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THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate
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Sunday, September 20, 2020 • $1
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FISH Choice Pantry volunteers (front): Porsha Boord, Russ Marchal, Pastor Mel Musser; (back) Kristy Cutarelli, and Harold Graham.
Sharing a Harvest of Hope helps residents food needs of Darke County residents in times of hardship. Since September 2009, Kristy GREENVILLE — According to the Ameri- Cutarelli has been the pantry’s director. Even can Community Survey since her high school (2018), the U.S. federal days, when volunteering poverty threshold was for outreach missions, $25,465 for a family Cutarelli has always felt a of four (two children), call to help the residents and $17,308 for a single of the Darke County parent (one child). community. From her Out of the 51,900 total previous work at DP&L, population of Darke County, more than 5,900 as daycare director, a residents — 11.6 percent referral nurse at Family Health, and as an fam— are living on or just ily outreach coordinator below the poverty line. at her church, Cutarelli Although Darke has gained insight and County remains below experience helping and the national poverty serving others in sorting average of 13.1 percent, through the challenges of many of our neighbors, an ever-changing econofamily and friends are my and the unexpected wondering if their paydifficulties that might checks will stretch far cause food hardships for enough to cover their daily living expenses and area families. “After 2008, the grocery bills from week economic recession to week. It is sometimes difficult to recognize that really took a toll on many poverty exists within our people, but especially on the ‘working poor,’ who communities. Families in need will try to “make did not meet the income do with what they have,” requirement guidelines while often going without for food assistance, but whose cost of living much-needed essentials for good nutrition. When expenses continued to rise as wages stayed the faced with the prospect of paying the utility bills same. They need help, too.” Cutarelli said. “This and rent or buying food and medicines, many will is one of the great things about the FISH Choice bear the hardship of eatPantry. No verified resiing less often, or somedent of Darke County will times, not at all. ever be turned away who The FISH Choice asks for food assistance.” Pantry, located at 400 According to Cutarelli, Markwith Avenue in Greenville, is an ecumeni- the majority of the cal nonprofit organization See SHARING | 10A serving the emergency
By Carol Marsh
Happily Ever Co. owner Sarah Hall (right) alongside store manager Rachel Neal (left).
Nathaniel Kubik | DarkeCountyMedia.com
Happily Ever Co. reopening
By Nathaniel Kubik DarkeCountyMedia.com
GREENVILLE — Happily Ever Co. celebrated its reopening on Thursday after completing the move to a new building. Now located at 519 South Broadway in Greenville, Happily Ever Co. will be celebrating its two-year anniversary in October.
The store owner, Sarah Hall, and store manager, Rachel Neal, are excited about the move bringing them closer to the heart of Greenville. “We are thrilled to be closer to other boutique stores on broadway,” Hall said. “I think it will help us grow as a business and attract other boutique shoppers on Broadway.”
Along with the new location, Happily Ever Co. also has an entirely new line of products, with some being locally made. The store offers a wide variety of clothes, shoes, boots, candles, soaps, and many other products. The new soaps, one titled “Dandi ‘lye’ n’ Sudz,” were all locally produced. When asked why the
company decided to move, Hall stated that it was primarily an issue of space. “We have grown as a company since we first opened,” noted Hall. “So we have been looking for a bigger space, and when we saw that this building was open we thought it would be a great opportunity to See HAPPILY | 2A
Liberty Twp. Fire Dept. dedicates engine departments new 2020 Rosenbauer Engine/Tanker. The plaque, declaring the two’s “Strong Personal Commitment to Serve” as an example to all PALESTINE — Members, famof the members of the department, ily and friends gathered Saturday was unveiled in the public presentaafternoon as the Liberty Township Fire Department dedicated its newest tion of the new engine that has been featured nationally in numerous apparatus to the over 100 years of combined service selflessly served by magazines and calendars. Emotions of gratitude and pride could be seen two members of the department. overcoming the veteran firefighters Firefighters James Rush and as they removed the covering of the Mervin Hilty were forever honored with the dedication of a plaque on the plaque and were able to read it for
By Jim Comer
the first time. “I’m dumbfounded” a choked-up Rush commented on the behalf of the two. “I thank you all for putting up with us. I am sure that our years of experience has given you some guidance but our days of service are getting numbered,” he added. “We will continue to help out as long as we can.” James Rush, with 54 years of See ENGINE | 5A
Diners and Drive-ins here in Darke County Staff report
GREENVILLE — As part of the continuing fun of the Garst Museum’s Annie’s GALA on October
3, here is your chance to get a fabulous pre-ordered dinner of your choice, prepared by Montage, and served as you cruise through the new Garst
parking lot. Three menu choices ($20 each entree) are: steak kabob with bell peppers, onion and cherry tomatoes over wild rice; grilled
salmon with cucumber dill sauce over wild rice blend; or veggie kabobs over wild rice blend. Dinners See DINERS | 3A
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