American Countess Southound April 5th - May 17th Brochure

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natchez, ms included hop-on hop-off Tour

T h e O ld S o u t h T r a d i n g P o st Be sure to bring your taste buds to this unique stop! Sample Southern muscadine juice, dips, salsas, jellies, cappuccinos, and coffees— all while you browse the huge assortment of items for sale. There’s something for everyone here! Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes

Ro sa li e M a n s i o n On this self-guided tour, discover the history of the house and the artifacts found throughout. Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes

W i lli a m J o h n s o n H o u s e M u s e u m William Johnson was known as the “Barber of Natchez.” He began life as a slave, but gained his freedom at age eleven. His 3-story brick home was built in 1840 and showcases many original furnishings. Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes

M ag n o li a H a l l Now fully restored, This Greek Revival Mansion was built in 1858. The house was built before the breakout of the Civil War in town but did suffer some damage – a cannon ball was launched into their kitchen! Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes

K i n g's Tav er n a n d C H a r b o n e au D i st i l l e ry Enter one of the most unique rum distilleries in America, where Doug and Jean-Luc Charboneau make Gold Medal winning rums from local sugarcane. Enjoy a sample and then walk next door to King’s Tavern, the oldest building in Natchez - circa 1789. Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes

Sta n t o n H a l l Irish Immigrant and cotton merchant Frederick Stanton built this Palatial Greek Revival mansion in 1857. Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes

N at c h ez V i s i to r C en t er Stop here to learn more about this historic river town. This well-maintained building contains informative displays, knowledgeable staff, and a gift shop! Suggested Visit: 15 minutes

M u s eu m o f A fr i ca n A m e r i ca n H i st o ry a n d c u lt u r e

The museum will delve into the 300-year-old African American history, spanning four lifetimes from Colonial and Cotton Kingdom Natchez, to the Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movements. Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

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