The Shopper 2/15/2023

Page 5

Local Resident Produces Award-Winning Television Show

Janice Newman, a South Holland resident and library board trustee, was honored in 2022 during the National Federation of Press Women Communications contest ceremony in Fargo North Dakota as an award recipient during the 2022 NFPW Awards for 2nd place for Radio and Television – Talk Show category. Janice Newman produces and host the community public access television show Y? Why Not! that airs locally on Comcast 19 Homewood and over 200 suburban towns around Chicago, CAN TV Chicago, and in over 10 regions across the country.

NFPW is a nationwide organization of women and men pursuing careers across the communication spectrum, including print and electronic journalism, freelancing, new media, books, public relations, marketing, radio and television. Janice advanced to the Nationals by winning first-place in the Illinois Woman’s Press Association state level competition. The show has also received awards for the 2020, 2021, and 2022 competitions, and for the Wisconsin Community Media Awards for 2021 and 2022.

The Y? Why Not! Show’s goal is to help others to achieve their goals by providing valuable information that can help improve their lives through interviewing outstanding guests on the special topics. The show episodes discusses topics on psychology, marriage and family, finances, teen chat, religion, career options, education, life coaching, business tips, and entertainment. The show first aired in December 2018 and has produced over 90 episodes.

Janice was inspired to start the show after a major health issue. She had brain surgery in December 2016 and while recuperating, an accident in the hospital, which a nurse accidentally dropped her, caused her to suddenly lose all ability to communicate including her speech and writing abilities were both negatively impacted. She could only speak three words “I have” and “mokin”. When she spoke or wrote it would come out as gibberish. Janice didn’t cry over the devastation but prayed and talked to God about the situation and what God wanted for her life. She realized that her voice was valuable and could help others. After three and a half days of quiet prayer, her ability to communicate returned.

In 2018 on her birthday, Janice made a decision to start the Y? Why Not! Show as a platform to help others via a talk show. Prior, she had filmed one show with Comcast Homewood in 2008 for a Teen Chat program and was interested in filming again. She said a prayer seeking God’s help on where to start and about three hours later Comcast called unexpectedly inquiring if she would

like to produce a show. And the rest is history through God. Janice created the show title to inspire people to reach for their goals and aspirations: “Y? Why Not!” Why not try to reach your goals, you lose out when you don’t try and they never come to fruition.

The Y? Why Not! Show expanded helping others by creating and running a free summer youth group program in South Chicago Heights in 2018 & 2019. Mrs. Newman also writes articles, published an IWPA award-winning self-help book, and has conducted a free life coaching programs at the South Holland Library. The show airs almost daily somewhere across the country and as has a YouTube page The show is notfor-profit.

Personalized Pavers Now Available In LARC’s New Memorial Garden

LARC, a not-for-profit organization providing services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, is selling personalized memorial pavers that will be displayed in their newly developed Memorial Garden. These engraved bricks are $200 each and will be personalized and installed in time for summer 2023.

LARC’s Memorial Garden came to fruition last spring, as volunteers from The Lansing Garden club planted over 34 native species of plants, 18 bushes, and 1 tree. Diane Lund, Garden Club founder, was instrumental in creating the schematics for the project, with plants purchased by LARC.

The Garden is located just outside LARC’s client lunchroom, on the west side of their Campus located at 19043 Wentworth Avenue. Patrons will find that the garden is easily accessible from their West parking lot. At the corner of the garden, there is a memorial bench sitting upon a bed of rustic-colored landscape

pavers. It is here where the final engraved pavers will be installed.

Ernie Gonzalez, Executive Director for LARC said, “The last couple of years were very hard on LARC. We lost five clients, one board member, and several of our greatest supporters; all while dealing with the complex circumstances surrounding COVID.” He added, “Our Board of Directors felt that the development of a Memorial Garden would be a beautiful way to remember our loved ones and their legacies.”

You can now purchase one of these 4 x 8 bricks through March 10. Bricks may be personalized in memory, or in honor of someone special. Your patronage will help support LARC’s mission while leaving a lasting legacy for your loved one. Order forms are available at LARC, or on their website: www. For more information, please contact their Development Office at (708) 474-1540.

The Wednesday • February 15 • 2023 RESIDENTIAL POSTAL CUSTOMER Subscribe to The Shopper for just $20 a month! Email See Mailing Notice on Page 5 SHOPPER DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR Find us on Facebook! ForkliFt operator training Where: Oak Forest Center 16333 S. Kilbourn Ave Oak Forest, IL 60426 When: Saturday March 18, 2023 8:30am-4:30pm Saturday April 1, 2023 8:30am-4:30pm Saturday April 15, 2023 8:30am-4:30pm Wed - Thur April 19 & 20, 2023 5:00pm-9:00pm Cost: $179.00 For more information contact Gervaise Edwards at (708) 596-2000, ext. 5723 or email South Suburban College WEI Sponsored Program, Free for Qualified Applicants! 708.774.9087 CALL A QUALIFIED LOCAL EXPERT! S E R V I N G T H E S O UT H SU B U R B S F O R 25 YE A R S ! Call Janice 708-302-8585 Janice Minton-Kutz Licensed Indiana & Illinois (708) 302-8585 Cell Residental BROKER AGI Buying or Selling in Illinois or Indiana? OIL CHANGE $10 SAVE • Change Motor Oil • Replace Oil Filter • Lubricate Chassis • Fill Washer Fluid • Wash Windshield • Reset Oil Light Indicator Provide Reminder by Mail • Provide Window Sticker for Next Service • Provide FREE Tire or Fluid Checks Anytime INCLUDES: WE CHECK: Air/Cabin Filters • Transmission Fluid • Power Steering Fluid • Brake Fluid • Antifreeze/Coolant Tire Pressure • Battery • Exterior Lights • Wiper Blades Most Cars Not Valid With Any Other Offer. Exp: 6/30/23 NS10 Find Us At Locations: • Hobar t • Hammond (2) • Valparaiso • Munster • Highland (2) • Merrillville (2) • Calumet Cit y • South Holland COUPON ON ANY FEBRUARY 20, 2023 #1 Source For FREE Community Info. Share it in The Shopper!

An independent newspaper serving this area since 1957. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473


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Published every week covering the towns of South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Calumet City, Munster, Highland, and Schererville. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC.


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Some content courtesy of Family Features and Capital News Illinois.


Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue.


The Shopper reserves the right to edit any content supplied for publication as it sees fit, including but not limited to clarity, grammatical and factual accuracy, and to accommodate available space. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status,” no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777.

The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

Repair It or As-Is?

