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Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge, LA included hop-on hop-off Tour
Uss KIDD DD-661 Just a short walk from the dock, guests can explore a Fletcher-Class Destroyer that fought in many battles in U.S. history. This 2,050-ton, 376-foot-long vessel has since been converted into a museum, with exhibits of extensive collections of war artifacts, ship models, memorial hall, real fighter planes and bombers, and memorials. Suggested Visit: 1 - 2 hours
LSU RUral Life Museum Dedicated to the preservation and exhibition of materials from the cultures of 18th and 19th century rural Louisianans the LSU Rural Life Museum sends guests back in time to experience the lifestyles and life-ways of these remarkable people. Explore the largest collection of artifacts and architecture from the period, all in a safe, outdoor rural landscape. Suggested Visit: 1 - 2 hours
C a p i t o l Pa r k M u s e u m This impressive museum showcases collections of visual arts, jazz, costumes, textiles, and artifacts from Louisiana history. It was founded in 1906 and holds over 450,000 artifacts and works of arts. Permanent exhibits include: “Experiencing Louisiana: Discovering the Soul of America,” and “Grounds for Greatness: Louisiana”. Suggested Visit: 1 - 1.5 hours
L o u i s i a n a ' s S tat e C a p i t o l Built in 1932, this prime example of art deco architecture stands 450 feet tall. The building holds 34 floors, making it the tallest state capitol in the United States. Guests can admire the uniquely constructed rooms throughout or take a ride up to the 27th floor to the observation deck for an impressive panoramic view of the city below. Suggested Visit: 30 minutes - 1 hour
LSU M useu m o f Art Immerse yourself in the history of Louisiana and its culture through art at the LSU Museum of Art. Located on the fifth floor of the Shaw Center for the Arts, the museum hosts a variety of historic and contemporary art exhibits as well as a vast permanent collection spanning the 1700s to present day with over 6,500 artworks on display year round. Suggested Visit: 45 minutes - 1.5 hours

F u l l - D ay 199 $
P r em i u m exc u rs i o n H I G H LI G H TS

Our journey will begin with a narrated city tour as we make our way to the Rural Life Museum. While here, discover the lifestyles of rural southerners. Explore the largest collection of artifacts and architecture from the period in a safe, outdoor and rural landscape. B at o n R o u g e C i t y T o u r & L S U R u r a l L i f e M u s e u m
Enjoy a delicious lunch at Pont Breaux’s Cajun Restaurant. Savor such local culinary favorites such as fried chicken, fried catfish, mashed potatoes and gravy, fried okra, and of course the official state cuisine of Louisiana, gumbo! If spicy food isn’t for you, you can certainly still enjoy an authentic Cajun item from the menu. After lunch, you will be invited to join in the traditional Cajun dances or just kick back, digest, and enjoy the charming atmosphere. L u n c h & D a n c i n g At A N a u t h e n t i c l o c a l c a j u n R e s ta u r a n t
We will arrive at Atchafalaya Basin Landing and Marina for an air boat tour through the swamp with a local, born-on-the-bayou guide manning the helm. Our Cajun captain will share some history of the area from the deep swamplands where he was raised. You will never feel as up-close-and-personal with the exotic wetland wildlife as when our captain beckons gators up alongside our boat using French Creole. A i r B o at B ay o u T o u r