American Countess Southound April 5th - May 17th Brochure

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American Countess Shore Excursions LOWER MISSISSIPPI SOUTHBOUND


Table of Contents Shore Excursions Information................................. 4 Website Information................................................ 5 Memphis.................................................................. 6 Greenville................................................................ 8 Vicksburg................................................................ 10 Natchez................................................................... 14 Baton Rouge.......................................................... 20 St. Francisville....................................................... 22 Nottoway Plantation............................................. 26 New Orleans......................................................... 30

I M P O RTA N T I n f o r m at i o n Not all Ports of Call and Premium Excursions are offered on every voyage. Be certain to check online for the most up-to-date information for your voyage. Visit:


Shore Excursions Department

Dear American Queen Steamboat Company Guest, Mankind has always been drawn to the river, not only for sustenance, but as a landmark. ‘Down by the river’ was not just a necessity, it was a way of life. And for us who decide to experience river travel, it still is. These parts unknown were so malleable that they transformed rapidly into cultures of their own, so different even from the ideals and origins of their settlers. Regional traditions, like those of the Cajuns, were formed and still continue strongly with their own food, history and way of life. The Scandinavian influence is still prevalent on the Upper Mississippi. Steel workers and coal miners still tell stories of loading their goods onto barges on the Ohio and Tennessee rivers. Travel in America is well within our comfort zones, but it is still a frontier with much to be experienced. It’s time not just to vacation, it’s time to experience. As a country, America is still so very new. We will not see medieval castles around every river bend. Instead of centuries old Gothic cathedrals, we will see 20th century white clapboard local parishes that are the center of communities. We may see the efforts of revitalization in a river city’s downtown as they struggle with the remnants of the 1950’s boom and the effect that suburbanization and shopping malls have had on their Main Streets. We will not hear many foreign languages, but rather dialects and accents of which we may not be familiar. We are not showing off a royal spectacle, we are immersed in real life. On board, please allow us to indulge and spoil you in what a vacation is all about. But as you dock onto shore, allow yourself to think differently and take in, even become part of, the communities we visit. We hope you chose to sail with us, not only to escape and vacate your everyday lives, but to appreciate seeing the country (the good, bad and challenged) from the perspective of the river and all there is to learn. Vacation is to escape. American river travel is to engage, educate and appreciate the diversity of this great country.

This is real. This is America.

Thank you,

James J Palmeri Shore Excursions of America


Shore Excursion Promise American Queen Steamboat Company prides itself on the satisfaction of our guests. We constantly strive to surpass your expectations. We promise to always provide you with our best. If there is anything that did not meet your highest expectations, we will make it right! With all of the options and competition in today’s travel industry, it is human nature to search for the best value. We understand you worked very hard in your career and we are appreciative that you spend your time exploring our great country together. We vow to provide you with our best selection for the best value, every time!

Brochure Symbols If you see this symbol, be certain to check online or call to see if an excursion will be offered during your voyage week.

If you see this symbol, the excursion you are viewing is only offered on select voyage dates throughout the year. (Check online or call.)

If you see this symbol, the excursion you are viewing may only be offered on select voyages due to seasonal shifts in temperature. (Check online or call.)

The stopwatch symbol indicates the approximate timing of the excursion.


This symbol indicates the Price Per Guest of a Premium Excursion. Activity Level 1: Little to no physical activity involved. Enjoy your excursion from the comfort of our luxury River Coach with the possibility of a relaxing stroll. Activity Level 2: A bit more than a driving tour, but not a strenuous effort. These excursions may involve moderate walking of up to 1/2 mile on level ground. Activity Level 3: Expect some physical activity. These excursions may involve moderate walking, some steps or climbing, and uneven surfaces. Activity Level 4: Turn it up a notch! These excursions are for guests who regularly engage in an active lifestyle. Expect uneven surfaces or hills with more than average walking.


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

Pre-Booking Premium Shore Excursions Visit 1. SELECT YOUR VESSEL your voyage

3. Read About Excursions Offered

4. Click "ready to book"

I M P O RTA N T I n f o r m at i o n Not all Ports of Call and Premium Excursions are offered on every voyage. Be certain to check online for the most up-to-date information for your voyage. Visit: Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.


Memphis, TN


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

Pre-Cruise Check-in and Transfer From the CHeck-in Hotel to the American Countess A ft er n o o n


S u n d ay I n f o r m at i o n V oyag e C h ec k - i n Voyage check-in will be available at The Guest House at Graceland, 3600 Elvis Presley Blvd, Memphis, TN 38116. Here, guests can check-in for their cruise, provide a credit card for their onboard account, and ask any questions they may have about the vessel and shore excursion offerings. Please refer to your Embarkation Timeline for the name of the check-in room and check-in timing.

