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Befrienders Needed

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Yoga Feature

Yoga Feature

Currently encountering a surge in demand following the pandemic, we are looking for new volunteers to join our quest to reduce social isolati on amongst older people in OUR COMMUNITY.

Operati ng throughout Deeside (from Drumoak to Ballater and everywhere in between), there are various opportuniti es to get involved, no matt er your age (18+) or locati on.


Founded on friendship, Kincardine and Deeside Befriending matches older people who live independently and are aff ected by loneliness with a volunteer befriender on a one-to-one basis. Just like any other friendship, befriending – whether it be having a cuppa and a chat, going out for a walk or a drive, or reminiscing about the past – is ulti mately about having fun!

Keen to promote intergenerati on friendships and mix the young with the old, our volunteer befrienders come from all walks of life. Think volunteer befriending may be something you could do and benefi t from? Or have any questi ons? Please get in touch.

Contact us on 01330 823368 or at info@kdbefriending.org.uk to fi nd out more. Alternati vely, you can fi nd us at 3 Stati on Road, Banchory. Pop in for a chat!


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