Visual Order
Myles Thompson
Figure/Ground Similarity Proximity Closure Continuance Translation Rotation Reflection Glide/Reflection Dilation Symmetric balance Asymmetric balance Ambiguous balance Neutral balance *All Photos taken by Myles Thompson
FIGURE GROUND Figures show the ability to percept and distinguish figure from background.
S I M I LA R I T Y Objects with similar attributes such as, shape, size, and or color..
PROXIMITY Objects near one another in space or time seen as belonging together or being related.
CLOSURE Incomplete figures, objects, or space perceived as a whole.
CONTINUATION Indulges the eye to move from one object to another throughout the composition.
TRANSLATI ON The linear movment of a figure form one equal point to another.
TTheRlinearAmovment N SofLa figure A TformI oneOequal Npoint to another.
ROTATION The pivotal moment of a figure by a degree.
REFLECTION The 180 degree rotaton over the middle axis.
G L I D E/R E F L E C T IO N The figure is reflected and shifted up or down over the middle axis.
DILATION The figure proceeds to get smaller or larger from the origin of the figure.
SYMMETRIC BALANCE Figures are evenly distributed on the central axis creating balance in the juxtaposition of the image
Figures are irregularly distributed on the central axis creating and irregular composition in the juxtaposition of the image.
Figures are seen as creating an unclear balance between the central axis.
Figures are seen as creating an random balance between the central axis creatating a ambiguous relationship composition.
速 Myles Thomposn 09/19/13 completed as a requirement for visual communication course in the graphic design program at the kansas city art institute. michael kidwell, assistant professor.
Visual r de Or