Transportation to The American Countess Motorcoach transportation will be provided beginning at 3:00 PM. Advanced reservations are required in order to utilize this complimentary service. Please visit to book.

F o r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938 Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.


greenville, ms included hop-on hop-off tour

G r e en v i ll e H i s to ry M u s e u m The museum is home to many artifacts, photos, memorabilia, and souvenirs dating from the mid 19th century through the 1980s. See personal objects of local past citizens, businesses, or well-known celebrities! Suggested Visit: 30 minutes

H e b r ew U n i o n T em p l e The present temple was constructed in 1906 with the sanctuary seating approximately 350. Today the congregation consists of about 55 families and continues to be the Jewish center of the Mississippi Delta. With original stained-glass windows, full-sized pipe organ, and WWII artifacts, the temple is a favorite among guests. Suggested Visit: 30 minutes - 1 hour

1 9 27 flo o d m u s eu m Located in the oldest structure in downtown Greenville, the Flood Museum depicts the history of one of the worst natural disasters the country has ever seen. View the flood artifacts and watch a short documentary illustrating the struggle of man against nature. Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes

E . E . Bass C u lt u r a l A rts C e n t e r & H e rs c h e l l ca r o u s el The E.E. Bass Cultural Arts Center is home to the steam-powered Armitage Herschell Carousel. Created in 1901, it is the oldest fully functioning Armitage carousel today. Take a ride on this amazing machine, hear the whistle blow, and travel back in time. Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes

S t. J o s ep h 's Cat h o l i c C h u r c h Built in 1907, this fine Gothic Revival Church is the second building of this parish. It was designed and financed by Father P.J. Korstenbroek, who served at the church for 33 years and was memorialized in William Alexander Percy’s, Lanterns on the Levee. Many of the stained-glass windows came from the Munich studios of Emil Frei. Suggested Visit: 30 minutes

G r een v i ll e W r i t ers ' Ex h i b i t Greenville boasts “more published writers per capita” than any other town in the nation. The Writers’ Exhibit located on the second floor of the William Alexander Percy Memorial Library, is a must visit for all guests. Many of the authors featured helped to create an extraordinary literary atmosphere in Greenville. Suggested Visit: 30 minutes - 1 hour


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

Small Towns, Big Legends: The Story of B.B. King H a l f- Day P M

$ 99

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S B . B. K i n g M u s eu m a n d D e lta I n t e r p r e t i v e C e n t e r Join us on a journey to Indianola, Mississippi, the hometown of legendary blues artist, B.B. King. Built to tell the story of B.B. King and how the Delta Region shaped his legacy, the B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center captures the story of the Delta Blues.

Ex p lo r e T h e B l u es at t h e B .B . K i n g M u s e u m A self-guided tour of the museum begins as a heartwarming documentary tells the story of B.B.’s childhood and early beginnings. Then, travel back in time as the chronological exhibits throughout the museum twist and turn through the musical journey of the iconic B.B. King. Follow his musical masterpieces from “3 O’clock Blues” to “You Upset Me Baby” and “The Thrill Is Gone.”

M u s i c & S n a c ks at t h e I c o n i c C lu b E b o n y B.B. King’s own Club Ebony is an iconic night club built at the end of World War II in 1948 that featured iconic entertainers such as Ray Charles, Count Basie, Bobby Bland, Albert King, and of course – B.B. King!

D r i n k i n t h e B l u es Here, local blues performers will entertain with rousing musical prowess while guests enjoy a sampling of southern snack favorites in all of its rustic and gritty glory.

F o r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n fo r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938 Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.


vicksburg, ms included hop-on hop-off Tour

C h u rc h o f t h e H o ly T r i n i t y

This incredible church spans over 125 feet long, 52 feet wide, and reaches 61 feet high to the apex of the ceiling, which was built of southern white pine to emulate Noah’s ark. The church was constructed in Romanesque Revival style and finished in red brick. It also showcases zigzag tracery, which was highly unique to the style at the time. Suggested Visit: 15 - 45 minutes

O ld C o u rt H o u s e M u s eu m The museum is filled with countless artifacts, including confederate flags, portraits, the trophy antlers won by steamboat Robert E. Lee in an 1870 race, an original Teddy Bear given by Theodore Roosevelt, and many more! Suggested Visit: 30 minutes - 1.5 hours

A n c h u ca M a n s i o n Built in 1830 by politician J.W. Mauldin, Anchuca is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Tour the home and discover its rich history, including how it was used as a hospital during the war. It was from this home’s balcony that Confederate President Jefferson Davis delivered his final public address to the people of Vicksburg. Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes

B i e d e n h a r n C o ca - C o l aT M M u s e u m This building is where Coca-ColaTM was bottled for the first time anywhere in the world in 1894. At the Biedenharn Coca-ColaTM Museum, enjoy the wide variety of Coca-ColaTM memorabilia in an authentic candy store and soda fountain setting. Suggested Visit: 30 minutes

L o w e r M i s s i s s i p p i R i v er M u s e u m

This museum provides a unique and interactive way to learn about the history, people, and events that have been a part of the Mighty Mississippi. Explore the many exhibits, learn what the 1927 flood was like for the community, see some of the river’s fish up close in the 1,515-gallon aquarium, and much more! Suggested Visit: 30 minutes - 1 hour

O ld D e pot M u s eu m

The museum features a 250-square foot diorama of the Siege of Vicksburg, giving guests a bird’s-eye view of the layout of the Battlefield as it looked in 1863. It also houses 250 scale models of ships and boats, model railroads with railroading artifacts, and 150 model cars that show the evolution of motor travel. Suggested Visit: 30 minutes - 1 hours


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

A Round of Golf at the Vicksburg Country Club H a l f - D ay A M

$ 99

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S A r r i v e at T h e V i c ks b u r g C o u n t ry C Lu b

Not far from Vicksburg National Military Park, the Vicksburg Country Club offers terrific views and challenging play for golfers at every skill level. As we enter the Vicksburg Country Club we will see the rolling hills that lay before us.

T i m e t o g ea r u p! Get ready for a relaxing morning of golf on the beautiful grounds of Vicksburg Country Club.

Ro u n d o f G o l f Established in 1929, the Vicksburg Country Club features 6,059 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par 70. *Please Note: All carts, clubs, and green fees are included

F o r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n fo r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938 Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.


On the Front Lines of the Civil War H a l f- Day P M

$ 79

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S E xc lu s i v e V i ew i n g o f " H e r e B r o t h e rs F o u g h t " Join us in the Grand Saloon for a private viewing of the National Park Service movie “Here Brothers Fought,� an inspirational tribute video that will set the stage for your excursion to the Battlefield.

V i c ks b u rg C i ty To u r After the presentation in the Grand Saloon, board the River Coach and set off on a guided adventure through the city as we make our way to the Vicksburg National Battlefield.

B att le fi el d To u r w i t h C e rt i f i e d Pa r k S e rv i c e G u i d e Enjoy a driving tour through the fields, where you will travel the front lines of one the most important battlefields in the country. Cross into enemy territory and hear the stories of hardships suffered by soldiers and discover what makes Vicksburg such an important city in American history.

Sto p s at I m po rta n t M o n u m e n t s & t h e U ss Ca i r o Stop at some key points throughout Vicksburg, including the Illinois State Monument, which is the largest of the 27 state monuments. Discover this massive ironclad gunboat, which is one of seven in the United States. It was named after the towns along the Upper Mississippi and Ohio Rivers.

T h e Bat t l efi el d v i s i to r c e n t e r & G i f t S h o p Explore the Vicksburg Battlefield Visitor Center, where an informative fiber-optic display depicts the progression of the siege. There will also be time to stop in the gift shop.

F o r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n fo r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

On the Front Lines of the Civil War

“Very informational tour, our guide provided thoughtful narration“ - Lawrence AQ, September 2018


natchez, ms included hop-on hop-off Tour

T h e O ld S o u t h T r a d i n g P o st Be sure to bring your taste buds to this unique stop! Sample Southern muscadine juice, dips, salsas, jellies, cappuccinos, and coffees— all while you browse the huge assortment of items for sale. There’s something for everyone here! Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes

Ro sa li e M a n s i o n On this self-guided tour, discover the history of the house and the artifacts found throughout. Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes

W i lli a m J o h n s o n H o u s e M u s e u m William Johnson was known as the “Barber of Natchez.” He began life as a slave, but gained his freedom at age eleven. His 3-story brick home was built in 1840 and showcases many original furnishings. Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes

M ag n o li a H a l l Now fully restored, This Greek Revival Mansion was built in 1858. The house was built before the breakout of the Civil War in town but did suffer some damage – a cannon ball was launched into their kitchen! Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes

K i n g's Tav er n a n d C H a r b o n e au D i st i l l e ry Enter one of the most unique rum distilleries in America, where Doug and Jean-Luc Charboneau make Gold Medal winning rums from local sugarcane. Enjoy a sample and then walk next door to King’s Tavern, the oldest building in Natchez - circa 1789. Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes

Sta n t o n H a l l Irish Immigrant and cotton merchant Frederick Stanton built this Palatial Greek Revival mansion in 1857. Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes

N at c h ez V i s i to r C en t er Stop here to learn more about this historic river town. This well-maintained building contains informative displays, knowledgeable staff, and a gift shop! Suggested Visit: 15 minutes

M u s eu m o f A fr i ca n A m e r i ca n H i st o ry a n d c u lt u r e

The museum will delve into the 300-year-old African American history, spanning four lifetimes from Colonial and Cotton Kingdom Natchez, to the Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movements. Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

Biscuits and Brunch with Celebrity Chef Regina Charboneau H a l f- Day A M

$ 129

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S M e et c e le b r i ty c h ef r eg i n a c h a r b o n e au Chef Regina Charboneau was born and raised in Natchez, Mississippi. Her culinary success followed the talented chef from Mississippi, to San Francisco, where Regina birthed the idea of “Biscuits & Blues.” Regina has even hosted and created meals for notable celebrities, if you’re lucky you might just learn who loves Regina’s cooking! Whether Regina is collaborating as Chef De Cuisine and Culinary Director, sharing her knowledge in her cookbooks, or managing and creating menus for her restaurants she is sure to bring a piece of the south to the table!

G r i t s & B i s c u i t M a k i n g i n st r u c t i o n Regina’s claim to fame is her coveted recipe for picture-perfect, buttery, flaky biscuits. During this very intimate experience at Regina’s Kitchen in downtown Natchez, she will share the secrets of her recipe with you. If her southern-style biscuits weren’t already enticing enough, Regina will also teach you how to make creamy grits to go with them! Get hands-on experience in the kitchen and watch as Regina makes her famous biscuits, explaining the process and most importantly, the secret technique that has made her biscuits world famous.

E nj oy yo u r c r eat i o n s w i t h a s p l as h o f " Li b at i o n s"

After the demonstration, it’s time to enjoy your flavorful creations! Taste the mouthwatering biscuits and grits with assorted toppings. Not only will you learn Chef Charboneau’s renowned recipes, but you won’t leave the kitchen empty handed. All of our guests will receive different recipes for grits, including various ideas for a grits brunch, including Regina’s Shrimp in Smoked Tomato Cream recipe. Along with the recipes, you will also receive a special gift from Regina!

F o r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n fo r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938 Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.


The Cotton Trail: A Tale of the American South H a l f- Day P M

$ 79

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S M o m en t o f r efl ect i o n at t h e F o r ks o f t h e R o a d Located about one mile east of downtown Natchez, the Forks of the Road was one of the largest slave markets in the United States. Visit this historic site, where informational plaques discuss the slave trade in Natchez and throughout the South. This intersection was one of the most notorious posts of the slave trade. During our brief stop, take a moment to learn and reflect on the hardships suffered here.

E x p e r i e n c e Fr o g m o r e P la n tat i o n Cross the river to Louisiana and visit historic Frogmore Plantation, designated a “Must See Site” by Rand McNally. Frogmore is the only historic & modern, 1800-acre working cotton plantation in the South. Feel the historic nature of the plantation as we explore the grounds. See how Frogmore both pays respect to the hardships of the past and embraces the technology of the future.

M u s i c fi lls t h e a i r Take a seat on an original pew in an 1800s African-American plantation church, as the mistress of Frogmore takes the audience back in time. Listen as music fills the air with the “secret songs” performed by local musicians. Then, continue the experience exploring authentically furnished slave cabins and cotton fields.

Fro g m o r e G i n B u i l d i n g a n d G i f t S h o p Enjoy some free time exploring the old Gin Building where you can see the process of cotton being de-seeded. Or, visit the gift shop to find a perfect souvenir!

Fo r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

The Great Mississippi Outdoor Adventure: ATVs and Outdoor Sports at Knife’s Edge H a lf - D ay A M

$ 24 9

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S Sa fe t y t r a i n i n g & O r i en tat i o n at K n i f e ' s e d g e Our expedition will bring us to Great River Adventures at Knife’s Edge, where our group of adventure-seekers and wildlife-enthusiasts will saddle up to their very own All-TerrainVehicle. Our local guide, who knows this wilderness like the back of his hand, will debrief our group with safety tips, riding instructions, and distribute helmets, gloves and goggles.

atv r i d i n g

Once everyone is up to speed, it’s full throttle forward! Rest assured, our guide will only move as fast – or as slow – as you are comfortable. Conquer the landscape, weave between landmarks, and keep a keen eye out for wildlife as we journey through the scenic Mississippi landscapes. Our guide will be certain to point out any notable critters and foliage as we pass by.

