Lesson Plans
Activity card
Blackline master Put yourself in the picture
Make a space station
Draw yourself living in space. Write labels to show what you would need to stay alive.
Use construction materials (empty packaging, tin foil, colored paper, pipe cleaners, scissors, tape) to make a model of a space station.
Fluent reading stage Level M (28)
Use the space below to draw a plan of your model.
Living in Space is a report about living in space. It includes information on how astronauts eat, sleep, use water, and work in space.
Space Camp is a narrative about Mark, a boy who goes to a space camp. The first activity there involves going deep underwater – something Mark just can’t do. Mark feels like a failure until his friend has an accident that helps him overcome his fear – very quickly!
Running words: 691 Text type: Report
Running words: 832 Text type: Narrative
Content vocabulary
air astronauts Earth equipment experiments float gravity International Space Station microgravity pods recycled space space camp space shuttle space station space suits
• I dentifying “ear” making the /er/ sound as in earth, earthquake, learning • Identifying “ui” making the /i/ sound as in build
Text features Living in Space
• Contents page; chapters; headings; sub-headings • Fact boxes; glossary
Space Camp
• Contents page with chapter headings • Dialogue
Reading strategies
• Using a range of strategies to problem solve • Reading dialogue, reflecting understanding of the characters and events
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Assessment Can the student understand the information in the text? Can the student show what he/she has learned through drawing and labeling?
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans Living in Space / Space Camp © 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans Living in Space / Space Camp © 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. © 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. This work is protected by copyright law, and under international copyright conventions, applicable in the jurisdictions in which it is published. The trademark “Flying Start to Literacy” and Star device is a registered trademark of EC Licensing Pty Ltd in the US. In addition to certain rights under applicable copyright law to copy parts of this work, the purchaser may make copies of those sections of this work displaying the footnote: “© 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd”, provided that: (a) the number of copies made does not exceed the number reasonably required by the purchaser for its teaching purposes; (b) those copies are only made by means of photocopying and are not further copied or stored or transmitted by any means; (c) those copies are not sold, hired, lent or offered for sale, hire or loan; and (d) every copy made clearly shows the footnote copyright notice. All other rights reserved.
Developed by Eleanor Curtain Publishing
okapi educational publishing
Text: Kerrie Shanahan and Lyn Reggett Consultants: Susan Hill and Jenny Feely Designed by Derek Schneider Printed in China through Colorcraft Ltd., Hong Kong Distributed in the USA by Okapi Educational Publishing Inc. Phone: 866-652-7436 Fax: 800-481-5499 Email: info@myokapi.com www.myokapi.com www.flying-start-to-literacy.com
Phonics 3(2) (A) (ii) Decoding multisyllabic words with closed syllables. 3(2) (A) (vii) Identifying and reading high-frequency words from a research-based list. Reading 3(6) (B) Generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information. 3(6) (I) Monitor comprehension and make adjustments when understanding breaks down. 3(9) (D) (ii) Recognize characteristics and structures of informational text, including features such as sections, tables, graphs, timelines, bullets, numbers, and bold and italicized font to support understanding.
Writing 3(12) (C) Compose argumentative texts using genre characteristics and craft. Speaking and Listening 3(10) (C) Explain the author’s use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes.
Lesson 1 Living in Space
Lesson 2 Space Camp
Key concepts • L iving in space is different from living on Earth. • P eople living in space need to make adjustments so they can live there safely.
Returning to the book Provide multiple opportunities for the students to reread and interact with the book – with teacher support, with a partner, and independently. Choose activities that are appropriate for your students.
After reading
Getting ready to read
Talking about the book
Word work
Support the students in activating their prior knowledge. Ask students to work with a partner and brainstorm a list of things they know about space and what it might be like to live there. Invite students to share their ideas. If necessary, support the students by talking about living in space. You could say: In space, it is cold and dark. There is no air, no water, and very little gravity. Gravity is the force that keeps us on the ground. People called astronauts are able to go up into space and live there. How do you think they survive in space? What things would you like to find out about living in space? Make a list of questions.
