Northern Echo #4

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the Pas, OCN, Cranberry Portage, Flin Flon, wanless, wabowden, Nelson house, Lynn Lake, Leaf Rapids, Norway house, Cross Lake, Snow Lake, thompson, Gillam, Ponton, Split Lake, Grand Rapids, easterville, Ashern Published Monthly by local businesses and distributed thru out the Communities of Northern Manitoba issue # 4 - February - March 2012

Circulation 12,000

is Northern Manitoba a homeland to


Mystery Sasquatch ON the ReZ e h bL M 11t Y R A U U R tiON eb F

ee NA AYAk CR w k S A P O G.L.M.C.


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P age 2

One night, quite a few years ago, a buddy and I where out in Carrot Valley and decided to stop in the gravel pits at the border cause we had to use the outdoor facilities. So we drove in and went around the big pile of gravel at the end and came a little ways back towards the highway. We both jumped out of the vehicle and began to do what we needed to do when we heard something scream that absolutely scared the crap out of us. The only way I can describe the scream is it was like a woman screaming in horror. It was also tremendously loud like it was screaming right beside you. It echoed through the bush and after the 2nd scream we jumped in the vehicle and drove out of there. We basically were expecting to see someone walk out of the bush with an axe or something after just murdering someone cause the scream sounded like someone just screeching. I have listened to screams on YouTube and have heard similar screams to the one me and my buddy heard. I have also talked with people who say they have had encounters with a Bigfoot or Sasquatch and say that they have heard the same thing (they are many stories from the Mooselake Road).


Page 18

Now, I have heard people say that rabbits do make a scream when they are injured. And I have also been told that cats such as cougars or bobcats will give off a scream. And even foxes have an eerie scream as continued on page 10

page 2

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the Parts You want, the Service You Deserve Architect pitches housing solution for the North

An Ottawa-based architect is proposing a housing solution for northern First Nations. Andy Thomson is part of a group of concerned citizens working on a plan for better housing in the North. He said shipping houses to the region is like paying to move a big box of air. So he's come up with lightweight panels that can be easily assembled onsite, even without skilled labour. Thomson, who bills himself as a

green building designer, said he's developing patents for his housing model. The model uses panels made of lightweight, strong materials that aren't made of any organic material, like wood — so they won't rot. Mouldy housing is a common problem in First Nation communities. The panels will simply bolt together, Thomson said, so skilled labour isn't needed. He noted the assembly is simpler than putting together an item

younger generation. “I get the feeling that there's a sense of 'what's the point? Why bother?’,” Thomson noted. “And so what we'd like to do is [say] hey, this is something really cool, [this is] going to happen in your community, and let's make it work.” Thomson is working with a group of designers, lawyers and public service employees to get the project moving. A law firm has donated its services to get the housing models patented. From there, the patent will be given to First Nations communities.

binding agreements for PetroChina to acquire a 20 per cent interest in certain of Shell’s 100-per-cent owned Groundbirch lands and assets in northeast B.C." Royal Dutch Shell CEO Peter Voser said. The deal is the latest in a number of natural resource acquisitions by China, which has moved aggressively in recent years to secure deals in China and elsewhere in the world. In January, PetroChina bought the entirety of the MacKay River oilsands project from Athabasca Oil Sands Corp. for $680 million. Last summer PetroChina walked away from a $5 billion deal with EnCana Corp. that would have seen the former take a 50 per cent stake in the latter's shale gas assets. Shell's Groundbirch site has the potential to produce 1 billion cubic feet equivalents a day for 40 years. Shell Canada declined to offer financial details, but investment website FinanceAsia reported PetroChina may have paid as much as $1 billion.

PetroChina buys 20% of b.C. Shell gas play PetroChina Co. has agreed to buy a 20 per cent stake in Shell Oil’s Groundbirch shale gas project in northeastern B.C. "PetroChina and Shell have signed

from Ikea — and will be much cheaper to transport. The reason houses are currently shipped pre-made to First Nations communities, is that skilled labour isn't always available to construct them. Thomson said he senses there is a feeling of hopelessness surrounding the housing situation. That's why he plans on heading to Attawapiskat on Feb. 7 to talk to kids about architecture to start building some hope in the

if you have any important news you would like to share with other Northern Manitoba Communities... DO NOt heSitAte... e-mail the information to: (or call 1-204-800-1300)

Just like a flyer A Non Profit Publication Published Monthly by local businesses and distributed thru out the Communities of Northern Manitoba to place an Ad please call: 1-204-800-1300 and leave a message

Job bank For Jobs in the Pas


Flin Flon go to:

page 3

FACebOOk - the most terrifying machine to spy ever invented

Social networking site Facebook is "the most terrifying machine to spy ever invented, " in addition free - says the founder of the website Wikileaks Julian Assange. - It's one of the most important instruments at the disposal of the U.S. government to spy on people around the world - said in an interview Assange TV RT (Russia Today), available on YouTube and discussed in the British media. According to the 39-year-old Australian man whose extradition is required by Swedish authorities, Facebook, Google and Yahoo are connected with U.S. intelligence organizations. - Facebook is the most detailed

database about people, their social and family contacts, names, addresses, place of current residence, how we communicate. All this is available in the U.S. and is an American intelligence organizations - he noted. - Everyone should understand that every time when you add friends to your Facebook profile, it becomes free U.S. intelligence employee added Assange.

Manitoba ice roads threatened by mild weather Northern Manitoba residents are desperately hoping for some cold weather, because milder than normal

temperatures are leaving the opening of northern ice roads in doubt. Many people in remote northern communities use ice roads every winter to get groceries and other essential supplies transported by truck from Winnipeg, Thompson or large towns like Flin Flon or The Pas.

we all depend on the winter roads," said Irma Harper of St. Theresa Point, Manitoba. The seasonal roads, which are built on frozen lakes as well as land, take some time to prepare, and in a typical year are open from mid-January until March.