Pa rt i c i pat e i n To m a h aw k & lass o ac t i v i t i e s After a breathtaking ride through the nature reserve, our group will slow to a halt to begin the next phase of our outdoor adventure. Watch in awe as our talented guide shows off his skills of the trade during live tomahawk throwing, bullwhip popping, and lasso throwing demonstrations. After some pointers on form and technique, allow your inner-lumberjack to shine as you give the art a try! Grab a rope and attempt to loop the target in the distance – or grab a tomahawk and see if you can stick a bullseye!

Note: Participants must wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. A signed liability waiver will be required.

Fo r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938 Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.


Home Hosted Visit with Ginger and James H a l f- Day A M

$ 99

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S B e a g u es t at T h e Tow ers Step off the River Coach and in to the lavish parlors of this antebellum home as owners James and Ginger Hyland offer a warm southern welcome. As we are invited inside, Ginger will share the history behind her lovely home and how the pair have helped restore The Towers to its original glory.

Ex p e r i e n c e T h e Tow ers Silks, antique lace sheers, and magnificent draperies adorn the walls of The Towers, but unlike most historical homes, there are no roped-off rooms here. This is a one-ofa-kind experience where we’ll be free to explore the home as if we were members of the Hyland family.

S o a k i n t h e a m b i a n c e o n t h e B ac k P o r c h As we sip on refreshing mint-infused champagne and soak in the beauty of the perfectly maintained Statued garden, Ginger—the daughter of Lawrence A. Hyland, president of Hughes Aircraft Company and one of the men credited with the invention of radar—will share impressive tales of her past growing up in California, including accompanying her parents to Hollywood parties.

S o u t h e r n C o m fo rt Fo o d Tast i n g We’ll then have the opportunity to sit down with Ginger and James to enjoy a delightful taste of southern comfort food prepared by their personal chef, such as fried chicken, grits, and biscuits. After a champagne toast, our visit will come to an end, as we bid farewell to our new southern friends.

Fo r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

Home Hosted Visit with Ginger and James

“I felt so welcome in the hyland’s stunning home. Ginger’s collection is outstanding!“ - Gwen AQ, November 2018


Baton Rouge,LA included hop-on hop-off Tour

U s s K I D D D D- 6 6 1

Just a short walk from the dock, guests can explore a Fletcher-Class Destroyer that fought in many battles in U.S. history. This 2,050-ton, 376-foot-long vessel has since been converted into a museum, with exhibits of extensive collections of war artifacts, ship models, memorial hall, real fighter planes and bombers, and memorials. Suggested Visit: 1 - 2 hours

LS U RU r a l L i fe M u s eu m Dedicated to the preservation and exhibition of materials from the cultures of 18th and 19th century rural Louisianans the LSU Rural Life Museum sends guests back in time to experience the lifestyles and life-ways of these remarkable people. Explore the largest collection of artifacts and architecture from the period, all in a safe, outdoor rural landscape. Suggested Visit: 1 - 2 hours

Ca p i t o l Pa r k M u s eu m

This impressive museum showcases collections of visual arts, jazz, costumes, textiles, and artifacts from Louisiana history. It was founded in 1906 and holds over 450,000 artifacts and works of arts. Permanent exhibits include: “Experiencing Louisiana: Discovering the Soul of America,” and “Grounds for Greatness: Louisiana”. Suggested Visit: 1 - 1.5 hours

Lo u i s i a n a's S tat e Ca p i t o l

Built in 1932, this prime example of art deco architecture stands 450 feet tall. The building holds 34 floors, making it the tallest state capitol in the United States. Guests can admire the uniquely constructed rooms throughout or take a ride up to the 27th floor to the observation deck for an impressive panoramic view of the city below. Suggested Visit: 30 minutes - 1 hour

LS U M u s eu m o f A rt

Immerse yourself in the history of Louisiana and its culture through art at the LSU Museum of Art. Located on the fifth floor of the Shaw Center for the Arts, the museum hosts a variety of historic and contemporary art exhibits as well as a vast permanent collection spanning the 1700s to present day with over 6,500 artworks on display year round. Suggested Visit: 45 minutes - 1.5 hours


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

The Ultimate Cajun Adventure F u ll- D ay

$ 199

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S B ato n Ro u g e C i ty To u r & LS U R u r a l L i f e M u s e u m

Our journey will begin with a narrated city tour as we make our way to the Rural Life Museum. While here, discover the lifestyles of rural southerners. Explore the largest collection of artifacts and architecture from the period in a safe, outdoor and rural landscape.

