The Alford BULLetin 27 - Autumn 2022

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FREE! issue 27 Autumn 2022 A Community Magazine for Alford The BULLETIN

STRACHAN’SServingRoyalDeesideforFourGenerations ConfectioneryLottery Delicatessen Malt Whiskies Wines & NewsagentsSpirits Grocery Hardware & DIY StationeryIce CreamBalloonsCalorHaberdasheryGas&PartyGifts Gardening Toys and Puzzles Fishing Supplies Pet Foods Photocopying & Laminating and lots more...! Main 013398AB34AboyneSt5HT86121By appointment to HM The Queen General Merchants By appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales General Merchants 2 Golf www.georgestrachanltd.com013397AB35BallaterRd5RE55452 Paints Light Bulbs and FittingsElectrical Goods

Contents News 6 Live Life Aberdeenshire 12 Cllr Contacts/News 10/11 Bridge/Canasta 14 Wellbeing Fund 18 Tullynessle News 20 Ar�st Walk 23 Adver�sers’ Index 26 How to Adver�se 26 get in touch via email to MYRIADPROCAT@OUTLOOK.COM call Cat on 07805 731401 | find us on facebook (cos we are!) 3 Want in the BULLetin? For adver�sing and editorial, please note the copy deadlines below and use the contacts listed at the bo�om of the page DEADLINES . FEB 1 . MAY 1 . AUG 1 . NOV 1 PUBLISHED MAR JUNE SEPT DEC Welcome to Issue 27 of The BULLetin Phew what a scorcher! The weather gods have been kind to us, let’s hope we are just as fortunate this Autumn. Have a great season and get stuck in... GET IN TOUCH | ADVERTISE Please send all comms, whether for advertising or editorial, to Remember that community information is FREE to include in these pages, so if you have any news for the WINTER edition (out late Nov), tell me about it by November 1st if you can. Enjoy! becausenoteveryoneisonfacebookCover photo: Autumn leaves at Craigievar Castle |

07773 772829 or 07917 161296 Tiles . Slates PVC Fascias + Soffits Guttering . Maintenance . Inspections All aspects of roofing – from a minor repair to a new roof registeredinstallers

5 No-one sells more properties than aspc. So get packing. making

Alford Valley Community Railway (AVCR) are delighted to announce that after much hard work and commitment by the Board and its associates, we have finalised the 25 Year Lease between ourselves and Aberdeenshire Council and now have the keys to the Railway Station, Engine Shed and Railway Line. This is fantastic news and we can now start the hard work of physically bringing this much loved and treasured attraction back to life. We would like to extend our thanks to Aberdeenshire Council and Marr Area Office for their support during this long journey. We would like to express our appreciation for the support received from Grampian Transport Museum Trust, Alford Golf Club and Donside Community Council.

AVCR are extremely grateful to these individuals for their ongoing support. Finally we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the community of Alford and the surrounding areas for their unshakable faith in the project. To hear about future activities, events, membership, volunteering and information, please go to our Facebook Page or visit our new website:

Full steam ahead at AVCR

AVCR are also delighted to announce that we have a benefactor who has purchased the majority of Rolling Stock so we will be able to bring back to use Hamewith, The James Gordon and Carriages and in addition The Braw Lass is on permanent loan from a second benefactor.



Finalist in the Scottish Retail Food and Drink Awards 2022: Ginger Chunks Smothered in Dark Belgian Chocolate Artisan Food & Drink . Co ee . Pick 'n' Mix . Jams + More Open Tuesday to Saturday . 10am to 5pm 63 Main Street . Alford . AB33 8AA . 07786 548707 Come and see what your AWARD-WINNING local shop has to o er

Council is preparing to replace all its remaining diamond lift bins in Marr and Kincardine and Mearns areas. Both the grey-lidded waste and bluelidded recycling bins are being replaced with wheeled bins with the comb lift mechanism used elsewhere in the region. The replacement of around 77,000 bins is being arranged to match existing collection days to minimise disruption and letters have been issued to identify times on individual collection routes. It is important that bins are presented for emptying, removal and exchange on these dates as refuse collection vehicles will no longer be able to empty the old style of Householdersbin. are also being advised that as separate crews from contractor Jett Distribution will be delivering the new bins, they may find their new bins may get delivered prior to old bins being emptied andResidentsremoved.must leave their old bin in the street as a separate crew will visit later to remove them. A list of Frequently Asked Questions is available online at

small ads just £15 including design see sample above single colour | max 7 lines (unless file supplied) Licensed to Sell Loveliness... Prams,,ClothesandToys 44 Main Street, Alford

