Ealr Bird eNewspaper 9-6-20

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Keplers celebrate 70th

Sunshine 5K is Sept. 19

Pleasant pheasants forever




THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate

Weekend edition

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Sunday, September 6, 2020 • $1

COVID spike expected with school openings Elderly account for all county deaths

is a causal relationship there,” he said. “If you practice all the preventive measures, it goes down again.” Though the county has seen a upsurge in COVID-19 cases when By Erik Martin DarkeCountyMedia.com total of 633 cases — and among students return to class. these 36 confirmed or probable “As we open schools up, my COVID-19 deaths as of SeptemDARKE COUNTY — As Darke expectation is the numbers will ber 2 — all of those who died go up,” he told The Daily AdvoCounty schools prepare to open were at least 60 years of age or cate. next week, there is genuine conolder. Further, all of the conHowever, Holman said the cern among many educators and firmed and probable deaths were parents about the COVID-19 risk upsurge can be mitigated by patients or residents in long-term faced by both students and staff. preventive measures, primarily, washing hands, wearing a mask, care facilities. But is it something about which “Residential long-term care and keeping an adequate distance to be panicked? seems to be the hardest hit. All from others. Panicked? Of course not. But the deaths currently are from “When things get opened up, Dr. Terry Holman, Darke County there is an increase in cases, then long-term care residents,” said Health Commissioner, said we Holman. “There has been no it goes right back down. There should expect there to be an

community spread cases that have deaths yet that I’m aware of.” According to the most recent statistics provided by the Darke County General Health District, the age breakdown of confirmed and probable deaths in the county shows one death among those 60-to-69 years of age; six deaths with one probable death in the 70-to-79 age bracket; 17 deaths with one probable among 80-to89 year olds; six deaths with two probable in the 90-to-99 age bracket; and one death of someone 100 years or older. This comes on the heels of the Centers for Disease Control

(CDC) report that shows 94 percent of COVID-19 deaths in the United States had “underlying medical conditions” or “contributing conditions,” with 6 percent of the deaths attributed to complications of COVID only. According to Holman, with a population of approximately 51,000, Darke County has only seen an overall contraction rate of 1.2 percent — low in comparison to some other areas. There is hope also that recent large gatherings have not shown there to be a significantly higher rate of contraction locally. See SPIKE | 3A

GNB announces retirement, promotions Staff report

GREENVILLE — Recently GNB Banking Centers recognized the retirement of Brad Bixler and the promotion of Angela Benedict and Natasha Lefeld to officer level positions. Brad Bixler was a Senior Vice President, Chief Loan Officer, Troy Banking Center Manager, and the previous Arcanum Branch Manager. Brad joined the GNB family in 1980. Born and raised in Pitsburg, he and his wife, Lisa, made Pitsburg their home where they raised Bixler their two sons, Marcus and Gavin, and were very involved in the community. Brad managed the Arcanum branch for many years before he and Lisa decided to move to Troy. Shortly thereafter, GNB opened the Troy Banking Center and Brad became the first manager of that office. Over the course of his years at GNB, Brad made lots of loans helpBenedict ing folks purchase homes, fund farm operations, start businesses, buy cars, trucks, equipment, and more. During his tenure at GNB, Brad also built many friendships and cared deeply about his customers. Though you won’t see him in his office anymore, you will likely run into Brad out and about with Lisa (to whom he’s been married for 40 years) Lefeld and his six grandchildren — who are very excited about his retirement. The GNB Troy Banking Center is left in the capable hands of Kevin Kissinger and Angela Benedict. Kevin has been a loan officer at the Troy Banking Center since he came to GNB in 2018. Angela has worked in Customer Service in Troy since the temporary Banking Center opened in 2017. She was very involved in decisions regarding the design and décor of the new, permanent office where the bank is now located on Main Street. Angela was promoted to loan officer and manager of the Troy


See GNB | 3A

24/7 Emergency Care

Carol Marsh | The Daily Advocate

Members of the Friends of the Darke County Parks met Tuesday evening to celebrate the organization’s 25th anniversary.

Kindred spirits, kindred ‘Friends’ sheer determination to see it thrive for future generations. Current Board President of brothers and sisters best and founding member, known to the Greenville Steve Shaltry, remembers community as the Friends the Friends’ from its earliof Darke County Parks. est beginnings. This week marks the “Dr. Dave Cox, Dan nonprofit organization’s 25th Anniversary, and it is, Schipfer, and Susan Gray were the original board indeed, something to celebrate. The group’s unwav- members who saw the supering support of the Darke port role a Friends group County Park District’s mis- could provide for the Park sion — to acquire, preserve District,” he said. “They and maintain land areas of saw a group like ours could special natural and histori- provide the Community the opportunity to assist the cal value – serves as a testament to what people can mission of the Park District… and organized Park accomplish through their supporters into the Circle lasting love of nature and

Friends of Darke County Parks celebrate 25 years By Carol Marsh


GREENVILLE — Canadian author Lucy Maude Montgomery, best known for writing Anne of Green Gables, speaks about the nature of lasting friendship through her spirited young heroine, Anne (with an ‘E’), “Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think… It’s splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.” No truer words could be spoken of the devoted band

In an Emergency, When Seconds Count … We’re Here for You!

of Friends first, then later organized, formally, The Friends of Darke County Parks with by-laws.” Secretary Sandy Hoying, a retired history teacher and longtime member of the Friends, recalls the moment she decided to join the group. “Back in the late 1990s, I saw a notice in the newspaper about the Friends’ monthly meeting. I had led a Girl Scout troop through to their senior year of high school and we had done a of lot outdoor camping, hiking, and a big ‘before See FRIENDS | 2A

5-Star Quality Rated Hospital by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

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