L u n c h & D a n c i n g At A N a u t h e n t i c l o ca l caj u n R e stau r a n t

Enjoy a delicious lunch at Pont Breaux’s Cajun Restaurant. Savor such local culinary favorites such as fried chicken, fried catfish, mashed potatoes and gravy, fried okra, and of course the official state cuisine of Louisiana, gumbo! If spicy food isn’t for you, you can certainly still enjoy an authentic Cajun item from the menu. After lunch, you will be invited to join in the traditional Cajun dances or just kick back, digest, and enjoy the charming atmosphere.

A i r B oat B ayo u To u r We will arrive at Atchafalaya Basin Landing and Marina for an air boat tour through the swamp with a local, born-on-the-bayou guide manning the helm. Our Cajun captain will share some history of the area from the deep swamplands where he was raised. You will never feel as up-close-and-personal with the exotic wetland wildlife as when our captain beckons gators up alongside our boat using French Creole.

Fo r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938 Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.


St.Francisville,LA included hop-on hop-off Tour H i st o r i c R oya l S t r eet Take a stroll down Royal Street at any of the shops or just to admire the beautiful trees and homes. Or stop into Grandmother’s Buttons – a unique boutique that offers jewelry made of 100-year-old buttons. Inside the store, you can visit the button museum to learn the history of the business and the inspirations of the art. The store is located inside of a former historic bank lobby with 16-foot ceilings and a bank vault. Even if jewelry is not in your plans – the architecture is beautiful. This street also features some of the most historic antebellum homes in America! Suggested Visit: 30 - 45 minutes

O ld M a r k e t H a l l & A rt i sa n s The structure was built in 1819 and has a beautiful open layout. The building is now used as a market center for the towns’ local artisans and craftsmen to showcase their products and host their small businesses. Every day is different, you may see anything from jewelry and makeup, scarves and dresses, or snacks and produce! Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes

W es t Feli c i a n a H i s to r i ca l S o c i e t y M u s e u m This museum is dedicated to the history, people, and architectures of West Feliciana Parish. Inside a former hardware store, built in 1896, the Historical Society Museum displays many artifacts, photos, costumes, and articles all portraying the history of St. Francisville. Just across the street, you can stop in one of the fine boutiques and shops! Suggested Visit: 30 minutes - 1 hour

G r ac e E p i s c o pa l C h u r c h & H i st o r i c C e m e t e ry Built in 1860 and rebuilt in 1893 after the Union caused heavy damage in 1863, Grace Episcopal Church stands tall in St. Francisville. Enjoy a self-guided tour of the church and the grounds and make sure to check out the organ located inside – it dates all the way back to 1860! The church is one of the state’s oldest Protestant churches that still stands today. Suggested Visit: 15 - 30 minutes


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

Plantations of the Back Roads H a l f- D ay P M

$ 79

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S O n e Fa m i ly: Tw o P l a n tat i o n s Uncover the story of one family that spans across two of Louisiana’s most notable plantations. In 1829, Martha and Daniel Turnbull built Rosedown Plantation, named for a play the couple saw on their honeymoon. Over a century later, we will meet one of their descendants, Mary Thompson at Catalpa Plantation on an exclusive American Queen Steamboat Company tour, where Mary will explain the deep ancestral ties between the two plantations.

V i s i t RO s eD ow n P l a n tat i o n As one of the most intact documented examples of a domestic plantation complex in the South, Rosedown was established in the 1830s by Daniel and Martha Barrow Turnbull, and remained in the hands of their descendants until the 1950s. Enjoy a guided tour of the great house and gardens. See many original pieces of furnishing in the home, including a handmade tapestry by Martha Washington. Pay close attention to see if you can find the family portrait that is displayed in both Catalpa and Rosedown!

E xc lu s i v e H o m e v i s i t to Cata lpa P l a n tat i o n Meet Mary Thompson, descendant of the Turnbulls, at her present home, Catalpa Plantation. Catalpa is one of numerous late Victorian cottages found across Louisiana, significant for the beautiful gardens that surround it. Primarily a cotton plantation in the antebellum period, Catalpa’s original house and grounds were devastated during the Civil War. In 1885, William J. Fort rebuilt Catalpa and it is this house that stands today.

A l l w i t h a g l as s o f s h er ry On our exclusive guided tour of Catalpa, Mary will personally guide us through her charming home. See five generations of exceptional antiques, beautiful china, porcelain, and silver, many of which are original to either Catalpa or Rosedown Plantation. To conclude our tour, Mary will treat us to a traditional farewell with a glass of Sherry on the front porch of the home.

Fo r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938 Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.


Redemption and Rehabilitation at Angola Prison H a l f-D ay P M

$ 99

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S T h e M o st Pow er fu l Exc u rs i o n o n t h e M i ss i ss i ppi r i v er Prepare to explore the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola, a maximum-security prison, focused on spiritual reform. Once one of America’s most violent prisons, the Angola of today will completely transform your previous perceptions of prisons and inmates. This truly eye-opening and enlightening experience is sure to leave an impact!

