Activity card
Graphic Organizer: Putting together information Name/s:
Information from photos, illustrations, and time lines
Introduction and chapter 1
Lesson Plan
Content-based Learning
Level P (38)
The Long Journey recounts the life and achievements of explorer Matthew Henson, the first African American person to reach the North Pole. It outlines his personal qualities and the difficulties he overcame to achieve his goals. Informational text types: Report/Journal
Content-based Learning
Chapter 2
C3 Social Studies Curriculum links
• D.2.Geo.7.3–5 Explain how cultural and environmental characteristics affect the distribution and movement of people, goods, and ideas
• D.2.Geo.8.3–5 Explain how human settlements and movements relate to the locations and use of various natural resources
• D2.Hist.3.3–5 Generate questions about individuals and groups who have shaped significant historical changes and continuities
• D2.Hist.2.3–5 Compare life in specific historical time periods to life today Key concepts
• Exploring unknown places is difficult and dangerous • Matthew Henson’s participation in the first expedition to reach the North Pole is a significant achievement for humankind and in particular African Americans
Chapter 3 and conclusion
Content vocabulary able seaman, adapt, Arctic ice cap, arduous, challenges, dog teams, expedition, explorer, floeberg, frostbite, gangrene, igloos, Inuit, journey, leads, navigator, North Pole, pemmican, polar, racial prejudice, sledge, stock boys, survive
Text features
• Maps, time line, illustrations, captions, text boxes, glossary Reading strategy
• Interpreting information from photos, illustrations, and time lines Links to Language Arts Standards WorldWise Lesson Plan The Long Journey © 2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. © 2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. This work is protected by copyright law, and under international copyright conventions, applicable in the jurisdictions in which it is published. The trademark “Flying Start to Literacy” and Star device is a registered trademark of EC Licensing Pty Ltd in the US. The trademark “WorldWise Content-based Learning” and Star device is owned by EC Licensing Pty Ltd. In addition to certain rights under applicable copyright law to copy parts of this work, the purchaser may make copies of those sections of this work displaying the footnote: “© 2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd”, provided that: (a) the number of copies made does not exceed the number reasonably required by the purchaser for its teaching purposes; (b) those copies are only made by means of photocopying and are not further copied or stored or transmitted by any means; (c) those copies are not sold, hired, lent or offered for sale, hire or loan; and (d) every copy made clearly shows the footnote copyright notice. All other rights reserved.
Developed by Eleanor Curtain Publishing
okapi educational publishing
Text: Kerrie Shanahan, Jenny Feely Consultants: Linda Hoyt, Lyn Reggett Designed by Derek Schneider Printed in China through Colorcraft Ltd, Hong Kong Distributed in the USA by Okapi Educational Publishing Inc. Phone: 866-652-7436 Fax: 800-481-5499 Email:
Reading: Informational textXx / Xx © 2010 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans
Speaking and Listening
Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. In addition to certain rights under applicable copyright law to copy parts of this
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions.
© 2010 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. This work is protected by copyright law, and under international copyright conventions, applicable in the jurisdictions in which it is published. The trademark “Flying Start to Literacy” and Star device is a registered trademark of EC Licensing Pty Ltd in the US.
work, the purchaser may make copies of those sections of this work displaying the footnote: “© 2010 EC Licensing Pty Ltd”, provided that: (a) the number of copies made does not exceed the number reasonably required by the purchaser for its teaching purposes; (b) those copies are only made by means of photocopying and are not further copied or stored or transmitted by any means; (c) those copies are not sold, hired, lent or offered for sale, hire or loan; and (d) every copy made clearly shows the footnote copyright notice.
Writing With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task All otherand rightspurpose. reserved.
Developed by Eleanor Curtain Publishing Text: Kerrie Shanahan and Lyn Reggett
Consultants: Susan Hill and Jenny Feely Choose words and phrases for effect. Designed by Derek Schneider Printed and bound in Hong Kong Distributed in the USA by Okapi Educational Publishing Inc. Phone: 866-652-7436 Fax: 800-481-5499 Email:
First reading session
Second reading session
Final reading session
Getting started
Building understanding
Bringing it all together
Introducing the book
Reading with teacher support
Support the students in activating their prior knowledge. Ask: What do you know about the first expedition to the North Pole? When do you think this might have happened? Why might it have been important? Give each student a copy of the book The Long Journey. Say: This book tells the story of how and when the first people reached the North Pole. Direct them to pay attention to the cover, and the title and contents pages. Have the students browse through the book. Say: As you browse through the book, think about what you know about this topic. What connections are you making? Have the students discuss their thinking with the group.
