March 13, 2019

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MARCH 13, 2019


THE POLK COUNTY 1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600

Your DAILY News Sources: & KENA 104.1

Pilot Program Started To Help Veterans Receive Services Effectively

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BY Sam Jordan, News & Sports Editor

(MENA)- A program that will assist veterans know of the various programs available to them was recently started with the creation of C VET, Community Veterans Engagement Team. A ribbon cutting ceremony with the Mena Chamber of Commerce was just one part of the four hour event that was held at the Old Armory in downtown Mena. Over 30 organizations, ranging from Auxiliary Service Organizations, Churches, Educational and other types of groups joined forces in providing needed resources for Polk County's vast amount of veteran population. It is considered one of the largest in the state. Dale Schultz of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Suicide Prevention Program and Peer Support Specialist out of the Fort Roota unit in North Little Rock, has been spearheading efforts to get a joint cooperative initiative started to assist veterans in a more positive way. Schultz himself is a 12 year recovering addict, who has turned his life around and wants to help others do the same

and realized early on that many services are available to veterans, but did not know of the wide array of services available. A 20 year Navy veteran from the Vietnam era, Chief Petty Officer Henry Hankins of Mena is very appreciative of having such a resource available to him. Hankins wanted to "see what's available and a great way to get information" of the various programs "that are changing all of the time." Pastor Ann Ferris of the First United Methodist Church of Mena, is one of the many local leaders that apart of the Community Action Board, which is a spinoff of the C VET program. Other leaders include the Polk County Sheriff, Mena Police Chief, area Pastors and other civic minded individuals. Schultz was very happy to have the assistance of the University of Arkansas - Rich Mountain and Union Bank, amongst other area businesses in putting support behind the initiative and ground breaking efforts. The event was well attended, with veterans coming as far away as two hour distance. Organizers are anticipating of having this event on a yearly basis.

Mumps Outbreak Results In CRSD Suspicious Death Investigation Cancelling School This Week Ongoing In Weekend Incident (COVE) The Cossatot River School District has decided to close all of the district schools and facilities, due to a Mumps outbreak, for the remainder of this week. The school dismissed students at 2pm on Tuesday. With the closure, students, staff and other personnel will be out of school for the remainder of the week and with Spring Break being the week of March 18 - 22, it will give the district the opportunity of cleaning each of the district buildings thoroughly and effectively. Additionally, all district sporting events, band, choir and etc. are also cancelled to prevent the potential spreading of the outbreak.

By Staff Reports (MENA) The Polk County Sheriff Department, in cooperation with the Arkansas State Police Crime Investigation Department are investigating a suspicious death that happened sometime in the early morning hours of Saturday, March 9th. The Sheriff’s Department received a 911 call concerning a gunshot victim on Polk 42, just East of Mena. Upon arrival, deputies discovered Calvin “CJ” Goforth, 36, deceased in a vehicle parked on Polk 42.

-See Ongoing Investigation, continued pg. 9

Lightpole Injures Two On Saturday, March 9th, at about 2:50 p.m. the Clarksville Police Department received a 911 call and responded to the Clarksville High School Football field for a light pole that toppled during the windy weather conditions injuring two people. A Mena High School soccer player and a referee were injured during a tournament game in Clarksville. EMS and Clarksville Police were called to the stadium after high winds toppled a light pole. At the time of the incident Mena and Dardenelle players were on the pitch. The Mena player and the referee were transported to the hospital by ambulance. The student is reported to have suffered cuts to the head and legs while the referee is reported to have suffered a broken leg. The tournament was cancelled and the stadium closed until officials give the okay for activities there to resume.

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