Big Ships Need Tugboats / The Tugboat Team Texas Lesson Plan

Page 1

Hojas para fotocopiar Palabras relacionadas con los remolcadores Recorta las siguientes tarjetas. Pégalas en una hoja en blanco y haz un dibujo que coincida con cada palabra.


barco grande


Barcos y remolcadores Necesitas: papel, pegamento, marcadores

Early reading stage

Qué hacer: 1. H az dos barcos de papel: uno grande y uno pequeño. 2. P ega los barcos en una hoja grande de papel azul. 3. A grega etiquetas y títulos a fin de mostrar cómo un remolcador puede ayudar a un barco grande a llegar al muelle.

Level F (10)

Por ejemplo:


de formá segura


muelle remolcador cuerda


se aferra


Lesson Plans

Tarjeta de actividades


Los grandes barcos necesitan remolcadores es un informe acerca de cómo los pequeños remolcadores guían a los grandes barcos que entran y salen de los muelles. Running words: 233 Text type: Report

En El equipo de remolcadores, tres pequeños viejos remolcadores descubren que, si trabajan en equipo, no son demasiado pequeños ni demasiado viejos para ayudar a los barcos grandes. Running words: 240 Text type: Narrative

High-frequency words

Key vocabulary

New: al desde mucho o viejo/ viejos otros cosas muy trabajar trabajan cuando

rodear regresar barco/barcos empujan empujó empujaron cerca acercarse muelle primer ayuda choque choquen se aferra partir encuentro tienen que necesitan defensas rocas cuerdas de forma segura mar segundo detenerse evita fuertes equipo tres tiempo remolcar remolcadores dos amarillas


• I dentifying the digraph “ch” – /t∫/ • Identifying the digraph “ll” – /ʎ/

barco grande El remolcador tira del barco grande con una cuerda. El remolcador empuja al barco grande con sus defensas.

Text features

Los grandes barcos necesitan remolcadores El equipo de remolcadores




Reading strategies

• L abeled photographs; diagrams • Repetitive pattern; diagrams • R eading diagrams to add meaning • Self-monitoring when reading

Correlations with State Standards Despegando hacia la lectura Lesson Plans Los grandes barcos necesitan remolcadores / El equipo de remolcadores © 2015-2017 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.

Evaluación ¿Puede el estudiante consultar el texto para encontrar información específica? ¿Puede el estudiante entender información basada en hechos que lee en el texto?

Despegando hacia la lectura Lesson Plans Los grandes barcos necesitan remolcadores / El equipo de remolcadores © 2015-2017 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.

Desarrollado por Eleanor Curtain Publishing

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educational publishing

Texto: Kerrie Shanahan y Lyn Reggett Consultora: Susan Hill Ilustrado por Bettina Guthridge Diseñado por Derek Schneider Impreso en China por Colorcraft Ltd, Hong Kong Distribuido en los EE. UU. por Okapi Educational Publishing Inc. Teléfono: 866-652-7436 Fax: 800-481-5499 Correo electrónico:

Reading literature 1.RL.5 Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types. Informational texts 1.RI.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. Foundational skills 1.RF.2c Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken single-syllable words.

Writing 1.W.3 Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure. Speaking and listening 1.SL.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. Language 1.L.4b Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Los grandes barcos necesitan remolcadores

Key concepts • L arge vehicles are difficult to maneuver in water. • When people cooperate and work as a team they achieve more than they could on their own.

Before reading

After reading

Getting ready to read

Talking about the book

Encourage students to activate their prior knowledge. Give each student a copy of the book Los grandes barcos necesitan remolcadores. Ask the students to look at the photograph on the cover. Ask: ¿A dónde creen que va el barco grande? ¿Por qué el pequeño barco podría estar cerca? ¿Alguna vez han visto barcos como estos? Explain that the little boat is called a tugboat. Ask: ¿Qué creen que hace un remolcador? List the students’ responses on the board.

Ask the students to talk about the book. Promote discussion by choosing questions that are appropriate for your students. Ask them to support their answers by referring to the photographs and the text in the book. ¿Cómo llegan los barcos grandes al muelle? (Literal) Cuando están en alta mar, ¿por qué los barcos grandes necesitan remolcadores? (Inferential) ¿Por qué son importantes los remolcadores? (Synthesizing) La autora, ¿cómo podría haber aprendido la información que usó para escribir este libro? (Critical)

Vocabulary building Looking at the picture on the cover, point out the rope that runs from the tugboat to the big ship, and the tugboat’s soft pads. Write the words “cuerda” and “defensas” on the board. Make a list of things that the tugboat would use the rope and soft pads for.

Introducing the book Say: En este libro, se explica por qué los barcos grandes necesitan remolcadores. Los remolcadores son pequeños, pero son muy fuertes y pueden ayudar a los barcos grandes a llegar de forma segura al muelle. Ask the students to talk about the book. Have them discuss what is happening in the photographs and introduce any challenging words (fuertes, equipo, muelle, defensas). Focus on the diagrams. Ask: ¿Qué nos indican estas imágenes? Point out the use of arrows and emphasis marks to indicate direction and movement.

During reading Ask each student to read the text independently. Monitor the students as they read and support them where appropriate. If necessary, ask the students to stop reading and remind them to use the reading strategies you are focused on. For example, are the students paying attention to the diagrams? Point to a diagram and ask: ¿Cómo se llama esta imagen? ¿Qué nos indica? Ask the students to explain the information in the diagram.

Reviewing reading strategies Encourage the students to identify what they did to help themselves as readers. Say: Menciona algunas de las cosas que hiciste que te ayudaron a entender este libro. Menciona algunas de las cosas que hiciste para ayudarte. If appropriate, comment on how well the students attended to the diagrams. Say: Intentabas entender las palabras mirando los diagramas.

Returning to the book

• Photographs and diagrams support the text. • Labeled photographs support the content vocabulary.

Key concepts • Large vehicles are difficult to maneuver in water. • When people cooperate and work as a team they achieve more than they could on their own.

Provide multiple opportunities for the students to read and interact with the book again – with teacher support, with a partner, and independently. Choose activities that are appropriate for your students.

Returning to the book Provide multiple opportunities for the students to read and interact with the book again – with teacher support, with a partner, and independently. Choose activities that are appropriate for your students.

Developing fluency

Developing fluency

Encourage the students to read the book again, adjusting their rate of reading so that the information is clear. Say: Hay que leer más despacio en algunas páginas para que la información sea clara.

Word work Phonemic awareness and phonics Invite the students to find words from the book that have the digraph “ch” – /t∫/ (e.g., mucho, choquen, choque). List the words on a chart according to where the / t∫/ sound occurs in them. Ask the students to tell you other words they know with this sound and add them to the chart.

Exploring words Ask the students to play word bingo with the word cards from the Blackline master (BLM). Provide two sets of cards (use different colored paper to differentiate the sets) and a bag. Divide one set evenly between the students, and place the second set in the bag. Have one student be the caller, taking one card at a time from the bag. If the word matches one in a student’s hand, the student turns that card over. The first student to turn all of his/her cards over wins.

Writing Modeled writing

Reading comprehension support

El equipo de remolcadores

Ask the students to talk about what they have learned about tugboats. Make a “datos acerca de los remolcadores” list. Invite the students to contribute using their knowledge of high-frequency words. For example, ask: ¿Quién puede escribir “son” en nuestra lista? Encourage students to identify sounds within words. For example, say: Necesitamos escribir la palabra “fuertes”. ¿Quién nos puede decir los sonidos que tiene la palabra “fuertes”? ¿Quién puede escribir esas letras en nuestra lista?

Independent writing Ask each student to make a labeled diagram that shows how tugboats help big ships.

Sharing and presenting Ask the students to share their diagrams with partners. Discuss the information shown on the diagrams.

Before reading

After reading

Ask the students to read the book again, making sure that they make their voices sound like each of the characters. Say: El primer pequeño remolcador dice que es demasiado viejo. Hagan que sus voces suenen de la forma en la que sonaría su voz.

Getting ready to read

Talking about the book

Word work

Encourage students to activate their prior knowledge. Review the book Los grandes barcos necesitan remolcadores. Ask: Trabajar en equipo, ¿cómo ayuda a los remolcadores a hacer su trabajo? ¿Cuándo trabajan en equipo? Trabajar en equipo, ¿cómo facilita hacer las cosas? ¿Qué tienen que hacer para asegurarse de que su equipo trabaja en conjunto?

Vocabulary building Show the students the cover of El equipo de remolcadores. Ask them to think of words that they think will be in this book. Compile these words into a list.

Introducing the book Give each student a copy of the book El equipo de remolcadores. Say: En este libro, se narra la historia de dos remolcadores que pensaban que eran demasiado viejos o demasiado pequeños para ayudar a un barco grande a llegar al muelle. Sin embargo, había un tercer remolcador que no estaba de acuerdo. Dijo que, si trabajaban en equipo, podrían ayudar a los barcos grandes. Ask the students to talk about the book. Provide support for any challenging words or concepts.

During reading Ask each student to read the text independently. Monitor the students as they read and support them where appropriate. If necessary, ask the students to stop reading and remind them to use the reading strategies you are focused on. For example, check that the students are monitoring their own reading. As the students pause or correct an error, ask: ¿Qué notaste? ¿Cómo sabías que esa palabra era incorrecta? Support students by saying: Leíste “_______”. ¿Es correcto?

Ask the students to talk about the book. Promote discussion by choosing questions that are appropriate for your students. Ask them to support their answers by referring to the illustrations and the text in the book. ¿Por qué el remolcador dijo que no podía ayudar al barco grande? (Literal) ¿Por qué el primer remolcador y el segundo remolcador cambiaron de opinión respecto de que eran demasiado viejos o demasiado pequeños? (Inferential) ¿Cómo ayuda el trabajar en equipo a hacer el trabajo? (Synthesizing) ¿Los equipos son siempre la mejor manera de hacer el trabajo? ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué no? (Critical)

Phonemic awareness and phonics

Reviewing reading strategies


Encourage the students to identify what they did to help themselves as readers. If appropriate, comment on how well the students monitored themselves.

Reading comprehension support • Illustrations are clear and support the storyline. • Title reflects the plot of the story. • Predictable pattern to story.

Invite the students to find words from the book that have the digraph “ll” – /ʎ/ (e.g. muelle, amarillas). List the words on a chart. Ask the students to look for and list other words with this digraph. Provide dictionaries and other familiar books to support this exercise.

Exploring words Cut up the cards from the BLM. Give the students the word cards and ask them to work with a partner to make the words with magnetic letters. One student could make the word with a letter missing (e.g. “m_r”), and the other student could supply the missing letter.

Modeled writing Ask the students to talk about what the tugboats learned. Write these ideas on a chart. Invite the students to contribute using their knowledge of high-frequency words and sounds within words. For example, say: Necesitamos escribir la palabra “trabajar”. ¿Quién nos puede decir los sonidos que tiene la palabra “trabajar”? ¿Quién puede escribir esas letras en nuestro cuadro?

Independent writing Ask each student to pretend he/she is one of the tugboats and to write about what happened in the story from this point of view.

Sharing and presenting Share and discuss the students’ writing.

Synthesizing: Talk about the pair After the students have read both books, ask: ¿Qué aprendiste al leer estos libros? ¿Importa el tamaño? ¿Hay

momentos en los que es útil ser pequeño? Trabajar en equipo, ¿cómo ayuda a hacer el trabajo?

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