Say: Get yourself ready to read by thinking about what you have already read about Matthew Henson. Have the students read chapter 2 to themselves. Invite the students to ask questions about what they have read.
Have students talk about the whole book. Use a range of questions to promote discussion and higher-level thinking. Where appropriate, have the students lead the discussion.
Have the students write a recount of Henson’s life using the first person point of view and using the prompt: The story of my life, by Matthew Henson. Provide the students with a template detailing how to plan and write a recount.
Exploring vocabulary Ask: What words or phrases would you expect to see in a book about an expedition to the North Pole? Have the students work with a partner and record their words on a note pad. Say: When you are finished, share your list with another pair. Talk about why you think these words may be in the book. If some words or phrases are not known to all in the group, have the student who recorded the word explain what it means.
Introducing the reading strategy focus Say: This book is a historic report. History books use images and words from the past. Have the students browse through the book. Ask: What do you notice about the photos? Why are paintings and drawings used? Draw the students’ attention to the journal entries and the quotes. Say: As you read, think about what these things tell about the times the book is talking about.
Reading with teacher support Say: Read the introduction and chapter 1 to yourself. As you read, look closely at the photos, illustrations, and the time lines. Think about how these expand your understanding of the information in the text. When you have finished reading, be ready to discuss your thinking with your partner. Monitor the students as they read and support them where necessary. Have students share their thinking with the group. Ask: What was Matthew Henson’s early life like? How do you think these experiences helped him to become an explorer? Guide the students in filling out their Graphic Organizer. Say: This Graphic Organizer will help you with your thinking. First, look through the pages you have read. Then, choose one of the photos and make notes about the information it gives you about Matthew Henson.
Say: Read chapter 2 to yourself. When you have finished, discuss your thinking with your partner. Ask: What made exploring the Arctic so dangerous? What skills and knowledge did the explorers need? Why was Henson called the “kind one?” Have the students add to their Graphic Organizer. Say: Talk with your partner about what you have learned about Matthew Henson. Talk about how the photographs, illustrations, and time lines helped you to understand more about Matthew Henson.
Independent and partner work Have the students read chapter 3 and the conclusion without your support. Say: When you have finished reading, talk about your thinking with your partner, and then add to your Graphic Organizer. Share your Graphic Organizer with your partner. On completion, have the students reread the whole book in preparation for the final reading session. Say: Be ready to talk about your thinking and to discuss your questions and wonderings with the group.
Reflecting on the reading strategy Encourage the students to talk about what they did to help themselves as readers. Ask: What did you learn about Matthew Henson from the photos and paintings? What did Henson’s journal entries tell you about the kind of person he was? How did putting together in your mind all the information in the book help you to comprehend the text?
How did Peary and Henson first meet? Why did they plan expeditions to the North Pole? (Literal) Why is it difficult and dangerous to be the first to go to an unexplored place? What things do explorers need to plan for? (Inferential) Henson says: “The path is not easy, the climbing is rugged and hard, but the glory at the end is worthwhile.” Why do you think he says this? What do you think he means by it? (Synthesizing) The author has chosen to focus on Henson rather than Peary, the leader of the expedition. Why do you think she has done this? Do you think this was a good idea? Why or why not? (Critical) Invite students to ask their own questions.
Going beyond the book Have students demonstrate their understandings by choosing one or more of the following tasks. The tasks can be completed independently, in pairs, or in a small group.
Speaking and listening Have students plan a short oral presentation, based on the information in the book, on the topic: The thing I most admire about Matthew Henson.
Vocabulary Have students return to the word lists they created prior to reading the book. Ask them to add new words to this list. Encourage them to refer to this list as they undertake the writing task that follows.
Visual literacy Have students discuss the range of visual information in the book. Talk about different features of each device. Ask: Why are many of the photographs in black and white? Why are paintings used instead of photographs?