Last week, I listed a home that looked terrific, but the central air had come to the end of its functional life. Oh, it powered on with its loud grinding motor, but its cooling days were obviously over. I called out two of the area’s HVAC experts to take a look. I received two competing bids to replace the central air compressor. The contractor bids where enough money to make the seller think about not replacing the unit and just selling the home with the AC “as-is”, with a disclosure that the unit was dubious. Now, that is option one. Doing the work and replacing the AC unit will cost the seller about $2,800. But my concern was that buyers, once they realized they would have to repair or replace the unit, would deduct a lot more than that from their offer. Over the years, I’ve noticed that most buyers overestimate what it will cost to fix anything that needs to be repaired or replaced in a home that they are considering buying. I will often use the example of the bedroom doorknob that put a hole in the drywall. The seller knows that to repair the wall will take $10

Real Estate Questions & Answers


Question: My daughter is trying to buy a house and the mortgage broker she is dealing with told her the closing cost would be between $4,000 to $5,000 on a $113,500 house with a $10,000 down payment. This seems a little bit on the high side. Is this a normal charge or is she being ripped off?

Answer: The closing costs paid by your daughter reflect the requirements of the sales contract, transfer costs and loan expenses. Whether these amounts are reasonable or not depends on how the agreement was negotiated, the transfer costs for the local jurisdiction and the loan expenses. For instance, is your daughter paying additional points up front to get a lower interest rate? At the very least, why doesn’t your daughter speak with other lenders to see what alternative financing options are available.

Question: What do the terms “Under Contract” or “Sale Pending” mean?

Answer: In real estate it is a routine

matter for buyers and sellers to sign a sales agreement. That agreement, however, does not mean the house has been sold -- that title has been transferred. Instead, there may be a period of time allowed for the purchaser to have a home inspection inspection, to line up financing under certain terms, to check the title, etc. In this situation, the property is “under contract” but not sold, so other offers may be made. Such offers may also be accepted by a seller, usually as back-up agreements -- meaning they have no value unless the first offer falls through.

E-mail us your Real Estate questions at Thinking of selling your home? Call Cathy & Jim Higgins, Licensed Broker/Realtors in Indiana & Illinois. IN: 219-865-4361 IL: 708-828-3304. McColly Real Estate. Website: www.Cathyhiggins. com. Personal Real Estate Journal: www.

in material and an hour on a Saturday and that hole is history. But when the buyer sees that hole… “IT’S A $500 HOLE”.

Selling a home “as-is” has the advantage of relieving the seller of the hassle of having to fix stuff and if the seller lives far away the hassle factor can be substantial. But there is a cost. In addition to the buyer overestimating the expense of doing repairs, there is another consideration. Buyers don’t seem to mind spending money on things they can see-like remodeling a kitchen or buying new furniture. But doing repairs to systems or fixing structure issues might just send them running to find another place needing less work.

If you are looking to buy or sell real estate call Mike Buder at RE/MAX 10 (708) 418-4444, E-mail:, Website: Facebook Friend request Mike Buder: your comments are always welcome.




We all want to stay healthy and live independently throughout our retirement years. Unfortunately, that won’t be possible for some of us, so it’s a good idea to be prepared for health-related challenges — such as the need for long-term care.

As you may know, long-term care covers a variety of services, ranging from occasional visits from a home health aide to full-time residency in a nursing home. But while these types of care may vary in duration and intensity, they all have one thing in common — they’re expensive. Genworth, an insurance company, reports these median annual costs:

• Over $100,000 for a private room in a nursing home

• Over $60,000 for the services of a home health aide

Furthermore, Medicare typically pays very few of these expenses, which means the burden of payment will likely fall on you — or, even worse, on your adult children if you can’t afford the care you need.

Of course, you could hope that you will avoid these costs simply by not requiring any type of assistance — but the odds aren’t necessarily in your favor. In fact, someone turning 65 today has an almost 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care services in their remaining years, according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

So, how can you protect yourself from the potentially enormous costs of long-term care? You could decide that you’ll pay out of pocket — if so, you’ll need to incorporate into your retirement budget a reasonable estimate of potential long-term care costs, and you may need to make some significant changes to your saving and investment plans. And the earlier you begin, the better.

Your other option is to purchase some form of long-term care insurance. Essentially, three types of coverage are available:

Traditional long-term care insurance –

A traditional long-term care policy covers long-term care expenses in your home or at a nursing facility. But policies will differ

in terms of what services are covered and how benefits are paid. And you may also be able to choose whether you want inflation protection. Also, with some policies, you can deduct the premiums from your state and federal taxes. (Your tax advisor can evaluate a policy you’re considering for potential tax benefits.)

Hybrid long-term care insurance – In addition to providing coverage for home health care or a nursing home stay, a hybrid long-term care policy also offers a death benefit, so if you never need long-term care, your family could benefit from the policy’s proceeds.

Life insurance with a long-term care rider – You can find a life insurance policy that lets you add long-term care coverage through a “rider,” or optional add-on. With this type of policy, you can use some of the death benefit to pay for your long-term care needs.

Which policy is best for you? There’s no one right answer for everyone. A financial professional can help you evaluate all your options within the context of your overall investment and protection strategies. But keep in mind that all long-term care policies tend to get more expensive as you get older, so if you’re considering this type of coverage, you may want to get started sooner rather than later.

Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Patrick Zamkin, located at 18735 Dixie Hwy, Homewood, IL 60430. Contact us at (708) 798-9066. Edward Jones. Member SIPC.

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you cope with long-term care costs? The Shopper runs free, non-business classified ads, which run as space is available. Email -



16341 South Park Ave., South Holland 708-339-1133



8303 Sheffield Avenue Dyer, IN 46311 (219) 322-6527 WORSHIP SERVICES



19058 Burnham Ave, Lansing 312-206-1833


1151 E. 170th St., South Holland


FAX 708.331.8374





on Facebook.............7:30


833 East 168th St., South Holland 708-331-7755



16556 Cottage Grove Avenue, South Holland 708-331-0391 WORSHIP SERVICES


COVENANT UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 1130 East 154th St., South Holland 708-333-5955


FIRST CHURCH (PCA) 3134 Ridge Rd, Lansing 708-474-9610



16248 South Park Ave., South Holland 708-333-8211


Sunday 9:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.

Sunday School 11:00 a.m.

Heart Smart

It’s black history month. Time to feature another inspiring figure from African-American history.

In the past six months, on two separate occasions, I heard people extol a woman I’d never heard of. Then, several days ago, I saw her photo prominently featured in an office at Cook County Jail. “Third time’s the charm,” I thought. “It’s time to learn more about this celebrated lady.”

She was Rev. Consuella York. A Chicago native, she lived from 1923 to 1995. She died when she was 72. She planted and pastored the Christ Way Missionary Baptist Church in Woodlawn.

However, she is best known for her forty-three years of ministry in the Cook County Jail system (1952-1995). This ministry earned her the affectionate title “Mother York.” A little lady with a big Bible and a big heart, she approached every incarcerated man and woman with the love of Christ and the love of a mother.

