mygalp magazine 10 academia english

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Training & Assessment Centre

An investment in the future

This supplement forms part of Issue Nr. 10 of mygalp magazine - March 2011

special academia galp energia


Galp Energia Academy A clear commitment to the qualification and development of the Company’s human capital

It is with great satisfaction and pride that I welcome and bring to you this innovative training project that has been developed by, and for, Galp Energia. As you know, our Company is committed to a number of structural and transformative projects which, in order to be successful, need to be supported by human resources endowed with solid management and behavioural skills. We all have, inherent, some capacity at which we excel. And it is in this search for a dimension of our excellence that the idea of is created, reinforcing and expressing our clear commitment to the valorisation and development of the Company’s human capital, and giving our staff the opportunity to grow, as human beings and as professionals, and be happy in what they do. Galp Energia Academy is the outcome of our deep wish to enhance the capacities of our staff and the need to nurture new leaders, capable of taking on increased responsibilities at business and corporate functions, in Galp Energia Group.

Example of Governance Model – Advanced Training in Management (FormAG) Strategic Council Galp Energia Chief Executive Officer / Galp Energia Executive Director for Human Resources Director of Institutional Affairs UCP DEAN of FCEE Director of Executive Training UP/UA DEAN EGP-UPBS Representative of Aveiro University

Pedagogical Committees Galp Energia Group of Galp Energia internal specialists, from the various departments of the Academy UCP Teachers of core areas of the Academy Program UP/UA Teachers of core areas of the Academy Program

Executive Board Galp Energia Director of Institutional Affairs Director of Galp Energia Academy UCP Director of Institutional Affairs Assistant Director of Executive Training UP/UA Coordinator of General Management Course EGP-UPBS In charge of In Company Consulting and Training


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Note UCP – Universidade Católica Portuguesa UP – Universidade do Porto UA – Universidade de Aveiro EGP – Escola de Gestão do Porto FCEE – Faculdade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais

Operational Management Galp Energia Operational Manager, Galp Energia Academy UCP School Services Intra-company and international programs UP/UA Operational program Manager

The training provided by the Academy comprises the specific areas of knowledge considered indispensable for developing the know-how of Galp Energia collaborators and includes courses or training activities specially designed for the objectives laid down beforehand. Examples of these, at this stage, is the Course in Advanced Management, which is associated with the genesis of the Academy, and the EngIQ, a Doctoral Program in Refinery, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering in the business environment.

Since the Academy is a structural project for advanced learning and also for the assessment of the Company’s senior management it is only natural that we should constitute partnerships with leading institutions in the academic world. An international tender was launched in the area of Advanced Management Training, which culminated in the selection of national partners that honour the Academy and our Company, such as Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Universidade do Porto University, in this case through a consortium also participated by Universidade de Aveiro and Instituto Superior Técnico. In turn, the EngIQ, will have the participation of Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Universidade de Coimbra and Universidade Nova de Lisboa. All of these schools, without exception, are making an extremely positive contribution towards the quality of the courses in which they collaborate, ensuring’s positioning as a sound training & assessment centre. I must, therefore, express my unshakable confidence in this program, unparalleled in the history of Galp Energia and perhaps in the country itself. Lastly, may I wish you all a great success in your new academic itinerary and tell that your accomplishment, derived from a lot of work and perseverance over the next few years, will signify also a great success for our Company.

Manuel Ferreira De Oliveira

Place of operation / activity Convento do Espinheiro, Évora A publication of Customer Publishing Division Impresa Publishing



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special academia galp energia Advanced training

An opportunity for knowledge In partnership with reputed universities, successfully providing training for the Company’s personnel galp energia academy is the product of a strong determination and commitment on the part of the Company to enhance the capacities of the Group’s senior staff and foster the emergence of new leaders, who will be prepared to assume increased responsibilities at the level of business and corporate functions.

intranet my galp, to cover all matter related to (http://mygalp/academiagalpenergia) where all documentation associated with the various courses can be found. Trainees can consult here work progression and deadlines, relevant messages and news, and even information on assessment. The fact that participants get the opportunity to be in touch with the learning these different and prestigious university institutions, with their different approaches to teaching and specific competencies, is a strong element of enrichment and differentiation of the Academy. We have here an unparalleled project in the history of Galp Energia, with early indicators that are deeply satisfying and a stimulus for the future.