Some also drive on the roads to buy their own groceries, which they say would cost twice as much at home. "Winter roads are a necessity with the high costs of living up north, and

But above-normal temperatures across much of Manitoba so far this winter have northern residents nerv-

continued on page 9

entry Fee Singles event - $ 130,00 219 Fisher Ave. the Pas, Mb

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Various other tournaments as well

page 4

Can Your Car Be HaCked ? PReVeNtiON You might be behind the wheel, but increasingly, computers control your car’s every function. Microprocessors direct braking, acceleration and even the horn these days. “Because they are hidden, people don’t often understand that there can be anywhere from 30 to 40 microprocessors in most cars and even up to 100 different ones running different functions in some vehicles,” says Stephan A. Tarnutzer, chief operating officer for DGE Inc., which provides electronic designs and consulting for auto manufacturers and suppliers. But could a hacker compromise these systems? Recently, several news reports have raised the issue of car-hacking risks, including: Vehicle disablement. After a disgruntled former employee took over a Web-based vehicle-immobilization system at an Austin, Texas, car sales center, more than 100 drivers found their vehicles had been disabled or their horns were honking out of control. Tire pressure system hacking. Researchers from the University of South Carolina and Rutgers University were able to hack into tire pressure monitoring systems. Using readily available equipment and free software, the researchers triggered warning lights and remotely tracked a vehicle through its unique monitoring system. Disabling brakes. Researchers at the University of Washington and University of San Diego created a program that would hack into onboard computers to disable brakes and stop the engine. The researchers connected to onboard computers through ports for the cars’ diagnostic system.

iS YOUR CAR At RiSk? The potential for car hacking is real, although there may not be a financial incentive for hackers to focus on autos just yet, say the experts. “All the malware attacks consumers are faced with every day have financial motives behind them,” says Ryan Smith, a principal researcher with Accuvant Labs who finds vulnerabilities in computer systems. Most of the danger right now may come from hackers who want to demonstrate their prowess

OnStar the GM-owned auto security and information service can remotely shut off your engine if you report the vehicle stolen, there’s the potential for quick recovery of your vehicle if it’s stolen. Also OnStar is the best system on the market against hacker attacks. and enhance their reputations, says Tarnutzer. And the increased reliance on wireless systems -- such as the tire pressure monitoring system -- makes your car more vulnerable to these attacks, says John Bambene, a security researcher with the Internet Storm Center, the global cooperative community that monitors cyberthreats.

It’s possible for unscrupulous garages to manipulate your car’s computer systems, making it appear you need repairs that aren’t actually warranted. Don’t cut corners when it comes to

Also OnStar is the best system on the market against hacker attacks. Be cautious about after-market devices. After-market car systems may not be as rigorously tested or designed, opening you to vulnerabilities, says Tarnutzer.

PROteCt YOUR CAR FROM hACkiNG Security is largely in the hands of auto manufacturers, who are working to address concerns. In the meantime, you can take these steps to protect your vehicle: Ask about wireless systems. Familiarize yourself with the wireless systems if you’re purchasing a new car, advises Bambene. For a car you already own, you can review your manual or check online. Find out if any of the systems can be operated remotely. Ask about remote shutdown. If you’re financing through the company from which you purchased the vehicle, ask about remote shutdown related to repossession. Make sure the seller has security measures in place that control access to the system. Go to reputable dealers and repair shops.

choosing a dealer or repair shop. Protect your information. Of course, locking your car is always wise. And if you use OnStar - the GM - owned auto security and information service - make sure you don’t leave OnStar-related documents or your password in the car, says John Luludis, president and cofounder of Superior Tech Solutions, an IT provider, and a former car industry tech executive. Since OnStar can remotely shut off your engine if you report the vehicle stolen, for quick recovery of your vehicle if it’s stolen.

Luludis compares the use of computers in cars to the development in our use of personal computers. Hacking exploded when the Internet evolved, making it easy to access computers via networks. Wireless connections mean your car is no longer a closed system. “Once you have connection to vehicles, you have an entry point for people to try to access,” says Luludis. “The only thing standing in their way now is a standardized piece of software. It’s a concern we need to address.”

page 5

Northern Manitoba First Nations expect

"Real Progress"

on Clean Running water a state of crisis regarding the need for clean running water and adequate health and housing. Part of the solution is building permanent roads to make sure that First Nations in northern Manitoba have same access to clean running water, health and hous-

OttAwA - Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc. (MKO) Grand Chief David Harper said First Nations in northern Manitoba have high expectations for making "real progress" during the meeting in Ottawa between Prime Minister Stephen Harper and First Nations leaders. MKO released its Clean Running Water, Health and Housing Strategy that was prepared by MKO for the Crown-First Nation Gathering. The strategy sets out a framework for addressing the urgent needs of northern and remote First Nations in Canada. "The Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak will be presenting our stategy on Clean Running Water, Health and Housing to Prime Minister Stephen Harper", stated MKO Grand Chief David Harper. "MKO is presenting a comprehensive strategy that addresses how solutions including education, training and employment, resource revenue sharing and First Nation representation in Parliament will result in real progress toward clean running water and adequate health and housing," added the MKO Grand Chief. Bunibonibee Cree Nation Chief Irvin Sinclair said, "almost every northern First Nation in Canada is in

ing enjoyed by all other Canadians." Northlands Denesuline First Nation Chief Joe Antsanen stated that, "the Treaties have shared the wealth of our traditional lands with Canada and provinces. Resource revenue sharing and benefit sharing is the key for First Nations to make the investments in the infrastructure, health services and housing that our communities so urgently require". "There has to be First Nation representation in the Senate and House of Commons in order to ensure real progress in improving the lives of First Nations peoples in Canada. First Nation representation in the Senate and House of Commons has to be guaranteed in the Constitution of Canada.", stated Norway House First Nation Chief Ron Evans. "Our people expect the Prime Minister's commitment to make real progress toward delivering clean running water and adequate health services and housing for our First Nations and toward ensuring that the voice of First Nations is heard in Parliament", concluded Grand Chief Harper. ~Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc. is a non-profit, political advocacy organization that has represented 30 First Nation communities in Manitoba's North since 1981~

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Now you can order your next delicious pizza from Pizza hut express - Online ! Visit us at:

page 6 RCMP execute search warrant and seize cocaine

33-2nd St. east

the Pas

Mb R9A1M1

PhONe :

204-623-5416 Openning hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

A Gillam Manitoba man is facing drug related charges after RCMP seized a quantity of cocaine at a local residence last month. Gillam RCMP executed a CDSA (Controlled Drugs and Substances Act) search warrant at a residence in Gillam, Manitoba. RCMP investigators seized cocaine, drug paraphernalia, a quantity of cash and a 2012 Skidoo snowmobile. 24-year-old Gregory Fred Simmans of Gillam has been charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking and proceeds of crime. He has been released from custody and is scheduled to appear in Gillam Provincial Court on March 19th, 2012. The investigation continues.

Fatal snowmobile collision near belair On January 29, 2012, shortly after midnight, the Powerview RCMP Detachment along with local area EMS responded to a report of a male found unresponsive by a snowmobile on the Northstar snowmobile trail. RCMP report the location of the accident was about 10 miles into the bush from Highway 59 near Belair, Manitoba. Despite efforts by civilians who came across the victim, members, paramedics and volunteers from the local fire department, the victim was pronounced deceased at the scene. It appears the sole rider of the snowmobile, identified as a 34-year-old Grand Marais man, collided with a tree. Police say that speed and alcohol have not been ruled out at the present time.

what a Great picture of a Great dog family ! thanks to J. Constant for sending it to us

page 7




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page 8

Fraud suspect tracked to northern Manitoba A fugitive in a Victoria fraud matter has been arrested in Norway House Manitoba.

a the residents enjoy rming Community. In that are Fa ley Val t rro Ca the as wn different of Kelsey is a vast area kno This provides a venue for many st. we 283 ay hw Hig of Just West of The Pas in the RM off out miles l as an Executive on the centre which is located about 12 ily and now volunteer at the hal fam my h gathering at their community wit re the k bac ed cat Christmas parties rrot Valley and have relo Fall Supper, and Halloween and our k, tluc Po occasions. I grew up in the Ca ing Spr our , nce d our New Years Family Da Committee. Every year we hol annual Poker Derby. . This will be a big celnt we have in the winter is our d its 25 th annual Poker Derby hol for our families. Another big eve to ng goi is e ntr Ce ity un freshly the Carrot Valley Comm d in February of 1987 out of the hel s wa by der t firs e On Sunday March 4, 2012 Th lf. itse l ley hal the members dreamed about the anniversary of the Carrot Val great achievement as it was all a s wa l ebration that will go along with hal new the of g ldin vember 1986. The bui built hall that was finished in No pancake for it. always kick off the day with our We . far and r nea m fro as they spent years fundraising nd atte e smokies along at turnout that people come to pants of the derby along with fre tici par The derby always shows a gre all to e fre for it e vid pro and this year we are going to scenic day of touring the breakfast that starts at 10 AM is not a race it is just a casual this and PM 0 1:0 by k bac at 11 AM and last one the trail. We have first rider out

= 25% of the take

= 15% of the take

= 10% of the take

poker derby. required for the day of the t no o als are s sse pa ow hands Sn of poker. ize for the top three poker pr d an area while playing a hand ers rid the for s ize eaway door pr er that came We always have lots of giv est rider, youngest rider, rid old the for zes pri ve ha o the take. We als for those that want is 25%, 15% and 10% of We also issue ghost hands . nd ha rst wo the h wit er poker hands away and rid ving the elements. All of the bra e from the longest distance lik l fee nt do ply sim a snowmobile or some ghost hands to participate but dont have so if you would like to buy s nd ha ost gh the ing lud for $20 inc rray Dunn GM. are sold at $5 a hand or 5 the derby come down to Mu t ou ab on ati orm inf re mo 3-3481. for the derby or need any ship or call me at (204) 62 find out how. ler dea the at nt lta nsu Co 40 so stay tuned in February to 12 I am a Sales CJ on s nd ha ost gh e som away some vintage We are planning on giving ppers Festival, we will have Tra a ob nit Ma ern rth No mer. chlight parade at the celebrations as well this sum 12 20 l nia nte Also watch for us in the tor Ce in rt pa e We are also hoping to tak Jackie LeSann snowmobiles on our float.

See you there !

Police say that Richard William Patterson disappeared after being charged with bilking an elderly victim out of several hundred thousand dollars. Information gathered here led to a request to authorities in Manitoba, who located Patterson in Norway House. He now faces a charge of breaching a court order, as well as the original fraud count.


best Northern Lights Peak With solar activity increasing, experts expect more frequent and intense lightshows in 2012. Winter tours take travellers under the auroral oval in sub-arctic Churchill for amazing aurora borealis viewing experiences. The remote subarctic town of Churchill in Manitoba is considered one of the world’s best places for viewing northern lights because it’s directly under the auroral oval. This is the huge halo around the magnetic north pole where high-energy particles shooting from the sun collide with gases in the earth’s atmosphere. Space scientists say we’ve entered a prime period for northern lights viewing. Solar activity, which rises and falls in 11-year cycles, is on the upswing, approaching the highest levels in a decade. Heightened solar activity generally means a greater intensity and frequency of northern lights, according to the Canadian Space Agency. The current cycle’s peak of activity, called the solar maximum, is expected to occur in 2012-2013.

page 9 continued from page 3 ous that this year's ice road season could be cut short, or the roads may not be built at all.

Drastic food costs A shortened or cancelled ice road sea-

terms of food supplies…like flour, sugar," Harper said. "If we have to ship those things up north, it would cost us a fortune." The federal government also uses winter ice roads to send essential supplies — such as chemicals for water treatment plants, fuel for school buses,

supplies by air. Officials say they may have to airlift supplies again this year if temperatures don't get any colder. "We are prepared to implement our contingency plan, which would mean having supplies airlifted in or paying for other alternative methods for getting supplies into communities," said Ellen

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CCC 017 FMG 861 son means northerners like Harper would have to order their groceries from Winnipeg and get them flown to their communities at much higher costs. "It's going to be very drastic in

and even school supplies — to remote northern communities. In 2010, the federal Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development department spent $2.3 million to ship those

*** Funk, a department spokesperson in Winnipeg. Funk said the federal government will help subsidize food costs in northern communities.

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page 10

Sasquatch enigma

einstein called it ‘spooky’, physicists worldwide accept it, one third of our economy depends on it, and it is undisputed; being the most accurate theory in science. Most physicists, however, keep ‘it’ in a skeletal closet. why? because Quantum Mechanics’ challenges our perception of reality and therefore very difficult to explain; not the enigma but the encounter it has with our consciousness. explaining it is not easy but, while we look for answers, quantum physics is one reality that commands our consideration. we humans live in a three dimensional quasi-reality world. Quantum physics says there are more - other dimensions, parallel universes; we just don’t access them in our current macro-world compulsory environment. everything we try to imagine has its beginning and its end. but, how can we imagine the end of outer space; a wall, more space, what? if it has no end, how could it have had a beginning? Get your head around that, if you can. ever had a Déjà vu? the literal meaning is ‘already seen’. those who have experienced the feeling describe it as an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar at all. Could our minds be attempting to link into another dimension? A dimension unrestricted by, what we call, ‘time’? ‘Physical’ access to it is inadequate due to the three-dimensional environment we are in. but are we really inadequate? Could this facet be the phenomenon that Christians call a spiritual encounter? history tells us that giants have existed on earth before, i.e., gigantopithecus, biblical accounts, Greek mythology, etc. Some claim a celestial parent. Could ‘bigfoot’ be a remnant of a demigod, and possibly have access to a dimension we don’t quite understand? i’m not a physicist but quantum mechanics just might have something to do with these giants that seem to appear and disappear at will. if the answer to our ‘bigfoot’ mystery lies in the quantum world, i suggest there will be NO answer until we understand ‘time’ and how to deal with it. Until then, if there is a ‘then’, i suggest we researchers continue to explore what we can of this bigfoot / Sasquatch enigma—which at times we are debatably fortunate to be part of.