She embodied the redemptive words-and-works ministry of Jesus. She proclaimed the gospel of repentance and forgiveness through faith in Christ. She brought hope to the hopeless. She treated detainees with dignity and respect. And she offered them a listening ear.

Mother York adorned gospel words with gospel works. She supplied toiletries and other items to meet basic needs. She was also famous for the home-cooked meals she provided.

Three days a week, for forty-three years, she ministered to incarcerated men and women. It all began with a 1952 visit to the jail, just to observe. That day, the Lord said to her, “Suppose one of these boys were your sons. How would you feel?” And so, it began.

Mother York’s inspiring life and legacy reminds us that the Christian life, in essence, is “faith working through love” (Galatians 5:6b).


16350 S. State St., South Holland 708-331-1234


ESPIRITU DE DIOS 16400 S. State St., South Holland 708-439-1220

PASTORES Jose & Paula Lopez

Say I saw it in The Shopper February 15, 2023 page 3
Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Saturday
Support Group
10:00 a.m.
Women’s Grief & Loss
- 2nd Sat. each month at
a.m. Monday...........................................6:30 p.m. Bible Study Sunday 10:30 a.m.
WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday........................................... 11:00 a.m. Wed. Service
p.m. Women of Worship via Zoom 3rd Sat. @ 12 pm
SUNDAY Church School 9:15 a.m. Worship Services 10:30 a.m. WEDNESDAY Bible Study…… 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Sunday Worship 7:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Wed.
Study Noon
Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Wednesday Bible Study
Grupo de
Hombres Jueves ........................................... 7:30 p.m. Sabado Alabanza y Predicacion.....6:00 p.m. TO BE ADDED, EMAIL ERICAW@MYSHOPPER.BIZ UNITY OF NORTHWEST INDIANA Plum Creek Center 2138 Moeller Street Dyer, IN 46311 (219) 931-5284 ALL WELCOME MINISTER: REV. GERALDINE COLVIN SUNDAY SERVICE.......................10:00 AM Invite your community to church. Join The Shopper’s Church Directory by calling 708-333-5901 Attend the church of your choice. VERSE OF THE WEEK “My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him, He alone is my rock and my salvation.” — Psalm 62:1-2 Read The Shopper online! $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (855) 337-6786 *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* – A $695 Value!
Oracion de
RICHARD ZEKVELD LICENSED IN BOTH IL & IN! Janice Minton-Kutz 708.302.8585 Realtor Michael Cavoto 708.372.0712 Senior Mortgage Banker WE MAKE BUYING & SELLING EASY


Calumet City Public Library

Address: 660 S Manistee Ave, Calumet City, IL 60409

Phone: (708) 862-6220



Dolton Public Library

Address: 14037 Lincoln Ave, Dolton, IL

Phone: 708-849-2385



Virtual Story Time with Mrs. Brooks

Come and join in the story time with Mrs. Brooks. For ages 3 - 12. FREE. Every 1st Wed. (10am – 10:30am) To register for the Virtual Story Time go through the calendar of events on our website at

Virtual Zumba

with licensed instructor Yvette Roberts. Come and join in the fun every Friday at 5pm. Please call 708-849-2385 or email and leave your full name, email and phone number to register. (5pm –6pm every Friday). FREE.


Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday (4pm to 4:30pm)

Ages 10 + years, beginning Oct. 10, 2022. To register go to the calendar of events on our website OR email us at

Leave your name, email and cell number. You must download “Among Us’ on your device to play. It is free. A Zoom link and game code will be sent the day of the program. FREE.

Virtual Line Dancing with “Dawn the Dancin’ Deeva”

Every Thursday, at 6pm. Please call 708-8492385 or email lincoln@doltonpubliclibrary. org and leave your full name, email and phone number to register. A link will be sent to you the day of the program. FREE.

Virtual Senior Yoga

Every Wednesday taught by Dionne Arnold, Certified Yoga Instructor, (4pm to 5pm) Please call 708-849-2385 or email and leave your full name, email and phone number to register. FREE.

Senior Bridge Club

Come out for the fun every Tuesday, from 3:30pm to 4:30pm If interested register by calling 708-849-2385 or email at lincoln@ and leave your full name, email and cell phone to register. FREE.

DPLD’s Black Author’s Book Club

Meets via Zoom the last Thursday of every month at 7:00pm. Interested parties contact the library at (708-849-2385) for more information. Meet via Zoom. FREE.

Virtual Workout Program with Sheena Stinson

Get in Shape from Home. Classes held every Monday from 6pm to 6:30pm. Please call 708-849-2385 or email us at leaving your full name, email address and cell number to register. A Zoom Link will be sent day of the program. FREE.

Get Up & Move with Simon Says!

Join the Dolton Public Library Youth Services Dept. as we play “Simon Says”. Held every 3rd Saturday of the month from 2pm to 2:30pm starting Oct. 15. A YouTube link will be emailed every 3rd Friday. Register by calling (708-849-2385, ext. 4) or emailing at leaving your name, email, cell number and the number of children participating. FREE.

Dolton Public Library District Curbside Times Monday through Friday [9am to 2pm]. FREE.


Burbio is a one-stop free resource to find out about all the Dolton area events and activities. If your group wishes to post your events on burbio contact: Sign-up at or download the free android or iPhone app and follow the calendars that interest you. FREE.

Chess Club

Mr. Paul Fritz, Chess Coach. November 3rd to December 12th

Every third Thursday, 5:00pm to 5:30pm, via Zoom and to play. Register at in addition to registering for the program. Register at and leave your name, email and cell # or call (708-849-2385, ext. 4) Date & Times subject to change. Call 708-8492385, ext. 212. A Zoom link will be emailed to you the day of the program. FREE.

Passport to Knowledge

Every first Monday of the month. (3:30 – 4pm). Pack your bags for a virtual trip around the world and learn about other countries and cultures. Register at lincoln@doltonpubliclibrary. org or call (708-849-2385) and leave your name, email and cell number. Come curbside to pick up your Passport Packet prior to departure. The link for Zoom will be emailed prior to the program. FREE.

Coffee and Chat – a Senior Experience

Are you a senior over the age of 60 and want to have conversation with other seniors. Some of the topics discussed are technology and other happenings in our world and community. To register for the program and all the other Senior Programs call (708-849-2385) or email your registration to FREE

Between the Pages

A Virtual Story Time. Every third Saturday of the month at 1:30pm.To register call (708-8492385) or email and leave your name, phone number and email address. A link will be sent to you. FREE

Creative Craft

View our tutorial on our YouTube page, every 4th Wednesday starting October 26, at 1pm. The link will be provided on our Facebook page. FREE.

Cookbook Club

Will meet online to discuss the selected Coo book on Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 11am. The current title is available for checkout now. Thoroughly examine the cookbook and come prepared to discuss it. Email or call Laura at (708-849-2385, ext. 5) leaving your name, phone number, and email address to register. The Zoom link will be sent the day of the program. FREE.

Healthy Living for your Brain & Body, Speaker

Speaker Mr. Phillip Bennett of the Alzheimer’s Association, Wednesday, February 22, 2023. (1pm to 2pm). To register call (708-849-2385, #3) leaving your name, phone# and email address. Program Zoom Link wil be sent day of program. FREE.

Happy Valentine’s Day to Everyone from Dolton Public Library District!

Black History Month

Celebrate with Us the whole month of February 2023! Young people bring in a short essay about your most admired Black History maker and receive a gift bag. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela

Harvey Public Library

Address: 15441 Turlington, Harvey, IL 60426

Phone: 708-331-0757x3200


FREE online Line Dancing with Dawn the Diva, Tuesdays at 6:30pm

Join Us For Virtual Programs:

Each day at 4:00 pm, “stop” in for online family-fun at the Harvey Library. Tuesday: Craft

Wednesday: Story Time Thursday: Bacon Bits & Cooking Tips Monthly Virtual Music Class (Friday, check calendar each month)

Homewood Public Library

Address: 17917 Dixie Hwy Homewood, IL 60430

Phone: (708) 798-0121, ext. 310 or 307



Night in a Winter Wonderland

February 17 | 7 PM | Grades 7 - 12 Spend the evening at the library, enjoying movies, games, crafts, and food!

Laughter Yoga

February 22 | 7 PM | ZOOM | Ages 18+ Join Alex Drubay for a time of laughter yoga.

Lansing Public Library

Address: 2750 Indiana Ave., Lansing IL Phone: 708-474-2447



Riverdale Public Library

Address: 208 W 144th St Riverdale, IL 60827

Phone: (708) 841-3311



Community Pantry Food Drive

Open to the public during business hours: Monday -Thursday 10AM to 6PM, Friday 10AM to 5PM, and Saturday 10AM to 2PM “Join our Patrons Helping Patrons initiative by donating non-perishable food items to the new Riverdale Public Library Community Food Pantry. Let’s work together to help others!”

Tutoring and Down Time (Children/Teens)

Every Tuesday 3PM-5:30PM “Get the homework help you need and afterwards enjoy hanging out with your friends playing games!”

Family Film Friday (All ages)

Every Friday 1PM-4:30PM “Every Friday, the library will be hosting a new film showing, new and old, action and romance and much more. Free popcorn, snacks, and beverages.”

Shape Up Exercise Class (Adults/Seniors)

Every Saturday 11AM-12PM “Enjoy the benefits of strength, flexibility, and relaxation in a fun and social way.”

All things Needlework (Adults/Seniors)

Every Monday at 12PM Do you enjoy needle arts like knitting, crochet, and sewing? Whether you are a beginner or experienced this club is for you. Work on your latest project while enjoying the company of your follow crafters. Just grab your project bag and join us for stitching, sharing tips, and conversation.

South Holland Public Library

Address: 16250 Wausau Ave., South Holland IL Phone: 708-527-3160 or 708-580-6161

Email: Website:

Introduction to Aromatherapy Blending - A Make &Take Program

Saturday, February 18 at 2 pm REGISTRATION REQUIRED Space is limited. Explore the art and science of creating harmonious essential oil blends! Each participant will leave with a FREE roller made in class!

Book Discussion: My Remarkable Journey: A Memoir by Katherine Johnson Thursday, February 16 at 2 pm Small Meeting Room REGISTRATION

REQUIREd The true story of one of the “Hidden Figures” of NASA fame, and how she and other scientists worked to create the space program and land a man on the

Chair Yoga

February 1 & 15 at 10:30 am ZOOM and Live in the Community Room REGISTRATION

REQUIRED Take time to rest and reset. This class is open and accessible for all!

Nature’s Gentle Tai-Chi-Gong

Wednesdays, January 11 & 25, February 8 22 at 2:30 pm ZOOM AND LIVE IN THE COMMUNITY ROOM REGISTRATION REQUIRED Brian Thompson of BNEW4Life shares gentle breathing, movement, and meditation exercises. Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes. This program will be offered live, but will also be available virtually using Zoom.

Black Lives Matter: A Child’s Vision

Art Exhibit: February 1 - 28, 2023 Panel Discussion: Tuesday, February 28, at 7 PM Black Lives Matter: A Child’s Vision is an exhibition featuring portraits, street photography and narratives from the residents and participants of the Orland Park Black Lives Matter protest in June 2020. Exhibit photography is by Naomi Hill. Portrait photography is by Peter Bosy. Paintings are by Ariane Radcliff, and narratives are by Aisha Scott.

Wakanda Night

Friday, February 24 at 6 pm Come for an experience like no other! Tour our freshly renovated library as you view art from Black Lives Matter: A Child’s Vision, an art exhibition featuring portraits, street photography, and narratives from the Orland Park Black Lives Matter and 8 Can’t Wait protests. Enjoy a riveting dance performance by the Muntu Dance Theatre in our spacious community room. Kids and teens are welcome to learn and play in Shuri’s Laboratory, with a special visit from the Princess of Wakanda herself. Come dressed as a citizen of Wakanda and be entered to win one of our special prizes. You don’t want to miss this. Register today and bring a friend!

Chess Club

Whether you’ve been playing for years or have always wanted to learn, this is your chance to sharpen your skills. Players can compete in either casual or competitive games or learn the fundamentals of this classic of game of strategy. Thornwood HS Chess coach (and former NFL player) Michael Blair is here to put you through your paces.


Join the library for our special social-emotional and community-themed storytimes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 this month! You I Like & Mister Rogers Themed Storytime (Tuesdays) Little Bodies, Big Feelings (Thursdays). Fridaypalooza Bilingual Storytime on Fridays at 10:30.

Calendar Of Events

Women’s Bible Study

Discover Your Bible with us at Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church, 166th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue (by the roundabout) in South Holland, Tuesday mornings from 9:45 –11:00 a.m. beginning on September 13. We will study The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians. We provide a Nursery for infants and Story Hour for preschoolers to age 5. For information call the church at 331-0391 or Carol at 3396793. We would love to have you join us!

Golden Times Seniors

Golden Times Seniors is planning a couple of trips. The first trip is to Medieval Times in Schaumburg, Il. The date is Saturday February 18th; the cost is $80.00. We will leave from the Welcome Center at 11:00 am. The second trip is to The Tulip Festival in Holland Mi. Wednesday May 10th. The cost is $55.00 we will leave from the Welcome Center at 8:00 am. There is a $10.00 yearly fee to join Golden Times. If interested please contact Jennifer Jonesat 219-789-2783. Thank you!

Heritage Quilters Guild Meeting

February 21, 2023 at 7:00 pm Heritage Quilters Guild Meeting Redeemer Lutheran Church 651 E. 166th Street, South Holland Our guest speaker will be Lisa Swetson Ruble from Quilty Zest who will be giving us her insights into Color and Improvisational quilting. She is a freelancer in the quilting industry, designing, writing and editing patterns. There will also be a $40 workshop on 2/22 for interested members. Attend our meeting and become a member. As always, Sewing Bee will begin at 5:00 pm for members who wish to join us before the meeting. Info:www.heritagequilts. org email:

page 4 February 15, 2023 Say I saw it in The Shopper Email your library events to

Neighbor 2 Neighbor



In a scholarly talk to the assemblage at the CCHS, Sunday February 12, 2022, Prof. Dolak laid bare his passion for how the Chicago area came to be from the onset hundreds of thousands of years ago, to the present during the glacial processes over 10,000 years. His talk covered the “fortuitous access conditions,” across the mid continental watershed divide and its evolution to the present. Prof. Dolak capped off his talk with a tune of his own creation, “Away to Portage,” played on a guitar (luthier) also of his own making. David Dolak is an environmental scientist, musician, luthier, and outdoorsman. He has worked at Indiana Dunes National Park and Argonne National Laboratory and is a professor at Columbia Colleges, Chicago. The CCHS is gaining new members each and every day. Kudos to President Mike Wolski and his board--Sue Warner, Marilyn Schultz, Louis Krawczyk, Joseph Plovich, Fredrick Schrum and Paula Swanstrom. ***


MEETING: The members came for the guest speaker, Prof. David Dolak, and they also came for the fresh paczki’s (which signal the start of Lent in Christian circles). Pictured here is Judy Dominiak making her selection of the tempting treats from Calumet City Bakery. The meeting was held at the CCHS headquarters on Wentworth Avenue, Sunday February 12,2023 stating at 3 p.m. ***



REGINA AND KATHY WELCOME THE BEGINNING OF LENT: Filling the front pew at St. Florian Church in Hegewisch are Regina Kopaczewski and Kathy Meyers. Longtime parishioner’s Regina and Kathy make the church their Sunday stop all year long.


FEBRUARY 12,2023: Waiting patiently for their fresh Paczki’s at the CCHS meeting are Marie Kalemba, Casimira Bilinski John Beckman and Judy Radzinski. The CCHS is growing each month as Cal Citians are coming out to revisit their home town. Next meeting is Sunday March 12th, 2023 at 2 p.m. Topic is “Stained Glass,” with Melissa Hemming who will present a program on the stained-glass windows from St. Victor Church in Calumet City. Melissa is the owner of The Cracked Glass-Stained Glass Studio in Dyer, Indiana. The April meeting, Sunday April 16, 2023 will host guest speak Joseph .S. Pete of the Times who will talk about his latest book--”Secret Northwest Indiana--A guide the Weid, Wonderful and Obscure.” For information on the CCHS call them at 773814-1520 or 708-832-9390or email them at ***

NEW HAIR AND A NEW YOU! Master stylist Holly Novacich of Josef and Mari Salon in Schererville, gives Chrstina Marie Minton a new makeover with bangs. Holly has been caring for the 26-year-old Tina Marie since she was a tot! ***

For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, IN 46375, or e-mail her at

Say I saw it in The Shopper February 15, 2023 page 5
Bill and Pete plan the years SSEVV

Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3x3 box includes all digits from 1 through 9.


1. Indian instrument

2. Swelling under the skin


Soldier of fortune 37. Annex 38. Speechless


East African country


Sight 46. Repeat


Private instructor

Country of the Nile

Angel’s headwear

VALENTINE’S DAY - FEB. 14 originated as a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and, through later folk traditions, has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world. The day became associated with romantic love in the 14th and 15th centuries when notions of courtly love flourished, apparently by association with the “lovebirds” of early spring.

page 6 February 15, 2023 Say I saw it in The Shopper Announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. They are accepted by e-mail at, or at the front counter. Deadline is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Thursday’s edition. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content. Page 1 of • First select a number/operator and than apply it to a sudoku cell. 1 8 6 4 6 8 1 4 7 4 7 8 3 3 7 1 8 1 9 4 7 3 5 4 8 7 6 2 5 2 1 3 6 5 First select a number/operator and than apply it to a sudoku cell. 5 3 7 1 8 2 9 6 4 6 8 1 4 9 3 7 5 2 2 4 9 7 6 5 8 3 1 9 6 4 8 3 7 1 2 5 8 1 5 9 2 6 4 7 3 7 2 3 5 4 1 6 9 8 1 7 6 3 5 4 2 8 9 4 5 8 2 7 9 3 1 6 3 9 2 6 1 8 5 4 7 SOLUTIONS CROSSWORD SOLVE THE MAZE SUDOKU WORDSEARCH ACROSS 1. Collections 5. Waste matter 10. Ancient Peruvian 14. Bright thought 15. Not here 16. Principal 17. Sobriety 19. Short golf shot 20. Amplifier (abbrev.) 21. One spot after 9th 22. Public transit vehicles 23. Anagram of “Chatter” 25. Picture 27. Permit 28. Laze 31. Parish priest 34. Encounters 35. Levy 36. Norse god 37. Streetwalker 38. No more than 39. 2,000 pounds 40. Leading the pack 41. Praise 42. Refinement 44. Animal doctor 45. Animal disease 46. Kitchen set 50. Makes well 52. Clamorous 54. Carpet 55. Countertenor 56. Bias 58. Den 59. Muse of love poetry 60. At the peak of 61. A single time 62. A synthetic fabric 63. Flippant
Arithmetic 28. Feel
Tropical tuber
X X X X 31. Select by ballot 32. False god 33. Pertaining to movies 34.
3. Lure 4. Tree juice 5. Road 6. Intone 7. Lease 8. Building designer 9. P 10. Attack as false or wrong 11. Queasy 12. Give as an example 13. Picnic insects 18. Aromatic solvent 22. Flexible
24. Family
Distinctive flair 53. By mouth 56. A writing implement 57. One time around

Treas. Pappas Launches Newsletter

Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas on Wednesday released thefirst issue of a new periodic newsletter highlighting property tax issues unearthed by her Research Team.The first issue of the“Pappas Portal”analyzes property tax collection rates for the tax year 2021 bills that were due Dec. 30. The analysis found that an overall high collection rate of 96% across the county masks startlinglylow collection rates in many predominantly minority, lower-income south suburbs.Those low collection rates make it difficult and, in some cases, impossible to deliver vital services. They also place pressure on public officials to increase their tax levies —the amount they seek to collect in property taxes each year. When levies go up in the south suburbs, the already very high tax rates increase further.The worst collection rate was in Ford Heights, where just 29.3% of the total billed had been collected 25 days after the payment deadline. Ford Heights for years has not had a police force for lack of

adequate funding. Collection rates were about 52%, or lower, in three other south suburbs: Robbins, Harvey and Phoenix. In Robbins, longtime financial struggles contributed significantly to 23 water main breaks in 2022.Another key finding: The collection rate on vacant lots stood below 71%. There are wide swaths of vacant lands in the south suburbs and on the city’s South and West Sides —partly explaining why collection rates are low in those places.“Many south suburbs are caught in a downward financial spiral, in no small part due to their low property tax collection rates,” Pappas said.“Much more needs to be done to return vacant lands to productive use, and funding mechanisms other than the property tax should be considered to help pay for vital government services, particularly education. Without help, the economic struggles of the “Southland” will continue to deteriorate.”Further Pappas Portal issues will include analyses, observations and insights from the Research Team.

Harris announces funding for lead service line replacement

The Illinois EPA announced more than $125,000 is heading to Dolton, Markham, and Posen to assist the cities in identifying service lines that may contain lead.

“Lead levels have been a pervasive issue in our communities and its risk impends upon the wellbeing of children and families,” said Harris (D-Harvey). “Investing in our service lines will enhance drinking water and provide a better quality of life for many.”

Senator Harris voted for the legislation creating the Lead Service Line Replacement Notification Act in 2021. The Lead Service Line Replacement Notification Act establishes timelines and requirements for the removal and replacement of all lead service lines in Illinois and creates a low-income water assistance program to help fund financial assistance and water projects that include lead pipe replacement.

Illinois has more lead service lines than any other state in the nation, with an estimated 730,000 to 1.4 million lead service lines in the ground. There is no safe level of exposure to lead.

“This funding will provide many communities with the necessary funding to develop a complete inventory identifying the types of water lines that exist in their drinking water supplies,” said Illinois EPA Director John Kim.

To see a full list of Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI) Grants, news/press-release.25973. html

Say I saw it in The Shopper February 15, 2023 page 7 Read The Shopper online! myshopper March 24 • 9:30-11:30am Heritage House | 443 E 157th St Registration is required; register by emailing (No phone calls, please.) Come and have breakfast with the South Holland Police Department! pancakes police with the



Special! Furnaces or A/C’s , Clean & check $59.95. Furnaces, A/C’s, Boilers, water heaters, sump pumps, humidifiers, installations, repairs, furnaces installed from $1495.00 R/D Heating & Cooling. IL. and IN. 219-616-3281


FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS , when you want it done right, give us a call at (708) 845-1962




Call, send a text message, or an emailCell: 708-269-2992, email: bruce@ familypriderealty.comFamily

Pride Realty, 3337 W. 95th St., Evergreen Park, IL. 60805


CLEANING AVAILABLE. South Holland Area. Call Randy 708-552-1839


Lenord Wilks - Call



Will replace your burnt out and broken bulbs - Interior/ Exterior. Also replace Smoke and CO2 Detector Batteries. 219-865-2345


REPAIRS Done On The Side to save money! Painting, drywall, tile, concrete patching, doors, roofing, hauling. Very reasonable. Mark 708-408-7192


Done On The Side to save you money. Also general contracting, handyman work, FHA work & snowplowing. Very reasonable. Call Mark 708-408-7192


Economy Painting. Interior/ Exterior painting 20% Off. Mention this ad. Walpaper instllation. General dywall repair & installation. Best price guaranteed. Ask for Ed. 708-548-6356 or 708-2885038.


Cleaned gutters and repairs, installing new gutters, protectors/cover caps. Never clean gutters again! Unclogging all pipes large and small. 312-8356645/708-250-4752


J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer , Drain Cleaning Specialist, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500


SUPER FLOW Gutter cleaning, Free estimates. Very reasonable. Asl for Rob. No Sundays. 708-877-6860


A&A Services services

faucets, carpentry locks, fence and gate repair, gutter cleaning, power washing, toilet repairs, wind damage repairs, caulking, rooftop repair. Insured. Free estimates. 219-865-2345

TREE SERVICE: Maggy’s Tree Service. Tree’s Topped, Trimmed, Removed, Bush Removal, Stump Removal. Walks shoveled. Also Insured Bonded. Free estimates. 708-200-8078

PAINTS OF AMERICA interior and exterior painting, plus carpet cleaning and gutter cleaning. Senior discounts. Call Algie at 708-574-6367

HARP-WILL CLEANING INC. has several openings for experienced, dependable Home/Office Cleaners with a track record of excellent service. We offer competitive pay. Contact us at info@ or 708-855-4294.

GUTTER CLEANING. Just a friendly reminder that your gutters need cleaning. Also, for a limited time, we offer a Free Rooftop Inspection at no extra charge. Call today for your free quote 219-8652345


www. sheltonsfirearmsandself Don’t be a Victim, Book A Class Today! “Shelton’s Firearm and Self Defense Training LLC” 708-502-3718

TRIPLE E LAWNCARE Full Service weekly lawn care. Power Raking, Aeration, Fertilization, Bush Trimming/ Removal/ Planting. Erik of Lansing 708-858-1213

DAILY MOVERS 20 miles one way $325-$425 Special 708-940-1378

CORONADO HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Providing home improvement services such as drywall repairs, painting, floor installations, plumbing and electrical services. For free estimates call (219) 902 1017


WANTED RADIO/TV TUBES CB/HAM RADIOS TUBE TESTERS 70S HIGH POWER STEREOS misc test equipment Tube type stereos old radios no tvs 708 536 8823



OLD - ECONOMICAL CAR CAN BE DAMAGED IF RUNNING FOR LOW INCOME SR. CITIZ. Does not have to pass emission test if the price is right - Call 219-801-0955

WANTED: 1972 & OLDER CARS & TRUCKS, PARTS, RUNNING OR NOT (and parts) unfinished project and 67-69 Camaros. 708-4399770


CAR. Could use 1 or 2 Stall Garage. Prefer the Lansing area. Call James between 9am and 9pm, 708-460-8308

SOMEONE TO REPAIR A GAS LAWN MOWER. Call or text 708-673-9361





let me know what you have. Dan 312-720-0844HOUSE PHONE, CORDLESS, CALLER ID. Ask for Martha 708-849-4690

US SOLDIER IS DESPERATE IN NEED of a 3 bed house, to rent or rent to buy. Currently paying $2000/mo at Hotel and $209 for storage. Have fixed income of $4000/mo Plus. Call Algie 708.574.6367

SENIOR LOOKING TO RENT 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH GARAGE. Have Sect. 8, also have 24hr caregiver. Looking in Lansing, Calumet City, South Holland, or Thornton ASAP. Call 708-200-8473. Ask for Carol

WANTED: Electric chainsaws and as many chains as you have. Exterior Brown Paint.


