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Nottoway Plantation
i n c l u d e d n o t t o way p l a n tat i o n t o u r Nottoway, LA
Enjoy an included tour of Nottoway Plantation, the South’s largest remaining antebellum mansion. This stunning historical plantation lies between Baton Rouge and New Orleans and offers a view of a truly grand plantation. The mansion flaunts three-floors, 64-bedrooms, and displays an incredible 22 white square columns which contribute to its nickname, the “White Castle of Louisiana.” Enjoy a guided walking tour of this American Castle followed by a stroll through the lush grounds and gardens. Wa l k A c r o s s t h e L e v e e t o N o t t o way P l a n tat i o n
H a l f - D ay A M 7 9 $
P r em i u m exc u rs i o n H I G H LI G H TS
Travel through plantation country, passing the affluent mansions from another era, when sugarcane reigned the region before entering Manchac Swamp, a 250-acre ecosphere. A unique world all its own. Meet our Cajun captain, who will immerse us in the authentic Cajun culture of the southern swamps as he guides us across the water through the beautiful natural landscape. Board a personal pontoon swamp boat with a Cajun captain to explore the Manchac Swamp and view its wildlife! As your boat drifts through the waterways, you will learn about the Louisiana Wetlands, the inhabitants of the swamp, particularly the life and habits of the American Alligator, as well as the unique history of the Cajun town of Frenier within the Manchac Swamp. E x p l o r e M a n c h a c S wa m p a b o a r d a l o c a l s wa m p b o at S e e g at o r s , b i r d s , & s wa m p i n h a b i ta n t s ! Swamp creatures, seeing our boats daily, recognize them as part of their normal environment. Unafraid and responsive to their boat captain’s call, they peak out from underbrush and between moss-draped trees and shrubs, frequently coming directly to the boat. In the safety and comfort of the boat, you can actually come within a few feet of alligators. A r r i v e at M a n c h a c s wa m p
After our swamp tour you will have free time on your own to visit the gift shop and take home something uniquely Cajun! U n i q u e ly C a j u n *While Louisiana’s Manchac Swamp is uniquely beautiful year-round, it is possible that alligators and other native wildlife may not be as active throughout the colder months. Please take this into consideration while booking this tour on dates from October through March.
F U L L - D ay 149 $
P r em i u m exc u rs i o n H I G H LI G H TS Experience the life of a wealthy sugar baron at the “Crown Jewel” of Louisiana’s River Road. Explore the Houmas House on a guided tour and experience the historic roots of the home that radiate from the walls of every room. Admire its many antique furnishings and works of art as you discover the carefully preserved legacy of the home’s owners from over 200 years of American history. Walk through the magnificent gardens and experience the full beauty of this grand plantation. Embark on a journey through the expansive fields of southern Louisiana to two of the South’s most prestigious and picturesque plantations, known as the “Crown Jewel” and “Grand Dame” of the Great River Road. Houmas House and Oak Alley will transport you through time with their antebellum charm and rich history. On their own, each location offers the lavish luxuries of Southern wealth, but combined, this exclusive tour offers an abundance of Southern opulence and prestige. S o u t h e r n - s t y l e p l a n tat i o n m e a l Once our tour of the Houmas House is completed, get ready to experience the culinary traditions of the region in a southern-style buffet lunch. Afterwards, feel free to explore the grounds on your own.
Stand in awe of the 300-year-old oak trees that span from the levees of the Mississippi River to the entrance of the Big House. Learn the history of Jacques and Celina Roman, explore the grounds, including the reconstructed slave cabins, gardens, and a blacksmith’s shop, or soak in the breathtaking scenery. E x p l o r e O a k A l l e y P l a n tat i o n Adm i re th e Hou mas House t h e g r a n d p l a n tat i o n s o f t h e g r e at r i v e r r o a d F o r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n