Insight Magazine- December 2012

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Issue 16

December 2012


Eye Color

See Inside for Prizes! BEST GIFTS FOR

Him and Her




Jahmal Rhaney of 2B Groomed

Blu Lotus Public Relations

Bellevue Nails

December 2012•Insight 1

Editor’s Desk


he end of the Mayan calendar is upon us, they say. December 21st will be the moment of truth, when we find out whether we live or die. It’s got kind of the same ring to it as “the rapture,” but more street cred. I, personally, really hope the Mayans merely made some sort of administrative error because I tend to enjoy living. But, I can’t stop myself from Googling all about it, watching John Cusack in 2012 and worrying, in that secret “I won’t admit to it if you ask me about it” kind of way. I know I’m young, that I haven’t gotten quite the same amount of mileage out of my life yet as others may have, but I do hope that I packed a lot into the years I’ve had. I guess that sentiment is transferable. Everyone hopes, on some level, that by the time they leave this life they’ll have had a really good, full and complete run at it. But, no one really lives up to the sentiment. There can only be so many Mayan end of days, raptures or other doomsdays to make you live up to the life you know you want to have. We shouldn’t need the inspiration of sudden death to inspire us to live, right? That’s part of the cause for New Years resolutions — the understanding that we need to do the things we know are good for us, that we know we want to do. But why wait for a new year, for a tomorrow or for a doomsday? Hit the gym now! See that long lost relative today! Take up that croquet class already! Just live! At least that way, when we do come face to face with our maker we won’t have any anxieties as to our lives – we will know they’ve been jam-packed with living! — Maria

Readers Respond to our November Issue: I’m a college baseball coach, and until I read your article on “ExcelCord” I would have never thought to train my players one on one. After reading it, I decided to spend more time training each of my players. Since then, we have won each one of the games! Thank you for that insightful article. — Barry, Chester Your article on “Chinese Efficiency” confused me a little. You made it sound as though China is a completely new country in the beginning of the article. However, China is not a new country, it is just developing technologically. — Sam, Bucks County After reading your article about “Drinks for Every Situation” I can now put my daily drinks to good use! I will no longer have to push my self too much at the gym because I know drinking green tea (which is my favorite!) will help me even a little. — Katie, Southampton See your comment? Follow instructions on pg. 4 to win prizes! Respond to our December issue on our website (, email (, Facebook (My Insight Magazine) or tweet us (My Insight Magazine).

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” – William Shedd 2 Insight•December 2012

Top Places to Welcome the New Year


Watch the ball drop at Times Square in New York City!

17 A “Modern Family” Drama

Editor’s Desk 2 Letter from the Editor Readers Respond to our November Issue 4 Prizes and Rewards Word on the Street 5 Things You Need to Know About the Flu Shot! 6 How Does School Violence Affect Kids Physiologically? Parents Fighting Over Money Puts Kids at More Risk for Debt 7 Ph-un in Philadelphia 8 How Common Are Medical Lawsuits? Going to Space? Don’t Get Sick! 9 Community Spotlight: Jahmal Rhaney of 2B Groomed 10 Central Park Gets Early Christmas Gift Insight Poll Conversation Starters 11 Executive Bio: Blu Lotus 12 5 Reasons Why the World Will NOT End on 12/21/2012 13 Lack of Sleep Each Night Holds Terrifying Health Concerns Women! Stop Smoking, There’s Still Time!


ng the Year while enjoyi ew N e th e m co fe! Wel Las Vegas nightli

Enjoy a bea utiful celeb ration at Dis World with ney your family !

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Escape to Bost on with your family to welcome the New Year!

Healthy Living 14 Is Indoor Tanning a True Cause of Skin Cancer? New Therapy Brings Hope for Incurable Blood Cancer 15 Drug Helps Cure Alcohol Cravings Raw Food Diets Not Sufficient for the Modern Brain? Quick Health Tip! Entertainment and Media 16 Top Five Reasons to Go to the Movies in December

Issue 16 • December 2012


18 Tainting Elmo 19 Songs Originally Written for Other Artists Twitter vs. Facebook. Battle of the Brains 20 Eat Good Food: HipCityVeg 22 Make Your Own Twinkies 23 Too Fat to Fly Victoria’s Secret? Her Angels! 24 Best Gifts for Him and Her This Holiday Season! 25 Spa Review: Bellevue Nails


Sports and Athletics 26 Do Athletes Live Longer Than Non-Athletes? 27 Philadelphia Flyers Hockey, Sixers Basketball, and Eagles Football Schedules 70+ Baseball Team


Science and Technology 28 Wiring the Human Brain Your eyes Tell More Than Eye Color 29 New Cell Phone for the Visually Impaired Technology Fact


Career and Finance 30 Life Insurance: To Buy Or Not to Buy? 31 Want to Raise a Future CEO? Pick the Right Birth Month! 6 Fastest Growing Careers in Healthcare A Dose of Insight 32 Our Advice Column Horoscope 34 December Predictions Marketplace 35 Advertisement December 2012•Insight 3

Prizes and Rewards! We at Insight want to hear from all of our new and old friends! Send us an email and write to us on Facebook. Let us know what you think, what you want, or just how your day is going and get rewards for doing it!

Your Monthly Reward: Insight will look through all our emails, as well as Facebook comments, messages and posts. We will select five comments, at random, to include in the upcoming issue. If you see your post, contact us with the post, the issue you saw it in, and your information within one week of the release of that issue and YOU WIN! What do you win? Well, every issue we will post our “Favorite Things.” These are little things that are new, cool and we feel everyone will enjoy. When you win the post challenge, you get to pick one of our “Favorite Things” from that issue and it’s yours! If, instead, you want to work towards our bigger “Play for Points” prizes, you can instead ask to add five points to your play for points account (see for more details). So, what are you waiting for? Come leave us a message!

Play for Points: We don’t want to be another magazine you gloss over in a hurry; we want to really interact with you in every section and page of Insight. In our attempts to really get you involved, we’ve set up a points game. Throughout the magazine you’ll see small sections that say “Play for Points.” Each section will have its own instruction on how you can email or Facebook us your answers or contributions and earn points. You can log in and keep a ‘point account,’ so to speak, on You then can add up points to win the prizes that cost a point value ranging from 50 to 1,000 points. So earn enough points for a $20 gift card, or save as much as you can for a five day paid hotel in Miami, FL, or a new iPAD. See for even more prizes, your account and more information!

1 2 3


Brrrr. It’s getting cold out there! Warm up with something delicious from Starbucks! $20

Barnes & Noble!

Need a Hobby? How about reading a new book . . . check out Barnes & Noble for a good read. $20

Stratus Lounge!

