2 minute read
Good Character and Values are Essential in Business
by The Shopper
by Janice R Newman
Your character and values significantly impact the way you conduct business and build a customer base because that is what customers remember about you and your business. If your character and values are positive, such as being honest, trustworthy, ethical, and empathetic, your customers are more likely to feel positive about your business and build a long-term relationship with you. On the other hand, if your character lacks integrity, and you conduct business unethically, customers may become disenchanted and might take their business elsewhere.
Customers want to work with people they can trust, people they believe are honest and have a good reputation within the community. Therefore, your character and values should be an essential part of any business strategy, goals you set, or in your personal life as they can impact the success of your business and relationships by attracting or repelling people.
Jesus states in Matthew 7:17-18 “Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, and a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. This can apply to how a business or a person is viewed. Once an individual has interacted with you or a company, they formulate their belief in you and the business’s reputation and how they feel the company will treat them.
Your character and values play a significant role in shaping your reputation, as they are closely tied to how you conduct yourself in business and personal life. You create an impression on those around you. You need a strong reputation that attracts customers, relationships and builds loyalty.
Character is a critical factor in business success because it influences how individuals interact with others, make decisions, and handle challenges. Some good characteristics are noted in Galatians 5:22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (NASB1995). These traits are not only essential for spiritual growth but also have a practical application in achieving success, pursuing dreams, and succeeding in business. Here are three ways that having the fruits of the spirit can benefit you in business, career, and personal life.
• Improving Relationships: Practicing the fruits of the Spirit, such as kindness, patience, and gentleness, can help build better relationships with your colleagues, clients, customers, and personal relationships. By treating others with respect, empathy, and compassion, you can create a positive environment, foster teamwork, and collaboration. By establishing good relationships with customers, they are more likely to want to do business with you.
• Increasing Trust and Credibility: The fruits of the Spirit, such as honesty, integrity, and faithfulness, can help build trust and credibility. People will believe you are reliable and ethical. By communicating effectively, you express yourself clearly and honestly and seek to understand the perspectives of others, you can build trust, reduce conflict, and improve productivity while building your reputation and customer loyalty.
• Enhancing Decision Making: The fruits of the Spirit, such as peace, wisdom, and selfcontrol, can help you make better decisions in business. When you have a clear sense of purpose and determination to achieve your goals and are guided by principles such as fairness and compassion, you are more likely to make decisions that align with your values which will lead to positive outcomes. You can also remain calm and composed during challenging situations to make rational decisions and avoid choices based on fear, anger, and other negative emotions. Good character and values, along with integrating the fruits of the Spirit are necessary for your business, to reach your goals, and to have good relationships. The fruits of the Spirit are qualities that are valued and are believed to be important for developing a good business reputation and living a fulfilling, and meaningful life. Ultimately, character, values, and the fruits of the Spirit can be seen as a path to business, personal and spiritual growth. They are a way to conduct business and live a life that is more fully aligned with our highest aspirations and potential to achieve our set goals and desires. Y? Why Not!