Early Bird eNewspaper 08-30-20

Page 1

An unsinkable life

BARKing for rescue

Wave tennis victorious




THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate

Weekend edition

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All content © 2020 The Early Bird. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

Sunday, August 30, 2020 • $1

Foundation distributes $139,000 in grants Provided photo

The Holzapfel brothers of Greenville enjoy books mailed to their home as part of the United Way’s Dolly Parton Imagination Library. The Darke County United Way received a grant from the Darke County Foundation to support the program that mails free books monthly to Darke County children up to age 5. Pictured (l to r): Max, Eli (standing), Graham and Trey Holzapfel.

DARKE COUNTY — The Darke County Foundation recently distributed $139,000 in community grants to 38 non-profit organizations that serve Darke County residents. The following funds at the Darke County Foundation provided money for the groups listed below, along with their project descriptions: J. Michael Beard Fund Bradford Schools – community garden Darke County United Way – Dolly Parton Imagination Library New Madison Public

Library – children’s book giveaway Harold and Betty Brewer Fund Darke County Humane Society – facilities and services Wayne HealthCare Foundation – programs and services COVID-19 Relief Fund FISH Choice Pantry – food pantry items Darke County Foundation General Fund Ansonia FFA – utility barn Bridges to College – college visits for high school students Cancer Assoc. of Darke

County – nutritional supplements Council on Rural Services – ACES School art class Council on Rural Services – Gateway Youth Community Connectors Darke County Center for the Arts – performing arts programs Darke County Historical Society – data server for Garst Museum Darke County Pregnancy Help Center – curriculum and technology Girl Scouts of Western Ohio – financial aid for members

Grace Resurrection Community Center – general expenses Illumination Ministries – festival expenses Kinder Korner Preschool furniture Ronald McDonald House Charities – lodging for Darke County families St. Vincent dePaul Society – financial assistance for Bradford and Versailles residents Trinity Lutheran Church – windows for educational wing See GRANTS | 2A

Spartech donates Treasured nook of ‘la vie en rose’ plastic shields to Remembering The Inn at Versailles Arcanum schools By Carol Marsh


By Nathaniel Kubik DarkeCountyMedia.com

ARCANUM — With back-to-school time looking different this year, many parents are worried about school safety precautions regarding COVID-19, and what can be done to ensure the safety of students and staff returning to school. Spartech, a plastic fabrication company in Greenville, showed that they are willing to help weather this storm. Spartech donated plastic shields to Arcanum schools last Friday in an effort to ensure the safety of students and teachers. This donation will enable the school to erect plastic barriers in the offices and classrooms to provide additional safety. “We appreciate Spartech helping us out,” noted Arcanum Superintendent, John Stephens. “During this time, it has been problematic finding plastic shields, and the cost of them is fairly significant, so it’s nice to have that local connection, and be able to keep our students and staff as safe as possible.” Spartech donated 50 sheets to Arcanum for use primarily in elementary school classrooms. The plastic shields will be used in classrooms to create barriers that will help students and teachers maintain proper See SPARTECH | 2A

Provided photo

Arcanum Superintendent John Stephens (left), greets Donnie Baker (middle), a Spartech employee and Arcanum resident, and Robert Benton (right), Spartech plant manager.

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VERSAILLES — In Billy Wilder’s 1954 silver-screen classic, Sabrina, a chauffeur’s daughter, Sabrina (Audrey Hepburn) has dinner with her father’s employer, Linus (Humphrey Bogart). In their colorful banter, Sabrina shares her thoughts on visiting Paris, and attempts to persuade her cynical companion of its inexplicable charm, “…It’s for changing your outlook, for throwing open the windows and letting in ‘la vie en rose.” “La vie en rose” – a French idiom – in its barest translation, means “life in rosy hues;” however, it often implies a more subtle meaning which speaks to the feeling of being so happy that everything seems beautiful, no matter what may come. For many Ohio travelers throughout the decades, the intersection at Main and Center Streets, and the two-block radius surrounding it, is a memorable, magical place, filled with the sights and sounds of busy village life. For Versailles residents, it is the hallowed ground of those who dreamed of a better life, and worked tirelessly to attain it, making the most of their circumstances with optimism and grace. Without a doubt, the heart of the Village was the Inn at Versailles, the treasured nook of “la vie en rose.” Now, thanks to the generosity ofMidmark Corporation, the Inn and its legacy will continue to inspire future generations to live with renewed joy and hope. The site of the Inn emerged from humble beginnings, and has evolved as circumstances prevailed upon it. According to the Versailles Area Historical Society records, in 1860, hotel proprietor Isaac Marker opened

In an Emergency, When Seconds Count … We’re Here for You!

Carol Marsh | DarkeCountyMedia.com

The Inn at Versailles iconic sign, now resting at the Versailles Area Historical Museum.

the Golden Eagle House. In 1872, Harrison Brandon bought the hotel, but died only three years later. His widow, Margaret, remarried in 1877, and together with her new husband, Frank Snyder, renamed the hotel the Snyder House. Renovations to the structure took six years, and became a noteworthy hotel and boarding house until the great 1901 Versailles fire destroyed most of the standing structures. Undeterred by his misfortune, Frank Snyder rebuilt the hotel on the same site, using the very foundation which miraculously survived the destruction. In 1909, Snyder was elected to serve as the Darke County Auditor in Greenville; thus, he sold

the hotel that year to George Worch. In 1927, title transferred to Worch’s widow, Amelia, who hired James Beare in 1929 to manage the property. Soon thereafter, Beare added a restaurant, which added to the establishment’s popularity. Mrs. Worch sold the hotel to Glenn Hansey in 1946; however, Hansey put the hotel up for bid at a public auction, listing it as a “24-Room HotelBarber-Shop-Grocery.” Ross Ward, a Versailles visionary who owned a longstanding drug store, bought the hotel for $26,500, and rented the rooms as apartment space and hotel stays for long-term clients, renaming See ROSE | 9A

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2A Sunday, August 30, 2020

Grants From page 1A

Versailles Heritage Park – walking path YMCA of Darke County – Healthy Kids Day Darke County Special Olympics Fund Darke County Special Olympics – programs and services Darke County United Way Fund Darke County United Way – programs and services DeColores Montessori School Fund DeColores Montessori School – general expenses Ruth Elaine Furlong Fund Arcanum H.S. Band –

field commander podium Grace Resurrection Community Center Fund Grace Resurrection Community Center – general expenses Helen L. Hawkey Music Project Bradford Middle School – music instruments Hein Family Faith + Justice Initiative State of the Heart Care – programs and services YMCA of Darke County – member scholarships Jan Johns Fund American Red Cross Miami Valley – disaster relief and training Jetter Family Fund Youth for Christ Miami Valley – programs and services John R. and Miriam H. Knick Fund

Darke County Center for the Arts – performing arts programs Darke County Historical Society – Garst Museum general expenses Kremer Family Farms Bradford Schools – community garden Low Vision Support Group Fund Financial Assist. for Medical Emergencies (FAME) – aid for local residents Ami McClurkin Fund Darke County Historical Society – Gathering at Garst Friends of Darke County Parks – interpretive signs Meals on Wheels – food containers Versailles Music Boosters – VHS conservatory night William Michael and Caleb Knick Fund

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Greenville Early Bird

Darke County Special Olympics – programs and services Neff Family Fund YMCA of Darke County – facilities and equipment Oliver Family Fund Helping Every Little Person, Inc. – backpack program (food assistance) for students Principal’s Fund for St. Mary’s School St. Mary’s School – general needs Jean Louise Thieme Fund Darke County Center for the Arts – family theater series Dr. Marlin Thompson Founder’s Fund Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby/Darke Co. – Big Buddies after school program Ella VanDyke/St. Clair Home Fund Brethren Retirement Community – resident financial aid Beth Bolen Warner Fund Darke County Humane Society – facilities and services As a community foundation, the Darke County Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of Darke County residents by receiving, managing and distributing charitable gifts. Nonprofit organizations in Darke County may apply for grants by filling out the grant application made available in May each year. Deadline to submit the application is in late June. For more information, call 937548-4673 or visit www. darkecountyfoundation. org


Versailles couple celebrates 50th VERSAILLES — Jim and Mary Lou Nerderman are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary! James Nerderman and Mary Louise Dircksen were married at St. Augustine Catholic Church, Minster, Ohio on September 5th 1970. They are the parents of four children, Michael (Kim) Nerderman, Renee (Chad) Browder, Eric (fiancé Sabra Thompson) Nerderman, Douglas (Gina) Nerderman, all of Versailles. They have thirteen grandchildren, Courtney, Danielle, Austin Nerderman, Dakota, Calab, Wyatt, Zachary Browder, Joselynn, Erica Nerderman, Gabrielle, Ara, Logan, and Dallas Nerderman.

Jim and Mary Lou Nerderman in 1970

Jim and Mary Lou Nerderman in 2020

Spartech From page 1A

social distancing measures, and protect them when conversing with each other. While students will be wearing masks, the school wanted the extra protection that the dividers will ensure. “This is one way we can help keep our community safe, and get our kids back to school,” said Robert Benton, Spartech Plant Manager. “It’s a small donation to be able to help a local community achieve their goals, and keep our family, friends, and loved ones safe when they return to school.” The Arcanum schools expressed their thanks to Spartech for the donation, and are currently working on ways to set up the barriers. For more information, contact the Arcanum-Butler Local School district at 937-692-5174.

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Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, August 30, 2020 3A

Unsinkable life, unthinkable death the unsinkable life and unthinkable death of Berenice Keffer. I imagine that when we get to Heaven we’ll find her at a desk flanked by St. Peter. Don’t you get rowdy or you’ll hear her sharp rebuke. “SSSSSShhhh. Hush now.” Hank Nuwer is newly moved to Union City, Indiana — about one block from Darke County. He retired July 1, 2020 from the Franklin College Pulliam School of Journalism after 18 years. He is the author of the historical novel Sons of the Dawn: A Basque Odyssey, which makes use of his experiences as a young reporter trailing a large band of sheep with Basque herders from Spain. A longtime magazine freelance writer, he shares his reflections on the people and places he finds in Darke County. His wife, Gosia, a native of Warsaw, Poland, is a freelance photographer and longtime accountant.



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Photo by Malgorzata Wroblewska-Nuwer, via Star-Press

Mrs. C. C. Keffer was camera shy. This rare photo of her was taken by the Star-Press at a 1968 Wayne Township committee meeting.

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cold case. officer to your Berenice Ruprecht The Union City police house to pick it up. took a job in 1915 as force was widely praised After Dr. Keffer the assistant librarin the press for obtaining passed away in ian at the Union City justice for Mrs. Keffer. 1977, Mrs. Keffer Carnegie Library. How was it solved? lived alone in her She retired 57 An ex-wife and a brother South Columbia years later. fingered Anthony (AntoStreet house with She became the Near its manicured land- nio) G. Hernandez, a forlibrary director. She Darke mer boyhood neighbor of scaping. married World War I Hank Keffer’s. In 1982, Mrs. veteran Clarence C. Nuwer He lived on Carter Keffer, by then a Keffer. An Oak Street Street when the murder frail 85-year-old, dentist, Dr. Keffer occurred. Hernandez used was raped and suffocated served a half-century on the aliases of Delgado in bed with her pillow. the library board. He was tall and she was She had been bludgeoned Juan Garcia and Frank before dying. The murder- Lopez. short. They were insepaHernandez had coner killed her in a fury. rable. Her yard lacked a fence. fessed to family he had She believed books possibly killed “an old The killer entered the were relaxing entertainlady” the night of Keffer’s ment and a library should house through the back death. door. be like a home. So she “They finally were A Winchester, Ind. decorated the main room newspaper misspelled her conscience-stricken,” a to look like a parlor. She furnished it with antiques first name in a story head- former policeman told me. “But it took them almost and framed photos of his- lined “Elderly Woman Is Found Dead.” If the librar- 20 years.” toric Union City folks. Hernandez denied ian were alive, she’d be One of her favorite involvement in the murtelling that editor a thing paintings was of Isaac P. or two about the need for der. He admitted knowing Gray, a Civil War colonel the librarian and comin the 106th Indiana Regi- accuracy. plained that Mrs. Keffer Her murder terrified ment and later an Indiana had chewed him out as a South Columbia Street governor. The Soldiers boy if he trespassed in her and Sailors monument on neighbors. yard. The case remained an the circle in Indianapolis A former Union City unsolved mystery until was his proudest legacy. policeman told me Her1993. A Texas convict She established a genenandez was “plain mean, and onetime Union City alogy area with special attention to her passions: resident was charged with drunk that night, and out to hurt someone.” Herhomicide and eventually Civil War veterans and nandez is in prison now convicted. The state had tiny Indiana crossroads SALVAGE while serving a 60-year trouble getting aYARD convictowns that went extinct. sentence. Facts were important to tion. State police had SCHOENLEIN So ends the story of discarded evidence in the her. Either you got facts LAWN & GARDEN SALVAGE YARD right or succeeding genTRUCKING AND erations had information SALVAGE, LTD SCHOENLEIN all wrong. Indianapolis 4625 Hardin-Wapakoneta Rd. reporters phoned her to TRUCKING AND Sidney, OH 45365 factcheck stories. SALVAGE, LTD 937-492-1515 She answered all 4625 Hardin-Wapakoneta Rd. COMPLETE TREE research questions from 8031 Mercer-Darke Cty Line Rd. Sidney, OH 45365 & STUMP SERVICE patrons and non-residents Maria Stein, OH 45860 937-492-1515 MULCH AVAILABLE alike. Once, she acknowlDELIVERY AVAILABLE 419-582-4011 edged, it took her a whole 8031 Mercer-Darke Cty Line Rd. Fully Insured Buyers of Scrap Steel year to get accurate Maria Stein, OH 45860 Rick Gunckle information for an elderly Delivered to the Yard (937) 419-582-4011 man’s request. By then he No Aluminum 547-0922 was dead. Buyers of Scrap Steel Mrs. Keffer checked out Delivered to the Yard as many as 19,000 books No Aluminum in one year. She personResidential ally purchased every book Industrial from nearby bookstores. Commercial If a patron wanted a book, she’d order it. If she considered the book risqué,  ASPHALT PAVING  SEAL COATING  she ordered it but never  MAINTENANCE & REPAIR  put it on display.  GRAVEL EXCAVATION & DRIVEWAYS  Each Christmas she threw a party for area  CONCRETE SIDEWALKS & APPROACHES  children. After Story Time with refreshments, the CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE 937-698-1107 kids made ornaments for coopersblacktop.com the library fir tree and exchanged 10-cent gifts. Mrs. Keffer ruled her Do You Need OPEN HOUSE domain like a permedSept. 10-11-12 Some Healthy haired despot. Noon ‘til 7 p.m. She personally greeted And Positive patrons from her perch behind the circulation Energy desk. If you disturbed others with idle chatter, she In Your Life? was all over you like a holy Call for your private showing at... terror. “SSSSSShhhh. Hush now.” HERB & VITAMIN ~ ROCK & GEM SHOP Former Union City High School teacher Rick Clear, now living in Georgia, recalls her with awe. “She 8736 Gettysburg-Southeastern Rd. • Gettysburg was a fixture at the library, 5 Miles East of of Covington Greenville Call for Flexible Hours just as the library was a fixture in Union City,” he High Quality said by phone. Mrs. Keffer and the Carnegie Library were always “just there” as long as anyone could remember. “But she was gruff and a stickler for keeping order in the library,” Clear said. Union City historian and preservation expert Special In Standing Seam Roofs Ted Lehey also remembers her. “She served the COMPETITIVE PRICING library very well,” Lehey CONSULTATION & FREE ESTIMATES said. “She kept up-to-date • Manufactured onsite with portable roll former materials and was always • No exposed fastner’s system helpful to the community.” ASK ABOUT • 40 Year Warranty OUR NEW CRINKLE Woe to you if you had • Available in 24 ga. & 26 ga. FINISH an overdue book and kept • Many colors to choose from someone else from reading STEPHEN STOLTZFUS 765-576-1436 it. She would send a police 5301 EAST 900 SOUTH - LYNN, INDIANA OH-70197611







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4A Sunday, August 30, 2020

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Greenville Early Bird


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MARLINE LOUISE (SPILLE) KELLEY POWELL, Ohio — Marline Louise (nee Spille) Kelley, born January 29, 1930 to Herman and Clara Spille in Greenville, Darke County, Ohio, died peacefully at home August 15, 2020, at the age of 90. Marline was predeceased by her parents, brother, Robert Spille, brother-inlaw, Stuart Hopkins, mother-in-law, Margaret Kelley, and nephew, Paul Kelley Hopkins. She is survived by husband of 64 years, Bishop Robert W. Kelley; son, Kevin and his wife, Kaz; granddaughter, Samantha; and granddaughters, Laura and Catherine Kelley (and their mother Kim Kelley); daughter, Kathleen and husband Frank King; sisters-in-law, Jean Hopkins and Deloris Spille; and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. She had many friends, who will miss her winning smile, warm and witty personality. Her granddaughters will miss Grammy’s Easter egg hunts, playing “kitchen,” and reading stories of Peter Rabbit. Marline grew up on the family farm, where they owned the Spille Harness Shop. She graduated in 1948 from Greenville High School, where she participated in the Girls Chorus and A Capella Choir; was editor-in-chief of the Annual, and junior class president. After high school,

she worked at Schmermund jewelry store before going to college in Columbus, Ohio. She returned frequently to Greenville for vacations with family and many class reunions. A lifelong Lutheran, Marline graduated from Capital University, where she met Robert, who was attending Trinity Lutheran Seminary. A former first grade teacher, church organist, and administrator of Capital University’s alumni fund, she also faithfully supported her husband’s ministry in western New York and throughout Ohio, living in Euclid, Columbus, Akron, and Powell, Ohio. She was always a loving and supporting mother to her children and took great pride in their accomplishments, great and small. With the help of her husband, support of her children and caregivers (Comfort Keepers), she stayed in her beloved Powell home until the end, passing with her husband sleeping beside her. Due to the current health concerns a private church service will be held for the family. A public celebration of Marline’s life will be held during safer times. The family suggestions memorial contributions to Clinton Heights Lutheran Church (where she was a longtime member) or Capital University.

DELRAY BEACH, Fla. — Randall L. Threewits, 64, of Delray Beach, Florida passed away Saturday, August 15, 2020, at the Delray Medical Center, Trustbridge Hospice Center. Randy was born May 2, 1956 in Union City, Indiana, to Ralph and Phyllis Runkle Threewits. He was a 1974 graduate of Union City Community High School. He completed his Bachelor’s degree at Indiana University and received his Master’s degree at Purdue University. After graduating from high school and before entering college, Randy had the opportunity to participate in a three-week European tour with “America’s Youth in Concert,” presenting concerts in England, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Austria and Italy with the final concert in New York City. This interest in music followed Randy all his life. He participated in choruses and theatrical productions in Florida. Randy was in plays and musicals at the Willow Theatre in Boca Raton, Fla., Lake Worth Playhouse in Lake Worth, Fla., and more recently, Delray Beach Playhouse in Delray Beach, Fla. This network of friends, through the Delray Beach Playhouse, became Randy’s extended family in Florida. Randy was owner of 3W Development LLC and partner in MyLines LLC. Survivors include parents, Ralph and Phyllis Threewits of Union City, Indiana; siblings, Cheryl

(Barry Hecker) Threewits of Pierceton, Indiana, Deborah (Joe) Clark of Hudson, Indiana and Steve (Marla) Threewits of Union City, Indiana; five nieces and nephews; twelve great-nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by nephew Zachary Hecker and great nephew Cooper Hecker. Randy’s friends in Florida describe him as “a true friend to the end, and he set a terrific example of how a human being, friend, son, brother, and community member should be. He was strong in himself, never one to give up and always had a smile on his face.” The family is grateful for his “Florida family” who were there for him, not only as he battled cancer, but in the good times as well. These friends have truly made a difference in his life. For family and friends who wish to attend his Memorial Graveside service, it will be September 4, 2020, at 2 p.m., in the Lisbon Cemetery, Union City, Indiana. Joe Clark will be officiating. Please observe the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines if attending graveside services. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations in Randy’s honor be made to Delray Beach Playhouse (https://delraybeachplayhouse.com/support-us/ donations/), Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League (https://www.peggyadams. org/) or American Cancer Society. Online condolences may be expressed at www.reichardfh.com

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Find more obituaries on page 5A and 9A

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DANIEL LEE BESECKER ARCANUM — Daniel Lee Besecker, loyal son, loving husband and proud father, age 69, of Arcanum, passed away Friday, August 7, 2020, at his residence. Dan was born September 1, 1950 in Greenville, Ohio. He was preceded in death by his parents, Verlin and Juanita Besecker, and daughter-in-law, Lorraine. Daniel is survived by his wife, Patricia Besecker (Muhlenkamp); sons, Mark Daniel Besecker, Dustin Joshua Besecker and wife, Janel (Antolak), Jesse Lee Besecker and wife, Heather Hess; step-son, Jason Simmons and wife, Seka; 10 grandchildren, Giovanni Castro, Carmella Castro, Jonathan Besecker, Bryce Besecker, Carson Besecker, Ella Besecker, Logan Besecker, Bradley Besecker, Sela Simmons, and Asa Simmons; one great-grandchild, Roxanne Castro; brothers, Thomas Besecker and wife, Linda (Smith) and Ronald Besecker and wife, Karen (Cook); former wife, Carol (Setser) Farnsley; as well as many in-laws and numerous other relatives and friends. Dan was a 1968 gradu-

ate of Franklin-Monroe High School. He spent his life split between living in Darke County, Ohio, Tampa, Fla., and Dillon, Mont. areas. Daniel was a “jack-of-all trades.” Throughout his life, he worked in the construction and trucking industries. He also owned and operated many other businesses throughout the years. He was also a great mechanic in his own right. He was an avid outdoorsman, and loved to shoot, hunt, and fish, as well as ride motorcycles and snowmobiles. Dan loved spending time with family and friends. He was a music lover. He had a work hard play hard, non-crap-taking philosophy towards life. He was loved and will be missed by many, and especially, by his sons. We hope you find that grand hunting ground and ultimate motorcycle ride in the sky, Pops! Love, your boys. A celebration of his life was held Friday, August 28, 2020, at Kreitzer Funeral Home, 204 N. Main St., Arcanum, Ohio, 45304. Please consider making a charitable donation to the American Cancer Society in honor of Dan Besecker www.Cancer.org.