V i s i t A d e at h r ow c el l b lo c k Step off the River Coach for an exclusive tour of Angola’s first and most famous cell block, the Red Hat Cell Block. Listed on the National Registry of Historic Places, the penitentiary’s first cell block was home to the escape artist Charlie Frazer and was the site of eleven executions by electric chair. Hear stories of the prison’s dark past before its unbelievable transformation.

Ex p lo r e t h e fa r m l a n d s As we ride through the facility, see the crop fields, which are prisoner maintained and are harvested to feed the inmates.

I n D ept h C o n v ersat i o n w i t h a p r i s o n i n m at e

Arrive at the penitentiary’s largest chapel where you will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear enlightening stories from current inmates. Learn about their journey and transformation into the inspirational and well-rounded people they are today.

A n g o la P e n i t en t i a ry M u s e u m After the inmate presentation enjoy some free time on your own in the museum or gift shop!

Fo r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

Redemption and Rehabilitation at Angola Prison

“Seeing the transformation of this prison, given its history and the inmates was an unforgettable experience“ - terry AQ, September 2018


Nottoway, LA included nottoway plantation tour Wa lk Ac ro s s t h e L ev ee t o N o t t o way P la n tat i o n Enjoy an included tour of Nottoway Plantation, the South’s largest remaining antebellum mansion. This stunning historical plantation lies between Baton Rouge and New Orleans and offers a view of a truly grand plantation. The mansion flaunts three-floors, 64-bedrooms, and displays an incredible 22 white square columns which contribute to its nickname, the “White Castle of Louisiana.” Enjoy a guided walking tour of this American Castle followed by a stroll through the lush grounds and gardens.


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

Life in the Bayou: Cajun Swamp Tour H a l f - D ay A M

$ 79

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S A r r i v e at M a n c h a c swa m p

Travel through plantation country, passing the affluent mansions from another era, when sugarcane reigned the region before entering Manchac Swamp, a 250-acre ecosphere. A unique world all its own. Meet our Cajun captain, who will immerse us in the authentic Cajun culture of the southern swamps as he guides us across the water through the beautiful natural landscape.

E x p lo r e M a n c h a c Swa m p a b o a r d a l o ca l swa m p b o at Board a personal pontoon swamp boat with a Cajun captain to explore the Manchac Swamp and view its wildlife! As your boat drifts through the waterways, you will learn about the Louisiana Wetlands, the inhabitants of the swamp, particularly the life and habits of the American Alligator, as well as the unique history of the Cajun town of Frenier within the Manchac Swamp.

S e e gat o rs, b i r d s , & swa m p i n h a b i ta n t s! Swamp creatures, seeing our boats daily, recognize them as part of their normal environment. Unafraid and responsive to their boat captain’s call, they peak out from underbrush and between moss-draped trees and shrubs, frequently coming directly to the boat. In the safety and comfort of the boat, you can actually come within a few feet of alligators.

U n i qu ely Ca j u n

After our swamp tour you will have free time on your own to visit the gift shop and take home something uniquely Cajun! *While Louisiana’s Manchac Swamp is uniquely beautiful year-round, it is possible that alligators and other native wildlife may not be as active throughout the colder months. Please take this into consideration while booking this tour on dates from October through March.

Fo r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938 Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.


Grand Southern Plantation Tour FU L L - Day

$ 149

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S t h e g r a n d p l a n tat i o n s o f t h e g r e at r i v e r r o a d

Embark on a journey through the expansive fields of southern Louisiana to two of the South’s most prestigious and picturesque plantations, known as the “Crown Jewel” and “Grand Dame” of the Great River Road. Houmas House and Oak Alley will transport you through time with their antebellum charm and rich history. On their own, each location offers the lavish luxuries of Southern wealth, but combined, this exclusive tour offers an abundance of Southern opulence and prestige.

A d m i r e t h e H o u m as H o u s e Experience the life of a wealthy sugar baron at the “Crown Jewel” of Louisiana’s River Road. Explore the Houmas House on a guided tour and experience the historic roots of the home that radiate from the walls of every room. Admire its many antique furnishings and works of art as you discover the carefully preserved legacy of the home’s owners from over 200 years of American history. Walk through the magnificent gardens and experience the full beauty of this grand plantation.

S o u t h e r n - s ty l e p l a n tat i o n m e a l Once our tour of the Houmas House is completed, get ready to experience the culinary traditions of the region in a southern-style buffet lunch. Afterwards, feel free to explore the grounds on your own.

