mygalp magazine 09 in english

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Employees Training & Assessment


Knowledge Development

Mission and Values



Knowledge Management

TRAINING FOR LIFE March 2011 Nr. 10


http:// mygalp



CEO vision

Professional Training We all say that without competitive “human capital” it is not possible to promote a company’s sustainable growth; to have competitive “human capital” it is essential that we promote on-going professional training for our staff, including wide-range training. Professional training needs to include, as its chief element, on the job training; this means the transfer of know-how and experience among working colleagues and between a staff member and his supervisor. Without this element of professional training it becomes impossible to extract the expected value from off the job training, which is a necessary element of training but which, in itself, will not anchor the development of our Human Resources at a level that will ensure sustainable growth at Galp Energia. On the job training is a non-delegable responsibility of leaders and a duty of trainees. The programming of off the job training and the definition of its nature and content is a co-responsibility of leadership, trainees and Human Resources Management; I stress here the duty and the right of trainees to actively contribute to the quality of the training program proposed, as well as its dovetailing to their needs and goals. At Galp Energia training is oriented towards the development and/or upgrading of functional and cross-cutting skills of its staff members. We consider as functional skills all those that are related to the performance of a specific job; and cross-cutting skills are those that will be common to a wide range of our staff team, whatever their function. Over the last few years we have been fostering the Galp Energia Academy 69 as a preferential forum for the advanced training of our senior staff. Activities at our Academy have focused on advanced learning in Management and Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering; we are in the course of preparing an advanced training program for our colleagues in Exploration and Production, and we still need to structure a programme for Commercial Science. With the object of further qualifying our leaders, we have been preparing a program for basic leadership training, aimed at all who have supervisory responsibilities. Besides the professional curriculum this program includes training in behavioural skills, which can contribute significantly towards a more cohesive company environment and more consistent practices. I end this message with an appeal to all the staff of our Corporate Group: look on on-going training as an essential element of your professional life, without which you will not be able to achieve progress in your careers; to learn and put into practice successfully what you have learnt, must be, to all of us, an essential dimension of our quality of life and our personal fulfilment.

Manuel Ferreira de Oliveira Chief Exexcutive Officer - Galp Energia

Look at on-going training as an essential element of your professional life

march 2011




Table of Contents 05 People Galp Energia staff on the move 06 Flashes News in brief Rita Macedo Magazine director mygalp magazine

TRAINING Galp Energia’s commitment to the professional training of its Human Resources is expressed in a number of initiatives featured in our magazine, which mirrors the most relevant events which arise within our Company. And to document this approach, many are the examples we bring you in the pages of the magazine. Besides training in sales or new systems, such as Sigás, new and unparalleled initiatives have been developed, such as the Thematic Tuesdays or the fascinating sharing of experiences between the cogeneration plants of Sines and Matosinhos. We could not be indifferent to Academia Galp Energia. This groundbreaking initiative gets the coverage it deserves in a special folder focusing on the courses which have already began and involve more than 220 participants, for a total of approximately 1800 hours of training, with more than 60 lecturers and 30 in-house specialists, a partnership between Galp Energia and 6 universities of recognised academic merit. The certifications that Galp Energia has obtained are largely the result of training to promote excellence and the continued development of competences in our workforce. Examples of this are the certification for Quality of our Retail network, and the CE Marking for bitumens and emulsions. On the cover theme we also call your attention to the very interesting opinion article by Professor João Duque on professional education, and the interview in which Professor Roberto Carneiro argues that the working place is becoming more and more a school. Since this is European Volunteering Year, mygalp magazine could not but give voice to those who place their knowledge, solidarity and willingness to help, entirely for free, at the service of others. And since this is a subject that assumes ever greater relevance in modern society, Galp Energia could not remain indifferent and has ventured into creating Voluntary Galp, a volunteering project that promotes our staff’s interaction with people in need. Lastly, we would like to let you know that this will be the last mygalp magazine in the present format. After consultations with our in-house public, which we told you about in last issue editorial, and a tender launched already this year, the next edition of mygalp magazine will introduce some new ideas. We hope you will enjoy them, since they were introduced after taking into account the expectations of more than 700 staff members of Galp Energia who were consulted. Apart from other changes, which for now we will keep secret, our next edition will come to you in the new Orthography, the first step by Galp Energia towards its adoption. With a strong presence in Portuguese speaking African countries and in Brazil, Galp Energia could not but enter into this process which we expect to complete by January 2013. We are, therefore providing you with a guide to the main alterations, to help you familiarize with the changes we will soon be adopting. Enjoy this issue of your magazine… and look out for the next!



march 2011

Highlights 10 Sharing experiences 12 Retail Quality Certification 14 Bitumens get European Marking 16 Cover Training and education 22 The World European Volunteering Year 26 Interview Roberto Carneiro 28 Companies Lusiaves Businesses 29 Soma Program 30 Cross-fertilization at GPL 31 Training in an Unstable Context 32 Project Sigás 33 Opinion João Duque 34 Inside Accounts and Treasury Directorate

38 Corporate Responsibility Lubricants, response to emergency and training in defensive and economic driving Training 40 Probigalp/NIDIn 42 Service Station-School 43 Thematic Tuesdays 44 X Ray Campaign 100 United Maecenas Leisure Zone 45 Galp Energia Club 46 Culture 47 Agenda 48 Travel 50 Restaurants and wines

36 Meetings Retail in Portugal and Spain, Specialties and GPL TECHNICAL DATA

Magazine Director Rita Macedo Editor & Contents Management José Conde Barroso Photo Editor Manuel Aguiar Collaboration in this issue Ana Antunes, Ana Castanheira, Ana Resende, Ângela Galvão, Arega Lopes, Carla Loureiro, Cátia Duarte, Célia Pereira, Filipe Sequeira, Filomena Assis, Fernando Cavaco, Ilídio Ricarte, João Carlos Lopes, João Pamplona, Jorge Moura, José Castro, José Pinho, José Rato, Jaime M. Silva, João Albuquerque (estagiário), Manuel Barreira, Margarida Campos, M.ª Clara Parada, M.ª João Vinagre, Marta Miranda, Patrícia Boavida, Paula Barbeitos, Paulo Rua, Paulo Pinto, Ricardo Manzoni, Rita Martins (estagiária), Ruben Borreicho (estagiário), Sandra Pacheco, Sandra Paes, Samuel Dias, Pedro S. Gomes, Susana Maricato, Suzana Barreto, Teresa Nobre

Other contributors to this edition José Miguel Dentinho (editing), João Paulo Batalha (coordination), Luís Inácio, Pedro Guilherme Lopes (text), João Matos, Rui Garcia (art), Anyforms e Rui Pita (infography), Estúdio João Cupertino, Bruno Barbosa and agencies (photos) Circulation: 9000 copies Periodicity: Quarterly Legal Deposit: 286693/08 Edifício Galp Rua Tomás da Fonseca 1600-209 Lisboa – Portugal Tel.: (+351) 21 724 28 65 (ext.: 12865) Fax: (+351) 21 724 29 76 E-mail: A publication of Customer Publishing Division Impresa Publishing

on the move people GALP ENERGIA

A wealth of opportunities galp energia represents a world of opportunities, where the secret of experiencing personal fulfilment lies essentially in ourselves and the options we make when faced with good and bad experiences we come across. Of my own choice, I’ve had a very diverse experience in the company. I like learning, changing, making myself constantly over, challenging myself and others. I don’t normally act with a view to furthering my professional career nor for material profit; my motivation comes from a love of overcoming difficulties and fighting the “impossible”. I joined Petrogal almost 25 years ago in the area of refining programming. After a year I switched to Procurement and Trading, in sales to competitors and large industrial

Sílvia Fafaiol

“What we achieve in the company depends essentially on ourselves”

clients and thus progressed in my career and the levels of responsibility over the next nine years. In 1995, the company decided to create Petrogal Azores and I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to diversify my experience and

build new knowledge horizons, even though it meant a position on a lower hierarchy level than the one I had then. Working for a small company, especially in the start-up phase, was a very rich experience, from a global perspective, of the business and the capacity to solve problems in various areas: customer and supplier relations, management control, accounts… After three years, returning to Lisbon for family reasons, I became involved in a cross-cutting team project in connection with SAP implementation of management reporting functionalities and, a few months later took on the management control responsibilities for Procurement and Trading, and later joined the first team of ‘Gestão Integrada da Margem’ (Margin Integrated Management). In August 2003 I returned to Procurement and Trading, this time as operations di-

rector, and since this was a supporting area, regarded as “administrative”, the challenge was to “create challenge and make things happen”, even if indirectly. In March 2009 I was invited to lead the Purchasing Department which was undergoing and organizational overhaul and was keen to make a stronger contribution to the business. I accepted with a sense of mission. I was made welcome by my team and I have dedicated my efforts to help the team implement processes that will enable negotiating power and efficiency in the relations with service providers. There is still much to do and I hope to go on being the agent provocateur and remind everyone around me that only the dissatisfied (in a positive way) can promote change for the better. I am never satisfied with what I have done – I feel always that I could have done better!

Changes in the company New challenges for Galp Energia staff members João Nuno Ferreira

Paulo Mendonça

Sónia Viegas

Pedro Falcão

Department UN-DO – Empresas Portugal Job Markets Development Manager

Department UN-International Oil – Malawi Job Project Manager

Department UN-Gas&Power – Planning & Control Job Management Control Technician

Department Purchasing Directorate Job Buyer

IT’S WORTHWHILE TO CHANGE Mobility is the real win-win situation: the company wins by the cross-fertilization of ideas, the employee wins a professional enrichment and everyone gains by the additional motivation of the challenge. It’s try it takes some courage to get out of your comfort zone, and some modesty to be ready to learn from your new colleagues, but it’s worth it.

A NEW CHALLENGE I‘m working at present at International Oil, an area that stimulates me to build a career with the company, where I am working on the possibility to take the Galp Energia Brand to a new market in Africa. It’s one of the most interesting challenges in my career and in my life. I am committed to make a success of it, as I have with all the other challenges I have faced.

LIFELONG LEARNING The move from an area that was merely corporate to a more commercial type of work in a business unit – Gas & Power – quite different from the previous one, linked to fuels, is forcing me to develop new skills and test once again my goals. It’s always positive when you are in a process of continuous learning!

MEETING EXPECTATIONS Finding myself in a new area, wanting to prove that I have the capacity to meet the expectations and that I deserve the job I have been assigned, is for me a reason for motivation and enthusiasm to face this new challenge and look forward to fulfilling my personal goals and those of the company.

march 2011




relevant news from the business universe of Galp Energia

1,45 1,45 1,45 1,4


Galp supplies the Portuguese Air Force Galp Energia has won the bid to supply the Portuguese Air Force (FAP) with Jet A1 and AVTUR/FSII fuels for 2011. The contract is valid for a year and represents 4% of the company’s sales in this area.


BRIEFING SESSION Galp Volunteer has been launched, an online platform that brings together all social responsibility projects at Galp Energia that depend on corporate volunteering. The first information session about the project took place at company headquarters in Lisbon, attended by more than 50 staff members. It was also broadcasted by videoconference to Setubal, Madeira and Aveiro. Key questions were discussed with a view to launching Galp Volunteer, such as the distinction between individual and corporate volunteer activities, existing forms of company volunteering, a plan and chronogram of activities and, finally, the general guidelines for the Volunteer Guide, created as a means of informing staff involved in the program. GALP ENERGIA IN 2010

ADJUSTED PROFITS INCREASE 43% Galp Energia has shown a net result at adjusted replacement cost of 306 million euros in 2010, 43% over last year’s figure. During the period, Galp Energia’s proven and probable reserves increased approximately 16 times compared to 2009, to 574 million oil and natural gas barrels. Net entitlement crude production rose by 22% compared with 2009, to 11,8 thousand barrels a day, due to decisive contributions of projects Tupi, in Brazil and CPT Tômbua-Lândana, in Angola. Refining margin at Galp Energia in 2010 was 2,6 dollars per oil barrel, driven by the recovery of refining margins in the international markets. The business area of oil products distribution maintained its positive contribution towards results with increased activity in the Spanish market. Natural gas sales rose 5% in relation to 2009, to 4926 million cubic metres, of which 75% correspond to sales in the liberalized market. Investment in 2010 amounted to 1233 million euros, 69% over 2009, channelled to the project of refinery conversion. 6


Galp Energia

FIRST PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANT Galp Energia’s first solar photovoltaic plant is now in operation. Built in partnership with EFACEC it has 504 panels and installed power of 100kW for an annual production of energy estimated at 157 thousand kWh/year, which is equivalent to a reduction of emissions of 74 tons ofCO2/year.

The plant is part of the project for energy efficiency of Algarve International Autodrome.



A ceremony took recently place for the presentation of golden pins to Lisbon staff of Galp Energia who have completed 30 years with the company. The award presentation ended with a buffet where all the old-timers had an opportunity to chat and exchange memories and experiences.


Renews contract Galp Energia, through its unit of Companies business – Oil Distribution has renewed the contract with Têxtil Nortenha for another year, for the supply of 4500 ton of fuel and 80 m3 of diesel oils. (road fuel and tinted).N.T: não encontrei estas designações…

1,4 Sonangalp increases 1,35 retail sales



Sonangalp, a company1,35 incorporated in 1,3 Angola, owned by Sonangol and Galp Energia, marketed, in 2010, about 258 1,3 1,3 million litres of fuels and 1,25 over 123 million litres in retail sales. 1,25 1,25 1,2 Dez-10 1,2 1,2 Dez-10 Dez-10



Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 e 28 de Fevereiro de 2011 VARIAÇÃO DA RELAÇÃO EUR:USD VARIAÇÃO DA RELAÇÃO EUR:USD Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 e 28 de Fevereiro de 2011 Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 e 28 de Fevereiro de 2011




Page 5 – Our colleague Abílio Madalena is with UN-International Oil – Petrogal Mozambique. Page 7 – The chart showing “Price variation for natural gas”, the caption was missing on the horizontalaxis, (same as the rest). Page 35 – The box “Key data for the projects” should read: “approximately 4000 for the crop year”. Expected number of direct and indirect jobs”. Page 36 – caption for the photo: “Galp Energia Executive President spoke on development perspectives for the Company”. Page 44 – Photo caption, bottom: “Manuela Menezes visits Matosinhos Refinery” (and not Sines)



Preço Gás Natural NBP do Reino Unido (GBp-term) (RHS) Preço Gás Natural NBP do Reino Unido (GBp-term) (RHS) Preço Gás Natural NBP do Reino Unido (GBp-term) (RHS)

60 50 60 Brent dated ($/bbl)



85 Dez-10



40 30 40

40 30 40 Preço da pool espanhola (€/MWh) (LHS)

16 16



20 10 20 10 0 10 0 0


VARIAÇÃO DA COTAÇÃO DA GALP ENERGIA E DO ÍNDICE PSI 20 Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 e 28 de Fevereiro de 2011 VARIAÇÃO DA COTAÇÃO DA GALP ENERGIA E DO ÍNDICE PSI 20 Galp Energia VARIAÇÃO DA COTAÇÃO DAeGALP DO2011 ÍNDICE PSI 20 (€) (LHS) Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 28 deENERGIA FevereiroE de Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 e 28 de Fevereiro de 2011

8.500 8.500

Galp Energia (€) (LHS) Galp Energia (€) (LHS)



30 20 30

Preço da pool espanhola (€/MWh) (LHS) Preço da pool espanhola (€/MWh) (LHS)

VARIAÇÃO DA COTAÇÃO DO GÁS NATURAL Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 e 28 de Fevereiro de 2011 10 VARIAÇÃO DA COTAÇÃO DO GÁS NATURAL 0 10 VARIAÇÃO DA COTAÇÃO DOeGÁS NATURAL Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 28 de Fevereiro de 2011 Dez-10Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 Jan-11 e 28 de Fevereiro de 2011 Fev-11 0 0 Fev-11 Dez-10 Jan-11 Fev-11 Dez-10 Jan-11


VARIAÇÃO DA RELAÇÃO EUR:USD Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 e 28 de Fevereiro de 2011

60 50 60 50 40 50

20 10 20



50 40 50

30 20 30


Fev-11 Fev-11

Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 e 28 de Fevereiro de 2011 130 135 VARIAÇÃO DA COTAÇÃO DA GASOLINA E DO DIESEL (mercados internacionais) 125 135 VARIAÇÃO DA COTAÇÃO DAeGASOLINA E DO DIESEL (mercados internacionais) Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 28 de Fevereiro de 2011 130 Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 e 28 de Fevereiro deDiesel 2011 120 ($/bbl) 130 125 115 125 120 Diesel ($/bbl) 110 120 Diesel ($/bbl) 115 105 115 110 100 110 105 Gasolina ($/bbl) 95 105 100 90 100 Gasolina ($/bbl) 95 Gasolina ($/bbl) 85 95 90 80 90 85 75 85 80 70 80 75 Dez-10 Jan-11 Fev-11 75 70 70 Dez-10 Jan-11 Fev-11 Dez-10 Jan-11 Fev-11


VARIAÇÃO DA COTAÇÃO DE BRENT DATED Entre 1 de Dezembro de 2010 e 28 de Fevereiro de 2011



Jan-11 Jan-11


15 15

8.000 8.000

1,3 14 14 14


1,2 Dez-10



march 2011

13 Dez-10 13 13 Dez-10 Dez-10


PSI 20 (Pontos) (RHS)

7.500 7.500

PSI 20 (Pontos) (RHS) PSI 20 (Pontos) (RHS)

7.000 Jan-11


Jan-11 Jan-11

Fev-11 Fev-11

march 2011 135


7.000 7.000




as notícias mais relevantes no universo de negócios Galp Energia

Chooses Galp Energia

A new image



Galp Energia has added to its client portfolio by signing a contract for a year with Ramirez & Filhos company. The expected requirements for this client is 600 tons of fuel nr.4 BTE 1% .

Galp Energia’s retail network comprises already more than 300 service stations, fitted with the new Look. Bigger and more ample, these facilities now have new concepts in cafeteria service and better advertising support.

Until the end of the current year Galp Energia service stations are offering an additional 6 cent discount on the third Sunday of each month, in continental Portugal.

Ramirez & Filhos


TOTAL CONCENTRATION The annual meeting of the Companies sector of Galp Energia was held in Lisbon with an attendance of some 80 colleagues and guests. The theme was “Focus on results”, stressing the need for total concentration on objectives, in these difficult times we are experiencing. IN RIO DE JANEIRO

CAPITAL MARKETS DAY 2011 Galp Energia announced, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on its Capital Markets Day 2011, the Company’s strategy and information relative to the 2011-2015 business plan. Included in the more significant aspects of this strategy, is the investment contemplated for 2011, between 1,2 billion and 1,5 billion euros, and for the period 2012-2015, which should total some 3,5 billion euros. The current year’s investment is mostly intended for the conclusion of the conversion of Sines and Matosinhos Refineries, and the development of camps Lula and Cernambi in the pre-salt Santos basin, Brazil, and of Bloc 14 in Angola. Upstream activities will have greater relevance in the future, for Galp Energia, representing some 70% of total investments between 2012 and 2015. Galp Energia has already announced a working interest production target of approximately 200 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2020, ten times over the figure for 2010. With the object of strengthening its capital structure, Galp Energia has announced a capital increase, to materialize in the second semester of 2011, for its Brazil subsidiary which holds the Company assets for Exploration & Production in that country. 8


march 2011


GALP ENERGIA ACQUIRES HALF OF THE CAPITAL Galp Energia Group has acquired from Martifer Renewables, an affiliated company of Martifer SGPS, 50% of the capital of Parque Eólico da Penha da Gardunha company, which holds at present 30% of the share capital of Ventinveste, S. A. (Ventinveste). The transaction involved an approximate five million euros. SINES REFINERY

LOSSES ARE DOWN Sines Refinery achieved, in 2010, the best result ever in respect of its “losses” indicator. The success is due to a detailed identification of the type of losses (flare, tank evaporation, loss from flanges, drainage systems, drainage covers, valves, pumps, compressors, etc.) and establishing and implementing operational procedures with a view to reduction in all areas involved.


DIGITAL DESK NOW AVAILABLE Galp Energia has recently made its digital desk available to piped propane gas clients. Its various functionalities include invoice visualization, meter reading information, changes to means of payment or adhering to electronic billing.

6 cent Discount


WITH GALP LUBRICANTS Only six years old, Frederico Peters has become our country’s youngest national karting champion, and winner also of Portugal Cup in the beginner category. In all, he drove seven events in 2010, grabbing five first positions and two second places. The lubricant that makes easier his assault on the road is Galp Moto Action S2T. MAPUTO

NEW SERVICE STATION The new Galp Energia service station at Avenida Patrice Lumumba, in Maputo is now in operation. Among the distinguished guests at the opening ceremony were Fernando Gomes, Galp Energia Administrator, Carlos Bayan Ferreira, in charge of International Oil Business Unit, Mário Godinho de Matos, Portuguese Ambassador, David Simango, Mayor of Maputo, and Abílio Madalena, Director-general of Petrogal Mozambique, a company of the International Oil Business Unit. This new location will improve Galp Energia servicing in the Mozambican capital.


ADHERES TO GALP FLEET A Protocol for assigning Galp Fleet cards hasbeen signedbetween the Porto Business Association and Galp Energia . The ceremony took place at Palácio da Bolsa in Porto and was attended, for Galp Energia, by Manuel Ferreira De Oliveira, Carlos Gomes da Silva, Rui Reis and Francisco Lima Aires. Associação Comercial do Porto was represented by its President, Rui Moreira, and Nuno Botelho. CONVERSION OF MATOSINHOS REFINERY

Three million accident-free hours The conversion of Matosinhos Refinery has been awarded a prize “for the excellent downstream project for energy and chemical products, in terms of safety, health and environment” attributed by FluorCorp, the North-American company who was the chief contractor for this job, for the achievement of three million construction work hours without any accidents requiring leave of absence. Galp 20-20-20



Tomatagro Audit Galp Soluções de Energia (GSE) has established a contract with Tomatagro, a tomato processing company, to carry out an energy audit of the company’s plant, as part of the Intensive Energy Consumption Management System (SGCIE)

Galp Energia presented the awards for the best projects by scholarship students of Instituto Superior Técnico and Aveiro University, under the Galp 20-20-20 national scholarship program, for investigation in energy efficiency and sustainable energy solutions.The selected projects range from computer applications for power consumption to configuration of industrial production units, training methods and bus fleet follow-up. The benefiting companies wereTransdev, Frulact, Celbi, Grupo Pestana, Fapajal and Barraqueiro. march 2011



highlight inhouse knowledge SHARING EXPERIENCES

Value Added at Galp Energia Building the Cogeneration Plant at Matosinhos was an opportunity for cooperation between the teams and Utilities Plants (FUT) of Galp Energia refineries the advantage of sharing experiences between the Utilities Plants (FUT) of Galp Energia refineries is quite obvious. On the one hand, the construction of the Cogeneration Plant of the Matosinhos refinery is in full swing. On the other, the project includes the same type of equipment, such as the General Electric Gas turbines. It also involves the recovery boilers which, although from different licensors, have similar capacities for steam production. Since the industrial process was the same “we felt it would be extremely useful to share experience”, says José Silva Pinto, the man in charge of FUT Matosinhos.

A LOGICAL INITIATIVE In the case of cogeneration units, which imply the introduction of new technologies, there is an even greater urge to acquire proficiency as quickly as possible. “Since the unit at Sines has been working already for a year, it was logical that we should take advantage of this added-value located within the company”, says Alexandra Cruz, who is in charge of Sines FUT The opportunity was regarded as unique, since it would bring together the teams working at Matosinhos, where construction of the plant is still being carried out at the refinery. Some processes and details can only really be fully appreciated at the moment they occur. The response of the Sines working team to a solicitation for a visit to the new Cogeneration Plant was simply “enthusiastic! We were greeted with a dynamic program for an operational technical visit, which reflected the commitment to a sharing of experiences and that spirit pervaded 10


march 2011

ited the Sines Refinery site. She feels that this type of initiative “should constitute an example to be followed whenever possible”. It enables the sharing of know-how among the teams and so contributes “to the adoption of good practices identified”. And it also serves “to avoid a repeat of bad experiences”.


The team in charge of this Galp Energia facility

the whole team”, says José Silva Pinto. This initiative was also designed so that professionals at both refineries might share professional experiences of their daily work, each in “his/her” own Utilities Plant. It turned out to be a rewarding benchmarking process. There were previous contacts between those in charge of the Utilities Plants of Sines and Matosinhos. However, it was the construction of the Cogeneration Plants that created the drive to make this operational technical visit. “The sponsoring by the management of both refineries and the commitment and energy contributed by Portcogeração/Galp Power, made it happen”, says José Silva Pinto. The experience seems to have been very positive. That is the perception gathered by Alexandra Cruz, based on the reaction of the colleagues who vis-

Ricardo Manzoni Galp Power

A GUARANTEED RETURN ON INVESTMENT The sharing of experiences is frequently promoted in many sectors of international industry, where benchmarking on specific technical themes is encouraged, particularly to foster best practices and solutions for the resolution of highly complex technical problems. “Kinship” in an industrial context favours this type of initiative, which often results in very tangible benefits for users of the technology and even for those who develop that technology. If external sharing is increasingly encouraged, internal sharing is a guaranteed investment.

Internal benchmarking potential goes sometimes unnoticed. This is something that is also changing in the learning process and sharing of experiences within Galp Energia operational organizations. There are several advantages for the company in this type of cooperation, “starting with building stronger ties and a sharing of knowledge between the two refineries”, says Alexandra Cruz. From time to time the management teams have a chance to exchange ideas in the staff meetings. “But contact between the staff from different units, who are not in managerial positions is unusual,” And that is why “this was an excellent opportunity for the Utilities Plans to fill that gap”. It contributed to create synergies in terms of skills and recognized operational practices. And also to gather data that is needed to optimize processes and procedures and so achieve results. A follow-up in the field of the type of cooperation and joint effort that

MATOSINHOS COGENERATION The team who will operate this Gal Energia facility

was achieved with this experience will be possible after and during the commissioning and start-up phases of the plant, where situations/scenarios/ doubts could arise in Matosinhos which have already been faced and solved in Sines. The easy intercourse established in this visit will contribute to easier solution to those issues, says Alexandra Cruz. In fact, she contemplates using this trip as an example and plans a visit in the near future, when the new cogeneration unit settles into routine operation, of the FUT Sines teams to Porto.

OPTIMIZING PROCEDURES This type of experience can contribute decisively to create value, by optimizing processes of operational communication. In fact, by creating conditions where all stakeholders have access to experiences that they can understand, sharing in decision making, comparing operational practices and procedures and the learnings gathered from the operation of new equipment or under new legislative frameworks, it becomes possible for “the contribution towards goals to focus not only on individual knowledge but also on the skills and practices of operational organizations”, adds José Silva Pinto.

LEARNING TOGETHER The interchange between Galp Energia Utilities Plants comprised six staff visits from Matosinhos Refinery to the one at Sines. The teams that organized the project consisted of the following colleagues: 11 to 15 October 2010 Albino Barbosa, António Azevedo, Hugo Lages, Joaquim Duarte, Joel Clérigo, Rui Vale and Rui Rodrigues.

18 to 22 October 2010 Alexandre Silva, Bruno Oliveira, Ivo Resende, João Gouveia, Jorge Cântara, Marco Almeida, Maurício Conceição and Rui Couto.

25 to 29 October 2010 António Silva, Jorge Pinto, José Azevedo, Manuel Ferreira, Manuel Heleno, Manuel Ramos, Nuno Correia, Nuno Freitas and Rui Ferreira.

1 to 5 November 2010 André Fernandes, Carlos Monteiro, Celso Magalhães, Fábio Pereira, João Oliveira, Manuel Moita, Pedro Louçano and Tiago Ribeiro.

13 to 17 Dezembro 2010 Amândio Almeida, Carlos Loureiro, Dinis Silva, Fábio Reis, Fernando Ferreira, Fernando Soares, Hélder Andrade and Paulo Carvalho.

3 to 7 January 2011 António Soares, António Pereira, António Santos, Daniel Monteiro, Joaquim Ribeiro, José Andrade, Mário Fonseca and Pedro Rebelo.

march 2011



highlights certification A SUCCESSFUL PROJECT

Technical Coordination Team

Retail Quality at Galp Energia

Paulo Ferreirinha, Marques da Silva, Carlos Ramos and Fernando Cavaco

Certified by APCER, Galp Energia system for quality management in the Retail network, in continental Portugal, is one of the most vast and complex in the country Salomé Margarido galp energia Fuel Retail Business has earned its quality certification. This is the launching point for one of the largest and most complex quality management systems in the country.

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD The official ceremony for the official presentation of the Document of Compliance issued by the Portuguese Certification Association (APCER) to Galp Energia fuel Retail business took place at company headquarters, in Lisbon. Attending the ceremony were Executive Director Gomes da Silva and Director General – Retail, Miguel Pereira. APCER CEO José Leitão, the head of the Certification Unit, Dora Gonçalo and

Account Manager Ivo Robin, represented the certifying body at an event which was also attended by a significant number of staff and trade partners. The certification now attributed attests to the compliance in practices instituted by the Retail business to align with the requirements of the international norm for quality systems ISO 9001:2008. It covers not only internal processes but also services rendered by Galp Energia’s retail network. Specifically, its scope includes the management of fuelling stations in the areas of reception, storage and marketing of Galp Energia fuels. It also includes the selling of consumer products in the Tangerina stores and carwash services. Including 20 different business

The certificate attests Retail practices conforming to the requirements of international norms for quality management systems ISO 9001:2008


Presentation of the certificate by APCER CEO; on the left, Gomes da Silva’s address to the audience



março 2011

Galp Energia Customer Manager


FULL HOUSE The ceremony of the presentation of the certificate to the Retail sector was attended by a large audience

processes and based on more than 700 service stations located all over the territory of continental Portugal, this is undoubtedly one of the largest and most ambitious quality management systems ever installed in our country. It was developed and successfully implemented by Galp Energia’s own technical means which attests the commitment and the capacity of the company’s Human Resources. “When we decided to go ahead with this project, at the end of 2009, after the certification of Galpgeste, we knew we had a huge task ahead”, says Miguel Pereira. Its conception, planning and implementation were systematically monitored by the coordinating team and by top management. The task of implementing this in the field was carried out by the group of customer managers, with the support of resellers and other business partners,

The project seemed extremely ambitious, but as we progressed I began to become more and more confident we would make it happen. The hard part was combining tasks and including the project in day to day activities. But in spite of the difficulties, at no time did we ever doubt of its importance. Being called upon to participate was gratifying, not only in view of the results achieved but because of all that was at stake. It was great to see the team spirit that grew between Galp Energia and the resellers. Everyone understood that final results depended largely on their own contribution and no one wanted to jeopardize the project. We cannot lose sight of the goal, because the challenge in on. But there is still much work to do. The secret lies in feeding it every day, to make sure it will keep going.

whose proactive and collaborative reaction was essential for the success and future sustainability of this system. We now have in place the necessary tools to gradually increase internal efficiency and an on-going consolidation and improvement of the levels of service supplied to Gal Energia end-clients.

AN ESSENTIAL STEP “The constant challenges and demands facing organizations, such as penetration of new markets and the quality of its products and services make the implementation of a quality management system and its subsequent certification, an essential step to meet all these challenges and demands, particular in the case of a company such as Galp Energia”, says Nuno Melo, manager of Gasnunos. Certification constitutes a responsibility which is assumed by the Company and is shared by the resellers and other partners: the improvement of operational efficiency and the continued fulfilment of the expectations of present and future customers of Galp Energia Retail network.

Nuno Melo

Manager of Gasnunos – Gas Sales and Distribution

An opportunity for the future The implementation of the quality management system at our service station was regarded as an opportunity for the future. The recent change in cessionary and the associated requalification of human resources and organizational methods were the main ingredients, together with the Retail certification process, to achieve a level of efficiency and efficacy translated into success, which is recognized internally as indispensable and fundamental for the future of our service station. Certification of excellence in serve at Galp Energia service stations gives our client an even greater guaranty in quality, strengthening the innovative image of the Company as opposed to competitors and bringing added value to us all.

Miguel Pereira

Director General – Retail, Galp Energia

CLIENTS ARE THE COMPANY’S REASON FOR BEING We were sure that with the right team we could motivate all of Retail, both internally and outside. And that’s exactly what happened. We have now taken the first step towards a continuous process of improvement in the quality of our operations. And why is that important? Because clients are our reason for being and if we want to maintain a leading position in this market we have to always serve them better. This is one of the means that we can differentiate ourselves from the competition and which, with the help of everyone, resellers and staff, will be the strength in our performance. I thank all those in the team that made this first step possible. The first of many that will make Galp Energia Retail unparalleled in their relation with customers.

março 2011



highlights CE marking CERTIFIED BY APCER


Galp Energia bitumens and emulsions get european marking

The sharing of knowledge, deep commitment and team spirit, are some of the values that infused this project. The following were the coordinators of participating teams:

With the granting of CE marking, the company can now market paving bitumens and bituminous emulsions within the European Union galp energia has obtained CE marking for its paving bitumens and bituminous emulsions, granted by the Portuguese Certification Association (APCER). CE certification of these products, mandatory since January 2011, has a particular weight for the company. Without it, Galp Energia would not be able to export bitumen to any country within the European Union. To comply with this legal requisite a project team was created in October 2009, consisting of three elements from the company’s Specialties Business Unit – Contractors, the area that conducted the project. This team was charged with coordinating all work that was carried out, in close cooperation with the teams that were set up in each of the production points and to establish liaison with the certifying entity APCER.


The company’s Specialties Business Unit Contractors – led the CE marking process

BEGINNING OF THE PROJECT The beginning of the project was marked by a number of visits to the facilities by the project team, to establish a plan of the activities to be carried out. Among the chief actions carried out was the preparation of descriptions of production activities, analysis and SAGRES REFINERY Accomplished CE marking in the country’s largest production plant

adaptation of procedures to CE marking requirements and additional laboratory tests to verify product conformity. This process was complemented by a number of working meetings to prepare progress reports. The participation in this process of those who work in Quality/ AQS, production and the laboratories was crucial. CE marking process was facilitated by the fact that the business of bitumen already had a system for quality management certified in accordance with norm ISO 9001:2008 and some of the requirements are common to the two benchmarks. However, whereas ISO 9001:2008 benchmarking focuses particularly on processes to continuously improve operational efficiency and an increase in client satisfaction, the ED marking aims particularly at the internal control of production at factory level, through an assessment of written norms and procedures and the evaluation of the organization’s capacity to achieve the characteristics demanded for the product.

A NEW CONCEPT Because CE marking is a new concept for Galp Energia, some of the people involved in this project attended training sessions and lectures on the subject, promoted by the Portuguese Quality Association (APQ) and by the Portuguese Institute for Quality (IPQ). APCER also contributed importantly in the preparation of the project, clarifying doubts 14


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Good coordination between these two facilities was key to success at the production unit

AUDITS The audits relating to the award of CE marking were carried out by phases and covered the following production sites:

• Paving bitumens: Sines Refinery, Matosinhos Refinery/Boa Bova Park and Viana do Castelo Terminal. • Bituminous emulsions: Probigalp Plants at Rio Maior andAmarante –Bituminous Binders, a Galp Energia Group company.

and identifying orientations. CE marking is a reference created by the European Union. It is a responsibility of the manufacturer and must be placed in visible, legible and indelible form on the product, packaging or documentation accompanying the product. It attests compliance of products with the applicable requirements of Community directives, allowing for free circulation within the European Economic Area. At the moment, the CE marking is being communicated to the marked and to clients through inclusion in quality certificates/ technical data sheets that accompany tank vehicles and drums. Upon obtaining CE marking for these products,


This facility is the latest bitumen production and storage asset of Galp Energia


Audit chronology (2010)

Sines Refinery 20th Sep.

Matosinhos Refinery/Boa Nova Park

Viana do Castgelo Terminal

13th Oct.

19th Oct.

Galp Energia is able to market within the European Union all paving bitumens and bituminous emulsions produced in compliance with applicable European norms. The next challenge is to develop, during 2011, the procedures needed to obtain CE marking for modified bitumens, produced in accordance with norm EN 14023:2005 – Bitumens and bituminous binders – Framework specification for polymer modified bitumens, which will be compulsory as from 1st January 2012.

Probigalp, S. A. (Rio Maior and Amarante) 19 and 25th Nov.

• Carlos Martins • Conceição Afonso • Isabel Grilo • Luís Cabrita • Maria Almada MATOSINHOS REFINERY/BOA NOVA PARK

• Dinis Esteves • Isabel Santos • José Carvalhosa • Laurindo Ferreira • Renato Silva • Rita Valença • Rocha Santos PROBIGALP

Responsible for the production of bituminous emulsions


• António Ferreira • Augusto Xavier • José Carlos Fernandes • Mizael Araújo PROBIGALP (RIO MAIOR AND AMARANTE)

• Augusto Almeida • Cátia Duarte • Hugo Guimarães • Jorge Moura SPECIALTIES BUSINESS UNIT CONTRACTORS

• Carla Loureiro • Carlos Ramos • Fernando Cavaco • Soares Franco • Susana Maricato march 2011



cover training and Education

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AT GALP ENERGIA Galp Energia Group is present in a large number of sectors and operates in various points around the world. Its training assets are varied and they encompass all the activities in which the company is involved. They are examples of Galp Energia Group’s contribution to the training and development of its staff, clients and suppliers:

• Galp Energia Academy • Training Centre • New Employee Manual and Welcome Program • Thematic Tuesdays Conferences • Training in Defensive Driving • Foreign Languages Learning • Integra Project, for the integration of new employees at Sines and Porto Refineries

• Training in Safety, Health and Environment Policies (SHE)

• Training based on simulation • Training on response to emergencies throughout the entire Group

• Training on security for staff • Training in the context of Program“Soma” • Training in the context of Program Tiger • Training in the context of Program Sigás • The Service Station School for Retail Portugal • UN-E&P 3D visualization room (ok) • Training in the context of CE marking


A corporate priority

at Probigalp

• NIDIn Laboratory at Probigalp • Training in Negotiation and Sales in an Unstable Environment

• Client Training on Lubricants • Lubricant AutoLab (itinerant laboratory) • Client Safety Training • Client Training in Safe and Economical Driving • Client Training on Reporting and Investigating

More than half of Portuguese workers consider that training is the most important benefit after salary

qualification of human resources should be a priority in every company. It holds strategic importance in sustaining its blueprints for development, based on knowledge and innovation, to ensure competitiveness and sustainability. More than half of Portuguese workers consider that training is the 16


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most important benefit, after salary, which they can obtain from their employers. At least, those are the findings of a recent survey published in the Kelly Global Workforce Index, of human resources company Kelly Services. It was based on questionnaires filled by 134 thousand workers, of whom more than

Accidents and Preparation andResponse to Emergencies • Training for Technicians in Aircraft Servicing (ok) • Client Training on Energy Efficiency • Training of Sonangol staff in the context of the exchange of knowledge between the two companies

16 thousand Portuguese, on the subject of “Benefits and advantages”.

LEARNING AND INTERACTING According to Philip Crosby (19262001), in his book Completeness: Quality for the 21st Century, when educated, peoplerealize they have po-

Training contributes to diversify knowledge and optimize processes

tential and a capacity that develops as they become keen to learn and interact with others. That predisposition and the accompanying activity make them concentrate more on their work and any and every activity that might involve them in their sphere of influence. For Paulo Pinto, head of Galp Ener-

The list is long and obviously doesn’t end here. These are examples of Galp Energia’s commitment to the qualification of its staff, and its engagement with partners, society and the environment. A growing, innovative and continuously improving business needs to invest in people, with a view to a sustainable future.

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capa formação e educação PETROBRAS UNIVERSITY Petrobras has a distinctive history as regards the training of its professionals. In 1952 even before its foundation, the first university course in process engineering was created in Brazil, with the collaboration of the University of Brazil. The object was to prepare skilled labour, which was then inexistent. When Petrobras was created in 1954, the teaching and professional improvement activities were transferred to the company, thereby laying the foundation for a strong culture aimed at development. From then on, Petrobras undertook the teaching and training of oil geologists and drilling engineers, production and maintenance of equipment, through agreements with two Brazilian federal universities. That experience laid the ground for the first training courses, created by the company for new employees. In the 80s, Petrobras began to develop cutting-edge technology in several areas, focused on enabling innovation and high level specialization. In the 90s, it created the Centres for the Development of Human Resources, in charge of training courses and development programs. In 2000, the establishment of Petrobras Corporate University confirmed the company’s commitment to the qualification of its labour force and alignment with the Strategic Plan. With a more focused course of action in view, the name was changed to Petrobras University and tuition based on an educational system tied to its business strategies, the three Colleges of Science and Technology: Exploration & Production, Supply and Gas and Energy, and a Business Management College, which together constituted the pillars for continued sustainable education.

gia Training Centre, professional development is not confined to company activities. “Above all, it’s up to the individual to take the future in their own hands, decide where they want to go career wise, make an auto-diagnosis, understand their failings and, at the next performance assessment, tell his/her leader the type of training that would best suit further development” he says. He adds that it is this coming together of determination and initiative “of the employees themselves, who must want it, of supervisors who should encourage it, and of the employer, who should create the opportunity, that staff and Galp 18


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Pedro Vaz Paulo CEO Construlink, S. A.

EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATIONS In order to survive in the global market companies have to assume the role of educational and knowledge organizations. Construlink believes firmly in organizational learning, incremented and developed through intelligent processes of knowledge management. Intangible assets such as, for example, employee qualification, information technologies and incentives for innovation, can play a key role in creating value for the company. Traditional measurement systems were not created to deal with the complex nature of these assets, the value of which is potential, indirect and context dependent. However, given the increasing significance of these, Construlink has been investing in analysis and measurement of key indicators such as, for example, KPI and behavioural analysis. The analysis of assets based on knowledge is very carefully carried out, as its impact on business is very important. To compete in and face the challenges of an increasingly demanding market, Construlink has been investing in young graduates/Masters, who upon joining the company go through a traineeship in each of the departments, so as to learn the methodologies and work concepts which, in conjunction with their academic know-how can originate new ideas and projects.

Alfredo Casimiro CEO of Urbanos


Videoconferência Acção de formação no âmbito do programa EngIQ

Energia will develop and grow together, ready to face the future”.

TRAINING FOR ALL Construlink, a company who maintain a web portal for construction, considers the workplace as a place for the achievement, transformation and development of skills. The company “believes in investing in training, relating not only to each person’s job, but comprehensive training”, designed to broaden the knowledge of each employee, says Pedro Vaz Paulo, CEO of Construlink. Everyone is a target for training, which is directed not only at optimizing processes and stimu-

lating creativity, but also at enhancing behavioural areas that are relevant to the organizational system.

DEVELOPMENT AND UPDATING At Galp Energia, training is oriented to the development and/or updating of functional and cross-cutting skills of its employees, says Manuel Ferreira De Oliveira, Chief Executive Officer. In the last few years the company has structured the Galp Energia Academy as a privileged space for advanced training of senior staff. Its mission covers distinct areas of knowledge, “mainly those that are recognized as essential to developing know-how in Galp Energia employees, by attending courses of training sessions that are specifically designed for the desired goals”, says Rui Costa, who

TRAINING IN SPAIN After the structural reorganization which took place in 2009-2010, Galp Energia Spain initiated, together with area managers, a project for the detection of training needs to set in motion a Training Plan for 2011-2012. The aim is to schedule a training plan for staff that will prepare and develop their capacities in the future, ready to respond to the needs of the company. Galp Energia Spain is also a participant in Galp Energia Academy, with a group of executives who will develop skills and acquire capacities, besides fostering a closer relationship with their colleagues in Portugal. In the framework of the service stations, a program was launched in 2009 to promote Excellence in Client Service, which is still continuing, also with a training agenda. In 2009-2010 it was enhanced with a module on Brand Image and Culture, aimed at strengthening the common corporate identity.

Created in 1991, Grupo Urbanos has from the start adopted a strong policy of human resources management and is ruled by a culture of consistency, respect and focus on development of personal and professional skills of employees. Under the motto “We make it possible” and based on values of innovation, quality and responsibility, Grupo Urbanos has developed a competitive structure, where the company’s most valuable asset is its people. At Grupo Urbanos, fostering motivation and talent is directed at individual enhancement and strengthens business sustainability. It also allows creating a culture of constant cooperation which reflects on day-to-day activities of the organization and the solutions and the quality service it gives its customers. At Urbanos we provide vertical and horizontal training, with the object of developing the employee for his present functions, but at the same time creating conditions for career progression, including a transition to different areas. Every year we prepare a training plan for each business unit (Grupo Urbanos has 6 areas of activity: technology, services and works of art logistics, express distribution, moving and document management) and subsequently for each person. This plan includes specific technical training, as well as training for the horizontal competences, such as leadership, time management, foreign languages and information technology, among others. To assess the value created for the group and its staff, we carry out evaluations of performance of the trainees, before and after training. Grupo Urbanos rewards the merit of its personnel by creating a competitive, fair and free working environment, where everyone can express their individual capacities.

“At Galp Energia, training is oriented to the development and/or updating of functional and cross-cutting skills of its employees” march 2011



capa formação e educação

Training at International Oil

Efacec Academy Created on 2010, Efacec Academy consists of an architecture base upon two pillars: “training &development, niche coaching and partners” and “knowledge management”. With the different areas of intervention and training aggregated in schools and adopting a training model intended for the Group’s senior staff (with a view to eventually extending to outsiders), the concept of “corporate university” that Efacec Academy embodies in the pillar “training &development, niche coaching and partners” is addressed, basically, to:

International Oil, a Galp Energia company through its affiliate companies in African countries, has elected professional training as a target in 2011, with the object of achieving the strategic goals in the business plan for the period 2011-2015. With that in mind the following activities have been launched in the first quarter of 2011:

• Develop critical competences; • Strengthen corporate culture; • Concentrate on addressing the needs of the business; • Promote and stimulate innovation, productivity and competiveness; • Provide multiple forms of learning.

• Petrogal Guinea-Bissau and Galp Gambia have organized workshops in Communication and Incident Investigation and Preparation for and Response to Emergencies.

The pillar “knowledge management” will seek to develop and implement ways for “knowledge” management – as a set of skills that are essential to obtain best results for the pursuit of the strategic objectives that have been chosen and designated - promoting and incentivising synergies and establishing conditions that will foster common ground of knowledge and efforts to acquire it and/or develop among people and/or groups of people that have it, the sharing, aggregation and mobilization of knowledge that is available, in the process of being acquired or being developed.

• Enacol (Cape Verde) promoted training sessions for technicians in aircraft servicing. (ok) • “Sonangalp (Angola) organized a Primavera ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Open Day, where they provided training on this software which integrates all Sonangalp data and processes in a single system.” This investment effort in training is aimed at reaching high levels of performance. We need staff with exceptional preparation to be able to face successfully whatever challenges they may come across in carrying out their functions.

is responsible for Galp Energia Academy. Examples of this are the Advanced Course in Management, associated to the creation of the Academy, and theEngIQ, a program providing a PhD in Refinery, Petro chemistry and Chemical Engineering in a corporate environment. Grupo Urbanos, whose activities are in logistics, instituted in 2008 their academy, but with different objectives. The initiative aims to be “a means of involving everyone in the process of implementing an effective culture for continued improvement”, says its CEO, Alfredo Casimiro. The concept does not exclude “hiring organizations or

Paulo Pinto

In charge of Galp Energia Training Centre


Jorge Araújo and management of high performance teams

people with recognized technical competence in specific areas. Internal training is a significant part of the project, with particular interest in promoting interaction between participating staff”, points out Alfredo Casimiro. For Grupo Urbanos, “this project is a means of tightening the links between all our staff, including those who do not come together in the daily routine of their normal activities”.

CONVEYING CORPORATE CULTURE While training contributes to develop and improve the individual and collective capacities of the staff, with positive

Training contributes to the enhancement of individual and collective capacities of the staff 20


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ENERGY EFFICIENCY AT AIRPORTS As a global and sustainable company, Galp Energia undertakes besides in-house training, also external training in its specialty areas. This was the case recently with Galp Soluções de Energia (GSE), who established an agreement with ANA Aeroportos for a training project in the area of energy efficiency designed to acquaint its personnel with know-how that will facilitate a more rational use of the energy consumed on the premises. This project was specifically designed to meet the needs and objectives of ANA Aeroportos and involves several training sessions dedicated to three themes, with content and methods adjusted to the desired objectives and levels of knowledge. The training, to be carried out in Lisbon, Porto, Faro and Azores will involve a total of approximately one thousand staff members.

effects in term of each person’s motivations and for the companies that promote it in terms of productivity, education is responsible, in the case of corporations, for maintaining and perpetuating, its culture. It comprises processes for teaching and learning, and is responsible for passing on a conceit of being or acting within it. At Galp Energia, besides the informal channel that results from contact between people, promoting meetings and other similar initiatives contributes to the transmission of corporate culture to its more recent staff members. Knowing the company well, knowing also that it responds actively to their needs for training, people feel more motivated and capable of overcoming challenges. People in this frame of mind make it possible for companies to sustain the present and ensure a better future.

This is a theme that has been very seriously considered by all those who, throughout the years, have held the responsibility for developing the professional skills of the group’s personnel. Each year, Galp Energia promotes professional training, attended by over 10 thousand participants, in programs that total some 150 thousand hours and represent an investment close to two million euros. Besides carrying out every year a training plan which reflects the perceived needs of the staff, in the light of what the supervisors and the company consider necessary to develop in order to achieve better performance, Gal Energia has strategically been implementing some cross-cutting training initiatives, such as the Safety Program – a program to promote awareness, prevention and training on best practices for safety in the workplace ; Academy Galp Energia – a program on management training for senior staff, in partnership with four of the most prominent Portuguese universities (Universidade Católica, Universidade do Porto, Universidade de Aveiro and Instituto Superior Técnico) –; the Thematic Tuesdays conferences – a set of fortnightly talks on various themes of interest, which have captured the interest of all of the Galp Energia world and have been followed through videoconference as far away as Brazil, Venezuela or Angola –; the Program for the Development of Basic Leadership (ok) – a training program for basic leaders, which will commence next April and will involve some 320 staff members and many first line managers who will be trainers and responsible for the educational contents, an initiative that will stretch over 18 months and which, here again, has an essential sense of strategy. Additionally, the Training sector of Human Resources Directorate is working to ensure that the training provided will be relevant to the needs of participants, and also attractive, superior in quality and with high retention rates. The market consultation now being carried out contemplates therefore pre-diagnosis surveys and a follow up of the activities planned.

march 2011



cover european volunteering year SOLIDARITY, RESPECT AND A DESIRE TO HELP

The celebration of a commitment The efforts of volunteers and of thousands of volunteer organizations make a huge difference

European Volunteering Year celebrates the commitment of millions of European volunteers who, in their free time and free of charge, work to help others. They do it in schools, hospitals, sports clubs or environment protection activities, providing social services and supporting population in other countries.

MAKING A DIFFERENCE The effort of volunteers and of thousands of volunteering organizations makes, in many ways, a huge difference in the lives of many people and in many places throughout the planet. Their work may be carried out next door, as with those who distribute food to the homeless in the streets of Lisbon and Porto, or in public hospitals, where anonymous people offer help. Many are the examples that could be listed here, of unpaid work, in Portugal and abroad, in favour of others.

Volunteers help those who need, contributing to a fairer and more solidary world Voluntary Firemen Associations, the International Medical Assistance (AMI), the Portuguese League for Cancer, the Food Bank Against Hunger, are some of the best known cases in our country of volunteer organizations, apart from the international Amnesty International or Doctors without Border. Their activities show that there are always people willing to help, be in the rescue parties after cataclysms, such as the one that recently devastated part of Japan, or to help needy people in the streets of Lisbon. “Both in Portugal and in the more disadvantaged countries, where the population fights a daily better for minimal survival conditions, many Portuguese volunteers made a significant contribution to the fight against extreme poverty”, says César Neto, in charge of Communication for the Portuguese Platform of Non-Government Organizations. The contribution to the fight for development and against poverty was marked, in 2009, by the initiative of Ângela Galvão 22


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Isabel Jonet

President of the Food Bank Against Hunger

AN EXAMPLE OF BRINGING TOGETHER A UNION OF WILLS Just another European Year, but this should be a real opportunity for a change of how volunteer work is perceived. A lot is said about volunteer service: in fact, Galp Energia has a framework program for that area. Being a voluntary is not just helping an underprivileged person: it’s much more than that. It’s being involved as participant in specific action; it’s a perspective on life where active, responsible participation in the different social structures is a condition for citizenship; it’s an exercise in citizenship and co-responsibility for the common good. The activity of the Food Bank is built on being freely given, on sharing, on volunteer work and on patronage. Every one contributes according to their wish, their possibility. But there is a multiplier effect of the effort put together and organized, in the end result. The Food Bank is a good example of bringing together the will of companies, financial donors, volunteers and social solidarity organizations which, in conjunction, generate much higher results than what they could obtain if acting independently. The main thing is the commitment and the recognition that each one of us can make a different by the way we position ourselves in life and by our options.

César Neto

Communications Officer for the Portuguese Platform of Non-Governmental Organizations

THE VOLUNTEER SPIRIT IS NEVER IN CRISIS Solidarity. Respect for the dignity of every human being. The will to help those who most need it. Even though the word “crisis” is increasingly present in our vocabulary, the essential values that shape the spirit of volunteer action are never in crisis. In fact, it’s in times of great distress that you find a more open helping attitude in people. The Portuguese Platform of Non-Governmental Organizations and its associated will take active part in all initiatives of European Volunteering Year 2011, that will highlight the importance and impact of volunteer work in areas as diverse as health, education, environment or social protection, proving that each organization, each individual person, can make a difference.

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cover european volunteering year

e Filipa Fialho, both employees of Galp Energia, who worked for three weeks at the Wanalea Orphanage in Kenya. The sponsor of this initiative was the Association for the Defense of Human Rights (ADDHU),an international NGO who founded the orphanage at Ongata Rongai, a town situated some 20 km from Nairobi, close to the slum neighbourhood of Kware. Our two colleagues took active part in the children’s every day activities and the good will they generate went beyond the confines of the orphanage and into the largest slum township in the African continent – Kibera – a Masai community.

A PRESTIGIOUS CALLING Volunteer work defines a set of activities of social and communitarian interest aimed at providing services and labour. Without remuneration or profit, it is a prestigious calling, for the volunteer helps those in need, contributing to a more just and solidary world. Volunteer work has always been an important aspect for the expansion of non-governmental organizations, whose work fills the gap left by the State in many countries, in the areas of health, education, assistance to the elderly, etc. It is carried out with deep commitment and very often requires professional and specialized skills, since many of the sectors covered, such as schools and hospital, need the support of people trained in their sphere of work.

MISSION UP Teaching children to have a smarter relationship with energy is the objection of Mission UP – United for the Planet, an educational project promoted by Galp Energia. The refineries at Sines and Matosinhos and the building complex Torres de Lisboa, hosted the first briefing sessions of the project, which aims to train volunteers from the Group to teach classes on energy at schools throughout the country. If you want to participate, please send an email to or visit the Mission Up site at



march 2011

Margarida Cortes Rosa

Chief of the Cabinet of Associação Médica Internacional

A YEAR OF CELEBRATION Galp Voluntária Galp Voluntáriais a social responsibility project that seeks to involve Galp Energia staff in voluntary activities promoted by the company. Faced with the challenge, a significant number of our colleagues has shown an interest in placing their capacity, values and solidary spirit at the service of the economic and social development of the communities in which the group operates. Galp Voluntária’s mission will be to promote the involvement of our co-workers both in the community globally, and in the geographical areas where Galp Energia is present, through initiatives in volunteering, based on 4 pillars of action: education, environment, energy efficiency, health and road safety.

Act for a cause. Be responsible. Assume the commitment. And ask for nothing in return. Or almost nothing. That is how Associação Médica Internacional (AMI) / International Medical Assistance considers volunteering, for these are the common traits of people from every profession, all ages and walks of life who come to AMI. European Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active Citizenship is, in short, a celebration of all that. It is a public recognition of allthose who have made the institution grow: active citizens who choose to channel some of their time and energy to the benefit of others, within an integrated structure and the aim to improve society in general. They are the stars of the year and of AMI activities. And why dedicate such a year? Because this is a hidden labour. It does not entail financial transactions and is often impossible to measure. It promises no retribution except the obvious and legitimate personal satisfaction. And that is why it should and must be officially and publicly celebrated, creating new approaches and encouraging new projects, gathering statistics and opening debate on the theme, to gain a deeper knowledge of the subject. As part of this year of celebration AMI has launched the project “Liga-te aos Outros” (Connect with Others), that hopes to encourage young people to engage in active citizenship. And throughout the year there will be other initiatives related to volunteering, showing appreciation and celebration but also indicating also new approaches in organizing and connecting the volunteers.

Susana Ramos

Director of the Social Welfare Department of Lisbon Municipality

Volunteering Bank for the City of Lisbon O voluntário ajuda quem precisa, contribuindo para um mundo mais justo e solidário

“A network of institutions, associations and organizations can be more efficient than the stereotyped and distant intervention of the State, because of the intimate knowledge of each specific situation, the possibly of helping the poor with human warmth and proximity”, says Isabel Jonet, President of the Food Bank against Hunger. And she adds that “these institutions find privileged partners in companies with social values”, making it possible to develop networks of positive energy. But volunteer practice still needs to be nurtured in Portugal. We must take this additional seed to the schools, to young people, let them know they can make a contribution.

Associated to the celebration of European Volunteering Year, the office of Social Welfare of the Municipality of Lisbon endorses the object of the celebration which is based upon the recognition of the values of volunteer work, by promoting and enabling volunteer organizations, acknowledging the work of volunteers and raising awareness of the value they represent in their communities. ´The Lisbon Municipality/Department of Social Welfare will place particular emphasis, as strategic axis for its intervention, the mobilization of volunteers in the inclusion policies for the city, through specific and integrated responses, training/recognizing volunteers and the interchange of best practices between local and international organizations. In this aspect the Volunteering Bank for the City of Lisbon, sponsored by the Lisbon Municipality’s Department of Social Welfare, represents an essential response, on the part of the municipality, creating between those who want to do volunteer work and existing projects/activities in volunteering.

Elza Chambel

President of National Council for the Promotion of Volunteering

EVY-2011 – The Power of Volunteering European Volunteering Year (EVY) was created to promote a deeper dialogue and interchange on the subject of volunteering in all the 27 member states. And in contributing to volunteering work better known, it will also contribute to make it easier for those who make it happen within the European Union (EU). EVY-2011 will promote debate, and encourage an interchange of best practices in the member states, with the object of ensuring conditions that will intensify voluntary work. It will raise the awareness of Europeans and their governments to the importance of voluntary work as a means of promoting social cohesion and enable the social goals of the EU. In the European Community there are approximately 94 million volunteers. In Portugal, at the last count, they totaled one million five hundred thousand, of which some 500 thousand are inserted in structured and ongoing volunteering programs. We hope the EVY-2011 will prove to be a challenge for those who are not yet engaged but may well decide to become volunteers.

march 2011



interview roberto carneiro The professional habitat of an employee

routine, your employee, even a keen worker, risks becoming mercenary. The person that each worker represents is much more than a factor of production and will seek, in the working environment, active and satisfying responses to his or her needs for personal and social development.

The Workplace has progressively become a school Lifelong learning, tacit competences and knowledge acquired at the workstation should be recognized and certified according to roberto carneiro, socially aware companies institute broad spectrum training in order to fulfil their binding responsibilities towards their personnel. In the present model of society, the educational stage is regarded as a period of preparation for professional life. Do you agree with that concept? According to John Dewey – one of the most influential philosophers of modern education – education is life, not just a preparation for life. This means that the schooling experience of children and young people cannot take place under a bell jar, isolated from the world. On the contrary, school or university should be a microcosm of life in its topmost diversity and plenitude: citizenship life, democratic and civic life, professional life, family life, cultural life, social and economic life. Only thus can we aspire to an active and responsible citizenship, which begins within the family, develops at school and blossoms out in total insertion in the institutions where we all interact: companies, municipalities, civic movements, civil society, production agents and cultural fulfilment, genetic or constructed family, political bodies, etc. How do you feel about linking businesses to teaching institutions? How does it bear on preparing people to face the challenges of the labour market? It is an essential and strategic combination. The blueprint for professional 26


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schools which I initiated in 1989 and which finally, after 16 years of hesitation, the State came to adopt as public vocational education, was based on that close link. Today, with lifelong learning, the tacit competences and experienced knowledge acquired at the workstation must be recognized and certified as knowledge as valuable as that of formal learning. The working place becomes more of a school and school is more of a working place, particularly if we intend to prepare a new generation of Portuguese entrepreneurs capable of creating va-

me cases are accept outside students. On the other hand, the universities are increasingly present in the business environment, where intangible assets – knowledge, talent entrepreneurship, intellectual capital – have a tremendous weight on the value chains. Highly innovative universities, such as MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), have departments specializing in innovation based on patents and scientific discoveries carried out by their researches. In fact, the more advanced universities are investing a part of their funds in start-ups venture capital created on the basis of the new learnings they generate.

Tacit competences and experienced knowledge acquired at the workstation must be recognized and certified

When and where does the educational role of companies begin? What type of training should they provide? From a purely economic perspective, it is to be expected that companies will invest in training in specific areas of their business model and organization. However, we are increasingly seeing that companies that are more aware, are organising training on a broader spectrum, on the one hand in order to meet their undeniable social responsibility towards their workers, and on the other because the level of satisfaction of those same workers is directly related to the opportunities proposed by the company for their continued personal and social advancement (and, indirectly, their level of productivity). In other words, there is no blueprint for lifelong education or learning without an active cooperation from the corporate environment.

lue and wealth, instead of aspiring to remain dependent workers for the rest of their active life. Would an entrepreneurial environment without universities or other teaching bodies make sense? And an academic world without the presence of businesses? There is no sense whatsoever in that divorce. The opposite is true, and that is why you see a proliferation of corporate colleges, created by large companies with a view to respond to their need for ongoing training and which in so-

Do you know examples of companies who are following this strategy and objectives and involving its stakeholders? More than citing specific examples – which are inevitably subjective and debatable – I would rather say that, in the long run, the survival of a business is inseparable from its commitment of social responsibility, to its personnel and its stakeholders. A new generation of business such as Google and Dreamworks or even an institutional SAS, are often identified as the type of entrepreneurial model that should be attentively considered.

Biography Roberto Carneiro was minister of Education between 1987 and 1991. At present he is Associate Professor at the Human Sciences Faculty, president of the Centre for the Study of Peoples and Cultures of Portuguese Expression and of the Institute for Distance Education and Training, at Universidade Católica Portuguesa. On an international level he acted as examiner, expert or consultant for organizations such as UNESCO, World Bank, OECD and the Council of Europe, in the areas of education and education policies, cooperation for development, governance and public administration.

Apart from facilitating learning, shouldn’t employers become also educators of their personnel? Much is said today about corporate ethos (traits that differentiate one from the other from cultural and social perspectives). Companies fulfil a recognized social role, apart from the economic purpose which is naturally their goal. Well, ethos has to do with the company’s cultural and ethical commitment to the overall education of their staff, so that none of the key skills defined at European level and recapped

in national benchmarking are neglected. A simple observation of the broad range of key skills expected from a 21st century citizen and worker shows that businesses are indispensable actors, particularly in the area of soft skills: civic and ethic skills, personal, interpersonal and social skills, meta-skills, such as “learning to learn”. The workplace is the professional habitat of your employee, where he/ she spends many hours of the day and where he or she should feel at ease (and happy). In an exclusively production

What should be the base for this type of strategy and how can it be introduced in the companies’ corporate governance? A successful strategy must be based on a clear vision and sense of mission, be a commitment for everyone, at every level. The strategy will then be as effective as the message of the vision and the mission can convey those values in an inspiring way. Corporate governance is a consequence of strategic priorities. This means that wise governance needs to be participatory, inspiring and motivating to all its employees. And performance evaluation systems cannot ignore – or underrate – the behaviour of staff members in all that concerns matters of ethics and solidarity pursued by the corporate leadership. It all plays as in a symphony orchestra, a metaphor used by Peter Drucker, that typifies the 21st century corporation, where the maestro conveys priorities and interpretation nuances, which the musicians play out with soul, virtuosity and total dedication. march 2011



companies lusiaves The incubation centre and the first phase of the processing facility at Figueira da Foz are already under way


Group invests in new facilities Lusiaves produces and markets compound animal feeds, poultry, and other foodstuffs lusiaves Indústria e Comércio AgroAlimentar is completing 25 years of activity. Since it was founded, it has engaged in the production and marketing of compound animal feed, poultry rearing and slaughtering, and the processing, storage and marketing of foodstuffs. The company’s turnover for 2010 was 139 million euros, expected to grow approximately 10% in the current year.

THE FOOD MARKET The company brings to the food market products such as chicken, turkey, duck, hens and rabbits. Under the brand Campogrill it also markets traditional processed sausages, breaded fillets, appetizers, pork and beef. The ocean products are marketed under the brand Margrill. Lusiaves also trades in animal rations, eggs for incubation and animal fats and proteins. 28


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The slaughtering units are located in Marinha das Ondas, Estarreja and Oliveira de Frades, and feed production takes place at Monte Redondo,

THE IMPORTANCE OF QUALITY To Grupo Lusiaves, the relationship with Galp Energia has been beneficial, for it relies on the quality of products and the level of service provided by its teams. It is also strengthened by the commercial relations established between the two companies many years ago. “With the products supplied by Galp Energia we have seen a decrease in malfunction in the injection system of our vehicles.” This has allowwed for better fleet performance, which is crucial when you work 24/24, for a breakdown that immobilizes a vehicle affects the quality of the service provided.

Leiria. The incubation centre and the processing of animal by-products are situated in the Industrial Zone of Figueira da Foz. In Portugal, its main clients are modern distribution, the retail channels and Horeca (hotels, restaurants and cafés). Lusiaves exports to Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Angola, where they operate from their own facilities in the Benguela area. Sales to the export market were approximately 5% of the turnover in 2010.

NEW FACILITIES Until 2012, Grupo Lusiaves will be investing in creating new facilities, modernizing and improving its processing methods to obtain competitive and profitability gains. The first phase of the investment plan is already underway, with the new incubation centre and the first phase of the unit for processing subproducts, both at Figueira da Foz. With these, Grupo Lusiaves will achieve integration in the full circuit of poultry production (rearing, slaughtering and processing) with the correct disposal of sub products and their transformation into meals and fats, which also generate revenue. The investment and modernization plan f Grupo Lusiaves is also a generator of employment, creating 405 direct job, of which 100 are skilled jobs.

soma program business FOR CUSTOMER MANAGERS

A training opportunity It has contributed towards a consistent updating of all products and services supplied by Galp Energia Group the soma program is an opportunity for customer managers at Galp Energia to acquire training in other types of business, niche markets and company products. With this initiative, Galp Energia aims at strengthening the team spirit of its commercial team, promoting crossselling as an important tool in capturing new clients and retain those who already are clients. Its implementation has enabled a consistent training of customer managers in everyone of its business areas and for the complete range of products and services supplied by the Group. At the last meeting, SOMA III, the participating business units made presentations of Galp Energia products and services which are targeted at the business segment (Natural Gas, Power/ Electricity, Fuel, Galp Fleet, Diesel oil, Energy Solutions, LPG, Chemicals, Lubricants and Auto-Wash). Some 200 senior staff members of Galp Energia participated in the event, including nearly all of customer managers for the company’s B2B.

The regularity of these meetings has created an opportunity for updating information on the areas of business that are part of SOMA. Besides the added value of taking in the formal lectureroom presentations, the fact that SOMA

encourages socializing and interaction between commercial managers, including the exchange of information and ideas, is a contribution to acquiring expertise on how to operate in the market.

TRAINING PROGRAMS Two recent SOMA training sessions took place in Lisbon and Porto, before an audience of 80 B2B sales people of Galp Energia, covering the subject of electricity marketing. The program involved the following themes:

• Framework of the electricity sector • Sales proposal (data collection; proposal training Soma

Luís Silva, Galp Power, introducing the business of electricity

structure; frequently asked questions; main contractual clauses) • Value proposal (setting the price of energy; network access tariff)

march 2011



business working as a team GROUND-BREAKING INITIATIVE AT GPL

Cross-fertilization Working together, the teams analysed, discussed and made suggestions to improve the new gas sidewalk heaters produced by Galp Energia

the first experience in cross-fertilization or inter-fertilization, between Galp Energia and the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), took place earlier this year, taking advantage of the synergetic combination of experience contributed by different people. This initiative was fostered by the project for development of the new sidewalk gas heaters, Easys and Sinu, winners of the Hotspot Design competition which took place last year, and is aimed at promoting the cross-competences of the two project authors in the two essential features: engineering and design.

PROJECT ANALYSIS The projected consisted in creating two different teams, combining both authors of the heater projects and staff from the Galp Energia areas of Technical Coordination and Assets Management, Operations and Safety, Health and Environment and Business Development, so as to take advantage and interlace the combined competences and capacities. In class, everybody was provided with computer and software to visualize 2D blueprints and CAD 3D models, to simplify this first step of the program, which implied an analysis of both projects. Together both teams reviewed, discussed and put forward suggestions

This initiative made a great contribution to the success in the development of the new projects 30 mygalp

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Alberto Rola introduces the main aspects of Project Sinu (heater at bottom of page)


For Tiago Fernandes, of Project Easys, the meeting facilitated a greater capacity to propose solutions which can improve both projects

to improve the new heaters. For Tiago Fernandes, industrial designer and a member of the Easys model, this joint presentation of the detailed projects of the winning teams resulted in a critical body of greater effort, within a single physical space, with more capacity to expound on solutions to improve both projects.

MORE ROBUST SOLUTIONS From this interaction initiative resulted “a deeper insight into both projects, which will allow more robust solutions that will answer to a greater number of solicitations and adverse situations”, says Luís Mourão, mechanical engineer and a member of the Sinu team. “This meeting produced results that will introduce significant improvements, before we go into the production phase of projects Easys and Sinu”, adds Tiago Fernandes. This initiative contributed to success in the development of the new equipment besides demonstrating, once again, the excellent results obtained when you get down to real team work.

oil distribution business STRENGTHS


Training motivates staff This initiative was designed to increase involvement and confidence in the team of Businesses of the Oil Distribution Unit of Galp Energia conscious of the needs of the business strengths and weaknesses. They assesand of his personnel and feeling that the sed not only satisfaction indicators, but team was in need of boosting the levels of also the levels of rigidity and bureauself-confidence in a marketplace whe- cracy in entrepreneurial culture. This re competition is increasingly tougher, evaluation was carried out in a group the management of the Business Unit meeting in November 2008, safeguarCompanies – Oil Distribution, at Galp ding always the personal opinion of the Energia, led by Rui Reis decided to take employees. advantage of funds available for training After that, the training model was reand channel them in a novel manner, to designed to achieve the model best suited counter what he considered to be one of to the need identified. The sessions took place outside company premises, so the the team’s chief problems. So, in conjunction with the company trainees could feel detached from their HR, he contacted António Monteiro, an routine environment. expert on behaviour. Together (expert, business unit and HR) CONTEXT they developed a training proThe training program’s main object was to find solutions to day-to-day gram designed to build team situations confidence in its individual and group capacity to overcome an unfavourable context, recognizing the endogenous and exogenous constraints they had to face. Before the training, the group started by a diagnosis of the organization environment of the sector, identifying

The object and mission of the program was to diagnose strong points, that are the reason for its market leadership, and possible fluctuations that could create some measure of discouragement in the context of an unstable and ambivalent business climate. It also hoped to increase the level of commitment and confidence in the team so that its members share any frustrations for loss, and new strategies to deal with commercial impasses, fidelization and possible addition of new clients. It also tried to stimulate the capacity for influence and persuasion in negotiation and in redesigning the difference in diversified products and the provision of services. Rui Reis is of the opinion that a team that interacts daily with Galp Energia clients “has to be able to convey confidence, willingness, the capacity to listen and to always respond positively, besides abiding by the values that should always govern relations between corporations and people”. The main object of the training program was to identify problem areas for the employees, in order to solve the solutions they experience in their day-to-day lives, caused by changes in the company, particularly those impact directly their work routine. Training for Negotiation and Sales in an Unstable Context has been a subject under debate and study over the last two years, for the staff in the Businesses sector. This program was “carried out with the object of incentivising staff who might be discouraged by projects that effected changes in the company”, says Patrícia Cunha from CORe Hiring. (ok) Mixed groups were formed from various areas in the sector, each of about 12 people. For each of them there were several theoretical frameworks and practical exercises in interaction and teambuilding, among other subjects. In view of the obvious results observed as the modules progressed and the very positive reaction on the part of the trainees, this program will be continued in 2011. march 2011



business natural gas

GIS The implementation of the geographic information system is expected to be completed by next May


Project Sigás undertakes training activities Organized at Galp Energia Centres in Lisbon and Perafita, they are key elements in this Galp Energia project project Sigás for the implementation of a geographic information system (GIS) for distributors of natural gas in the Galp Energia Group, is being developed by a team from ESRI Portugal, a specialist in the field, at Galp Energia headquarters.

CONCLUSION IN MAY Operational project management was entrusted to Management for Regulated Infrastructures of Gas & Power Unit (GIR - OICA), in cooperation with the distributers and conclusion is scheduled for May this year. Apart from being the first integrated geographic information system to be implemented within the Group, this is undoubtedly a pivotal project for natural gas distribution activities. Its implementation will make it possible, apart from other functionalities, to connect the register in each distributor, to the client data base, making it 32


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ADVANTAGES OF GIS Benefits from use of the geographic information system (GIS)to support management, maintenance and operation of natural gas distribution systems:

• Updating of GIS data base with

information collected and creating more accurate cadastral maps and plans, thereby improving infrastructure safety levels

• I ntegration with other systems already existing at Galp Energia Group, such as the client data base • Optimizing the capacity for operations management by simulations of network occurrences

• Optimizing processes for analysing

installed capacity and demand and modelling forecasts in order to improve capacity for a response to market demands

easier to comply with a number of legal requisites included in the Quality of Service Regulations of the Energy Regulator and enabling the front-office with updated information on any disturbances originated within the natural gas distribution network. Project Sigás is based on two different components – a desktop to manage the system, update and edit information, and a Web level, where contents associated to the infrastructures will be made available, under control, to internal and external entities. Taking into account that more than 80% of all the information used has a geographic component, it is obviously important to find optimized means of making it available. The SIG platform that has been acquired also allows for future implementation of geomarketing tools and can be used by other businesses in the group, such as the distribution of oil products.

A PROJECT OF STRUCTURAL SIGNIFICANCE Given the structural importance of the project, it is essential to provide training for the distributors’ technicians who will be operating the system. Training sessions were therefore organized, divided in three modules and organized at Galp Energia training centres in Lisbon and Perafita. They were attended by approximately 70 employees from the Galp Energia Group natural gas distribution companies.

joão duque opinion

Professional Education The “production” of graduates has created a wider audience of discriminating persons who are no longer satisfied with just any type of information higher education, and university education in particular began in Bologna in the 11th century, at that city’s University. Since then, contents, methods and recipients have evolved considerably, and today the process of acquiring the advanced knowledge of the 21st century, loaded with theory, technicality and values, is carried out in different places, by different institutions and in different phases throughout life. This is now accepted by all and implemented by the more advanced institutions. University education is not on the way out. On the contrary. There are ever more users of sophisticated, independent and advanced knowledge, that only universities have the capacity to promote and stimulate. The mass “production” of graduates has created a wider audience of discriminating persons who are no longer satisfied with just any type of information. It is therefore essential to maintain a body of academicians who can provide what they need: new knowledge, more systematic, more related, more structured and, in short, more valuable. On the other hand, businesses are looking more and more at universities to outsource production of cuttingedge knowledge, which is not within the goals of their core business to produce. In turn, the university structure cannot create the specialists or format the know-how that large corporations want to pass on to their staff, either because that knowledge is too restricted in scope to be offered to the universe of college

João Duque Professor of Finance and President of ISEG

“There are ever more users of sophisticated, independent and advanced knowledge”

students, or because its value or even the message it conveys, must remain within the restricted sphere of the businesses, for reason of commercial or professional secrecy. So, we have here several motivations for corporate universities. But in many cases walking in-step and hand-inhand with academics or universities that will support and guide their course, in the quest for the scientific reputation they wish to attain.

And that is why neither should the universities look at their younger corporate siblings as competitors, nor should these newcomers hope to replace their predecessors, because they will always be removed from the universal, free and independent spirit that has always caused the evolution of knowledge in Man. Furthermore, many corporate practices have been structured and developed inside, and later gave rise to models of analysis that the universities and their academics have advanced, perfected and even generalized. I remember, among other instances, the BCG – Boston Consulting Group, matrix for strategic analyses of business, which was developed in-house, the VaR – Value at Risk for risk evaluation of investment portfolios, created at J.P. Morgan, or yet EVA – Economic Value Added, developed at Stern Stewart & Company to assess the final economic value obtained by the shareholder from earnings, after taking into consideration the “suffering” of not using his capital. Some companies design, in conjunction with universities, specific post-graduation courses and master’s degrees and support programs for doctorate studies, where they wish to see specific problems approached and treated in-depth and with high scientific rigour. Ultimately, I am sure, this is just one more phase of the long road higher education has to travel and which, at present, includes this healthy marriage between universities and corporations.

BIOGRAPHY João Duque is Professor of Finance and President of Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, member of the Board of APAF – Associação Portuguesa dos Analistas Financeiros, non-executive Administrador of Sogevinus, SGPS, and of Novabase, SGPS, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Portuguse Gymnastics Federation and member of the Supervisory Board of the securitization agency Sagres – Sociedade de Titularização de Créditos, S. A. march 2011



inside accounts and treasury directorate (dct)


108 people in Portugal



Nr. of client companies



DCT defines norms and policies for Galp Energia Group This structure provides and coordinates the company’s activities in Portugal, Brazil, Holland, Ireland, Spain and the African continent the directorate of Accounts and Treasury (DCT) of Galp Energia englobes the areas of General and Analytical Accounting, Treasury Management, Taxes, Management Information, and Trading Room. (ok) This framework runs and coordinates the company’s activities in Portugal, Brazil, Holland, Ireland, Spain and the African continent. DCT carries out its activities more from a corporate perspective, defining and implementing norms and processes that fit the realities of the group and the companies operation in different markets, from a perspective of providing services, major focus on the internal client and on team work. Conciliating both aspects is not always easy, as the first tends to overshadow the second. DCT tries to handle this difficulty through effective communication of its guiding values and norms.

GENERAL AND ANALYTICAL ACCOUNTING In the Accounting area, DCT has been working for over 10 years with international regulations, such as the Spanish, 34


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The Spanish Team and, on the page on the left, the Portuguese Team, together with the focal points of Sines and Matosinhos Refineries

Brazilian and Angolan charts of accounts. In 2004 it began applying international accounting standards (IAS/IFRS), which became official as from 2006, after the company went public. Since then, Galp Energia reports results, individual and consolidated, in IAS/IFRS. In Portugal, the company is recognized in the market for the quality of the financial information disclosed. In 2009 Galp Energia was classified among the Top 5 Financial Disclosure in Europe by IR Global Rankings, and awarded the prizes for Best Report and Accounts by non-financial PSI 20 companies, for which distinctions the Accounts department was significantly responsible. This area is key in the adoption of accounting practices internationally recognized and compliance with regulations established by regulating authorities such as the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (Securities Trading Commission). This guaranty of reliability and accuracy assumes particular importance in present times. Since the accounting scandals that rocked companies such as the North

American energy sector giant Enron, in 2002, the authorities with direct intervention and influence international accounting standards, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), have been honing international regulations. They have made them more demanding, reducing the scope for abusive interpretation and harmonizing concepts and regulations throughout the world. Sarbanes Oxley Act (a legal mechanism adopted in the United States in the aftermath of the occurrences), established strict principles and norms for internal control and criminalized fraudulent practices. To keep up with these performance demands, Accounting has invested in the training of its staff, with a view to obtain efficiency gains and improvement in the

counts should be down to zero or close to zero, since moneys owing will have been settled and amounts available transferred to the bank accounts of Galp Energia, SGPS, or the Petrogal Branch in Spain. Accounts are centrally managed, on TREASURY a daily basis, for Portugal, Alberto Fernandes MANAGEMENT Spain, Brazil, Ireland and As a multinational com- Accounts and Treasury Holland. Director pany, Galp Energia, is no Communication syslonger looking just at the home market tems with the banks allow for payment, and has broadened its vision to include receiving and financing operations to the countries where it operates. To deal be processed from Lisbon, optimizing with this multinational reality, Treasury the management of the group’s financial Management (TM) needed to develop resources. a financial system that could manage companies and businesses from a con- TRADING ROOM The Trading Room negotiates on behalf solidated corporate perspective. Information is received every morn- of 21 group companies, in the foreign exing on the updated situation of liabilities change, money and derivatives markets, to be covered, estimates of receivables in the main stock exchanges, namely Lisand liquidity available in the more than bon, Madrid, London and São Paulo. In 60 companies managed, spread out the derivatives market, hedging operaover more than 300 bank accounts. At tions are conducted as determined by the the end of each day the company ac- risk policy defined.


DCT Team in Recife

16 000/212

quality and accuracy of information. At the same time, processes have also been improved and time for closing accounts reduced, in line with market best practices and for the sector, at international level

2010 Results Presentation to the Market


million euros Short term financing contracts














TAXATION The department of Taxation needs to study, anticipate and put forward the best solutions to assist decision making. It also has to combine compliance with tax legislation with the plans for the fiscal load to be supported by the group in the territories where it operates. The fast growth of Galp Energia and its continued internationalization have brought new tax realities and new themes for discus-

Average daily banking transactions /million euros


million dollars Spots negotiated



legal, management Levels of accounting consolidation levels


Nr. of tax audits

sion to the different areas of business, increasingly complex and with greater materiality. In the face of new challenges, Taxation has undergone restructuring and has developed new proficiencies in fundamental areas.

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Its mission is to ensure reliability of account, finance and management information for the group, ensure standardization of concepts and ratios used, and promote is swift disclosure. It produces all financial and management reporting (investor information, client credit control, financial debt, Galp Value Added – GVA, etc.). It also prepares forecasts, the budget and the plan, by company and for the group, simulations and sensitivity analyses based on scenarios of change in conditions/activity of the companies or the group. It also ensures the maintenance of the IG model, namely the coherence of the group’s analytical framework (cost centres, divisions, etc.) and the operational capacity of the corporate SAP BI, where all the information that can be assessed by the various business units. march 2011



meetings work and play RETAIL SPAIN 2011


Bigger, Stronger and Nearer

Targets accomplished The event began with a working meeting at company headquarters, followed by dinner and show at Casino Estoril

Strengthening and consolidating team spirit through integration at every level the meeting of the Retail Business Unit of Galp Energia Spain took place under the motto “Bigger, Stronger and Nearer”, at hotel Aragón Hills, in the idyllic ski station of Formigal, Huesca.

PROJECTS AND CHALLENGES The meeting was a perfect combination of a working session with team building activities, organized with the object of cementing the relations of a team prepared to face the demanding and ambitious challenges of this business unit.

The first day was therefore dedicated to a working session, introducing the main projects and challenges to overcome in 20011. Aldo Valdecantos, the area manager, welcomed everyone and introduced the three fundamental axles of the business strategy and goals for 2011. As evening fell, everyone went up on the Sallent cable car, to enjoy an excellent dinner at Trattoria Cantal, right in the midst of the ski slopes. Then came adventure time, with descent by the classic wooden sleighs, down and wide

well-lit run of about 2.5 km, just right for beginners. With the adrenalin high, it was time for another rest and socializing and bar Marchica, at the very end of the run.

OBJECTIVE ACCOMPLISHED The objective of the meeting was totally accomplished, not only by the passing of the message and rationale on the strategy traced out for Galp Energia in Spain, but also byu the strengthening of the team spirit at all levels.


The dinner was held in the Black & Silver Room of Casino Estoril, in a sophisticated by relaxed atmosphere, which stimulated socializing among all colleagues. After the meal the evening was enlivened by the show staged by Filipe La Féria on the theme Fado – the History of a Nation. The objectives of the gathering were fully met and the LPG business area of the Company is ready to meet the challenges in 2011.

Under the motto “More Smiles”

with activities, which included work to improve the nursery which exists in the Convent, preparing food hampers for the Food Bank and a dinner for disadvantaged families of the area. The nursery, which is run by Maria do Carmo Roque Pereira Foundation, looks after 50 children between 18 months and 5 years old, and helps some 80 needy families, delivering food hampers. It has been housed for years in the cloisters of Graça Convent, with many limitations and insufficient conditions. That was what prompted the Retail team to give a hand with some improvements in the nursery’s interior, including the removal of old furniture, building partition walls, applying coats of paint and assembling and placing new items of furniture. In the cloisters, outside, the renovation included placing grass patches, gravel and new playing equipment for the children. By late afternoon, as the new playground area was inaugurated the smiles were lighting up the faces of the 50 children looked after by Maria do Carmo Roque Pereira Foundation. The meeting concluded with a dinner shared by participants and families invited for the occasion.

Retail gives support to children

Change, reinvent, carry out An “Orange Wave of Solidarity” at a kinder garden in Vila Chã de Ourique improved the facility and the grounds

under the motto “More Smiles” Convento da Graça, in Lisbon was the stage for the annual Galp Energia Retail meeting, attended by all the staff of this business unit. This event was part working session and part team building activity, where a social solidarity objective, carried out in fun and enthusiasm, helped to strength-



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Coordination and Quality by Carla Loureiro, and Safety, Health and Environment by José Arega Lopes.

A TALK ON ECONOMY After a coffee break, to recoup energies,

Camilo Lourenço, economy journalist and university professor, took the stage as guest speaker. Lunch followed and then it was time to start on the team building activity organized for the afternoon. At 3 o´clock an “Orange Wave of Solidarity” washed over the kinder garden of Vila Chã de Ourique. The goal was to do some sprucing up of the building and the surrounding area. Painting walls, building bird-houses, theatre stages, puppeteers, toys and even sewing curtains were some of the tasks distributed among the teams. In the end, under the attentive and fond regard of all participants, the children sang their thanks for the work contributed.


the annual sector meeting of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) of Galp Energia took place in Lisbon, with the presence of some 90 elements of this management unit. The idea behind the meeting was to bring together socially those who work for LPG and to share with them the results and projects for 2011. The afternoon was totally dedicated to the presentation of 2010 results and the

A strong and united team contributed to improve the nursery at Convento da Graça, Lisbon

the 2011 meeting of Specialties Unit 2took place at Vale d’Algares, near Vila Chã de Ourique, Cartaxo, subject to the theme “Change, Reinvent, Carry Out”. The working part of the session was dedicated to taking stock of 2010 targets and introducing the new challenges for 2011, for the different areas that make up Specialities Unit. Sousa Nunes, as director, made the opening address and presented the work schedule. The area presentations were the responsibility of the younger members of the teams. Lubricants was represented by Fábio Oliveira, Navy by José Clemente, Aviation by Rui Neves, Contractors by Susana Maricato, Technical

main challenges and projects for 2011, put forward by each of the LPG areas piped, CT&GA,bulk, operations, retail cylinders and business development. This year’s presentations were rich in video presentations, humour and relaxation, on the part of all concerned.

en the team spirit, stimulating the interaction of all participants.

A BUSY MORNING The morning was spent at a working meeting, where several themes of interest were focused: 2010 results, 2011 targets, and the Retail certification process, among others. The afternoon was filled

march 2011



corporate responsibility training PROXIMITY TO CLIENTS


Stronger partnerships

Defensive and economical driving

Training strengthens commercial partnerships in the Lubricants sector at Galp Energia the lubricants sector of Galp Energia places at the disposal of its commercial partners several training programs. Their object is to increase proximity to clients and their fidelization, and to help them improve their knowledge, competencies and capacities in relation to the lubricant business. By bringing training to those who sell its products, the Lubricants sector of Galp Energia ensures, among other things, that they will be sold by experts, with full knowledge of the products and of the best strategy to promote business. Directed at the retail channel, one of the training programs is taught by Galp Energia Lubricants Sector in partnership with Paradoxo Humano training company, and is the result of

an agreement established in 2008. That was the year of the first module – Sales Techniques. In 2009 the subject was Market Positioning and in 2010 Consumer Psychology. Sessions were very successful and those who took part felt they ended with better tools to carry out their work.

VISITS TO THE PLANT Last year we also organized visits to the Lubricants Plant, followed by training sessions by the sector´s Technical Assistance. Included in relational marketing activities and promoted jointly by the commercial and marketing departments of the company, they are intended for the large scale clients of Lubricants Business Unit in the Retail

The training provided by Carris contributes to an increase in energetic efficiency for the sector

and Car Makes& Shops. Investing in training makes for feelings of comfort and accomplishment and increases the motivation and involvement of those concerned. The staff, themselves produce, research, protect, deliver and manage the products that Galp Energia Lubricants places on the market. Proximity, the capacity to respond to the needs of the client, autonomy and experience are factors that strengthen Galp Lubricants position as the leader in the home market.


A HIGH LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Training and development of the ca38


march 2011

ing the bill for mobility spending for clients and personnel. Results have been quite impressive, with practice sessions docking as much as 6.1% off fuel consumption and 71.7% in use of brakes. The results are even more significant when you take into account that fuel consumption represents more than 40% of the total costs for this sector.


Training and development of the capacity to respond to emergencies is of particular importance in the refineries pacity to respond to emergencies is of particular importance in the refineries. It involves staff and service providers in activating the Internal Emergency Plan (IEP) which, in turn established the means, the resources and the action plan for all participants and for all foreseeable types of scenarios. So that they may be able to achieve a high level of performance, the staff in the Safety area is coached by special trainers in the control and handling of emergencies in petrochemical industries, which is provided by an internationally certified agency. The process

A training program was organized for personnel of Rodoviária de Lisboa, at a Galp Energia facility, to provide operators of liquid fuels installations with theory and practical knowledge about their workplace, as regards environment, quality and safety. The chief subjects approached in this training course were focused on the potential risks of the type of facility and the main existing equipment. And also on how to take adequate measures in case of an emergency and the learning of operational best practices.

teams and become familiar with the procedures and protection equipment which are designed specifically for fire fighting in refineries.

A vital capacity the effectiveness of response to emergencies is crucial, particular in the petrochemical industry where accidents can entail irreparable impacts on the company and its environment. Operating the unit efficiently and in accordance with best practices will not be enough if each of the stakeholders has not acquired the required capabilities, in accordance with his or her own role and the performance to be expected in an emergency situation.

in 2010 Galp Energia continued to provide training in defensive and economical driving for operators in the transportation market. The training program, composed of theory and practice, is provided by Carristur, a company of Group Carris. Subject themes include prevention and safety, cost control, quality of life, improved use of resources and protection from environmental conditions. This initiative is intended to contribute towards energy efficiency in the sector, where there is a significant potential for cuts, by means of this and other similar actions, reduc-


operators designated to the Emergency Brigade (EB) are equally certified in emergency intervention. The Safety area develops an annual training plan for the workers who are integrated in the EB. There is an initial training of two consecutive days, theory being complemented by practice in a training park equipped with different types of obstacles which simulate, with real fire, the sort of events that originate accidents and their escalation. The district fire brigade corporations also take part in these exercises, an opportunity for them to integrate the

After intensive training for two days, they take part in an exercise with the object of preparing the teams for intervention in the various possible scenarios and the training of each shift team, to evaluate the effectiveness of the training. For the other groups for emergency response, a yearly training plan is worked out, which comprises from inspecting the circuits for transporting equipment to the place of the emergency, the operation of fire fighting vehicles and ambulances, giving first-aid, internal/external communications, operation of the pump central for water supply to the fire, etc. march 2011



training bituminous binders CE MARKING

to help its clients in solving issues related to alterations in legal requirements that directly affect their activities. To date, four training sessions have taken place, for a total of 42 trainees from 16 clients. The initiative, organized by the commercial department of Galp Energia and under constant supervision of the commercial delegate, has proved to be a success with the clients. In the near future there will be four more sessions.

New challenges Galp Energia organizes relational marketing for bituminous binders clients at Probigalp THE BUSINESS area of Specialties/Contractors, from Galp Energia Oil Distribution Unit has been inviting technical staff from some of their clients to take part in activities of relational marketing. These activities are taking place at the headquarters of Probigalp - Ligantes Betuminosos, in Rio Maior, a company of Galp Energia Group, active in the area of bituminous binders for construction and road improvement.

NEW CHALLENGES These events are aimed at building closer relations with clients, based on technical

Istambul 2011

Contrastes e culturas

and commercial support, and encouraging the discussion of problems and new challenges experience by the guests. The sessions, which last for six hours, discuss the European regulatory framework currently in force, introduce Galp Energia and Probigalp range of products/services, and include also a visit to the laboratory of this associate, with an explanation of tests carried and an insight into the potential of this unit for monitoring the quality of bituminous products. The presentations were made by Susana Maricato, responsible for Galp


Sessions with clients include a visit to Probigalp laboratory

Energia technical assistance for bituminous binders, and Cátia Duarte, responsible for Environment, Quality and Safety (EQS) at Probigalp and for NIDIn (Nucleus for Investigation, Development and Innovation), a company platform for the conception and development of products and solutions, and client

Reserve já a preço exclusivo colaborador Galp Energia e descubra uma das cidades mais fascinantes do Próximo Oriente

personalized and tailor-made services. CE Marking a legal requirement since January 1st 2011, was the starting point for these briefings, that are aimed at satisfying the implications in terms of reference, factsheets and test standards for checking characteristics. This was one means for Galp Energia

POSITIVE EFFECT The general opinion on this program has been very positive, since most of the participants were not aware of the practical aspects of the new legislation and some did not know Galp Energia’s current portfolio of offers.



No âmbito do passatempo exclusivo criado para a revista corporativa da Galp Energia, em parceria com a GeoStar, vimos lançar a sua 10.ª e última edição. Para se habilitar, basta ler a revista mygalp n.º 09 e responder à seguinte questão: “Intra-empreendedorismo é…?” Em que página da revista se encontra a resposta? Depois, faça uma frase criativa com as palavras “Porta do Oriente”, “encontro” e “mistério”.

Será premiado quem enviar a resposta correcta e a frase mais criativa, até ao dia 15 de Maio de 2011, para Encontra-se a prémio um fim-de-semana num destino nacional (duas noites de alojamento em quarto duplo, em regime APA). Este concurso é exclusivamente para colaboradores do Grupo Galp Energia que tenham o seu perfil na intranet mygalp devidamente preenchido. O vencedor da 9.ª edição do passatempo “Gosto de Viajar” foi Cármen Patrício, da UN-Distribuição Oil – Gestão Ilhas.

A GeoStar dispõe de condições especiais. Para informações e reservas contacte através do (+ 351) 213 121 400 | | - Cód. Promocional: galpferias

training service station-school

A CLOSE –TO- REAL ENVIRONMENT The methodologies used are as practical and as close to real situations as possible


Training for the Retail business Activities at the Service Station school of Galp Energia seek to improve the quality service at the service stations the service station school is a training unit for those who work in Galp Energia Retail front line. Its aim is to become a reference for the development of essential proficiency at the company’s service stations. In 2007 it received certification accreditation as a Training provider by DGERT (Direction-General for Employment and Labour Relations), which was renewed in 2010.

CREATING PROFICIENCY The value offer of the Service Station School is based on aligning and articulating training strategies with the goals of the Retail business, to create, in partnership, the proficiency and the skills needed by the staff at the service stations. It seeks to improve the quality of services provided, by focusing on 42 mygalp

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the development of the competencies required for the performance of their tasks. The genesis of the Service Station School is directly related to the quality project Fast & Friendly, which was introduced in 2001 with the purpose of defining quality standards for the Galp Energia Network and to design


• The Service Station has already

implemented 26 training modules covering technical/operational and behavioural areas since 2004. • Between 2008 and 2019 alone, 40 thousand hours of tuitions were administered to approximately seven thousand people

a new program for excellence in service. The implementation involved the training of frontline staff over the entire network. But in the course of this operation, certain shortcomings were identified in the training of service stations personnel which required urgent attention, in an articulated manner. The problem was solved by creating the concept of a “Service Station School”, in 2004. From the beginning, it has developed its training portfolio in close cooperation with the various units at Galp Energia Retail, to meet changes in the company positioning and innovations that are being introduced. And that is how it meets the demands of the business and the expectations of the client, contributing to the very active role this training unit is playing in introducing change.

PRACTICAL METHODS In pedagogical terms, the Service Station School creates training modules that are specifically and ideally suited to the operative needs in the chain of functions in this activity, from the operator to the Station manager. The methodologies used are mostly practical application. They often have to be performed in a classroom environment, but they are as close as possible to real situations faced by the trainees.

sharing experiences training Thematic Tuesdays

Opportunities for Knowledge Introduced in 2007, they represent an opportunity to acquire a broad and transverse knowledge of the business and activities of Grupo Galp Energia Integrated in the activities of the Human Resources Directorate of Galp Energia, Thematic Tuesdays is an initiative intended to give the group’s staff access to information and knowledge of themes that are relevant to their socioprofessional framework. And they also broaden their scope to cover up to date subjects.

ACKNOWLEDGED COMPETENCE Introduced in 2007, they represent an opportunity to acquire a broad and transverse knowledge of the business and activities of the Group. The organization of the sessions is entrusted to the various different various different areas of Galp Energia and are normally conducted by their senior officers. In some cases, guest speakers lend their knowledge and competence to the themes in focus. The presentations made by company staff have shown high quality and have captured the interest of the participants. Revealing aspects and facets that are often new to most of the company’s personnel they contribute to an appreciation and recognition of the activities carried out in other areas, such as business development, innovation and technology, and the indispensible supporting activities. “The presentations allow us to get to know the new areas of business in a short period of time and give us the grounds to better identify with the company we work for”, says Sanches Pinto, of Galp Marinha. In turn, Luis Viula, trainee from Internacional Oil, says that “Thematic Tuesdays have been an excellent opportunity to get

INFORMATION Thematic Tuesday presentations have had high visibility in view of their excellence

to know the group and the particularities of the different markets where we operate, and to come into contact with the professional experience of the participants, which contributes to better integration and adjusting to the Company’s values and culture”.

COMPREHENSIVE THEMES Besides area presentations, other subjects have been focused, such as Galp Energia strategies, ergonomic risk factors, climate change, 50 years to build Indicators for previous sessions Year



2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Totais

23 29 18 6 4 80

1989 2437 2061 814 491 7792

Average per session 87 84 115 136 123 98

Europe, responsible use of energy, obesity and healthy eating, ethics and gender equality, sustainable mobility, the fuel market in Portugal, social networks, the new Orthographic Agreement and working as a team. Thematic Tuesdays have also had the contribution of guests such as nutritionist and president of the Platform against Obesity João Breda, the CEO of Carat Portugal, André Freire Andrade, economist Augusto Mateus, journalist Daniel Ricardo and the president of TeamWork Consultores, Jorge Araújo. More sessions are already on the agenda until the beginning of 2012 which, besides giving further opportunity to know more about Galp Energia and its development, will include themes as varied as business etiquette and protocol, or lobbying and reputation in business strategies. Thematic Tuesdays are held every fortnight, although they may have interim dates, when expedient and to accommodate availability of speakers. Dependent on technical feasibility, they will reach everyone at Galp Energia offices and locations by videoconference. march 2011



x-ray Galp Energia Foundation DIABETES

Campaign 100 United Maecenas Galp Energia Foundation is the Golden Maecenas for Ernesto Roma Foundation against Diabetes in Portugal galp energia foundation is one of the sponsors of the Ernesto Roma Foundation under the umbrella of the campaign 100 United Maecenas against Diabetes. This initiative, addressed to companies, brands, organizations and other entities is aimed at raising awareness for diabetes, a chronic illness that affects some 900 thousand people in


Ernesto Roma Diabetes School

Portugal and which, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is the fourth cause of death in most developed countries. The contribution of all these organizations will help to develop the Portuguese Association for the Protection

WHO WAS ERNESTO ROMA? Ernesto Roma (1887-1978), a Portuguese doctor, was responsible for the introduction of insulin therapy and social diabetology in our country. In 1926, frustrated by the growing number deaths caused by diabetes in poor patients who had no means of acquiring insulin, he mobilised people to create the Portuguese Association for Poor Diabetics (APDP), the oldest of its kind in the world

44 mygalp

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of Diabetics (APDP), the investigation for the cure of diabetes, and enable the Ernesto Roma School for Diabetes to train health professionals and patients for their day-to-day dealing with the illness and its forms of treatment. The Ernesto Roma Foundation was created by APDP, with the mission to educate the diabetes patient, and prepare various levels of professionals who deal with the illness.

DIABETES SCHOOL Ernesto Roma Diabetes School is the heart of the Foundation where all existing courses of APDP take place. It had its first public presentation in July 2010, already in full function. It has endeavoured to contribute to the education and the improvement of the quality


• Eat fruit and vegetables every day and increase consumption of salads • Reduce consumption of food rich in fats • Stick to lighter meals and eat fish more frequently • Make six meals a day and eat moderately at each • Practise sport every day for a period of not less than a continuous half-hour of living of diabetic patients. It is now planning to construct a gymnasiumfor courses in physical exercise and it is already organizing classes in healthy cooking.

music galp energia club


The meeting will be held towards the end of May, with the participation of a choir from Spain and another from Azores

At Vila Nova de Santo André

X International Choir Meeting The event is organized by Galp Energia Club Choir, whose singers range from the age of 14 to 74 galp energia choir club will celebrate its 17th birthday in 2011. Headquartered at Vila Nova de Santo André, the choir has singers aged from 14 to 74 and a history of many successes. It will promote, at the end of May X International Choir Meeting of Vila Nova de Santo Andre, with the announced participation a choir from Azores and another from Valladolid, Spain.

TWENTY CONCERTS The choir takes part every year in some 20 concerts, at home and abroad. Its contribution, over time, to a positive image, in terms of culture, of Galp Energia

Club and the company it represents, has been recognized often. Proof of that is the recent invitation to take part in the launching of the Galp Energia Academy, at company headquarters, in Torres de Lisboa. After the CD publication of their original song themes “Em Tons de Natal”, their participation in the Oratorio “Fátima para a Humanidade” and the Cantata for Saint Augustine, Galp Energia Club Choir will be dedicating this year to the musical score for choir and orchestra “Cantata para Nossa Senhora da Conceição” by Father António Cartageno. Within its plans for continued im-

AN ESTABLISHED INSTITUTION Galp Energia Choir Club is under the art direction of maestro Pedro Ramos. It is by now a well-established institution that enhances the cultural identity of Vila Nova de Santo André and the municipality of Santiago do Cacém, carefully mapping out its objectives in accordance with the ambitions of its singers and its maestro, who share a common passion for choir music and its associated values.

provement and enrichment of its art, the Choir is organizing in the current year another workshop on vocal techniques, by opera singer Sandra Medeiros. mARch 2011



culture books, cd and dvd The Film Club

Our pick

Life Lessons


From father to son and from son to father, a fantastic report on how father and son learnt about life together, that makes compulsive reading when his son jesse was watching a movie with 15, David Gilmour made his father (a reputed film a decision that many critic) – in what they parents and educators called The Film Club. What would classify as radical: happens next is a rich and he allowed his son to drop moving story of learning out of school. This was not and growing. With his an easy decision, however. father – and watching films Seeing his son flounder like François Truffaut’s under a lack of motivation The 400 Blows, Paul and the difficulty to study, Verhoeven’s Basic Instinct, concentrate and make Autor David Gilmour Woody Allen’s Crimes and Editora Pergaminho grades, Gilmour realised Misdemeanours or Elia PrIce €13,05 that maybe school was Kazan’s On the Waterfront (at Wook online) not the ideal learning – Jesse learns powerful environment for his son – and that lessons about human values and the the probability of his never graduating sense of life. And David learns what high school was high. The condition many parents discover too late: every he set for his son to quit school was moment spent with his son is an that he spend three evenings a week opportunity for growth for them both.

The First Global Village Martin Page

British author Martin Page (1938-2003) wrote on the role of Portugal throughout the ages with enthusiasm and appreciation. I have rarely seen a Portuguese historian or journalist speak about our history, and our role in what the author considers as the first experience in creating a global village, with such perception. Ana Margarida Pereira Investor Relations and External Communication

CD audio Guia António Zambujo

When you listen to the first tune you cannot resist listening of the whole album over and over. Fado is here enriched by the echoes of Alentejo, the warmth of Brazil and the smells of Africa. Enthralling, from first to last track. Sara Montenegro UN-G&P – Trading Power & CO2

DVD film

seeing, listening and reading

Cinema Paradiso Giuseppe Tornatore

Cinema Paradiso is one of the best films ever produced. It focuses on friendship and on the love of cinema of a young boy in the 40s Italy. The sound track is amazing. Anyone who visits Cefalú, where the action takes place, feels that Cinema Paradiso will still be just around the corner

Eat, Pray, Love Director Ryan Murphy Genre drama

Liz Gilbert (Julia Roberts) is a woman who makes a postdivorce trip around the worldto rediscover herself and change her life. Price €19,99 (at Fnac)

99 Classic Movies for People in a Hurry

Let England Shake


by PJ Harvey Editora Universal Music

By Rose Tremain Editora Porto Editora

by Thomas Wenge-

The new Polly Jean Harveyalbum was recorded in a 19th century church on a cliff overhanging the sea. The vertigo has inspired what some have rated as her best album ever.

Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2010 it heralds the return of Rose Tremain with an elegant and captivating thriller set in a scene of culture shocks, heritage, fraternal love and vengeance.

lewski Editora Presença The greatest all time film classics told in just 4 squares each. A suprising book of cartoons for cinema lovers. Price €9 (at Wook online)



março 2011

Price €17,99 (at Fnac)

Price €13,95 (at Fnac)

Barbara Peña Torres UN-DO - Galp Energia Spain

DVD musical Lightning in a Bottle Martin Scorcese

The final chapter of a documentary series produced by Martin Scorcese – The Blues –, it brings together names such as B. B. King and Buddy Guy in a fabulous tribute to black music which has become a symbol of the South of the USA Sérgio Esperancinha UN-E&P – Galp E&P

agenda Family Sundays In May, Museu do Oriente invites parents and kids (or kids and parents) to discover Chinese Traditional Professions, with the following invitation line: Did you know that Chinese doctors practice a different type of medicine? Did you know the rickshaw is a symbol of Chinese culture? Who will drive such an exotic means of transportation? You’ll discover these and many other professions after this arty workshop! May 1 and 15 Museu do Oriente, Lisbon

CCBeat In an effort to continually update itself and attract new audiences, CCB is staging the first edition of a festival with a more urban program. There will be three double concerts, in the Grand Auditorium, with a selection of bands, mostly local, who have already established a cult relationship with their fans. LUME and Dead Combo & Real Orquestra das Caveiras will do the opening honours, Kaki King (the first woman named as Guitar God by Rolling Stone) and revelation singer Áurea, on the second day, with closing honours going to the surprising Diabo na Cruz and Linda Martini 19 to 21 May Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon

Porta-Jazz Cycle To promote and spice up the program dedicated to jazz in Porto, Associação Porta-Jazz is now organizing a Porta-Jazz Cycle. The eight concerts of the cycle will take place in consecutive Saturdays, at 22h30, between March 12 and April 30 and will roll around different venues in the city that feature live music (Tribeca, Breyner 85, Armazém do Chá, Hard Club, Café au Lait, HotFive, Maus Hábitos, Casa do Livro). Until April 30, at several venues in Porto


Ivete Sangalo

Born from street theatre, full of humour, rhythm and exuberant tap dancing, STOMP is the perfect show for all ages and tastes. To them, beauty and music are something present in every aspect of life. From boots to buckets, from trash can lids to lighters and brooms, from kitchen sinks to demi-johns, everything is good to produce sound and movement.

The “hurricane from Baía” is back in Portugal to present her Tour Madison. You can expect three great shows where beauty, joy, sincerity, rhythm , combine to express a culture and a nation – Brazil, of course

Opening April 26 at Casino de Lisboa From 25 to 29 May at Coliseu do Porto

May 18 Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisboa May 20 Parque da Cidade, Porto May 21 Parque da Canção, Coimbra

march 2011



Istanbul an age-old city TRADITIONAL AND MODERN

A place with a difference East and West meet here, in a city of contrasts, a melting pot of cultures and traditions, infinitely fascinating and with much to offer by José Miguel Dentinho

a great city like Istanbul has to be explored on foot, with an open mind and with curiosity, in order to really savour all it has to offer. One of the first things to do when you visit Istanbul, is climb to the top of Galata Tower, in Beyoglu quarter. From the top you can see a little of this huge metropolis of 20 million inhabitants, that stretches out, interwoven with the waters of the Bosphorusand the Gold Horn, as far as the eye can see. To the south, you’ll see Galata Bridge, always teeming with fishermen, with their buckets and basins full of little mackerel, tiny sardines, mullet and other types of fish that you can enjoy in the restaurants that fill both sides of the tower’s ground floor.

USEFUL INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION There are cable cars, metro and boats to get to almost any place in Istanbul. With prices that vary between 0.5 € and 1.5€ a trip, they are the best, quickest and cheapest way to get around




PEOPLE AND BOATS The restaurant closest to Eminonu, on the other margin of the Golden Horn, is the most popular and a good place to enjoy a beer in the early evening, taking a rest from the day’s sightseeing, watching the people and the boats that come and go from the docks to the eastern margin of the Bosphorus and other places. It’s a route that takes passengers, touching several points along the canal, from the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. From little fishing boats going about their daily catch to huge ships, from the palaces and castles of sultans, to the small houses and great mansions, there is much to see for those who have a love of architecture and natural scenery. In the last village, Analodu Kavagi, close to a Byzantine fortress, we stop for a few hours. There is time to savour stuffed vine leaves, fresh fish – fried or grilled, with salads and other Mediterranean flavours, at the local sidewalk cafés.

Galata Bridge is always teeming with fishermen, with their buckets full of tiny fish from the waters of the Golden Horn 48


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A Turkish meal starts with appetizers, (mezes), placed at the centre of the table to be shared. From shrimp, mussels and fried squid, all very hot, to olives, cheese, stuffed vine leaves with cod roe sauce, garlic and olive oil, to anchovies cooked in olive oil, etc. And then there are the kebabs – chicken, lamb or shrimp, dishes like karniyarik (eggplant stuffed with minced lamb, pine nuts and other dried fruits), and meatballs with a spiced puré and, of course, fresh fish. Sweets are plentiful in a city known specially for its baklavas: puff pastries, sprinkled with sugar and with different fillings. Delicious!

DON’T MISS ALSO The Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art, Basilica Cistern, Topkapi Palace, Suleymaniye Mosque, Book Bazaar, Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, Dolmabahçe Palace, Prince Islands

3 The fascinating, ancient and contrasting Istanbul begins at Eminonu, at the end of Galata Bridge, the area dominated by the New Mosque. Concluded in the 17th century by the mother of sultan Mehmet IV, it is a place to enter barefoot, as in all Muslim sacred places, and meditate. Close by is the Spice Bazaar, a market built in 1660 where you can find just about everything. In one of the side streets, Tahmis St. you can buy dried fruits and local cheese, with several different flavours. And further on there is the Café Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi, where a long line awaits to buy freshly roasted coffee. Another must see is the Grand Bazaar, a labyrinth of streets covered by painted canopies, where they sell everything, from gold to carpets. The best way to get there is to get on the surface metro because the way up is steep and winding.

Snapshots of Istanbul 1 The colourful Grand Bazaar 2Traditional hats 3 Galata Tower emerging from Beyoglu

A MAZE OF ROADS The Beyazit metro stop is close to Çarsikapi gate. In the Grand Bazaar don’t miss the han, where you can see artisans at work, the Eastern Kiosk or the marble fountain. Then you can either go out through the Eye Door towards the Spice Bazaar, merging with the multitude of street vendors and shops that sell from counterfeit international brand handbags to wedding gowns. Another place to visit is Sultanahmet, where you’ll find the two chief monuments of the city: the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sofia, a byzantine church. Next to Sultanahmet Square there is a maze of roads and traditional wooden ottoman

Consult GeoStar.

houses that wind down to Marmara Sea. The area of Pera in Beyoglu quarter is crowded with hotels for all budgets. It is considered the modern part of the city. You’ll find there some of the best and most expensive restaurants in Istanbul. Food is good practically everywhere in this city. A meal in Beyoglu, with several courses, could be about 35 euros for two. But prices are lower in the old down and away from the centre, as little as the 9 euros I paid for two, in the last of the Prince’s islands, Büyükada. There is much more to do and see in Istanbul, such as enjoying a Turkish massage, but only if you’re physically resistant. But nothing beats just walking about, watching the people, their ways of dressing and behaving and feeling the contrasts of the city, whether in modern and cosmopolitan Istiklal street or in an alley of the quarter of the Grand Bazaar. march 2011



restaurant a tasca do celso

Wines Miguel Ceregeiro’s selection


In Vila Nova de Milfontes

A place where the food is great Rendez-vous with the gastronomy of Alentejo with a taste of the sea and accompanied by good wines tasca do celso is a recommend the grilled turbot (pregado) reference point in Alentejo with bean rice, açorda (a sort of bread gastronomy, although mash) with shrimp, or fried baby there is little of the “tasca” squid; and for a meat option, steak à la (tavern) here and the plancha, a 600 gr chunk of meat braised owner’s name is not Celso. with a sauce of garlic and herbs and By: It’s a nook in the Alentejo surrounded by grilled tomatoes. Francisco seacoast, located in Vila To go with the meat, I would suggest Lima Aires Nova de Milfontes, whose the red Douro Quinta do Vale Meão. But rustic decoration and clay crockery make with fish I enjoy an “alentejano” from it one of my favourites for Quinta do Carmo. And dinner with family and to round off a perfect Information friends. This restaurant meal there’s nothing like Tasca do Celso has one of the most the local desert called Tel.: 283 996 753 interesting wine cellars of “sericaia”, served with E-mail: the area, with wines from sugared plums from Open daily all over the country, but Elvas and followed by a from 12h to 15h and especially Alentejo and delicious acorn-liqueur. from 19h to 24h, except Douro. The combination The average price of a Mondays during the winter of those wines and the meal at Tasca do Celso Alentejo cuisine makes runs between 25 and this Tasca a meeting point for many 30 euros, including wine. It’s almost families! Besides a very large selection impossible to get a table at less than 24 from the sea, Tasca do Celso makes hours’ notice, just as it’s impossible to an effort to suggest a really wonderful resist slipping into your pocket one of collection of specialties. At Celso’s, its the ashtrays inscribed with “Swiped mandatory to start off with eggs and from Tasca do Celso”! And it’ll be a linguiça (a spicy sausage), Pata Negra rare thing if Celso (José Cardoso) isn’t ham, or a fantastic whelk (búzios) around, for this is the place where he salad. And as for the entrée I would likes to welcome friends! 50 mygalp

march 2011

In my young days, I spent part of my summer vacation havervesting grapes in Pauillac, in French Médoc. It is the estate that produces Chateau Lynch Bages. That experience developed in me a taste for wines and prompted me to splurge on a bottle of this great red, made up mostly of CabernteSauvignon caste and a lot of Merlot, Cabernet-Franc and Petit Verdot from the 2009 vintage.

CARM GRANDE RESERVA 2007 This red wine from the Upper Douro revealsan aroma of red berries and black chocolate. In the palate it reveals fine tannins in a fresh, smooth wine that draws out into a long fruit finish, with chocolate and spicy notes.

ETC RED 2008 Made from grapes of Aragonese, Alicante Bouschet and Trincadeira castes, this Alentejo red from Monte do Álamo is elegant and makes a good match between black fruit aromas and toasted and wood smoke notes. In the palate it is creamy and fruity, with fine tannins and a dry end note.

Montes Claros 2009 White Harvest This wine results from the combination of Roupeiro, Tamarez and Antão Vaz grape castes. With an alcohol content of 13.5% it displays the colour of ripe lemon, with an intense aroma suggesting tropical and dried fruits. In the palate it creates a fresh young sensation and a taste of ripe fruit.

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