Early BIrd eNewspaper 10-25-20

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County’s last execution

Nurse receives award

Versailles volleyball advances




THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate

Weekend edition

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Sunday, October 25, 2020 • $1

Cross-state pursuit leads to 2 arrests By Jim Comer


GREENVILLE — A multi-county pursuit in which began in Madison County, Ind., came to an end outside of Greenville Wednesday evening after crossing over the OhioIndiana state line into Darke County. At approximately 7:26 p.m., Darke County Sheriff’s Office deputies were dispatched to the area of US 36 West and the IndiJim Comer | Darke County Media Two people are in custody in the Darke County Jail following a police ana State Line to assist pursuit Wednesday night which began in Madison County, Ind., and Indiana law enforcement with a vehicle pursuit. ended in Darke County.

in the area of Palestine, taking the lead in the pursuit. Keller continued to travel east Phillips on US Route 36 to the intersection of US Route 127 at speeds of 40 to 50 miles per hour where he turned northbound into the southbound lane of traffic of US Route 127. Keller failed to maintain control at the intersection, striking a red 1992 GMC Jimmy, driven by Daniel Howard,

According to the Darke County Sheriff’s Office, a white 2017 GMC U-Haul van, driven by Charles Keller Douglas Keller, 53, of Anderson, Ind., was actively being pursued eastbound on US Route 36 by numerous law enforcement agencies out of the state of Indiana. Darke County deputies joined the pursuit that consisted of at least twelve other vehicles near the Ohio-Indiana state line

38, of Brookville, Ohio, that was traveling south on US Route 127. Keller and his passenger, Devan Lynette Phillips, 30, of Anderson, Ind., were taken into custody following the twovehicle collision without any further incident. Mr. Howard, as well as his front seat juvenile passenger, were treated on the scene by Greenville Township Rescue for minor injuries prior to refusing any further treatment and transport to a medical facility. Both Keller and Phillips

Legacy of faith and friendship Beamsville pastor retires after 34 years of service By Carol Marsh


BEAMSVILLE — The world was a fascinating place in 1986. The Intel 386 microprocessor was barely “out of the box,” email was considered “bold new technology,” the Oprah Winfrey Show premiered nationally, the space shuttle Challenger disintegrated soon after its launch, Chernobyl’s nuclear power station exploded, Halley’s comet revisited the earth, and Michael Landon’s Highway to Heaven was one of the most popular shows on television. It was also the year that Pastor Steve Short, and his wife, Marie, moved into Darke County to minister the gospel at Beamsville Christian Church, a nondenominational Christian congregation. Now, after

Monbeck talks healthcare, future plans By Nathaniel Kubik DarkeCountyMedia.com

34 years of dedicated service, Pastor Short is retiring from his position, and will preach his final regular Sunday sermon this Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020. Born in Palestine and educated in Phillipsburg, Short met his wife, Marie (who is originally from New Jersey) on a blind date in 1975. “We had Maid Rite for supper that evening,” said Short, “and that’s about as ‘Darke County’ as you can get!” Married a year afterward, in 1976, Short resumed his life in farming and as a tool and die maker, providing for his family; however, after both he and Marie gave their hearts to the Lord in 1981, Short believed that God was calling him “away from the plough” and into the ministry. “It was undeniable.” Short said, “We both just knew that God had intended us for the ministry.” After much prayer, Short began his pastoral training and Bible studies See PASTOR | 5A

Staggered appointments to minimize people in a given area

in (and just beyond) the county line for those who wish to blaze new trails. The Brumbaugh Fruit Farm, located at 6420 Arcanum-Hollansburg Road in Arcanum, is a Darke County family favorite venue for making memories during the fall. Owner Winston Brumbaugh and son-inlaw, Shane Bietry, invite all to visit the “Fun Farm,” consisting of 25 familyfriendly attractions, two

DARKE COUNTY — The challenger in Ohio’s 84th House District election, Democrat Joe Monbeck, spoke with The Monbeck Daily Advocate about the upcoming election and his future plans, should he be elected. Monbeck is running against oneterm incumbent Susan Manchester (R) for the 84th seat, which covers sections of Auglaize, Shelby, and Darke Counties, and all of Mercer County. Monbeck was raised in Celina by a single mother, and is the middle of two siblings. Both of his brothers are service veterans and Monbeck takes great pride in the effort his mother, as a single mom, put into raising himself and

See TRAIL | 7A


Provided photo

Weston, Cooper and Fletcher Wion, picking out some pumpkins to take home, along with Preston Dean (center) visited the farm with his grandparents, Bob and Nancy. William Aultman (seated), who helps out on the farm selling pumpkins and doing chores, is the great-grandson of Doris and Larry Aultman (pictured in the back row), owners of the family farm.

Trail blazin’ and corn-mazin’ Keeping fall fun amid COVID concerns By Carol Marsh


DARKE COUNTY — Although COVID-19 has created a few disruptions to daily routines and school schedules, Darke County families are determined to enjoy the autumn season while staying safe. Among the many treasured fall family fun traditions celebrated

Chairs in public spaces spaced for social distancing

Sanitizing stations throughout the facility



throughout October, nothing quite compares to taking an annual pilgrimage to the local pumpkin patch, picking apples at an orchard, or strolling through a corn maze. As Halloween approaches, many youngsters, parents and grandparents look forward to a few more days of crisp fall weather at the park, or jumping into the growing piles of crackling leaves before the blustery winter winds soon arrive. Fall family fun awaits just a short half-hour drive with-

Frequent disinfecting and cleaning Face masks provided to everyone, regardless of symptoms

UV Light disinfecting technology Screening for COVID-19 symptoms at the door


Proper PPE for all staff Separate care areas for COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients


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