Ex p lo r e O a k A l l ey P l a n tat i o n Stand in awe of the 300-year-old oak trees that span from the levees of the Mississippi River to the entrance of the Big House. Learn the history of Jacques and Celina Roman, explore the grounds, including the reconstructed slave cabins, gardens, and a blacksmith’s shop, or soak in the breathtaking scenery.

F o r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n f o r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

Grand Southern Plantation Tour

“A fantastic way to spend a day exploring two spectacular plantations Beatrice AD, September 2019


New Orleans,LA


Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.

Post-Cruise New Orleans Highlights Tour H a l f- Day A M

$ 79

P r em i u m e xc u rs i o n H I G H L I G H T S N a r r at ed j o u r n ey t h r o u g h t h e " B i g E asy " See key sights throughout the city such as the French Quarter, Jackson Square, and the Garden District. Experience the eccentric atmosphere of New Orleans from an intimate, first-person perspective. See the levees and discover the stories present on every street, from tales of the city’s first settlers, long-standing cultures, religions, Hurricane Katrina and of course, Mardi Gras.

G u i d e d t o u r o f S t. L o u i s C e m e t e ry # 3 On a guided walk-through of the “City of the Dead,” discover the historical significance of this peaceful above-ground burial place to New Orleans.

E x p e r i e n c e C i ty Pa r k Take some time to relax in the breathtaking City Park. Comprising roughly 1,300 acres, City Park is one of the oldest and largest urban parks in the country and is home to beautiful ancient oaks.

L a k e P o n tc h a rt r a i n Enjoy the views of stunning, historical Lake Pontchartrain which provides the essential habitat for countless species of fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, and plants.

D e pa rt f o r t h e A i r po rt We will conclude our journey at the New Orleans International Airport.

F o r b o o k i n g & M o r e I n fo r m at i o n

Visit: OR Call: 1-888-966-0938 Check online for the most up-to-date excursion information. All tours are subject to change.


Uniquely American River Cruises

For information or to book your Shore Excursions, please call 1-888-966-0938 or visit (For an instant confirmation)

Reservation Agents are available Monday - Friday from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST Disclaimer American CountessÂŽ included shore excursions are available to all American Countess guests and are capacity controlled and subject to availability. All included and premium shore excursions are subject to availability and may not be available at time of booking. All tours are subject to maximum and minimum capacities and tours may be canceled in the event that minimum capacities are not met. Total passenger counts for each tour are required for logistical reasons. Cancellations within 48 hours of tour departure are not refundable. Tour departure times, inclusions, prices and activity level are subject to change; please reference your ticket, the departure kiosk and the daily TV presentation for more information on your specific tour. In most cases, tours will operate in all weather conditions and refunds will not be offered for inclement weather. During local and national holidays or weekends some attractions and facilities may be operating under modified hours of operations or may not be open to the public. In such instances, American Countess shore excursions will make every effort to minimize negative impact on guests and will offer an alternative when applicable or if available. Early pre-booking is strongly encouraged. Tours are generally available 6 months prior to cruise departure and not all premium excursions are available for pre-booking online. Check with your Shore Excursion Specialist when onboard for any additional tours or changes to pre-booked tours. American Countess shore excursions has made every effort to notify guests with mobility issues of handicapped accessibility at the stops and attractions along the Hop-on Hop-off route as well as premium excursions. Because of the historic and general nature of some of the attractions, handicapped accessibility may be limited to the first floor or outside grounds only. In some instances there is no handicapped accessibility to the attractions. Complete or partial refunds will not be issued for portions of tours or attractions with accessibility limitations. Post-Cruise tours may include more than one final destination. In some instances guests will experience up to three stops to allow guests to exit the River Coaches at a second hotel or airport. By participating in Shore Excursions of any kind (Included or Premium), you grant Shore Excursions of America (SEA) and American Queen Steamboat Company (AQSC), and all its agents and employees the irrevocable and unrestricted right to reproduce photographs and/or video images taken of you, or members of your family, for the purpose of publication, promotion, illustration, or trade, in any manner or in any medium. You therefore release Shore Excursions of America and American Queen Steamboat Company and its legal representatives for all claims and liability relating to said images or video. Furthermore, you grant permission to use your statements that were given during an interview or guest lecture, with or without your name, for the purpose of advertising and publicity without restriction.You waive your right to any compensation.


I M P O RTA N T fo r yo u r voyag e Go online to or call 1-888-966-0938 to make a reservation.

Pre-bookings close the Wednesday prior to embarkation at 11:00 AM EST. Remember, all excursions in this brochure are subject to change. Not all excursions listed are offered on every voyage. Be certain to check online or call for the most up to date information on your specific voyage.

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