DONALD RAY RICH ARCANUM — Donald Ray Rich, 78, of Arcanum, Ohio, passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family, Wednesday, August 26, 2020, at his home. He was born on July 18, 1942, in Middletown, Ohio, to the late Ralph and Esther (Ross) Rich. Don was always full of life and enjoyed the beauties of nature. He loved to take walks, listen to the birds chirping, and sitting in the yard, taking in the landscaping and all the flowers Gloria and he would plant. He had a love for old furniture and was an avid antique collector. He would find something old and worn, and breathe life back into it by refinishing and refurbishing it. Don served his country honorably in the United States Army. He worked for many years at Corning and then GTI

before retiring. Don is survived by his wife of 56 years, Gloria, whom he married on October 19, 1963; his daughter, Machelle Rhoades of Arcanum; his grandsons, Justin and Jordan Rhoades, both of Arcanum; and his sister, Norma Delk of Arcanum. A graveside service will be held Saturday, August 29, 2020, 11 a.m., at Newcomer Cemetery on Painters Creek-Arcanum Road outside Arcanum. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, face coverings and strict social distancing guidelines will be expected. Don’s family has entrusted Tribute Funeral Homes with the arrangements. Online condolences and Hugs-From-Home may be shared with Don’s family by visiting www. tributefuneralhomes.com

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Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, August 30, 2020 5A


GREENVILLE — Forest Floyd Myers, 89, of Greenville, Ohio, passed away, Wednesday, August 19, 2020, at Sycamore Glen Retirement Community in Miamisburg, Ohio. He was born November 24, 1930, in Casstown, Ohio, to the late Charles O. and Anna M. (Limerick) Myers. In addition to his parents, Forest was preceded in death by his siblings and their spouses, Earl (Geneva) Runge, Gene (Charlotte) Runge, Mildred (Paul) Anderson, and Paul (Violet) Myers. Forest graduated from Patterson Co-Op in Dayton, Ohio. After high school, he went to serve his country honorably in the United States Army. Later in life, Forest worked and retired from the City of Dayton where he was a heavy equipment operator. Forest also drove a semi for over 10 years. He was affiliated with Mobile Missions of California for over 17 years. Forest was a faithful follower of Christ and a member of the Trinity Wesleyan Church in Greenville. Forest is survived by his wife of 65 years, Effie (Mahaffy) Myers, whom he married on October 9,

1954; his children, Robyn Whitaker and her husband, Jeff, of Greenville, Fawn Couch and her husband, David, of Piqua, and Scott Myers and his wife, Mary, of Fairborn; his grandchildren, Garrett Johnson and his wife, Allison, of Lawrence Kans., Jordan Johnson and his wife, Jamie, of Walla Walla, Wash., Daren Johnson and his wife, Stephanie, of Wichita, Kans., Kelly Calicoat of Dayton, Andrew Johnson and his wife, Jenita, of Kettering, Jacob Wright of Atlanta, Ga., Anna Bryant and her husband, Kyle, of Piqua, Joshua Myers of Fairborn, Sarah Mozingo and her husband, Donald, of Bellbrook, and Caleb Myers and his wife, Echo, of Guernsey, Wyo.; and his 17 great grandchildren. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, a celebration of life and burial will take place at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to Tunnel to Towers Foundation, 2361 Hylan Boulevard, Staten Island, NY 10306. Online condolences and Hugs-From-Home may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com

MARY JOAN HIESTAND ANSONIA — Mary Joan Hiestand, 81, of Ansonia, Ohio, passed away Wednesday, August 26, 2020, at Shelby Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, in Sidney, Ohio. She was born on June 11, 1939, in Greenville, Ohio, to the late Robert E. Hecht and Mary E. (Riffell) Gasper. In addition to her parents, Mary was preceded in death by her daughter, Kathy Thobe, and her brothers, Richard, Delbert, and Bob Hecht. Mary loved the outdoors. She spent many of her days mowing the grass, walking, and just enjoying nature’s beauties. She liked spending time with her family and enjoyed playing cards and singing karaoke. Mary worked for FRAM for many years until her retirement in 2001. Most importantly, Mary was an

avid blood donor and had received several awards through the Community Blood Center. Mary is survived by her sons, Rodney Hiestand and his wife, Erica, of Sidney, Robert Hiestand, Jr. of New Weston, Ohio, and Joseph Thobe; her grandchildren, Josh Hiestand, of Florida, Stacey Hiestand of Kentucky, Tyler Hiestand of Sidney, Joe Hiestand of Sidney, Rachelle Hiestand of Sidney, Leah Hiestand of Ansonia, Jaidon Hiestand of Sidney, and Landon Black of Ansonia. A celebration on Mary’s life will take place Friday, September 11, 2020, 3 p.m., at Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus, with Pastor Eric Knight officiating. Online condolences and Hugs-From-Home may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com

JEFFREY MICHAEL MCDOWELL GREENVILLE — Jeffrey Michael McDowell, 31, of Greenville, Ohio, passed away on Monday, August 24, 2020. He was born on September 29, 1988, to the late Michael McDowell and Melissa (Cox) Barbour. In addition to his parents, Jeff was preceded in death by his sister, Ashley McDowell, and his grandmother, Judy Cox. Jeff had a love for anything mechanical and anything fast; cars, motorcycles, or bicycles. He loved to take things apart and put them back together. He could literally make anything from nothing. He was a kind person and you could always count on him if you need anything. He has touched many lives, and he will be missed by

everyone who loved him. Jeff is survived by his children, Isiah and Christian; his brothers, Christopher McDowell and his wife, Tiffani, of Greenville, and Bradley McDowell and his wife, Kelly, of Greenville; his step-dad, Jamie Harrington of Greenville; his grandmother, Joy McDowell; his grandfather, Monte McDowell, both of Greenville; and countless aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and friends. A memorial service for Jeff will be held at 1 p.m., Friday, August 28, 2020, at Greenville Union Cemetery. Online condolences and Hugs-From-Home may be left with Jeff’s family by visiting www. tributefuneralhomes.com

DANNY EUGENE BUNGER GREENVILLE — Danny Eugene Bunger, age 63, of Greenville, passed away at 4:42 a.m. Wednesday, August 26, 2020, in the ER at Wayne HealthCare in Greenville. Danny was born December 6, 1956, in Greenville to Delores J. (Koons) Seibel of Greenville and the late David E. Bunger. In addition to his mother, Danny is also survived by his children, April Marshal of Ansonia, Amanda Yoder of Union City, Ohio, Sarah Dickey of Greenville, Buddy Clark of Greenville and Carrie Plessinger of Greenville; grandchildren, Lacie Cates, Chris Brown, Cullen Robbins, Karmin Plessinger, Kaymen Plessinger and Trin-


ity Clark; brothers, William Bunger of Greenville and Mark Bunger of Greenville; and sister, Nikie Savoy of Richmond, Indiana. Danny will be dearly missed by his family, friends and “The Four Horsemen.” He enjoyed tinkering around on lawn mowers and idolized “Ric Flair.” If Danny could have chosen his final words, he would have said, “This is Ric Flair signing off! WOOOOO!” A celebration of Danny’s life will be held at a later date. Arrangements are entrusted to Zechar Bailey Funeral Home in Greenville. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www. zecharbailey.com

YORKSHIRE — Rev. Charles Burns Dunwoody, 103, of Yorkshire, Ohio, passed away at his home Friday, August 21, 2020, surrounded by his family. He was born on April 15, 1917, in New Weston, Ohio, to the late William and Goldie (Burns) Dunwoody. In addition to his parents, Charles was preceded in death by his wife, Ermil Evonne (Shope) Dunwoody in 2017, and his sister, Brida Ortner, who lived to 102 years of age. Charles was a lifelong member of the North Star Congregational Church. He served in WWII as a Chaplain’s assistant in the 330th Regiment of the 83rd Division. He was involved in D-Day, Northern France, Hurtgen Forest and the Battle of the Bulge. Marrying Ermil on a LUCILLE THOMAS leave before he left for the war, he returned to a oneFrankman, in 1947, GREENVILLE and-a-half year old daughter and her second — Lucille Thomas, that he had never met. He husband, Charles 106, of Greenville, became good friends with Thomas, in 1993; passed away her when he presented her sisters, Glennys Saturday, August with a harmonica. Morton and Helen 22, 2020, at Rest Charles enjoyed helping Suver; brother, Noel Haven Nursing Sells; step-children, friends and neighbors, playHome, Greenville, ing ball with his daughters where she had been living Joanne Culver, Jack and telling stories about a Frankman, and Richard for the past six months. boy named “Charley Boy Frankman; and a beloved Lucille was born on friend of the family, Carrie and his dog Buster” to his September 10, 1913, granddaughters. He was Meyer. in Monroe, Indiana, to a long-time member of Lucille is survived by Grover and Leah Sells. Gideon’s International, was Lucille was a registered her children, Elizabeth instrumental in starting nurse, graduating in 1934 (David) Beckley, and Youth for Christ in Darke son William (Andrea) from Flower Hospital County, and participating Frankman; and stepin Toledo, Ohio. She in jail ministries. One of children, Jervis Thomas was employed at Wayne Hospital for over 30 years, and James (Jan) Thomas. his proudest achievements was become a licensed lay Lucille is at Wright retiring in 1970. She was minister. He pastored at State University working a member of St. Paul his home church in North on her master’s degree. Lutheran Church. Star and also at the Baptist A private graveside In addition to her Church in Versailles, Ohio. service will be held at parents, Lucille was He retired from preaching Greenville Cemetery at a preceded in death by her when he was in his late first husband, Dr. Charles later date. 90’s. PEGGY (SWABB) NEALEIGH GREENVILLE — Peggy (Swabb) Nealeigh, age 80, of Greenville, originally of Arcanum, went home to be with the Lord August 24, 2020, at Rest Haven Nursing Home, after a long battle with MS. She was born in Van Buren Township, Darke County, Ohio, on March 2, 1940, to the late Lester and Myra (Seman) Fourman. In addition to her parents, Peggy was preceded in death by her husband, Oscar Swabb. Peggy was an amazing woman who loved to make people laugh and smile. She ran the Casual Beauty Shop in Arcanum for 50 years. She loved to cook and bake. She started the MS support group in Darke Co. and was twice named “MS woman of the year” from the Western Ohio Chapter of Multiple Sclerosis. She avidly supported the youth in Arcanum, did ceramics, loved to sing in the choir, and was a member of the Potsdam United Methodist Church. She was president of the Rest Haven Residents Society, and worked with the activities department at Rest Haven. She helped her husband run Oscar Swabb Excavating and Hauling. “Don’t grieve. I lived everyday as it was my last. I was happy and made people laugh every day. That was my goal in life, to make people happy.

I loved everyone. So don’t cry. I am just a ‘Heart Beat Away.’ I know I am with Jesus.” Peggy is survived by her daughter, Melissa “Missi” Preston of Bradford, Ohio; grandchildren, Joshua (Rielynne) Preston of Pitsburg, Ohio, Derek (Kaley) Preston of Union City, Ohio, Lindsey (Troy) Rehmert of San Antonio, Tex.; great-grandchildren, William Alvarez, Zoe DeHut, Avery DeHut, Mackenzie Preston, Zakkary Preston, Sawyer Preston, Sadie Preston, baby girl Preston, Elizabeth Rehmert, and Maverick Rehmert; sisters, Martha (Ronnie) Dickey of Wayne Lakes, Ohio, and Kim (Dan) Smith of New Madison, Ohio; sisters-in-law, Evelyn (JH) May and Betty Swabb; numerous nieces nephews and greatnieces and nephews; honorary family, Mary Broadnicki; aunt Evelyn (Gene) Hefelfinger. Funeral services will be held at 12 noon, Saturday, August 29, 2020, at Kreitzer Funeral Home, 204 N. Main St. Arcanum, OH, 45304. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday, at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the MS Society or Rest Haven Activities Department. Email condolences may be sent by going online to www. kreitzerfuneralhome.com

Charles is survived by his three daughters, Sally Peterson and her husband, Richard, of Molokai, Hawaii, Jane Good and her husband, David, of Yorkshire, Ohio and Sue Dunwoody and her husband, Craig Dieringer, of Schoolcraft, Michigan; Grandchildren, Julia, Amy, Cami, Jennifer, Rebecca, Aaron, Micheal; great grandchildren, Katie, Felicia, Toby, Paige, Ben, Lia, Nani, Madden and James. Due to COVID 19 the family will not be holding a public funeral. A graveside service will be scheduled later for family. The family will be putting a You Tube memorial together for friends and relatives that would like to celebrate Charles’ life in the safety of their own homes. Charles will be buried at Hosapple Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be given to St. Peter’s Neurological Center, 78 W. Main Street, Burkettsville, Ohio, 45310, or to Gideon’s International. For more information on the life of Charles, please go to his obituary at Tribute Funeral Home, Greenville, Ohio. Online condolences and Hugs-From-Home may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com The family has entrusted Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus, with the arrangements. Online condolences and Hugs-From-Home may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com. The family has entrusted Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus, with the arrangements.

Find more obituaries on page 4A and 9A


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6A Sunday, August 30, 2020

Greenville Early Bird



NO. 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 21 27 28 32 33 37


HT. 6-1 5-10 5-5 5-9 6-1 5-10 5-8 5-11 5-9 6-0 6-2 5-9 5-9 6-2 5-10 6-0 5-11 5-9 6-0

WT. 180 150 130 170 170 210 140 180 170 155 185 165 155 160 170 190 175 155 175

GR. 9 9 9 12 10 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 9 10 12 11 10 9 12


44 50 51 55 57 60 61 63 64 66 68 71 72 73 76 78 80 84


6-2 6-0 6-2 6-0 5-10 5-9 5-10 6-2 5-11 5-9 6-4 6-5 5-9 5-9 5-8 6-0 5-8 5-10

190 255 190 190 170 225 190 230 180 230 290 310 150 235 235 265 145 180

10 11 12 12 10 10 11 10 10 10 11 11 9 12 9 9 9 12




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Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, August 30, 2020 7A

Greenville Green Wave



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62–Carter Elliott, 6-0, 245, 10, OL|DL 63–Alex Strait, 5-10, 260, 12, OL|DL 66–Keegan Karger, 5-10, 220, 10, OL|DL 67–Cole Sanders, 5-8, 175, 12,OL|DL 68–Luke Perreira, 6-1, 245, 12, OL|DL 72–Tyler McKinniss, 5-11, 185, 10, OL|DL 73–Chace Drew, 6-2, 225, 9, OL|DL 75–Cameron Preece, 5-7, 170, 9, OL|DL 77–Cameron Fletcher, 6-3, 185, 12, OL|DL 78–Jordan Gump, 6-3, 315, 11, OL|DL 79–Jesse Carey, 6-0, 310, 11, OL|DL 80–Jason Byrum, 5-11, 155, 11, WR|DL 81–DJ Zimmer, 6-2, 200, 11, TE|DL 85–Jacob Fultz, 5-11, 150, 10, RB|LB 86–Braden Addis, 5-8, 130, 10, WR|DB 87–Jack Royer, 5-11, 130, 9, WR|DB 88–John Rey Abao, 5-6, 125, 9, WR|DB

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32–Izaac Finley, 5-9, 145, 9, RB|LB 33–Dominick Baker, 5-9, 115, 11, WR|DB 35–Aiden Dispennette, 5-8, 120, 9, RB|DB 37–Carson Beach, 5-8, 145, 10, WR|DB 38–Ryan Staver, 5-7, 150, 9, QB|LB 39–Ryan Crampton, 5-6, 135, 10, RB|LB 40–Khale Dronthnier, 5-9, 165, 12, RB|LB 41–Nathan Shaffer, 6-0, 210, RB|LB, 9 42–Casey Willis, 5-10, 145, 10, WR|LB 50–Taylor Gardner, 5-8, 220, 11, OL|DL 51–Abby Raffel, 5-10, 175, 10, OL|DL 52–Brennen Siefring, 5-7, 155, 12, OL|LB 53–AJ Shaffer, 6-0, 175, 10, OL|DL 54–Brenden Harper, 5-9, 185, 10, OL|LB 56–Colton McCartney, 6-2, 220, 12, OL|DL 58–Isaac Elliott, 6-0, 225, 12, OL|DL 61–Ty Bush, 6-0, 220, 10, OL|DL


3–Jacob Barr, 6-2, 175, 11, QB|DB 4–Noah Ellis, 5-7, 115, 10, WR|DB 5–Evan Manix, 5-6, 120, 9, WR|DB 6–Logan Sibery, 5-11, 155, 12, WR|DB 10–Alexander Baumgardner, 6-4, 170, 11, WR|DL 11–Hayden Bush, 6-4, 190, 11, QB|DB 12–Michael Crampton, 5-10, 135, 11, WR|DB 13–Million Bryant, 5-11, 180, 11, WR|DB 19–Cody Seagraves, 6-3, 195, QB|DB 20–TJ Barr, 6-0, 150, 9, WR|DB 21–Nolan Ellis, 5-8, 125, 10, WR|DB 22–Seth Delk, 5-5, 150, 11, WR|DB 23–Conner Mills, 6-0, 175, 12, RB|DB 25–Hayden Sharp, 6-0, 200, 12, RB|LB 26–Nolan Curtis, 5-10, 185, 11, RB|LB 28–Nicholas Truman, 5-11, 170, 11, WR|DB 30–Sheldon Willis, 5-9, 140, 9, WR|DB

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8A Sunday, August 30, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Ansonia Tigers

Jersey # 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 18

Name Ian Schmitmeyer Kayden Edwards Nick Burns Reece Stammen** Connor Schmit Keegen Weiss Alliyah Hall Jared Schmitmeyer Peyton Beam** Kolton Young** Isaac Barga** Jackson Shellhaas** Wyatt Spencer


Grade So. So. Fr. Sr. Jr. Fr. So. Fr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Fr.

21 22 23 24 25 27 28 32 34 36 42 50 51 52

Dustin Burk Nathan Armock Gavin Kelch Ethan Hemmerich** Ethan Reichert Trevor Hemmerich Exzavier Moody** Brayden Drees Garrett Stammen Gabe Zumbrun** Colton York Tytus Gasper** Jordan Troutwine Preston Prater**


Jr. So. So. Sr. Fr. Fr. So. Fr. Fr. So. Fr. Jr. Fr. Sr.