Comprehensive training The training provided at the Academy covers several areas of knowledge, especially those that are critical to expanding the know-how of Galp Energia staff. Consequently, the program includes courses or training programs specifically designed to meet the desired goals. Examples of this are the Advanced Training Course in Management, associated with the birth of the Academy, and the EngIQ, a Doctoral Program in Refinery, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering in the business environment. Since the Academy is a structural project for advanced learning, it naturally sought as partners for the various courses, the foremost institutions in the field of Portuguese universities. At present it has ensured the collaboration of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Universidade do Porto, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Universidade de Coimbra and Universidade Nova de Lisboa, who have all made significant contributions to the quality of the courses in which they participate. They are making a strong contribution towards establishing Galp Energia Academy as a strong, recognized and valued training & assessment centre.

Intranet support With the support of the group’s intranet, a privileged channel has been created on 4

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Studying and learning as a team 2011


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Subjects Lectured at Galp Energia Academy

EngIQ – PhD in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering

Galp Energia Academy’s mission is to promote and implement integrated and innovative projects, stable and structural, that have high quality and sustainable value. They are directed at the development of competencies in the areas of management, technical and behavioural, in partnership with prestigious institutions of higher education. They contribute, thus, to a maximization of human potential and to the growth of the company, creating an environment for the success of the organization in the long run, and the attainment of excellence. The Advanced Training Course in Management and the EngIQ – PhD in Refinery, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering are underway. And besides seminars, workshops and conferences, the Academy is also proposing Galp Energia Case Studies. In the near future we expect to launch the Advanced Course in Commercial Science and the Course in Geophysics, Petro physics and Reservoir Engineering.


No primeiro semestre de 2010 realizou-se o lançamento da Academia Galp Energia no auditório principal da torre A, em Lisboa

FormAG – Advanced Training Course on Management In order to provide Galp Energia Senior staff and collaborators who show a high potential, with training in the areas on management and behavioural skills, with particular focus on the business of energy management, we have introduced an Advanced Course on Management, which was part of the genesis of the Academy. This structural program of medium and long-term education was created and launched in partnership with a number of institutions that are reference points in 6

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the Portuguese academic world. Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Faculdade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais and a consortium of Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia and Universidade de Aveiro – Management Department, with the special collaboration of Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (through Instituto Superior Técnico). The predominant scientific area of the first course lectured by the Academy is Management – Advanced Training on 2011

Management. Nevertheless, other skills will also be explored in the trainees, in the behavioural area, as well as subjects specific to the areas of business at Galp Energia. The Advanced Training Course on Management is chiefly aimed at promoting the professional qualifications of Galp Energia personnel, in order to generally raise the level of knowledge and consolidate concepts concerning the company’s sphere of action, and fostering internal

networking to facilitate peer contact and interaction for decision making, at operational, tactical and strategic levels. It also seeks to prepare senior staff and future leaders for the performance of their management duties anywhere within the framework of Galp Energia. Concurrently, it will serve as an additional tool in supporting career management, contributing objective means of furthering career progression through the different stages contemplated in the system.

This doctoral program, which is highly innovative at national and European level, is a unique initiative which brings together the best chemical engineering schools in the country, and also ensures that investigation projects leading to PhDs will be carried out in a business environment and focused on themes agreed in advance by the universities and the companies. Positioned in the science area of Chemical Engineering, the Doctorial course in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering was designed with a broader and more ambitions degree of specializations than the tuition normally offered by third cycle courses of Portuguese universities. This PhD has therefore been specially tailored to meet formative needs in an area of expertise where several national and multinational companies operate, in Portugal, constituting the Association of Petrochemical, Chemical and Refining Industries (AIPQR). These companies generate considerable revenues, which justify creating a Pole of Competitiveness and Technology (PCT), recognized by the Portuguese government as an initiative to be supported under the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN). The aim of the creation of this educational program is to contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of these industries, through creating and disseminating scientific learning that will foster new technological developments in this area.

The end results and goals in view are to graduate annually, under the program, 20 specialists in this field.

PhDs in Business Environment The Doctoral program contemplates a PhD course that features a first year with mandatory and elective subject units. The subsequent two/three years will be dedicated to working on matter for the preparation of the doctoral thesis. It also proposes the accompaniment/integration of students in sector businesses, to support their doctoral project.

Advanced Studies Diploma (Advanced Training) Equivalent to postgraduate level, this has a curricular structure similar to the PhD, corresponding to three school trimesters during non-working hours, and does not required thesis presentation. Satisfactory conclusion of the curricular units confers on the trainee a diploma in advanced studies.

Attendance of Specific Curricular Units (customized modules) Allows the student, or the business, to select, from the curricular trimestral units of the doctorate course, those that will better serve the trainee’s sphere of professional activity. It represents an opportunity for learning/specialization but it has no equivalence to any academic degree.

Training projects contribute to maximize human potential and the progression of the Company, creating the base for long term success 2011

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special academia galp energia Academic education and business reality

The success of qualified teaching

Galp Energia Academy prepares the Group’s senior staff for the future, planning the training context on the basis of the company’s profile and that of its Doctoral Program in Refinery, Petrochemical and employees Chemical Engineering

group galp energia has a vast, qualified, executive staff, with solid educational bases, that has been instrumental to the consolidation of its success in the corporation’s many fields of activity. The modern world, however, presents new challenges, in constant mutation, which cannot obviously be met with basic education. For Professor Jorge Farinha, vice-rector of EGP at Porto University Business School, the answer to many of these challenges is in the development of skills, “on the one hand of a more transversal nature in the area of management than the usual technical education that senior staff possess, and on the other that will address the so-called soft skills (in leadership, team management, negotiation, communication…)” This educational project has, therefore the high ambition of preparing the Group’s senior staff for a world in constant mutation, but “with the advantage of planning the 8

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Advanced Training in Management

Galp Case Studies – Internal Benchmarking

learning objectives from the grass roots, taking into account the characteristics of Group Galp Energia and of its senior personnel”.

Prestige Education Program “The objectives of Galp Energia Academy required the development of a prestige training program, that would be innovative, integrated, stable and structured, with the aim of developing management and behavioural skills, and contribute to a solid and progressive learning curve through the career of each trainee”, says Paulo Mendonça, of Galp Energia’s, In2011

Seminars, Conferences, Workshops

would then “become, in the future, an ergia Academy brand”, explains António essential condition of progression within Sousa Nunes. the various functional levels of the comThe on-going course goes far beyond pany’s senior staff, from A3 to A1”. classroom lecturing. According to ProfesThe course program, structured in sor José Filipe Rafael, of UCP – Católica three levels of precedence “is based on Lisbon – School of Business & Economan innovative component, since it in- ics, “Participants acquire crosscutting cludes, apart from modules centred on knowledge on management, in areas with management and behavioural skills, other which they are not necessarily familiar, technical components that are related to and they train for behavioural compethe several business units of the company, tencies that are specially adapted to their as well as an area level of seniority”. dedicated to enerAt the same time, The course program, gy sector themes, they engage in an structured in three levels grouped around intense period of four lynch-pin guidance by the of precedence is based sectors, Oil, Nattutors, benefiting on an innovative ural Gas, Electricfrom their valucomponent ity and Renewable able experience, Energies”, says so they can ponder Paulo Mendonça. The course’s curricu- and prepare themes for tests and carry out lum has been enriched with seminars and practical work which will prepare them for conferences delivered by national and what they may have to face in their daily international speakers. work experience, and prepare for ambitious challenges. A strong brand This program also makes a contribution Partnerships have been set up with pres- to prevent brain-drain in the country. Actigious institutions for higher learning. cording to Fernando Ramôa Ribeiro, rector Convento do Espinheiro, in Évora, was of Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, “rechosen for residential modules. “We search is made by people of quality, but wanted provide an environment and a the big jumps ahead are made by young physical setting that would contribute to geniuses, and Portugal cannot afford to lose create a strong and impressive Galp En- its best young people”. And he points out the example of Galp Energia in the entreA Wide Scope preneurial world for having already hired Academy programs include, among young PhDs working abroad and making it others, modules focused on management, behavioural and technical skills possible for them to return to Portugal”.