WANTED: Old Deagan or Musser big bar vibraphones. Any Condition 219-801-0955



V10 Propane fueled. Excellent delivery van or convert to a food truck. $28,000 OBO Call 773-9084704 ask for Buddy.

For Sale


Mattresses: twin $88, full $98, queen $138. Bunk beds, futons, day beds $178. 5 pc dinette $179. Sofa LV $495. 4 pc. bdrm $495. Lamps, rugs & more. EZ credit $7,000, 90 days same as cash. or 12mo Installment plan. Free layaway. 708-371-3737 www.

ATTENTION LANDLORDS AND TENANTS BARELY USED CARPET AND PADDING EXCELLENT QUALITY varies sizes colors and grades. Vinyl flooring excellent paint interior and exterior 708-596-0255


STAINLESS STEEL $1100 OBO in great condition self cleaning, whilpool dish washer stainless steal$350 obo , black electric top stove top $300 obo stainless steel deep double sink $85 708-536-3228

Moving Sales

Mint China / Trophy / Collector Wood Glass Door cabinet with bottom Drawers Mint Condition paid over $1000 sell for $350 Wood. Dining Table sits 8 with High Back wood chairs paid over $1000 sell for $350. Entire contents of home $1700. Parents estate....... Call (219) 746 2370 ..... Lansing IL

Real Estate

APARTMENT FOR RENT THORNTON - NEAR SHOPPING, SECOND FLOOR SPACE, new fridge new new bath and carpets call for appointment


LANSING APT. FOR RENT. SECOND FLOOR, INCLUDES HEAT, WATER, & BALCONY. NO smoking or pets. Quiet Building , Seniors Welcome. Call 708-895-0628

SMALLER TWO BEDROOM HOME. South Holland. $950 plus security. Redone, appliances, large living room, quiet area, big deck with nature views. Application fee. Outside parking. 708-268-7075

HARVEY 2 Bds 2nd floor, 1 bath, A/C, Appl included, 1 month rent, 1 month security, no pets. 708-362-7887, 708-527-4477

LARGE, NEWLY DECORATED 3 BEDROOM Apt, 2 baths in Calumet City. Sec 8 welcomed. 219-2139556 SOUTH HOLLAND HOME. 1 ROOM FOR RENT, FEMALE SENIORS WELCOME. Utilities Included, Refrigerator and Microwave Included. No Section 8 or Smokers, or Pets. 708-566-1103 Call Linda.


Newly Decorated $905/mo 1 month Security Deposit 708-288-1357

Help Wanted


SNOW SLED FLEXIBLE FLYER III. Vintage 48” x 12”. Good Condition, Needs to be painted, $35.00 Glenwood IL, Call 708-5256061

Pocket Commanche folding knives. 3 inch blade $20.00, 4 inch blade $25.00. 219-776-9321

Rolotape measuring wheel for land distances. Accurate to within one inch in 100 feet. $25.00 219-776-9321.

Ethan Allen Wingback Chair - $70; 6 Feet long “Haywood-Wakefield” Bench $100; Occasional Squire 26” dark wood 2 tier table - $50. 708-481-6907

1 Maple Color Kitchen Cabinet with 1 door, 3 shelves inside. 33.5”h x 16.5”w x 18”d - $25, Black Vanity, 2 door with white sink, 33”h x 24”w, x 19”d$50; Solid Oak Medicine Cabinet with Beveled Mirror, 4 Shelves inside. 26” x 16” $30, Pedistal Sink, new - $50; Whirlpool Over the Stove Microwave - $75. Call 708-481-6907

Patio Set, Table round with 4 matching chairsColor: stone $150, in good condition 2 bicycles $80 color: red and mint Schererville, IN, Call 219-629-1169

Casio One Musical Information System. excelent condition regular $200 asking $150 with stand included. 219-365-8846 leave a message if I don’t answer.

FOR RENT 2 BEDROOMS IN EAST HAZEL CREST, $1000 A MONTH, and one-month security tenant pays utilities. 708-991-7392

I OWN A DUPLEX AT 805 MACKINAW AVE, CALUMET CITY, IL 60409. It has all the appliances, including a dish washer, a full basement. Two bedrooms, air conditioning. The rent is $1100.00 Plus deposit. You pay all utilities. I can be reached at home any time. Call 708-891-1755.

PART TIME: GENERAL LABORER Cash daily. Hammond / South Holland area. Transportation provided. Inside working conditions with one other person. Call 8-10 a.m. 708-799-2363

LICENSED CHILD CARE HOME IN HAMMOND INDIANA LOOKING FOR HELPER . 9:30 a m to 6:30 pm. Monday Through Friday, $13 hour. 219-588-1763

3 Mobile radios no microphone or attena. Radio 40 channel trc 446, Sears road talker with side band 40 channel, Cobra 130 23 channel $100 for all. 312-799-0333

Lost & Found

Men’s bike found in Wampum woods in Thornton on 2/12, must describe. 708-271-7362

Attention Homeowners! If you have water damage and need cleanup services, call us! We'll get in & work with your insurance agency to get your home repaired and your life back to normal ASAP! 855-767-7031

MobileHelp, America's premier mobile medical alert system. Whether you're home or away. For safety & peace of mind. No long term contracts! Free brochure! 1-888-489-3936 Free high speed internet if qualified. Govt. pgm for recipients of select pgms incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor

Safe Step. North America's #1 Walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off - limited time! Financing available. 1-855-417-1306

Switch and save up to $250/yr on talk, text & data. No contract or hidden fees. Unlimited talk & text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. Limited time get $50 off any new account. Use code GIFT50.


page 10 February 15, 2023 Say I saw it in The Shopper NATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADS [AFCP] Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication In order to avoid misunderstandings some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00. 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos Español Dental insurance - Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance - not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-855-526-1060 #6258 Attention oxygen therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929-9587 Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt Request a free Quote. Call before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176 Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-610-1936 BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable pricesNo payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725 Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. FastFREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398 HughesNet - Finally, super-fast internet no matter where you live. 25 Mbps just $59.99/mo! Unlimited Data is Here. Stream Video. Bundle TV & Internet. Free Installation. Call 866-499-0141 Become a published author. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author’s guide 1-877-729-4998 or visit DISH TV $64.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 1/21/23. 1-866-479-1516 The Generac PWRcell solar plus battery storage system. Save money, reduce reliance on grid, prepare for outages & power your home. Full installation services. $0 down financing option. Request free no obligation quote. 1-877-539-0299
Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet. Android tablet free w/one-time $20 copay. Free shipping. Call Maxsip Telecom! 1-833-758-3892 Caring for an aging loved one? Wondering about options like senior-living communities and in-home care?'s Family Advisors help take the guesswork out of senior care for your family. Free, no-obligation consult: 1-855-759-1407 Inflation is at 40 year highs. Interest rates are way up. Credit Cards. Medical Bills. Car Loans. Do you have $10k or more in debt? Call National Debt Relief to find out how to pay off your debt for significantly less than what you owe! Free quote: 1-877-592-3616 Wesley Financial Group, LLC Timeshare Cancellation ExpertsOver $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. 833-308-1971 The Shopper runs free, non-business classified ads, which run as space is available. Email - FIND YOUR NEXT HOME IN THE SHOPPER
Classifieds Submit your classified ad online at or email