Colin Moody




Jason Stover




Cameron Prater**




Zach Ward**




Levi Gasper




Devin Geyer




Eyan Hackler**




Landin Hiatt




Grant Barga




Yukon Riffell



**Returning Letter Winner Cheerleaders: Lilian Billenstein, Lauren Burns, Alexis Morrison, Cierra Rosinski, Madi Esser, Kelsey Holden, Kaylin Johnson, Heavenly Shilt, Ariya Wickham, Lorin Billenstein, Cennedy Brodbeck, Maddie Buckingham, Abby Kramer, Mercedes Leeper, Kelsey Muhlenkamp, Bailey Schmit, Brenna Schmit, Alyssa Schmitmeyer, Mascot: Hunter Weedman Head Varsity Coach: Matt Macy Assistant Coaches: TJ Phlipot, Stuart Beisner, Brian Collier, Kenny Edwards Head Cheer Advisor: Erika Kramer Videographer: Mike Osterloh

Lehman Chiropractic

ANSONIA TIGERS Varsity Football Schedule

Aug. 28 Sep. 4 Sep. 11 Sep. 18 Sep. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 9




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Greenville Early Bird


Pohl is delighted with Midmark’s plans for the new Inn, recalling the many joyous celebrations she and her family have enjoyed From page 1A there over the years. “For our family, the Inn was it the Ward Hotel. When he our ‘happy place’,” said Pohl, retired in 1976, Carl Subler “‘Big City’ dining in the small bought and refurbished the town that I love. I’ve lived here structure, creating office space all my life, and I can’t imagine within its walls for his transliving anywhere else!” portation company, Carl Subler Pohl, like many other longtime Trucking. residents, have fond memories In 1993, Midmark Corporation acquired the property, with of the Inn. “My husband and I celebrated our 50th wedding a vision to create a hotel and anniversary there, and my famrestaurant which reflected the ily surprised me for my 60th history and period architecture birthday at the Inn. One of my of a picturesque French villa. favorite meals was Michael’s After extensive remodeling and spaghetti with mushrooms called restoration, Midmark reopened the hotel, in 1994, as The Inn at Tagliatelle. Their bread and butVersailles, and hundreds of world ter that came with the meal was wonderfully delicious!” travelers crossed the quaint Other family favorite meals threshold of its awning entrance; served at Michael’s were the however, in October, 2019, a four-alarm fire damaged the hotel pecan-encrusted walleye, farfalle structure, rendering it untenable (bow tie pasta) with sun-dried tomatoes, spinach and pine-nuts for business operations. Last week, Midmark Corpora- with chicken in a garlic olive oil base. Pohl also reminisces about tion renewed its commitment the Inn’s interior. “One of my to the community by announcfavorite rooms was the Versailles ing that it would demolish and rebuild the Inn at Versailles, with Room. My daughter-in-law loved the dining room…cozy with a a view to blend the traditional beautiful French mural.” French architectural style while Indeed, many visitors to updating with the modern conThe Inn remarked upon its old veniences and amenities. This world charm and warmth, notis music to the ears of village residents, who know and appre- ing how lovely the front lobby ciate the significance of the Inn, was festooned throughout the winter holidays, with four large and its ability to adapt to the fir trees, elegantly decorated for changing landscape of the marChristmas in seasonal colors, ketplace. with fireplaces crackling in the Versailles Area Historical dining room. Society Board President Deb


Sunday, August 30, 2020 9A


RUBY J. WALLS GREENVILLE — Ruby J. Walls, 90, of Greenville, Ohio, passed away on Thursday, August 20, 2020, at the Brethren Retirement Community. She was born on May 29, 1930, in Ansonia, Ohio, to the late Kenneth and Irene Walters. In addition to her parents, Ruby was preceded in death by her husband, Robert E. Walls; her son, Todd D. Walls; and her sister, VereBelle Boolman. Ruby grew up during the great depression, so she was used to working hard and doing without. She spent her entire life

always doing for others and making sure all of us were well and happy. Mom didn’t have a lot of time for hobbies, but she did enjoy sewing, gardening, and cooking. She especially loved to spend time with her children and grandchildren. She took such great care of her children, supporting them throughout their entire lives by giving them lots of unconditional love and support. She always put everyone else first and never asked anything for herself. She will be greatly missed by everyone.

Without really realizing it, she taught us so much about life. Following is a quote which I like very much and it really fits what mom gave us: “The only important thing in life are the traces of love that we leave behind, when we have to say good-bye and go without being asked.” — Albert Schweitzer Ruby is survived by her children, Penny Donath and her husband, Michael, of Bad Soden, Germany, and Amy Sise and her husband, Pete, of Palestine, Ohio; her granddaughters, Char-

ity, Ruby Jo and Molly Walls; her grandson, Logan Lees; her greatgranddaughter, Jules Pahl; and her daughter-in-law, Diana Walls. A graveside memorial service will be held Friday, September 4, 2020, 10 a.m., at Greenville Township Memorial Gardens, with Pastor Todd Reish officiating. The family has entrusted Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus, with the arrangements. Online condolences and Hugs-FromHome may be shared with Ruby’s family by visiting www. tributefuneralhomes. com

HAROLD EMERSON PEARSON MARYVILLE, Tenn. — Harold Emerson Pearson (Lighting), age 79, formerly of Darke County, Ohio, passed away Friday, July 24, 2020, in Maryville, Tennessee. Harold was born in Darke County, Ohio, on August 6, 1940. He was preceded in death

by his parents, Ruth and Orville Pearson; sister, Wilma Jean Robison, and her husband, Donnie. Harold leaves behind a sister, Janet (Robert) Whittaker ; a brother, Galen (Darlene) Pearson; many nieces and nephews; and a loving companion of 18 years,

Mary Edison, her family, and many friends in Tennessee. Harold served in the United States Army, and worked for many years as a mechanic for Mack Trucking. He lived in Findlay, Ohio, before moving to Maryville, Ten-

nessee, and enjoyed working at Dollywood. He loved his family, fishing, and his dogs. Graveside service with burial to follow, Saturday, September 5, 2020, 10 a.m., in Abbottsville Cemetery (Greenlawn Cemetery), Arcanum.


Bradford Railroaders Taven Leach, 6-2, 180, 12 Austin Crickmore, 6-3, 302, 12 Ethan Reed, 5-7, 252, 12 Dylan Mitchell, 5-11, 179, 12 Connor Jones, 5-10, 158, 12 Shawn Jones, 5-9, 266, 11 Tevin Felver, 6-2, 150, 11 Landon Monnin, 5-9, 142, 10 Parker Davidson, 6-2, 190, 10 Ben Kitts, 5-10, 150, 10 Xavier Robinson, 6-1, 188, 9 Tucker Miller, 6-1, 161, 9 Kaden Clack, 6-3, 230, 9 Hudson Hill, 5-9, 124, 9 Ethan Saunders, 5-5, 134, 12 Garrett Trevino, 5-6, 132, 9 Eric Keener, 6-1, 260, 9 Peter Webb, 5-7, 200, 9 Devin Carine, 5-8, 163, 10 Peyton Melgaard, 5-5, 131, 9 Dalton Reck, 5-10, 163, 10

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2, Zach Connor, QB|LB, 6-1, 12 5, Colby Manning, WR|DB, 5-9, 12 6, Malachi Levesque, WR|DB, 6-0, 11 7, Landon Gehret, WR|LB, 5-10, 9 8, Pierce Daniels, RB|DE, 5-9, 10 10, Davian Trump QB|DB, 5-10, 11 11, Jake Dirmeyer, WR|DB, 5-8, 11 13, Caiden Beanblossom, WR|DB, 5-11, 12 14, Drew Anguiano, WR|DB, 6-2, 10 15, Kaden More, RB|DB, 5-10, 10

20, Alex Jenkinson, RB|LB, 5-10, 11

63, Anthony Ibarra, OL|DL, 5-11, 9

21, Dylan Wehrkamp, WR|DB, 5-10, 9

67, Hawk Thomas, OL|DL, 5-10, 12

25, Jacob Dircksen, WR|DB, 5-8, 10

70, Trey Godfrey, OL|LB, 6-2, 12

34, Jake Loy, WR|DB, 6-1, 10

71, Tristen Reichard, OL|LB, 5-9, 9

50, Tyler Grow, OL|DL, 6-0, 11

73, Trent Trobridge, OL|DL, 5-8, 9

52, Tanner Perkins, OL|LB, 6-0, 11

79, Adam Rodeheffer, OL|DL, 6-3, 9

54, Jess Ramirez, OL|DL, 6-0, 12

81, Bryce Gower, WR|DB, 6-0, 9

55, Colton Hardwick, OL|DL, 5-11, 12

82, Matthew Pisano, WR|DE, 6-5, 10

57, Caleb Trobridge, OL|DL, 5-10, 11

99, Jared Teagarden, OL|DL, 6-0, 12




Aug. 28 Sep. 4 Sep. 11 Sep. 18 Sep. 25

at National Trial at Arcanum BRADFORD at Ansonia TRI-VILLAGE

7:00p 7:00p 7:00p 7:00p 7:00p

SALES • SERVICE • PARTS • COLLISION 500 Wagner Ave. • Greenville, OH SALES • SERVICE • PARTS • COLLISION 937-547-3000



10A Sunday, August 30, 2020


500 Wagner Ave. • Greenville, OH 937-547-3000


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Sunday, August 30, 2020 11A

Tri-Village Patriots OH-70202058


500 Wagner Ave. • Greenville, OH 937-547-3000

SALES • SERVICE • PARTS • COLLISION daveknappford.com

500 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 937-547-3000 daveknappford.com

500 WagnerServing Ave.the •Darke Greenville, OH County area for 26 years Serving937-547-3000 the Darke County area for 26 years Serving the Darke County area for 26 years

12, Seth Cook, QB|LB, 10 14, Ethan Watkins, RB|LB, 12 17, Dylan Finkbine, QB|DL, 12 19, Peyton Walker, RB|LB, 10 20, Wilson Suggs, WR|CB, 10 21, Trevor Barrett, RB|DB, 12 24, Justine Finkbine, WR|DB, 10 25, Reed Wehr, RB|LB, 9 28, Paul Brewer, WR|DB, 9 33, Blake Brandenburg, RB|LB, 12 35, Foster Brown, RB|DL, 12 50, Jakob Saylor, OL|DL, 11 52, Brock Durst, OL|DL, 9 54, Seth Jesse, OL|DL, 9 55, Eli Hiatt, OL|DL, 9 58, Christian Cantrell, OL|DL, 10 59, Chance Davis, OL|DL, 12 62, Collin Marsshall, RB|LB, 11

64, James Penny, OL|DL, 11 67, Seth Wogoman, OL|DL, 11 68, Billy Weyant, OL|DL, 10 76, Wyatt Plush, OL|DL, 11 78, Dillan Plush, OL|DL. 10 86, Austin Rismiller, RB|LB, 10 88, Amos Weimer, WR|LB, 11



VARSITY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Aug. 29 ARCANUM 7:00 pm Sep. 4 ANSONIA 7:00 pm Sep. 11 NATIONAL TRAIL 7:00 pm Sep. 18 at BRADFORD 7:00 pm Sep. 25 at MISSISSINAWA 7:00 pm



500 Wagner Ave. • Greenville, OH SALES • SERVICE • PARTS • COLLISION 937-547-3000


1, Jace Lipps, WR|DB, 10 2, Tanner Printz, WR|DB, 9 3, Lemme Prieto, RB|LB, 12 4, Cole Shroyer, RB|DB, 11 5, Josh Scantland, WR|LB, 11 6, Devon Swick, WR|DB, 12 8, Layne Sarver, QB|DB, 11 11, SALES Jayden• SERVICE Hollinger, RB|LB, 9 • PARTS • COLLISION



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12A Sunday, August 30, 2020

Greenville Early Bird


Versailles Tigers 44, Titus Gehret, 5-11, 195, 10 51, Noah Gilmore, 6-1, 215, 12 52, Alex Gilmore, 6-1, 165, 9 53, Mitchell Bey, 5-7, 165, 10 54, Zach Cordonnier, 6-0, 150, 9 55, Jacob Treon, 5-11, 175, 11 56, Ayden Bergman, 5-10, 180, 11 57, Carter Luthman, 6-1, 190, 11 58, Ryan Knapke, 6-0, 190, 11 59, Luke Batty, 5-7, 135, 9 60, Cord Pohl, 5-7, 135, 9 61, Camden Yagle, 5-10, 170, 9 62, Caleb Rush, 6-2, 255, 11 63, Jared Thacker, 5-10, 160, 12 64, Tyler Dirksen, 6-0, 205, 10 65, Logan Williams, 5-9, 160, 9 66, Daniel Waymire, 5-11, 150, 9

22, Gabe White, 5-7, 120, 9 2, Adam Kremer, 5-7, 155, 12 23, Jacob Carman, 5-11, 165, 11 3, Noah McEldowney, 5-10, 150, 11 24, Brayden Henry, 5-7, 145, 10 4, Eli McEldonwey, 5-11, 150, 11 25, A.J. Griesdorn, 5-11, 150, 9 5, Noah Frazee, 5-9, 165, 12 26, Karl Kelch, 5-10, 175, 12 6, Carson Bey, 5-9, 170, 11 26, Zach Meyer, 5-8, 130, 9 7, Ethan Stover, 5-9, 155, 10 27, Lucas Stammen, 5-9, 175, 10 8, Wes Bruns, 6-0, 170, 12 10, Chase McEldowney, 5-10, 170, 11 28, Cameron Frederick, 6-0, 150, 11 30, Connor Studebaker, 6-4, 185, 10 11, Playton Platfoot, 5-5, 130, 10 31, Erick Grow, 5-4, 110, 9 13, Alex Kaiser, 6-1, 180, 12 32, Gabe Thompson, 5-7, 160, 11 14, Jared DeMange, 6-1, 175, 12 33, Aaron Bowlin, 5-8, 140, 11 15, Landon Henry, 6-0, 170, 11 35, Damien Michael, 5-9, 150, 10 16, Lane Bergman, 5-4, 100, 9 36, Jack Osborne, 5-11, 150, 11 17, Michael Osborne, 5-9, 150, 9 38, Chase Detrick, 5-11, 190, 12 18, Travis George, 5-10, 145, 9 40, Joel Gehret, 5-10, 185, 9 20, Max Gehret, 5-8, 150, 10 41, Ethan Weber, 6-0, 160, 9 21, Owen Francis, 6-3, 155, 11

67, Brayden Kiehl, 6-2, 250, 11 68, Lucas Rhoades, 5-8, 185, 9 70, Kaleb Petitjean, 6-1, 150, 9 71, Trevor Luthman, 5-11, 150, 9 72, Carson Arden, 6-0, 175, 11 73, Steven Rose, 5-8, 220, 9 74, Cory Bergman, 5-11, 280, 9 75, Dominic Meyer, 6-0, 165, 9 76, Austin Nerderman, 6-0, 260, 12 77, Taran Tyo, 6-4, 275, 11 78, Andrew Clark, 5-9, 205, 10 79, Jared Lyons, 5-10, 200, 10 80, Levi Barga, 5-10, 130, 9 82, Caleb Kaiser, 6-0, 170, 11 83, Colten Groff, 6-0, 140, 9 84, Dominic Barga, 6-2, 180, 9 85, Trey Mills, 6-3, 190, 11

VERSAILLES TIGERS Varsity Football Schedule




Aug. 29 Sep. 4 Sep. 11 Sep. 18 Sep. 25 Oct. 2


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Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, August 30, 2020 13A







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WEEKEND EDITION Sunday, August 30, 2020 | Section B

First Fridays set to return in September the mayor at 6 p.m. “The city has really done a lot for the downtown this year and we want to have the opportunity to show it GREENVILLE — A sign of a off,” Berry said. “They have really return to normalcy returning to put a lot of work into the downtown downtown Greenville will be presand accomplished a lot. I have people ent on Sept. 4, when First Fridays come into my office all the time and returns at 6 p.m. tell me how beautiful the downtown It will be the first one since the pandemic brought a stop to the popu- looks.” That includes brick stamps for lar event. people to walk on, the lighting that “We will be holding a grand reis done and the acorn lighting that is opening of downtown Greenville,” Ryan Berry of Main Street Greenville partially done. We will have several Artisan areas said. “We are going to do a hodgepodge of the some of the First Fridays — one on each of the blocks so that people don’t all congregate in one events that have been missed.” Among things that will be included place,” Berry said. “We will have a Chalk the Block on East Third. We will be the Jordan Agency Artisan will block off a block and children Stroll, Volunteer Fair, Scavenger and adults can use chalk to create Hunt and there will be an outdoor Advocate photo their own art.” theatre at approximately 9 p.m. The Jordan Agency Artisan Stroll will be part of the return of First We Are The Majority will be be There will be a ribbon cutting with Fridays in downtown Greenville Sept. 4. By Rob Kiser


part of the volunteer fair. “The Volunteer Fair is something we normally had in June,” Berry said. “It is going to be great to have We Are The Majority there and some of our other great volunteers.” The scavenger hunt is always a popular event. “I am sure there will be prizes for those who participate,” Berry said. “The Farmer’s Market. will also be going on. We just want to get a lot of people downtown and see it active.” As the event winds down, a movie will be shown in the parking lot behind Bach to Rock. “I am expecting it to start around 9 p.m.,” Berry said. “It will just depend on when it gets dark.” Berry said it is a chance to honor both businesses and patrons. See FRIDAYS | 2B

14-year sentence for McDaniel for sexual battery By Nathaniel Kubik DarkeCountyMedia.com

GREENVILLE — A former Greenville Police Officer was sentenced to 14 years in prison Wednesday afternoon. Shannon L. McDaniel, 52, of Greenville, appeared in Darke County Common Pleas Court before appointed Shelby County Common Pleas Court Judge James F. Stevenson. Also present were McDaniel’s defense attorney, Jose M. Lopez, and the visiting Mercer County Prosecutor, Matthew K. Fox. McDaniel previously pleaded guilty to 14 thirddegree felony counts of sexual battery, in which he knowingly coerced a minor into performing sexual acts. The hearing began with Judge Stevenson going over the sex offender registration requirements, and noted that McDaniel will now be labeled as a tier three sex offender. Following this, McDaniel rose to address the court, teary eyed and visibly upset. “Never could I have imagined that this series of events would cause such a tragedy,” McDaniel said. “I can only imagine the pain that I’ve caused from this, and I’m truly sorry. I pray that someday you [the victim] can find it in your heart to forgive me.” He continued, “…to my colleagues and my community, I took an oath of office to uphold the laws of the state, and much trust was given to me both on and off duty. I hope that you too can forgive me for this great betrayal.” Lopez, McDaniel’s attorney, briefly remembered his past experiences with McDaniel, and said that he had always found him to be a wonderful man and that he was surprised to hear the charges against the former officer. “When I heard what had happened here, I was See SENTENCE | 3B

Nathaniel Kubik | The Daily Advocate

Shannon McDaniel rises to present his statement to the court. Alongside McDaniel is his attorney, Jose M. Lopez.

Carla Hill-Clark, founder of BARK Animal Rescue, and her lovable pit bull, Miss Petey.

Carol Marsh | The Daily Advocate

Something to BARK about By Carol Marsh


GREENVILLE — If anyone has ever watched the Marvel “Avengers” films, he or she would immediately recognize these colorful superheroes, all “decked out” in cool costumes, selflessly leaping into action, and saving the planet from some impeding earthly chaos. While their larger-than-life exploits on the “big screen” evoke our cheers and applause, we sometimes forget the many ordinary heroes and heroines who fight courageously for the underdogs of this world, making the

most of each opportunity to offer help when and where it is most needed. Without fanfare or accolades, these incognito champions dwell among us in our community landscape, and, on rare occasions, we catch a glimpse of them in action. Greenville native Carla Hill-Clark, founder of BARK Animal Rescue, Inc., is, without a doubt, one such “superhero,” to the dogs she rescues, and the families who discover the joy of an ever-wagging tail. A graduate of Greenville High School, Hill-Clark enlisted in the United States Navy, and lived in

sunny Southern California for 24 years, until her retirement from military service. When she moved back to Greenville to be closer to her mother, Helen Teeter, of Coletown, in 2008, Hill-Clark became active in local animal rescue organizations like the Humane Society and the Darke County Animal Shelter. Yet, as she desired to become more involved with saving dogs from puppy mills and high-kill shelters, Hill-Clark recognized that one breed in particular, the American Staffordshire Terrier (commonly known as the “pit bull”) was often targeted for euthanization

in many counties across Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. In 2014, Hill-Clark, along with her husband, Randy, founded BARK Animal Rescue, a non-profit 501(c)3 charity dedicated to rescuing dogs from poor living conditions and highkill shelters. Over the past six years, many “pitties” have found great homes thanks to Hill-Clark’s efforts. Kathy Kenworthy and Chance Dehart, owner of the Wolf Tent LLC in Greenville, have adopted two spirited pups from HillClark; “Bentley,” their first See BARK | 12B

