Early Bird eNewspaper 6-21-20

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Happy Father’s Day

Martin named editor

Beisners celebrate 65th




THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate

Weekend edition

Breaking news at DarkeCountyMedia.com

Sunday, June 21, 2020 • $1

2020 Annie Oakley Days cancelled Provided photo

Madison Werner, the 2019 Miss Annie Oakley, will retain her title through 2021, as this year’s Annie Oakley festival has been cancelled.

GREENVILLE – Sometimes a sure shot isn’t so sure. And Annie Oakley fans will be waiting until 2021 to celebrate Darke County’s famed sharpshooter. The Annie Oakley Festival Committee has voted to cancel this year’s Annie Oakley Days Festival, originally scheduled for July 24 to 26, 2020. “After receiving our guidelines from the Darke County Health Department, and in discussion with our committee members,

we felt it was best for us to cancel this year’s event out of concerns for the health, safety and wellbeing of the community,” said Committee President JoEllen Melling. As well, there will be no shooting competition or any parade. Last year’s Annie Oakley winner, 2019 Miss Annie Oakley Madison Werner, will continue her reign until next year. The Annie Oakley Days Fes-

tival will return July 23 to 25, 2021, with the annual shooting competition taking place earlier that week. “We want to thank all of those who were planning to sponsor the 2020 Annie Oakley Festival, and all of the concessionaires and vendors who were planning on coming, as well as those who had sent in advertisements. Your ongoing support of the Annie Oakley Festival is so greatly appreciated,” Melling added.

Businesses support food truck rally Darke County Fair remains a ‘go’ By Linda Moody


Board intends to run full fair in August By Erik Martin


DARKE COUNTY — During a Wednesday night special session, the Darke County Agricultural Society voted to continue with its plans to hold the Darke County Fair in August as scheduled. With more than 50 spectators in attendance, the board said while it may be necessary to make some adjustments versus prior years, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it still hopes to have a full schedule of events during its Aug. 21 to 29 fair. Many nearby counties have cancelled their fairs altogether or reduced the scope of their events. The board consulted with Darke County Health Commissioner Dr. Terry Holman prior to the session. In a statement, the board said it wants to conduct the fair “in a safe manner in accordance with Executive Orders of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, orders of the Ohio Department of Health, specifically, the Responsible Restart Ohio guidelines, and any See FAIR | 2A

GREENVILLE — Wintrow Signs and Designs will be a Platinum sponsor for the third annual Darke County Food Truck Rally and Competition on Saturday, June 27 at the Darke County Fairgrounds. According to owners Joe and Laura Wintrow, “We are excited to sponsor the Darke County Food Truck Rally and Competition at the Darke County Fairgrounds. We are glad to be a partner again this year to help bring this great event to the community to enjoy. We are happy to support great events here in Darke County for residents to enjoy.” Wintrow Signs & Designs has been in business for more than 24 years serving local residents and businesses in Darke and surrounding counties. Wintrow is now offering screen printing for apparel. Owners Joe and Laura Wintrow for a quote for all sign and design needs at 937-5480652 or email at wintrowsigns@woh.rr.com.

Provided photo

Wintrow Signs and Designs, owned by Joe and Laura Wintrow, will once again be a Platinum sponsor for the third annual Darke County Food Truck Rally and Competition at the Darke County Fairgrounds.

Food truck rally organizer Jason Blackburn added, “We would also like to recognize American Muscle Car as a Platinum sponsor for the food truck rally and competition. American Muscle Car, LLC is a locally owned family business in Darke County who manufactures US made vintage car and truck reproduction

parts. They also sell many popular restoration product lines and will work hard to help save you money. American Muscle Car is proud to be a local sponsor for the Darke County food truck rally and supports locally small business owners. See a portion of their offerings at: https://www.ebay.com/ str/americanmusclecarparts

or at our website: https:// www.vintagepartsclub. com/” Darke County will showcase the third annual Darke County Food Truck Rally and Competition on Saturday, June 27, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Great Darke County Fairgrounds. See RALLY | 2A

2020 Gathering at Garst cancelled Erik Martin | The Daily Advocate

During a Wednesday night special session, members of the Darke County Fair Board approved plans to proceed with its August fair.

GREENVILLE — While there has already been some gathering in the area, there will be no “Gathering” this summer. Garst Museum and the Gathering at Garst Committee have decided, after

much deliberation, to cancel the Gathering at Garst for 2020. The committee calls it a “rational, yet very emotional, decision” but also “the right decision.” The event planners fore-

see that it would be impossible to enforce social distancing among the crowd, and people will most likely choose not to wear masks in the heat during the last weekend in July. Safety for the visitors, exhibitors,

vendors, and workers is the primary concern during the COVID-19 pandemic. Event organizers said the 10-year anniversary of the Gathering at Garst will be See GARST | 2A

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