Public Auction at Devon Self Storage


Anne Marie Lauritzen, nee Barthel, age 60, of Ogden Dunes, formerly of Munster, IN. After a long battle with cancer, Anne passed away peacefully on Monday, February 6, 2023. Loving wife of Jay Kelly Lauritzen. Devoted mother of Jacob, Bailey, and Jenna Lauritzen; step-mother of Janet (Christopher) Crosley, and Carrie (Jason) Lauritzen-Vicari. Cherished step-grandmother of Madelyn, Charles, James, and John. Loving grandmother to fur babies Geppetto and Smokey. Dear sister of Cynthia (Richard) Gunkel, Patricia Talbot, and the late Richard Barthel Jr. Kind and loving aunt of many nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by her parents Richard Sr. and Patricia Barthel. Anne loved the beach, gardening, baking, boating, water skiing, and watching the deer in her backyard. Anne was known for all of her loving and endless hugs, was loved by many, and will be deeply missed. Memorial visitation Saturday, February 11, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. until the time of the memorial service at 6:00 p.m. Smits Funeral Home James E. Janusz, Director 2121 Pleasant Springs Lane (Rt.30/Pleasant Springs Ln.) Dyer, IN, with Deacon Tim Springer officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to Crown of Life Church 2825 E. Cleveland Ave. Hobart, IN, 46342, the American Cancer Society, or Your Favorite Charity, are greatly appreciated. For further information, please contact 219-322-7300 or visit our online guestbook and obituary at www.


Lois C. Struven, nee Maxwell, age 93, of Thornton, IL, passed away on Tuesday, February 7, 2023. Beloved wife of the late Ronald R. Struven, married for 64 years. Loving mother of Rhonda (Robert) Gephart, Forrest (Claudia) Struven, and the late Suzanne (Mooney) Struven. Cherished Mamu of Kirk (Karina) Struven, Erik (Alyson) Struven, Kristie (Regan) Ruchala, Katherine Gephart, Robert J. Gephart, and many great-grandchildren. Dear sister of the late Kenneth Maxwell and late Dorothy Powers. Lois was a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Thornton, baptized as an infant and married September 4, 1948.Visitation

Friday, February 10, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. until the time of the funeral service at 11:00 a.m. at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 508 Chicago Rd. Thornton, IL. Interment Homewood Memorial GardensHomewood, IL. Memorial contributions may be given to St. Paul Lutheran Church. Arrangements entrusted to Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home – South Holland, IL. For further information please call 708333-7000 or visit our online obituary and guest book at


Arlene VanderWoude, nee Heaps, age 84, of Dyer, IN, passed away peacefully on Monday, February 6, 2023. Loving wife of William VanderWoude. Devoted mother of Karen (George) Gorgeff, Sandy (Dennis) LaMorte, Leonard (Lauren) Kats, Dana (John) Schramer; step-mother of Keith (Dawn) VanderWoude. Cherished grandmother of 16; great-grandmother of 21. Preceded in death by her parents William and Irene Heaps, brother William Heaps, and stepson Ryan VanderWoude. Visitation Tuesday, February 14, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. until the time of the funeral service at 12:00 p.m. at Smits Funeral Home 2121 Pleasant Springs Lane (Rt.30/Pleasant Springs Ln.) Dyer, IN. Interment Oak Ridge Cemetery – Lansing, IL. Memorial donations to William J. Riley Memorial Residence 511 Otis Bowen Dr. Munster, IN 46321, appreciated. For further information, please contact 219-322-7300 or visit our online guestbook and obituary at www.SMITSFH. com.

Speaking Of Seniors

B022 Julio Velazquez

household goods in approx. fifteen totes and boxes

C021 Kimberly Davis

chair, small grill, small TV, household items in several bags, boxes and totes

E010 Kristy Mae Larendo

side table, clothing in baskets, household goods in several boxes and totes

F076 Trevon Sykes

clothing in approx. eight bags and boxes

G024 Tiffany Perez

chairs, table, clothing in bags and household items in approx. ten totes

K035 Clara Deal

couch, upholstered chairs, table, mattress/box spring, household items in 20 totes and boxes.

Bad Medical Billing

On February 6, 2023, a client delivered a medical bill to our Merrillville office for my review. I checked the bill and knew it was false. With some editing to protect the privacy of our client, here is the letter that I sent to a medical firm in Merrillville, Indiana.

Our client sent to our firm a bill from your firm for our review. The bill seeks $118.03 on Account Number XXXXXX for services rendered on 08/02/22 and 08/10/22. YOUR BILL TO OUR CLIENT IS FALSE! Here is why.

On the charge of $2,600 on 08/02/22, Medicare allowed only $470.05 and Medicare paid $368.52. On the charge of $1,000 on 08/10/22, Medicare allowed only $120.08 and Medicare paid $94.14.

Our client’s insurance company paid your firm the entire balance of $118.03 ($94.01 plus $24.02) by check sent on 09/15/22.

Your firm cashed that check on 10/04/22. The check number is XXXXXXXX.

You got the money. Why didn’t you apply it correctly toward the account? You goofed. Fix your bookkeeping and send a new bill to our client with a balance of zero on this matter.

All the help that I gave this client was FREE OF CHARGE. This insurance agency helps all clients with such problems without charging anything. It is one of the ways that we demonstrate that we care for our clients.

Note: Woodrow Wilcox is the senior medical bill case worker at Senior Care Insurance Services in Merrillville, Indiana. He has saved clients of that firm over three million dollars. Also, Wilcox wrote the book SOLVING MEDICARE PROBLEM$ which is available through book stores and online.

Say I saw it in The Shopper February 15, 2023 page 11 Property
Illinois Self-Service Storage Facility Act Property contained in the units will be sold to the highest bidder via an online auction at Online bidding will begin on March 6, 2023 at 10am, and will continue until March 20, 2023 at 10am, at which time a high bidder will be determined. Devon Self Storage reserves the right to set minimum bids and to refuse bids. Please refer to for all other terms and conditions governing the bidding and auction process
will be sold to satisfy the
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19600 Stoney Island Ave, Lynwood, Il 60411
furniture equipment
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