Doors Open Days is a great opportunity to visit Alford. The opening hours of the Alford Heritage Museum will be increased to 10am-4pm on September 17th/18th and entry is FREE (though donations are also much appreciated!). Alford Valley Community Railway is also participating in Doors Open Days so it will be a great chance to make a full day out in the village! Get into buildings this September! Doors Open Days is Scotland's largest free festival that celebrates places and stories, new and old. Across the country, doors will be opened wide, welcoming visitors to uncover hidden gems and experience familiar places through fresh eyes. Hundreds of events have been listed and more are being added each day: 9

Donside Community Council When do we meet? Every 2nd Tuesday of the Month (except July and Dec) What Time? 7.30pm – 9.30pm Tea/coffee from 7.15pm Where? Alford Community Campus

Community County Scotland UK


Governance Representation&

Meetings: After the summer break, a new session of meetings starts. ALL of our meetings are open to the public whether you want to raise an issue or just come along and hear what we are talking about firstThehand.meetings are attended by our local area Community Council representatives (who are all volunteers) and by Aberdeenshire Councillors for Wards 14 every second Tuesday of the month, except for July and December. Most of our meetings are held at Alford Community Campus but we will be holding at least two meetings in other parts of our area during the year. Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date. If you have a question or want any information, contact us by email: chair@

Cllr Lauren Cllr Jeff Goodhall Cllr Gwyneth Petrie 07891 Cllr Robbie Withey 07388 These are your Ward 14 councillors S�������AlexanderP���������BurnettMSP 0131 348 5642 UK P��������� Andrew Bowie MP 0207 219 Your MP in WestminsterYour MSP in Holyrood There are already lots of businesses, community groups and organisations listed on www.enjoyalfordanddonside. com. Check out the Explore page to see what’s there. You can list YOUR organisation on the site, which aims to promote all aspects of Alford and Donside to residents and visitors. All you need to do is complete a form online via the Facebook page /enjoyalfordanddonside or email info@ 11

Staff at Alford Community Campus were delighted to welcome AquaPhysical back to the pool to train 10 new Live Life Aberdeenshire FloatFit instructors. You can see what classes are available and book on the Live Life Aberdeenshire app:

Exercising can be a great way to help improve your mental health, but going along to the gym, jumping in the pool, or taking part in an exercise class can be quite daunting for some people. Planning your gym workout beforehand, going for a swim with a friend, or speaking to the instructor before an exercise class are all ways that may help make it easier for anyone feeling anxious. We would encourage everyone in our facilities to be friendly and welcoming to everyone around.


GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ONSITE SERVICES For further information contact us at new builds | renovations | home extensions | garages workshops | home office | agricultural buildings steading conversions | private estate works + much more Site Investigations | Soil & Gas Monitoring Private Water Testing Drainage Impact Assessments SuDS Solutions | Soakaway Design | EST: 2007 aberdeen + Banchory pick-ups 07927,unwindandexperienceunforgettableadventuresenjoyScotlandinthecomfortofourspaciousluxurymotorhomesfullyoff-gridforskiingtripsatthenearbyLechtorGlensheeImaginationisyouronlylimitclothingclothingoutdoorOriginal Made in Scotland. Used worldwide. 01339 886062 30 Hilltrek clothing • Páramo shop • Outdoor clothing repairs At Hilltrek we’ve been hand cra ing DeesideinstoryforonoutdoorperformanceclothingRoyalDeeside30years.OurnowcontinueslargerpremisesatActivity Park. we’veon...yearsmoved!

Bridge is a whist-based game played in pairs against another pair. There are 3 elements:•Firstly bidding, which is a codified way of telling your partner (and the opposition!) what sort of hand you have. The bidding results in a contract for one of the•pairs.The second element is the play: This is where the pair try to make their contract and the opposition try to stop them. A standard 52-card pack is used and tricks are won or lost. Often there’s a trump suit, just like whist.


• The third element is scoring: There are a number of different ways of scoring depending on the type of Bridge you’re

If you’d like to join us, either as a novice or with experience, or have any questions at all, then please contact either Neil Dunford on 01975 562140 or Simon Sawers on 07785 762797.

What could be better on a dreich autumnal or winter’s afternoon or evening than playing cards with friends in a nice, cosy and relaxed environment? The card games of Bridge and Canasta are alive and well in the area and new players are always welcome, writes Simon Sawers playing and if there are multiple tables.

Bridge is absorbing and fun! I’ve been playing for two years now and getting reasonably competent. It’s certainly given my brain cells lots of exercise and my memory has improved. Lessons are available online, in Aberdeen or locally. We currently play at the men’s shed in Alford on a Tuesday afternoon but are hoping to add an evening game one day a week. Players from Aboyne, Banchory and surrounding areas are very welcome too.