ternational Oil, one of the executives responsible for the birth of the Academy. To fulfil these objectives a program was designed within a 10 year time framework, with three levels of tuition, interspersed with years dedicated to practical work, studies and projects of value to the company. “Our aim was to create a symbiosis between academic classroom learning and the working world reality, in the several areas of competencies and development of the trainees’ career” says António Sousa Nunes, of Galp Energia Distribution Oil another of the Academy’s “parents”. Qualifying in each of these three levels 2011

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The people behind Galp Energia Academy

João G. Crespo

Many are the people involved in Galp Energia Academy, from those responsible for its genesis to teachers, students and those who are responsible in the process logistics. To everyone, the effort that Galp Energia Academy is investing has very positive effects ViDEOCONFERÊNCIA

Algumas acções de formação no âmbito do programa de doutoramento EngIQ decorreram na sala Sines/ Matosinhos, do 1.º piso da torre A, em ambiente de videoconferência

Professors at Galp Academy José Filipe Rafael

Professor at UCP – Católica Lisbon – School of Business & Economics Católica Lisbon has a long experience in partnerships with corporate universities, but Galp Energia Academy is unique in that it is a process of integrated and on-going support for the potential development of its senior staff. The program established goes far beyond classroom activities. Participants acquire cross-cutting management skills in areas with which they may not be familiar and train behavioural competencies particularly adjusted to their seniority level. At the same time, they go through an intense period of orientation under the guidance of our professors, benefiting from their vast experience, to consider and prepare themes for tests and practical work, which brings them face to face with problems that differ from their routine experience, preparing for ambitious challenges. In a group where senior executives do not frequently change their working unit, it seems fundamental to have a forum for benchmarking and exchange of experiences. It has been stimulating to be part of a project that entails 10 years of commitment by every participant. It is gratifying to be witness the engagement of everyone involved, from trainees to their leaders and the Company’s top management and to witness such good results. Galp Energia Group is to be congratulated for their gamble on this Academy.

For Grupo Galp Energia this is a high priority project with a strong structural component 10

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Jorge Farinha

Vice-rector at EGP – University of Porto Business School A learning program such as this, directed at developing the capacity to adapt to new market demands in flexibility, the building of competencies to manage change, or to carry out processes for the practical implementation of strategies, is undoubtedly a high priority project with a strong structural element for the group. I am sure it is already having tangible consequences for Galp Energia Group and high added value to participants. The teachers we have assigned to this training project are international specialists in their particular fields, but, generally, they also have very relevant professional experience that contributes greatly to enhance the learning experience of the students. Nevertheless, the universe of Galp Energia Group has a rich and varied cadre of staff, with a highly diversified range of professional experiences, springing from functional or business areas that are very different. This contributes to a classroom experience rich with the interaction of multiple experiences and points of view between participants and tutors that makes these sessions particularly lively. And that represents a benefit, not only for those who learn but also for those who teach , who find here an exceptional opportunity for selfimprovement that is really unique, that becomes richer with each new phase of the program and that will benefit also the next generations of participants. Moreover, since this is a very demanding learning audience, this is also an effective stimulus for our teacher to invest in the continued improvement of the teaching contents and pedagogical systems used in class.

Professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Director of EngIQ – Doctoral Program and Advanced Training in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering The Doctoral and Advanced Training Program, EngIQ, represents the most innovative experience, in Portugal, in the field of advanced education in Engineering. For the first time, an entrepreneurial association, AIPQR – Associação das Indústrias da Petroquímica, Química e Refinação, and five universities – Aveiro, Coimbra, Porto, Nova of Lisbon, and Técnica – have created a Doctoral Degree program in a corporate environment. For this program, the students will undertake investigation projects suggested by the companies, under the guidance of a corporate coach and an academic coach. At the same time, the teaching component of this program (three trimesters) is also open to senior staff of the companies, with classes held off working hours in classrooms equipped with videoconference support, allowing students to attend classes where it may be more convenient geographically (Galp premises in Lisbon, Refineries at Matosinhos and Sines). In the course of the first two years of operation of the Program, Galp Energia, Cuf-QI, Dow Portugal, Euroresinas and FIMA were active participants, with 15 PhD students and 23 from the technical personnel of the companies. This program has promoted a unique linking of corporations and universities in a common project, sharing their own and complementary cultures. The impact, which is already discernible, goes far beyond the obvious advantages of academic teaching in corporate environments, creating a new level of cooperation and entrepreneurial R&D.