Download the template at Encourage the students to talk about their ideas with a partner. Use the template to remind the students about the structure of a recount. Say: You will need to decide on your time line and the place where you will start your story. Will you use flashbacks to provide insight? How will you keep the drama rising?
Activity card
Graphic Organizer: Putting together information Name/s:
Information from photos, illustrations, and time lines
Introduction and chapter 1
Lesson Plan
Content-based Learning
Level P (38)
The Long Journey recounts the life and achievements of explorer Matthew Henson, the first African American person to reach the North Pole. It outlines his personal qualities and the difficulties he overcame to achieve his goals. Informational text types: Report/Journal
Content-based Learning
Chapter 2
C3 Social Studies Curriculum links
• D.2.Geo.7.3–5 Explain how cultural and environmental characteristics affect the distribution and movement of people, goods, and ideas
• D.2.Geo.8.3–5 Explain how human settlements and movements relate to the locations and use of various natural resources
• D2.Hist.3.3–5 Generate questions about individuals and groups who have shaped significant historical changes and continuities
• D2.Hist.2.3–5 Compare life in specific historical time periods to life today Key concepts
• Exploring unknown places is difficult and dangerous • Matthew Henson’s participation in the first expedition to reach the North Pole is a significant achievement for humankind and in particular African Americans
Chapter 3 and conclusion
Content vocabulary able seaman, adapt, Arctic ice cap, arduous, challenges, dog teams, expedition, explorer, floeberg, frostbite, gangrene, igloos, Inuit, journey, leads, navigator, North Pole, pemmican, polar, racial prejudice, sledge, stock boys, survive
Text features
• Maps, time line, illustrations, captions, text boxes, glossary Reading strategy
• Interpreting information from photos, illustrations, and time lines Links to Language Arts Standards WorldWise Lesson Plan The Long Journey © 2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. © 2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. This work is protected by copyright law, and under international copyright conventions, applicable in the jurisdictions in which it is published. The trademark “Flying Start to Literacy” and Star device is a registered trademark of EC Licensing Pty Ltd in the US. The trademark “WorldWise Content-based Learning” and Star device is owned by EC Licensing Pty Ltd. In addition to certain rights under applicable copyright law to copy parts of this work, the purchaser may make copies of those sections of this work displaying the footnote: “© 2019 EC Licensing Pty Ltd”, provided that: (a) the number of copies made does not exceed the number reasonably required by the purchaser for its teaching purposes; (b) those copies are only made by means of photocopying and are not further copied or stored or transmitted by any means; (c) those copies are not sold, hired, lent or offered for sale, hire or loan; and (d) every copy made clearly shows the footnote copyright notice. All other rights reserved.
Developed by Eleanor Curtain Publishing
okapi educational publishing
Text: Kerrie Shanahan, Jenny Feely Consultants: Linda Hoyt, Lyn Reggett Designed by Derek Schneider Printed in China through Colorcraft Ltd, Hong Kong Distributed in the USA by Okapi Educational Publishing Inc. Phone: 866-652-7436 Fax: 800-481-5499 Email:
Reading: Informational textXx / Xx © 2010 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. Flying Start to Literacy Lesson Plans
Speaking and Listening
Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. In addition to certain rights under applicable copyright law to copy parts of this
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions.
© 2010 EC Licensing Pty Ltd. This work is protected by copyright law, and under international copyright conventions, applicable in the jurisdictions in which it is published. The trademark “Flying Start to Literacy” and Star device is a registered trademark of EC Licensing Pty Ltd in the US.
work, the purchaser may make copies of those sections of this work displaying the footnote: “© 2010 EC Licensing Pty Ltd”, provided that: (a) the number of copies made does not exceed the number reasonably required by the purchaser for its teaching purposes; (b) those copies are only made by means of photocopying and are not further copied or stored or transmitted by any means; (c) those copies are not sold, hired, lent or offered for sale, hire or loan; and (d) every copy made clearly shows the footnote copyright notice.
Writing With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task All otherand rightspurpose. reserved.
Developed by Eleanor Curtain Publishing Text: Kerrie Shanahan and Lyn Reggett
Consultants: Susan Hill and Jenny Feely Choose words and phrases for effect. Designed by Derek Schneider Printed and bound in Hong Kong Distributed in the USA by Okapi Educational Publishing Inc. Phone: 866-652-7436 Fax: 800-481-5499 Email: