North Pointe- March 6, 2015

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NEWS PAGE 2 Left: Sophomore Lindsey Hoshaw, senior Peter Gritsas and sophomore Maggie McEnroe rehearse during technical week for the spring musical Catch Me If You Can.




Right: Senior Peter Gritsas, junior Matt Carlsen, senior Panos Varlamos and freshman Demetri Gritsas prepare a scene for the show, which runs March 6-7.


SINCE 1968

MME increases test length to raise rigor By Anu Subramaniam & Dajai Chatman CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & STAFF REPORTER

Food fills landfills, not stomachs By Anu Subramaniam, Alex Harring & Lindsey Ramsdell CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & INTERNS

With updates over the past few years, the cafeteria has taken a more environmentally friendly path. Freshman Tyler Foster has seen students respond well to the initiative. “I always see kids recycling, and we have those healthy vending machines, and I like that water fountain that lets you fill up your bottle fast so you won’t have to keep buying plastic water bottles,” Foster said.

However, the problem of food waste still exists. According to National Geographic magazine, Americans wasted 31% of their available food in 2010. The result: 133 billion pounds of food waste. “(Food) is one of the top three things that we throw away along with paper and metals. By addressing food waste, you’re addressing the solid waste problem we have in this country,” science teacher and Students Against Violations of the Environment (S.A.V.E.) club adviser Chris Skowronski said. Despite the positive steps that Sodexo

Failure to productively use food leads to waste and the school have taken to make the cafeteria and school more environmentally friendly, the food that isn’t consumed is completely thrown out. According to freshman Lily Schmidt, many students don’t like the way food is prepared, and she believes that’s the reason students toss it out. “I usually (throw away) nachos,” Schmidt said. “It comes in that paper plate.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Sports Page 7

Ideas - Page 3

“High school is a time of self-discovery—a period in life when teens figure out who they are and what kind of lives they want to live, which their clothes tend to predict.” @thenorthpointe

Prior to the 2014-2015 school year, the Michigan Merit Exam (MME) consisted of three portions — the ACT, WorkKeys and Michigan component. Recently, however, the Michigan component of the test (the MSTEP) has been expanded. “I think that it makes it more stressful for students because it’s kind of something that’s constantly on their mind. I think that if it’s in one day, yes, it might really be long. But it’s easier to focus on other school work to get it done and out of the way,” junior Paige Francis said. Because the Michigan Department of Education wants to test students’ abilities, the state thought the test needed to be more challenging. “The state of Michigan felt that the ACT and the WorkKeys did not evaluate deeply enough the rigor that Michigan wanted, and so they developed these Michigan components that was run on day three,” Assistant Principal Tom Beach said. The change is a result of a push to move towards a type of testing called Smarter Balanced testing. “The past few years, there has been a movement towards, in many states, towards what’s called the Smarter Balanced, and at one point, lots of states (were) involved. And then it was approved before it was really looked into in depth as to how it was going to affect people because it was only going to test English and math. It (is) not going to test science and other things,” Beach said. Smarter Balanced Assessment is a developing system of assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards in English and mathematics for grades 3-8 and grade 11. “(MSTEP) now consists of ACT, the WorkKey and this excessive testing that is supposed to be 10 and a half hours. So total testing time is 17 and a half hours if you put it all together,” Beach said. The changes in testing times will cause juniors to miss more school than their classmates in other grades. “My first two hour classes, I’m going to fall pretty behind on, so I’m definitely going to lose a lot of school time, but besides that I don’t think my other classes will be that badly affected,” Francis said. The changes will affect the underclassmen as well. “They’re going to be doing the same thing they did last year … they used to take the PLAN test, now it call the Aspire, but really its pretty much the same test. The ACT used to have the Explore in grades 7 and 8, and the PLAN in 9 and 10 and 11. Then they created this year the Aspire which runs 3 to 11 grade and it includes individual test for each grade. But for the freshmen and sophomores, it’s going to look like pretty much like the PLAN test they were taking, and it tests grade appropriate learning,” Beach said.

Left: 2008 alumna and current math teacher Lauren Nixon now coaches varsity lacrosse.

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