David Forbinster continued from page 9 well. But after listening to them on YouTube, those are not the screams that I heard. What I actually heard scream that night I will never know because we got out of there so fast, and it was dark. But it is still the scariest sound I have ever heard in my life. Was it a Bigfoot or Sasquatch, I wouldn't want to say that is for sure what it was. But the scream was certainly like a warning from an animal letting us know it was nearby and certainly wanted us to be aware it was there. All I know is, if you ever hear the same scream I heard, the hair on your neck will immediately stand up. Your senses will be on high alert and the thought of protecting yourself or leaving the area will be the first thing on your mind. There will always be the question of whether Bigfoot or Sasquatch is real. We may never know the real truth either way. But with cell phones and all the recording devices we have today, make sure you take them with you when you are out of suburbia,

cause you never know what you may hear or see. Keith Jeager _________________________

LOCAtiON DetAiLS: Manitoba Hwy 6 , north of Gypsumville , near the Easterville turn off. South of Grand Rapids ,interlake between L. Winnipegosis and the north basin of Lake Winnipeg I was proceeding north, late afternoon, first Monday in September 1990. Traffic was light . I had just passed Devils Lake roadside park. A compact pickup truck with two occupants (male and female ) passed me, and was 200 yards in front of me . Visibility was good , in full sun . The road has wide ditches with scrub on the right (east ) and spruce forest 40 yards from the road on the left (west ).The foliage in the ditch was brown and past ripe . I was watching the truck in front of me

proceed away from me as I maintained a constant speed of approximately 110 km per h when something that had been lying in the ditch, blending in very well, rose to a hight exceeding 7 feet and proceeded across the road, from right to left, and into the bush . The individual was about midway between me and the next truck. It was very very quick, did not look at me. It was looking strait ahead ,instead. It had long legs, bent at the knee, a large chest, long arms, and a round head . I think the face was dark brown, and the body hair was roughly the colour of coconut husk. I proceeded to the Easterville corner, and phoned home to tell my wife what I had seen. _________________________

Hi, I am going to tell you what I saw. It was October 2001 I can't recall what day it was but I still remember what time of day because I was watching the Simpsons which starts at 5:00 p.m. it was around that time so it was getting dark but I could still see what I saw clearly. I was standing in my apartment by my living room window, and I can see a back alley in behinded my apartment that lead my eyes to the end of the back alley that I could see the park witch is by a bush because my apartment is on the edge of town and what I saw was real because I know in my heart. I SEEN a very tall human like thing that looked about 8 feet tall hairy all over and of course brown fur. He was walking in the park coming from some where and heading towards the bush. It happened so fast I just didn't know what to do. I have always remembered this memory but now I have told you . I hope that someday we can figure out what these things are. Thanks.

LOCAtiON DetAiLS: It happened on the edge of town of The Pas. The name of the Also noticed: park where I seen him was What I found that was unusual is Cathedral park and the apart- that he walked through the park so ment that I was standing in was gracefully like it wasn't scared of called cathedral apartments. anything.

Follow-up investigation report: We spoke to the witness, “JJ”, a young-sounding woman, by phone for about forty minutes. She came across as sincere and honest as she described to us the creature she saw from her apartment window. It seemed to be cutting through Cathedral Park, which is on the edge of the town of The Pas, a town surrounded by bush. She saw it walking across the park and into the bush. “The steps he could take were amazing… because it didn’t take him long to get through the park to the bush… It was so casual… walking through the park like it does it all the time.” JJ’s description of the animal: “It’s not a human being or an animal… he must have been eight feet. Covered with hair… like the length of what a bear’s fur is. It was all one color… kind of the color of what a cinnamon bear is.” “His arms were swaying… (It)

page 11 had long arms, really long arms… I was shocked. His shoulders and arms were very big. His arms were the size of my legs.” “It had a normal round head, like a human head, sort of… and it didn’t have a neck.” “His legs were very thick, big – the calves and thighs thick…” We asked for a clarification on “thick,” asked whether she meant they were muscular. “Yes. Very muscular,” she answered.

she looked out her window because her dog was barking and looked and seen this thing that she said looked like a Bigfoot and earlier in the day she racked her leaves into a pile on her lawn. This thing was rolling in the leaves like a child would if he was having fun. She was looking at this thing worried it would harm her dog but the thing wasn't afraid of the dog because it was chained up. So it stood up and looked at her in the eyes through window and got afraid and ran into the bush near by. _________________________

On her reaction to seeing it: “At first I thought I was losing it, but I saw it, I know it was there… Is there anyone else seeing this right now…? I’m sure someone else saw it… It’s really strange… nobody believes me… they say maybe what you saw isn’t what you think you really saw… but I know what I saw.” On the possibility that it was a bear: “A bear? Nope, nope, nope, a bear can’t walk like a human being.” What about the possibility that it was a person dressed up in an outfit? “Well who knows, maybe it was… I don’t know, but ah… they could dress up as a sasquatch, but they can’t be that tall… unless they were on stilts or something… I don’t know.” Do you think it might have been a person in an outfit? “My opinion? No.” JJ told us, that a day or two after the sighting she went to the park with a friend to look around. They saw no evidence of the creature – the ground was all grass. “It’s a little scary after you see something like that,” she told us. We think you really saw one. “Oh, I did. I know I did,” she said. _________________________

OtheR StORieS:

People have told us some stories about sightings just minutes out of town a place called Ralls Island. A lady who said that


Fairford Reserve Spring, May 2nd, 2003 Woman driving sees creature walk into bush. The sparsely populated Fairford Reserve is surrounded by bush on two sides, the Fairford River on one side, and Lake St. Martin on the other side. May 2nd, 2003 two women saw Sasquatches in the Interlake area of Manitoba, that piece of country which separates the giant Lake Winnipeg from Lakes Manitoba, Winnipegosis, and Cedar Lake. Both sightings were on the Fairford Reserve, which lies about 10 miles south of Gypsumville along Lake St. Martin. The two incidents were separated by only a little more than three weeks time and perhaps a 1.5 km distance. The more recent sighting occurred just two days prior our visit to Fairford Reserve. We spoke in person to the witness, CL, a Native Canadian woman. She had a couple of young kids who played around us as we sat with her at her kitchen table and listened as she told what she had seen as she drove home at about 5:30 P.M. May 2, 2003. “I saw a big, black, hairy creature walk into the bush,” CL told us. “I got a pretty good view of it; I was driving pretty slow because the road was bumpy… It was about 40 yards away. It was pretty big, about seven footish, broad shoulders… I just couldn’t believe what I was looking at. I got home and I said to my husband, I just seen something! And he got a camcorder and went over there but it was already gone.”

continued on page 14

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page 14 continued from page 11 CL saw the animal as it walked away so she saw only its backside and not its face. She said it was covered with black hair; she couldn’t tell whether it was a male or a female; and when asked about its head and neck she said it didn’t have a neck, and that the head was a little pointed on top. She didn’t see the legs because the brush hid them; she saw the creature from about the butt up. It just walked calmly into the bush from where she first saw it just off the gravel road. We found CL to be completely believable. It was clear she had no interest in Sasquatch and had little knowledge of the subject. She spoke to us about her sighting only because we looked her up with the help of a local man who heard she’d seen something. _________________________


South of Devil's Lake. Summer, August, 24th, 1999 Optometrist has clear sighting of what he calls Bigfoot. Driving south on highway 6 in plain daylight. Thought I saw a bear approx. 50 yards off of the highway. As I got closer, it stood up and was a Bigfoot. It was standing in a grain field and the grain was at its knees. It was two tone in color (brown and light brown). Its chest and back of head were light brown. The arms were thick from shoulder to wrist and it appeared to have no neck like a gorilla. Approx. height was easily seven 7 feet tall and estimated weight was 400-500 lbs. It was bent over as I drove past possibly digging in the soil but stood and looked at me. There was few vehicles on the road at the time.

Residents of Norway House, Manitoba, approximately 500 kilometers north of Winnipeg, have been flocking to Georgina Henry's house to view a nearly three minute videotape of what appears to be Bigfoot, taken by her son Bobby on the morning of April 16, 2005.

The witness, TM, is a pharmacist and optometrist who lives in Winnipeg. He traveled (at that time) monthly to The Pas to see patients. TM is an experienced hunter and fisherman. At first TM thought the animal he saw, which was bent over, might be a bear. When it straightened up and swung around to look at his passing car, he said he knew it was not a bear. It was a big creature, six to seven feet tall with massive arms and a heavy neck, and it had kind of a blonde mane and chest. When we asked what his general impression of the thing was, what it looked like to him, he said, “It looked like Hulk Hogan out in a field in a monkey suit.”

Just after dawn, Bobby Clarke, a ferryman on the Nelson River, sighted what he described as "a big black figure" on the opposite side of the riverbank aprox. 250 meters away. Known to never be without his video camera, Bobby was able to film the figure for almost three minutes. Missy Flett, an outreach worker with the Norway House Community Council, and an admitted cynic, said she was stunned to see the image of the massive, hair covered creature walking upright...

TM said that shortly after passing by the animal, after he’d had a moment to digest what his eyes had seen, he knew it had been a Bigfoot. He commented that he wished he had stopped or turned around to look at the animal better, but said it took him a little while to process what he’d seen and get over the shock… by that time he was well down the road. _________________________

LOCAtiON DetAiLS: Incident occurred on Friday, July 10, 1998. Estimated time was around 9:30 am. Approx. 380 km North of Winnipeg and 70km south of Grand Rapids, MB on Highway #6. The area is noted for having large amounts of limestone deposits, cliffs, & caves. The sighting occurred right near a creek going through highway #6 (small bridge). The forest is coniferous in this area. I was the driver of the vehicle and my cousin was the passenger. I was driving down highway #6 just nearing the bridge named "North Three Rivers Creek Bridge", when all of a sudden what I thought was

"I was kind of skeptical when I went over," stated Ms. Flett, "But after seeing it, I truly believe it's the real Sasquatch" ..."It's awesome. . . It's real. It's the real deal."

man came out of the left side of the bush. I immediately awoke my cousin and told her to take a look at this guy, the very first thing I noticed was what I thought were his clothing (black) and his "walk", both being out of the norm. I thought that this guy might not be all there, his walk looked as though he was marching. He made his way down the ditch and onto the highway and at that moment I without a doubt thought it looked like a Bigfoot. His walk was so distinct, it took amazing strides with his arms swinging. It was covered head to toe in black fur and appeared to be without a neck. I was expecting it to look in my direction, but it just kept walking, heading towards the other side of the highway. As I was nearing, it made its way onto

the right side of the highway, the ditch. As I was passing it, it made its way in to the bush. I braked, but could not see it thru the thick bush. I was not going to get out and start exploring because I was quite shake from the whole ordeal. So I continued down the highway. In the five hour drive, not once could I stop thinking about what happened. _________________________


Nelson River, aprox. 36 km South West of Norway House. Incident occurred on April 16, 2005. Estimated Time was around 6:30 am

"Couple of my friends and cousins have seen it, and some of them, first didn't believe in anything like that,' said Joey Robertson.' When they seen the video, it convinced them." Sharness Henry, Bobby`s sister, claims the videotape is of a massive creature, which stands aprox. 8-10 feet tall, walking along the river`s edge through some bulrushes. Towards the end of the 2 min. 49 sec. video, the figure turns and appears to look directly into the camera. Bobby was quite shaken by the ordeal, and had to take a few days off work following the sighting. '"It was just massive, standing tall. I'm freaked out,' Clarke said in an in-

continued on page 16

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page 15

Otineka Mall 2012 trapper's events "Loud & Proud in 2012"

Number teN

wednesday, February 15th


Architectural Group

eXteRiOR ALteRAtiONS tO the OtiNekA MALL Opaskwayak (the Pas), Manitoba

the Otineka Development Corporation is inviting the submission of tenders to perform significian exterior Alterations at the Otineka Mall in Opaskwayak (thePas), Manitoba in accordance with the Contract Documents as titled:

OtiNekA MALL / eXteRiOR ALteRAtiONS Drawings and Specification Documents are available at the office of the consultant. A mandatory site review is scheduled for

February 8, 2012 at 9:00 am at the Place of work. Potential bidders must be present at this review to be eligible for tender submission.

bidders should be aware that the anticipated budget for these works is estimated to be in the range of $2.0M. bids are to be submitted in a sealed envelope to the office of the consultant no later than

February 23, 2012 at 2:00 pm winnipeg time.

Number ten Architectural Group c/o Mr. Ronald basarab, Project Architect 310 - 115 bannatyne Avenue winnipeg, Mb R3b OR3

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$20 $20 $50

$15 $15 $25

thursday, February 16th

trapper's best Dress Ages Ages Ages Ages

0-5 yrs 6-12 yrs 13 & over 55 & over

$25 $25 $75 $75

$20 $20 $50 $50

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Friday, February 17th

Awasis events

Ages 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 for both girls & boys Awasis events start at the G.L.M.C. across from the Otineka Mall at 10:00 am Participants get free hot chocolate & hot dogs Please ensure kids are dressed properly for the weather

page 16 continued from page 14 terview from the ferry at an uninhabited bush area 36 kilometers (28 miles) from Norway House. He said he's been nervous ever since, especially when he takes the ferry to that side of the river." Mr.Clarke isn't the first person reportedly to catch sight of Bigfoot at this location. Hubert Folster, who was also a ferry operator, spotted the creature in 2004. The creature was walking among the bulrushes which were trapped in the ice. Dark and humanlike, the creature was too large to be a human. Although he watched the creature for about 6 minutes, Clarke claims it was too hard to make out any more details in the poor morning light. "It just wasn't right," claimed Folster, who never really talked about his encounter. "You don't want to mention these things". Unfortunately, Mr. Folster didn't have a camera at the time. *** A second bigfoot sighting has been reported by a young girl, and her play mates in Paupanakis Point, Norway House,

Manitoba, which is located on the south end of the same First Nations reserve where ferryman, Bobby Clarke, videotaped a large, dark, bipedal creature walking along the bank of the Nelson River. The girls were close to a residential area, which borders the woods, at around 7:30-8:00 pm on May 20, when the encounter occurred. The woods are bordered by knee high grass, which is where the creature was standing in plain view, apparently watching the children play. One of the girls fainted from fright, after seeing "a huge creature." None of the children were hurt, but they are understandably still quite shaken, and afraid to be left alone. Immediately following the sighting, a search party was assembled to investigate the surrounding area. Footprints were found where the actual sighting occurred, as well as deeper into the woods. Several more expeditions have been conducted since, and have resulted in finding more physical evidence. The size of some of the tracks measure "larger than a man`s size 16 shoe" said one witness, and have a clearly defined outline of the toes. The tracks have been preserved, photographed, and videotaped by Norway House residents. _________________________


The location is 12 miles north of The Pas, Manitoba, on highway 10 and then 3 miles to the left on dirt road, calm, large clearing with some willow trees. I was out moose hunting in September of 2002 north of The Pas, approximately 15 miles away and well off the main highway 10 heading north west. I was in my tree stand that I had built in the month of August and is about 13 feet off the ground facing a small river and a large clearing. The incident happened at about 10:00 pm when the light is just above the tree line and can't see much of the ground, it started when I called in a bull moose, the moose was no more then 200 yards away from me and moving toward the clearing. I heard something to my left and walking toward the moose. This thing was walking fast as it only took it about a few seconds to cross the clearing. The moose of course stopped grunting and took off very fast the opposite direction. I thought this was a bigger moose and was excited at the prospect of bagging a big bull moose. The sound of the steps came around along the bush-

line to my right after that and came closer to my stand. I got ready with my 30-06 british enfield and as the thing got about 50 yards from me, my tree stand gave me up by making a small creeking sound when I moved a bit to get up from my chair. I seen this thing and it wasn’t a moose but a sasquatch, still fairly young, it stood about 8-9 feet tall, judging it's mass probably weighing in the area of 320350 lbs. When the boards on my stand creeked the sasquatch ducked behind some willow trees and that's where it stayed for the next 30-40 minutes observing me and I it. The sasquatch eventually made its way going toward the north east and I went on with my hunt. I eventually bagged a bull moose at about 4:00 am the next day and I had an experience I'll probably never forget. If this animal wanted to kill me it probably would have done it, but I feel that they are harmless if a person doesn’t panic and start shooting it for nothing.

We have always heard of stories and we have had some wierd experiences around The Pas hunting areas within the past few seasons like wierd sounds or calls at night when we hunt.

Good to know and remember Change your thoughts and you change your world. Normal Vincent Peale

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. Abraham Lincoln

Control your own destiny or someone else will. Jack Welch

Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street. Zig Ziglar

Go for it now. the future is promised to no one.


Wayne Dyer

page 17

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page 18


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page 19

bOReAL FOReSt Manitoba, Ontario boundary proposed as world heritage site

wiNNiPeG - A United Nations organization will soon have to designate a huge tract of boreal forest along the Manitoba-Ontario boundary as a world heritage site. The two provinces, along with five First Nations, finalized their submission package last step in what has cost millions of dollars and brought political heat for Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger. "The UNESCO designation is really a world-class recognition of the southern boreal landscape that we are protecting," Selinger said. "We're going to be globally recognized for what we've done to protect this site and it will attract eco-tourists from all around the world." The 33,400-square-kilometre area is known as Pimachiowin Aki — an Ojibwa phrase that translates as "the land that gives life" — and is the last intact boreal forest of its kind in the world. As part of the effort to protect the area, the provincial government in 2007 prevented Manitoba Hydro from building a transmission line through it. The government ordered the Crown utility to build a much longer line around lakes Winnipeg and Manitoba, which will cost at least several hundred million dollars more. The Opposition Progressive Conservatives denounced the move as costly and unnecessary. They have repeatedly said construction of a transmission line wouldn't hurt the chances of the vast forest being declared a world heritage site. Their attacks failed to dent voter support for the NDP in last October's election. Selinger said the government has spent money, "in the very low millions," to prepare the UNESCO bid. There are more than 900 world heritage sites already designated by UNESCO, including

Lunenburg, N.S., and Banff National Park. The world heritage committee meets every spring to consider new sites, although it is not clear how soon the bid from Manitoba and Ontario will be considered. This year the meeting is in St. Petersburg, Russia, but there is no guarantee the bid will be reviewed then.

page 20

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page 21

On February 11th the OCN blizzard will host Jeff wiley and Pro MMA


FebRUARY 11th G.L.M.C . OPASkwAYAk CRee NAtiON CURReNtLY theRe ARe 11 FiGhtS SCheDULeD FOR thiS eVeNt: Jordon "toes" Constant vs Luke Palmer Leon Church vs Sunny bird iN the biG MeAt MAtCh OF the NiGht

Nelson Cote vs Nick Paul Clearsky

Leo Constant vs Derrek Abrahamson

vs Criss Cross Christina Ross Obie Spence vs Paul Raymond

trever Lonechild

Mike Flett Jr vs Scott Neapeau

Curtis head Constant vs Adam wayne

brad bear vs Alex kay

bJ Constant vs travis Cloud

Vincent bercier vs Mat Zemalak

Tickets on sale now at Constant Threat Ph. (204) 623-2111 in the Otineka Mall or by calling the Blizzard Office at (204) 627-7077 $40 each for Rush Seats

Vip Packages are also available, but space is limited.

Rumble on the Rez will feature team Constant threat captained by 5-4 brian J. Constant. Other notable members of team Constant threat include, Jordon "toes" Constant, ow n le Mike Flett Jr, Nelson Cote, Leo Constant and Vincent bercier. sa n so t they will be squaring off against Jeff wiley's team of western All-Stars, ke c i T including Alex kay, Luke Palmer, trever Lonechild, Mat Zemelak Sunny bird and others.

DOORS OPeN FOR thiS eVeNt At 5:00 pm ON FRiDAY NiGht with beLL tiMe At 6:30 pm

page 22 Aquarius

(January 20 - Feb. 18)

You’ve been working like blazes behind the scenes and now, with so much positive star energy focusing on you, any meetings or developments planned take a new positive momentum. Make calls and contacts when you’re at your most articulate. When it comes to meetings at work, discussions or dealings regarding health matters, you’re unlikely to put a foot wrong. It pays to link up with others of like mind. Socially, your life opens out. You can make a lot of inroads if you get yourself organised. It’s all about talking to the right people. The stars show you’ll end up with a good feeling. Planning a holiday, a business trip or a training course? Make those enquiries now. Relationships? Meet half way.


(February 19 - March 20)

You’re having a ball! The temptation to take on more and more responsibility is hard to fight – but then, you could never resist a challenge! Career-wise, if you want to become either a big player, or a big earner, you must now give your work all you’ve got. Go on, don’t miss this chance! Keep making those good decisions. Love? A new romance is lighting a fire in your heart and it feels so right. You might be caught up in a burst of excitement.Visitors and more activity under your roof will keep you happily engaged. Anything’s possible .


(March 21 - April 19)

Whether on a personal or professional level, be sure you’re ready to respond so as not to miss out. If you’re looking for a new job, or a fresh project to get your teeth into, now is the time to go for it. An invigorating influence is about to enter your life which will put you in sparkling social form. Listen out for opportunity knocking at your door! Status and prestige? When it comes to dealing with others, you’re making good sense and the advice you’re giving is bang on target, but don’t make hasty judgements. In time you’ll see the merit of trying something new.


(April 20 - May 20)

Someone somewhere is waving a magic wand! Trouble is, you could be in danger of not appreciating the importance or relevance of what’s happening. Perhaps you need some time out to relax and take stock. There’s a hint of endings and fresh beginnings as a collaborative venture reaches completion. Now, your financial prospects are looking brighter and more hopeful. Strategically, it’s a good time to make new plans and keep thinking up those innovative ideas. You know, if it’s something you really want to do, there are always ways and means around any obstacle. Group projects, team playing and people power is the way to go. Take things one at a time. Stay cool.


It’s quite an interesting time for you financially. Expect a few eyeopening surprises, some unexpected developments and the odd unusual turnarounds. Investments, love, sex life – things are developing! People are full of surprises this days. Beware of colleagues who want to take over the show, youngsters who behave unpredictably and shopping that goes well over your budget. Put your wellbeing first. Ideas for either saving or generating new money are promising. Strike out for better deals while your luck is holding good. Enjoy some leisure and sport.


(June 22 - July 22)

Because of your new philosophy and your determination to open your heart and mind to new pleasures, a deep passion is growing… Blinding flashes of inspiration, instincts and hunches will pay off if you heed and follow them up. A quiet word with someone close will have the desired effect and show you where the land lies. With your store of pent-up energy, you’re ready to push through your ideas to advance your position. And the good news is, you’re making progress fast! Strike out for better deals while your luck is holding good. Affairs concerning friends and youngsters also get the go-ahead.


(October 24 - Nov. 21)

Very soon you’ll have the chance to make a bold new life-statement. Whether you want to improve your social life, your status, your career or your relationships, the cosmos is smiling upon you and giving you the green light. So don’t rest on your laurels. Intense and probing conversations will help you to get back in step. Boost your charm at work. Emotionally, things settle down and if you’ve been out of synch with your partner. There’s an uneasy feeling at the back of your mind. Once you put your finger on the cause, you can set about to resolve the matter.



(May 21 - June 21)

throwing a positive light on your desires. Relationships are moving to a new phase.

(November 22 - Dec. 21)

February Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

Events put you on a high. Now that you’ve got things off your chest, your feelings are much clearer and the pressure you’ve been under is easing off. Career-wise, you’re finding the job deeply absorbing. You may be feeling short-tempered and out of your comfort zone. The best thing to do is just sit back and roll with events. Why give yourself a headache when it’s not necessary? Overseas contacts, long-distance plans, dealings with legal, educational or travel matters come under harmonious stars. Adventure is in the air. The links you’re making will work very much in your favour. Travel? Your resourcefulness pays off. Success is sweet but love is sweeter if you give it a chance.


(August 23 - Sep. 22)

Chances are your desk is piled so high you need the Time Team to excavate it! Unknown power is urging you to de-clutter, tidy and recycle. Not only will a good clear-out bring fresh energy and inspiration, but you

could find something you thought you’d lost forever. Life has had a few unsettling moments recently. Find a way to rationalise the situation because, once done, much calmer waters lie ahead. It seems, a few wrinkles that need to be smoothed over right now. Soon you’ll have your green light to go. Patterns change, moods lift and new developments come into play your way. There are unexpected changes to take on board.


(September 23 - Oct. 23)

It’s a good time to break negative patterns. A surprisingly useful array of planetary activity gives you the backing to push ahead with ambitious career. Lift your spirits by having a good old clear-out, organising your office or planning a spot of refurbishment. As long as you stay within the limits of your budget, there’s no reason why your account won’t stay firmly in the black. Doors are opening and favours are being granted. You’ve been waiting for this turnaround for months so make best use of it now. Whether it’s career, a relationship or a sense of personal power, the stars are

Dealings with officials, and especially so if connected with finance, go smoothly. There’s a powerful cosmic stimulus that will help you overcome negative feelings, attitudes and habits that are blocking your path. Be open to suggestions and willing to be persuaded. Have you been thinking about relocating, working abroad, perhaps, or applying for a job with a foreign company? If so, keep your eyes and ears wide open. But if you hit against an unforeseen problem, a discrete word with an official or boss will soon clear the matter up.


(December 22 - Jan. 19)

Stretch your imagination. Stimulate those little grey cells. Love, friendship, creative projects and adventure go hand-in-hand. But so do money, investments and all joint projects, too. Work, home and personal relationships have been central features in your life for some time now. You can make a big presence with your contribution at work. And you can make great progress by joining forces with other people’s ideas, but remember that people sometimes say and do things that quite take you by surprise. Whatever has unsettled you, it’s best to be philosophical. Looks like a sudden thought struck you in the middle of night.Take it forward.

page 23 SMARt MAN A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts: "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised my friend I would meet him half an hour ago, but I don't know where I am." The man below says: "Yes. You are in a hot air balloon, hovering approximately 30 feet above this field. You are between 40 and 42 degrees N. latitude, and between 58 and 60 degrees W. longitude." "You must be an engineer" says the balloonist. "I am" replies the man. "How did you know." "Well" says the balloonist, "everything you have told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I am still lost." The man below says "You must be a manager." "I am" replies the balloonist, "but how did you know?" "Well", says the man, "you don't know where you are, or where you are going. You have made a promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. The fact is you are in the exact same position you were in before we met, but now it is somehow my fault."

GReAt NAMe A woman arrived at a party. While scanning the guests, she spotted an attractive man standing alone. She approached him, smiled and said, "Hello. My name is Carmen." "That's a beautiful name," he replied. "Is it a family name?" "No," she replied. As a matter of fact I gave it to myself. It represents the things that I enjoy the most - cars and men. Therefore I chose "Carmen". "What's your name?" she asked. He answered "B.J. Titsengolf."


double martini. After he finishes that it, he again peeks inside his shirt pocket and orders the bartender to bring another double martini. The bartender says, "Look, buddy, I'll bring ya' martinis all night long - but you gotta tell me why you look inside your shirt pocket before you order a refill." The customer replies, "I'm peeking at a photo of my wife. When she starts to look good, I know it's time to go home."

bACk iN 5 MiNUteS A guy walks into a bar and orders a drink. After a few more he needs to go to the can. He doesn't want anyone to steal his drink so he puts a sign on it saying, "I spat in this beer, do not drink!". After a few minutes he returns and there is another sign next to his beer saying, "So did I!"

DRUNk One night, a police officer was stalking out a particularly rowdy bar for possible violations of the driving under the influence laws. At closing time, he saw a fellow stumble out of the bar, trip on the curb, and try his keys on five different cars before he found his. Then, sat in the front seat fumbling around with his keys for several minutes. Everyone left the bar and drove off. Finally, he started his engine and began to pull away. The police officer was waiting for him. He stopped the driver, read him his rights and administered the Breathalyzer test. The results showed a reading of 0.0. The puzzled officer demanded to know how that could be. The driver replied, "Tonight, I'm the Designated Decoy."

strawberries." She replied, "Well I also would like whipped cream on top. I know you will forget that so you better write it down." With irritation in his voice, he said, "I don't need to write that down! I can remember that." He then fumes into the kitchen. After about 20 minutes he returned from the kitchen and handed her a plate of bacon and eggs. She stared at the plate for a moment and said angrily: "I TOLD you to write it down! You forgot my toast!"

wiLD ShOeS A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana. She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes in the worst way, but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking. After becoming very frustrated with the "no haggle" attitude of one of the shopkeepers, the blonde shouted, "Maybe I'll just go out and catch my own alligator so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price!" The shopkeeper said, "By all means, be my guest. Maybe you'll luck out and catch yourself a big one!" Determined, the blonde turned and headed for the swamps, set on catching herself an alligator. Later in the day, the shopkeeper is driving home, when he spots the young woman standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand. Just then, he sees a huge 9 foot alligator swimming quickly toward her. She takes aim, kills the creature and with a great deal of effort hauls it on to the swamp bank. Lying nearby were several more of the dead creatures. The shopkeeper watches in amazement. Just then the blonde flips the alligator on its back, and frustrated, shouts out, "Damn it, this one isn't wearing any shoes either!"

20 iN ChANGe


Father O'Flannagan dies due to old age. Upon entering St.Peter's gate, there is another man in front, waiting to go into heaven. St. Peter asks the man, "What is your name what did you accomplish during your life?". The man responds "My name is Joe Cohen, and I was a New York city Taxi driver for 14 years" "Very well," says St. Peter, "Here is your silk robe and golden scepter, now you may walk in the streets of our Lord." St. Peter looks at the Father, and asks "What is your name and what did you accomplish?" He responds, "I'm Father O'Flannagan, and have devoted the last 62 years to the Lord". "Very well," says St. Peter, "Here is your cotton robe and wooden staff, you may enter." "Wait a minute," says O'Flannagan, "You gave the taxi driver a silk robe and golden scepter, why did I only get a cotton robe and wooden staff?". "Well," St. Peter replied, "We work on a performance scale, you see while you preached, everyone slept, when he drove taxis, everyone prayed!"

beAUtY A businessman enters a tavern, sits down at the bar, and orders a double martini on the rocks. After he finishes the drink, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, then orders the bartender to prepare another


A boy asks his father to use the car and the father replies "No, not until you cut your hair!". The boy replies "But father...Jesus had long hair!" to which his father says, "Yeah, but Jesus walked everywhere."


An 80 year old couple were having problems remembering things, so they decided to go to their doctor to get checked out to make sure nothing was wrong with them. When they arrived at the doctors, they explained to the doctor about the problems they were having with their memory. After checking the couple out, the doctor told them that they were physically okay but might want to start writing things down and make notes to help them remember things. The couple thanked the doctor and left. Later that night while watching TV, the man got up from his chair and his wife asked, "Where are you going?" He replied, "To the kitchen." She asked, "Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?" He replied, "Sure." She then asked him, "Don't you think you should write it down so you can remember it?" He said, "No, I can remember that." She then said, "Well I would also like some strawberries on top. You had better write that down because I know you'll forget that." He said, "I can remember that, you want a bowl of ice cream with

A lady dropped her handbag in the bustle of holiday shopping. An honest, little boy noticed her drop the handbag, so he picked it up and returned it to her. The lady looked into her handbag and commented, "Hmm... That's funny. When I lost my bag there was a $20 bill in it. Now there are twenty $1 bills." The boy quickly replied, "That's right, lady. The last time I found a purse, the owner didn't have any change for a reward."


A Navy man and an Army man are driving opposite directions on a curvy mountain road. The army man hits a patch of sand, swerves, and nails the Navy man's truck. They both exit their cars with no injuries, but their vehicles are ruined. Now, the rivalry between Army and Navy is well known, so needless to say a heated argument followed. Then suddenly the Navy man changed heart and said, “Hold on, this is dumb. It was an accident. Let's put this rivalry behind us.” The Army man agreed this was a good idea. So the Navy man offered, “Why don't we celebrate our new friendship over a fifth of vodka? I have a bottle in the truck.” The Army man thought this was an excellent idea. So the Navy man, being a gentleman, offered the Army man the first drink, and told the Army man to drink as much as he wanted. Soon half the bottle was gone and he offered the bottle back to the Navy man who said, “Thanks, but I'll wait till after the cops get here!”

page 24

Sound innovations


Live entertainment from 3 time Canadian Fiddle Champ Northern ManitobaTrappers Festival


Saturday February 18th - 9:00 pm to 1:00 am set ck ti

Carrot Valley hall tickets can be purchased at wescana inn

$ 15

For more information call keith at : 627-9282

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