Fernando Ramôa Ribeiro

Rector of Universidade Técnica, Lisbon The Doctoral Program and Advanced Training in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering, of which Galp Energia is one of the principal partners, is a pioneering program that will set an example that should be followed by other large Portuguese corporations. It has ensured the collaboration of five Portuguese universities, among them Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, through its Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), as well as an active participation of a number of major companies, through AIPQR. The program is in its second edition and in October 2012 is expected to graduate the first PhDs in Chemical Engineering who will conceivably join the ranks of the companies, in particular Galp Energia. As part of the Program, some 20 chemical engineers at Galp Energia have concluded the academic part of the Doctoral Program, which will have updated their knowledge in areas such as Catalysis, Reaction Engineering and Separation Processes. The PhDs, whose grants are co-financed by Galp Energia and by the Foundation for Science and Technology, undertake research-work on themes suggested by Galp, in a corporate environment, under joint orientation by Galp engineers and University professors. This experience in doctoral programs with joint tutelage has been very enriching for IST teachers, as it enhances their own knowledge by a direct contact with the issues arising in the corporate world.

Cohesive teams

Within the Academy, an internal networking process is established which would be difficult to achieve by any other means, and which builds-up the group and team spirit


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Corporate contributors to the genesis of the Academy


These one-week courses promote proximity among the participants and the sharing of different professional experiences and ways of thinking

The project has brought on a new era in terms of education within the group, based on a format that had never been adopted by the Company and ground-breaking, at national and international level Nuno Moreira da Cruz

Vasco Ferreira

UN-Gás & Power – Natural Gas

Corporate Services – Human Resources Directorate

The on-going education of staff, together with a careful assessment of their potential, is an essential condition for the success of the employer in an increasingly competitive market. This is the goal the Academy seeks to achieve, by creating a learning and demanding environment that all should aspire to. The “recipe” for success will emerge from constant monitoring of four factors: – the commitment of top management; – the academic quality of the teachers and the institutions they represent; – the dedication to learning and the thoroughness of the “trainees”; – the excellence of the logistics”. And if, as anticipated, the Academy comes to build a solid history of success, another natural corollary of this initiative will follow: the fostering of “roots” of trust, openness and respect between those who will be the future leaders of this company. In other words, a genuine cultural change, sustainable over time.

Galp Energia Academy is the result of the will to create, within the scope of the strategy for the development of our Human Resources, conditions to strengthen the management capacities of senior managers, preparing them to assume, in the future, leading positions at the top echelons of the company. With this object, a program was designed that could be classified as an internal MBA, that is, a program that is very similar to the curricular structure of an MBA but customized to the realities of Galp Energia and particularly to the roots of our organizational culture and the specificities which, as an energy sector company, are very characteristically our own. It was immediately apparent that this project would be worthwhile only if we could ensure, beyond all doubt, the highest standards of quality, which meant obtaining the participation of the best national universities, a feature which enhances the value and uniqueness of this program which, we are now sure, is gaining strength through a huge success

Paulo Mendonça

António Sousa Nunes

UN-Internacional Oil – Malawi

UN-Distribuição Oil – Specialties

The development of Project Galp Energia Academy was intended to open a new era in terms of education within Galp Group, based on a format never before developed in the company and ground-breaking at national and international level. An innovative format was envisioned for graduate managers, which might be materialized in a unique training concept. Above all, in view of the partnership with such diverse academic and prestigious institutions of higher learning, such as FCEE – Universidade Católica Portuguesa, EGP – University of Porto Business School and Universidade de Aveiro – DEGEI, with the additional participation of Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, through IST. This experiment in learning was intended to favour the development of internal networks and consolidate a group spirit, which led to the decision to hold residential training sessions (twice a year), for a period of one week each, in a hotel establishment with unique conditions to enable the effort of concentration on the subject contents and introspection, allowing also the enjoyment of rest and leisure.

I have had the privilege of being part of the working group which resulted in the creation of Galp Energia Academy. This group’s mission was to make a wide range analysis of human resources policies (leadership, assessment, career management, internal mobility and communication). The project was to have a strong focus on the connection between training management and career management. We defined as a broad objective, the development of behavioural and management skills, as well as modules on energy, in a learning process that was to monitor the young managers from their joining the company until they acquired the capacity to assume roles as top managers. The concept of Galp Energia Academy, as a vehicle for accompanying, developing and assessment the company’s management staff, began to take shape as a structural and long term project. This project took off with great enthusiasm. There was vision, commitment, passion, ambition and innovation. I am quite certain that this will continue to be the motto for those who have the huge responsibility of making Galp Energia Academy come true.

The quality of the faculty members involved in Galp Academy and the tutoring model adopted, provide the trainees ideal learning conditions 12

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Galp Academy Students Galp Energia Academy gives evidence of the Group’s commitment to provide their management a high quality level of training, covering the themes that are relevant to the times and challenges we face

João Filipe Torneiro

Gabriel Sousa

UN-Distribuição Oil – Gestão Ilhas /Islands Management

UN-Gás & Power – Natural Gas – Regulated Infrastructures Management

Galp Energia Academy is a significant forum for the reinforcement of the mission and the values of the group. Beyond promoting the development and enrichment of its collaborators, the methodology that was defined in conjunction with the universities involved in the project stimulates teamwork and the focus on innovation and continual improvement. With the dissemination of knowledge in the organization, we will potentially witness the development of new patterns of language and behaviour which will necessarily have reflex in terms of entrepreneurship, greater results orientation and value creation. Galp Energia Academy, beyond its well-structured training for excellence, can make a wider impact and take advantage of the competencies that exist within the organization, much as it recently did in the case of Galp Base, enabling, through a well-structured exercise and in coordination with the university, a discussion and deep insight into subjects that are highly relevant from a strategic point of view.

The opportunity to attend Galp Energia Academy was a great privilege and an extremely gratifying experience. It allowed me to confirm, in person, the investment and commitment of our group in providing its management with high quality education in subjects that are essential for the times and challenges that we must face in our organization and in the world in which we operate. The fact that we go into retirement for a period of one week, as part of a group of some 20 people, enables proximity and the sharing of different professional experiences and different ways of thinking in a very intense form. The level of knowledge shown by the teachers makes us reassess the manner in which we analyse problems, make decisions and implement solutions. The future, at Galp Energia, holds many challenges. The Academy, as a project for training and developing skills within the group, will be instrumental for building that future.


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special academia galp energia

Angélica Torres Garvía

Susana Faria

UN-Distribuição Oil – Galp Energia Spain – Planning and Management Control

Corporate Services – Directorate of AQS/EQS –Environment, Quality and Safety

I am very proud to have been chosen to receive training at Galp Academy. This has been a very enriching experience, not only for the networking opportunities but also because it seems to be a very wellstructured project, with adequate contents that are totally applicable in my daily work. Whenever I spend a week at the Academy I take back many ideas on the improvement of my performance, as a manager. I analyse them select those I consider best and try to implement them with my team. It seems to be a very important project that will allow Galp Energia Group to “equip” future leaders with internal skills that are key to the company’s success. If I had not been selected to attend in 2010 I would have submitted my voluntary application to take part in the Academy.

From my point of view, Galp Energia Academy is a totally successful initiative. On the part of Galp Energia it is a clear statement of a commitment to the education of their staff, providing high quality training through associations with prestigious schools. I think this is an excellent tool for supporting and developing career management, which will allow for the development, under a structured and organized plan, of the management and behavioural skills of the managing staff and bolster their motivation. To me, this initiative is much more than a training project. It is also a means of promoting the spirit of team work between the staff of the various departments. Developing a networking system improves interpersonal relations and contributes to solve professional issues. Personally, I see the privilege of taking part in the Academy with great enthusiasm and satisfaction. In spite of the very intense academic schedule, it is very interesting, both from a professional and personal point of view. In addition, this experience will develop and strengthen my management and behavioural skills, improving the way I carry out my activities.

António Fonseca Jerónimo Coroporate Services – Directorate of External Audit Attending the Advanced Management Training Course at Galp Academy is for me a great privilege, since it is a wonderful opportunity to acquire and update fundamental insights in to matters that are essential in management. The quality of the faculty members involved in Galp Academy and the tutoring model adopted, provide the trainees with ideal conditions for learning and reflecting on matters focused, strengthening competencies that will improve the performance of their functions in the organization. This experience at Galp Academy gave me also the opportunity of getting to know other colleagues, and a very strong group spirit was created, which I am sure will benefit my day to day work. At the end of the first year of study I can not only say that my initial expectations were totally met but also that I am confident that taking part in Galp Academy program will help me to develop the skills I will need to face confidently future professional challenges at Galp Energia.

This experiment in learning is designed to encourage the development of internal networks and consolidate group spirit 14

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Luís Filipe Flores

Gilberto Gonçalves

UN-Distribuição Oil – Gestão Ilhas / Islands Management

UN-Distribuição Oil – Empresas Portugal

To me, taking part in Galp Energia Academy means essentially two things: First, an answer to my ambition to grow professionally in management areas, since my education base is in Engineering; Second, the fact that I have been included in the frontline of an extremely ambitious project, aimed by Galp Energia at the growth and qualification of management staff. Besides the exchange of experiences with colleagues and teachers, which in itself was extremely rich, in one short week, I think it is still early to draw major lessons; however the impression that I have brought back from Évora is that my “horizon was enlarged”. In the commercial area, we have a very clear notion that businesses are made by people and for people, so I am sure that within a few years this investment in Galp Energia’s “people” will be regarded as the most profitable investment in its history.

I believe that Galp Academy, besides ensuring that participants acquire a more detailed knowledge of every company department, is also fundamental in providing managerial staff with tools that will allow them to better their personal and team performance. The first week at the Academy gave me a chance to consider the company – how it is organized and how it develops its business – and my own role in its ranks, from new perspective points. Equally important and useful is the opportunity to meet colleagues from other areas and develop networking in the organization. The obligation to carry out group work is an added value, since it entails trusting colleagues whom you did not know before and actively create new teams. I consider my participation in the Academy a decisive contribution to my personal and professional development.

Lília Duarte

Corporate Services – Directorate of Accounting and Treasury Galp Academy has proved to be a significant instrument for the strategic management of Human Resources, in developing the behavioural and management competencies of its people. By strengthening the competencies of its managerial staff, in sustained medium and long term, Galp is building competitive advantage and a relevant and unique differentiation factor. Attending the Academy means that, beyond acquiring new competencies, you have the opportunity to exchange and share experiences, not only with teachers but also with colleagues. The internal networking achieved would otherwise be difficult to attain, there is greater knowledge of the group’s areas of activity and a strengthening of group and team spirit. This experience represents a privilege because of the opportunity in terms of personal development, but it is also a considerable responsibility, for you assume a commitment to apply the learning acquired and passing it on to your teams, contributing to a more competitive company, prepared to face future challenges.


The PhDs in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering within the scope of EngIQ were tutored and assessed by the best in-house experts

Organização e logística da Academia Maria Carapinha Convento do Espinheiro It is an honour for the team at Convento do Espinheiro to be a part of this organization of Galp Energia Academy, given its high standard of quality. The Convent has all the necessary prerequisites... and indeed we believe they are outstanding and very enjoyable, so that participants may also enjoy their stay.

We know this is a significant experience for the trainees in terms of their professional development and, as such, we make every effort to make everything run smoothly, from our part. Our main objective is that the delegates should feel this venue not as a hotel, mas rather as a very spacious house, where they can take advantage of extra facilities, such as indoor and outdoor pools, sauna, Turkish bath, Jacuzzi, gymnasium, tennis court , or futsal , whenever convenient to their schedule. 2011

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.