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2B Sunday, August 30, 2020

Greenville Early Bird


“We are going to require all vendors to wear masks,” It will be important for everyone to follow the gbusseyauctioneer@privategarden.org Berry said. “We will ask gbusseyauctioneer@privategarden.org Grant Bussey guidelines put in place that patrons follows the From page 1B 937-564-6250 937-564-6250 mandates that are in place Auctioneer/ by the Darke County Auctioneer/ Realtor SAT. September 12, 2020 @ and social distance as much Health Board. “We have a number of Realtor • Estates • Estates as possible.” that have put • Realbusinesses Estate 7:19A.M. • Real Estate • Ag &aFarm That will include one-way lot of hard work into re11506 ST RT 49 Brookville, Ohio 45309 • Ag & Farm Machinery Machinery as much as we possibly can. opening,” Berry said. “And walking at the event. • Personal Watch for BUSSEY BROS. Aucti on Signs to sale site. • Personal Property “We will have it one-way That’s what made this even the businesses appreciate Starts PromptlyProperty @ 7:19 AM •till DARK; Plenty of Parking SAVE to $1000’s of $$$$ the patrons and it is a great on each street,” Berry said. possible.” RAIN or SHINE - DELIVERY AVAILABLE Most importantly, it is “That is to keep everyone way to honor them.” SHADE TREES: RED OAK, Red Maples, Sugar Maples, Crimson King Maple, Silver Linden, a chance to come out and moving and helping with It will be important for Elms, Skyline, Locust, Sweetgum, Tulip Tree; ORNAMENTAL TREES: Flowering Crabs, celebrate the return of social distancing. We are everyone to follow the Winter King Hawthorn, Lilac Trees; ARISTOCRAT PEAR: Serviceberry , Purple Plum, River First Fridays and bring the guidelines put in place by the going to follow the Darke Birch , Redbud; JAP RED MAPLE: Shubert Cherry, Bald Cypress &Others; Lots of BALLED downtown alive. Darke County Health Board. County Health Guidelines & BURLAP STOCK: Burning Bush, Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce, White Pine; GLOBE BLUE SPRUCE: Boxwood; TAXUS SPREADERS: Taxus Hicksi, Pyramid Arborvitae; CONTAINER STOCK & PERENNIALS: DWARF RED BARBERRY, Boxwood, Red Smoke Bush, Juniper, Gold Thread Cypress, Roses, Ninebark; HOSTA & LILAC: Holly, Saturday –Sept 19, 2020 -10:00a.m. Golden Privet, Hydrangeas, Daylilies; SPIREAS: Butterfly 10188 Wolf Rd, Versailles, OH 45380 Bush, Weigela ORNAMENTAL GRASSES & Many Other Equipment: JD 2520 HST, 200 CX Loader, PTO, hydrostatic foot pedals, low/high shifter, cab Varieties - Just Too Many to List SHRUBS – EVERGREENS w/heat, radio, 3pt quicktachmidmount hydraulics, rear wheel weights, rear lights, 4ways; 5000+ SHADE TREES ORNAMENTALS – PERENNIALS Kubota RTV1100, powersteering, 645 hrs, cab heat and air, radio, hydrostat drive, hydraulic Items are “READY TO G0”Due to Continuing Sales dump, 4wheel drive, seatbelts, headliner, aux. 12V power, lights, All Items Subject To Availability; State Inspected — rear top lights (Halogen), winch; Doolittle 16’x8’ lawnmower Field Grown Shrubs & Trees 4-AUCTION RINGS after 8:00 am trailer, full ramp; Toro pushmower; 100 gal fuel tank with pump; — Starting with Trees;BRING YOUR FRIENDS TO HELP OUT./ JD 47quick hitch snowblower, PTO driver, front mount; Frontier RC2060 bushhog, 3pt, PTO, 5’; King Cutter 60” tiller, 3pt, PTO; FerAbsolutely... NO Pickup or Loading on Day of Auction/ SUNDAY tilizer spreader; Tractor 3pt attachment weight box; Honda generthru FRIDAY LOADINGS - WE LOAD/ POSITIVELY - NO LOADING ator EZ 2500; Exmark Quest 50, 23HP Kawasaki, 107 hrs, 50” deck, after 6:00 pm/ ALL MATERIALS MUST BE REMOVED WITHIN 5 Zero Turn Mower; Milwaukee blower; JD 54 angle blade; Harmony DAYS. Assisted Loading/ PLEASE NOTE:Check Website for MAP: 2013 Honda riding mower; Toro Powermax 826 Snowblower, powwww.BrownsNursery.com/ALL Sales are FINAL, NO Exchanges or erchute; Ex-Cell Powerwasher Honda 6X160, 5.5 engine; Sprayer, Returns/ Refreshments will be available for purchase. 25 gal w/10’ boom mount; Terms & Conditions: AUCTIONEERS are NOT responsible for Household: LaZBoy sectional, 9 pc couch w/ cupholders and footrest, 110 plugs; LaZBoy recliner/rocker; Maple bedroom suite; ACCIDENTS, THEFT & TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. Any statements White wicker furniture; Frigidare washer and dryer w/pedestals; made by the auctioneer on day of sale take precedence over any freezer; Maple Kitchen table w/4 chairs glassware; portable dishand all printed and/ or online advertising. Availability and Condition of items ARE NOT washer; Carhartt clothing, mens’ shoes; Christmas ornaments; guaranteed by Bussey Brothers Auction Service LLC. All sales are final. No exchanges or misc pots and pans; End tables; Filing cabinets; Rolltop desk; Office returns. Payment can be with Cash, Check w/ proper ID, Credit Card. Bring VENDOR# or desk; Coolers; Twin bedframe and mattress; 3 Chest of drawers; Ohio sales tax will apply. Items must be paid for day of auction. All bidders must have Bicycles; Grills; Air mattresses; Frigidare refrigerator/freezer; TV trays; Outdoor Glider bench a bidder number, proper ID will be required for bidder registration. #1Wear your Face Shop:Craftsman Tool Chest; Lincoln Welder; Billygoatlawn vac with Mask At ALL Times #2Keep a 6 Foot Distance from the person ahead of you. #3Consider 2 bags; Battery powered Milwaukee weedeater, 18V, straight shaft; leaving Non-Bidders and Children at Home Due to the Crowd and “Covid 19”. Nursery Air compressor; 2 Workbenches; Craftsman workbenches; WheelNOT Going Out of Business - Tell Your Friends and Neighbors. There are NO GUARANTEES barrows; Tires; Lawn cart; Weight lifting machine; Shelving; Lifeon Any Auction Merchandise!!Come ANYTIME... We split up auction items, offering like time foldable picnic table; Lawn tools; Aluminum ramps; Sellers: items All Day Long. Gloria Miller & Tom Lease A. BROWN &SONS Owners: 937-836-5826 / 937-884-5826 Terms and Conditions:Cash or check with proper ID. 4% charge for credit cards. All items

INVENTORY REDUCTION AUCTION A.Bussey Brown & Sons Nursery, INC Grant

Associate of

Associate of

Personal Property Auction



Bussey Brothers Auction Service LLC Grant Bussey, Auctioneer (937)564-6250 gbusseyauctioneer@privategarden.org Assisting Auctioneers: Grant Nicodemus & Trey Nicodemus


Solid ......................................8991 SolidRock RockApostolic Apostolic .......................... 8991Old OldUS US36, 36,Bradford, Bradford,937-718-0351 937-718-0351 CAC .....................................................630 CACofofGreenville Greenville ....................................... 630Pine, Pine,Greenville Greenville937-730-1313 937-730-1313 Apostolic Church ...............212 ApostolicRestoration Restoration Church ........212W.W.Pearl PearlSt.,St.,Union UnionCity, City,IN,IN,765-625-1404 765-625-1404


Greenville Assembly of God RouteRoute 118N118N Greenville, OhOh937-548-5445 GreenvilleFirst First Assembly of .7219 God State 7219 State Greenville, 937-548-5445


Favorite Church .................................. FavoriteHillHillBaptist Baptist Church .......................1601 1601South SouthStreet, Street,Piqua, Piqua,773-6469 773-6469 First Baptist Church .....................................7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville First Baptist Church ..........................7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville548-7616 548-7616 Faith Church ........................................... E Russ FaithBaptist Baptist Church ...............................740740 E RussRd., Rd.,Greenville, Greenville,548-1808 548-1808 Greenville Temple ...................... 4689 Childrens GreenvilleBaptist Baptist Temple ..............4689 ChildrensHome HomeBradford BradfordRd., Rd.,548-7283 548-7283 Union Baptist Church .............225 UnionCity CityFirst First Baptist Church .......225S.S.First FirstSt.,St.,Union UnionCity, City,OH OH937-968-6163 937-968-6163 Cornerstone Baptist Church 933 N. 933 Howard St., Union City,City, IN, IN, 765-964-3119 CornerstoneHistoric Historic Baptist Church N Howard St., Union 765-964-3119 Bible Church ................................... BibleBaptist Baptist Church ........................510 510Front FrontStreet, Street,Greenville, Greenville,937-547-1239 937-547-1239


Beech Church of the ..3420.3420 Harrison Rd., Rd., Hollansburg, 937-997-4895 BeechGrove Grove Church of Brethren the Brethren Harrison Hollansburg, 937-997-4895 Bradford Church of The Brethren .............................120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Cedar Grove Church ...................................373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Cedar Grove Churchof...............................................373 LoveCreek Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Oakland Church The Brethren . 8058 Horatio-Harris Rd. Bradford, 448-2287 Oakland of The Brethren ........ 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Bradford, 448-2287 PitsburgChurch Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd.,Rd. Arcanum 937-692-8772 Pitsburg Church of Brethren Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum Greenville Church of the ............8376 Brethren ........................421 Central 937-692-8772 Ave., 548-3583 Greenville Church of the Brethren ......................................421 Central Ave., 548-3583 CATHOLIC

CATHOLIC St Mary’s Catholic Church .........................233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616

StStMary’s Church....................................14233E Wood W Third Greenville 548-1616 DenisCatholic ................................................ St,St. Versailles 937-526-4945 StHoly Denis ..............................................................14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Family (Frenchtown) .................. 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family...................................................15 (Frenchtown) ............................. 11255 St Star Rt 185, St Louis Rd, Versailles North Star937-526-4945 419-582-2531 StImmaculate Louis ..................................................................15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Conception ............. 5874 N. Buckneck Rd., Bradford, 937-526-4945 Immaculate Conception .......................5874 N.W Buckneck Bradford, St Mary.......................................425 Hickory St,Rd., Union City, IN,937-526-4945 765-964-4202 St Mary ..................................................425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN, 765-964-4202 CHRISTIAN

CHRISTIAN Coletown Congregational Church .....2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590

Coletown Church ............ 2876 State Route 571, Greenville East ZionCongregational Church ...................................................6171 St. Rt. 36,548-6590 Greenville East Zion Church ....................................................................6171 St. Greenville First Congregational Church ............115 W. 5th St., Greenville,Rt. OH36, 937-548-3575 First Congregational Church ................... 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 Woodington Congregation Church ...8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 OH-70199709


www.cfpoeppelman.com RADIO DISPATCHED ON TIME DELIVERY BUILDING MATERIALS CRUSHED STONE & SAND Bradford Office, Plant 937-448-2191 Versailles Plant 937-526-5137 Union City Plant 765-964-6572

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109 Rhoades Avenue Greenville



Woodington Church6808 .........8978 N State 49,Greenville, GreenvilleOH548-9441 Stelvideo Congregation Christian Church, Church St .Route Stelvido, 316-8198 Stelvideo Christian Church, 6808Church Church St. Greenville, OH 316-8198 Teegarden Congregational ... ......... 2753 Stelvido, State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 Teegarden Congregational Church ............2753 State 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 CMA Church ...................................306 DevorRoute St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955 CMA Church ...............................................306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955 CHURCH OF CHRIST

Commercial - Residential Automotive

Greenville Church of Christ ........4599 Chldrns Hm Main BrdfrdStreet, Rd., Greenville, Missionary Church ..................1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Greenville Missionary Church ......... 1110 East Main Church of Christ ......... 419 East Greenville,937-548-4467 937-547-1557 Greenville Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885 East Main Church of Christ ................... 419 East Main Street, Greenville, 937-547-1557 Pleasant View Missionary Church......5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

CHURCH OF GOD NON-DENOMINATIONAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL Ansonia First Church of God ........................750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 Ansonia First Church of God ..................................750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 Castine Church of the...................................624 Brethren .................... 624 StateState Route 127,127, Arcanum 678-9945 Route Arcanum 678-9945 Castine Church The New Beginning Church of God .... 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 The New Beginning Church of God .............802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Calvary Bible Church ................................... 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Calvary Bible Church......................... 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Triumphant Christian Center.............1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300 Triumphant Christian Center ..................... 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300 Beamsville Christian Church .......6102 Beamsville-Union City City Rd. Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Beamsville Christian Church ..6102 Beamsville-Union Greenville 547-0009 EPISCOPAL Friendship Community ChurchChurch ........1005 Eaton FortFortNesbit 997-3592 EPISCOPAL Friendship Community .1005 Eaton NesbitRd. Rd.New NewParis, Paris, 937-459-2279 St Paul’s Episcopal Church ..................201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575 True Life ......................................................... 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 St Paul’s Episcopal Church ...........................201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575 True Life ........................................... 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries .......................................102 W Main St., St., Versailles, 526-4567 INTERDENOMINATIONAL Living Waters Ministries ........................... 102 W Main Versailles, 526-4567 INTERDENOMINATIONAL Bible Fellowship Church ................. 7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville, 937-547-1952 Family of God ...........................................310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Bible Fellowship Church ...........7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville, 937-547-1952 Family of God........................................................310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Community Fellowship.................8135 St. Rt. N., Greenville, 564-5942 Lighthouse Christian Center ........ 5256 Sebring Warner Greenville, 548-7464 Northside Northside Community Fellowship ........8135 St. 127 Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 564-5942 Lighthouse Christian Center ...............5256 Sebring Warner Rd.,Rd., Greenville, 548-7464 Rosehill Country Church .............................St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Rosehill Country Church ..................... St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill LUTHERAN LUTHERAN Versailles Christian Church ...........................105 W Ward St.,St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Versailles Christian Church .................105 W Ward Versailles 937-526-4194 John Lutheran Church ................7418 State Route 121, Greenville548-5404 548-5404 Hillgrove Federated Church .......1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 St.St.John Lutheran Church ......................... 7418 State Route 121, Greenville Hillgrove Federated Church .. 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Paul’s Lutheran Church ......13495 Greenville Marys Vers.,419-336-7111 419-336-7111 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue .... Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-623-1234 StStPaul’s Lutheran Church ........... 13495 Greenville St.St. Marys RdRdVers., Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue ............Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-623-1234 Paul Lutheran Church ........................ E. 4th Street, Greenville548-5770 548-5770 Arcanum Community of Faith ...........................................109 W. George St., Arcanum StStPaul Lutheran Church ................................... 131131 E. 4th Street, Greenville Arcanum Community of Faith .............................. 109 W. George St., Arcanum Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran ............................................ St.St.Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchChurch ..6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 Common Ground Christian Church ...............120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 PENTECOSTAL ................................................. 750 Arcanum IthicaRd., Rd,Pitsburg Arcanum,937-692-5670 937-678-9062 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church ............. 8520 Oakes Faith Apostolic Lighthouse ..........................................332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 PENTECOSTAL Trinity Evangelical Church ....Route 8520 28, Oakes Rd.,City, Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran ChurchLutheran .............1470 W. State Union IN 765-964-5712 Faith Apostolic Lighthouse .............................332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 Trinity Lutheran Church ........1470 W. State RouteStreet, 28, Union City, IN937-526-3091 765-964-5712 PRESBYTERIAN Trinity Lutheran Church ...........................204 E. Wood Versailles United Presbyterian Church ............................... 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 Trinity Lutheran church .................. 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091 First PRESBYTERIAN



METHODIST-UNITED Abbottsville United Methodist Church .................................. 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Abbottsville Methodist Church of ......................3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United United Methodist Church......Corner Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 Ansonia Methodist Church .. Corner Sater of PearlStreet, and High St., Ansonia EUM ChurchUnited ....................................................1451 Greenville, OH 337-5781 45331 EUMUnited Church ......................................... 1451E.Sater Greenville,692-8934 OH 45331 Faith Methodist Church ...........................101 SouthStreet, St., Arcanum, Faith United Methodist Church .................101WE.4th South Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church ................................202 St. St., Greenville, 548-3075 First UnitedUnited Methodist Church .................... W 4th Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson Methodist ........................ 3856 202 Church St.,St.Greenville 548-4410 Fort Jefferson United..........................................750 Methodist ..............3856Arcanum-Ithaca Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Rd 678-9062 Gordon Grace United Methodist Church....... 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062 Nashville United Methodist.............5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 Nashville United Methodist...... 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist ..............149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 New Madison United Methodist..... 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341

Bonded, Licensed, Insured 24 Hour Emergency Service 701 Wayne St. Greenville

UNITED CHURCH OF Church CHRIST First United Presbyterian ................... 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 St. Paul United Church of Christ ........................129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST

UNITARIAN St. Paul UnitedUNIVERSALIST Church of Christ ..............129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506 First Universalist Church ..................... 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST

WESLEYAN First Universalist Church ............. 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403 Trinity Wesleyan Church .....................................1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 WESLEYAN Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church .............. 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Trinity Wesleyan Bethel Long WesleyanChurch Church..........................1400 ........................................ 255 Stingley Road, Greenville

Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church ....... 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331 Bethel Long Wesleyan Church ............................255 Stingley Road, Greenville

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Rossburg United Methodist .............................. 117117 RossRoss St.,St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Rossburg United Methodist ................... Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist ChurchChurch ..........112 WestWest SouthSouth Street Arcanum, OH OH 692-8530 Trinity United Methodist ... 112 Street Arcanum, 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist ...........................122 W Wood St, St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Versailles United Methodist .................122 W Wood Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist ChurchChurch .........................8849 SeibtSeibt Rd.,Rd., Versailles 526-3855 Webster United Methodist ............. 8849 Versailles 526-3855

CHURCH OF CHRIST MISSIONARY Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Chldrns Hm Brdfrd Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467 MISSIONARY

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must be paid for day of auction. Items sell as-is, not responsible for accidents or property after sold, announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material. For pictures and moreinfo. go to Auctionzip.com #47130.

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Greenville Early Bird

Sentence From page 1B

shocked, absolutely horrified, because it’s so inconsistent with his character,” remarked Lopez. “I know he has genuine remorse for what he did,” Lopez concluded. “Shannon is a good man who made a horrible mistake.” Mercer County Prosecutor Matthew K. Fox deferred his initial time to the victim for her statement.

“He [McDaniel] scared me like no one had ever scared me before,” she stated. “When he stopped, he told me not to say a word to anyone.” The victim continued to outline her past experiences with McDaniel and how she worked up the courage to come forward, even when scared. “I was afraid to tell anyone, or even talk to anyone about him.” she said. “I didn’t think anyone would believe me, and I was afraid of what he would do to me because he was a police

officer. Shannon kept forcing me to have sex with him almost everyday.” She concluded, “…you [McDaniel] manipulated me, controlled me, and raped me. You [McDaniel] put a terrifying fear in my heart that remains today. It is painful to remember every single thing that you did to me. I am asking that you [the court] give Shannon McDaniel the maximum penalty for the aggravated assault of raping me daily.” Prosecutor Fox spoke briefly following the vic-

Friends of the Parks celebrate 25 years GREENVILLE — The Friends of the Darke County Parks will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 1, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of the organization. The meeting will take place in the Assembly Room at the Shawnee Prairie Nature Center. The Friends will continue to follow the guidelines established by the Board of Commissioners for COVID-19 era gatherings. Those planning to attend are asked to wear a mask.

Sanitizers will be available. Physical distancing will be practiced. The Friends are always welcoming new members. Some officers have planned a special treat for the evening, to celebrate our 25th year in support of the Darke County Park District, and its mission to preserve natural areas and promote historical and educational opportunities for the citizens of Darke County. We remind you that trails at YOUR parks are open from sunrise to sunset.

Sunday, August 30, 2020 3B

tim’s statement. “Nobody is a better advocate than [the victim],” Fox noted. “In my estimation, Mr. McDaniel held a position of public trust in this community as an officer of the law. His obligation was to bring offenders like himself to justice. In this case, we have an established pattern of sexual abuse… for the nature of the convictions for which the defendant stands to be sentenced, the State of Ohio advocates that the court pronounce lengthy, consecutive prison terms

CITY OF GREENVILLE On August 18, 2020, the City of Greenville, Ohio, adopted the following legislation:

• Res. #20-86 assess liens on properties for noxious weed mowing / trash removal / emergency. • Ord. #20-87 supplemental. • Ord. #20-88 transfer. • Res. #20-89 expend funds from Coronavirus Relief Fund. • Res. #20-90 calling for racial equality and community safety. This legislationcan be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 A.M. through 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Jessica Swan, Clerk of Council City of Greenville

Approved: Michael Rieman, Law Director

Great location in north section of Arcanum! Brick ranch offering 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths! Living room, family room & dining room. Owners’ suite has walk-in closet, patio door & yard. backMost porches leading toENCLOSED private patio front & back roomsonare freshly this 2-ST vinyl sided home. 4 BR! painted & carpeted. New furnace & central airLRM + numerous & DRM. Office/computer room. Porch on other updates! MLS 816383 #4617 back. 60x120 lot. MLS 796728 #4583


could have, and should have, never let it happen at all… accordingly, it is the sentence and order of this court that you serve 12 months on each count, with each count to be served consecutively, for a total of 168 months, or 14 years.” McDaniel was taken into custody by officers following the sentencing.



Shkolnaya Street, Building 5, Apartment 32, Village of Sapernoe, Leningradskaya Oblast, Priozerskiy District, Russia 188742

Vyacheslay Startsev, last known address of Shkolnaya Street, Building 5, Apartment 32, Village of Sapernoe, Leningradskaya Oblast, Priozerskiy District, Russia 188742, will take notice that on August 7, 2020, the Petitioner, Pedro Rivera, filed his Petition for Adoption of Ekaterina Startseva in the Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio, being Case No. 2020-5-013 on the docket of the Court, said case being captioned, “In the Matter of the Adoption of Ekaterina Rivera”. Pursuant to said Petition, Petitioner is seeking to legally adopt Ekaterina Startseva and to legally change her name to Ekaterina Rivera. Vyacheslay Startsev will take notice that he is required to answer said Petition for Adoption of Ekaterina Rivera within twenty-eight (28) days after the last publication of this notice. Said cause will be heard before Judge Jason R. Aslinger, Darke County Probate Court, 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville, Ohio 45331 on November 10, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. This publication is required by Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure 4.4(A).



Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio Adoption of Payton Page Niswonger (Case No. 20-5-011) Adoption of Maggie Lee Niswonger (Case No. 20-5-012) You are hereby notified that on June 23, 2020, Brandon S. Niswonger filed (i) a Petition to adopt Payton Page Brinson and to change the name of the minor to Payton Page Niswonger, and (ii) a Petition to adopt Maggie Lee Brinson and to change the name of the minor to Maggie Lee Niswonger. The Petitions for Adoption will be heard on October 27, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. in the Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio.

NEW LISTING! CozyOver 2 BR home in –FM Commercial Building for sale! 6300 sq ft. currently School District. LRM, eat-in KIT, utility rm used for storage and there are two rooms for retail & bath. Det. garage has room for vehicle, or office space plus a 2and bedroom apartment upstairs. work area hobby room. Occupancy at #4621 closing! MLS 803912

for this offense.” Judge Stevenson noted that the court took McDaniel’s statements, all statements on his behalf, and the prosecution and victim’s statements into consideration. “The court finds most aggravating that this happened again, and again, and again,” Stevenson said. “You

Travis L. Fliehman (0071874) Attorney for Petitioner 8314 State Route 121 Greenville, Ohio 45331 T: 937-548-6888





For Sale by Owner

1320 Highland Dr., Greenville 1320 Highland Dr., Greenville OF DARKE COUNTY, OHIO Well maintained home. Close to restaurants Well maintained home. Close to restaurants JONATHAN P. HEIN, JUDGE and shopping. Newer windows and and shopping. patio Newer windows and patio Public Notice of Foreclosure doors that lead out into your totallydoors fenced thatinlead out into your totally fenced in Case No. 20-CV-00361 back yard and covered patio. back yard and covered patio. 719 Central Ave., Union City, OH719 Central Ave., Union City, OH Scott J. Zumbrink vs Carrissa Lloyd-Foster, et al 54 Hiawatha Ct. Versailles, GreatOH 3 bedroom home, close toSebring grocery 3 Warner bedroom close to grocery Darke County Treasurer Defendants 6057Great Rd., home, #142, Greenville Nearly half acre in Indian Creek subdivision on cul-de-sac. 3 bed, 2 bath, store and doctors office. kitchen and doctorsTrailer office. MobileUpdated homestore located in Olwine Park.Updated Nice deckkitchen to sit 2 ½ car heated garage with workshop area and built in cabinets, plus Darke County Courthouse andparking. bathroom. plumbing inand most the 2 sheds bathroom. Newer plumbing in most the on and enjoy the outdoors. convey with the property. additional 16’ x 24’ shed with storage loft and single car Con- Newer Greenville, Ohio 45331 house. Open kitchen to living room, & big master bedroom. crete space for parking RV/boat. Natural gas fireplace, house. central air, granite Plaintiff 1195 Fort Jefferson Ave., Greenville 1195 Fort Jefferson Ave., Greenville counter tops, includes kitchen appliances, lots of closet and storage 3775 S Middle Dr., Greenville Lookinglighting, for an investment? This is it! One space, invisible pet fence, landscaped for privacy, landscape Public notice is hereby given that on 8/12/20, the Treasurer of Darke Looking for an investment? This is it! One Nice 2 bedroom home on a big lot sitting in Wayne Lakes. County, Ohio, filed a Complaint in the Common Pleas Court of new roof in 2005, new heat pump 2015, new waterhouse heater has 2014.4 – 1 bedroom apartments house has 4 – burning 1 bedroom apartments Large living room withplus a wood stove. Also, checkplus out Darke County, Ohio, for the foreclosure of liens for delinquent taxes, NEW PRICE $249,000. Call or text 937-621-2950. there are 3 single 1 bedroom units. there are 3 single bedroom the large 2 car detached garage1for all yourunits. cars and toys. assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against real property 417 N Walnut St., Union City, OH417 N Walnut St., Union City, OH described in that Complaint. Roof, sump pump, and windows Roof, are newer. sump pump, and windows are newer. ESTATE AUCTION The object of the action is to obtain a judgment foreclosing the tax Electric updated. Bath remodeled. 2 car Electric updated. Bath remodeled. 2 car liens and ordering the sale of such real estate for the satisfaction of SATURDAY, SEPT. 5TH, 2020 10091 St Rt 47, Union City, OH tax liens. garage with opener. One bedroomgarage down and AT 9:00AM with opener. One bedroom down and 2 bedrooms upstairs. 2 bedrooms upstairs. Such action is brought against the real property only and no personal ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, PRIMATIVES Early Bird ad to run 8-30-2020




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judgment shall be entered in it. However, if the property is sold for an amount that is less than the amount of the delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against it, the Court may NEW LISTINGS enter a deficiency judgment against the owner for the deficiency. If that ownerGreenville of record is a corporation, the Court may enter the 6057 Sebring Warner Rd., #142, China, Japan, Jadeite, Roseville, McCoy, Pyrex, Ironstone and Right Choice The Right Choice The deficiency judgment against the stockholder holding a majority of the 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331 other pieces. Cast Iron Animal Banks, Horse with Buggy, Sulky, Mobile home located in Olwine Trailer Park. Nice deck to sitstock. on and enjoy the outdoors. 2 sheds corporation’s 1400 Wagner Ave. 1400 Wagner Ave. Corn Bread, Favorite #1 and Wagner. Marbles, Comic Books,


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the full street address of the parcel, if available; a description of the parcel as set forth in the associated Delinquent Land Tax Certificate or master list of delinquent tracts; a statement of the amount of the 3775 S Middle Dr., Greenville 3 BUILDING LOTS at 1010 Gray Avenue. taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid $29,000 all 3 on the parcel; name and address of the last known owner of Nice for 2 bedroom home on a big lot sitting in Wayne Lakes.the Large living room with a wood the parcel as they appear on the general tax list; and the names and burningON stove. Also, check out115 the large garage for and all other yourperson carswith andantoys. DOUBLE CORNER LOT! Olive2 car detached addresses of each lienholder interest in the parcel identified in a statutorily required title search relating to the and 501 Euclid offer 2 bedrooms each unit; parcel are as follows:





Old Hardware Catalogs, 1900 Tarzan and other Books. Pharmacy www.cbfirstchoice.com Bottles, other old Bottles, Many Primitive items Kitchen Tools, Dinner Bell, Tin Type Photos, Wooden German Shoes, Guitar and Mandolins, Granite Wart, Fairbanks Army Navy Platform Scale, Sleigh Bells, Kroger Milk Can, Chicken Crate, Buffalo Forge, Coca Cola Shelves, Jewelry to Include 10K, 12K, 14 Gold, Sterling, Costume. Furniture-Tools: Antique and Modern, Trunks, Chests, Wardrobe, Washstand, Stackable Desk, Jelly Cabinet and more. 4 Piece Bedroom Set, Couches, Chairs, Flat Screen TV, Tools, Sockets, Wrenches, Hatchets, Tool and Die Items, Brush Mower, Chipper, Tiller Nice Selection. Sportsman:Fishing Reels, Bamboo Rods, Lures, Military items, Knives, Hunting Knives and More. Partial listing of a large auction. 2 auction rings all day. Plenty of parking on site. Bring a chair and enjoy the day. Lunch by Kathy’s Estate of Lois J. Long Administrator Rebecca Martin Auctioneer Tim Landis L.L.C. (937)-418-8941 Terms: Cash or check with proper I.D. Credit Card with 4% fee. No buyer premium statements day of sale supersede. Advertisement. Go to Auctionzip.com for pictures

covered front porch; 14x7 enclosed porch. PRICE REDUCED Permanent Parcel Number:F27-2-212-35-03-01-12500 33x40 detached metal garage. Mid 60’s 10091 St Rt 47, Union City, OH Darke County Recorder’s Office Deed Records Property Description: IN SOUTH END OF GREENVILLE this Deed Volume OR 447, Page 1092, Official Records, Darke County, 2-story home at 630 Sweitzer has been Ohio well cared for and ready for you to move in! Property Address: 214 Gray, Greenville, OH Hardwood floors; newer kitchen cabinets; Amount of Taxes, Assessment, Charges, Penalties, and Interest Due: $5,243.40 newer windows; maintenance-free exterior; 1 car attached garage. $85,400 Conventional Last Known Owner: Carrissa Lloyd-Foster, 214 Gray, Greenville OH Financing. Lienholders or Other Persons of Interest: Unknown Spouse of Carrissa Lloyd-Foster, 214 Gray, Greenville OH IN WAYNE LAKES this 2 bedroom home at Any person claiming any interest in or lien upon, any parcel of real 1180 East Drive is on a corner lot! Fireplace; property above listed may file an answer setting forth the nature and amount of interest owned or claimed and any defense or objection to newer kitchen cabinets; 1 car attached the foreclosure. Such answer shall be filed in the office of the Clerk garage. $49,000 Conventional Financing. of Court, and a copy of the answer shall be served on the Prosecuting Attorney, on or before 10/09/20, (twenty-eight days after the date of 16 ACRES M/L with this 3 bedroom customfinal publication of this notice). built brick ranch home! Formal entry; solid If no answer is filed on or before the last day for filing an answer, maple cabinets in unique kitchen; Florida a judgment of foreclosure will be taken by default. Any parcel as to which a foreclosure is taken by default shall be sold for the Room looks out to lake with fountain and satisfaction of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest, gazebo! 2.5 car attached garage PLUS 33x50 and the costs incurred in the foreclosure proceeding, which are due and unpaid. building with 3 overhead doors! Corner of Childrens Home Road and Arcanum-Bears At any time prior to the filing of an Entry of Confirmation of Sale, any owner, or lienholder of, or other person with an interest in the Mill Road. $469,000 parcel listed in the Complaint may redeem the parcel by tendering


After a certificate is filed evidencing any notices given, any action to contest the validity of this Will must be filed no more than three months after the filing of the certificate. John Marchal, Attorney for Debra J. Harshbarger, Executrix of the Estate of Estate of Marsha L. Henry Estate of Marsha L. Henry MARCHAL & MARCHAL, LTD. 116 W. Fourth St. Greenville, OH 45331 (937) 548-1125 OH-70200762


You are hereby notified that the decedent died on February 29, 2020, and that the decedent’s Will was admitted to probate by this Court located at 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville, Darke County, Ohio, on May 15, 2020.


Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


to the Treasurer the full amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel, together with all costs incurred in the proceeding. Upon the filing of an entry confirming the sale of the parcel, there shall be no further equity of redemption. After the filing of any such entry, any person claiming any interest in or lien upon the parcel shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any interest in and equity of redemption in the parcel. Cindy Pike Clerk of Courts

Local news 24/7 at DarkeCountyMedia.com

Common Pleas Court of Darke County Greenville, Ohio MARGARET B. HAYES (0042031) Assistant Prosecuting Attorney



4B Sunday, August 30, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Lady Wave tennis downs Stebbins DarkeCountyMedia.com

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enough players to fill first, second and third singles and first doubles while being saddled with a forfeit at second doubles. Greenville’s Emily Marchal defeated Kara Jenkins 6-0,6-0 in first doubles to give Marchal a 4-0 record on the season to stand atop the Miami Valley League. “Emily just keeps rolling along,” Coach Koontz said of his senior leader. Felicity Lance won 6-0, 6-4 over the Lady Indians Anna Nguyen at second doubles and Greenville’s Sadie Lance defeated Lena Ho 6-2,6-1 in third singles. Cheyenne Hartsock and

Gaylen Blosser | DarkeCountyMedia.com

Greenville senior, Emily Marchal makes easy work of defeating Stebbins’ Kara Jenkins 6-0, 6-0 to stay perfect on the season with a 4-0 record.

Erin Stephens to Vi Huynh and Cae Scott in second double in three sets. “The girls stepped up and we ended up beating then 3-2,” said Coach Koontz. “They played well and I am really proud of them.” With the win the Lady Wave improve to 2-2 on the 2020 season.


Contact Darke County Media Sports Editor Gaylen Blosser at gblosser@ aimmediamidwest.com or 937-5483330


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3-2 in MVL play. “The girls played well tonight,” said Greenville coach Jim Koontz. “We GREENVILLE –The were a point short with two Greenville Lady Wave tengirls out.” nis team overcame low The Lady Wave was numbers playing shorthanded in defeating the vis- down 0-1 before the match iting Stebbins Lady Indians began as the team only had

By Gaylen Blosser



Greenville Early Bird

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Lady Wave battles back to clip Skyhawks By Gaylen Blosser DarkeCountyMedia.com

GREENVILLE – The Lady Wave varsity volleyball team battle from behind most of the night in defeating the visiting Fairborn Lady Skyhawks 3-2 in Miami Valley League play. “They pulled it to gether here at the end,” said Greenville head coach, Michelle Hardesty. “They came back from some big deficits in those losses.” Greenville led 13-9 in the opening game before the Lady Skyhawks battled back to even the score at 20-20 and 23-23 and score the final two points to lead the Lady Wave 1-0. The Greenville girls were quickly down 5-1 in set No. 2 and trailed 8-3 before working their way back knotting the score at 14-14, 16-16 and 17-17. Four unanswered Lady Wave points earned the local girls a 21-17 lead on their way to a 25-22 win to even the match at 1-1. The third set had the Lady Wave struggling to put points on the board trailing 10-1 and 18-5 before several quick Greenville timeouts had GHS closing the gap to 18-25 for a Fairborn 7-point win to go up 2-1 over Greenville. “We talk fundamentals and then we talk confidence,” Hardesty said of the team’s timeouts. “They are all here because they have earned that right to wear that varsity jersey and we just try to boost their confidence. It’s tough when they are down 10-1 but they made a nice comeback even in that loss.” Unable to score open fourth set action, the Lady Wave quickly dug a hole to trail 6-0 and 11-3 as serve

Greenville’s Libby McKinney makes a set in Lady Wave’s comeback win over the Fairborn Lady Skyhawks.

Carleigh Cox looks on as Susier Blocher makes a return in the Lady Wave’s MVL win over the Lady Skyhawks.

send the contest to a fifth

Hunter Class slams a kill for and deciding set. Greenville in the team’s Tuesday The Lady Wave wasted night come-from-behind win over little time putting a ‘W” in Fairborn. the win column jumping

mer. One of our struggles is going to be in that department so we are working at it. There are moments of greatness and then there is like, ‘where did they go’.” Greenville closed the gap to 15-11 bringing a timeout from the Fairborn bench and made it a 2-point set with the Lady Wave trailing Photos by Gaylen Blosser | DarkeCountyMedia.com 20-18 bringing a second Abbie Yoder serves one of seven consecutive serves to lead the Lady Lady Skyhawks timeout. Wave to fifth and final set in the team’s win over Fairborn. With Abbie Yoder at the serving line, the Lady Wave reeled off seven – our serve receive needs after serve missed the unanswered points to score mark adding to Greenville’s a lot of work,” Hardesty stated. “That is something a 25-20 win to even the woes. match at 2-sets apiece and we pegged early this sum“We couldn’t get a serve

Leading in kills for UC was Mariah Claywell with 12, followed by Emily Livingston and Hannah Fischer, each with six. Aces were led by Katie Elliott with seven, followed by Andrea Sanders with four. Claywell also led the way in assists with nine and Carlee Rismiller contributed seven assists.

Kenna Jinkinson Girls Golf Greenville Senior High School


UNION CITY, Ind. - The Lady Indians claimed their first win of the young season Monday evening, with a 3-0 win of visiting Southern Wells. Despite the Lady Raiders keeping the score close throughout the match, Union City was able to fend them off and get the three-straight set victory.

“The girls are very young this year. We lost six seniors, so this is a rebuilding year and they are handling it very well,” said UC head coach Nancy Whitted. “We are trying some new things and figuring out what will work best for us. I think once we figure that out, we will be very successful,” she added.

The Lady Wave’s Morgan Hanes drills a kill in Greenville’s MVL win over the Lady Skyhawks.

OH-70200976 OH-70180762


Contact Darke County Media Sports Editor Gaylen Blosser at gblosser@ aimmediamidwest.com or 937-5483330


Lady Indians earn first season win By Clinton Randall

out to a 9-1 lead on their way to a double digit 15-5 fifth set win and a 3-2 MVL victory over the visitors. “I couldn’t have been more upset with them tonight,” said Coach Hardesty, “and then here at the end I can’t be more proud of them.” “We have to fight to be a better team and I think they did that tonight,” Hardesty concluded. “We got a win.”


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6B Sunday, August 30, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Old Arcanum city building undergoing restoration

August 31. The main issue, sidewalk in front of their house. The hole was left as as many residents have complained about, is that a result of previous work the manholes were protrudARCANUM — The Arca- that was done to update ing out further than they crosswalks in Arcanum. num Village Council met should. This makes for a “I realize that the sideTuesday evening to discuss very bumpy drive, and one walks are not done, as I the Arcanum Preservation was told,” said the resident. that could potentially cause Society’s efforts to restore “My only question is, what damage to vehicles. Counthe old city building, and cil reassured residents this the finishing plans for road is the liability issue?” issue will be resolved in the Village Administrator work on Alt. 49. coming days. The meeting began with Bill Kessler responded by Council approved the hirexplaining that village resicomments from the public ing of two full-time police Nathaniel Kubik | The Daily Advocate in which a resident notified dents are responsible for the upkeep of the sidewalks officers — Angela Wood The old city building in Arcanum was recently designated as an Ohio historical landmark. Efforts to restore the council of an almost the building are currently in progress and the village council has been pleased with efforts thus far. and Sergeant Kyle L. Yount. four foot deep hole near the and curbs on or near their Both Wood and Yount have property. part-time experience in “The state takes care of Arcanum, and Police Chief all ADA compliant walkMarcus Ballinger stated ways, so primarily the that they will be excellent crosswalks,” said Kessler. additions to the staff. “If someone falls on your The fire department sidewalk, they’ll come after plans to swear-in a new you, but if they see the Dayton Physicians Network town hasn’t cited you for it, group of firefighters on Cancer Care and Urology that makes the town liable, Sunday, September 13, at would like to welcome 2 p.m. All village residents as well.” and council members are The resident offered to Dr. Srinivasu Chamarthy MD invited to attend. fill in the hole if need be, Hematology/Medical Oncology The meeting concluded but continually noted that would like to welcome Dayton Physicians Network the hole was left from work with the council revisitSrinivasu Chamarthy, MD ing ordinances toOncology regulate done on Specialty: the nearby crossCancer Care and Urology Medical Specialty: Medical Oncology trees, shrubbery, weeds, walk. Kessler assured the would like to welcome MD Degree: St. George’s University School resident that he would have and grass in the village. of Medicine, St George’s, Grenada, 2001-2005 St. George’s Dr. Srinivasu Chamarthy MD They visited new business Unive a look atMD the holeDegree: and take Residency: in the form of coronaviany issues heMedicine, has directly Hematology/Medical Oncology of St George’s, Gren Internal Medicine Residency, rus relief measures. They the state and company that Seton Hall University School of Health adopted Resolution 2020worked on the crosswalks. and Medical Sciences, Newark, Srinivasu Chamarthy, MD NJ, 2006-2009 Residency: 19, which affirms that the Council briefly revisited Srinivasu Chamarthy, MD Fellowship: Specialty: Medical Oncology village will follow all applithe work being done on the Hematology/Medical Oncology MD Degree: St. George’s UniversityFellowship School Internal Medicine Residency, Specialty: Medical Oncology Specialty: Medical Oncology cable guidelines concerning State Boonshoft of Medicine, old city building to prepare ofWright Medicine, StUniversity George’s, Grenada,School 2001-2005 Dayton, Ohio, 2017-2020 it for tours. It was recently the funds they received Residency: Seton Hall University School of MDTransfusion Degree: St. George’s SchoolUniversity School MD Degree: St.University George’s Medicine fellowship from the county coronavidesignated as a historic Internal Medicine Residency, Hoxworth Blood Center ofSeton Medicine, St George’s, Grenada, 2001-2005 University School Health rus relief distribution. Newar landmarkand in the State of of Hall Medicine, StofGeorge’s, Grenada, 2001-2005 Medical Sciences, University ofSciences, CincinnatiNewark, School of Medicine, and Medical NJ, 2006-2009 Also in new business, the Ohio, so the Arcanum PresCincinnati, Ohio, 2013-2014 Residency: Fellowship: Residency: town adopted, and declared ervation Society has been Certification: Fellowship:an emergency, Resolution Internal Medicine Residency, Hematology/Medical Oncology Fellowship hard at work to return the • Board Eligible Medical Oncology Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, Seton Hall University School of Health Internal Medicine Residency, and Hematology 2020-20, which authorizes building to its glory days. Dayton, Ohio, 2017-2020 and Medical Sciences, Newark, NJ, 2006-2009 Hematology/Medical Oncolog •Seton Board Certified Transfusion Medicine the mayor to enter into a Mayor Bonnie Millard Hall University School of Health Transfusion Medicine fellowship Dr Chamarthy was born in India but grew up in the Special Interest: personal services contract noted that she was very Caribbean island of Grenada. He completed his Hoxworth Blood Center Sciences, Newark, NJ, 2006-2009 Wright StateforUniversity Boonsho Fellowship: Medical •and Lung cancer, the operation of the vilimpressed with the turn undergraduate studies and medical school training University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, • Breast Cancer Hematology/Medical Oncology Fellowship at St George’s University School of Medicine located Cincinnati, Ohio, 2013-2014 lage’s water treatment and out of the first clean-up Ohio, Dayton, 2017-2020 •Fellowship: Malignant Wright State Hematology University Boonshoft School of Medicine, in Grenada. He has worked as an internist since 2009 Certification: sewer facilities. This relates date, and praised the work Affiliations: and completed training in transfusion medicine at the Dayton, Ohio, Medical 2017-2020 • Board Eligible Oncology to the six-year training being done to restore the Hematology/Medical Oncology Fellowship University of Cincinnati in 2014 at Hoxworth Blood Center. • American Society of Clinical Oncology Transfusion required Medicine fellowshi and Hematology Transfusion Medicine fellowship He then moved to Dayton to work as a hospitalist at of water treatment building. • American Society of Hematology • Board Certified Transfusion Medicine Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, Hoxworth Blood Center Miami Valley Hospital in 2014 and recently completed management positions, and Moving forward in Dr Chamarthy was born in India but grew up in the Hoxworth Blood Center • American Board of Pathology a fellowship in was medical oncology and hematology at Special Interest: University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, DrCaribbean Chamarthy in India grew up island of born Grenada. He but completed his in seeks to address a staffing the meeting, the council Dayton, Ohio, 2017-2020 Wright State University. He and his wife Praveena along • Lung cancer, undergraduate studies and medical school training Cincinnati, Ohio,is2013-2014 the Caribbean island have of Grenada. HeDayton completed University of Cincinnati vacancy for the positionSchool highlighted that the work Dr. Chamarthy currently accepting patients at the with their two children been calling home • Breast Cancer St George’s University School of Medicine located Transfusion fellowship hisat undergraduate studies and medical school for the last 6 years. He is happy to accept a position at • Malignant Hematology that will arise in the next being done to Alt. 49 will following Dayton Medicine Physicians Network locations: in Grenada. He has worked as an internist since 2009 Certification: Dayton Physicians Network and is looking forward to Cincinnati, Ohio, training at St training George’s University School Affiliations: three years. 2013-2014 be entirely finished by and completed in transfusion medicine at the of Hoxworth Blood Center serving the community for many more years to come. Upper Valley Medical Center - Troy, Ohio • Board Eligible Medical Oncology University of Cincinnati in 2014 at Hoxworth Blood Center. • American Society of Clinical Oncology Medicine located in Grenada. He has worked as He then moved to Dayton to work Dayton as a hospitalist at University ofHematology Cincinnati School of Medicine, Hematology Wayne Cancer Center - Greenville, Ohio • and American Society of Physicians Network Certification: an internist since 2009 and completed training in Miami Valley Hospital in 2014 and recently completed • Board Certified Transfusion Medicine • American Board of Pathology transfusion the University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2013-2014 Cancer Care and Urology a fellowshipmedicine in medical at oncology and hematology at to schedule an Please call 937-293-1622 • Board Eligible Medical Onco University.Blood He andCenter. his wife Praveena along inWright 2014State at Hoxworth He thenwould moved like to welcome appointment at oneaccepting of six Cancer Centers Special Interest: Dr.Certification: Chamarthy is currently patients at the with their two children have been calling Dayton home toforDayton to work as a hospitalist at aMiami Valley near youPhysicians or visit our website at and Hematology the last 6 years. He is happy to accept position at Dr. Srinivasu Chamarthy MD • Lung cancer, following Dayton Network locations: We’re hereand forisyou Hospital in 2014 and recently completed Dayton Physicians Network looking forward to a • Board Eligible Medical Oncology www.daytonphysicians.com • Breast Cancer Hematology/Medical Oncology serving thein community many moreand yearshematology to come. Upper Valley Medical Center - Troy, Ohio fellowship medicalforoncology • Board Certified Transfusion M • Malignant Hematology and Hematology at Wright State University. He and his wife Praveena Wayne Cancer Center - Greenville, Ohio Dr Chamarthy was born in India but grew up in the Srinivasu Chamarthy, MD along with their two children have been calling Affiliations: • Please Board Certified Transfusion Medicine Special Interest: By Nathaniel Kubik to schedule an call 937-293-1622 Specialty: Medical Oncology home for thegrew last 6 years. happy was bornDayton in Caribbean India but up He in isthe island of toGrenada. He completed his • American Society of Clinical Oncology DarkeCountyMedia.com appointment at one of six Cancer Centers MD Degree: St. Interest: George’s University School Special accept a position at Dayton Physicians Network • American • Lung cancer, Society of Hematology nd of Grenada. He completed his of Medicine, George’s, Grenada, 2001-2005 nearStyou or visitschool our website attraining undergraduate studies and medical and is lookingWe’re forward to serving the community • American Board of Pathology • Lung cancer, here for you GREENVILLE — Duane www.daytonphysicians.com Residency: • Breast Cancer studies for and medical school many more to come. training at St years George’s University School of Medicine located A. Boomershine, 35, • Breast Cancer Internal Medicine Residency, University School of Medicine located Hematology Seton Hall University School of Health appeared•inMalignant Darke County • Malignant Hematology He has as an internist and Medical Sciences, Newark, NJ,since 2006-2009 2009 has worked in as Grenada. an internist since 2009worked Common Pleas Court Fellowship: MondayAffiliations: afternoon for a Affiliations: medicine at the and completed training in transfusion training in transfusion medicine at the Hematology/Medical Oncology Fellowship plea agreement and senWright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, innati in 2014University at Hoxworthof Blood Center. in 2014 • American Society of Clinical Oncology Cincinnati at Hoxworth Blood Center. tencing. • HeAmerican was sentenced Society of Clinical O Dayton, Ohio, 2017-2020 to the mandatory 10 years to Dayton to work as a hospitalist at Transfusion Medicine fellowship •to American Society of Hematology He then moved to Dayton Hoxworth work as a hospitalist at in prison•forAmerican one count of Blood Center Society of Hematolo spital in 2014 and recently completed Nathaniel Kubik | The Daily Advocate University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, rape, a first degree felony, Miami Valley Hospital in 2014 and recently completed • American Board of Pathology Duane Boomershine (left) Cincinnati, Ohio, 2013-2014 medical oncology and hematology at for engaging in sexual • American Boardhis of Pathology alongside laywer, Patrick Certification: misconduct with a minor. a his fellowship in medical oncology and hematology at versity. He and wife Praveena along Mulligan (right). Boomershine • Board Eligible Medical Oncology Judge Jonathan P. Hein pre- was sentenced to 10 years in and Hematology Dr. Chamarthy is currently accepting patients at the prison for rape of a minor. ildren have been calling Dayton home He and Wright State University. his wife Praveena along sided with assistant pros• Board Certified Transfusion Medicine rs. He is happy to accept position atin the ecutor, Deborah Quigley, Dr Chamarthy was born ina India but grew up following Dayton Physicians locations: with their two children haveSpecial been calling Dayton homeNetwork Interest: Caribbean island of Grenada. He completed his and Boomershine’s defense consideration that Boom• Lung cancer, ns Networkundergraduate and is looking forward to studies and medical school training attorney, Patrick Mulligan, ershine has two children, • Breast Cancer for theUniversity last 6toyears. is happy to accept a Medical position Center at at St George’s School of MedicineHe located munity for many more years come. Upper Valley - Troy, Ohio • Malignant Hematology and it was argued that time present. in Grenada. He has worked as an internist since 2009 Dayton Physicians Network and is looking forward to Affiliations: and completed training in transfusion medicine at the should not be added to the Prior to the plea agreeUniversity of Cincinnati in 2014 at Hoxworth Blood Center. • American Society of Clinical Oncology Center - Greenville, Wayne Cancer Ohio minimum 10 year sentence. ment, Boomershire was serving the tocommunity for many more years to come. He then moved to Dayton work as a hospitalist at • American Society of Hematology An advocate for the charged with three counts Miami Valley Hospital in 2014 and recently completed • American Board of Pathology victim highlighted that of rape, all first-degree a fellowship in medical oncology and hematology at Wright State University. He and his wife Praveena along an Please call 937-293-1622 to schedule Boomershine was not felonies. The negotiated Dr. Chamarthy is currently accepting patients at the with their two children have been calling Dayton home who he appears to be. She plea deal dropped the secfor the last 6 years. He is happy to accept a position at following Dayton Physicians Network locations: appointment at one of six Cancer Centers argued that Boomershine ond and third charges, Dayton Physicians Network and is looking forward to serving the community for many more years to come. Upper Valley Medical Center - Troy, Ohio had taken the victim’s and Boomershine pleaded near you or visit our website at innocence and read a guilty to the first count of Wayne Cancer Center - Greenville, Ohio We’re here for you quote from the victim that rape. www.daytonphysicians.com Please call 937-293-1622 to schedule an expressed the pain the vicAdvocates on behalf of appointment at one of six Cancer Centers both Boomershine and the tim felt as a result of what near you or visit our website at had happened. victim were present and We’re here for you www.daytonphysicians.com Judge Hein acknowlpresented their statements edged Boomershine’s milito the court. tary service and family life, Those advocating on behalf of Boomershire high- but said that it in no way lighted his military service impacts the sentence. Boomershine was and clean criminal record up to this point. The judge detained immediately following the sentencing. was asked to take into By Nathaniel Kubik DarkeCountyMedia.com

Dayton Physicians Network Cancer Care and Urology would like to welcome

Dr. Srinivasu Chamarthy MD Hematology/Medical Oncology Dayton Physicians Network Cancer Care and Urology

Srinivasu Chamarthy, M

Dr. Srinivasu Chamarthy MD Hematology/Medical Oncology

Srinivasu Chamarthy, MD

Boomershine sentenced to 10 years for minor’s rape

Dr. Chamarthy is currently accepting patients at the following Dayton Physicians Network locations: Upper Valley Medical Center - Troy, Ohio Wayne Cancer Center - Greenville, Ohio Please call 937-293-1622 to schedule an appointment at one of six Cancer Centers near you or visit our website at www.daytonphysicians.com

Dr. Chamarthy is currently ac following Dayton Physician

Upper Valley Medical C

Wayne Cancer Center


We’re here for you

Please call 937-293-162 appointment at one of near you or visit o www.daytonphys


Greenville Early Bird

Radiant Lighthouse blood drive GREENVILLE — Help keep the area blood supply strong against the challenges of COVID-19 by supporting the Radiant Lighthouse community blood drive Tuesday, Sept. 1 from 12:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Worship Center, 5256 Sebring Warner Road, Greenville. Donors must make an appointment at www.DonorTime.com or by calling 937-461-3220. Everyone who registers to donate will receive the new “We Are All In This Together” face mask and the “It’s Time to Save A Life” t-shirt. In addition, all donors will be automatically entered in the “Wake Up & Donate Blood Drive” drawing to win a custom Sleep Number bed. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact blood collections. CBC is operating with fewer business blood drives and limitations on community blood drives, while also facing higher summer usage. High school blood drives remain uncertain as schools re-open with a mixture of

Provided photo

The Radiant Lighthouse community blood drive will be held Tuesday, Sept. 1 from 12:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Participants will receive a free T-shirt.

MEATS In-Store Made Bulk or Stuffed

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VALID: 08/31/2020-09/05/2020

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VALID: 08/31/2020-09/05/2020


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Beef Round Boneless

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Armour 14 oz reg $3.69

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COOKED HAM $2.79/lb

Breaking news at

for a complete listing of over 80 sale items! Copy of entire ad available at the store starting Monday morning.


Farmland 95% Fat Free

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vice, and are advocates for programs and initiatives that benefit children and their families in Shelby County. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby and Darke County’s Executive Director, Jennifer Bruns, added, “Having the support from service clubs like POWER is a true blessing for nonprofits like Big Brothers Big Sisters. This year has been a real challenge with all the changes COVID-19 gave us. We will continue to be here for the children and offer them support in a safe and positive way.” Big Brothers Big Sisters is a non-profit United Way partner agency. The agency currently has 12 children ready and waiting to be matched with a caring adult. If you would like to ignite, empower, and defend the potential of a child, either through volunteering or financial contribution, please contact the agency at 937492-7611, 937-547-9622 or go to www. bigbrobigsis-shelbydarke.org for more information.

CHECK OUT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE www.facebook.com/new madisonsupermarket


SHELBY COUNTY — Shelby County United Way’s POWER group recently awarded a grant to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby and Darke County to assist with purchases for their Big Buddies programs. Big Buddies is a nine-month commitment where high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors volunteer two times per month to mentor elementary students. During these meetings, high school students, under the supervision of Big Brothers Big Sisters staff, work with one or two children on different educational and recreational activities. The agency will be utilizing Social Emotional Learning curriculum this year through the programs. POWER (Passionate, Optimistic, Women, Encouraging, Results) is the Shelby County United Way’s Women’s Initiative Group whose mission is to encourage women philanthropists to develop financial resources, unite in ser-

*Additional purchase requirements do not include the item, 24 pack soft drinks, tobacco products and alcohol products*

Arctic Shores 16 oz reg $4.39


United Way’s POWER gives to Big Brothers Big Sisters

AD PRICES IN EFFECT Mon., August 31 THRU Sat., September 5, 2020 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities - No Dealer Purchases.



program is now accepting donors who have tested positive by blood test for COVID-19 antibodies. Donors will receive the “COVID-19 Crisis Warrior” t-shirt. Learn more and register to donate at www. GivingBlood.org or call 937-461-3220.

virtual and in-person class schedules. CBC is also seeking COVID-19 survivors to become “Crisis Warriors” by donating their antibody-rich plasma for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. The CBC COVID19 Convalescent Plasma

Sunday, August 30, 2020 7B



Keebler Sea Salt or Original 10-13.8 oz reg $3.49


DAIRY SPECIALS Swiss Gallons reg $2.79

TEA $1.99/ea Fruit Rush Gallons reg $1.49


Keebler Original 7 oz reg $2.69-$2.99 CHEEZ-IT or 11 oz CRACKER

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Nabisco 3.5-9.1 oz reg $3.99



Kraft 7 oz Jet Puffed reg $1.69

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Essential Everyday 46 oz reg $1.99

TOMATO JUICE $1.49/ea Creamette or San Giorgio 12-16 oz reg $1.79-$1.89

MACARONI, SPAGHETTI and ASSORTED PASTA 99¢/ea Hefty 20-60 count reg $3.09 BOWLS or

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MACARONI & CHEESE 99¢/ea Kraft 8 oz Philadelphia Bar reg $2.99

CREAM CHEESE $1.99/ea Essential Everyday 64 oz reg $3.39

ALMOND MILK $2.49/ea Coffee Mate Original or Flavored 32 oz reg $3.89-$4.19

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Kraft 22-30 oz reg $4.99-$5.99

Keebler 16 oz reg $2.99


HALF & HALF $1.49/ea




Dairy Pure 16 oz reg $1.89

Kraft 22-30 oz reg $3.99


Essential Everyday Aerosol 6.5 oz reg $2.39


Kraft 16 oz reg $2.99

Planter’s 16 oz reg $4.29 Dry Roasted or Cocktail

PEANUTS $2.49/ea

Keebler 8-13.6 oz reg $3.99


Keebler Cookies 10-15 oz reg $3.69-$3.79



Bush’s Best 21-28 oz reg $2.59

BAKED BEANS $1.99/ea

Frito Lay 7 ¾ – 8 oz reg $3.79


Hershey’s 12-16 oz reg $2.49

TWIZZLERS $1.79/ea

Essential Everyday 32 oz reg $4.29

GREEK YOGURT $3.49/ea Essential Everyday 16 oz reg $1.99


Tropicana 52 oz reg $4.69

ORANGE JUICE $2.99/ea Gold Peak 52 oz reg $2.99 TEA $1.99/ea

Simply Potatoes 20 oz reg $2.79

HASH BROWNS $1.99/ea

Just Crack an Egg 3 oz reg $2.49



Greenville Early Bird


New CBD Technology Gives Seniors Faster Pain Relief and Greater Mobility Clinical study shows 93% of joint sufferers report significant relief — Now delivered straight to your door By Howard Reed Health Correspondent PALM BEACH, FLORIDA — Exciting news from leading medical doctors and CBD researchers is creating a surge in demand for a new CBD formula that is 450 percent more potent than conventional CBD.

“Anyone who struggles with occasional, age-related aches and pains or discomfort now has the opportunity to experience relief in a way no CBD product could deliver before,” says Michael Miller, head of development for The Green Gardener, the company behind Canna LS.

Why So Much Excitement This new delivery system is the breakthrough behind the unique “pain-relief pearls” which give Canna LS its trademark iridescence. Unlike most CBD products, which rely on powder inside a capsule, these CBD pearls contain a micro-sized blend of CBD oil and water for faster relief. An analysis from the independent lab Folium Bioscience confirms these CBD “pearls” are 450 percent more absorbable than regular CBD, making Canna LS among the most powerful CBD formulas available. With such strong clinical evidence behind the new technology in Canna LS, it’s easy to see why the public is so eager to get this new formula. The results are so encouraging, CBD researcher Dr. Al Sears, MD concluded, “We finally discovered a way to help seniors with a universal problem… how to get fast and soothing relief from occasional, age-related aches and discomfort.” There is no easy cure and no substitute for qualified medical advice, but the impressive results provide much needed hope for seniors struggling with daily life.

New “Nano Tech” a Game-Changer for Seniors with Pain Once sidelined by achy, tender joints and back pain, seniors taking Canna LS are doing things they gave up years ago. From everyday chores like opening a jar or unloading the dishwasher, to traveling without pain or worry, and enjoying time with their grandkids.


Dr. Al Sears played an integral role in the development of Canna LS and knows firsthand the differ-

ence it makes for his patients at his South Florida clinic. “My patients tell me they feel better at 60 than they did at 45,” says Dr. Sears, who credits the remarkable results to the “nano tech” delivery system. “Finally, seniors have a safe and reliable option for consistent relief that doesn’t lose efficacy after weeks or months. It works every time you take it,” adds Dr. Sears. For people like Jonathan Wilson, age 73, Canna LS is the only solution for lasting relief. “Before I started [Canna LS], pain from my hip replacement surgery made it hard to walk for more than a few minutes. Now, I can get out of the house and spend time with friends. I even played 9 holes of golf, which I had given up after [the] surgery.”

How It Works Nanotechnology takes molecules that are too large to pass easily into your cells and breaks them down into millions of tiny, nano-sized molecules. Nanoemulsions are commonly used in the pharmaceutical world, with the International Journal of Pharmaceutics reporting, “Nanoemulsions are the best delivery system available.” And the Royal Society of Chemistry saying, “Nanoemulsions provide much greater absorption.” More recently, nanoemulsions are improving the delivery of key ingredients in nutritional supplements. These “nano” molecules slide effortlessly through your cells’ membranes. That’s important, because if your cells can’t absorb the ingredients, you won’t feel the relief. Research shows this incredible nanotechnology works fast. When harnessing the power of this new delivery system, CBD molecules are absorbed in just 30 seconds. By contrast, in less effective products, only a small amount of CBD molecules are absorbed after 30 days.

more. Yet Dr. Sears says the recent popularity of CBD has led to an increased number of cheap, ineffective formulations. In turn, seniors often give up on CBD after trying them because they don’t get the results they’d hoped for. Dr. Sears explains most CBD products you’ll find at the drugstore come in doses between 1 and 5mg. And that’s really not enough to feel CBD’s full effects. That’s why Canna LS is formulated with a full 10mg, which means you are guaranteed the opportunity to experience fast, lasting relief. “The right dose and the breakthrough nanotechnology makes Canna LS a winner,” Dr. Sears adds.

What People Are Saying Katherine H. is only 49 but struggled with back pain and mental stress for 20 years. Now, thanks to Canna LS, Katherine says, “I can whizz through my four-bedroom bungalow with the vacuum cleaner. I have so much more energy.” Kenneth O. from Troutdale, Ore., tried other CBD products but nothing compared to Canna LS. Kenneth says: “It has helped my low back pain and overall I am just better!” And Brian L. says he found Canna LS to be “far superior to other similar products. It enables me to go through my daily life pain-free — and free of chemical, over-the-counter medicine.”

How To Get Canna LS This is the official nationwide release of Canna LS in the United States. And so, The Green Gardener is offering a special discount supply to anyone who calls within the next 48 hours. An Order Hotline has been set up for local readers to call. This gives everyone an equal chance to try Canna LS.

Why Some Seniors Are Still Skeptical

Starting at 7:00 AM today, the discount offer will be available for 48 hours. All you have to do is call TOLL FREE 1-866-558-6570 right now. Then, provide the operator with the special discount approval code: NP0820CAN35. The company will do the rest.

No less than 12,797 clinical studies prove CBD supports health in more than 295 ways — maintaining healthy joints, sleep, mood, memory, inflammation levels, and

Important: Due to recent media exposure of Canna LS, phone lines are often busy. If you call and do not immediately get through, please be patient and call back.

That means Canna LS gives you four-and-a-half times the relief in just a few seconds, compared to a whole month of daily CBD!

BRADFORD — Bradford Public Library would like to encourage everyone to come in and take advantage of the many opportunities for learning. The library’s doors have been open to patrons since June, and our many services continue to expand. As a reminder, patrons may access material in a few different ways: 1. Come in the library. We are open our regular hours. Patrons may browse our collection and check out material in a safe and sanitized environment. 2. Call and order your books. Staff will take your “order” and pull books to be checked out. Patrons have the option of picking up your material in our foyer or having your material delivered to the trunk of your car. Just let the staff know your preference when you call. 3. Order books online from our catalog, then call the library to let staff know how your choice for pick up or delivery. Just visit at www.bradfordpubliclibrary.org to access our catalog. Not sure how to order? Check the library’s instructions on Facebook or Youtube. 4. Our deliveries with Dayton Metro and TroyMiami County Libraries resumed in July, so feel free to order from any of


your material. Please place items in the drop by the Main Street doors or use the book drop in the foyer. No returns can be handled by staff. As a reminder, material is kept in quarantine for five days our consortium members. and items are given seven “free” days upon check-in. Search Ohio and Ohio Link are back up and able As long as your material is returned to our book to fill request too if your drop on time, you will not material is not at Bradbe fined. ford, Troy or Dayton. We have computer staBradford Public Library tions available to use, for is taking the following teens and adults. Time measures to do our part limit for each session is to stop the spread of now beginning at one COVID-19. Precautions hour per patron. Wi-Fi is for your safety include hand sanitizer throughout available throughout the building and outside the the building, frequent building. cleaning of surfaces, and The Innovation Staencouraging of social distancing. Face coverings tion is open for patrons by advance reservation. are required at Bradford Due to social distancing, Public Library. If you do only one household may not have a covering one use the space at a time. will be provided. If you Patrons may be asked to are not able or willing to wear gloves if your visit wear a covering, we are includes using our stamp happy to provide service while you wait in the foyer collection, or other equipment where sanitation or your vehicle. could be difficult. For “at-risk” patrons, Our Library Lending special hours are availTelescope is available to able to visit. Mon. (9 to check out by reservation. 11 a.m.), Tues. (10 to As Fall is the best time 11 a.m.) Weds. (Closed) to stargaze, the telescope Thurs. (10 to 11 a.m.), will need to be quaranFri. (10 to 11 a.m.) and Sat. (10 to 11 a.m.). Rest- tined and sanitized before rooms are currently closed the next patron can take it home. to the public. Patrons 13 Questions about these and under must be with events or services, please an adult at all times. call the Bradford Library Our book drop is still at 937-448-2612. the only way to return

Bradford Public Library is taking the following measures to do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Darke County Sheriff’s Estate Sales


It’s not just increased potency. It’s also increased “bioavailability,” which is how much of the CBD your body can actually use. This new technology is a game-changer for seniors struggling with everyday aches, pains, and age-related loss of mobility.

PAIN-RELIEF PEARLS: Top doctors are now recommending new Canna LS because it ramps up CBD’s pain relieving power by over 450 percent.

Bradford Library open to community since June

For more information call 937-547-4603 or go to www.darkecountysheriff.org


The new formula — called Canna LS — uses a “nano” technology called nanoemulsion to boost the pain-relieving power of CBD making it 4.5 times faster and more effective.

Greenville Early Bird

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff ’s Sale of Real Estate

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 5721.191

Caliber Home Loans Inc. VS.

No. 20CV00160

Daniel Hufford, et al. Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, September 4, 2020, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the of Union City in Darke County to-wit: Street Address: 349 N. Walnut St. Union City, Ohio Parcel Number: H33211330010210700 The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $35,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, September 18, 2020. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover. TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $5,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff OH-70199855

8/16, 8/23, 8/30 3T

Delinquent Lands

Notice of sale under judgment of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes: In the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio, Case No. 19CV00586, in the matter of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes Scott J. Zumbrink, CountyTreasurer of Darke County, Ohio, Plaintiff, vs. The Estate of Jimmy Lewis, et al., Defendants. Whereas, judgement has been rendered against certain parcels of real property for taxes, assessments, penalties, interest, costs, and charges as follows: $10,304.38 (Ten Thousand Three Hundred Four Dollars and 38/100) 110 E. Cross St. Palestine, Ohio I36211114030112300 Whereas, such judgement orders such real property to be sold by the undersigned to satisfy the total amount of such judgment; Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that I, Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff of Darke County, Ohio, will sell such real property at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder of an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against each parcel at the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, in the above named County, on Friday, the 4th day of September, 2020 at 10:00 o’clock A.M., and continuing from day to day thereafter, if any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale, under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place, on Friday, the 18th day of September, 2020, for an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against the parcel. TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: 15% of purchase price Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL SUCH REAL PROPERTY TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION MAY BE SUBJECT TO A FEDERAL TAX LIEN THAT MAY NOT BE EXTINGUISHED BY THE SALE, AND PURCHASERS OF ANY SUCH REAL PROPERTY ARE URGED TO SEARCH THE FEDERAL TAX LIEN INDEX THAT IS KEPT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER TO DETERMINE IF NOTICE OF A FEDERAL TAX LIEN HAS BEEN FILED WITH RESPECT TO ANY SUCH REAL PROPERTY. Toby L. Spencer Sheriff, Darke County, Ohio 8/16, 8/23, 8/30 3T


General Information The Sheriff is issued Orders of Sales from the Clerk of Courts Office. Sales are advertised in The Early Bird once every week for three consecutive weeks. The Sheriff’s Office does not mail or give away a list of properties or information about purchasing foreclosed property. The properties are not available for tour or inspection as the Sheriff’s Office does not have keys to any properties. Prior to the sale, most properties are appraised from the outside only. The property is sold “as is”, caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). The Sheriff’s office does not have information on liens or taxes. Real estate tax information can be found at the following web site: darkepropertymax.gov-ernmax. com real estate appraisal database. All sales are held in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building, 520 South Broadway, Greenville. All sales begin promptly at 10:00 a.m.

Bidding information Bidding starts as directed in each sale ad. Successful bidders must deposit in the following: If appraised value of property is less than or equal to $10,000 the deposit is $2,000.00; $10,001 - $200,000 the deposit is $5,000.00; greater than $200,000 the deposit is $10,000.00. Personal check (proper ID, local check signed in our presence), cashier’s check or cash is accepted. The buyer will be required to sign a disclaimer that relieves the Sheriff and appraising agents of liabilities of hazards, or past due bills, as it it the responsibility of the buyer to look into these matters before the sale date. The unpaid balance of the purchase price is due within 30 days after confirmation of sale is filed. More Information You may contact Abby Wilson at (937) 547-4603 if you require further information. A listing of properties can be viewed at darkecountysheriff.org.


Greenville Early Bird GEB083020 PAGE 1 OF 2

Sunday, August 30, 2020 9B

Classifieds SERVICES


Land Services


LANDSCAPING SERVICES - Spring & Fall Cleanup. Bed Maintenance, Edging, Mulching, Shrub Trimming, New Landscaping. Free Estimates. Gettysburg Outdoor since 1999! 888-834-1549 MOWING, large or small jobs. Also Landscaping, Shrub Trimming, Spraying/Fertilizing, Snow Removal. Reasonable rates. References available. Very dependable. 548-1716, ask for Justin

Home Grown Vegetable's Self Service! 3422 SR 571 W. Red & Green Tomato's, Zucchini and More. Want To Buy

Cars/Trucks, running or not UP TO $500. Free pick-up. 937-423-2703 or 937-621-5809 NO SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY CALLS YARD SALES

Garage/Yard Sales EMPLOYMENT

Business Consulting

Full or Part-time Carpenter needed. Minimum 2 years experience. Call 937-548-2307 Logistics Transportation

OWNER OPERATOR Must have own semi-tractor. Forklift experience needed-or someone raised in a farming community. Dedicated OH area. Established company. Excellent pay & fuel rebate. 219-663-5678 X17 REAL ESTATE

Houses For Sale

ARCANUM - land contracts 3 & 4 BR remodelednew homes w/garage, $3,700 - 5,000K down, $957 to $1105/mo. 937-548-5053 Benanzer.com FOR SALE BY OWNER Versailles school district. A little over 5 acres. 3BR 2BA 2 1/2 attached garage 1 1/12 car garage, 2 barns for livestock or storage. 937-621-7965 Land Acreage

last hiring event for this year

3907 Pal - Holl. Rd Sept. 3,4,5 9-6 Sept. 6 9-12 Make reasonable offer garage sale 4 miles East of Union City Oh, on 47 turn North on Staudt Rd. Sept 3-5 10-5 Large women's clothes, games, bikes, toys, misc, figuirines, dishes, glassware, etc. 3 piece nursery, piano.

We are here 17.5 hours per day, 7 days a week, choice your owe days and hours upon availability.

Church Youth Group Garage Sale 6098 Childrens Home Bradford Rd Greenville Sept 4 & 5 9-4 Clothes, toys & much more Clean garage sale 6809 Woodlane Dr. GV Wed. Sept 2 4-8 Thurs & Fri. Sept 3 & 4 9-5 boy's & men's brand name clothing, women plus size clothing new or barely worn LuLA Rue. Coach, Mickael Kors, Vera Bradley purses, bar stoos, car parts, push mowers, bikes, lots more misc.

Only serious applicates please. No phone calls please.

Greenville: 221 E Water St. Fri Sept 4th 9am-5pm. Sat Sept 5th 9am-noon. Lots Of Items $1.00 or Less. Decor, Clothing, Etc.

HAPPY Smiling Faces and Positive attitudes

Large Garage Sale 7427 St Rt 118 Gville Sept 1-5 8-5 furniture-wickerr Knick knacks, household goods, something for everyone Multi Family 505 Martin St GV Sept. 2- 4 9:00-5:00

$9 per hour with no experience free uniforms (shoes after 1 year) 50% OFF MEALS 20% ON YOUR DAY OFF Sundays lunch is FREE

Multi Family G.S. 5459 Kruckeberg Rd GV Sept 3 &4 9-5 Sept 5 9-noon

Multi-Family G sale 1101 Nottingham Dr. WANTED: Farm Greenville. Ground to Rent. Sept. 4 & 5 9-7 $260/acre. Spring payment, fertility Powhatan:217 North management program. Main St Sept 937-564-6351 3rd,4th,5th,& 7th 8:30am-5pm. Large REAL ESTATE Grill, NewVanity With FOR RENT Sink, Luggage Set, Dresses, Pressure Canner, Old Ertles for parts, Two wooden Apartments/ Interior Doors, Honey Townhouses Gated Bucket, Baked Goods, Pies, & GREENVILLE Much More! Nice 2 BR 1 BA, W/D Thursday Sept 3. Fri hookup, no pets/no Sept 4th Sat Sept 5th. smoking. $450/mo. 8-4. Sunday Sept 6 937-548-2397 8-2. Monday Sept 7 8-2. Willow Place Apartments We're better than ever! 3 bedrooms 1.5 baths. Call 937-316-8489. Equal Housing Opportunity


Houses For Rent

3 Bed ranch house in the country w/ garage. 4628 Hollansburg Arcanum Rd Arcanum School District. $675+Deposit. 937-459-7377




Want To Rent

WANTED TO RENT: House or Apartment N. side of town, prefer 3BR, will consider 2BR, attached garage, pet friendly Call 937-548-0568


Storage for personal & business use. Penske Truck Rentals. Call Greenville Stor & Lock. 548-1075, 5328 Michelle St



10B Sunday, August 30, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Versailles Rehab celebrates Poultry Days

GEB083020 PAGE 2 OF 2

Provided photos

Pictured is Director of Dining Services, Amy Elifritz.

VERSAILLES — Although many Poultry Days’ activities were cancelled this year, residents, patients, and staff at Versailles Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center did their part to make their own Poultry Days’ festivities at the skilled nursing facility. “We pre-ordered the world-famous chicken and celebrated with our own Poultry Days Luncheon on Friday,” said Kristy Earick, Senior Administrator of Versailles Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center. “The pandemic has changed so much for everyone, but we wanted to keep the tradition of Poultry Days going at Versailles Rehab!” Versailles residents, patients, and staff also enjoyed a special visit from a “cluckin’” friend, who brought many smiles to all. “Our residents and patients, and even our

Pictured is Versailles Rehab and Health resident, Esther Schafer.

Pictured is Versailles Rehab and Health resident, Glenna Batten.

staff, enjoyed getting pictures with our very own Poultry Days’ chicken.

Special thanks to Stefanie Hale, our business office manager, who donned

her chicken outfit for a day of fun,” said Earick. Many other staff members dressed in their favorite Poultry Days-themed outfits for the celebration. For more information about Versailles Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center, call 937-526-5570 or visit the website at www. versaillesrehab.com. If you would like to know all of the protections in place at Versailles, please visit the website’s COVID-19 page.

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Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, August 30, 2020 11B

2020 Poultry Days a success despite challenges

Provided photo

With COVID-19 safety precautions in place, many residents were still able to eat great food and enjoy time with their family and friends.

The Miss Chick competition carried on as usual, but with social distancing guidelines in place. The competition turned out great.

funding Heritage Park for val enjoys. Weekend sales increased the total number the next year. As a part The Little Miss Poultry Days competition was still hosted this year. Safety guidelines were in place, but that of dinners sold since 1952 of this pact the chairmen didn’t stop these competitors from having fun and making the most of this year’s event. ended the weekend by to 1,066,185. casts of the Miss Chick and festival! While a new record apologetic to our first-time The 2020 Festival Board jumping into the Heritage Little Miss Poultry Days Park pond to celebrate the was led by Luke Subler. of 29,000 was set last year visitors and those who pageants, Grand Parade success. As the festival’s first were not able to purchase estimates for what we and live updates from Gary could have sold this year go chicken. The committee shares “Pandemic Chairman”, Huelskamp. While these their support for all the Luke along with the Vice Despite the challenges as high as 35,000. Regardefforts had opportunity for less, it was clear there festivals and events that there was unwavering com- Chairmen Brent Pepple, improvement, they sucmunity support resulting in Matt Poeppelman, Dereck weren’t able to happen this wasn’t enough chicken or ceeded in reaching friends cookers and the resulting a successful festival. While Smith and Vince Serraino summer or were signifiand family who were not cantly scaled back. weathered a particularly traffic back-up created prob- sitting up to three hours able to attend. Please follow us on stressful year. This group in line isn’t the optimal lems on Main Street. The Chicken Sales were simFacebook and Instagram navigated a myriad of board deeply apologizes to experience it illustrates ply overwhelming. Disrup- everyone who braved the the demand for that World decisions and challenges. for updates. Established in tions to food production 1952 and supporting sumThe chairmen set and long lines or was caught in Famous Chicken and the made placing the normal accomplished their goal of mer fun for 69 years. level of support the festitraffic. We are even more chicken order challenging and demand was uncertain. The governors mask further complicated planning when it occurred barely two weeks before the festival. After the committee Auctioneer/ was forced to cancel the social portion of the festival 937-547-3202 REALTOR bulk coolers sales exploded CELL # 937-423-2656 Real Estate, Farm, and eventually reached Real Estate Auctions Slyder Auction Personal Property, Autos, nearly 11,000 halves. After Real Estate Listing/Selling Agent Services the first day of the festival Collectibles, & Antiques Coin Specialist - Estate Auctions it was clear we would be Doing Business Since 1996 Phone: 937-459-7731 Selling locally and around the globe overwhelmed. The commitrich@edwardsauctions.com slyderauctionservices@bright.net tee sent a semi to purchase as much additional chicken Complete Auction Service as possible Friday night. Complete Auction Service Total sales were an Complete Auction Service Antiques • Estates impressive 21,850 halves…. Antiques • Estates Complete Auction Service • Estates And that was without a full Antiques •Equipment Estates• Appraisals RealEstate Estate• Antiques • Farm • Appraisals Real Farm Equipment Real Estate Estate • • Antiques Farm Equipment • Appraisals Antiques Estates Real Farm Equipment • Appraisals •• Estates



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Associate of

Associate of


Though there have been many ups and downs this year, Poultry Days 2020 was a festival for the history books.


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Jeff Slyder


VERSAILLES — The 69th annual Poultry Days was one for the history books. First the festival was rescheduled to August, then it moved to Heritage Park, and lastly, in response to last minute state restrictions, the social portion of the festival was cancelled. All that with masks and social distancing. While the festival lacked many of the things that people come to expect of poultry days, the community enjoyed a beautiful weekend. Grace Carman, of Versailles, was crowned as the 69th Miss Chick. Grace is the daughter of Amy and Rob Carman and was sponsored by Towne & Country Players. The first runner up is Miss Reganne O’Connor from Ansonia. Reganne is the daughter of Norma and Jacoby Highley, and Patrick and Melissa O’Conner, sponsored by Genesis 4-H. Second runner up is Miss Hannah Schmitz of Marion Local. Hannah is the daughter of Randy and Kathy Schmitz and was sponsored by the Barbara Rethlake Dance Studio. This is the first time in recent history that ladies from three different schools took the top places. The pageant was sponsored by the Versailles Savings & Loan and conducted with social distancing. It was great to see the friendship and competition from the eleven contestants. A big thanks to Amanda Borchers and, Madelyn Bartsch for organizing the pageant along with the judges, and Cassidy Albers for broadcasting both pageants. The Little Miss Poultry Days pageant involved 15 young ladies from the area and was sponsored by US Bank. The smaller number of contestants enabled social distancing but the competition was just as lively. Sophia Hecht was crowned 2020 Little Miss Poultry Days. Sophia is from Versailles and the daughter of Chris and Kimberly Hecht. First runner-up is Vivian Huwer from St. Henry and daughter of Jason and Katie Huwer. Second runner-up is Ellen Gonya, daughter of Cory and Allison Gonya of Versailles. Congratulations to these young ladies and pageant organizers and judges for continuing this tradition for the 36th year. The committee continued as many traditions as possible and innovated on others. The Grand Parade was held with a single unit…the Giant Chicken with the 2019 Miss Chicks and the 2020 Little Miss Poultry Days court. While impromptu the parade may be the only parade in Darke county. The festival experimented with live broad-

(937) 459-7686


12B Sunday, August 30, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

BARK Animal Rescue ambassadors, Bentley and Zukie.