Canasta is a rummy-based game and can be played with two, three or four players. It’s most commonly played by four people in two pairs with two packs of cards, including the jokers. The main element in Canasta is the play where pairs, or individuals in the case of two or three players, attempt to lay down like cards, eg three 7s or four kings, sometimes using wildcards (2s and jokers) in order to make up canastas consisting of seven cards. Each player is dealt 11 cards (when four players) and each turn starts by picking up a new card and ends by discarding a card. Each round ends once a player or pair has gone out, ie laid down all their cards making the agreed number of Canastas. A new round then commences once the score for that round is totted up. The scoring is quite straightforward with the first pair, or individual, to get to 5,000 points wins. There are a number of nuances to the game, especially with regards the number of points required to initially lay down cards, which gets higher as the scores progress, and the ability to pick up the discard pile which often gives you significantly more cards.


The best way to learn is to come along for a couple of sessions to observe and then dive in! We’ll teach you everything you need to know. We take a break over the summer and plan to restart in September, probably in the Library at the Alford Community Campus. New members are very welcome, either as novices or more experienced, and if you’d like to join us or have any questions then please contact either Sue Taylor on 01975 562184 or Simon Sawers on 07785 762797.

Around 1,200 copies are distributed through the doors of residences in the village, prominent spots in the local community and within businesses willing to stock it. Geographically it covers Alford and the surrounding areas. All Myriad Pro Publications are also available to read online at


When times are ADVERTISING!don’ttough,stop

At Myriad Pro Publishing, advertisers are not just a space on a page. Your investment allows the publications to promote the activities of local groups and event organisers at no cost to them. New customers can also benefit from introductory features, and there are perks to being a long-term advertiser too, as well as discounts for featuring in the Aboyne and Banchory publications. The business landscape and publicity methods are changing all the time, and especially at the moment! So if you have any ideas on how The BULLetin can further support you, do let me know. No matter if you are on the main street, out in the sticks, working from your spare room or just operating online, I can help. Have you started a new business in the Alford area? Want a mention? Get touch. your

The BULLetin represents a unique opportunity for you to promote your business to a targetted area at reasonable cost. Ad rates start at just £30 for a quarter page

The BULLetin relies on advertising to pay for its design and printing and I am so grateful to our regular advertisers. I am also always delighted to welcome new ones, and you can see details of costs and deals etc on p30.

name in print! 16 You can help support our work by sponsoring our stable yard at Belwade Farm As a sponsor you will be helping so many horses in need as well as receiving exclusive access and information!

Employment support: Travel expenses, Work clothing, Digital access, Key Training


Consumables: Food, Toiletries,

The funding will be given directly to individuals and families. You don’t need to be in receipt of benefits to access the fund and you won’t be asked to prove your income, nor will a successful grant impact your present benefits entitlement. The process is not intrusive, and Progress in Dialogue pledge to respect your dignity and privacy. The first step is to complete an online expression of interest, but if you don’t have access to the internet or would like support with the form, you can make contact directly by calling: 07762 887614. Your application will be anonymously read by the Project Lead and Community Champion at Progress in Dialogue. Our team at Progress in Dialogue is led by people from marginalised communities; including Gypsy/Travellers, Disabled communities, BIPOC and LGBTQI+ communities. If you’re successful in your request for funding, a member of the team will then contact you to discuss payment. In partnership with Steve (our link welfare rights officer) they will ensure that you are getting all the welfare support that you are entitled to and support you to develop a personal financial plan. Below are some examples of what you can get financial support with: Essential Household expenses: e.g. Rent, Fuel, Wifi, Mobile data, Winter Clothing COVID-19 Essentials (e.g. masks, sanitiser) Progress in Dialogue cannot fund payments toward historical debt (e.g. rent – 07762 887614

–Feeling hit by cost of living crisis? Help is available 18

The cost of living crisis has hit everyone, in particular those already marginalised and struggling financially. If you would benefit from financial support, help is out there. In partnership with Tackling Poverty & Inequalities Aberdeenshire and Aberdeenshire Council, Progress in Dialogue is offering financial support and signposting to anyone currently living in Aberdeenshire.

