10 minute read
Rosalie Mansion Magnolia Hall William Johnson House Museum K i n g ' s Tav e r n a n d C H a r b o n e a u D i s t i l l e ry On this self-guided tour, discover the history of the house and the artifacts found throughout. Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes William Johnson was known as the “Barber of Natchez.” He began life as a slave, but gained his freedom at age eleven. His 3-story brick home was built in 1840 and showcases many original furnishings. Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes Now fully restored, This Greek Revival Mansion was built in 1858. The house was built before the breakout of the Civil War in town but did suffer some damage – a cannon ball was launched into their kitchen! Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes Enter one of the most unique rum distilleries in America, where Doug and Jean-Luc Charboneau make Gold Medal winning rums from local sugarcane. Enjoy a sample and then walk next door to King’s Tavern, the oldest building in Natchez - circa 1789. Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes S ta n t o n H a l l Irish Immigrant and cotton merchant Frederick Stanton built this Palatial Greek Revival mansion in 1857. Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes N at c h e z V i s i t o r C e n t e r Stop here to learn more about this historic river town. This well-maintained building contains informative displays, knowledgeable staff, and a gift shop! Suggested Visit: 15 minutes M u s e u m o f A f r i c a n A m e r i c a n H i s t o ry a n d c u lt u r e The museum will delve into the 300-year-old African American history, spanning four lifetimes from Colonial and Cotton Kingdom Natchez, to the Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movements. Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes The Old South Trading Post Be sure to bring your taste buds to this unique stop! Sample Southern muscadine juice, dips, salsas, jellies, cappuccinos, and coffees— all while you browse the huge assortment of items for sale. There’s something for everyone here! Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes included hop-on hop-off Tour 14 natchez, ms Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.
H a l f - D ay A M

129 $

P r em i u m exc u rs i o n H I G H LI G H TS

Regina’s claim to fame is her coveted recipe for picture-perfect, buttery, flaky biscuits. During this very intimate experience at Regina’s Kitchen in downtown Natchez, she will share the secrets of her recipe with you. If her southern-style biscuits weren’t already enticing enough, Regina will also teach you how to make creamy grits to go with them! Get hands-on experience in the kitchen and watch as Regina makes her famous biscuits, explaining the process and most importantly, the secret technique that has made her biscuits world famous. Grits & Biscuit Making instruction Meet celebrity chef regina charboneau After the demonstration, it’s time to enjoy your flavorful creations! Taste the mouthwatering biscuits and grits with assorted toppings. Not only will you learn Chef Charboneau’s renowned recipes, but you won’t leave the kitchen empty handed. All of our guests will receive different recipes for grits, including various ideas for a grits brunch, including Regina’s Shrimp in Smoked Tomato Cream recipe. Along with the recipes, you will also receive a special gift from Regina! Chef Regina Charboneau was born and raised in Natchez, Mississippi. Her culinary success followed the talented chef from Mississippi, to San Francisco, where Regina birthed the idea of “Biscuits & Blues.” Regina has even hosted and created meals for notable celebrities, if you’re lucky you might just learn who loves Regina’s cooking! Whether Regina is collaborating as Chef De Cuisine and Culinary Director, sharing her knowledge in her cookbooks, or managing and creating menus for her restaurants she is sure to bring a piece of the south to the table! E n j o y y o u r c r e at i o n s w i t h a s p l a s h o f " L i b at i o n s "
H a l f - D ay P M

7 9 $
P r em i u m exc u rs i o n H I G H LI G H TS M o m e n t o f r e f l e c t i o n at t h e F o r ks o f t h e R o a d Located about one mile east of downtown Natchez, the Forks of the Road was one of the largest slave markets in the United States. Visit this historic site, where informational plaques discuss the slave trade in Natchez and throughout the South. This intersection was one of the most notorious posts of the slave trade. During our brief stop, take a moment to learn and reflect on the hardships suffered here.

Cross the river to Louisiana and visit historic Frogmore Plantation, designated a “Must See Site” by Rand McNally. Frogmore is the only historic & modern, 1800-acre working cotton plantation in the South. Feel the historic nature of the plantation as we explore the grounds. See how Frogmore both pays respect to the hardships of the past and embraces the technology of the future. E x p e r i e n c e F r o g m o r e P l a n tat i o n
Music fills the air Take a seat on an original pew in an 1800s African-American plantation church, as the mistress of Frogmore takes the audience back in time. Listen as music fills the air with the “secret songs” performed by local musicians. Then, continue the experience exploring authentically furnished slave cabins and cotton fields.
Enjoy some free time exploring the old Gin Building where you can see the process of cotton being de-seeded. Or, visit the gift shop to find a perfect souvenir! Frogmore Gin Building and Gift Shop
H a l f - D ay A M

24 9 $
P r em i u m exc u rs i o n H I G H LI G H TS

Our expedition will bring us to Great River Adventures at Knife’s Edge, where our group of adventure-seekers and wildlife-enthusiasts will saddle up to their very own All-TerrainVehicle. Our local guide, who knows this wilderness like the back of his hand, will debrief our group with safety tips, riding instructions, and distribute helmets, gloves and goggles. Once everyone is up to speed, it’s full throttle forward! Rest assured, our guide will only move as fast – or as slow – as you are comfortable. Conquer the landscape, weave between landmarks, and keep a keen eye out for wildlife as we journey through the scenic Mississippi landscapes. Our guide will be certain to point out any notable critters and foliage as we pass by. at v r i d i n g Pa r t i c i pat e i n T o m a h aw k & l a s s o a c t i v i t i e s After a breathtaking ride through the nature reserve, our group will slow to a halt to begin the next phase of our outdoor adventure. Watch in awe as our talented guide shows off his skills of the trade during live tomahawk throwing, bullwhip popping, and lasso throwing demonstrations. After some pointers on form and technique, allow your inner-lumberjack to shine as you give the art a try! Grab a rope and attempt to loop the target in the distance – or grab a tomahawk and see if you can stick a bullseye! S a f e t y t r a i n i n g & O r i e n tat i o n at K n i f e ' s e d g e
Note: Participants must wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. A signed liability waiver will be required.
H a l f - D ay A M

9 9 $
P r em i u m exc u rs i o n H I G H LI G H TS

Step off the River Coach and in to the lavish parlors of this antebellum home as owners James and Ginger Hyland offer a warm southern welcome. As we are invited inside, Ginger will share the history behind her lovely home and how the pair have helped restore The Towers to its original glory. Silks, antique lace sheers, and magnificent draperies adorn the walls of The Towers, but unlike most historical homes, there are no roped-off rooms here. This is a one-ofa-kind experience where we’ll be free to explore the home as if we were members of the Hyland family. Experi en ce Th e Towers B e a g u e s t at T h e T o w e r s
Soak in the ambiance on the Back Porch As we sip on refreshing mint-infused champagne and soak in the beauty of the perfectly maintained Statued garden, Ginger—the daughter of Lawrence A. Hyland, president of Hughes Aircraft Company and one of the men credited with the invention of radar—will share impressive tales of her past growing up in California, including accompanying her parents to Hollywood parties. We’ll then have the opportunity to sit down with Ginger and James to enjoy a delightful taste of southern comfort food prepared by their personal chef, such as fried chicken, grits, and biscuits. After a champagne toast, our visit will come to an end, as we bid farewell to our new southern friends. S o u t h e r n C o m f o r t F o o d Ta s t i n g