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Sunday, December 27, 2020 • $1
A very special Santa Claus Greenville native Dave Gauvey honored in Fort Hood Submitted photo
Dave Gauvey, Greenville native and 1956 GHS graduate, also known as “Santa Dave,” portrays Santa Claus for the Fort Hood Santa’s Workshop, a non-profit organization serving military families in Fort Hood, Texas. Gauvey recently was honored as Volunteer of the Year.
what Santa does during the “off season” (other 364 days a year), when he is not feeding the reindeer or managing the elves at the magical toyshop. One answer (which I discovered recently) is that Santa Claus likes Texas, and spends a good deal of his time By Carol Marsh there, helping people discover the wonder of Christmas all year GREENVILLE — As the holi- round. Dave Gauvey, a Greenville day looms, children sometimes wonder if Santa Claus ever takes native and Greenville High School graduate (Class of 1956) time off from his full-time occupation at the North Pole. Parents who now resides in Gatesville, and grandparents are often asked Texas, goes by the nickname
“Santa Dave.” After spending nearly 20 years in Sales and Marketing, Gauvey went back to college completing 190 semesters hours in three years to complete his Baccalaureate Degree in Business and afterward, earned three Masters degrees. Having taught at various colleges for 20 years, Gauvey went into the Oil and Gas business, and in 2003, he retired to Gatesville, a small Texas community of 15,000 just outside of Fort Hood. Recently, Gauvey was honored by the community of Fort Hood as Vol-
unteer of the Year for his service and devotion to the Fort Hood Santa’s Workshop, a non-profit organization which makes new toys accessible for children of the Fort Hood military community during the holiday season. At Santa’s Workshop Fort Hood, parents browse well-stocked shelves of brand new toys, games and books to make the most appropriate selection for their children. When asked how he got his See SANTA | 2A
Kindness rules on ‘Grinch Day’ Mississinawa Valley Elementary students recognized for good deeds By Carol Marsh
UNION CITY — Before heading back to the North Pole for last minute preparations before his Christmas Eve journey, Santa Claus came to Mississinawa Valley Elementary School for a special visit on “Grinch Day” with the students and MVS Elementary Principal, Mrs. Stephanie L.S. Kemp. The school’s theme this quarter, “Don’t Be a Grinch, Be Kind” was displayed on the main bulletin board at the entrance of the building. Throughout the weeks leading up to “Grinch Day,” students who were spotted being kind to others were recognized by everyone in the school. This year, Elfie (a visitor from the North Pole) brought a Grinch ornament with him and told students that The Grinch Who Stole Christmas was his favorite Christmas movie because, in the end, the Grinch realized that Christmas was about love and kindness. ”Elfie, our visiting elf from the North Pole, watched for students who were kind,” said Mrs. Kemp. “When spotted, Elfie would hide in the classroom of that student the next day. The class would do the announcements and the “kind” student earned a certificate from the North Pole and had their picture displayed on the bulletin board.” For the past three years, “Elfie” (the kindness elf) has returned to Mississinawa Valley Elementary from the North Pole. “The first year I introduced Elfie, he had a specific act of kindness for the students to do each day. When a student was caught doing this act of kindness, Elfie would hide in that student’s classroom and students would find him the next day. The entire class would then help me do the announcements.” said Kemp. Last year, the school added a theme to this tradition, ‘Our Kindness Shines Bright,’ and displayed the See GRINCH | 2A
Carol Marsh | Darke County Media
Themed Christmas trees are a popular trend, with ornaments of all shapes, materials and sizes, can enhance the season’s greetings. Pictured is a tree decorated in a Country Christmas theme from Sweet Annie’s Cabin, located at 436 S. Broadway in Greenville.
Ornament origins and attic treasures no wonder that our attics and sheds (and storage units) keep filling up with the stuff of Christmases DARKE COUNTY — As U.S. households spend long ago. Every December, the $6 billion on Christmas decorations each year, it is Christmas tree and several
By Carol Marsh
boxes of ornaments are retrieved from the attic and carefully carried to the living room to create a festive and colorful holiday display in our home. Each year, noticing the
Staff report
GREENVILLE — As you may remember, Beltone Hearing & Audiology created a giveaway for a chance to win a free set of hearing aids. Residents in the Darke County
area were nominated by friends, family, and loved ones. One lucky member of the community was selected at random to win. Marlene Harvey was announced as the winner and she is a resident
Vascular Screening could save your life!
Vascular screening is recommended every five years for those 50 and older with a history of smoking and/or diabetes.
Schedule by Dec. 31*
Beltone gifts set of hearing aids to Greenville resident of Greenville, Ohio. Her daughter, Jill, nominated her through Beltone’s Facebook Foundation Fitting. Marlene received a set of behind the ear hearing instruments and was fit on Dec. 15, just in time
growing supply, I question whether or not so many ornaments are needed to decorate one (or two) trees.
Are you at risk for a stroke, aneurysm or peripheral artery disease? A vascular screening is a simple three-part procedure done in our office that has saved hundreds of lives in our area.
for Christmas. Dr. Young, owner and audiologist for Beltone Hearing & Audiology, set up the program to bring joy to someone this See BELTONE | 2A
Bethel Cardiology of Greenville
316-6350 1101 Jackson St.
Dr. Henry Chong Cardiologist *Screening must be paid for by 12/31/20 and scheduled to be performed by 1/29/21.