Plan ahead with your trusted local funeral director 0322-29700GC-LIFT AB32WesthillBerriedale6TR 01224 info@berriedale.netwww.berriedale.net747774 Pre-pay your funeral director’s services Help protect your family from the worry of funeral costs Plan the send off you want Save your family worry and expense with a Golden Charter funeral plan from Berriedale Funeral Home. In association with Contact William Paterson & Kathleen MacIntosh today to find out more: paymentflexibleoptions 07535-312759 All types of electrical installation work Inspection and Testing (including EICR & PAT) Fault-finding and problem rectification Signal cabling: TV – Satellite – Audio – Telecomms Networking – Alarms No job too small Plan A Electrical All your current needs

Hogmanay Ceilidh

Does your Club/Organisation want to meet in person yet some members are still not comfortable with group meetings?

If you are arranging an event, party, wedding or class at the Hall we can offer transport for your attendees to and from the Hall from Alford village. No cost to you but small donations are always welcome. We still need more Members We are now an Incorporated Charity and we need Members. This means you can contribute to decisions made about the Hall without becoming a Trustee/ Committee Member. No cost involved. Ask for a Membership Form.

The 50/50 Club has been running for 18 months now and over £3000 has been paid out to the lucky prizewinners. There are 3 cash prizes every month. The Hall has also benefitted from the same, much needed, amount being added to Hall funds. (50/50!) Thank you to everyone who has joined us but we still have spare numbers for those wishing to join. The more members we have, the higher the prize fund. Contact the Secretary for an application form.

Why not hire the Tullynessle Hall meeting room and hold a Blended Meeting? Some attend in person and some will join in via Zoom. Ask for more info. All equipment is provided and help and support will be given. Tully Bus

50/50 Club

Producers’ Market

The next one will be held on Saturday October 29th. Watch out for the yellow posters and banners around the village. Let’s make this one the best yet!20

Blended Meetings

Tullynessle Hall is a beautiful Hall with a fantastic view from the huge picture windows. Lots of parking, and a well equipped kitchen. An ideal location for your group meetings, parties, dances and weddings. Come and have a look around. Contact details: Hall Secretary, Edna Harris 019755 63548

As soon as you see the posters get your tickets so as not to be disappointed. Tickets are always limited and our Hogmanay Ceilidh is always a sell out. Hiring the Hall

SG ~ Tree Removal / Dismantle ~ ~ Dangerous Branch Removal ~ ~ Tree Reduction ~ ~ Pruning and Shaping ~ ~ Stump Grinding ~ ~ Hedge Removal / Reductions ~ ~ Wind damage / Storm clean-up ~ ~ Residential and Commercial work ~ Free Advice on TPOs/Licences Professionally Insured/Trained 019755 63869 / 07764 Professional Tree Surgeons serving Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire TREE SERVICES Are you suffering from lower back; neck, shoulder or knee problems; plantar fasciitis; repetitive strain Injuries or any other aches/pains/injuries? Call Alison on 07760 883309 or Elegant Beauty in Main Street Alford 019755 63775 Qualified Massage Therapist in Remedial and Sports, Swedish, Indian Head, Workplace Seated Acupressure and People Living with CancerAlisonMassageSpiceTherapies 07579 corybegservices@gmail.com824061 House Clearances Licensed Waste Removal Delivery Services Removal Services Friendly | ProfessionalCompassionate|Local ... MAN with a VAN ... Call Kev

“The pay rates and mileage allowance are hard to beat.” “It’s the most stunning location.” “Joining Alastrean is the best career move I ever made.” What staff are saying about working at Balhousie Alastrean • Up to £2,000 sign-on bonus • Care role rates starting at £11.85 an hour • 45p per mile mileage allowance* Join us now and enjoy... We are an award-winning care home operator with 26 care facilities across Tayside, the north and the Central Belt. For more information visit Twitter: @BalhousieCare Email us at: TrustedInspiring Responsive Passionate * Minimum £10 an hour; care roles start at £11.85; nurses £19; mileage allowance is for travel over 10 miles. YEARS

The walk started in early July and her 200km journey was scheduled to be completed by the end of August. At the end of each stretch, individuals and community groups have come together over a cake or a meal to share their experiences of both pandemic and place. Claudia has supped tea with mountain climbers to knitting groups, from Team GB skiers to chemists, publicans, food banks and care homes. You can follow Claudia’s journey at GreenSpace,which is leading the project with support from the Scottish Government, would still like to hear from you your Covid stories. Look out for some specially designed postcards soon to be distributed to libraries across the region and share your thoughts that way. If you are a local group who would like more information and/ or would like to welcome the artist to your community, email artsteam@aberdeenshire. – More information on Scotland’s Remembering Together programme can be found at

Taking inspiration from Aberdeenshire-born community planner Patrick Geddes, Claudia started walking from the top of Scotland’s second-highest mountain, Ben Macdui, to the port of Peterhead, and connected with many communities along the way.

The Remembering Together: Aberdeenshire journey took place over the summer, with artist Claudia Zeiske completing her walk from mountain to sea as part of the Scotland-wide Covid Memorial initiative


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Artist’s walk forms Covid memorial

Trigger Points: When they are very tight, some of the muscles around the hip and pelvis actually refer pain down the leg in a very similar pattern to a disc lesion. This phenomenon is called a trigger point. We have lost count of how many patients we see who are convinced they have a disc problem, for us only to pinpoint a muscle in their hip and re-create their pain. Fortunately trigger points are much easier to deal with than disc problems!

If you’ve ever had pain in your lower back, buttock or leg, then you might have assumed that you have sciatica. What exactly is sciatica? The definition of sciatica is pain anywhere along the course of the sciatic nerve (basically nearly everywhere from your hip to your toes!).


Pain in this area can be sharp or dull, or in some cases can feel more like pins and needles or numbness. Although the diagnosis of sciatica is very common, receiving an official name for your condition doesn’t necessarily make the pain any better!

Disc Lesions: You’ve all heard of a “slipped disc”. The truth is the disc doesn’t really slip anywhere – what usually happens is part of the disc tears and the inside of the disc bulges out. If the bulge is large enough it can push on a spinal nerve, causing sharp and shooting pain and pins and needles down the leg. Luckily this is a less common condition but extremely painful when it does happen.

The truth is that pain in this area can be caused by many different things. Figuring out the exact cause of sciatica can be challenging but this is essential to begin healing.

Potential Causes of “Sciatica”:

Piriformis Syndrome: The sciatic nerve runs past the piriformis muscle (located around your hip/buttock). The sciatic nerve can become irritated when the piriformis is very tight and stiff (very common with prolonged sitting!) resulting in pain around the hip or into the thigh. You’ve all heard of sciatic nerve can become irritated when

Shooting pain can also occur if you are one of the 15% of people that have the sciatic nerve travelling through the piriformis!

SI Syndrome: The SI joints are the larger joints that connect your spine to your pelvis. Some studies say between 15% and 30% of low back pain sufferers have dysfunction of these joints. SI syndrome is usually caused by inactivity and poor posture but can also be aggravated by injury or pregnancy. Pain can be anywhere from the lower back to the back of the leg, so diagnosis requires a complete physical examination. 24

There are so many potential causes of sciatica, it seems unfair to group all of them under one name. Whether you have been diagnosed with sciatica or not, treatment and recovery will vary depending on the true cause, how long the problem has been going on, and the age, lifestyle, and health of the person with the issue. The thought of addressing these factors on your own can be a daunting prospect! A pain in the butt is certainly no joke if you are the one who is suffering with it. Our team are experts in these types of conditions and will only commence a treatment plan after a full examination and diagnosis has been made. If any of the above sounds familiar, then we have a solution for you; an enormous 50% off a New Patient Experience with us at our custom designed clinic in Banchory (saving of £55!). Get in touch with our friendly team by emailing hello@banchoryspinalhealth. or calling 01330 824040!


Index of Advertisers to help you find who Alan Emslie 17 Alford Roofing 23 Alison Spice 25 Annie Emslie 27 ASPC 5 Balhousie Care 26 Banchory Spinal Hth 24 Berriedale Funerals 18 Commercial hotel 31 Corybeg Services 25 Craigievar Gardeners 9 Daisy Tree 11 Esp Bookkeeping 4 FireTrail 10 Flame Boiler Services 27 Foodbank 22 Gillian Frost 18 Hilltrek 22 Jilliby Joinery 22 K&A Anderson 31 Kirkwood Homes 32 Lily K Yarn 8 McDonald’s of Alford 7 Oaklands Motorhomes 13 Plan A Electrical 21 SA McGregor 17 SG Tree Services 25 Strachan’s 2 W&R Murray 21 World Horse Welfare 21 Myriad Pro Publishing Community Magazines . Design and Print Alford BanchoryAboyne A5: FULL PAGE £120 . HALF PAGE £60 . QUARTER PAGE £30 DEADLINES FEB 1 MAY 1 AUG 1 NOV 1 PUBLISHED MAR JUNE SEPT DEC . Design adds £20 to any size advert . Or you can provide your own print-ready pdf/jpeg le . . SMALL ADS JUST £15 . 1,500-2,000 MAGAZINES DELIVERED IN EACH LOCATION . ALSO ONLINE . Discounts for block/multiple bookings . | 07805 731401 | Find me on Facebook @ /TheAboyneFountain /TheAlfordBulletin /TheBanchoryFly


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