The Banchory Fly 15 - Summer 2022

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Banchory Drama Club news from Angela Walker

February brought a start to the new year for the Banchory Drama Club and we entered two plays in the annual Scottish Community Drama Festival. ‘Just Another Day’ by Drew Young made it through to the second round whilst ‘Hazel Dean 1985’ wri�en by the cast and directed by Iain Bovaird made a strong showing. Both plays, along with the winning entry from Aberdeen’s Bon Accord Club were performed in Banchory at the end of April. A bonus came with the news that ‘Just Another Day’ had won the Sco� Salver awarded for the best new play entered in the Festival. That’s the second time ‘our playwright’ has won the award. His previous success was ‘Triptych’ in 2017.

It's Panto Time! Oh no it isn't! Oh yes it is!


Ever fancied getting involved with community theatre but not sure where to start? The local panto is a great place. We are looking for people to get involved in all areas of the theatrical experience – actors, technical support, costumes, and set painting. Auditions for our Christmas panto will be held Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 27th, 29th and 30th June in the main hall at Banchory Town Hall from 7.30 – 9.30pm. Please contact banchorydramaclub@ for more information.

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