mygalp magazine 09 in english

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CEO Vision

Entrepreneurship and results orientation Without an entrepreneurial culture it is impossible to ensure the long term success of any corporation; it is through the agency of entrepreneurs that institutions are born and renew themselves. Among other qualities of an entrepreneur, I would single out a perseverant Orientation for Results; the focus on results is the assurance that, in the life of companies, results are always associated with any type of effort… and without good results it is impossible to ensure the future of any business. The above résumé suffices, I think, to justify promoting “Entrepreneurship and Results Orientation” as one of those Values that all of us, at Galp Energia, should adopt. The antidote of entrepreneurship is paralyzing bureaucracy. I don’t mean to disparage the need for the adoption of rigorous administrative procedures; without them the quality, reliability and control capacity of many of our processes would not be possible. I refer here to useless red-tape, without added value and restrictive of the capacity to innovate and develop initiatives of the most able among us.

MANUEL FERREIRA DE OLIVEIRA Chief Executive Officer - Galp Energia

The antidote of a results orientation culture is that of the functionary whose only object is to carry out a function, quite apart from any value that function may add or detract. Rather than functionaries, a successful enterprise should have collaborators who, in the measure of their skills and responsibilities, and in close cooperation, create value through results that ensure the company’s sustainability. Today, more than ever, we can affirm that the future will not be an extrapolation of the past. To construct our future, which will necessarily be very different from the past, we must ensure results in the present and, through a culture of entrepreneurship, promote initiatives that command the company’s in order to respond to demands of markets in constant transformation.

Always be enterprising and seek unfailingly to improve results

In conclusion, I make an appeal to all our colleagues: at your workstation, in any project that you are part of, in all that you do in the scope of service to our Company, be enterprising, make a continual effort to exceed the results that are expected from your job and your initiatives. I end this message with my sincere wishes for a happy Festive Season, close to your families and I wish all collaborators of Galp Energia a New Year rich in personal and professional achievement.

december 2010




Table of contents 05 People Galp Energia Staff on the move

Rita Macedo Magazine director mygalp magazine

Entrepreneurship And results orientation It is with great pleasure that I address our magazine’s readers for the first time. And I make my debut with a theme that is extremely significant to our Company, as the Chairman of the Executive Committee has clearly stressed. Devising an issue of mygalp magazine around this theme, at Galp Energia, is an a difficult task not for lack of content, but for its abundance and the difficulty in making a selection. In a company with a high output in development of innovative products, value generating services and adoption of new working methods. Highlighting in examples that substantiate the value of “Entrepreneurship and results orientation” is a motivating challenge we hope to have met in the essence. If there were any doubts about our enterprising capacity, suffice it to mention our famous Pluma gas cylinders, our innovative advanced training programme, Galp Energia Academy and the Hotspot Design competition, just to mention a few examples. As for results orientation, there’s no better example than our Exploration and Production area, portrayed in depth in this issue of mygalp magazine, or the biofuels theme, to which we have dedicated the “inside” article of this issue. In putting together a magazine centred on this theme, we could not fail to include the testimonial of highly recognized entrepreneurs and personalities who embody results orientation practices, such as Belmiro de Azevedo, Chairman of Grupo Sonae, Manuel Forjaz, founder and director of Institute for Social Entrepreneurship, Fernando Guedes, Chairman of Grupo Sogrape, or Vítor Barbosa, Nautilus’ CEO. On the subject of results orientation, I should mention that two years after launching mygalp integrated concept and mygalp magazine, the department of Internal Communication at the Directorate of Institutional Affairs, with the aim of servicing its internal public – all those who work at Galp Energia – felt the need to develop initiatives that would translate the expectations and needs of all - in order to help optimize and innovate the Group’s means and tools of internal communication. We promoted several work sessions with the object of discussing rules and needs and where new ideas were generated. In parallel, we also sent out a questionnaire to all Galp Energia staff. We wish to express our appreciation to more than 700 colleagues who cooperated in these initiatives. Only with your help can we improve and achieve results that will please all of our readers. During the first quarter of 2011 we will bring you the results of the initiatives undertaken. Lastly, we could not sign off this editorial without wishing you all, on behalf of the Internal Communication Team, a very happy Christmas and a Fantastic 2011, full of entrepreneurship and achievements, both personally and collectively, bringing about ever more positive results!



december 2010

06 Flashes Energy news Highlights 10 Galp Energia Exploration and Production Activities 12 Portugal Tecnológico 14 Conference: Energy, the Next 30 Years 16 Cover Entrepreneurship and results orientation 22 World Car Transportation 26 Interview Manuel Forjaz, Director of Institute for Social Entrepreneurship 28 Companies Sugalidal Businesses 29 New service stations in Spain 30 Tangerina Stores 31 Petromar and Galp Base 32 Galp Fleet Solutions 33 Cogeneration in Sines 34 Inside Business Unit – Biofuels


Magazine director Rita Macedo Editor & Contents Management José Conde Barroso Photo Editor Manuel Aguiar Collaboration in this issue Ana Antunes, Ana Resende, Ângela Galvão, Daniel Elias, Deolinda Pires, Eduardo Boigues, Elsa Bebiano, Filipe Pereira (trainee), Filomena Assis, Frederico Conde, Ilídio Ricarte, Joana Rodrigues, João Antunes, João Carlos Lopes, José Castro, José Pinho, José Rato, Luís A. Silva, Luís Gomes, Luís Viúla (trainee), Mafalda Romão, Mafalda Serrasqueiro (trainee), Manuel Ramalhete, Manuel Vasconcelos, Manuela Magalhães, Margarida Campos, Mª Clara Parada, Mª João Trindade, Marta Figueiredo, Miguel Ceregeiro, Nikolaos Brouzos, Patrícia Boavida, Paula Barbeitos, Paulo Rua, Ricardo Fagundes, Ricardo Manzoni, Rita de Sousa, Rita Martins (trainee), Ruben Eiras, Sandra Pacheco, Samuel Dias, Sérgio Pinheiro, Susana Martins,

Meetings 36 Senior Management 37 Dealers and Galp SOMA 38 Opinion Clemente Pedro Nunes Corporate Responsibility 39 RSO Forum 40 SHE Management Auditing 42 Initiatives Hotspot Design 43 X Ray Personalized Service Leisure Zone 44 (Hi)stories 45 Galp Energia Club 46 Culture 47 Agenda 48 Travel 50 Restaurant and Wines

Suzana Barreto, Teresa Leitão Other contributors to this edition José Miguel Dentinho (editing), Lara Loureiro (coordination), Luís Inácio e Pedro Guilherme Lopes (text ), Rui Garcia e Rui Guerra (art), Anyforms e Rui Pita (infography) Estúdio João Cupertino, Bruno Barbosa and agencies (photos) Circulation: 9000 copies Periodicity: Quarterly Legal Deposit: 286693/08 Edifício Galp Rua Tomás da Fonseca 1600-209 Lisboa – Portugal Tel.: (+351) 21 724 28 65 (ext.: 12865) Fax: (+351) 21 724 29 76 E-mail: comunicacao.interna@galpenergia. com A publication of Customer Publishing Division Impresa Publishing

on the move people NEW AREAS OF ACTIVITY

Carlos Martins Andrade

Great challenges After working as service provider for Lusitaniagás and Setgás for five years, I was invited to assume the position of technical director at Lusitaniagás. Acceptance would imply a move from Madrid to Aveiro, but the offer seemed like a good opportunity. It turned out to be an exceptional challenge. In January 1998, six months after the introduction of natural gas in Portugal, Lusitaniagás was a small company. It possessed a distribution network of just over 10 km and less than a thousand clients. By the time I came to work for Gás de Portugal (GDP) Distribuição, in mid-2001, Lusitaniagás had developed a service network of one thousand more km and nearly 80 thousand clients, to whom it supplied more than 100 million cubic metres of gas each year. It was

there that I learnt the importance of working together for a common goal, combining the efforts of the company’s teams and those of the service providers. Cohesion and appreciation of the joint efforts were certainly key factors of success. I realized that working in areas of growth and in growing companies is an excellent opportunity to learn, since there is ample scope to intervene in different areas. The move to Lisbon confirmed my impression that it is wise to always be prepared for a change. At GDP Distribuição I took on the duties of director of Network Management, in charge of the verticalization and articulation of the activities of technical management of natural gas distributors. In time, I also took on the coordination for Environment, Quality and Safety at the Na-

“Working in areas or businesses in stages of growth gives us an opportunity to learn”

tural Gas Unit. In this project, the main challenge was to integrate and harmonize different cultures and organizations. The constructive relationship with the companies and the sharing of experiences enabled the achievement of practically all of the objectives. Towards the end of 2008, after Galp Energia decided to participate in projects for the liquefaction of natural gas, and the agreements established with Venezuela in the

area, I was given the opportunity to manage this new area of activity. To date, it’s proving to be a stimulating challenge. Meanwhile, new liquefaction projects in other countries had been added to our portfolio. One is being developed in Santos Bay, in Brazil. This is a floating unit for the production of liquefied natural gas and it is a cutting edge project that may turn out to be the first of its kind in the world.

Changes in the company New challenges for Galp Energia staff Abílio Madalena

Cândida Farrancha

Eduardo Guedes de Oliveira

Rui Costa

Department Intern.Oil BU Petrogal Mozambique Position Country manager

Department Directorate of Corporate Marketing Position Marketing specialist

Department Directorate of Institutional Affairs Position Institutional Representation

Department Directorate of Institutional Affairs Position Communication and internal and social development

A STIMULATING CAREER This challenge represents for me the opportunity to do what I enjoy most – the management of teams with a strong connection to the commercial area, and to have an enriching and stimulating professional career. It’s a major change but it shows that even in times of crisis opportunities are available at Galp Energia.

NEW REALITIES Changes within the organization are important, because they allow you to make the most of resources, develop skills and discover new realities. I look on this change as an interesting and motivating challenge that will allow me to continue developing my capacities.

AN ENTICING OPPORTUNITY Opening doors and building bridges are our main concern, in this new area of the Company. Its primary critical factor is the need to act tactfully and manage communication, contacts and relations that are established. Nothing could be more attractive than that.

PRACTICE IN VITALITY There is no doubt that mobility is, more than anything else, the expression of the practice in vitality, ambition and value, of a company like Galp Energia. The sharing of experiences, the matrix quality of knowledge, and the unease of new realities are pillars for a continued improvement of people and organizations. december 2010




relevant news from the business universe of Galp Energia


Enhanced partnership Galp Energia has enhanced the partnership established with Group JCDecaux, an agreement that entails the continuity of fuel supply through the Galp Fleet Card for another two years.


FOR GALP ENERGIA Galp Energia has been awarded the prize for Best Use of TV Medium, and also the Grande Prémio Genio, the chief award attributed in the IV edition of Prémios Genio, by Grupo Vocento, Spain. The Grande Prémio Genio was presented by Director General for National Media of Vocento, José Luís Sainz, the BBDO Proximity and Carat, in recognition of the achievements of Galp Energia in the Spanish market. The media spot included the release of 56 thousand orange helium balloons, symbolizing the entry in the Spanish market of a company that chose this innovative and eye-catching effect to transmit its “Positive Energy”, a concept that defines the positioning assumed by Galp Energia.



Galp Energia and the Engineering Faculty of Oporto University (FEUP) have established a protocol that will integrate FEUP into the GALP scholarship program 20-20-20, which will grant annually scholarships in the amount of three thousand euros to 10 students, for the development of projects for energy efficiency improvement, in companies selected by Galp Energia. The projects to be developed will concentrate on audits to rationalise energy systems and identify and recommend improvement opportunities.



PRIZE FOR QUALITY SERVICE Galp Energia Service Station Area at Salvaterra de Magos has been awarded the prize for Quality in Service and Quality and Food Hygiene on the Brisa Highway network, for its performance in 2009. The award was presented in the service station at Salvaterra de Magos in the presence of representatives of Galp Energia, Brisa and Eurest. An allusive plate was set up in the station. 6


december 2010

Galp Fleet Spain card has introduced attended service for priority clients, in a pilot action that assesses contact fluxes and adjusts procedures so that the service may later be extended to other high-value customers of Galp Energia Spain.

80 75 75 70 Set-10 70 Set-10







Book launching of Livro

Among the best


Galp energia joined in the launching of Livro, the latest book by José Luis Peixoto. It took place at one of its c-stores where the author autographed the first copies sold in the home market.

According to the annual survey Webranking , by Swedish consultant Hallvarsson &Hallvarsson, who evaluates European corporate official EUR:USD home pages, Galp energia, is the second best communicator among all those listed EUR:USD on the stock exchange due to its website.

1,45 1,4 1,4 1,35 1,35 1,3




A profit of 266 million







Galp Energia reported net results, at adjusted replacement costs, of 266 million Euros for the first nine months of 2010. The result reflected the favourable performance of all business segments, driven by the increase in price and in crude production, the margin on refining, the volume of crude processed and sales of natural gas. Investment for the first nine months of 2010 amounted to 864 million euros, duplicating the investment for the same period of the previous year,

110 110 105

VARIATION IN PETROL AND DIESEL QUOTES (international markets) between September 1, 2010 and November 30, 2010

105 100

Diesel ($/bbl)

100 95

Diesel ($/bbl)

95 90 90 85

Gasolina ($/bbl)

Gasoline ($/bbl)

85 80

Gasolina ($/bbl)

80 75

having been channelled mostly to the project of refinery conversion.

75 70 70Set-10






60 95 95

VARIATION OF BRENT DATED QUOTATION between September 1, 2010 and November 30, 2010

60 50


40 Brent dated ($/bbl) Brent dated ($/bbl)

85 85

80 80









Price of the Spanish pool



75 75



70 70 Set-10 Set-10

Out-10 Out-10

Nov-10 Nov-10

VARIATION IN EURO/DOLLAR CORRELATION between September 1, 2010 and November 30, 2010

50 40


1,45 1,45


Price of Natural Gas NbP from the United Kingdom Gbp/term (rHS)


90 90


VARIATION IN NATURAL GAS QUOTES between September 1, 2010 and November 30, 2010






15 15


VARIATION IN GALP ENERGIA LISTING AND IN PSI 20 INDEX between September 1, 2010 and November 30, 2010


1,4 1,4 14 1,35 1,35



14 13

1,3 1,3



Galp Energia (€) (LHS) Galp Energia (€) (LHS)

PSI 20 (Points)



1,25 1,25


12 1,2 1,2 Set-10 Set-10

Out-10 Out-10

Nov-10 Nov-10

11 Set-10 11 Set-10

7.000 Out-10




december 2010 110 110 105 105 100 100

Diesel ($/bbl)






Thematic Tuesdays Thematic Tuesdays, which will be continued throughout 2011, have been resumed in October at Galp Energia, addressing diversified themes such as skill development and professional careers, and the Orthographic Agreement.

Relevant news from the business universe of Galp Energia


WITH AVEIRO UNIVERSITY Galp Energia and Aveiro University (UA) have signed a partnership agreement for scientific and technologic cooperation and the promotion of energy sustainability and efficiency, with a view to systematize areas of relationship between the two institutions. The ceremony took place in the Rectory of Aveiro University in the presence of UA rector Manuel António Assunção, and the President of the Executive Committee of Galp Energia, Manuel Ferreira De Oliveira. FPSO HULLS




Galp Energia has launched a discount campaign over its fuel distribution network that can go up to 16 cents per litre. This maximum value can be obtained by accumulating promotions such as 5+5 Vice Versa (with hypermarkets Modelo and Continente) and My Zon Card. The Cross Selling Promotion 5+5 Vice Versa allows clients to benefit from discounts in Modelo and Continente hypermarkets and fuels purchases in participating Galp sites, up to 10 cents per litre. GALP MADEIRA

LUBRICANTS SYMPOSIUM The I Regional Lubricants Symposium took place recently at the Galp Madeira facility in Funchal. Topics under discussion were Galp lubricants and their application techniques, in particular with regard to pre and post-sale services, which includes monitoring oil cargoes in service. 8


december 2010

Galp Energia and its associates have signed contracts for engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) in relation to eight hulls for production, storage and offloading (FPSO) units which will be used in the development of discoveries in Blocks BM-S-11 and BM-S-9 in the pre-salt areas of Santos Basin, in Brazil’s offshore. Each FPSO will have the capacity to process up to 150 thousand barrels of oil per day.


In the amount of 300 million Galp Energia has issued a debenture loan of 300 million euros. This loan was taken up by Citibank International plc, ING Belgium SA/NV – Portugal Branch, Caixa d’Estalvis y Pensiones de Barcelona (La Caixa), Banco Español de Credito, S. A. (Banesto), Banco Itaú Europa, S. A. – International Finantial Branch and BB Securities Limited (Banco do Brasil). This debenture loan which falls under the financing strategy for Galp Energia’s investment plans, confirmed once more the company’s capacity in obtaining credit conditions and the confidence it enjoys in international financial markets even in the current adverse economic context.



Galp Energia’s Viana do Castelo Terminal has achieved CE marking, and is now in position to market within the European Economic Area its paving grade bitumen, manufactured in accordance with Norm EN 12591:2009 – Specifications for paving grade bitumen.

Galp Energia Group has acquired from Martifer Renewables, an invested enterprise of Martifer SGPS, 50% of the capital of Parque Eólico da Penha da Gardunha, a company that holds 30% of Ventinveste, for approximately five million euros.


15% of Ventinveste


“AJUDA DE BERÇO” Employees of Galp Energia have once again proved their sense of solidarity and marshalled support to collect essential goods to avoid the closure of Ajuda de Berço, a social care organization for infants. Their initiative has made it possible to ensure that good living conditions are provided, over the next six months, to the 20 small children who live at Casa de Monsanto. This wave of solidarity was set in motion by 204 members of the Lisbon staff, who put their energy at work on behalf of Casa de Monsanto. ,Added contributions were made by 6 elements from Medigás, 11 from Lusitaniagás and five from the service area of Vila Velha de Ródão, apart from individual contributions from staff at other facilities.



In 2010, pursuing the goal of social integration in its activities and business dealings in Swaziland, Galp Energia supported Remar Swaziland. This organization, which acronym is composed by the first syllables of Portuguese for “rehabilitation of the underprivileged ”, is an NGO active in some 60 countries in Asia, Africa, America, Oceania and Europe. Its mission is to improve living conditions for children, families and communities in poor countries and regions, through development projects and outreach activities that will enable change and contribute to the eradication of poverty. GPL CATALOGUE

Now available Galp Energia has created a catalogue with the complete range of GPL equipment, including description of technical features and advantages, in order to supply more complete and structured information to its customers. The catalogue is conceived as a module file that can be added to or have sections replaced as required. It is available for consultation at Galp Gas retailers and online, at (gas products/equipment). GAS & POWER WAR SHIP

REFUELS IN AZORES Galp Açores undertook the refuelling, with over one million litres of fuel, of American warship USS Lake Champlain, which has taken part in historic conflicts such as the Gulf war. The operation was carried out via pipeline at Ponta Delgada port, supported by the usual logistics and assistance of Polnato’s technical staff.

SALES GROW The Gas & Power business unit has reached an agreement with Group António de Almeida & Filhos for the joint supply of electrical power and natural gas. With this contract, the sales of Galp Energia electricity to external customers have exceeded internal consumption level of the Group’s companies and facilities. december 2010



Highlight Taking action upwind


Towards a sustainable future Milestones of Galp Energia’s Exploration & Production Unit in 2010

BRAZILIAN ONSHORE Well drilling Krishna-1, Aracaju, State of Sergipe

Galp Energia’s strategy in the Exploration & Production (E&P) business segment is targeted at reaching a sustained production of 150 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day - half the company’s refining capacity. Towards that goal, the company has centred its E&P activities in Angola and Brazil, where the size of reserves has the potential, at medium/long term, to lead it to a relevant position as a gas and oil operator. Although oil exploration projects tend to concentrate on deep waters, diversification continues to be an instrument for minimizing technical and geological risk. Instead of growth based on acquiring reserves, it should rather be predominantly organic or, at the limit, supported by promoting projects with high exploratory potential. Galp Energia began itsactivities in Angola in 1982, at the Safueiro field. Since then, several projects in the coun10


december 2010

try have been added to its portfolio, of which block 14 is the main source of the company’s present oil production. There, just over a year ago,the company initiated the operation of the CPT (Compliant Piled Tower) at the TômbuaLândana (TL) field. Besides Angola, Galp Energia is also active since 1999 in Brazil. In exploration, Galp Energy is also present in Mozambique, Uruguay, Venezuela, East Timor and Portugal. At present, Galp Energia’s main exploration activities are centred in Brazil, where discoveries at Santos Basin have catapulted it into the restricted circle of operators with high levels of success and impact in exploration programs.

BRAZILIAN ONSHORE In the current year, the main activities marking Galp Energia’s agenda for the Brazilian onshore ,were the long-term tests (LTT) initiated.

PRODUCTION SUMMARY GALP E&P IN 2010 Average barrel production per day in thousands Between January 1 and October 31




1779 1056 792 6523

•• •• •• •

Kuito Belize North TL LDN BBLT Light Oil BBLT Benguela Intermediate Oil TL CPT Tupi TLD


• Preparations for a well still in 2010 (Cova 1). • Abandonment of Block A. MOZAMBIQUE

Completed preliminary 3D seismic processing.

URUGUAY Signed exploration agreement with the government

PORTUGAL Floating Unit

FPSO Cidade Angra dos Reis

They constitute a stage in the well assessment usually practiced in Brazil, and make it possible to obtain production from a discovery without commitment to develop the field. The main objective is to understand the reservoir response in a situation that is similar in every aspect to that of a developed camp. However, the volume of oil recovered in the process can be marketed, adding convenience to value.


water production, validating the concept of development over the totality of the block. This achievement required many hours of intense work, often on a tight schedule, on a project at the cutting edge of existing expertise. And recognition must be given to the results of this partnership led by Petrobras. The opening of a new office in Rio de Janeiro is also clear evidence of Galp Energia’s progress in Brazil. It will accommodate the growing number of new staff members and enable a response to the technical challenges generated by discoveries in the Brazilian offshore.

In the current year, the main Brazilian offshore activity of Galp Energia was the launching of production at the FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) Angra dos West Taurus ACTIVITIES Semi-submersible platform in Brazil IN ANGOLA Reis. One of the milestoThis unit is the first of several long term solutions develo- nes in Galp Energia’s agenda for the Angolan offshore this year, was the ped by the consortium Petrobras, BG Group and Galp Energia for block beginning of offshore drilling at LuBM-S-11 in Santos Basin. capa-6 well. The results could boost the This is a significant milestone in the development of a new camp on block camp’s development, marked by in- 14. Another on-going project is the imnovative technical solutions that have plementation of 4D seismic, which will enhanced state of the art ultra-deep enable the assessment of the reservoir’s

Peniche – Initiated acquisition of 3D seismic. Alentejo – Joint Venture Petrobras (Oper 50%)/Galp (50%).


• Initiated joint investigation program between Galp and 5 Portuguese Universities. • Participation in the Science 2010 National Meeting in Lisbon • Participation in the International Exhibition of Luanda ( FILDA)

performance, a crucial step towards understanding its dynamics. Another milestone in the history of block 14 was the submission of the CDP (Conceptual Development Plan) for Malange to concessionaire Sonangol, essential to this camp’s maturity. Additionally, several wells were drilled in camps BBLT and Tômbua-Lândana, in order to maintain production levels in the area which is the largest contributor to Galp Energia production.

EXTRA BLOCK 14 Another significant activity which was carried out this year was the beginning of drilling of the well Garoupa-2, part of the Sonagas project for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). This well is part of a work program related to gas production in Angola, with the object – if sufficient gas reserves are discovered – of supplying an onshore LNG facility. If this should come about, it will be the first exclusive gas exploration / production commercially oriented project to take place in Angola. december 2010



highlight 350 participating organizations PORTUGAL TECNOLÓGICO

A pledge for the future Tens of thousands of people interacted at FIL, in Lisbon, with technology and innovation made in Portugal 2010 edition of Portugal Tecnológico ended with very positive appraisal from participants. With more than 36 thousand visitors and 350 companies, the show brought together professionals and general public, in Portugal’s largest technology and innovation event. Delegations from the United States, Canada, China, Brazil, Russia, Angola, Mozambique, Cabo Verde and Algiers were present, in recognition of Portugal’s technological and innovation capacity in areas such as mobility, energy and administrative modernization.

A POSITIVE EFFORT José Sócrates kicked off the event arriving at Parque das Nações by underground, in commemoration of European Mobility Day. The Prime-minister managed time to visit the halls of Portugal Tecnológico and try-out an electric self-drive vehicle, an experience that he described as “riding in a horizontal lift”. At the opening ceremony, José Sócrates extolled the work done in recent years in the area of information technologies and communication as extremely positive, stating clearly that results so far achieved open the way to continued investment in this field. In turn, the minister of Economy, Innovation and Development, José Vieira da Silva, commented that the organization of a new edition of Portugal Tecnológico indicates that the event has become “an initiative that has consolidated over time” at national level and is already deeply rooted in our economy. Besides the solutions exhibition, the event staged several parallel conferences, notably “Gov 2.0”, organized by the Agency for Administrative Modernization, jointly with the State Secretariat for 12


december 2010

Administrative Modernization. Several international specialists contributed with themes such as the “open government” approached by Jane Fountain, Director of the National Centre for Digital Government and teacher of Political Science and Public Policy at Massachusetts Amherst University, USA, or David Eaves, specialist in public policies and member of the Centre for the Study of Democracy at Queen’s University, Canada. Other themes in the conference included concrete projects, such as electronic identification documents and one-stop shops. Portugal Tecnológico organized in all 26 conferences within the scope of its

The event is aimed at divulging new developments from participating companies

positive spirit Entrance to the event and access to Energy Square

official program, with the participation of national and international speakers, and before an audience of more than 3,000 professionals. These conferences, transmitted worldwide via the Internet are a relevant attraction of the event and an important stage for debate on technology and innovation in many different areas, opening doors for new technologic progress in Portugal. André Ribeiro, Executive Member of the Board of Directors of Galp Energia was one of the house speakers. He broached the theme “Energy, development and employment”, tracing a long-view of the energy framework in the future. He also touched on the subject of the European and Portuguese refinery sector, in particular the project for conversion

of Galp Energy refineries and the impact of the company’s investment plan on the national economy. The event, the largest display of innovation and technology in Portugal, aims to divulge new developments by participating companies, from start-ups to multinational corporations operating in Portugal, encouraging dialogue and the sharing of knowledge. Portugal Tecnológico was an opportunity for companies to exhibit their technological solutions. It also encouraged interaction with other market players, with a view to improving their products and services in order to grow and create added value in the national and international markets. It showed recent developments in Public Administration which have placed the system in a leading e-gov position in Europe. But, even more significant than this continuous evolution is the fact that new solutions are being prepared and implemented for the benefit of State, citizens, businesses and institutions.

ENERGY SQUARE One of the big news in this edition was Energy Square. This new area caught the attention of all visitors by affording an opportunity to experiment the real advantages of alternative energies and electric mobility. Galp Energia was one of the companies who took up quarters in Energy Square for the 6 day duration of the event. Once again, this had the object of showing to passers-by and visitors, its most recent innovations in the technological area, commitment to the implementation of sustainable mobility solutions, based on the use and promotion of renewable energies. At Energy Square, besides picking up

THE PARTICIPATION OF GALP ENERGIA Galp Energia was present at Portugal Tecnológico with a stand which showed the company’s more iconic projects in the areas of Exploration & Production (E&P) Refining and Distribution by means of panels lining the walls of the stand:


The different stands of Galp Energia welcomed hundreds of visitors and among them many representatives of the Portuguese and other national governments.


Illustrating the presence of Galp Energia on a worldwide basis and exhibiting a model illustrating the geological cut of the Brazilian pre-salt.


Conversion project for the refineries


Galp Energia’s footprint at Iberian level. The company was also present in Energy Square in partnership with Toyota, with a car for test driving and an electric recharging point.

information on the concept of energetic mobility and technological solutions, the innovation for which is based on sustainability and Eco efficiency, visitors were also able to test-drive cars, motorbikes and other electric vehicles. TEKLan Party, another first timer at the show, captivated many enthusiasts of computer games, taking solid steps towards becoming a reference player in the future. This event, dedicated to technology, communication, information, innovation, knowledge and entertainment, extended an invitation to technology enthusiasts and fans of computer games to make new friends, navigate the Internet, play the most recent games online, hear music, watch movies and compete in the latest sports

arena – electronic sports. This year’s edition of Portugal Tecnológico encouraged an ever growing interactivity with visitors. They were able to drive electric vehicles, interact with robots, play console games trying out, for example, the first Portuguese game for PS3. Occupying three, rather than the four halls initially contemplated by the organizers, thousands of people interested in new technologies roamed through Portugal Tecnológico 2010, checking out new technologies and keen to find out about innovative projects promoted by public and private entities in areas such as electric mobility, renewable energies, education, health, communications, transport and security, and other. december 2010



highlight conference: energy, the next 30 years


All energies are essential Renewable energies will play an increasing role on reduction of CO2 emissions, but oil and gas will still be essential over the next 30 years. DEPENDENCE on oil is far from coming to an end. Forecasts indicate that this source of energy will in future be part of an energy mix, maintaining an important role in that mix. In a few decades there will be complementarity between the different sources of energy. For the world to keep evolving it is essential to achieve greater energy efficiency. This was the thesis expressed by Nobuo Tanaka, Executive President of the International Energy Agency (IEA) during the Conference – Energy, the next 30 years, organized by Galp Energia and Diário Económico, which took place at the Hotel Ritz, in Lisbon.Urging also the complementa14


december 2010

rity of energy sources in the course of the conference, Clemente Pedro Nunes, Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) referred that the range of opportunities for diversification in the future, “includes biomass, hydro, wind and nuclear energy”.

AN ACCELERATING CHALLENGE Manuel Ferreira De Oliveira, Executive Chairman of Galp Energia, stated also that “all energies are fundamental to face the challenge of accelerating demographic growth in the world.” According to the projections of the International Energy Agency, world population will grow from the present

six billion to 9 billion, by 2050. “Complementary, not alternative” is the concept that best defines, according to Manuel Ferreira De Oliveira, renewable and fossil energies. This executive at Galp Energia says that “the world will have to work hard to find fuels that complement oil and natural gas. That implies a joint effort. I have never met a leader in the oil industry who opposes complementary energies. But there is a lack of communication within the sector”. Josef Waltl, President of the European Petroleum Industry Association (EUROPIA), said in turn that renewables do have an impact and already



Alberto Ceña director of Eolic Enterprises Association of Spain denied that energy costs to enable a supply of electricity from wind sources are too high

respond to demand, “but they are not a decisive factor”. And he adds that they will not represent the larger share of the energy mix over the next 30 years in spite of present conditions that are favourable to their development. He points out also that in some countries the biofuel business is in tune with the petroleum value chain, and that some factories are in fact located in oil refinery premises. He therefore has no doubt that “petroleum will be available to the market for a very long time”. Nobuo Tanaka considers that the hegemony of oil and natural gas will endure over the next 30 years. He does, however, point out the need to reduce by about 50% the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) over the next 20 years and that “massive investment in renewable energies will be necessary” in order to bring that about. According to the President of the IEA, although there is will and political commitment in several countries, developed nations can still do more,

particularly to increase the capacity to capture and store CO2. He stresses that the reduction of polluting emissions will be felt more strongly in countries outside the OECD, particularly in China and India, who are potentially great polluters in the future, but who, this executive believes, will show a positive evolution in the area. IEA has 28 member countries and “its most important mission is to address situations of market instability and cooperate in the resolution of problems that may arise on the supply side”, says Nobuo Tanaka.

THE ROLE OF COAL Nobuo Tanaka worries that governments may not take preventive measures, even though the increase in demand projected for the year 2050 is 84%.This level of growth will be felt especially as regards coal and will be felt mostly by emerging economies. But the president of IEA has no doubts: in order for the 50% reduction of CO2 to materialize, demand will have to decrease”. One of the great world challenges is how coal will be used, and not so much oil, natural gas or the renewable energies. Ferreira De Oliveira says that “it’s natural that countries like China and India will want to use their own resources”. To avoid that, he NOBUO TANAKA proposes that the The President of West cooperates IEA considers that and supports thothe demand for energy must be se regions so they reduced, in order may opt for alterto lower CO2 emissions by 2050 native sources.

Spain and France need greater electricity interconnection in order that the Iberian Peninsula may continue its drive for renewable energies and overcome production fluctuations, thus avoiding system instability. This was the conclusion that Nobuo Tanaka, President of the IEA and Manuel Ferreira de Oliveira reached at the conference Energy, the Next 30 Years. The former pointed out that wind energy in Spain and Portugal will not avoid the need to use reserves of gas and hydroelectric energy to sustain supply when production drops due to lack of wind. But he also stressed that the Iberian Peninsula needs to supply electricity to other countries in order to expand the business. In his opinion the interconnection between Spain and Portugal to the European network “is not good”. He therefore recommends greater coordination to put into effect the necessary infrastructure that will favour the expansion of wind energy. In that sense, stressed the President of Galp Energia, it is essential to have greater connection between Spain and France” so that they may lend mutual support in moments of emergency. Ferreira De Oliveira stressed that in view of the high amount of electricity produced from wind energy in Spain and Portugal “there could be danger to the system’s stability in emergency situations”, a risk that would be mitigated with better connections. The event was attended by the director of the Eolic Enterprises Association of Spain, Alberto Ceña, who denied that the cost of the use of gas or hydroelectric energy to ensure the supply of electricity is as high as some think, because fluctuations are previously announced.

Nobuo Tanaka believes that dependence on natural gas, at present at 81% may decrease to 49%. But he adds that this fuel “will assume the role of a very important source in the near future” and will play “a relevant part in the transition to greener energy”. At the conference Energy, the next 30 years, the Executive President of IEA foresaw that the price of oil may increase to more than 120 dollars a barrel in 2050 if no action is taken. He warned his auditorium that “the era of cheap oil is over”. december 2010



cover entrepreneuship and results orientation



december 2010


The capacity to go further Entrepreneurs create lasting assets by staying permanently results-oriented


A culture of intra-entrepreneurship is crucial, in today’s organizations and companies. It stands for shared responsibility

WHEN the boss of Jeff Bezos, a young hedge-fund analyst, asked him to investigate business opportunities on the Internet, back in 1994, he discovered that books were at the bottom of the list of products marketed through this channel. But even then, there were already book clubs and companies like Barnes & Noble and FNAC for example, that had introduced the concept of huge book stores with catalogues that could list more than 100 thousand titles. What if there was a service where you could have access to millions of different book, covering every theme? Jess Bezos asked himself. The answer was The business took off from quarters at his garage in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Entrepreneur Nick Hanauer believed in Jeff Bezos’ idea and staked 40

thousand dollar on it. By the end of 1999 the company had topped a billion dollars in sales. This is a story of entrepreneurship, of someone who had a good idea and felt it presented an opportunity. He involved others in his project and transformed the idea into a successful business which, like any other, had its ups and downs, but which still endures because it had the capacity to renovate and reinvent itself.

THE CAPACITY TO BUILD One of the best qualities of entrepreneurs, again on a business level, is their capacity to successfully build enterprises that will last beyond their own existence, points out Belmiro de Azevedo, Chairman and CEO of Sonae. To make that happen, according to Fernando Guedes,

President of SOGRAPE, education is an essential factor, which means knowledge within the company, people who are prepared for good and less good periods, capable of understanding the need to innovate, to change, to decide and face new challenges, because the business world is never static nor easily predictable. december 2010



cover entrepreneuship and results orientation

Belmiro de Azevedo Chairman of Sonae



Galp’s ship platform operating in Santos Basin, Brazil

“On an individual basis, our entrepreneurial capacity depends on our methods, efforts, ou willpower, talent, skills and obviously also on our willingness to take a calculated risk”, says João Nuno Mendes, Director of Innovation, Business Development and Sustainability at Galp Energia. He adds, however, that entrepreneurship must not be mistaken for mere individual action, for “the initiatives in the area require a sense of collective effort, of teamwork; they demand a combina18


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tion of resources and skills within the organization and, ultimately, a spirit of openness and integration”. In the case of Galp Energia, just think of examples like the Hotspot Design Competition, which involved hundreds of projects and participants and selected two new patio heaters, or the model for the Tangerina stores, the range of Gforce fuels, the Pluma gas cylinder that merited so many international and national prizes, or the bitumen bags

I am often asked what my main motivation is. It’s a classic question which usually reflects the expectation of getting in return the more obvious answers: some expect me to say it is creating a business, others the challenge of internationalization, some are even sure it’ll be diversification. I wouldn’t deny they are all stimulating. But, let me add, secondary. What is fundamental – what makes all those factors I mentioned consequential – is that the company be conceived based on the concept of long living company. It was that lever, that made me live each day as though it were the first day: make the companies grow, make them sustainable, have a positive influence on society, and gather team of workers who know that Sonae is much more than profit for shareholders. Our results and growth are remarkable. We are oriented, perhaps as no other company in Portugal, to growing and being competitive. The fast pace at which we internationalized has made us a global player. But what has always driven us, what has always made me believe in what I was doing, was that we were part of a whole. Doing business in the short run, being successful for five years is not hard and the feeling is good. But achieving the long life of a company (that stretches beyond your own physical existence) and doing it with the firm belief that the commitment is also to the workers, the consumers and the country itself is much more difficult – but the stimulus stays forever and cannot be translated into words. That’s the difference.

BituBags, or the new business area for integrated energy solutions, of the range of Natural Comfort services, or yet the new lubricant packages. But also, at the level of large transformational projects, such as the complete overhauling of the Group’s refining units, the consolidation of business in Spain and in Africa, the ambitious projects for E&P (oil and natural gas) particularly in Brazil and in Africa, the project for second generation biofuels, the Soma project, adding muscle

Fernando Guedes President of Group Sogrape



Undertaking is assuming risks and bring teams into line around the same objectives

In the case of Galp Energia, there is no shortage of examples of innovation and success based on results orientation CONTROL ROOM

at the Cogeneration Central in Sines Refinery

to the company’s commercial strength, the Tiger project for integration of Iberian infrastructures of communication and management information, the integrated project for internal communication mygalp and the Gal Energia Academy, a training program that will play a pivotal role in the medium/long term, among others. Fortunately, in Portugal we have always had examples of good entrepreneurs, for small and large projects. There are many Portuguese with good ideas.

And there’s no shortage of people who want to put ideas into practice, capacity to marshal the efforts of others and motivate them towards the goal and finally conquer it successfully. We can find that motivation in D.Afonso Henriques, the founder king of our Country, in his determination to extend the frontiers of the small County Portucalense, as well as in Prince Henry, the Navigator, and his vision and capacity to prompt others to go out and discover

I’d like to begin by underlining the recent award to Sogrape Vinhos of the Trophy European Producer of the Year, which is regarded as the “Oscar” of the wine industry and throughout the years has distinguished the most prestigious brands in the sector. And if I cannot hide my natural pride in receiving this award, it is because it does represent, in fact, the highest recognition at international level of a Portuguese company that has never strayed from its family-run character, being headed at present by the third generation of its founder, my Father, Fernando van Zeller Guedes, and guided by the same ethical and moral principles which he pursued. When asked what is the secret of Sogrape Vinhos’ path to leadership of the home market and its opening of frontiers in a successful process of internationalization, I usually say that, above all else and similarly to many excellent businesses, it lies the inestimable value of education, translated into a capacity to transmit to workers and to the market, values that are as simple but determinant as respect, responsibility, honesty, in short, a sense of conduct and of living within the boundaries of a demanding culture, centred on excellence. This is what my Father taught us, and what I have tried to pass on to my children and to our workers – and which fortunately they have preserved and adapted to the new circumstances of our times, never compromising the sense of family and of belonging that is still very much alive in the company. It is quite evident that Sogrape Vinhos was, from the start, open to innovation – suffice to remember that its founder was the creator of Mateus Rosé, a wine the surprised the home market and conquered the world; it is a known fact that Sogrape always staked strongly on the modernism and internationalization of its premium brands; its undeniable that the company has maintained growth and ensured a good return on its investments. But it is also clear that Sogrape Vinhos favours, above all, a growth policy that is sustained and socially responsible, reinvesting a very significant part of dividends in its valuable legacy of human and real estate capital. It’s a philosophy of life. It’s a matter of upbringing. Since 1942.

december 2010



cover entrepreneuship and results orientation

Vítor Barbosa Nautilus CEO

THE GOAL IS INNOVATION The main goal at Nautilus is innovation. We want to be recognized within the European marketplace as an innovative company, proposing solutions that meet customers’ needs. Nautilus was innovative, at the outset, in incorporating technologies into school furnishings, ahead of the Educational Technology Plan, and in the use of recyclable materials. Its Ergo line of chairs, with almost a million units sold in Europe, is an example of that use of innovation: furniture manufactured by gas assisted injection moulding such as is used in the automobile industry. Within the scope of the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN), Nautilus is eligible for innovation and internationalization incentives. We also think it is important that the company is integrated in Cotec’s SME Innovation network, which facilitates contacts it would be difficult to establish otherwise. Nautilus has three times won the Worldidac Award, the most significant international prize for innovation in the educational sector: in 2006 for the Uni_net Interactive Table; in 2008 for the Netboard Interactive Station; and in 2010 again for the Netboard Interactive Station, version 2.1. These prizes represent international recognition and an additional motivation to keep up our work. Besides award-winning this equipment is certified by laboratories and homologated by the Ministry of Education. At present, besides our activity in the Portuguese market, where we take part in 80% of the renovation of school equipment, we are also present in Spain, France, Italy and the United Kingdom.

new lands and new commercial routes, or in determination of the Minister Marquis of Pombal to reconstruct Lisbon afterthe shattering earthquake of 1755. A similar motivation must have presided over Américo Amorim’s determination to bring into Portugal the value of the cork business, of Belmiro de Azevedo in founding and consolidating one of the largest economic groups in the country, Fernando Guedes who set the whole world drinking Mateus Rosé, Rui Nabeiro when he distributed all over the country coffee that was roasted in the Alentejo 20


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The same branding in Galp Energia’s natural market


inland, or Dionísio Pestana, who has built hotels in just about every country where Portuguese is spoken. These are just a few of the larger and more newsworthy examples. But there is also Manuel Ramos and his Nelo kayaks that equip most Olympic teams in the modality, or the award-winning school equipment from Vitor Barbosa’s Nautilus. And many, so many others, attest that there is no lack of creativity in Portugal.

CREATING VALUE Besides their entrepreneurial capacity, all these examples owe in part their success to their capacity to follow a results orientation. In pursuing that objective, besides the will and commitment to achieve and even surpass their tar-

João Nuno Mendes director of Innovation, development and Sustainability at Galp energia

“INTRA-ENTREPRENEURSHIP” MEANS SHARED RESPONSIBILITY “Intra-entrepreneurship” is a concept born of the concept that the success of a business depends on its capacity to constantly innovate and create value, and demands a culture that will encourage the entrepreneurial capacity of its staff. In today’s world everything moves at a fast pace, cycles of technological development have become shorter, competitive intensity is much higher, the boundaries between different sectors of activity have become “blurred” due to the advances in information and communication technologies (ITC), while at the same time more skills and qualifications are demanded from us. In short, the world has become “flat”. And what are the essentials to uphold, in a “flat world” a culture of “intra-entrepreneurship” within an organization? Here are some examples which, naturally, are not exhaustive: The capacity to assume, day-to-day, risks present in the development of new value proposals and the implementation of technologies aimed at creating value. And enhancing the value of teams and staff members who contribute structured initiatives, who have the capacity to take calculated risk and are capable of streamlining responses; A broad sensibilization of the staff to the mission, objectives and strategy of the organization they work for. entrepreneurship within an organization must correspond to an overall goal that is known to each and every one; company success is commemorated and errors committed are openly assumed, with realism and a genuine desire to learn; decisions are quickly taken at all levels of the organization (a culture of fast feedback stimulates interaction, which is decisive to entrepreneurship). The opening up of an organization to its external environment can generate great opportunities for creating value, and the entrepreneurship of its teams can decisive to building “unique ties” between the company and developments within its clientele, the emergence of new markets, technological and ITc developments which can help sustain the company’s competitive advantages. entrepreneurship in an organization cannot be established “by decree”, but it is nevertheless a goal that is a responsibility and a demand on each of its leaders and workers. Some authors consider that entrepreneurship derives from our capacity to focus creatively on two main goals: 1) achieving continued improvement in our daily professional activity, acting faster, with more quality and more efficiently; 2) contributing to create new products or services or add value to existing products and services. The working environment, in turn, also plays an essential role, in particular as regards the autonomy granted to workers and teams in promoting new initiatives, with innovation and creativity, transforming an idea into a profitable initiative within the context of the mission and the goals of the organization. In conclusion, “intra-entrepreneurship” is therefore a shared responsibility between the company and each of one of us as workers, and its demand is even greater now, at a time when the energy sector is proving to behighly competitive.

gets, they make efficient use of available resources and create value for their companies by using quantitative mechanisms of follow up and assessment of activities and economic-financial results. In the combined values that support the Vision and the Mission at Galp Energia, the binomial concept of “entrepreneurship and results orientation” represents, effectively and simultaneou-

sly, the ultimate goal for any business, the guiding principle of any company and the best professional and cultural attitude in relation to the participation and accountability of people in any organization – the more so in a global context of new paradigms and transformational challenges at every level: economic, social and technological; national and international; cultural, environmental and entrepreneurial. december 2010



world mobility AUTO TRANSPORT

The new paradigm Is it reality or myth? Fossil fuels will be with us for a while yet, but we are now moving towards a wider range of solutions. Ultimately, consumers will always have their say.



december 2010

Reducing dependence on oil, diversify sources of energy or comply with the targets set for greenhouse gas emissions, these are all goals we are familiar with, but for which the transport sector has not yet been able to find the answers. “All things said, after decades of promises, everything seems to be the same”, says Tiago Lopes Farias, professor of Transport, Energy and Environment at the technical college Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). He adds that gasoline and diesel fuel still prevail in the sector and that new solutions don’t seem to go beyond the stage of interesting promises. “But is this really just a technology problem?”

CONSUMERS DECIDE To José Ramos, President of CaetanoBus, the change in paradigm will happen at a pace that will be determined by consumers, enabling the best alternatives the market is able to provide. “Experience tells us that the option more readily accepted by consumers will be the one that shows greater efficiency with the most practical use, free of limitations.” To Professor Clemente Pedro Nunes of IST, healthy competition between vehicles powered by gasoline, diesel, hybrids and electric engines “will lead to a global optimization of the system that will be beneficial to consumers and society in general.”

Tiago Lopes Farias

António Pereira Joaquim

Professor of Transport, energy and environment at Instituto Superior Técnico

Communication Manager, Nissan Iberia

SMART IS THE BUZZWORD… WHATEVER THEY MEAN BY IT I believe that if we want to reach 2020 with a more efficient sector, we’ll have to reconsider our actions on four levels: how we plan our cities; the integrated management model for urban mobility; the promotion of new automobile technologies and related energy sources and, lastly, a profound change in our attitude towards the automobile as a product. Without more compact cities, better serviced by public transportation, without integrated mobility strategies where the motorcar is a complement to other transports, without more efficient and cost effective technology, and until we understand that mobility is not an end but a means to get to our destination, it will be very difficult to change the unsustainable road we are now travelling. For that, you need intelligence… emotional, technological, strategic and political. Smart became the new buzzword even though we don’t really know what it means: smart cities, smart driving, smart charging… in short, smart going in many directions but which, if our own intelligence is not properly oriented, will not do us any good. And are we ready to act more intelligently?

THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA Nissan LEAF is a first and fundamental step to introduce the era of zero emission mobility. However, the company recognizes that internal combustion engine technologies (ICE) will still play a vital role in global transport over the next few decades. To some consumers, Nissan LEAF will prove to be the perfect partner and the only car they will every need. To others it will be a logical addition to the family fleet, the perfect choice for daily mileage, for example. The vehicle can be charged in less than 30 minutes, with a quick charger, or at home or else at a normal public recharge point in six to eight hours, depending in any case on the voltage of current used. Whereas zero emission is the ultimate goal, Nissan is committed to continuing innovation in ecological technologies that will improve efficiency and reduce emissions. It is therefore offering a broad range of automobile technologies, including the continuously variable transmission cVT, stop and go with the engine idling, VEH, clean diesel engines and continuous research and development in technology for fuel cell cars (hydrogen). With Nissan LEAF a new era began for Nissan and a new era for mobility.

december 2010



world mobility

At the same time as hybrid proposals viduals and companies who opt for are increasingly offered by all makers, purchase of these vehicles. A direct we begin to see the first functional consequence of the Administration’s solutions for car electrification with commitment was the recent launch the plug-in hybrid electric vehicles of Nissan LEAF in Portugal. Designed (PHEV) and the Improvement of 100% to be a purely electric car the LEAF is electric vehicles. There are already a a medium sized hatchback that can number of solutions, but none that carry 5 adults and has a range of 160 satisfy simultaneously the human ne- km on its lithium-ion batteries deveed for mobility and the need to lower loped by Nissan in partnership with Nippon Electric Corporation (NEC). impact on the environment. Electric cars, hybrids, hydrogen “The Nissan Leaf is an incredible feat”, driven, etc. they all require techno- said NissanChairman Carlos Ghosn logical evolution to become a means during the presentation of the model. of transportation with capacities on a “We worked tirelessly to make it come par with what we have now. Even etha- true: the launching of a vehicle in the nol vehicles, Brazil’s major gamble, real world, with zero emissions – not have lost momentum in comparison just reduced emission. This is a first with the investment is now making in step in what will be an exciting trip for the exploitation of fossil fuels. Seve- people all over the world, for Nissan ral companies are already proposing and for the industry.” this time of solution. One example is “On a national level, it is estimated Ford whose Flexifuel vehicles run on that in 2020 the weight of national a combination of road consump85% of bioethanol tion of electric Executive power wants and 15% of unlevehicles will not a national network with reach 1%”, says aded petrol. The 1300 recharging points Manuel Ramaengine can run either on petrol or lhete, Direcby the end of 2011 any combination tor of Strategic of both. Planning at Galp Energia. And he adds that without a TECHNOLOGICAL more direct and concerted support, on a larger geographic scale, the combiOPPORTUNITY With strong media support the go- nation of high production costs, and vernment has put the development of small sales volume will raise the sales electric vehicles in the political agenda quota of hybrids from 0.15% in 2008 for energy. To supporters, the option to 6.1% in 2030, and that of electric for electric cars is a priority because cars (including plug-in hybrids) will of technological opportunity and be- remain marginal, at 0.3% in 2030. cause renewable energies are a solution to the problem of oil dependence. LOW AUTONOMY Portugal’s objectives are ambitious. Robert Stüssi, President of the EuroExecutive power wants to ensure that pean Association for Battery, Hybrid in the annual renovation of the public and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, said car fleet at least 20% will be electric in an interview on the website Cars21 vehicles, besides creating a national that the projections of operators indinetwork of electric mobility, with 1300 cate a market penetration of electric recharging points by the end of 2011. vehicles in Europe of between 5% and The idea is to encourage the pur- 25% by 2020, with the exception of chase of electric vehicles through Volkswagen, who are taking a more exemption from the circulation tax, cautious view and anticipate 0% to a fiscal benefit on income tax (IRS) 5%. For Renault the growth is estimaand tax exemptions (IRC) for indi- ted at 5% to 10% and at Ford between 24


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José Ramos Presidente of CaetanoBus

AN INTEGRATED SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY It has been said that the best way to foresee the future is to invent it. This aphorism may have prompted Toyota to introduce, back in 1997, the first mass produced hybrid, the Prius, opening a “Pandora’s Box” that led to an appraisal of the mobility paradigm and focused the attention of the automobile sector on the environment. More than two million hybrids from Toyota (and Lexus) are in circulation all over the world giving the Japanese maker a wealth of knowledge and vast experience to continue innovating and introducing new solutions towards a sustainable mobility. I say a sustainable mobility and not an ecological car, because we are considering here a deeper commitment. If at first we hoped to complement and/or replace internal combustion engines with an “ecological car” today we are unanimous in that the near future presents us with more than an alternative for ecological transport that will lead to integrated sustainable mobility. Added to proposals for more efficient diesel and petrol engines, we will bring to consumers new hybrids (HV) which – together with the introduction already announced, of electric plug-in hybrids (PHEV), the purely electric (EV) and the fuel cell (FCHV), among other proposals, still at the phase of testing and development – will afford consumers opportunities to choose their own best solution to suit their individual mobility requirements.

15% and 20%. These are optimistic estimates that may be influenced by the companies’ obvious desire to lead to global market for electric vehicles. The restraint in these forecast echoes the doubts of operators as to the reliability and competitiveness of this technology. From an environmental point of view, high market quotas for these electric vehicles may be desirable but they will be insufficient if they are not accompanied by a decarbonisation of the energy sector as a whole. As the reliability of the autonomy of

Clemente Pedro Nunes Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico

GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION OF THE SYSTEM The freedom conferred on human mobility by the automobile marked the development of daily life over the last 100 years and is based on two petroleum products: diesel and petrol. The history of the present automobile transportation paradigm is its permanent global optimization, including the energy factor. This framework includes the introduction hybrid vehicles, that is, vehicles with two engines, an internal combustion engine and an electric engine. As for the car with a single electric engine, it should rather be considered as a new paradigm, although it is in fact retrieving a project that is more than a hundred and fifty years old. And what is its potential advantage? If the electricity mix used is mostly renewable and/or nuclear, the global emissions of CO2 will be greatly reduced. What is the major obstacle? The chemical/physical storage of electricity, in other words, the existence of lightweight batteries, that are cheap and with a storage capacity that will enable an average run autonomy of at least 250 km. In this respect, the evolutionary road is not yet clear. But one thing is certain: a healthy competition between vehicles with petro or diesel engines and hybrid vehicles and electric cars will certainly lead to a global optimization of the system that will surely benefit consumers and society in general.


A recharging station for electric vehicles in Berkeley Square, London

batteries is still in doubt, the development of electric vehicles will predictably be slow. The availability of battery swap stations and the development of smart grids will be essential to its implementation. Countries like Holland, for example, are setting up recharging stations for these vehicles but some of them are rarely used because people prefer to recharge at home. “The fact is no one has yet defined the exact business model for the different modalities of charging infrastructure”, says Robert Stüssi. “No

one knows how consumers will react and what type of charging they will prefer”. Since the major part of electricity is produced through the use fossil fuels, to use that electricity to generate energy for automobiles will, ultimately, mean greater use of those fuels. The use of electric cars is a gradual solution, but will not solve the problem of transportation. This type of vehicles may play a significant role in urban areas. For long distances, where flexibility is key, electrical energy

will probably make only a marginal contribution In 2030 there will still be many cars running on diesel and petrol. In the long run, when hydrogen and nuclear fusion become alternatives, then electric cars will be alternatives. To Manuel Ramalhete, the present situation will not change in short/medium term. Energy saving, the use of renewable energies and cleaner fuels are part of the solution to which the paradigm of automobile transportation will eventually adjust. december 2010



interview manuel forjaz

develop entrepreneurs who would solve some problems. Situations like the countless number of older people who live alone, of animals abandoned in the streets, of hunger, domestic violence, the acceptance of new family configurations, inner city desertification and of the countryside. None of these are considered priorities by capitalism. The low level of social associative activity and the slow rise of an active and professional citizenship, which has been sluggish to expand, have driven the founders of the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship (IES) to embark on this venture.


A new way of caring for others Social entrepreneurship says that helping the needy can be more than just good spiritual business TO MANUEL FORJAZ, founder and director of the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship (IES) any organization with national impact has capillarity of communication and influence that can be used to create more and better social entrepreneurs What are the conditions and/or shortcomings in our society that created the need to found an organization such as the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship? 26


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There are several. Capitalist society does not solve a series of externalities it creates and civil society in Portugal is taking too long to organize itself. The charity market is insufficient and public support systems for citizens don’t cover all the needs of the population. In the face of this, there was a group of people who, after having completed a post-graduation in Social Entrepreneurship at INSEAD (Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires) decided they wanted to find instruments to help

What is actually social entrepreneurship? What should be the motivation of an entrepreneur in this field and what goals should he aim for? This is an area of science that is still being defined. The first person to use this description was Bill Drayton, the founder of Ashoka, the largest network of social entrepreneurs. He looks for them helps them to develop with the support of study grants and training programmes. In scientific terms, the first known publication of a Portuguese author on this theme was by Filipe Santos, a professor in the area of entrepreneurship at INSEAD. And it was there, that the group of people, who founded IES in 2006, obtained their post-graduate qualification. In other words, no one can say yet exactly what it is. But I can try to give an idea of the concept which is still waiting for scientific and academic definition. The social entrepreneur is someone who identifies a social malfunction and feels he could find a solution that doesn’t imply losing money – in many cases, in fact, earning money, assets, or recognition. He does it under a semi capitalist and economics-based approach, in other words he uses a set of tools to plan his actions. But he is motivated by a strong spiritual impulse. Clearly, there is a new generation of social entrepreneurs who feel it to be their obligation to undertake the study, regulation and resolution of social problems as he identifies them


Manuel Forjaz says that social entrepreneurship is a scientific area still at the stage of being studied and defined

So, accumulating wealth is not an essential? A social entrepreneur is a player in a field that until now was exclusive to private institutions of social solidarity. In the beginning, there was a negative reaction from that field regards social entrepreneurs, who were accused of making money at the expense of the poor. But at present their resources are insufficient, in the face of so many dramas in modern society. What if someone can improve the lives of 35 thousand people over 75 who live in the heart of Lisbon, alone, without any human contact? And what if I can do that by having young people calling them every day and charging their children the cost of the call plus the work time, earning a little money? There’s no reason not to believe that this entrepreneur can acquire some gain while at the time solving a major social problem. What are the contributions of the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship and other organizations involved. What has been done and what remains still to be done? The most important casefor IES has been project ÉS+. This is a methodology created locally in Portugal by a group of specialists in this area, with a strong

input from INSEA. It identifies, in a specific population group and region, social undertakings, social entrepreneurs or proto-social entrepreneurs, people who have an idea and want to put it into practice. It systematizes working models, creates learning models, and helps people to grow and increase their overall impact, and then it studies replicated models of those interventions in other areas and countries. There is already some experience of replicating practices in other projects, such as Vitamimos, which aims at intervention

BIOGRAPHY Manuel Forjaz, economist graduated by Universidade Católica, Lisbon, is a collaborator of K’cidade, an urban community support program, and founding member and director of Institute for Social Entrepreneurship. He is also a founder and general manager of Ideiateca Consultores, a group of consulting companies in the areas of retail, marketing and advertising. He is also Professor of Marketing, Sales Creativity, Personal Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship at Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE), Universidade Católica do Porto, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG), Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração (ISLA) and Universidade Lusófona. He is also Lecturer in Entrepreneurship for the Master’s degree in Management at Universidade Nova.

for the prevention of childhood and adolescent obesity through the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Five or six delegations are being planned throughout the country. The Escolinha de Rugby (rugby school for children) in Galiza is a project promoting social inclusion for about 120 children and youths from two problematic neighbourhoods in the Cascais area already has 12 replicas throughout the country and one in Brazil. There are already some Portuguese universities moving forward in this area. They have realized that many social problems will be solved, not by a failing social state, nor by historic organizations in the field of social security, but by social entrepreneurs. They have also realized that social enterprises need a scientific reference framework, an economic model for replication and scalability and a research framework for measuring impact metrics. All this implies, of course, education and training and academic investigation. How may a large-scale organization, active in many different parts of the world, contribute to entrepreneurship in the social area? Firstly, the organization itself can become involved in promoting social entrepreneurship. This is what happens, for example, at Banco Santander, and associate of IES. They have for long realized that their learning process at the Institute can be applied domestically. Also, the organization can encourage the traits of a social entrepreneur in each of its workers, as is the case at Abreu Lawyers. Lastly, by using its distribution infrastructure, whether a network of bank agencies, or the service stations of a fuel distributor, it can promote an entrepreneurship culture in the eyes of citizens. In the energy universe, new social entrepreneurs are becoming very visible, for example in the area of electric cars, renewables, car-sharing, etc. Any organization with national impact has a capillarity of communication and influence that can be used to create more and better social entrepreneurs. december 2010



Food business operators SUGALIDAL

Largest European producer in the sector The company processes hundreds of thousands of tons of tomato and exports 95% of its production. For decades, under the name Sugal, this family-run business situated in Azambuja, dedicated its activities almost exclusively to the processing of locally grown fresh tomatoes, converted into tomato concentrate and pizza sauces. In 2007, through the purchase of the Heinz plant in Portugal, located in Benavente, they not only strengthened their position in tomato concentrate sector, but also acquired a retail business of tomato products, changing their company name to Sugalidal. They became owners of the Guloso brand and acquired a range of leading companies as clients, among them Heinz, MacDonald’s, Panzani, Cargill and Dr. Oetker. Its operating market is global, has no barriers and there’s strong competition from other manufacturing countries. Sugalidal uses 100% domestic raw material and exports over 95% of its production, a significant contribution to Portugal’s external balance. One of the competitive advantages of the company is that both their processing plants are located right in the middle of the two largest tomato producing areas, in the regions of Azambuja and Benavente. All of its raw material is gathered within a radius of 30 to 40 km around the factories and the growers are local farmers.

55 DIAS WORKING DAYS The production of tomato concentrate is crammed into 55 days a year, between the end of July and September. For the rest of the year Sugalidal’s activities are centred on the logistics of delivery of products to their clients. This means that the energy requirements of the company are concentrated on a period of two mon28


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A PARTNERSHIP RELATION Pedro Paiva Couceiro, Administrator of Sugalidal says that his company “sees Galp Energia as a partner”. He emphasises that management of raw materials, rather complex because of seasonality, and the supply process during the campaign, have always been smooth. At present they are implementing the conversion of Benavente plant to natural gas, which has already been done at Azambuja. “The process has proved to be positive in terms of production cost savings, but especially because it has reduced the environmental footprint associated with our activity”.

Competitive advantage Sugalidal uses 100% national raw materials and exports 95% of its production

ths, which represent 85% of their annual consumption. Sugalidal produces every type of tomato concentrates and in a variety of types of packaging. They are present Europe’s largest producer in the segment, with a

billing of 100 million euros in 2009, which should be equalled in 2010. The company processed this year more than 500 hundred thousand tons of the 1.1 million tons produced in Portugal. More than 95% of the production is destined for export. Only the Guloso brand concentrates its activity mainly in Portugal, being distributed by the leading retail chains. Sugalidal’s markets are essentially in Central and Northern Europe, United Kingdom, Nordic countries and Japan.


A commitment to the future The new service area at Ensache Vallecas, Madrid, integrates a more environment-friendly concept Galp energia Spain has recently inaugurated a new service area at Ensanche Vallecas, Madrid, the first to include the Tangerina CaffĂŠ concept in the store. Several measures were also taken to ensure energy saving and energy efficiency, so as to preserve the environment.

PRESERVE AND MINIMIZE Among several measures to preserve air quality and minimize the emission of greenhouse emissions to the atmosphere, the new service station includes, for example, the Clean Air system. This consists essentially of the recycling of vapour released by petrol in its transformation into liquid fuel and subsequent direct injection into the pump in the service area. This is a process which represents an environment friendly solution, where every thousand litres of recovered vapour is equivalent to one litre of liquid fuel. Water treatment equipment has also been incorporated, to ensure discharging parameters below 5 mg/l and control systems to minimize the risk of subsoil and groundwater contamination Measures were also implemented in order to limit noise levels and avoid acoustic/sound contamination, such as the use of washing equipment equipped with noise reduction by some 29 dB, among others.

Sustainability This service area has been equipped with several energy saving processes

MAKING COMPANIES COMMIT At Ensanche Vallecas new service station, the inclusion of solar thermal panels and recycling systems in the car wash area, which reuses 85% of the water, are some of the measures designed to optimize the use of energy and resources as a means for achieving sustainable development. We are approaching a new era, when society will be increasingly concerned

A new era is approaching when society will demand more for the preservation of the environment

with the environment and demanding and committed to its preservation. To respond to that demand it is essential that companies commit to integrate this concern into all their production and commercial system and among their people, in a credible and transparent manner, never losing the capacity to adapt to the constant mutations generated by market dynamics. Taking this into account, Galp Energia assumes a commitment for the development of policies that will integrate these social values and which represent a roadmap for a future project, in particular as regards its network of service station, where the policy for a sustainable development will be determinant in defining the architecture and functionality of service stations in the future. december 2010



Business retail


Tangerina stores were created to meet client demands


Branding a close relationship Until the end of 2011 Galp Energia will invest in the renovation of 75 convenience stores attached to Direct Management service stations. The second phase of Project Orange is presently under way, converting convenience stores in service areas directly run by Galp Energia to the Tangerina format.

THE WAY FORWARD In 2008, the company began tracing the future for its convenience offer. Analysed by a multidisciplinary team of Retail specialists, whose core object was to study and analyse recent consumer habits and trends, its purpose was to re-equate the business model

and content of the entire network of Galp Energia service station network. That was the basis for Project Orange, which generated profound change and a new impetus for the convenience business within the company. The main object of the project was to overhaul the concept of convenience and increase the profitability in the company’s own network. It involved several initiatives related to the creation of new business, operational excellence, brand, logistics and improved store image.

Tangerina stores are a response to market and client demands and propose a convenience range endorsed by the signature Tangerina (“Very Convenient”) and Tangerina Caffé (“Flavour Encounters”). At present, there are 20 stores with the new format. The second phase of the project contemplates the renovation of another 75, 23 of which before the end of 2010 the remaining 52 during 2011. Upon conclusion of these renovations the Tangerina insignia will be on most of Galp Energia’s convenience stores.



Out of the many advantages and new ideas of Galp energia’s Tangerina concept, Tangerina caffé stands out as an exclusive cafeteria zone, presenting novelties and tastes. There you can find a selection of fresh, healthy, exclusive and high quality products, to take away or savour on the spot.



december 2010

Tangerina is the brand and the image of the closer and more emotional relation that Galp Energia is establishing with its clients. Besides the association of the name with freshness and positivity, the Tangerina reference is already a part of Galp Energia’s patrimony, consolidating the universe of convenience under a single insignia.


Petromar commemorates 20 years Guinean company of Group Galp Energia registers at present an annual turnover of 30 million euros. PETROMAR, a Galp Energia affiliate, commemorated 20 years in 2010 with gala dinner for 150 guests that included, in representation of the mother company, a delegation constituted by Fernando Gomes, Carlos Bayan Ferreira and Manuel Pereira, Galp Energia representative in Guinea-Bissau.


A show of African dance and culture was offered to the guests, with the participation of many Guinean artists. The dinner ended on a festive note, with the presentation of diplomas to workers who were present at the foundation of Petromar. Besides the gala dinner, commemorations of the 20thanniversary were marked by other initiatives, such as the awards for

The event was attended by the President of the National Popular Assembly, the Minister Attached to the Presidency and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, besides several State Secretaries, the Portuguese Ambassador and other members of the diplomatic corps.

Several members of the Government of Guinea-Bissau were present at the dinner


A different concept In Setúbal, Galp Energia is testing its simplified service station GALP ENERGIA has made a decision to segment its market offer by launching a new concept of fuelling station, Galp Base, where the company will supply only fuels, without any of the other services or characteristics which define the value proposition of its network.

SETÚBAL IS THE TESTER Setúbal, a market with strong price LOCATION differentiation by all operators, was Setúbal was the area chosen for the implementation of the new type of station. the region selected to implement this fuel distribution point: the Galp Base fuel stations will test client reaction and stations owned by oil companies, and unexpand the range of alternatives which exist differentiated white label or hypermarket in the market for fuel distribution: service products.

best painting in a A WARM WELCOME competition that Fernando Gomes and Carlos Bayan Ferreira was tied to the event. welcoming guests On the actual day of Petromar’s anniversary there was a football game to determine the champion of the League sponsored by the company, and which involved 32 teams of the various divisions of Guinean football. The game took place at Lino Correia Stadium and attracted thousands of spectators. The winning team wasBissau Port’s football team. A dinner was also offered to all company workers and their spouses and a medal presented to those who have given 20 years’ service to the company. Galp Base offers no additional services (automatic wash or jet wash, convenience store, service station, restaurant services, etc.), and will operate on a self-service basis, with payment on exit. There are neither client loyalty mechanisms, nor promotions or discounts and operating hours are from 7.00 to 24:00. Payment can be made in cash, credit card or debit card. The products sold at this type of outlet will be fuels without any performance additives, and they will have only petrol 95 and petrol 98 octanes, similar to those sold at white label and hypermarket fuel stations. This concept is a response to the segment of clients who make the decision to buy fuel solely based on price. Galp Base fuelling stations will always be a complementary concept to the company’s traditional network whi ch may extend its presence to markets and segments whose needs fall into the type offered by this concept, should the test’s result be positive. december 2010



Business galp energia means of payment GALP FLEET CARDS

More and better tools are the basis for success Differentiating services and functionalities are developed according to market segmentation in order to respond to client needs GALP FLEET CARD is not just a means of payment; it is a tool for the support of fleet management which, apart from two basic advantages – credit and discount – includes other services, functionalities and commercial relations, where proximity and readiness to respond to the needs of clients are critical differentiating factors. The new services and functionalities are developed as different market segment needs arise, so as to always give satisfaction to the company’s clients. It is therefore only natural that Galp Fleet Professional car has already reached 2500 users in all of the Iberian Peninsula. Until 2009, Galp Energia had only one type of fuel card for its corporate clients, although the company’s offer was different for different segments, according to the type of contract established.

COMMERCIAL STRATEGY As result of a strategy that prioritises market segmentation and aims at adapting Galp Fleet to the needs of different segments, two commercial targets have been defined – fleet owners and transportation companies – value proposals were adapted to each. In this


Changes to the card took place in parallel with new communication initiatives

context a new, stronger proposal was put forward, directed mostly at companies that deal in the transportation of freight and passengers. Galp Fleet Professional card will satisfy the specific needs of this segment which has significant growth potential for Galp Energia. In this context, a rebranding of Galp Fleet was also devised, to signal the duality of the evolution of the product

Galp Fleet and Galp Fleet Professional cards both cover Iberia and may be used in Portugal and Spain 32


december 2010

and strengthen the tangibility of the new marketing proposals. The visual aspect of the cards has been differentiated for both segments: Galp Fleet card for fleet owners, and Galp Fleet Professional, for freight and passenger carriers. Parallel to the launching of the new card and its associated rebranding, Galp Fleet’s offer has been strengthened in several aspects. In the area of marketing and customer management, a Galp Fleet manual, new commercial proposals structured up from the base, electronic communication, stationery Galp Frota, other sales support materials and a welcome pack for direct clients after contract signing, are example of this evolution. Cards are now made available with a new Galp Fleet folder which includes an informative leaflet with answers to typical questions on its functionalities, procedures in case of loss or theft, contacts, etc. Additionally, the Iberia Customer Service to Galp Fleet Clients is now available 24 hours a day. By adapting and enhancing the offer, updating its look, rethinking the support tools for the customer manager, improving client communication, Galp Fleet cards are now offering higher value, more advantages and showing a new face. And also showing more clients.

Team work business


A year of success The project was the result of the integrated effort of a multidisciplinary team that involved different sectors in the company. THECOMMERCIAL EXPLORATION of the largest cogeneration central operating in Portugal, Sinecogeração, cogeneration of Sines refinery, recently celebrated its first anniversary. Operated by a team from Sines Refinery Utilities Plant, with an available capacity of 97% the two gas turbines provided, in the first year of operation, 656.006 MWh to the Public Electricity Network (RESP) which is equivalent to approximately 80% of electrical energy used in Sines council area.

Geology. To achieve this result, a decisive factor was the stability of steam consumption at the refinery, which coincided with the average flow of 220 t/h estimated in the project’s original economic model. Consumption of natural gas throughout this period, totalling 252 million m3(n). The creation

MAXIMIZING VALUE Throughout these 12 months of operation the annual electric equivalent outcome was of almost 79%, in line with the values approved by the Directorate of Energy and


The success of the project was due to the efforts of the people involved

of consolidated value, by the project, for Galp Energia Group validates, with certainty and sustainably, the criteria of profitability assessment which support the investment decision. The success of the project which led to the beginning of operations of Sinecogeração is due chiefly to the work carried out by the different sectors of Galp Energia which were involved. In compliance with requirements of the European directive, the tender for the contract followed the model established for international public contracting, which was essential for SINECOGERAÇÃO the 75% bonus on The largest funding granted cogeneration unit in the country by the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the project. Galp Energia’s Corporate Finance team is inextricably linked to what would become the first success story of the project. On the other hand, the cooperation of the company’s Corporate AQS in going through all the legal steps required to obtain the necessary permits for the operation of the cogeneration central.

COMPETENCE AND EXPERIENCE At the early phase of the project, Galp Power’s team had a portfolio for three cogeneration centrals, to operate at external industrial clients. This allowed incorporating the experience acquired which, associated with the technical capacities of the personnel from Sines refinery who were following the project, was decisive for the technical specifications for the new cogeneration central. And lastly, the capability and experience of the managing and supervising team of the project, made it possibly to identify, throughout the several implementation phases, a number of opportunities which proved decisive in creating added value for the project of the Sines refinery itself. december 2010



inside biofuel development unit CRITERIA FOR THE PRODUCTION OF BIOFUELS

Environmental and social sustainability This unit is developing projects for the production of biofuels in Mozambique and Brazil and simultaneously fostering improvement of living and working conditions for the local populations THE BIOFUELS DEVELOPMENT UNIT (BDU) was created at Galp Energia in 2007, in response to the Portuguese commit to bring forward by 10 years the integration of biofuel with fossil fuels, in advance of the calendar established by the European Union (EU). From the outset, the unit decided to apply environmental and social sustainability criteria. In 2009 and for the first time there was, in the UE Renewable Energy Directive (RED), a very clear framework as to the requirements that biofuels have to comply with to be considered sustainable. At present and after the transposition of the Community directive to Portugal, there is even a Portuguese organization that will verify the sustainability criteria, the National Laboratory for Engineering and Geology (LNEG). A framework has thus been created that enables Galp Energy to ensure the validation of the preparatory work carried out since 2007. There are three objectives in RED which support biofuel production. The first is sustainability, because this business will only make sense if there is a real economy of carbon dioxide (CO2). The second is to look also for a diversification of sources of energy. The last, which has little impact in our national context, is rural development. But it is essential in countries where Galp Energia Biofuel Unit is developing projects, such as Brazil and Mozambique 34


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DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM The Brazilian government has traced a very clear program for development of biofuels. Petrobras has even created a company for production and management of biofuels, Petrobras Biocombustíveis, which partners Galp Energia in this country, with direct involvement in production for the first time. The aim of the project Galp Energia is involved with in Brazil is to produce 300 thousand tons of oil a year, in a



Eduardo Júnior and Bernardo Ferreira de Lima

FERNANDO BIANCHI DE AGUIAR Agronomic Development of the BDU


Production Supply and Distribution of Biofuels

FERNANDA CARNEIRO Coordination and Control



Belém Bioenergia Brazil



José Pimentel and Gonçalo Barradas

Galp Búzi


MANUEL VASCONCELOS Agronomic Development

NIKOLAOS BROUZOS Supply and Distribution


Agronomic Development

total area of 50 thousand hectares. It involves also a commitment to small farmers and family units. Environmental concerns represent a very sensitive area, because the company carries its activities in Pará, the equatorial strip close the Amazon forest. That is why Galp Energia has


37,000 ha

Total area contemplated

31,000 t

Estimated Jatropha oil production

2 General managers

Number of workers involved


Manuel Vasconcelos, Fernanda Carneiro, Hugo Pereira, Fernando Bianchi de Aguiar e Nikolaos Brouzos (main photo). Alexandra Franco e Pedro Mateus (side photos)

Up to year

700 during the crop

Number of direct and indirect jobs


50,000 ha

Total area contemplated

adopted a voluntary certification scheme, Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil, which predefines sustainability criteria, including the most sensitive issue, deforestation.

RAW MATERIALS An important part of the work developed by this unit was the selection of raw materials. Both in Brazil and in Mozambique, the choice was for multiannual, perennial crops, which emit less CO2 and have energy balance higher than that of annual crops In Mozambique, Galp Energia has two companies: Moçamgalp and Galp Búzi. The first is held 50% by Galp Energia, 49 % by Ecomoz and 1 % Petróleos de Moçambique (Petromoc). Galp Energia is responsible for the financing and development of the agricultural component, whereas Petromoc/ Ecomoz takes charge of project licensing activities, acquiring land use rights as well as all legal matters connected with the implementation of the project. Moçamgalp is a project for the production of vegetable oils from jatropha, based in Manica province, but the company anticipates expansion into the Lugela district, in the pro-

vince of Zambezia. In this first phase it covers an area of 10.000 hectares, expecting to increase up to 50,000 hectares. There is a branch at Chimoio, where access to land is more difficult, with 650 hectares. It lies in the midst of an agricultural tract, where surrounding lots, which are used mostly for grazing, are under negotiation. Galp Búzi, the old colonial company, had to abandon its old area of influence, moving up river on the along the Búzi, to the town of Chibabava, where a DUAT (a permit to use and make profit from land) was obtained. Here Galp Búzi has been responsible for developing the projects from the very start. In Mozambique the target is to produce 50 thousand tons of oil. A part is for internal consumption to help implement a policy for the production of biofuels. Besides its own productive units, Galp Energia is taking a proactive stand, encouraging the production of local farmers, supplying seeds and support related to phytosanitary treatments, among other actions. As a result, one half of this year’s jatropha production at Galp Buzie is already locally sourced.

300,000 t a year Total estimated production of palm oil

250,000 t/a year Production of green diesel

2 general managers

Plus 53 employees, number of staff involved



Estimated number of direct jobs

Approximately Familiar farmers


Galp Energia’s biofuel project has a close relation with the scientific and technical community in Portugal, through agreements and protocols. It is the logical way to contribute towards the cultivation of jatropha, which is still rather limited. Another significant aspect is Galp Energia’s commitment to hold an annual seminar in Mozambique, besides granting graduate and Masters Scholarships at Mondlane University. december 2010



meetings senior management INTO THE FUTURE

Positive leadership In the Aula Magna, Lisbon, Galp Energy CEO encouraged the audience to face future challenges to the company with responsibility and enthusiasm The latest meeting of Galp Energia executives took place at the Aula Magna of Lisbon University with the theme “Positive Leadership” and was for the first time streamed live to employees in Spain.

Solidarity Initiative Galp Energia Executive President Manuel Ferreira De Oliveira, spoke first on the results of the 9 months of 2010 and explained a video, shown to the 500 members of the staff present, illustrating a social solidarity initiative that took place during the Meeting of Executive Staff in Coimbra. On the subject of the meeting, Ferreira said that “success of a leadership is measure by the success of its successors” and that i tis essential to “focus on results – it is inch by inch, client by client, that we build the company’s results, attaining our objectives and fulfilling our Mission”. The meeting proceeded with a communication by Vasco Ferreira, the company’s Human Resources Manager, making a diagnosis of the internal working environment. It was followed by a debate with the executive commission which presented an opportunity to introduce questions and clarify doubts concerning the Group’s present situation and reality. In the course of the debate the company’s Executive president stated that: “Safety has to be a part of our DNA – it’s impossible to be a player in the Oil & Gas sector and not use the word “safety” first and foremost”. Time for a pause for coffee. Then the audience returned to their places for one of the most eager-


The Chief Executive Officer of Galp Energia elaborated on the prospects for the Company’s evolution

For more information about this Meeting in Galp Energia intranet go to mygalp, espaço mygalp-áreas de trabalho, Encontros de Quadros

ly anticipated communications of the afternoon, Jorge Araújo’s address. The president of Teamwork company and former trainer of high performance teams, focused his talk of the techniques and strategy for the preparation of these teams, making an analogy with the world of top-level sport and the complex entrepreneurial context of the present. “A leader can only really be a leader if he can stop looking at his own navel and focus on the team and its members”, or “two basic messages to any leader: his team members are always looking on; and a leader is always making communication (even when he is silent)” were some of his strong messages. The importance of balancing the rational with the emotional component, of knowing where to go and how to systematize strategies to mobilize and bring about individual and collective aims, were other subjects touched on during the lecture that enthralled the audience.

PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS Following the program, came the moment to present the diplomas EngIQ ,when Ferreira De Oliveira stressed the importance of this Advanced Training in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering which, together with advance management training , is now the responsibility of Galp Energia Academy. The Executive President closed the session encouraging all present to face with responsibility and enthusiasm the complex challenges that lie ahead for Galp Energia.

Accede more contents on intranet at mygalp; áreas de trabalho; Encontros de Quadros work and entertainment meetings



diciembre 2010

Work and Entertainment meetings SOMA III AT LUSO

IMPROVING SOLUTIONS FOR CORPORATE CLIENTS Promoting improved commercial efficiency through increased cooperation between business areas The third SOMA meeting of Galp Energia was held at Luso, bringing together the commercial teams of B2B (Business to Business) from the company units that are part of Program SOMA (Distribution of Oil, Gas & Power and ARL/ Chemicals), with a view to improve the level of commercial efficiency through the growth of cooperation between different business areas and making integrated commercial solutions available to corporate clients of Galp Energia. 200 staff elements of the Group were present including commercial managers, busi-

ness development areas, marketing and management staff from the commercial teams with B2B activities in Portugal. THE PRESENTATION

RELEVANT ASPECTS The meeting was opened by Gomes da Silva, Galp Energia administrator, followed by the introduction of the chief indicators and results of Program SOMA, as well as aspects relevant to its development. Presentations were made by the business units present, focusing on the range of Galp Energia products and services targeting the business

resellers get together in gondomar

A Festive Occasion Sound, light and colour show, in the recent meeting of Galp Energy resellers GONDOMAR Multiuse Pavilion, designed by architect Siza Vieira recently hosted a festive meeting of Galp Energia resellers The event opened with a welcoming

message from Carlos Martins, in charge of the Commercial Retail Network, who introduced a special guest, Manuel CEO of Galp Energia, who took advantage of the occasion to say a few words to the guests.

Gomes da Silva, Galp Energy Administrator, making the opening address.

segment. SOMA III ended with four regional meetings with the commercial teams, to analyze and discuss indicators, success cases and situations that warrant improvement in order increase de efficiency of the program and its results.

Before dinner was served there was a first moment of entertainment with Nicolau Breyner. The popular actor/ director entertained the guests for 30 minutes, with a show about the 50 years of stage career that he is celebrating this year. Later in the evening, Miguel Pereira, who is responsible for the Portugal area Oil Distribution, greeted the guests and later presented the prizes to the three top participants of the Programa Estrela and Best Customer Manager – a Baltic Cruise for two.

GOOD CHEER The atmosphere was naturally one of enthusiasm, as the show commenced, feature the Best of Song Festivals, introduced by television presenter Serenela Andrade, of RTP. For the space of an hour the guests took a trip back in time, to the tune of medleys and themes from the sixties to the present. december 2010



Opinion clemente pedro nunes

Energy: the next 30 years Pese a la previsible diversificación de las fuentes energéticas, el petróleo y el gas natural tendrán una importancia muy considerable en el futuro TO INCREASE Portugal’s economic competitiveness we need to optimize its energy base, that is, minimize the costs the industry has to pay for it, reduce the import component and safeguard the environmental parameters internationally recognized. In this context, it will be necessary to consider six technological-strategic aspects: - Marketing of electricity based on nuclear fusion is, theoretically, a future source of commercial generation of electricity in large scale. However, it is not considered viable to produce electricity on a commercial scale, from this new energy source, for the next thirty years. - Discovery of new and large deposits of hydrocarbons, both classic and of oil shale, which might have a significant and lasting influence on the balance of global supply/demand is considered highly improbable by most specialists. Nevertheless, the “window of availability” of hydrocarbons will continue, although at costs which will tend to increase. - The marketing of “clean coal”, burnt at large thermal power stations without discharge of CO2 in the atmosphere, in which there would have to be a separation from the other gases which constitute the fumes, namely nitrogen. Over the next 30 years there is no expectation of achieving an economically viable cost for the separation of CO2 which, in itself weakens the concept of “clean coal” for this timeframe and inhibits a growing

Clemente Pedro Nunes University Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico

“To increase Portugal’s economic competitiveness we need to optimize its energy base”

use of coal by the countries that have endorsed an eventual extension to the Kyoto Protocol. - The technological problems presented by wind energy. In spite of remarkable progress over the last 20 years, in terms of electric conversion, wind

energy has nevertheless two characteristics that severely affect its economic competitiveness: it is intermittent and uncontrollable. This implies the need to triple the investment in relation to the base-load power installed in order to adjust production to consumption. In fact, besides the windmill generators, it will also be necessary to set up power generating dams, with pumped storage capacity of production peaks at times when there is no consumption and also natural gas centrals which can make up for the high irregularities of wind production. - The recourse nuclear fission energy, a significant component for electricity production at the European level. Since it does not produce direct emissions of CO2, it appears as a clear alternative, in ecological terms, to produce electricity competitively in Europe, respecting also commitments assumed since Kyoto. -The challenge of forest biomass. Already the largest source of primary renewable energy in Portugal, forest biomass can be directly adjusted to consumption for electricity production. Its use also favours an economically viable maintenance of forests, and the mark of 1500 MW electric power could be exceeded in 2020. Despite a foreseeable diversification of energy sources, oil and natural gas will still have a very significant role, and arguably, by 2040, the combination of oil+natural gas will reach, in Portugal, something like 45% of sources of total primary energy.

biography Clemente Pedro Nunes is a university Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, a councillor member of the Chamber of Engineers, member of the Academy of Engineering and managing partner of Clemente Nunes Gestão Empresarial, L.da He was in the past Director-generalfor Higher Education and held several positions on the Boards of CUF and Quimigal. 38


december 2010

sustainability corporate responsibility


4th Forum of SROs and Sustainability The meeting took place under the theme “Value Networks” and was attended by Galp Energia and Galp Energia Foundation GALP ENERGIA and the Galp Energia Foundation were both present at the 4th Forum of Socially Responsible Organizations (SROs) and Sustainability, which was organized by Associação Industrial Portuguesa (AIP) /Portuguese Industrial Association. The event, which was held at the Lisbon Congress Centre, integrated in the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion and International Year of Biodiversity, was dedicated to the theme “Value Networks”. A group of top level specialists, international and national, from corporate, academic, government and civil society fields, introduced and debated new strategies, policies and solutions, and world and European level, for a more intelligent, sustainable and and inclusive growth. Ruben Eiras, responsible for Relations within the Scientific and Technological Community at Galp Energia, acted as

tributed a strong Galp Energia presence, with a Stand exhibited a hybrid stand visited by a that strongly large number of attracted the public participants. The information material distributed, visitors could learn about the Foundations’ projects, in particular through the publication which described the first year of its activities. Leaflets were also distributed with the program for the second semester of the Galp Jazz Cycle at Casa da Música, in Porto, and describing the Assisted Customer Service at Galp Energia stations. The hybrid car Toyota Prius Plug-in, which is part of the project Living Lab Galp Energia-Toyota was exhibited at the stand and attracted the younger visitors in particular, but the curiosity of the public in general, gathering public around the stand, wanting to find out more about this vehicle.

IMPROVE AWARENESS exchange of IDEAS New strategies, policies and solutions were debated

moderator for the panel on the theme: “Sustainable Investment, not a matter of ‘Why’, but ‘When’”.

A STRONG PRESENCE In an event dedicated to the theme Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Galp Enegia Foundation con-

Information on projects for biofuel was also on display and attracted the attention of visitors. Many approached the stand to ask questions about this theme The location, size, and type and quality of information available were factors that attracted a lot of people to the stand of Galp Energia Foundation, contributing to improve the public’s awareness of the institution and its activities. december 2010



corporate responsibility managing system SHE EXCHANGING EXPERIENCES


A mutual enrichment of leaders

Two-days of classroom training sessions

Control checks and monitoring are a plus for Galp Energia’s SHE management Under Galp Energia’s safety program (PSGE) it was the company’s objective to improve performance in the areas Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) , designed a management system based on 22 elements which constitute an internal reference for the system of Safety, Health and Environment at Galp Energia. Management elements are being worked upon internally, developing internal requisites and norms, training,

coaching, workshops, among other activities. To ensure the improvement and efficacy of any management system, it is essential to institute a mechanism that will enable REVIEW SESSION permanent as- After the first audit s e s s m e n t a n d phase, participants monitoring, the were able to identify strengths and development of opportunities for its SHE culture improvement

in december

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Janeiro 2010 N.º 05


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and the implementation of processes and procedures in all units and activities. It was therefore decided to provide managers with the necessary skills to perform internal audits.

cOmPreHenSiVe TrAininG As a first step in that direction, the first fase of training began in June, consisting of a two day theory seminar, followed by five training audits, each with three-day duration. These contemplated a prior review of documents supplied by the different areas, interviews with several people in charge, and gathering evidence. Lastly, results were communicated to all those who were involved in this exercise and it will be up to the areas to initiate implementation of the necessary actions to inictiate the process of continued improvement. Given the importance of the theme and the pivotal role of managers in the





The second training phase will stretch into the first quarter of 2011, carrying out further audits

monitoring are a plus for SHE management at Galp Energia promoting a wide and valuable exchange of experiences between those who are responsible in various areas and who achieve mutual enrichment in this process.

mOre AUdiTS hierarchy line of SHE management, the checks and monitoring (audits) will preferably be carried out by line managers and have an intersectorial character, enabling the sharing of knowledge and the interchange of experiences between units. A workshop was organized where it was possible, based on actual experiences of the participants, make an overall analysis of the first phase and identify the strengths and opportunities to improve the process generally, with a view to value enhancement in the future. Participants expressed the opinion that these exercises in checking and

The second phase of training began in December and will stretch through the first quarter of 2011 with more training audits that will involve some 20 managers of Galp Energia. After these training activities are completed the monitoring of the SHE management system will continue in terms that are not yet completely defined but which will include audits. The scheduling of monitoring, the structure of the teams and the areas to be audited will be defined by experience and the result of the training audits now carried out, integrating the annual audit plan at Galp Energia.




















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Desenvolver e valorizar os Recursos Humanos



Activos com dimensão económica para as empresas Março 2010 N.º 06



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Por uma sociedade mais justa e melhor ambiente Janeiro 2010 N.º 05

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Junho 2010 N.º 07


Dezembro 2010 N.º 09


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Initiatives incentive to innovate


The two teams responsible for the winning projects received the prize cheques from the Executive President of the Company


A challenge crowned by success The first competition Galp Innovation Challenge – the initiative involved hundreds of projects and led to the selection of two new sidewalk heaters PROJECT SINU, by the team constituted by Alberto Rola, Diogo Chiolas, Filipe Duarte, João Bernarda, Luís Mourão and Luís Ribeiro, and Project Easys, by Marcos Caetano and Tiago Fernandes, were the winners of the Hotspot Design competition, organized by Galp Energia. Each of these proposals received a monetary prize of 10 thousand euros, plus integration in the program Galp Energia Grant Holders, and in the Network Galp Innovation. The Hotspot Design consisted in the development of a sidewalk gas heater to be market in national and international markets, included in the concept also developed by Galp Energia – Comfortable Sidewalks. Conceived with the object of promoting entrepreneurial and innovative capacities in the energy sector, this 42


december 2010

challenge was addressed to college students and small and micro companies, privileging those who are training or with activities in the areas of architecture, design and engineering.

EXPECTATIONS EXCEEDED Adhesion to the contest exceeded all expectations, with 370 proposals received from multidisciplinary teams, involving a total of 800 candidates. The first phase ended January 15th 2010, with 116 proposals submitted, with a description of the

Applications from 370 teams, involving a total of 800 candidates, exceeded all expectations

basic project idea. From these, 16 were selected for the second phase. In the second phase, the candidates selected had to include the technical design and detailed specifications for the new sidewalk heaters, and the proposals were judged in May and June by the technical committee and the jury of the competition. Members of the finalist teams made their presentations before an audience composed by the technical committee for the project. This committee was composed of 20 members, among them staff at Galp Energia and outside companies with know-how in the different areas of the project, such as design, innovation, architecture and engineering. They ensured, in their assessment, that all requisites that are involved in the design of a heater to be used outdoors were met. After selection of the best proposals, these were submitted to a jury of relevant personalities in the energy, scientific and entrepreneurial sectors at national level, who elected the winner. Included in the program Galp Innovation Challenge, which will be launching several challenges to the science system, the new heater will be produced and marketed by Galp Energia as part of its propositions to the HORECA channel (Hotels, Restaurants and Cafés), and for patio use.

social responsibility x ray IMPROVING MOBILITY

Personalized Service Clients of Galp Energia with impaired mobility and adapted vehicles can now benefit from personalized assistance. Galp energia foundation and Associação Salvador (for persons with reduced mobility) have signed a protocol to diffuse information regarding its Personalized Attendance Service and the distribution of 500 free electronic devices. This service will allow Galp Energia’s customers with impaired mobility and driving adapted vehicles, to benefit from personalized services both in refuelling and buying products available in the convenience stores situated in the Company’s retail outlets.

society. This service reiterates and confirms the Company’s commitment to reach out to persons with impaired mobility. Information about this service can be obtained at and also replies to most frequently asked questions. Registration for the electronic device is also available onsite. All that is required is to fill in a form which will include the vehicle’s registration plate identification and the Galp Energia´s service station most convenient for picking up the device.

The Company wants to make available to people with reduced mobility the highest possible level of autonomy and quality services



The Assisted Service offered to clients with reduced mobility in Galp Energia’s retail outlets is designed to give the highest possible level of autonomy and quality service to these clients, in refuelling, auto services and in the shop areas of Galp Energia’s stations. It also aims at increasing significantly the mobility and, consequently, the quality of life of people with handicaps and their integration in

• The customer stops at a service •

• •

station identified with the sign “assisted pump” The command device activates a sound and a visual signal in a receiver located next to the console of the operator inside the store. The operator, by means of the intercommunication system acknowledges the presence of the customer and requests that he/she wait for just a moment. As soon as possible the assistant joins the customer to provide the personalized service. Besides fuel, the client can also have access to other products in the store. Payment should in this case be made in cash.

december 2010



(hi)stories entrepreneurship and results orientation A COMMITTED TEAM

Achieving results In an ever more competitive global market, in constant and accelerating mutation, prompted by new technologies and new management models, Galp Energia collaborators must all be prepared to provide swift, innovative and adequate responses. That entails knowing how to read the signs the market sends out, analyzing their context and extracting all the information that might generate for the company new value-added products or services. Entrepreneurship and results orientation help to combine knowledge, acquire skills and lead the company to a commercial and industrial level of top competitiveness and innovation.

THE BIG TURNAROUND One day, I was visiting Sines Refinery, and one of the administrators said to me; “Are you an engineer? Do you have much qualification in the area of petroleum? You should get into a technical department but something connected with the commercial area.� And in those days the commercial area

New products and ground breaking, daring initiatives increased the quota of Lubricants in the company

was tops. About that time there was a reassessment of the commercial areas and I was invited to take on the duties of director of Lubricants. This was at a time when the sector experienced great


Manuela Menezes visiting Sines refinery Visit our virtual museum to check out this and other (hi)stories at



december 2010

transformation. I can truly say this was one of the most difficult posts I have ever had, a huge turnaround in terms of working methods. The Lubricants sector had rather unsatisfactory results, as we were competing in a fierce market. Those produced by other companies enjoyed prestige in Portugal and it was difficult to launch successfully a national brand. Lubricant is a technological product of which there is a wide variety and options, whereas in the case of petrol the customer has no choice. It was necessary to develop a new perspective for lubricants and create credibility. With a dedicated team, we were able to attain excellent results. We considerably increased our market share and reported positive results at the end of the year. This was my first intervention, where I had to answer for the last line of the statement, unlike external relations and marketing, where the impact of results is considered above costs. In that sense, it was a new experience. We revamped our market approach with completelynew products, and difficult and bold initiatives which our competitors eventually adhered to. The patterns are usually set by the market itself and by means of successful experiments we won for the company a center position in the market. The team was very dedicated. We were all keen to reach our common goal and that made it possible for me to keep close to an industrial perspective. For the first time, the plant was part of the Unit for Lubricant Business. We were totally responsible for the lubricants sector, from procurement of raw materials to servicing and final delivery to the clients. It was a very interesting experience, as it was the first and only time that I handled such a very complex area. Manuela Menezes, 2004

solidarity club galp energia HELPING OTHERS

A growing concern Club Galp Energia promotes social solidarity activities together with its associates. THE Núcleo Norte (North Division ) of Galp Energia Club is taking up the collection of food products, books and clothes. The same will be done in Lisbon, together with the organization of dinners for people in distressed circumstances, which this year will benefit the area of Bobadela, where the old Petrogal Quarter is situated.



Mindful of the growing social difficulties and needs in our society, Galp Energia Club has developed and fostered, for some years now, a number of solidarity

The social nature of work undertaken by Galp Energia Club will continue to be guided by the concerns for the scourge of poverty initiatives that rely on the involvement and commitment of its associates. The growing difficulties encountered by a number of those institutions whose activities are directed at helping the needy, have become obvious. With that in mind, Galp Energia Club has collaborated closely with some of those institutions, through campaigns that contribute to mitigate the effects of the current socioeconomic problems. In recent years campaigns have been carried out for the collection of clothes, shoes and toys, among other goods essential to a decent standard of living for every individual. These campaigns resulted in the collection, which at first seemed like an impossible goal, of thousands of articles and

The Christmas dinner for the needy relies on the support and involvement of dozens of Club members

COLLECTING CLOTHES, TOYS, BOOKS … The festive season of Christmas

coincides with the advent of winter and bitter cold, which aggravates the plight of those who are already in conditions of stringent deprivation. Because of that and as has been the habit in past years, the directors of Club Galp Energia’s Núcleo Centro (Centre Division) is carrying out, in December and January, a campaign to collect goods to be distributed to several social solidarity institutions, whose mission is to channel them to people in need. We are counting on the generosity and contribution of all members and collaborators of Galp Energia Club to beat last year’s record when we collected 11,488 items.

goods that were later distributed to nearly twenty institutions, showing clearly the spirit of outreach, of solidarity, present in the members of Club Galp Energia.

In the past, the institution has organized Christmas dinners for the homeless in the Olivais area, with the help of means and support provided by Galp Energia, through the donation of food products and an active role, in preparing and serving the meals, by members of the Club.

THE FUTURE IS NOW The social work undertaken within the Galp Energia Club will continue to be guided by the concerns for poverty, increasingly present amongst a growing number of members of our community. Rather than looking at the past, it is urgent to plan for the future. And the future is now. december 2010



Culture books, cd and dvd ONE DAY

Our pick

A Modern Classic


A romantic comedy that is abrasive and at the same time sensitive, and which will captivate a wide range of readers Can we go through a whole that starts on the 15th lifetime without realising July 1988. On that date, what we are looking for? Emma and Dexter meet on That is the question that the night they graduate. British author David The next day they’ll be Nicholls takes as the point following different roads. of departure for a novel Where will they be in a that went straight from year’s time? And the year the publishers to Nr 1 in after that? And all the the UK, with enthusiastic years that will follow? reviews from the Can Emma and Dexter’s Author David Nicholls international press. friendship be seen as Editora Civilização “Destined to be a modern a sinuous path to love? Price €16,19 classic”, wrote Daily These and other questions (at Wook online) Mirror. “It’s hard to find are gradually answered characters as well constructed as along the pages, sometimes in a these and not recognize the talent light, funny way, others on a more of the author who created them” serious and poignant note, but said The Guardian, among other always intensively captivating. reference journals charmed by this love story, told as romantic comedy,

Memorial del Convento José Saramago

because this book glorifies men and women represented in Baltasar and Blimunda, who sacrifice themselves, suffer hardship, but also conquer, I would recommend its reading. José Castro UN-Internacional Oil-DNP

CD audio

Castelos no ar Pedro Godinho

Castelos no Ar (Castles in the Air) is a sweetly simple combination of instrumental universal classics and popular rhythms of Portuguese origin. Pedro Godinho, a self-taught street musician who manages to wring from his guitar the sweetest, purest sound that music can bring us and also variations on classic authors. Renato Azevedo UN-E&P-Angola

DVD film

seeing, listening and reading

Jaime António Pedro Vasconcelos

The movie Jaime, directed by António Pedro Vasconcelos proves that a good movie can be made with good directing, photography and a script with a message that should make us grow as individuals integrated in a social group. Sara Fonseca UN-ARL-Logística

Back to the Future Trilogy (Collector Edition)


El Origen

O Coliseu

DVD musical

by David Moody Editora Presenta

Author: Christopher Nolan Genre: Science Fiction

By João Pedro Pais Editor Iplay

The Ultimate Tango Show O tango

Author: Robert Zemeckis Genre: Comedy

25 years after the premiere of film that Made Michael J. Fox a star, this is a special edition that combines the three movies and some extra scenes never seen before.

From one moment to the next, scenes of extreme violence start breaking out. It’s up to Danny McCoyne to protect his family. This is the beginning of a very promising trilogy.

dom cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is master in the art of information extraction, stealing valuable secrets stored in the subconscious mind during sleep. But is he capable of implementing an idea?

João Pedro Pais is back at the end of 2010 with his first live CD+DVD in a show with several guest appearances and which brings together some of the greatest successes of his career.

Directly from the heart of Buenos Aires this show is impressive not only for the sheer intensity of the dancers’ theatrical performance as also the exceptional quality of musicians and the tango orchestra that accompanies them.

Price €39,99 (at FNAC)

Price €14,85 (at Wook)

Price €14.95 (at FNAC)

Price €13.95 (at FNAC)



december 2010

João Franco Dir. Corporate Marketing

agenda MR. PUNTILA AND HIS HIRED MAN MATTI This play, written in 1940 at the time of Bertolt Brecht’s exile in Finland, is one of the more brilliant comedies by this playwright. Crafted as a parable, encompassing the richness of profound reflexions on power, justice, equality among men and dependence, but also the praise for the pleasures of life and Nature, this play is rich with a potential for personal and social awareness and a historic freshness that is fascinating to discover. With António Pedro Lima, Cátia Ribeiro, Carlos Malvarez, Marta Dias and Miguel Guilherme, among others. until 30 de january Teatro Aberto, Lisbon

Hurts British band Hurts, who made their debut in Portugal with a much applauded performance at Optimus Alive!10, are back in our country to introduce their first LP Happiness, a huge success in several countries where they are being compared to bands like Depeche Mode. 15 de Fevereiro Hard Club, Porto

Momix Remix Deolinda

M80 Festa

After selling out consistently everyone of the auditoriums where they have performed over the last two years, after performing in iconic venues and major festival in 20 countries, and just as they are savouring a nomination for Best Portuguese Act of the MTV European Awards, Deolinda’s pop fado is preparing to go on stage at the Coliseus where they will perform themes from their second recording “Dois Selos e Um Carimbo”, as well as the more emblematic themes from their debut album, “Canção ao Lado”. And all this in the same year they received the prestigious, and heir to the famed BBC Radio Prizes, Songlines Music Award 2010 for Best Newcomer Group. Two performances not to be missed!

Start the New Year with the rhythm of the successes of the 70s, 80s and 90s. M80 DJs Miguel Simões, José Araújo and Francisco Gil guarantee one of the best new year parties, and one that will make you dance all night.

22 De janeiro Porto Coliseu 29 De janeiro Lisbon Coliseu

24 january Casa da Música, Porto 26 de janeiro CCB, Lisbon

31 december Hotel Villa Itália, Cascais

JOANNA NEWSOM Harpist, pianist, singer and composer, Joanna Newsom is one of the most talented performers of the new generation and she is coming to Portugal to promote her new album “Have one on me” a triple album rated as one of the best of 2010 and that confirms Joanna as one of the best voices around.

Famous for its ability and talent to combine worlds of surrealist images, with props, light, shadows, humour and bodies, Momix is a company of illusionist dancers who have put together in this show some of the best moments of their performances over the last 30 years. 23 to 27 de February Auditório dos Oceanos, Casino Lisboa

Martataka A new concept for indoors children’s playground, the first and only really themed park, centred on a single proposition: if there were a children’s playground on Mars, what would it be like? And on arrival at the Red Planet all children can have fun in a fabulous amusement park that is totally Martian! MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY In Tomar and in Matosinhos december 2010



Travelling Madeira Reveillon AROUND FUNCHAL

A tempting promenade Over the New Year celebrations, the lively Madeira capital is just the place for those who like partying and a mild climate. Feature by José Miguel Dentinho MADEIRA’ s capital is a festive city, lively and colourful, on the southern coast of the archipelago’s main island. One of the best places admire it is the panoramic window of the Cocktail Bar of the iconic Reid’s hotel. Close to Pontinha, the great wall that protects Funchal from more unruly seas, lies the Royal Savoy, the first of the coastal luxury hotels that make Madeira a favourite tourist destination. From there you can undertake a first stroll about the town, along the seafront and the mandatory walk along Pontinha to enjoy the view and take photographs. At night, the string of lights is reminiscent of a Christmas crib scene, for the city creates a backdrop that rises from the sea and soars up the hills to an altitude of 1,200 metres. After a stop at



december 2010

the marina, you can continue through Avenida das Comunidades Madeirenses to the cable car. There’s no better way to enjoy the unique geography of the area than “flying” up to the Monte, on a really unforgettable trip. Even those who are rather wary of heights will be dazzled by the beauty of Madeira seen from that unusual means of transport. Up at Monte, any fear of heights will be forgotten in the promenade along the Monte Palace Tropical Garden and its museum, property of Joe Berardo Foundation. And to round off this promenade, we would recommend a rather

radical return to Funchal, careering downhill in the typical wicker sliding carts superbly guided by local drivers. Complete the return to the town centre with a healthy walk through the steep streets, admiring the houses that mark the twists and turns in the scenery.

FARMERS MARKET Having worked up an appetite and to sooth the emotions of the downhill ride, we suggest a trip to the Farmers Market, a colourful kaleidoscope created by the mass of fruits, vegetables and

At night, with the sprinkling of lights arising from the sea and up the surrounding hills, the city look like a Christmas crib scene

2 Snapshots of funchal


1 Botanical Garden 2 Madeira Wine varieties 3 Downhill wicker cart run 4 Praça do Município 5 Flower Festival


4 flowers. The area dedicated to seafood products is a sight not to be missed. To get the best view, go up the staircase and watch the fish stalls from above. There is not a very large variety but the huge tunas and the shiny black scabbard fish, ebony in colour, are an impressive sight! These species, tuna and the black scabbard fish are key to the island’s gastronomy and are present in many culinary specialties, such as “caldeirada” (fish stew), “escabeche” (marinated fish) or fish filets served with banana slices or passion fruit sauce. But you can also find other varieties. On my last trip, I just couldn’t resist buying a few kilos of tuna loins and tummy to bring back to Lisbon. For lunch, a good option is Doca do Cavacas, a restaurant on the coast that serves a great variety of fish and seafood. For an informal dinner, with a view to the lighted up slope rising to Monte, we suggest Beerhouse, located right on the marina. Besides the steak

and its home brewed beer, it serves up local dishes, including tuna steaks and swordfish filets, which are duly preceded by the “bolo do caco”. Delicately flavoured, because sweet-potato puré

USEFUL INFORMATION HOW TO GET THERE There are flights to suit every budget and tour operators with excellent offers including that include the flight and accommodation.

WHAT TO EAT Those who have Madeira born friends or know their way around Funchal, Câmara de Lobos and Caniçal, will ask for boiled “caramujos” (a sea snail), grilled “lapas” (limpets) and fried “castanhetas” (small fish rather like sea-bream), and “cavalas” (mackerel) with “molho de vilão” (a vinegar and paprika sauce).

DON’T MISS Walks around the island, to Ponta do Sol, Porto Moniz, to Paul, wherever you can get to on the northern coast, to Machico and to the eastern end of the island, always making stops to take in the beauty of the scenery. Check out Geostar.

5 / mash is added to the dough, this flat bread is traditionally baked on a flat basalt stone and, according to local custom, should be eaten while hot, with a spread of garlic butter. In spite of its insular characteristics, Madeira also has meat specialties in its traditional gastronomy – such as meat marinated in a garlic bay leaf brine, the “cozido” – a rich casserole – or the kebabs of meat skewered on laurel twigs that you can enjoy at Santo António restaurant, at Estreito de Câmara de Lobos. To round off your meal savour the wonderful variety of native tropical fruits, or the delicious honey cake, with a drop of Dry Madeira or a 10 Year Sercial. And if you happen to have a chance to visit Madeira at the end of the year, don’t miss the spectacular show of fireworks on the eve of St. Sylvester, and welcome the new year in unique fashion! december 2010



restaurant the jockey

The Wines Luis Colmonero’s selection

arroBEIroS, rESErVE 2006


Good Portuguese Cuisine a pleasant lunchtime restaurant, with a good menu and a wine list that is very comprehensive The Jockey is located in the stew pot variety. The menu is the equestrian complex extensive and varied, particularly geof Gampo Grande, in Lis- nerous in fish. Of the 12 starters, we bon, with a pleasant view would recommend the mushrooms, over the green riding sautéd à la chef, which includes ham fields. Past the stables and shrimp, the “Spanish” clams, By: and riding equipment octopus salad, the tiny mackerel in miguel boutiques, we follow the a vinaigrette sauce, and the mixed Pereira signs that lead to the plate of Alentejo cured meats. For restaurant. Under new management the entrée, besides de fresh fish, since January 2001 the grilled or baked in salt, restaurant is excellent we recommend the InformatIon value for money. It’s an codfish and seafood Hipódromo do Campo enjoyable lunch ve“cataplana”, the Vila Grande, Lisbon nue, with a good menu Real codfish which Tel: +351 217 957 521 and a wine list that is comes with onion and E-mail: very comprehensive. is stuffed with ham Average price for a meal and cheese, the codfish Open daily is about 30 euros. Celso cooked in corn bread, from, and Rafael (formerly the rich and savoury 12h to 24h, except at Tertúlia do Paço) seafood rice, a seafor Sunday dinner are responsible for the food “cataplana”, with table service and chef clams, shrimp, grouFelisberto (from Quinta dos Frades) per and hake, the Jockey steak, the are excellent at their jobs. In the sirloin steak with Diablo sauce, the present Jockey Restaurant you’ll enjoy “special” from land and sea made good, honest Portuguese cooking, of cream, shrimp and mushrooms, simple, well prepared, with very fresh the sirloin chunks with chimichurri ingredients, the best fish around and sauce. With all this to choose from, I the “specials” for the day usually of recommend a visit. 50


december 2010

This wine has a deep colour, an intensely perfumed bouquet with traces of fruity aroma. In the palate it has an elegant profile, with a not very long finish. It’s an honest wine, produced in one of the best wine producing areas in the country, which offers good value for money and is proof that you can drink well and for a moderate price. To be consumed shortly since it does not present long lasting characteristics.

CaBrIZ, rESErVE A ruby coloured red, with a flavour mix of berries, spices and cocoa. In the palate it is intense and complex and it has a long and elegant finish. It should be served between 16 and 18 ºc and goes well with a variety of dishes such as roast kid, roast beef or any codfish dish.

Dona BErta, rESErVE 2006 A red with a somewhat discreet initial aroma, with notes of blueberries, damp vegetable soil and coffee. In the palate it is well balanced and elegant, rich in tannins, a slight minerality and good acidity. It can be enjoyed now or kept for a few years.

JoSÉ DE SoUSa maYor, 2007 A ruby red with a hint of brown, an aroma that evokes tobacco leaves, dates, dried figs, chocolate and spices. In the palate it is long, fruity, complex, well balanced, persistent, with gentle tannins. It should be decanted and served at 16-18ºc, with game and cheese.

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