Have the students talk about the book. Promote discussion by choosing questions that are appropriate for your students. Ask them to support their thinking by referring to the photographs and the text in the book. Why do people float around in space? What sort of food do people eat in space? (Literal) Why do people only stay in space for a few months at a time? (Inferential) How is living in space similar to the way we live on Earth? In what ways is it different? (Synthesizing) Do you think it is important for people to continue to learn more about living in space? Why? (Critical) Students could return to the lists they made during the Getting ready to read section. They could add any new information they now have, and delete or adjust any information that might be incorrect.
Vocabulary building Show students the photographs in the book, page by page. Ask: What words do you predict will be in this book? Make a list.
Introducing the book Give each student a copy of Living in Space and have them read the title. Ask: What are you expecting to read about in this book? Ask the students how they could prepare to read the book (e.g. read the contents page and turn the pages, looking at the photographs). Ask: What do you now know about the information you will be reading?
During reading Ask each student to read the text independently. Monitor the students as they read and support them where appropriate. If necessary, ask the students to stop reading and remind them to use the reading strategies you are focused on. For example, are the students using a range of problem-solving strategies when they are reading new text? Do they search the page? Do they read on to find what would make sense? Ask: Where else on the page could you look for help in understanding the information?
Reviewing reading strategies Encourage students to identify what they did to help themselves as readers. Ask: What are some of the things you did to help yourself? Can you find a place where you did some problem solving? If appropriate, comment on how flexible the students are as problem solvers. Say: I noticed that you knew to problem solve in a variety of ways.
ELL support • Chapter headings signal content. • Text boxes provide additional information. • Glossary explains the content vocabulary.
• Living in space is different from living on Earth. • People living in space need to make adjustments so they can live there safely.
Developing fluency Small groups of students could read the book as if they were reading a news report. They could practice their reading and prepare any props needed (a cardboard tube for a microphone, organize a desk, etc). They could then present their reading to another group of students.
Before reading
Key concepts
Phonics Students could work with a partner to brainstorm a list of words with the /er/ sound. Give students a two-minute time limit. Use these lists to create a group list. Underline the letters in each word that make the /er/ sound. If not already there, add the words earth and learning to the lists. Focus on these words and say: What is different about the /er/ sound in these words? Point out that “ear” is not a common way to represent the /er/ sound.
Exploring words Write the content vocabulary from the book onto blank cards. Talk about the meaning of each word. Give out one word to each student. Students can then create an “expert word card” for this word. On one side of a card, they write the word and draw a picture. On the other side, they write the word in a sentence. Students could use the set of expert word cards and sort them into groups. They could then explain why they have grouped the words in particular ways.
Writing Ask: Would you like to live in space? Why or why not? Students could write a response to this question, giving several reasons for their opinion. Encourage students to use persuasive language in their writing to try to make the reader agree with their opinion.
Sharing and presenting Students could work with a partner and take turns reading their writing to each other.
Returning to the book Provide multiple opportunities for the students to reread and interact with the book – with teacher support, with a partner, and independently. Choose activities that are appropriate for your students.
Developing fluency Students could record themselves reading the story. They could then listen to the recording. Ask them to check if they read the story with fluency and expression.
Before reading
After reading
Getting ready to read
Talking about the book
Support the students in activating their prior knowledge. Ask students to think about a time when they felt nervous or scared about doing something. Ask: What were you afraid of? What happened? Did you overcome your fear? How did you feel afterward? Students could discuss this with a partner.
Have the students talk about the book. Promote discussion by choosing questions that are appropriate for your students. Ask them to support their thinking by referring to the photographs and the text in the book. Why didn’t Mark do the underwater challenge? How did this make him feel? Why did Calvin go back to the pool? (Literal) What did the underwater challenge have to do with space? (Inferential) What sort of training would real astronauts need to do before they went to live in space? (Synthesizing) Have you ever felt the way Mark did in this story? What made you feel this way? (Critical)
Vocabulary building Make a list of the emotions discussed in the story (nervous, miserable, afraid, terrified, brave). Talk about the meaning of each word. Invite students to choose a word and act it out. See if the other students can guess the word.