BARK From page 1B

canine adoptee, was rescued from a high-kill shelter several years ago. More


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recently, when a cuddly eight-week old pit puppy came up for adoption, the family added their second BARK adoptee, “Zukie,” named after Danny Zuko, the lovable rebel from the musical, Grease. Indeed, Hill-Clark has, herself, fostered many dogs and puppies over the years, but one very special pit bull named “Miss Petey” captured her heart. “Her mom was scheduled to be euthanized while pregnant,” Hill-Clark recalled, “so I rescued her. And when she had four beautiful puppies, and I found homes for them in California and Lima, Ohio. But I knew Miss Petey would always be my special dog!” Since her rescue in 2010, Miss Petey has become a BARK ambassador for the organization, accompanying Hill-Clark to nursing homes and rescue events throughout the United States. Like many similar non-profit rescues, HillClark relies upon the generosity of donors who know and understand how important it is to not only rescue these dogs, but also find stable, lov-

BARK Animal Rescue sponsors, Kathy Kenworthy and Chance Dehart, owner of Wolf Tent LLC, with the whole family.

ing homes for them. The BARK Rescue adoption fee of $200 helps defray the cost of rescue and foster care for the dogs, including veterinary care visits, spay/neuter fees, flea treatments, vaccines, and micro-chipping. As adoption events and fundraising opportunities have become increasingly scarce due to the fluctuation in COVID-19 cases, Hill-Clark is hoping to

inspire people to support her efforts by hosting her own fundraising event September 24-26, the BARK Animal Rescue “Under the Tent Sale.” Donations of gently used items, like furniture, books, clothes and assorted household items will be collected and sold to raise much-needed funds for capital improvements, such as foam insulation to the shelter’s red building. “More room

means we can rescue more dogs,” said Hill-Clark, “And that would be a really great thing!” As we look to celebrate National Dog Day today (August 26), remember these wonderful words of American humorist, Josh Billings: “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” For more information

Provided photos

on adoptions, or to donate items to the “Under the Tent Sale,” call BARK Animal Rescue at 937-4239300 or check out barkanimalrescueincofdarkecounty. com/ To check out Wolf Tent LLC, visit its Facebook page at www.facebook. com/wolftentllc/ For more information on National Dog Day, visit the official website at www. nationaldogday.com/

Outstanding Vehicles - Lower Prices TRUCKS, VANS&&SUV’S SUV’S ...................................WAS WAS TRUCKS, VANS



2019BUICK TOYOTA RAV 4 XLE 2.5L 4 cyl.,loaded, sunroof, power, super nice, silver, 26,648 miles ......... $26,995.........$25,500 2020 ENCLAVE AWD,AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, likeallnew, white, 19,340 miles ...................................$39,995 $38,900 2019CHEVY DODGEEQUINOX GRANDLT CARAVAN GT,4 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc.18,031 cond., maroon, 42,532 miles ..... $20,995.........$19,500 2020 FWD, 1.5L, cyl., loaded, like new, white, miles .............................$21,995 $20,900 2019 GMC ACADIA SLT FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, all power, very nice, gray, 15,970 miles ............................$31,995 ......... $30,500 2019 RAV 4 XLE power,super nice,silver,26,648miles ..................$26,995 $25,500 2019TOYOTA GMC ACADIA SLT AWD AWD,2.5L4cyl.,sunroof,all 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 30,212 miles .................... $32,995.........$31,500 2019GMC CHEVY 1/2 TON LTone 4WD, 5.3Lloaded, V8, leather, loaded,maroon, 26,811 miles .............$23,995 2018 ACADIA SLESUBURBAN FWD, 3.6L V6, owner, exc. cond., $22,900 super1/2 nice, 40,171 ...................................................................................................... $43,995.........$42,500 2018 GMC TONwhite, SIERRA SLTmiles CREW CAB 4X4 P.U. 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp 2019 CHEVY EQUINOX RS AWD, 2.0L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, like new, silver, 3,623 miles ........ $31,995.........$30,900 white,54,852miles ..............................................................................................................................$40,995 $39,500 2018 NISSAN ROGUE SL 2WD 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, nice, silver, 46,284 miles ......................... $19,995.........$18,500 2018CHEVY GMC 1/2 SLT REG. CREW CAB 4X4P.U., P.U.4.3L 5.3LV6, V8,well leather, sunroof, loaded, 2018 1/2TON TONSIERRA SILVERADO CAB 4WD equipped, exc. cond.,sharp white, 54,852 miles ........................................................................................................................ $40,995.........$39,500 red, 30,059 miles ................................................................................................................................$26,995 $25,500 2018 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, all power, like new, blue, 45,670 miles......................... $45,995.........$44,500 2017CHEVY SUBARU FORRESTER, 2.5 I Touring 2.5L 4 cyl., AWD, leather, sunroof, loaded, 2018 TAHOE LT 4X4,5.3LV8,leather,all power,like new,blue,45,670miles ................................$45,995 $44,500 white, 91,427 ........................................................................................................................ $19,995.........$18,900 2018 CHEVY TRAX LTmiles AWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, like new, silver, 12,716 miles...............$18,995 $17,900 2017 GMC ACADIA DENALI AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 43,706 miles...$32,995 ......... $31,500 2017 AWD, 2.5L 2.0L 4cyl.,4leather, sunroof, loaded, nice, white,51,137 97,370miles miles.....$18,995 $17,900 2017SUBARU INFINITYFORESTER QX30 HATCHBACK, cyl., leather, loaded, exc.super cond., maroon, $20,995.........$19,500 2017INFINITY BUICK ENCLAVE FWD, 3.6L2.0L4cyl.,leather,loaded,exc. V6, sunroof, leather, loaded,cond.,maroon,51,137miles exc. cond., silver, 22,443 miles ........ $30,995.........$29,500 2017 QX30 HATCHBACK, .............$20,995 $19,500 2017CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX ¾ TON CREW CABFWD, LTZ,2.4L 4X4 4cyl., P.U., 6.6L Duramax Diesel, one owner, 2017 PREMIER one owner, leather, loaded, super nice, white, leather, loaded, like new, silver, 22,658 miles ................................................................................ $57,995.........$56,900 43,234 miles .......................................................................................................................................$22,995 $21,900 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX PREMIER FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 43,234 ........................................................................................................................ $22,995.........$21,900 2017 CHEVY TAHOE miles LT 4x4, 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, sunroof, all power, super nice, black, 2017 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., black, 56,673 miles ..................... $39,995.........$38,500 82,556 miles .......................................................................................................................................$36,995 $35,500 2016 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71, all power, super nice, 2017 CHEVY TRAVERSE PREMIER AWD 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, all power, super nice, pearl white,$30,995.........$29,900 maroon, 25,984 miles .................................................................................................................... 2016 BUICK ENCORE FWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all power, exc. cond., 60,797 miles .......................................................................................................................................$27,995 $26,900 maroon, 19,298 miles 1.4L .................................................................................................................... $19,995.........$18,500 2017 CHEVY TRAX LT FWD, 4 cyl., one owner, well equipped, super nice, black, 2016 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO REG. CAB 4X4 P.U. 4.3L V6, well equipped, super nice 19,821red, miles .......................................................................................................................................$17,995 $16,500 30,326 miles ........................................................................................................................... $22,995.........$21,500 2016CHEVY CHEVYCOLORADO EQUINOX LT FWD., 4 cyl.,P.U., one3.6L owner, power, very nice, sharp, silver, 43,460 2017 CREW CAB2.4L, LT 4WD V6,all one owner, loaded, red, miles .... $17,995.........$16,900 2016 TOYOTA RAV 4 LIMITED, AWD, 2.8L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all options, one owner, 27,885 miles .......................................................................................................................................$28,995 $27,900 sharp, black, 39,072 miles ............................................................................................................. $26,995.........$25,500 2017 CAB 4X4 3.5L V6, one owner, allowner, power,exc. super nice, silver, 2016TOYOTA CHEVY TACOMA EQUINOXCREW LTZ FWD, 2.4LP.U., 4 cyl., leather, loaded, one cond., 50,539 miles .................................................................................................................... $20,995.........$19,500 25,871maroon, miles .......................................................................................................................................$29,995 $28,900 2015 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, 2016 CHEVY 1/2 TON SILVERADO REG. CAB 4WD P.U., 4.3L V6, auto, air, super nice, red, silver, 106,258 miles....................................................................................................................... $23,995.........$22,500 33,730 miles .......................................................................................................................................$24, 995 .........$16,900 $23,900 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., black, 47,116 miles .............................$17,995 2015CHEVY SUBARU FORESTER AWD,2.4L 2.5L4 4cyl., cyl.,leather, one owner, leather, sunroof,exc. loaded, 2016 EQUINOX LTZ FWD, loaded, one owner, cond.,exc. cond., white, 109,695 miles ..........................................................................................................................$16,995 .........$15,500 maroon, 50,539½miles ........................................................................................................................$20,995 $19,500 2015 CHEVY TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, 2016 CHEVY TAHOE LTZ 82,450 4WD, 5.3l V8,...................................................................................................... one owner, leather, all power, exc. cond., maroon, exc. cond., white, miles $27,995.........$26,900 2014 CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB 2WD P.U., 6.0L V8, well equipped, very nice, 96,957 miles .......................................................................................................................................$33,995 $32,900 silver, 74,026 miles......................................................................................................................... $22,995.........$21,500 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., white, 2014 GMC 1/2 TON SIERRA SLE EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, Z71, loaded, maroon, 47,997 miles .................................................................................................. $15,995 $27,995.........$26,900 $14,500 71,767super miles nice, .......................................................................................................................................... 2014SUBARU CHEVY EQUINOX FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl.,one leather, cond.,loaded, black, 45,015 miles............. $16,995.........$15,500 2015 FORESTERLTAWD, 2.5L 4 cyl., owner,loaded, leather,exc. sunroof, exc. cond., 2014 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, red, 70,859 miles .... $30,995.........$29,900 white, 109,695EQUINOX miles ..........................................................................................................................$16,995 $15,500 2014 CHEVY LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, crystalF150 red, LARIAT 53,627 miles $20,995.........$19,500 2015 FORD CREW................................................................................................................ CAB, 4X4 P.U. 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, 201473,702 CHEVYmiles EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 73,764 miles ..$17,995 .........$16,900 blue, ...............................................................................................................................$32,995 $31,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 73,013 miles .. $18,995.........$17,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ leather, owner, loaded, supersuper nice, nice, 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTFWD, FWD,3.6L 2.4LV6, 4 cyl., oneone owner, sunroof, loaded, 84,441 miles ........................................................................................................................ $14,995.........$13,500 crystal white, red,53,627miles ......................................................................................................................$20,995 $19,500 2013 BUICK ENCLAVE FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., goldmist 78,178 miles .................. $17,995.........$16,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L4cyl.,leather,loaded,exc. cond.,crystal red,73,013miles ...........$18,995 $17,900 2012 TOYOTA SIENNA LE VAN, 3.5L V6, one owner, all power, Teal Green, 134,224 miles ....................$11,995 .........$10,900 2011 4 DOOR, 1.4L cyl., one owner, loaded, cond., silver, 2011CHEVY CHEVYCRUZE 1 TONLTSILVERADO LS4CREW CAB 4X4 leather, P.U., 6.0L, gas, exc. one owner, well equipped, good cond., silver, 195,621 miles ................................................................................................... $7,995 $15,995.........$14,900 104,093 miles ..................................................................................................................................... $6,900 2011 NISSAN QUEST LE VAN, 3.5L V6, one owner, sunroof, leather, loaded, very nice, 2011 GMC TERRAIN SLT FWD, 2.4L 4cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 154,727 miles ...........$8,995 $7,500 dark cherry, 162,985 miles ............................................................................................................... $9,995...........$8,500 2010 TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, all power, exc. cond., silver, 2011CHEVY CHEVY1/2 AVALANCHE LTZ 4WD, 5.3L5.3L V8, V8, one leather, owner, leather, loaded, very nice, diamond white, 244,251 miles ....................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 231,478 miles .....................................................................................................................................$10,995 $9,900 2010 GMC ACADIA SLT FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, maroon, 166,460 miles ................. $10,995...........$9,500 2010 FWD, leather, sunroof, loaded, nice, blue, 75,909 miles .......$14,995 ...........$5,900 $13,500 2008CHEVY HONDATRAVERSE ODYSSEYLTZ VAN, 3.5L3.6 V6,V6, leather, loaded, good cond.,very silver, 235,438 miles........................$6,995 2007FORD CHRYSLER TOWN & 3.5L COUNTRY LX VAN, 3.3L V6, well equipped, good cond., V6, leather, one owner, loaded, nice, brown, 182,704miles ..............$7,995 $6,900 2009 FLEX SEL AWD, silver, 165,841 miles......................................................................................................................... $4,995...........$3,500 2009 CHEVY 3/4 TON SILVERADO LT REG. CAB 4X4 P.U., 6.0L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., red, 2007 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4x4, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, very nice, maroon, 206,573 miles ..................... $9,995...........$8,900 2007 GMC XL SLT 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, nice, gray, 218,764 miles ............... $9,995...........$8,500 58,774 milesYUKON .......................................................................................................................................$16,995 $15,500

Troutwine Chevrolet

TRUCKS, VANS&&SUV’S SUV’S ...................................WAS WAS TRUCKS, VANS


2007 TON SILVERADO CREW P.U.,very 5.3Lnice, V8, all power, good condition, 2008 CHEVY TOYOTA½SCION XB WAGON,, LT 2.4L 4 cyl.,CAB well 2WD, equipped, blue , 199,574 miles ............ $6,995 $5,500 black, 199,709 miles ...................................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,900 2008 HONDA ODYSSEY VAN,3.5LV6,leather,loaded,good cond.,silver, 235,438miles ..........................$6,995 $5,900 2007 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, loaded, super nice, maroon, 109,737 miles .................................$13,995 .........$12,500 2007 CHEVY GMC YUKON XLSILVERADO SLT 4X4,5.3LV8,leather,sunroof,loaded,nice,gray, 218,764miles $8,500 2006 ¾ TON EXT. CAB LT 4X4 P.U., 6.6L Diesel, all power, good ......................$9,995 cond., beige, 235,359 ...................................................................................................................... 2007 CHEVY 1/2 TONmiles SILVERADO EXT. CAB 4X4. P.U.,5.3L V8, Z71 package, loaded, good cond., $14,995.........$13,900 2006 ENVOY XL..........................................................................................................................$8,995 DENALI 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, gray, 199,889 miles....$8,995 ...........$7,500 white,GMC 188,150 miles $7,500 2006 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY VAN, 3.3L V6, well equipped, good cond., blue, 227,123 miles....$3,995 ...........$2,900 2007 CHEVY 1/2 TON SUBURBAN LT 2WD, 5.3L V8, loaded, super nice, gray, 223,587 miles .............$8,995 $7,500 2006 CHEVY COLORADO Z71 4X4 CREW CAB, 3.5L 5 cyl., all power, good cond., white, 228,586 miles .$8,995 ...........$7,900 2006 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P .U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO EXT. CAB LT 4X4 P.U., 6.6L Diesel, all power, good cond., black, 102,187 miles ...................................................................................................................... $13,995.........$12,500 beige, 235,359 miles ...........................................................................................................................$14,995 $13,900 2005 NISSAN MURANO SL AWD, 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, silver, 278,727 miles ... $5,995...........$4,900 2006 CADILLAC CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY cond., blue, 227,123 miles ......$3,995 $2,900 2005 SRX AWD, 3.6L V6,VAN,3.3LV6,well leather, sunroof,equipped,good loaded, exc. cond., diamond½white, 154,592 miles $10,995...........$9,500 2006 CHEVY TON SILVERADO LT ....................................................................................................... CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 2WD, 4.2L 6 cyl., all power, very nice, maroon, 220,295 miles ........... $5,995...........$4,900 black,CADILLAC 102,187 miles $12,500 2004 SRX...........................................................................................................................$13,995 AWD, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 105,466 miles ...................... $7,995...........$6,900 2004 TRAILBLAZER LSV6, 4WD, 4.2L,sunroof, 6 cyl., allloaded, power,exc. exc.cond., cond., blue, 148,224 miles ............. $6,995...........$5,900 2005 CHEVY CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L leather, 2004 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, diamond white, 154,592 miles .............................................................................................................$10,995 $9,500 fair condition, black, 342,618 miles .................................................................................................. $8,995...........$7,900 2005 CHEVY HONDA 1ODYSSEY VAN, 3.5L V6, leather, very nice,good silver, 242,035 miles ..........$4,995 $3,500 2002 TON EXPRESS CARGO VAN,sunroof, 5.7L, V8,loaded, well equipped, cond., blue, 252,939 miles .......................................................................................................................... $3,995...........$2,900 2004 CHEVY TRAIL BLAZER LS 4WD,4.2L,6cyl.,all power,exc. cond.,blue,148,224miles ....................$6,995 $5,900 2002 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SPORT, 3.3L V6, loaded, fair cond., silver, 191,288 miles ................ $2,995...........$1,900 TON SUBURBAN SUBURBAN LT cond,.red, miles.......$7,995 $4,900 2002 CHEVY CHEVY ½ 2002 ½ TON LT4WD,5.3L,V8,leather,loaded,good 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. 231,470 red, 231,470 miles . $7,995...........$4,900 2002 TRAILBLAZERLTLTZ 4X4, 4.2L, leather, loaded, very nice, 2002 CHEVY CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 2WD, 4 dr., one6 cyl., owner, cloth sunroof, seats, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 215,294 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995...........$5,900 beige,CHEVY 182,686TRAILBLAZER miles ...........................................................................................................................$9,995 $8,900 2002 LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige,C6500 182,686 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995...........$8,900 2001 GMC BOX TRUCK, 7.2L Caterpillar Diesel, well equipped, good cond., 2001 LIMITED 4WD, 4.7L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 219,764 miles. $5,995 ...........$4,900 white,TOYOTA 225,365SEQUOIA miles ...........................................................................................................................$9,995 $8,900 2001 GMC C6500 BOX TRUCK, 7.2L Caterpillar Diesel, well equipped, good cond., 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats,all power,nice cond.,green, 160,151 miles.......................$6,995 $5,900 white, 225,365 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995...........$8,900 2000 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.7L V8, loaded, very nice, white, 167,762 miles . $6,995...........$5,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 160,151 miles..................... $6,995...........$5,900 2019 CHEVY IMPALA PREMIER 4 DOOR, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, like new, black, 32,832 miles ........$24,995 $23,500


2019 CHEVY CHEVY MALIBU LTCONVERTIBLE, 4 DOOR, 1.5L 4 cyl., exc. cond., silver, 27,561 $17,500 2019 CAMARO 3.6Lall V6,power, all power, like new, white, 2,160miles miles.....................$18,995 ................... $37,995.........$36,900 2018 CHEVY IMPALA PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 40,784 miles ........ $20,995 .........$19,900 2019 CHEVY MALIBU LT 4 DOOR, 1.5L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, super nice, blue, 28,236 miles ............$18,995 $17,900 2017 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, super nice, maroon, 48,194 miles .... $15,995.........$14,900 2017 CHEVY MALIBU PREMIER 4 DOOR, 2.0L turbo 4 cyl., leather, loaded, like new, gray, 2016 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl., all power, one owner, exc. cond., maroon, 32,100 miles ... $17,995.........$16,500 2016 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl., exc. cond., blue, 23,915 mi. .............................................. $17,995 22,503 miles ....................................................................................................................................... $22,995.........$16,900 $21,900 2013 IMPALALTZ LTZ,4 4DOOR, dr., 3.6L V6,V6,leather, very silver, nice, maroon, 51,875 mi. ..... $14,995.........$13,900 2016 CHEVY CHEVY IMPALA 3.6L leather,sunroof, loaded,loaded, super nice, 93,468 miles...............$14,995 $13,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 118,206 miles ...... $11,995...........$9,900 2013 CHEVY CHEVY IMPALA DOOR, sunroof, super258,287 nice, maroon, 2010 IMPALALTZ LT, 44 dr., 3.5L3.6L V6, V6, wellleather, equipped, good loaded, cond., silver, miles..................... $4,995...........$3,500 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 167,922 miles ............... $10,995...........$9,500 62,533 miles .......................................................................................................................................$12,995 $11,500 2007 CHEVY COBALT RS, 2 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl., 5 speed, well equipped, good cond., red, 151,567 miles .. $3,995...........$2,900 2012 CHEVY LT 4 CONVERTIBLE, DOOR, 2.4L 4 cyl.,5.7L oneV8, owner, loaded, super nice, beige, 1992 CHEVYMALIBU CORVETTE leather, loaded, show car, 91,287maroon, miles ....................................................................................................................................... $7,995 .........$14,900 $6,900 55,589 miles .................................................................................................................... $15,995

2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4dr., 3.5LV6, leather, sunroof, loaded,exc. cond., blue,118,206miles .............$11,995 OTHER MAKES

$9,900 2019 XTS LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, loaded, super 46,641 miles ...................... $26,995.........$25,500 2010 CADILLAC CHEVY IMPALA 4 DOOR 3.9Lleather, V6, leather, sunroof, all sharp, power, black, exc. cond., silver, 150,678 miles ......$11,995 $10,500 2018 NISSAN ALTIMA SL, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, very nice, gray, 44,950 miles .................. $16,995.........$15,500 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4dr.,3.9LV6,sunroof,loaded,very nice,maroon,167,922miles .........................$10,995 $9,500 2018 TOYOTA CAMRY SE, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, nice, silver, 41,226 miles........................ $20,995.........$19,500 1992 CADILLAC CHEVY CORVETTE COUPE, V8, leather, loaded, nice, like black, 120,494 miles .........................$10,995 $9,900 2018 XTS AWD, 3.6L5.7L V6, sunroof, leather, loaded, new, silver, 42,759 miles............... $30,995.........$29,900 2016 TOYOTA SCION IA, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl., auto, all power, gray, 72,556 miles ...........................................$9,995 ...........$8,900 2016 BUICK LACROSSE, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, gold, 17,321 miles ....................... $21,995.........$20,900 2016 3.6L V6, sunroof, all loaded, power, super nice, gray, 2012 BUICK NISSANLACROSSE, ALTIMA 2.5S4 4dr., DOOR, 2.5Lleather, 4 cyl., one owner, exc. cond., maroon, miles .................................................................................................................... $24,995.........$23,500 116,846 miles 25,788 .....................................................................................................................................$8,995 $7,900 2011 BUICK REGAL CXL, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc., cond., gray, 100,534 miles ............... $7,995...........$6,900 2011 HYUNDAI SONATA LIMITED 4 DOOR, 2.4 L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, maroon, 156,661 miles ........$6,595 $5,500 2010 FORD FUSION SE, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., all power, very nice, gray, 181,948 miles .............................. $5,995...........$4,500 2008 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, 2008 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, beige, 69,814 miles ........................................................................................................................ $10,995...........$9,500 beige,SATURN 69,814 AURA miles ..........................................................................................................................$10,995 $9,500 2007 XE, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, nice, silver, 221,458 miles ............................. $3,995...........$2,900 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE DOOR, loaded,good fair cond., $900 2002 BUICK CENTURY, 4 dr.,43.1L V6,3.8L well V6, equipped, cond.,silver, beige,142,106 unknownmiles miles....................$1,995 ..................... $2,995...........$1,900 1994 XJS CONVERTIBLE,4.0L6cyl., CONVERTIBLE, 4.0L 6 cyl., leather, loaded, show maroon, car, maroon, 52,066 miles ...... $17,995.........$16,500 1994 JAGUAR JAGUAR XJS leather, loaded, showcar, 52,066miles .............$17,995 $16,500


CORNER MAIN & GEORGE, ARCANUM SERVICE HOURS: Mon. 8am-8:30 pm/Tues.-Fri. 8-5:30/Sat. 8-12 SALES HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8am-8pm/Sat. 8am-5:30pm

CALL 692-8373 OR 692-8360

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