Bored of the same old thing? Check out the new Stratus Lounge at the Hotel Monaco in Old City and have a drink on Insight! $20 4 Insight•December 2012



December 2012•Insight 5

Word on the Street

Things You Need to Know About the

t’s that time of the year again, when everyone is encouraged to get their flu shots! Many people have questions about the flu shot, so Insight Magazine was able to sit down with a pharmacist and bring you the most crucial information that everyone should know! Let’s begin by going over what a flu shot is. A flu shot stimulates the immune system so it begins to think it has had an influenza infection before. That way, if you come into contact with the virus, your immune system will be able to defend itself and keep you from getting sick. There are two different types of formulas for the shot. A single dose of the shot does not contain mercury, but the multi dose vial contains thiomeral, which is a mercury product. Some people may be drawn to believe that flu shots have nasty side effects that are worse than the illness itself. However, this is a fairly common misconception. Flu shots do carry side effects such as soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was preformed, low grade fevers, and sometimes aches, but the side effects are less severe than the illness. Flu shots are highly recommended for pregnant woman, especially if you work at areas such as supermarkets where there is an increase chance of you being exposed to germs.


at More Risk for Debt


School Violence



ost people have seen the support videos from the “It Gets Better” campaign, which focuses on school violence. School violence ranges from acts of bullying and threats to weapon carrying, and homicide. Most campaigns that focus on school violence look at the disturbing event itself, but rarely pay attention to the long term effects of bullying. For example, studies show that bullied students may become increasingly affected and begin to exhibit symptoms relating to things such as: post-traumatic stress, depression, anger, anxiety, as well as aggressive and self destructive behavior. Bullied children may also feel higher levels of loneliness than those who are not. Research has additionally shown that bullying could lead to severe academic, psychological, and physical harm to the victim. Many students have reported that bullying has led them to attempt suicide, drop out of school, and run away from home as a means to end the daily torment. Students need to feel a certain level of security so that they are able to freely learn within the school environment. Even more so, schools should attempt to combat the growing trend of school violence to avoid its long term effects. 6 Insight•December 2012


new study shows that parents who fight about finances when a child is young may cause that child to later fall into debt. Studies also show that such children are prone to overspending and as a result, will cause an accumulation of debt as they get older. Researchers polled both male and female college students. They discovered that upperclassmen are likely to have more than two credit cards, while freshmen and sophomore college students have less than two. This result demonstrates that such older children will have further complications with money. Furthermore, the result indicates that females tend to have more credit cards and debt compared to males. In comparison to other students, those who experienced their parents arguing over money were twice as likely to own two or more credit cards. This proved to be the case despite the parents’ household income. Kids of wealthy households were just as likely to carry on a lot of debt if they had witnessed their parents’ fight over money.

Photos ©

Fighting Over Money Puts

Ph-un in Philadelphia!

Philadelphia’s got a lot going on in December. Insight magazine is here to make sure you are in the center of all of the action! Check out the shows, events, and exhi-bitions going on now and coming soon.

12/01. Holidays in Manayunk. Celebrate the holiday spirit with the Manayunk community. Watch Santa on Ice during the day, and at night enjoy the Tree Light Ceremony.

12/09. Latkepalooza. Get a taste of Philadelphia’s top chefs as they cook up some of their favorite dishes for you! Last year more than 400 people attended and the tickets sold out before the show, so grab your tickets now! Gershman Y, 401 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147. (215) 545-4400.

12/15. Thad-A-Claus. Get into the holiday spirit with Thaddeus Young from the Philadelphia 76ers! Enjoy games, photos, lunch and a dessert buffet.

12/23–31. Macy’s Christmas Lights Show. Enjoy beautiful LED lights of beautiful holiday images right in the heart of Center City. The light show is accommodated by festive music to make you enjoy the show that much more. 1300 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA. (215) 241-9000.

12/22–01/01/2013. Comcast Holiday Spectacular. Swing by the Comcast Center in Center City, Philadelphia for a 15 minute spectacular. The show runs every hour on the hour, from 10 am till 8 pm. 1701 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, #300, Philadelphia, PA 19103. (215) 286-1700.

December 2012•Insight 7




hough it is not usually talked about in the media much, malpractice lawsuits among doctors are fairly common. Nearly 60 percent of doctors that are over the age of 55 will get sued at least once. The good news is, most lawsuits are disregarded or dismissed, but they can still be costly. For every 100 physicians, there are 95 lawsuits filed! However, only 5 percent of these are filed a year, so the average number a year is not too high. Specialists such as gynecologists and surgeons are typically more likely to get sued compared to pediatricians. Research states that male doctors are also twice as likely to get sued than female doctors. That is most likely the case because more male doctors specialize than women.




f there’s one thing I hate, it’s being in closed spaces when someone is hacking and coughing, particularly if they aren’t covering their mouth. Each time it happens, I just imagine little cold germs making their way over to me to ruin my life for the next two weeks. But, imagine that happening in space; according to research, that same scenario in space could net some unfortunate consequences for astronauts on space missions. Scientists have learned that the immune system is compromised in space: wounds heal slower, infections go away less efficiently, and the immune system fights with less energy. Also, in space, the astronauts breath re-circulated air, touch common surfaces, and have less opportunity to wash their hands, which results in a perfect breeding ground for germs. No space mission knows this more than the crew of Apollo VII, who, in 1968, spent eleven days in space with head colds they caught from one another once in flight. According to reports, the crewmembers became very cranky and even refused to wear their helmets during re-entry. So, the next time you get sick, just be happy you are not suffering in space; you and the people around you will be forever grateful! 8 Insight•December 2012


Jahmal Rhaney of

Photos ©The Jawn

By Olga Astreika


ahmal Rhaney first discovered his passion for hair cutting when he was just a little boy. At the age of ten his mom would send him off to a local barbershop to get his hair cut. There, Rhaney would wait for hours going unnoticed by the employees. That’s when Rhaney decided it was time to learn the skills himself. He went to a local store, bought some clippers, and began cutting his hair himself. At the age of 27, Rhaney made the commitment to open his own barbershop. The barbershop is known as 2B Groomed and is located right in the heart of Center City, Philadelphia. 2B Groomed has been recognized by several different publications, such as Philadelphia Magazine and and though it feels great to be recognized by others, Rhaney does not wear it on his sleeves. Being an owner of a business can be stressful and during those hard times the acknowledgment keeps Rhaney pushing forward! Rhaney views cutting hair as a form of expression, it allows him to express his personality through specific detailed cuts. Growing up, Rhaney’s grandfather was someone that Rhaney looked up to. His grandfather taught him how to take care of himself, and after that everything else seemed to follow naturally. Insight: What is the most requested look at 2B Groomed? Rhaney: To be honest, there’s a common look among a certain age group. That changes depending on the demographic, so it’s hard to say. Most white or Asian guys have a way to wear their hair textured in the front, but African Americans don’t. Insight: Are women still the main salon goers or are men starting to outnumber them? Rhaney: Women spend more in the overall visit to the salon. However, men have a higher frequency of going to the barbershop. Women may go once a month or twice a month and spend $60 or more during their visit, whereas men would go every one to two weeks and spend $30. Insight: Speaking of groomed men, what is your take on the “metrosexual” male? Should they just stay their scruffy selves or is there something to the idea of a well groomed man? Rhaney: I don’t associate grooming with sexuality. At the end of the day they are gentlemen and they are ladies. The term can be a little misleading. During the Renaissance in 1930-1920 they were considered ladies and gentleman, not “metrosexual”. There are certain standards that males can interchange, but nothing has to do with gender. Insight: What is the look of the season for men and women? Rhaney: Hollywood sets the trend for what people want to follow. Those who don’t have a sense of self turn to Hollywood. Movie celebrities set the tone for what images are popular, and some males may follow, while others won’t. Insight: What makes your salon so unique and stand out from the rest? Rhaney: I would define that by passion, commitment, intelligence, and efficiency. Can’t get enough of 2B Groomed and want to see what they could do for you? Check out their website, Twitter @2BGroomed, and their Facebook page! December 2012•Insight 9




f you had an extra $100 million lying around, what would you do with it? Well, John A. Paulson, of New York City, decided to make officials at Central Park very happy by donating that amount to its Conservancy. To date, it is the largest single donation in the history of the park system, perhaps the nation. Paulson, a successful hedge fund manager with an estimated worth of $11 billion, had been a supporter of the conservatory in the past and gave the gift, partly, due to his attachment and memories of the park dating back to his childhood. But, what exactly happens to the money once it’s donated? Does it go to park workers or does it go into someone’s pocket? With all the corruption in the world, many feel it’s a fair question. In this case, half of the donation will go towards the park endowment, helping to finance maintenance of the park. The other half will pay for improvements around the park, including restoration of waterfalls, paths, and landscaping. With an annual operating budget of $46 million, it is safe to say the money will be put to good use.

Conversation Starters:

Insight Poll:

] In 1931, the book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was banned in Hunan, China because characters of the book were talking animals.

Which of the following items would you not be able to live without?

] According to the U.S. Census Bureau, birth rate world wide is 4.2 births per second. ] Average reading speed is 125 words per minute.

Cell phone Car


] Philematology is the scientific name for kissing.

Identification Card

] The word “toast” is a wish for good health. The phrase originated in ancient Rome


] In 2000, the average American ate 30 pounds of cheese. ] Flies are the only insects to have two wings, the other ones have four. ] The very first winner of the Superbowl was the Green Pay Packers back in 1967. 10 Insight•December 2012




Got any other suggestions? Let us know on our website (, email (, Facebook (My Insight Magazine) or Twitter (My Insight Magazine). And, vote for next month’s poll!




ince her internship in college, Sabrina Ram was advised to brand herself into the freelance world of public relations. She first started out doing PR work for a recording studio through the internship, and later parlayed them into her client for the class. This is when Ram decided it was time to open her own public relations company. “I originally started branding myself through my name only, but after doing some research and pulling in some aspects of my ethnic background, I created Blu Lotus Public Relations,” stated Ram. Ram’s love for the entertainment industry is what first pushed her into creating her company. She believes that as long as great musicians and start-up businesses get access to the proper and affordable public relations company then they would make their mark on the world. “If these great artists had access to the same resources, we can evolve the music industry and give great music the attention it deserves,” and that is exactly what Blu Lotus Public Relations is all about. There are many different public relations companies out there. However, Blu Lotus specifically focuses on the entertainment industry. There are many industry skills and experiences that make their PR Company stand out that much more among other PR companies. Blu Lotus firmly believes that by helping their clients build their brand, they are also helping Philadelphia as an entertainment destination. Ram has many goals for Blu Lotus; as she goes to watch her company grow over the next five years. Since the industry is constantly changing, Ram went back to school to obtain her master’s degree. However, she does have a main goal for her company, which is to work with those who truly want to be part of something bigger and better! To connect with Blu Lotus Public Relations find them on Facebook at, or Twitter, @BluLotusPR. Sabrina Ram with musician Kwamé.

December 2012•Insight 11

5 Reasons

Why The World Will NOT End on



f you haven’t heard already, the world is ending on December 21, 2012 at approximately 11:11, marking the end of the 5,125-year Mayan “Long Count” calendar. Apparently, the Mayans predicted that the world would end at the conclusion of this cycle and everyone should go out and party like it’s 1999. But, before you go and charge up all the credit cards, skip mortgage payments, and drink yourself into a stupor, there are five reasons why we can safely bet the world will not be ending on 12/21/2012. 1. The Mayans Didn’t Use Leap Years The great Julius Caesar is the father of the ‘leap year’ concept and didn’t introduce leap years until after the Mayan’s prediction. As a result, the world would’ve actually ended on December 21, 2011, according to Mayan projections. Congrats on surviving. 2. In the Christian Bible, God Says No One Knows In Matthew 24:36, Jesus is quoted as saying “No one knows the day or the hour”, speaking specifically to the date of the end of the world. Whether or not you believe in Jesus, this is another drop in the “we’re not going anywhere just yet” bucket. 3. Too Many Interpretations When there are too many interpretations of the same text, it is safe to say someone is wrong. Let’s hope that, in this case, whoever came up with the 12/21/2012 date is a little, or a lot, off. 4. Mayan Calendars Extend Past 2012 While the Mayan calendar does point to a completion of a calendar, there are various Mayan inscriptions mentioning future events that extend past the 12/21/2012 date. 5. The End of The World Has Come and Gone at Least 150 Times Remember back in 1997 when 39 members the Heaven’s Gate cult committed mass suicide ahead of the believed end of the world? That’s actually happened more than we know. The end of the world has been predicted over 150 times between the first century and today; it hasn’t happened yet. 12 Insight•December 2012

Lack of Sleep Each Night Holds Terrifying Health Concerns


hen we were younger, our parents would send us to bed so early and most of us hated it! However, there is a reason for that. Kids who get enough sleep are left feeling refreshed the next morning, less emotional, and are less impulsive. With each generation, sleep becomes less and less common, and with each generation controlling our emotions becomes tougher and tougher. Depriving kids even an hour of sleep each night impacts their behavior. Behavior and emotions are not the only things being affected by sleep for young kids. If a child does not get the proper amount of sleep, their growth may be reduced. Sleep is important not only for kids, but for adults too. Adults who do not get enough sleep can damage their cognitive thinking. Constantly depriving your self of sleep impacts your daily brain functions. Things such as memory and thinking are impaired by sleep deprivation. Long-term effect of sleep deprivation in animals has caused death. Kids and adults that do not get enough sleep have a chance of developing psychological disorders. The most common disorder that people develop is depression.




reat news; researchers have unveiled yet another reason for women to stop smoking. In a recent study conducted in the United Kingdom, researchers found that women who quit smoking earlier in life had less risk of dying from smoking related diseases. The study, published in the Lancet journal, looked at 1.3 million females between the ages of 50 to 65 and followed them for up to eight years. Researchers found that women who smoked cigarettes through their adult years had three times a greater risk of dying, as compared to nonsmokers AND to those women who quit smoking well before middle age. Also, the study found that women who quit smoking before the age of 40 avoided 90% of the increased risk of smoking related death; those stopping before the age of 30 avoided 97% of the added risk. Even cessation around the age of 50 avoids approximately 66% of the added risk. One may wonder why we are just finding this information out; researchers say it’s because this data has just been made available, as smoking among women only became popular in the 1960’s. As one of the main researchers, Rachel Huxley of the University of Minnesota, summed the results up, saying, “the main message is that quitting smoking works, and the sooner, the better.”

December 2012•Insight 13


Healthy Living

Is Indoor Tanning a True Cause of Skin Cancer?


t’s that time of the year! Most high school girls are beginning to think about prom and junior prom. Girls begin to pick out their dress, their dates, oh and of course join the tanning salon. But you might want to reconsider indoor tanning. Many studies link indoor tanning to skin cancer, and they are right. Some researchers would argue that there is not enough data to link indoor tanning to skin cancer, but the most recent in-depth research conducted concludes that there is enough proof to connect indoor tanning to skin cancer. There are different types of cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These cancers form in the higher layers of the skin, where as melanoma develops in the cells that create skin pigments. Melanoma is one of the most deadly forms of skin cancer. One in five Americans will be diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer over the course of their lifetime and an estimate of 2 million Americans will be diagnosed a year with it. Skin cancer is not only dangerous, but it’s also costly. Diagnosing and treating skin cancer can range between $1,200 and $2,100 for each case! Treatment for skin cancer is Medicare’s fifth-most costly cancer that they cover. It may have been a debate before whether or not indoor tanning is to blame for so many cases of skin cancer, but now it has been concluded that there is no debate. Indoor tanning increases the chances for young adults to develop skin cancer, especially those under the age of 25. So next time you are debating whether to join a tanning salon or not, consider your health and skin first!


Brings Hope for Incurable Blood Cancer


new study shows promise for curing a rare form of incurable blood cancer, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL). Researchers have developed a new technology that may help treat cancer by regulating cell function and binding to tumors without harming surrounding tissue, a common side effect of many tumor-fighting medications. The study, conducted by the University of Kentucky Cancer Nanotechnology Platform Partnership (Kentucky CNPP), is a part of an emerging field of RNA nanotechnology that involves creating cell structures, which can be manipulated to achieve desired effects, namely targeting cancer cells. These findings are groundbreaking, particularly for a form of cancer that is not widely researched, although there are over 3,000 new case of MCL in the United States each year. Researchers hope these new findings will ultimately lead to cures for this, and many other cancers, in the future. 14 Insight•December 2012





hances are, you know someone who has issues with alcohol. Now, doctors have zeroed in on a drug, Naltrexone, which has been showing measurable results for helping people overcome cravings for alcohol, particularly in combination with cognitive therapy visits. Widely available in Europe for over twenty years, Naltrexone works in much the same way nicotine patches work for smokers; it cuts the craving and interferes with the brain’s feeling of well-being that is associated with drinking. So far, users have reported marked improvement in their alcohol consumption, allowing for some level of control to fight the addiction. The drug does not come without risks. Doctor’s warn against a change in emphasis towards something just as destructive, such as smoking or poor nutrition. Other side effects include headache, anxiety, and stomach pain. With more than twelve million reported alcoholics in the United States alone, Naltrexone is a welcomed addition to the arsenal in the fight against alcoholism.



DRUG Helps Curb Alcohol Cravings

ver wonder why eating a plate of greens never seems to be enough? Well, a recent study published by the National Academy of Sciences argues that a diet consisting of only raw foods is not enough for the modern brain. The study found that our ancestors’ brains weren’t as large at one point, but with the discovery of the practice of cooking food, their brains grew. This growth required more energy to operate all of the brains neurons and intelligence factors. Also cooked food digests quicker, thus allowing for more rapid growth and faster brain function. But, what does this mean for the new ‘raw food diet’ craze, which emphasizes a plant-based diet? The new study found that the energy provided by a raw food diet pales in comparison to that of a cooked food diet. Researchers found that our species would have to eat approximately 9.3 hours a day of raw food in order to compensate for the lack of energy expended. Moreover, researchers believe that the brain and body would not have been as advanced if our ancestors stuck with a plant-based, raw food diet. So, the next time someone turns their nose up at your cooked food, just remind them that had it not been for cooked food, we may not have been here!

QUICK HEALTH TIP! There are nearly five nonillion bacteria on the planet! So wash your hands effectively!

December 2012•Insight 15

Entertainment & Media




to Go to the Movies in December

12/19—The Guilt Trip

As he is about to embark on a road trip, Andy (Seth Rogan) makes the mistake of stopping by his mom’s (Barbra Streisand) house, who guilts him into taking her along. From there on, we get 3,000 miles worth of antics and hilarity, culminating in one of those “feel good” messages about family. Given the holiday season and the fact that it is, after all, Barbra Streisand, this one is worth the watch.


12/21—This is 40

The self-proclaimed “sort of sequel to Knocked Up” teams up writer/ director/producer Judd Apatow with his ace cast: Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann. They feature as Pete and Debbie, the bickering and comical couple from Knocked Up. As they take on their fortieth year of life, we get to catch up with them and see how they are dealing with it all. At the end of the day, Judd Apatow delivers amazing comedies. You’ll leave laughing.

16 Insight•December 2012


12/21—On the Road

Based on the iconic novel by Jack Kerouac by the same name, the movie follows a young writer, Sal Paradise (Sam Riley) as his life is redefined by Dean Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund) and Marylou (Kristen Stewart). The three travel cross country, unpacking a story of freedom from conformity and conservatism. Along the way, they encounter an eclectic mix of people, played by fantastic actors like Viggo Mortensen, Kirsten Dunst, Tom Sturridge, Amy Adams, Alice Braga, and Elisabeth Moss.


12/25—Les Miserables

The beloved global stage sensation has been taken on by The King’s Speech’s Academy Award-winning director, Tom Hooper, and stars Hugh Jackman, Oscar winner Russel Crowe, Anne Hathaway, and Eddie Redmayne. We all know the story of Jean Valljean and we all know the beautiful music. For those who have seen Les Mis’ on the stage at some point in its 27th year, you will applaud its crossover into film. For those of you that haven’t seen the show, this is an exquisite way to be introduced to the story.


12/25—Django Unchained

Set in the South two years before the Civil War, Jamie Foxx stars as Django, a slave who teams up with German-born bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Academy Award-winner Christoph Waltz) – first for his freedom, later to seek out the south’s most wanted criminals and, ultimately, to rescue Django’s wife, Broomhilda (Kerry Washington). This leads Django and Schultz to Calvin Candie (Academy Award-nominee Leonardo Dicaprio), the proprietor of a plantation where slaves are groomed to battle each other for sport. Basically, Quentin Tarantino serves up an awesome story.





ourteen year old Modern Family star, Ariel Winter, spent the majority of November in the midst of a terrible custody battle — her own. It started back on October 3, 2012, when court papers were filed on behalf of Winter against her mother, alleging “ongoing physical abuse (slapping, hitting, pushing) and emotional abuse (vile name-calling, personal insults about minor and minor’s weight, attempts to ‘sexualize’ minor, deprivation of food, etc.) for an extended period of time.” Winter’s mother, Chrystal Workman, responded with her own filing in which she argued that the real reason her daughter went to court was because Workman attempted to break up her daughter and her older boyfriend. Other family members have come forward to discredit Workman’s response allegations, as has Winter herself. The timing of Workman’s testimony doesn’t add up: Workman claims that Ariel and her boyfriend had been together for about five or six months, caught them in bed together in September, but didn’t call the police until after she lost custody of Ariel. On November 20, 2012, the DCFS issued a damning report of Workman, concluding that she had indeed abused Winter and should be completely stripped of guardianship. Ultimately, the court decided to award permanent guardianship to Ariel’s sister, Shenelle Gray. Gray is 34 years old and married with two small children. Gray also reported a “volatile” relationship with her mother, Workman, when she was 16. DCFS removed Gray from Workman’s home at that time, based on similar allegations of abuse. Gray, thereafter, was placed in foster care until she aged out of the system. To battle Workman’s accusations that Gray is only after Winter’s money (Winter makes $75,000 a week on Modern Family), Gray requested that courts block everyone’s access to Winter’s bank accounts. Apparently, Workman is known as a “terror” of a stage mom by all those that have worked with Winter on different projects. Even the producers of Modern Family supposedly wanted her banned from the set over her treatment of Winter. One source told that “Chrystal would sit on set and watch Ariel like a hawk — and then berate her for her physical appearance, saying her ears were too big and she looked ugly in her clothes. She also blocked Ariel from eating anything but egg whites and raw veggies. [Her] obsession with Ariel’s diet was so extreme … crew members contrived a plan to ‘sneak’ the 14-year-old food (like grilled cheese sandwiches) when [Chrystal] wasn’t looking.” December 2012•Insight 17



t the end of last month, the voice of Elmo, Kevin Clash, resigned. Clash had been accused of statutory rape by a former lover, who is now 23. The Sesame Workshop said that the allegations were unfounded and the accuser then recanted, retitling what took place between he and Clash as an “adult consensual relationship.” It seemed that Elmo’s troubles were over. That is, until TMZ reported that Clash paid his accuser a settlement of $125,000 to recant his allegations. After the TMZ article came to light, the accuser confirmed that he was, in fact, pressured into recanting. The drama didn’t end there. TMZ further reported that a new lawsuit was filed by another accuser who claimed to have a relationship with Clash while he was still a minor. All the lawsuits and accusations have even led Clash to come out as a homosexual. He announced: “I have never been ashamed of this or tried to hide it, but felt it was a personal and private matter.” While there has been no definitive movement in the cases and Clash has denied committing the crimes alleged, Clash did resign. After his resignation, the Sesame Workshop released the following statement: “Sesame Workshop’s mission is to harness the educational power of media to help all children the world over reach their highest potential. Kevin Clash has helped us achieve that mission for 28 years, and none of us, especially Kevin, want anything to divert our attention from our focus on serving as a leading educational organization. Unfortunately, the controversy surrounding Kevin’s personal life has become a distraction that none of us want, and he has concluded that he can no longer be effective in his job and has resigned from Sesame Street.” 18 Insight•December 2012



omeone else may well have sung some of the most famous and popular songs over the years! Before they fell into the hands of those that brought it to our ears, many songs were actually intended for other artists! “The Long and Winding Road” by the Beatles was originally written by Paul McCartney for Tom Jones. ”Milkshake,” ultimately recorded by Kelis, was originally offered to Britney Spears. Lady Gaga wrote her well known song, “Telephone,” for Britney Spears, but Spears rejected it. Pop song, “The Wind Blows,” by the All-American Rejects was originally written for, and ultimately rejected by, Gwen Stefani. Rihanna’s hit “Umbrella” made its way through both Britney Spears and Mary J. Blige before finally ending up in Rihanna’s lap. Britney Spears’ “Toxic” only made it to her because it was rejected by Kylie Minogue.

1 2 3 4 5 6


Battle of the Brains


study performed by a psychometric testing company, Onetest, in Austrialia found that “while LinkedIn is often thought to be the tool of professionals, those who preferred Twitter were also those with the highest cognitive abilities.” Although Facebook remains the preferred social platform, the 4% of users that did prefer Twitter did show higher cognitive capabilities. Cherie Curtis, involved with the study, explained, “to really engage with Twitter requires lateral thinking and attention. It’s an ever changing, information sharing platform and does require a greater degree of attention, concentration and the ability to retain, organize and apply information. Users have to drill complex thought into 140 characters or fewer, which requires problem solving skills and clarity of thought.”

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December 2012•Insight 19

Eat Good Food:



ver the past decade, more and more people have opted out of eating meat. Some settle on vegetarianism while others find more benefits in veganism. Cities like New York and L.A. accommodate these choices impressively, with wide availability of options like vegan markets and restaurants. Philadelphia seems to be slowly catching the bug too. Nicole Marquis, the owner, has taken up the cause and has opened the vegan restaurant, HipCityVeg. Now, we get a chance to “jump on the bandwagon,” so to speak and learn more about veganism and why we all may just be missing out! Insight: Hi HipCityVeg! First, let’s clear some things up for those that may not know. What exactly is veganism? What does it mean to be a vegan? Nicole: Veganism may mean different things to different people, but at a minimum, vegans abstain from all foods of animal origin. We differ from vegetarians in that we don’t eat dairy products or even honey. HipCityVeg is 100% plant based, but most people just love our food because it tastes better. Insight: Why do you think most people become vegans? Why would you recommend a vegan lifestyle? Are there any health benefits? Nicole: I first adopted a plant based diet because it is clearly more healthy. But many people start with compassion for living things and then act accordingly, with the same result. Veganism for me is a holistic lifestyle — it takes into consideration not only my health but the environment and all living things. But don’t come to HipCityVeg for philosophy, come because you want the best tasting food you can find anywhere. Insight: What do you think about so called “vegan manifestos” like “Skinny Bitch.” Do you think they really capture the rationale behind veganism? Nicole: I’m not familiar with that book. I would recommend “Eat to Live” or “The China Study”. If you want to consider the moral implications, pick up “Animal Liberation”. A book titled “Mad Cowboy” opened my eyes to the environmental devastation caused by factory farming. But you don’t need any of that to know that HipCityVeg just tastes better, period. Insight: What do you think is the most common misconceptions about those who are vegan and veganism in general? Nicole: The biggest misconception is that you need to eat meat and dairy to be healthy, when the opposite is true. The meat and dairy industries spend millions on PR and lobbying government to promote their products. Insight: Tell us a bit more about yourself! Who are you? What made you become a vegan? Nicole: I’m 30 years old and I grew up in the Philadelphia area. My story is really simple. Over a period of years I stopped eating meat, and then dairy, in order to be healthier and feel better. It worked! Then once I realized the devastating truths about factory farming there was no turning back. After I witnessed my parents health transform

20 Insight•December 2012

when they adopted a vegan lifestyle my passion to share what I learned with the world grew into a complete obsession and that’s when I decided to open HipCityVeg. I’m so grateful for all the books, documentaries and people that helped me understand that what I eat affects not only my health, but also the environment and all living things. Insight: What about your restaurant? What inspired that? Nicole: Eventually it became my mission to show that people will choose plant based foods because they actually taste better. The flavors are more vibrant and complex, which is not surprising, since they are not covered in a blanket of animal fat. HipCityVeg takes the traditional fast food concept that people are familiar with, but does it fresh and 100% plant based for added flavor. Insight: What is your restaurant like? What type of food options is available to your patrons? Nicole: Our current restaurant at 127 S. 18th St. in the Rittenhouse Square section of central Philadelphia is small, mostly take out and delivery, although you can usually find a cozy table. We have sandwiches, wraps, fries, salads, healthy drinks and delicious vegan deserts. Try us! Insight: What is your favorite served dish? Basically, what would you recommend when we come to visit?! Nicole: Our best selling sandwich is the Crispy HipCity Ranch. Our sweet potato fries with cilantro black bean dip is out of this world. Our signature green smoothie “The Groothie” is perhaps the healthiest food of any type anywhere. You should drink one every day!

December 2012•Insight 21




ow that Hostess is going out of business and Twinkies will forever be removed from supermarket shelves, we must all learn to cope. Instead of crying (or to follow up on the crying), take action and . . . make your own Twinkies! We’ve snagged you a recipe so eat and be happy, folks! Ingredients for the Cake: Nonstick spray • 4 egg whites • one 16-ounce box golden pound cake mix • 2/3 cup water Ingredients for the Filling: 2 teaspoons very hot water • ¼ teaspoon salt • 2 cups marshmallow créme (one 7-ounce jar) • ½ cup shortening • 1/3 cup powdered sugar • ½ teaspoon vanilla Instructions: 1 Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. 2 Fold each piece of aluminum foil in half twice. Wrap the folded foil around the spice bottle to create a mold. 3 Leave the top of the mold open for pouring in the batter. Make ten of these molds and arrange them on a cookie sheet or in a shallow pan. Grease the inside of each mold with a light coating of nonstick spray. Disregard the directions on the box of cake mix. Instead, beat the egg whites until stiff. In a separate bowl, combine cake mix with water and beat until thoroughly blended (about 2 minutes). Fold egg whites into the cake batter and slowly combine until completely mixed. 4 Pour the batter into the molds, filling each one about ¾ of an inch. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until the cake is golden brown and a toothpick stuck in the center comes out clean. 5 For the filling, combine the sale with the hot water in a small bowl and stir until salt is dissolved. Let this mixture cool. 6 Combine the marshmallow crème, shortening, powdered sugar, and vanilla in a medium bowl and mix well with an electric mixer on high speed until fluffy. 7 Add the sale solution to the filling mixture and combine. 8 When the cakes are done and cooled use a skewer or chopstick to make three holes in the bottom of each one. Move the stick around inside of each cake to create space for the filling. 9 Using a cake decorator or pastry bag, inject each cake with filling through all three holes. This recipe serves 10. 22 Insight•December 2012


he over thirty percent obesity rate of the U.S. adult population may soon take its toll at airports. Many airlines say they’ve struggled to find ways to accommodate heavier passengers. Some airlines are considering a “weight charge” that would work just like extra charges for amenities like meals, overweight baggage and upgrades. Many passengers, however, call this idea embarrassing and discriminatory. A standard economy seat is 17 inches wide. Passengers that cannot fit properly into the seats pose a safety risk — both to themselves and other passengers — in the case of emergency. Moreover, a passenger that is invading his neighbor’s seat makes quite the uncomfortable flight. Currently, numerous airlines adhere to “passenger of size” regulations that require overweight passengers to buy a second seat or, sometimes, restrict passengers from boarding. Many argue that the responsibility of fixing this problem should be on the airlines. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires that passengers are able to lower their armrests and sufficiently buckle and fasten their seatbelts. Some airlines provide passengers with belt extenders to elongate them, but not all carriers are this accommodating. And this past August, the FAA banned the use of personal extenders, fueling the fire of the ongoing debate over the rights of larger passengers. Slowly, airlines are developing policies to handle the situation.




ast month was the Victoria’s Secret fashion show and this month we get to see the amazing colors, hear the great music and, of course, watch the gorgeous models strut down the runway. In anticipation of seeing the whole shebang in motion, take a sneak peak at our favorite looks from the night!

Adriana Lima

Doutzen Kroes

Erin Heatherton

Constance Jablonski

Allessandra Ambrosio Miranda Kerr

Barbara Palvin

Karlie Kloss

Candice Swanepoel

Izabel Goulart December 2012•Insight 23

Best Gifts f or Him and Her Her:



he holiday season has fallen upon us, now comes the most stressful partof it all! It can sometimes be challenging to pick out a holiday gift for your partner, but Insight Magazine did the dirty work for you! We asked our readers their suggestions, as well as added a few of our favorites bringing you the top five gifts for him and her.



1. Jewelry. Everyone knows “diamonds are a girls best friend.” So surprise your sweetheart with her favorite piece of jewelry and watch that smile spread from ear to ear. —Lauren Kin, Philadelphia. 2. Spa Day. It has been a stressful and long year for everyone! Allow her to get pampered from head to toe with a massage, manicure, and pedicure. —Insight Magazines favorite pick! 3. Romantic Getaway. Treat her to a nice getaway for a weekend when you both have some time. Leave the kids with the babysitter, grab a bottle of your favorite champagne and go! 4. Accessories. No woman can have enough shoes or handbags in her closet! This holiday give her the shoes or handbag that she has been dying to get her hands on. 5. Electronics. Who ever said electronics were only for guys was lying! Girls love their toys just as much. Treat her to a new tablet, computer, or camera this holiday season.




4 24 Insight•December 2012


3 4

1. Sports Tickets. Most men have a favorite sport, so why not get him tickets to see that game that he has been dying to see of his favorite 2 sports team! —Ashley Romano, Philadelphia. 2. Electronics. We know, boys and their toys! Treat him to a new electronic device this holiday. The new iPhone 5 just came out, or how about an iPad! There has never been a better time to spoil him with a new toy. —Simon Brafman, Philadelphia. 3. Watch. It’s about time to update his watch collection! So treat him to a new 3 watch this holiday season. —Insight Magazines favorite pick! 4. Automobile Appliances. If your sweetheart is into cars, help him pimp out his baby… and by baby we mean car of course! 5. Clothes. Treat him to a matching pair of gloves and hat to keep him warm during the cold weather! Nothing is cuter than that!

Spa Review

Bellevue Nails


are I say it, I have found the best place for manicures and pedicures in the city! All women will attest to that, regardless of how great or terrible a salon’s reputation may be, finding a good mani/pedi location is a very personal selection. It doesn’t have to be the best, it just has to be “yours.” It could be great service you’re seeking, hot stones for your feet, or an awesome magazine selection while you’re drying your nails. Everyone has got their “thing.” Well, I have found mine and I now offer it to you, with my highest recommendations! Bellevue Nails, on thirteenth and Locust, is where you absolutely need to take your hands and feet, ladies. I stumbled upon it by accident one Saturday afternoon, browsing all the nooks and crannies around my house. As I passed by, I figured I could use a mani/pedi and I may as well try somewhere new. I walked in with no appointment - just fingers crossed that they’d have space for at least a manicure. I was met with the widest smile and a little bow. Two seconds later I was sitting in a pedicure chair getting my feet soaked and my back massaged. And, this was on a Saturday! It was, without a doubt, the best pedicure I ever got! Not only did my toes look adorable, but a 15 minute massage and hot stone rub was included in the pedicure! Now, I can technically do my nails at home; we all can. We go to the salon for the relaxation of it all, the “beautification process.” That’s exactly what this pedicure was pure bliss. And the manicure was just as lovely. All of the tools used on me were sterilized, the staff was friendly, the nail technicians were extremely well trained, and the vibe of the place was inviting. I’ve come here a million times since that first wonderful experience, and I love it more and more each time. It is my duty to not only say thank you to Bellevue Nails here, but to pass it along to all of you. Do your nails a favor and come to Bellevue Nails! Bellevue Nails. 207 South 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19107. (215) 546-1520. —Insight Staff recommended! December 2012•Insight 25

Sports & Athletics



he long-standing assumption that athletes live longer than non-athletes is now being disputed. A recent study examined the hearts of cyclists who participated in the Tour de France. Researchers found that athletes who intensely train over a long period of time have a chance of developing fibrosis; this is scaring of the heart. Nonetheless, this study competes with others indicating that, although the strain of intense athletic training creates great health risk factors for athletes, they still are living longer. This may be attributed to the fact that , despite the strain, athletes are generally in good health and have the bodily strength to fight off various diseases. So, intense athletic training seems to be a toss-up. Given the “mixed reviews,” so to speak, you’ll find that most doctors will give similar advice: While it is important to exercise, it is just as important to not push beyond what your body requires. And, everyone’s bodies require different amounts of exercise. For instance, people with diabetes should certainly not train as much and hard as athletes. So, before we all set goals to have an athlete’s body or an athlete’s life THE LUXURY LIFESTYLE span, let’s weigh the risks and opt A dedication to fulfilling my clients’ wishes and a passion for the for a balanced approach to health Philadelphia landscape give me an edge in the world of real estate that and exercise. places my clients second-to-none. So please allow me to fulfill your real estate dreams, as well as the opportunity to go above and beyond to exceed your expectations. Jason Kravitz Realtor Licensed in PA & NJ Fluent in English and Russian 226 West Rittenhouse Square #102, Philadelphia, PA 19103 O.215-735-2225|C.267-324-4141|

26 Insight•December 2012

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Flyers Hockey Schedule

12/4 vs. Lightning, 7:30 pm 12/6 vs. Sharks, 7:00 pm 12/8 vs. Islanders, 1:00 pm 12/9 vs. Islanders, 7:00 pm 12/11 vs. Devils, 7:00 pm 12/13 vs. Capitals, 7:00 pm 12/15 vs. Hurricanes, 1:00 pm 12/19 vs. Devils, 7:30 pm 12/21 vs. Devils, 7:00 pm 12/23 vs. Senators, 1:00 pm 12/27 vs. Predators, 8:00 pm 12/29 vs. Blues, 8:00 pm 12/31 vs. Coyotes, 9:00 pm

Sixesrs Basketball Schedule

Eagles Football Schedule 12/2 vs. Dallas 8:20 pm 12/9 vs. Cincinnati 8:20 pm 12/23 vs. Washington 1 pm

Think you know who will win? Email or Facebook message us with your information and guesses. Right answers get a point towards our annual prize (see Editors Desk for more detail).

12/1 vs. Chicago 8:00 pm 12/4 vs Minnesota 7:00 pm 12/07 vs. Boston 7:00 pm 12/8 vs. Boston 7:30 pm 12/10 vs. Detroit 7:00 pm 12/12 vs. Chicago 7:30 pm 12/14 vs. Indiana 7:00 pm 12/16 vs. L.A. Lakers 6:00 pm 12/18 vs. Dallas 8:30 pm 12/19 vs. Houston 8:00 pm 12/21 vs. Atlanta 7:00 pm 12/23 vs. Brooklyn 3:00 pm 12/26 vs. Memphis 8:00 pm 12/28 vs. Golden State 10:30 pm 12/29 vs. Portland 10:00 pm




hoever said that sports are only for the youngsters was wrong. Turns out, sports are simply for those who are young at heart! Such is the case with the Philadelphia Senior’s Baseball Team. This team of players, dubbed “The Grandfathers of Summer” and “The Gray Warriors”, is made up of six players who are all 70 years old or over and made it into the quarterfinals of the 70+ Men’s Baseball League World Series. Unfortunately however, they did not win. This proves that life never has to stop simply because someone reaches a certain age bracket. Playing sports at such an age may give the players a sense of belonging and value to their community. It also increases the seniors’ physical activity rates, which could ultimately lead to them living longer and healthier lives. Research has shown that staying active as you get older lowers your risk of heart disease, heart attack, lowers blood pressure, and helps controls diabetes. Even moderate physical activity certainly helps maintain a stronger and healthier heart, leaving the players happy and strong. Always remember, it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself and even light exercise is better than nothing!

December 2012•Insight 27



team of neuroscientists have proposed a new and possibly groundbreaking way of obtaining a neuronal connectivity map of the whole brain of mice. This new method will be called BIONIC. The goal of this study is to produce a comprehensive account of neural connectivity by methods that are much simpler than the ones currently used. Presently, the only method for obtaining neural connectivity with high accuracy comes by examining each cell-to-cell contact, (otherwise known as a synapse), individually by using an electron microscope. However, there are disadvantages to the old process such as it being expensive, slow, and requiring a heavy amount of labor. Professor Anthony Zador, Ph.D, the team leader for this study at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory says that this new method will be able “to provide immediate insight into the computations that a circuit performs”. At this time, most neural computations are not very well understood at such a level of accuracy, mostly due to the fact that detailed circuit information is not yet available for mammals. This has left many scientific teams within the U.S attempting to develop methods which would allow them to map out connections within the mammalian brain.

Your Eyes Tell More Than Eye Color


he next time you are scheduled for an eye exam, you may want to go for more than the benefit of healthy eyes. Scientists have now found that simple, inexpensive eye scans can determine how healthy the brain is as well. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have discovered that eye scans can be used as a tool to learn more about Multiple Sclerosis (MS), its progression, as well as nerve damage and brain atrophy. This is done by measuring the thickness or swelling of the retina, which correlates to inflammation in the brain, giving doctors insight into disease progression, as well as improving patient care. With roughly 400,000 Americans living with MS, this is encouraging and welcomed news. 28 Insight•December 2012

©Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York.

Science & Technology




here are over 285 million people who are visually impaired around the world and a breakthrough in cell phone technology seeks to make their lives a little easier. Qualcomm, a telecom company, and Project Ray, a company that develops technology for the blind, have partnered up to offer a mobile touch screen, off-the-shelf smartphone. The new phone, funded through Qualcomm’s wireless Reach Program, which serves underserved communities, will combine all of the much needed technology in one place, including audio-book readers, Braille labels, and barcode scanners. It will also be equipped with technology to identify paper currency, navigate streets and read text messages out loud. The phone’s main operations will occur through built-in vibration and voice prompts, which will provide user feedback. Users will also be able to navigate the phone using simple finger movements, which the phone will record and adapt to the user behavior. Before the phone’s release to the public, the partnership will provide the device for free to 100 visually impaired individuals through the Central Library for the Blind in Israel. Users will also be able to download the library’s reading materials through the phone, including audio books, magazines, and periodicals.

TECHNOLOGY FACT: The “magnetic strip” on the back of your credit card is actually not magnetic at all! The strip is made of injection-molded plastic, and stores information in series of tiny bumps and valleys.

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Career & Finance


INSURANCE: To Buy Or Not To Buy?


ou’ve seen the commercials before imploring the public to purchase life insurance; some of the offerings seem too good to be true. Many Americans believe that simply saving money on their own will suffice; we, at Insight Magazine, want to help you make the right choice. There are two main types of life insurance: term and whole life insurance. Term life insurance is life coverage only, pays the face amount of the policy to the named beneficiary, and can be purchased for periods of one to thirty years. Whole life insurance combines term life insurance with an investment component, in the form of money-market offerings or stocks, and cash value is available to borrow against, particularly once you reach retirement. Most financial experts agree that term life insurance is the better option for most people, as whole life insurance tends to be expensive, especially once high investment fees and commissions are tacked on. Moreover, there is no investment safety net, as there is no guarantee on what the investment return will be. Another point to consider when deciding to obtain life insurance is the credit worthiness of the insurance companies. After all, you want them to make good on their promise to pay. Also, in terms of deciding between your own savings and a life insurance policy, you should take a close look at the potential payout. If you believe you can save more than the life insurance payout, then saving money in an account may be the right move for you. Bottom line: figure out what is right for you. Pay a visit to a financial planner and decide what the right recourse is; crunch the numbers and be empowered! 30 Insight•December 2012

Want To Raise a Future CEO? Pick the Right Birth Month!


it around any parent and eventually you will hear about their dreams for their children or future children. Whether it’s occupation, sports teams, or school choice, a parent’s ultimate goal is to provide a great environment for their child’s success. But what if you as a future parent, were able to increase your child’s chances of success by simply birthing them in the optimal month? A new study, published in the journal Economic Letters, found that the majority of Fortune 500 CEO’s were born in March, followed by April, November, January, and October. Approximately one-third fewer were born in June and July. But why? The researchers found those born between September and January were typically older than their classmates in grade school (due to traditional cut off dates) and therefore, assumed natural leadership roles and enriched learning opportunities. So if you’re planning to have a little future CEO, be sure you plan it correctly; after all, who doesn’t want a CEO in the family?!

6 Fastest Growing Careers in



hile most career fields took a hit in the recession, the health care industry was one of the few industries that continued to rise in numbers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates a twenty percent increase in jobs over the next few years in the healthcare industry. Here are the six fastest growing careers in healthcare: MEDICAL ASSISTANTS—Perform administrative and clinical tasks to keep medical offices running smoothly. Average salary: $24,610. PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS—Mastery level practitioners who practice medicine under the direction of physicians and surgeons. Average salary: $81,000. SURGICAL TECHNOLOGISTS—Assists in surgical operations under supervision of surgeons. Average salary: $34,010. RESPIRATORY THERAPISTS—Evaluate, treat, and care for patients with breathing disorders. Requires Associates Degree. Average Salary: $43,140. ATHLETIC TRAINERS—Help prevent and treat injuries for everyone from professional athletes to industrial workers. Requires Bachelor’s Degree. Average Salary: $33,940. MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES MANAGERS— Plans, directs, coordinates, and supervise delivery of health care. Requires Bachelor’s Degree. Average Salary: $ 67,430. December 2012•Insight 31

A Dose of Insight

By Angele D. Russell


am my aging mother’s guardian and most of her medical decisions are made by me. I’ve recently learned that my mom has a serious heart condition and she has only two possible avenues to go down. Either she has the surgery, which has a 50/50 chance of survival and is quite complicated or the doctor says she will likely only have approximately a year to live. The decision falls on me. I have absolutely no idea what the right decision is and I am terrified of taking responsibility for the fact that I may well make the wrong decision. If I say no to the surgery she will only have a year left. If I say yes to the surgery, she may die in the midst of the operation, and then I’ll feel I’ve robbed her of that year. What should I do? ✽ You are right: this is a very tough decision and I definitely sympathize with you. As someone who served as a guardian for an ailing parent, I understand what you are going through. During the time I took care of my mother, I received a great piece of advice: “Do everything you can for your parent, so you won’t regret anything when

she leaves the Earth.” With that said, my advice to you is to get a second opinion, discussing your mother’s case with another medical center to be sure you are well informed. Once that is done, you may have more clarity on the decision to make. Good luck!



was in a car accident last year. I’m physically fine, but, ever since, I’ve had a crippling fear of driving. I just can’t do it. I live in the suburbs and I need the car to get around. People are growing tired of transporting me everywhere and I’m getting tired of asking. But, I can’t bring myself to drive out on my own. I’ve tried, it just doesn’t work. I’ve considered seeking professional help for my “anxiety,” I guess you’d call it. Is that the right decision? What do you suggest? ✽ You are definitely on the right track. I am such a big fan of therapy. There is such a strong mind-body connection and therapy may help ease the understandable anxiety you experience when getting behind the wheel. My advice is to 32 Insight•December 2012

seek therapy as soon as possible to discuss your anxiety. You may find that therapy alone works or that therapy, in combination with anti-anxiety medication, works as well. You won’t know until you try so, give it a shot! Good luck!


am in the middle of my college years and I hear from my friends, recent graduates, of all their crushing student loan debt. It is TERRIFYING to hear it all and know that my debt is mounting as I’m listening to them talk about theirs. Part of me thinks to drop out and just get a job and build a career without a college degree. I’ve heard reports saying that it’s not as necessary in this day and age. What’s the benefit of a degree when I’m buried under debt? What should I do? ✽ You are right about one thing: student loan debt can be crippling, especially when you don’t have any financial assistance otherwise. My advice to you is to evaluate why you are in college and compose a plan, perhaps with a college advisor, for post-graduation. Doing this may reduce your anxiety about investing in your education and

you can make plans to perhaps work and attend school, so you don’t have to borrow as much. Also, be sure you are performing well in school, as many academic departments offer scholarships to their top performers. If you aren’t performing well, then I would definitely take a step back and re-evaluate your path. Good luck!


’m an introvert — shy I guess. I get all my work done well, but I’m not a “pitbull” in the office. That is why I’m having some difficulty now that my boss has moved me up to a managerial position and I have to tell people what to do. I have trouble with that, as I don’t feel I’m good with critiquing people on their jobs or commanding them. I don’t want to disappoint my boss, but these are the elements of my new position I don’t feel comfortable with I suppose I should suck it up and find a way to do it in a way that suits my personality, right? ✽ Yes; your best option is to find a way to manage that suits your personality. Some of my best bosses have not been the stereotypical “pitbulls,” but found a way to delegate and manage effectively in their own way. My advice is for you to attend some leadership classes or institutes/

conferences; in these venues, you may be exposed to other leadership styles that fit your personality better. At the end of the day, you are paid to do a good job and should invest the time to be great at it; you never know, your job may even pay for it. Good luck! December 2012•Insight 33


Aries (March 21-April 20). Rather than trying to accomplish big projects that will change the direction of your life, try to change minor details on a day to day basis to improve your life. Welcome each opportunity with open arms and be as optimistic as possible this month. Taurus (April 21st–May 21st). When considering readjusting your life, think about the future that lies ahead. Do not be impulsive with your decisions this month, as they can change your life completely. Gemini (May 22nd–June 21st). Spend personal time on your self this month. It is easy to burn all your energy out on others, but it is also important to save some for yourself. You will notice a change in your life on several fronts; this is a good time to begin planning your future projects. Cancer (June 22nd–July 22nd). This month you are put to what may be a very challenging project. Others might view you as bossy; remember it is better to be looked upon as bossy rather than indecisive and weak.

Libra (Sept. 23rd–Oct. 23rd). Your health is important to you and others, so before you decide to get into the holiday spirit consider making some revisions to your health. This will allow you to enjoy the holidays with more energy to use. Scorpio (Oct. 24th–Nov. 22nd). This month reconsider your finances. If you do not take the time to look at your financial future, you may miss great new opportunities coming your way. Sagittarius (Nov. 23rd–Dec. 21st). Your main focus this month should be relationships. Whether it is with a current spouse or someone new you have eyes on, it may be time to move to the next level with them. Capricorn (Dec. 22nd–Jan. 20th). You begin this month with great energy, but that may come to an end! Watch out for the speed bumps that may arise as you continue into the month. But don’t worry and try to keep your spirits as lifted as possible for the holiday season, it will get better!

Leo (July 23rd–August 23rd). If you are feeling under the weather this month, try to stack up your schedule with social events. This will surely rise your spirits high, but do not spread too much joy so you do not spread too thin.

Aquarius (Jan. 21st–Feb. 18th). Unhappiness has slowly crept into your life. This month change it by looking deep inside your soul and find out the root of the problems. Lift your spirits high by finding ways to change your life around.

Virgo (August 24th–Sept. 22nd). When accepting something from someone else, do not settle for anything less than you deserve! Keep it in the back of your head that you deserve beyond what is being presented in front of you and do not make decisions too quickly.

Pisces (Feb. 19th–March 20th). Obstacles will always come up to knock you down, especially this month. However, pick your self back up and continue traveling on your journey. You are almost near the end!

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