Introducing the book Give each student a copy of Space Camp and have them read the title. Ask: What do you think a space camp might be? If necessary, explain that it is a camp where students go to learn about what it is like to live in space. Have the students read the contents page. Ask: What do the chapter headings suggest about the story? What do they tell you about Calvin and Mark?
During reading Ask each student to read the text independently. Monitor the students as they read and support them where appropriate. If necessary, remind them to use the reading strategies you are focused on. For example, are the students reading the dialogue in a way that reflects their understanding of how the characters are feeling and what is happening in the story? Say: Think about what is happening in the story. Think about how Mark and Darren would sound on page 15.
Reviewing reading strategies Encourage students to identify what they did to help themselves as readers. Say: What are some of the things you did that helped you make sense of this book? What strategies did you use?
ELL support
Word work Phonics Ask: What letter usually makes the /i/ sound as in big? Write the word build on the board. Ask: What letters make the /i/ sound in this word? Underline “ui” in build. Say: This is an uncommon way of representing the /i/ sound.
Exploring words Write a list of content words on a chart (astronaut, space station, float, weight, challenge, brave, dive, terrified, underwater, space camp, etc). Have the students discuss what each word means. Students could then sort the words into nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
Writing Have the students discuss what might happen when Mark takes on the underwater challenge. Ask: How would Mark feel before, during, and after the challenge? Students could then write an alternative chapter for the book that describes Mark doing the underwater challenge at space camp.
Sharing and presenting Students could take turns reading their writing to a small group.
• Main characters are introduced in the first chapter. • Illustrations indicate the main characters’ actions and feelings.
• Content vocabulary is supported by the context.
Synthesizing: Talk about the pair After students have read both Living in Space and Space Camp, ask: How is living in space different from living on Earth? How do people in space overcome these differences? What would be good about living in space? What wouldn’t you like? Small groups of students could complete a PMI (plus, minus, interesting) chart about living in space.
Living in space Plus
Students could work further with these books by completing the Activity card.
Lesson Plans
Activity card
Blackline master Put yourself in the picture
Make a space station
Draw yourself living in space. Write labels to show what you would need to stay alive.
Use construction materials (empty packaging, tin foil, colored paper, pipe cleaners, scissors, tape) to make a model of a space station.
Fluent reading stage Level M (28)
Use the space below to draw a plan of your model.
Living in Space is a report about living in space. It includes information on how astronauts eat, sleep, use water, and work in space.
Space Camp is a narrative about Mark, a boy who goes to a space camp. The first activity there involves going deep underwater – something Mark just can’t do. Mark feels like a failure until his friend has an accident that helps him overcome his fear – very quickly!
Running words: 691 Text type: Report
Running words: 832 Text type: Narrative
Content vocabulary
air astronauts Earth equipment experiments float gravity International Space Station microgravity pods recycled space space camp space shuttle space station space suits
• I dentifying “ear” making the /er/ sound as in earth, earthquake, learning • Identifying “ui” making the /i/ sound as in build
Text features Living in Space
• Contents page; chapters; headings; sub-headings • Fact boxes; glossary
Space Camp
• Contents page with chapter headings • Dialogue
Reading strategies
• Using a range of strategies to problem solve • Reading dialogue, reflecting understanding of the characters and events
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Assessment Can the student understand the information in the text? Can the student show what he/she has learned through drawing and labeling?
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans Living in Space / Space Camp © 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans Living in Space / Space Camp © 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. © 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. This work is protected by copyright law, and under international copyright conventions, applicable in the jurisdictions in which it is published. The trademark “Flying Start to Literacy” and Star device is a registered trademark of EC Licensing Pty Ltd in the US. In addition to certain rights under applicable copyright law to copy parts of this work, the purchaser may make copies of those sections of this work displaying the footnote: “© 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd”, provided that: (a) the number of copies made does not exceed the number reasonably required by the purchaser for its teaching purposes; (b) those copies are only made by means of photocopying and are not further copied or stored or transmitted by any means; (c) those copies are not sold, hired, lent or offered for sale, hire or loan; and (d) every copy made clearly shows the footnote copyright notice. All other rights reserved.
Developed by Eleanor Curtain Publishing
okapi educational publishing
Text: Kerrie Shanahan and Lyn Reggett Consultants: Susan Hill and Jenny Feely Designed by Derek Schneider Printed in China through Colorcraft Ltd., Hong Kong Distributed in the USA by Okapi Educational Publishing Inc. Phone: 866-652-7436 Fax: 800-481-5499 Email: info@myokapi.com www.myokapi.com www.flying-start-to-literacy.com
Phonics 3(2) (A) (ii) Decoding multisyllabic words with closed syllables. 3(2) (A) (vii) Identifying and reading high-frequency words from a research-based list. Reading 3(6) (B) Generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information. 3(6) (I) Monitor comprehension and make adjustments when understanding breaks down. 3(9) (D) (ii) Recognize characteristics and structures of informational text, including features such as sections, tables, graphs, timelines, bullets, numbers, and bold and italicized font to support understanding.
Writing 3(12) (C) Compose argumentative texts using genre characteristics and craft. Speaking and Listening 3(10) (C) Explain the author’s use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes.
Lesson Plans
Activity card
Blackline master Put yourself in the picture
Make a space station
Draw yourself living in space. Write labels to show what you would need to stay alive.
Use construction materials (empty packaging, tin foil, colored paper, pipe cleaners, scissors, tape) to make a model of a space station.
Fluent reading stage Level M (28)
Use the space below to draw a plan of your model.
Living in Space is a report about living in space. It includes information on how astronauts eat, sleep, use water, and work in space.
Space Camp is a narrative about Mark, a boy who goes to a space camp. The first activity there involves going deep underwater – something Mark just can’t do. Mark feels like a failure until his friend has an accident that helps him overcome his fear – very quickly!
Running words: 691 Text type: Report
Running words: 832 Text type: Narrative
Content vocabulary
air astronauts Earth equipment experiments float gravity International Space Station microgravity pods recycled space space camp space shuttle space station space suits
• I dentifying “ear” making the /er/ sound as in earth, earthquake, learning • Identifying “ui” making the /i/ sound as in build
Text features Living in Space
• Contents page; chapters; headings; sub-headings • Fact boxes; glossary
Space Camp
• Contents page with chapter headings • Dialogue
Reading strategies
• Using a range of strategies to problem solve • Reading dialogue, reflecting understanding of the characters and events
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Assessment Can the student understand the information in the text? Can the student show what he/she has learned through drawing and labeling?
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans Living in Space / Space Camp © 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd.
Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans Living in Space / Space Camp © 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. © 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. This work is protected by copyright law, and under international copyright conventions, applicable in the jurisdictions in which it is published. The trademark “Flying Start to Literacy” and Star device is a registered trademark of EC Licensing Pty Ltd in the US. In addition to certain rights under applicable copyright law to copy parts of this work, the purchaser may make copies of those sections of this work displaying the footnote: “© 2010–2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd”, provided that: (a) the number of copies made does not exceed the number reasonably required by the purchaser for its teaching purposes; (b) those copies are only made by means of photocopying and are not further copied or stored or transmitted by any means; (c) those copies are not sold, hired, lent or offered for sale, hire or loan; and (d) every copy made clearly shows the footnote copyright notice. All other rights reserved.
Developed by Eleanor Curtain Publishing
okapi educational publishing
Text: Kerrie Shanahan and Lyn Reggett Consultants: Susan Hill and Jenny Feely Designed by Derek Schneider Printed in China through Colorcraft Ltd., Hong Kong Distributed in the USA by Okapi Educational Publishing Inc. Phone: 866-652-7436 Fax: 800-481-5499 Email: info@myokapi.com www.myokapi.com www.flying-start-to-literacy.com
Phonics 3(2) (A) (ii) Decoding multisyllabic words with closed syllables. 3(2) (A) (vii) Identifying and reading high-frequency words from a research-based list. Reading 3(6) (B) Generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information. 3(6) (I) Monitor comprehension and make adjustments when understanding breaks down. 3(9) (D) (ii) Recognize characteristics and structures of informational text, including features such as sections, tables, graphs, timelines, bullets, numbers, and bold and italicized font to support understanding.
Writing 3(12) (C) Compose argumentative texts using genre characteristics and craft. Speaking and Listening 3(10) (C) Explain the author’s use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes.