The Slack Rope Steps Clinic

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OVERVIEW: The Slack Rope Steps Clinic is directed towards persons with or without previous experience in slack rope balance, the important quality is that the person is enthusiastic to learn, play, fall down and get up again. Beyond the balance that is needed to stand up on the slack rope, there is a necessity to get over the fear of falling (the physical fall and your prides fall). When we are able to beleive that we can balance on the slack rope, everything will become easier, and to believe we must eliminate all doubts. Each slack rope steps session has a duration of two hours, and the quantity of sessions depends upon the students desires. In each session, and in a gradual process we will investigate different ways of balancing on the rope, and as we advance or based upon the previous experience of the student, we will play with other tricks that can be performed on the slack rope. The Slack Rope Steps Clinic has been shared with much success in Australia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico.

THE SLACK ROPE STEPS CLINIC WORKS BEST UNDER THESE CONDITIONS: - Maximum 8 (eight) students.. - Cushioned socks and comfortable clothing that covers the body to avoid rope burns. - A clean and open 60 mt2 space (the most important part is that there are fixed and firm points to whcih the slack rope structure can be rigged.). - Smooth surfaced floor with access to at least 2 (two) crash mattresses. (In the case that we can offer the clinic outdoors where there are trees and more ropes available, we can rig up more slack ropes and increase the number of students).


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