December 19, 2018
THE POLK COUNTY 1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600
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Mother charged with first degree murder; $1-million-dollar bond set and gag order in place on case Heather Grabin News Director
Michelle Leann Golkhajeh
So many questions remain unanswered as family members and the community buried 4-year-old Charlene Elizabeth Golkhajeh Tuesday afternoon. Her mother, 33-year-old Michelle Leann Golkhajeh of Mena, has made two court appearances since the evening of Wed., Dec. 12 when her 4-year-old daughter was found deceased in the home. Golkhajeh was booked into the Polk County Jail by the Mena Police Department that night and charged with first degree murder; a Class Y felony. Golkhajeh made her first court appearance two
days later on Fri., Dec. 14, where her bond was set at $1-million-dollars by Judge Danny Thrailkill. She appeared in Polk County Circuit Court the following Mon., Dec. 17 for her formal arraignment before -See Golkhajeh, continued pg. 23
Seth Smith: True civil servant Heather Grabin News Director Humbled. That is one of the first words Mayor-Elect of Mena Seth Smith used to describe his feelings when he found out he was the new mayor. The City of Mena has been under the current leadership of Mayor George McKee for the last twelve consecutive years. Mayor McKee announced his retirement and a three-way race for mayor ensued between Smith, Mena Police Chief Brandon Martin and Mena Alderman Ron Tilley. On Election Day, Tuesday, November
6, Smith and Martin were thrown into a run-off race for mayor with Smith receiving 708 votes; Martin receiving 545 votes and Tilley receiving 482 votes. The run-off election was held on December 4 with Smith receiving a total of 720 votes to Martin’s 311. The answer to the run-off was clear. The people of Mena had picked Smith to be their new mayor. “I’m very excited. It’s very humbling for that many people to trust you to lead the city forward,” said Smith. Smith has always served his community in one capacity or another. He grew up in -See Smith, continued pg. 8
Mayor Elect of Mena stands on the steps of Mena’s City Hall. photo Heather Grabin