.3L,V8,leather,loaded,good cond,.red, 231,470 miles.......$7,995 $4,900 2002 CHEVY 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, 2002 CHEVY 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon,TRAILBLAZER 215,294 milesLTZ .................................................................................................................... $6,995...........$5,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 215,294 miles ........................................................................................................................$6,995 $5,900 beige, 182,686 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995...........$8,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., 2001 TOYOTA SEQUOIA LIMITED 4WD, 4.7L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 219,764 miles. $5,995 ...........$4,900 beige,GMC 182,686 miles ...........................................................................................................................$9,995 $8,900 2001 C6500 BOX TRUCK, 7.2L Caterpillar Diesel, well equipped, good cond., white, 225,365 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995...........$8,900 2001 TOYOTA SEQUOIA LIMITED 4WD, 4.7LV8,leather,sunroof,loaded,sharp,black, 219,764 miles .....$5,995 $4,900 2000 DAKOTA SPORT7.2L EXT.Caterpillar CAB 4X4 Diesel, P.U., 4.7L loaded, very white, 167,762 miles . $6,995...........$5,900 2001 DODGE GMC C6500 BOX TRUCK, wellV8, equipped, goodnice, cond., 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 160,151 miles..................... $6,995...........$5,900 white, 225,365 miles ...........................................................................................................................$9,995 $8,900 2000 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.7LV8,loaded,very nice,white, 167,762 miles........$6,995 $5,900 2019 CHEVY CAMARO CONVERTIBLE, 3.6L V6, all power, like new, white, 2,160 miles ................... $37,995.........$36,900 2000 TOYOTA TACOMA REG. CAB 2WD P.U., 2.4L 4cyl., well equipped, very good cond., 2018 CHEVY IMPALA PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 40,784 miles ........ $20,995.........$19,900 black,CHEVY 111,459CRUZE miles ...........................................................................................................................$6,995 $5,500 2017 LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, super nice, maroon, 48,194 miles .... $15,995.........$14,900 2016 LT, 4VAN, dr., 1.5L cyl., all power, one owner, exc. cond., maroon, miles ... $17,995.........$16,500 1999 CHEVY PONTIACMALIBU MONTANA cloth4seats,all power,nice cond.,green, 160,151 miles32,100 .......................$6,995 $5,900 2016 MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 1.5L 44WD, cyl., exc. blue, good 23,915 mi. .............................................. 2 DOOR 5.7Lcond., V8, loaded, cond., green, 190,670 miles .......... $17,995 $4,995 .........$16,900 $3,500 1996 CHEVY CHEVY TAHOE SPORT 2013 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 51,875 mi. ..... $14,995.........$13,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 118,206 miles ...... $11,995...........$9,900 2010 IMPALAPREMIER LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, well good cond., silver, miles..................... $4,995...........$3,500 2019 CHEVY CHEVY IMPALA 4 DOOR, 3.6Lequipped, V6, leather, loaded, like new,258,287 black, 32,832 miles ........$24,995 $23,500 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 167,922 miles ............... $10,995...........$9,500 2018 CHEVY CRUZE PREMIER, 4 DOOR, 1.4L 4cyl., leather, loaded, like new, 2007 CHEVY COBALT RS, 2 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl., 5 speed, well equipped, good cond., red, 151,567 miles .. $3,995...........$2,900 maroon, 22,750 miles ..........................................................................................................................$17,995 $16,900 1992 CHEVY CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE, 5.7L V8, leather, loaded, show car, 2017 CHEVY 4 dr.,.................................................................................................................... 1.4L 4 cyl., all power, one owner, super nice, white, 11,777 miles ..........$17,995 $16,500 maroon,CRUZE 55,589LTmiles $15,995.........$14,900 2017 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4dr.,1.4L4cyl., one owner,all power,super nice,maroon,48,194miles ..............$15,995 $14,900 2015 CHEVY MALIBU LT 4 DOOR, 2.5L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, very nice, white, 184,903 miles ..........$8,995 $7,500 2019 CADILLAC XTS FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super sharp, black, 46,641 miles ...................... $26,995.........$25,500 2018 ALTIMA 4 dr., loaded, very black, nice, gray, 44,950 .................. $16,995.........$15,500 2015 NISSAN CHEVY CRUZE LTSL, 4 dr., 1.4L2.5L 4cyl,4 cyl., well leather, equipped, very nice, 76,639 milesmiles ........................$9,995 $8,500 2018 CAMRYLT,SE, 4 dr., 2.5L leather, 4 cyl., leather, loaded, nice, silver, miles........................ $20,995.........$19,500 2010 TOYOTA CHEVY IMPALA 4dr., 3.5LV6, sunroof, loaded,exc. cond.,41,226 blue,118,206miles .............$11,995 $9,900 2018 CADILLAC XTS AWD, 3.6L V6, sunroof, leather, loaded, like new, silver, 42,759 miles............... $30,995.........$29,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ 4 DOOR 3.9L V6, leather, sunroof, all power, exc. cond., silver, 150,678 miles . $11,995 $10,500 2016 TOYOTA SCION IA, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl., auto, all power, gray, 72,556 miles ...........................................$9,995 ...........$8,900 2008 BUICK CHEVY LACROSSE, IMPALA LT, 4dr.,3.9LV6,sunroof,loaded,very nice,maroon,167,922miles $9,500 2016 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, gold, 17,321 miles.........................$10,995 ....................... $21,995.........$20,900 2016 BUICK LACROSSE, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, all power, super nice, maroon, 25,788 miles .................................................................................................................... $24,995.........$23,500 2018 BUICK TOYOTAREGAL CAMRYCXL, SE, 4dr., leather, loaded,nice,silver,41,226miles ...............................$20,995 $19,500 2011 4 dr.,2.5L4cyl., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc., cond., gray, 100,534 miles ............... $7,995...........$6,900 2010 FUSION SE,PREMIER, 4 dr., 2.5L44dr., cyl.,3.0L all power, very nice, gray, 181,948 miles .............................. $5,995...........$4,500 2008 FORD MERCURY MILAN V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, 2008 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, beige, 69,814 miles ..........................................................................................................................$10,995 $9,500 beige, 69,814 miles ........................................................................................................................ $10,995...........$9,500 2007 HONDA CRV FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 151,933 miles ...............................$7,995 $6,900 2007 SATURN AURA XE, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, nice, silver, 221,458 miles ............................. $3,995...........$2,900 2001 BUICK PONTIAC AZTEK FWD, yellow, $800 2002 CENTURY, 4 dr.,3.4L 3.1LV6, V6,well wellequipped, equipped,poor goodcond., cond., beige,291,721 unknownmiles......................$1,995 miles ..................... $2,995...........$1,900 1994 XJSCONVERTIBLE,4.0L6cyl., CONVERTIBLE, 4.0L 6 cyl., leather, loaded, show maroon, car, maroon, 52,066 miles ...... $17,995.........$16,500 1994 JAGUAR JAGUAR XJS leather, loaded, showcar, 52,066miles .............$17,995 $16,500





CORNER MAIN & GEORGE, ARCANUM SERVICE HOURS: Mon. 8am-8:30 pm/Tues.-Fri. 8-5:30/Sat. 8-12 SALES HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8am-8pm/Sat. 8am-5:30pm

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8B Sunday, May 17, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

CPL Cole Kremer Stationed at Cherry Point, NC Versailles, Ohio

Cody Olwine US Airforce Stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB in Goldsboro, NC Union City, Indiana

Ryan Francis Tech Sergeant Stationed in GA Parents Gary & Susie Francis Greenville, Ohio

Eric Wagner US Navy

Danica Forte US Armed Forces

Chris Francis Tech Sargeant Stationed in Hawaii Parents Gary & Susie Francis Greenville, Ohio

Staff Sargeant Christopher Merry US Air Force Stationed in TX Greenville, Ohio

Caleb Cook US Army

E2 Clayton Ford US Air Force

Alfred White

PFC Allen Tabler US Army Stationed at Fr. Eustis, VA Greenville, Ohio

Major Andrea Artz Jenkins National Guard in N.C. Proud Parents Dan & Paula Artz Arcanum, Ohio



PFC Brandon Beanblossom


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