Sweet bull of youth
Patriots earn win
Creativity and passion
THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate
Weekend edition
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Sunday, September 27, 2020 • $1
Hardee’s breaking ground in Greenville was brought to us by a businessman from the South Dayton, Cincinnati area, and in the past we’ve had a stigma for not being GREENVILLE — Excavation so friendly to outside businesses, has begun on the area that will soon be home to a new Hardee’s so it’s nice to see this one go through. It was a very tough decirestaurant in Greenville. sion for the Planning and Zoning The building will be located Committee, however.” at the corner of Wagner Avenue With the intersection of Wagand Russ Road, just in front of ner and Russ being arguably the Rural King. The installation busiest intersection in Darke of a Hardee’s has been a long, County, many questions were decision-filled, three-year process, confirmed Greenville Mayor raised as to how this will impact the flow of traffic through the Steve Willman. area. The Greenville Planning “This plan has been in the and Zoning Committee partook works for almost three years in numerous discussions over the now,” said Willman. “The idea
By Nathaniel Kubik DarkeCountyMedia.com
Nathaniel Kubik | Darke County Media
Excavation work began just in front of Rural King this week in preparation to build a new Hardee’s restaurant in Greenville.
past three years about whether or not the corner of Wagner and Russ will be an acceptable spot for the new restaurant. “It was a difficult process,” Willman continued. “We had proposed other locations for the restaurant, but the owner wanted it to be at the corner of Wagner and Russ. Obviously, we thought this would be difficult seeing how traffic is already an issue at that intersection, but we do have plans in the works for how to deal with this.” Willman noted that the city is See HARDEE’S | 5A
Child passenger Disabled American Veterans Day Sept. 25 safety a priority in Darke County By Nathaniel Kubik DarkeCountyMedia.com
By Carol Marsh
DARKE COUNTY — While busy families are planning their fall routines for the school year, travelling to and from school, extra-curricular activities, football games, soccer matches, and gathering the daily essentials of life-on-the-go, the sobering reality of child passenger safety statistics challenges us to consider that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of childhood fatalities in the United States, and that three out of every four car seats are improperly installed. Child Passenger Safety Week 2020 (September 20 to 26) puts a timely spotlight on the “how-to’s” of keeping children safely secured in the right seats. According to the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA), every 32 seconds, one child under the age of 13 is involved in a passenger vehicle crash. Often, parents are unaware that that their child’s car seat may be the wrong size or installed incorrectly. With the proper use of car seats, booster seats, and seat belts, many injuries and deaths can be prevented. Fatal injuries due to crashes can be reduced by 71 percent for infants, and by 54 percent for toddlers just by properly installing the correct car or booster seat. “In 2019, 86 percent of the car seats our agency checked were installed incorrectly.” says Brian Phillips, Assistant Chief of Greenville Township Emergency Services, and administrator for the Darke County Ohio Buckles Buckeyes Care Seat Program. “It’s important that parents and caregivers educate themselves when it comes to car seat safety.” The Ohio Buckles Buckeyes (OBB) Program provides child safety seats and booster seats to eligible low-income families in all Ohio counties. The overall goal for this program is to increase the availability of child safety seats for families who could not otherwise afford them and to increase correct installation and proper use of car seats. “Currently we have six certified car seat technicians that are here to help you keep your kids safe.” Phillips See CHILD | 3A
GREENVILLE — In honor of the Disabled American Veteran’s (DAV) 100th anniversary, members of the local chapter 57 submitted a request to the Darke County Commissioners and City of Greenville to recognize September 25, 2020, as Disabled American Veterans day. The DAV is a non-profit veterans service organization that is comprised of 34,000 members in Ohio and more than 1 million members across the United States. The DAV was founded 100 years ago, on September 25, 1920, in Cincinnati. The local chapter 57 has made numerous charitable contributions to the Dayton Veterans Administration Medical Center, and regularly volunteers on Wednesdays golf carting veterans from their cars into the hospital. The DAV is also active in the Greenville Honor Guard. County Commission-
Nathaniel Kubik | Darke County Media
Shown from left to right are Steven Eldred, Lesley Cantrell, Commander Robert A. Foster, Ken Wombold, and Ivan Christian. All of the men pictured are members of the local chapter 57 of the Disabled American Veterans.
ers Matt Aultman, Mike Rhoades, Mike Stegall, and Mayor of Greenville, Steve Willman, both formally adopted September 25, 2020 as DAV day and recognized the great work that the group does to support disabled veterans and their families.
In a statement acknowledging the request, Willman wrote that, “…the DAV represents the interests of disabled veterans, their families, their widowed spouses and their orphans before the federal government, as well as state and local governments.”
Willman also praised the DAV’s fight for providing equitable benefits and services to women and minority veterans to improve mental health care and suicide prevention efforts. He concluded by writing See VETERANS | 9A
Hissong, Williams earn national FFA honors Staff report
DARKE COUNTY — Two local students have earned national honors. Morgan Hissong and Elisabeth Williams, both of Franklin Monroe, have been awarded the Ameri-
can FFA Degree, the highest degree achievable in the National FFA Organization. The American FFA Degree shows an FFA member’s dedication to his or her chapter and state FFA association. It demonstrates the effort
FFA members apply toward their supervised agricultural experience and the outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement they exhibited through their FFA career. “The American Degree is the last and highest award
Morgan and I will receive through FFA. Morgan and I have both received our State FFA degrees. Similar to a state degree there are requirements that have to be met such as community See HONORS | 2A
Bethel Cardiology ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT! of Greenville Vascular Screening 316-6350 $
could save your life!
1101 Jackson St.
Vascular screening is recommended every five years for those 50 and older with a history of smoking and/or diabetes.
Dr. Henry Chong
Schedule by Sept. 30
Are you at risk for a stroke, aneurysm or peripheral artery disease? A vascular screening is a simple three-part procedure done in our office that has saved hundreds of lives in our area.
ReidHealth.org Cardiologist
Screening must be paid for by 9/30/20 and scheduled to be performed by 10/30/20.