Mystik Way Magazine 25

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Rashmi Kilnani a modern mystik The TwinGoddesses

of Ancient Egypt

The Art of Memory Tarot: Journey into Oracle Decks inspired writing, ANimal and Plant Totems, Tarot and more...

Moon Magic and Esbats Creating a

Magikal Persona

Eating for



The Twin Goddesses of Ancient Egypt | 14


Welcome to issue twentyfive


The Sound of Silence


Project Avalon


The Art of Memory - Part 2 of 3


Mystik Way Healing Link


Happy Birthday Mystik Way Magazine


Inspired Writing - Change


The Twin Goddesses of Ancienct Egypt


Biography: Rashmi Khilnani


Creating a Magikal Persona Part 3


Moon Magic and Esbats


My experience of a miracle

27 Artwork 28

Tarot: Journey into Oracle Decks


Tarot: May’s Card: Laughter


Animal and Plant of the month - Deer and Lily


Magikal Herbs: Sage


Healing Herbs: Dandelion


Enlightened Living and Eating


Real Life Experiences

Rashmi Khilnani | 16 If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation to help us along the Path.

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EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | MAGAZINE DESIGN Simone Schreck ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Jenny Spirit, Kirsty Merida Mellor, Alma Delacruz Gossman, Peta Panos, Christine Carlson, Michelle Mahoney, Terssa Welsh, Jennifer Adele, William C. Snider, Jennette Stevenson, Ama’ritday, Kirsty Scott,


Welcome to issue 25

s we enter May our 25th edition the Mystik Way begins its third year‌If the first two years are anything to go by the third year will certainly be a powerful & magical one in all aspects, especially as we begin the month of May with the fire festival of Beltane, a time of fertility and fire energy. In this issue we have our birth chart drawn up & it is most certainly powerful. In the northern hemisphere we are at last entering spring in England, it is about a month late, but I am certain Mother Earth will soon straighten herself out. We are now planning & looking forward to our many Magical Mystery Tours, celebrations & festivals. In the southern hemisphere (middle earth) I am sure you are all looking forward to those nights by a fireside with loved ones & friends celebrating your festivals. Wherever you live & whatever path you are walking, may whatever you deem the Great Spirit to be walk with you always & in all ways, blessing you in all you do along that path.

Blessings MystikMaster 3

The sound of silence In stillness of the silent mind dwells all knowledge &wisdom, the very sound of the Universe. Once you learn to practise daily silence & stillness but just for a few short moments, the Universe will tell you all the secrets you need to know….It will tell you to touch the wind….talk to the trees…..feel the earth rise up through your feet…..walk with the animals…..soar in the sky with the birds….watch the clouds drift by… lay on the ground &listen to the grass grow. That’s all you need to know to practise Magik. Listen to the sound of Silence.


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Avalon Project Avalon Update Project Avalon is a task I have set myself with the help of some of my ritual group to turn my old courtyard into a haven of Organic Herbs, vegetables, fruit & flowers grown on the Moon & Sun cycles, meditation & mantra. See issue 23 & 24 of the magazine. Well we are about a month behind as spring has only just decided to join us, but at long last some warm sunshine has arrived & already there are buds forming on the blackberry bush and grape vines (looking forward to the start of our new wine making season as the Blackberry wine was fantastic last season) …the Sage, golden Oregano & Lemon balm are perking up….have just acquired a Blackcurrant Sage (a new one to me) curry plant & eau de cologne Mint…the Catnip is still in a hidden location as my cat Emrys is rather fond of it.

as with a bit of thought & inspiration you can have you own organic haven…for producing your own veg/herbs, meditation, relaxation and healing, it also draws wonderful/magical energies working with nature.

Many Blessings MystikMaster

I have spent the last few nights drawing up plans for the wall mural, which will be of Glastonbury Tor, the God & Goddess with Celtic knot work on the outer edges. Hopefully next issue we will have some pictures. There are plenty of good artists here so it certainly won’t pose any problems. I do hope this will inspire some of you to create something similar in your own spaces 5


THE ART OF Part 2 of 3

Introduction This is the second part of a series called The Art of…, which aims to show how art and creativity can be ritualistic, magical, and can focus the mind in a way that allows us to reach our potential. The first part, in Issue 23, demonstrated how creative pursuits can encourage the manifestation of positive influences in our lives, through the blending of raditions and elements. This second part looks at how memory can become the basis of art, and how we can discover patterns and meanings in the symbols we encounter in our lives.

Keeping Records Many of us keep diaries, in which we allow our thoughts to manifest into writing through streams of consciousness. This can become an art-form in itself, and with a bit of care, can become a beautiful record of our experiences, through which patterns can emerge that we may otherwise miss.

Some diaries come ready made to encourage this, and these can be purchased at the start of a year to allow us to note spiritual or energetic observations. These can include scribblings of symbols or impressions that may not make sense in isolation, but which have meanings that become apparent later. Like lines of a pattern, they may not make sense up close; instead, the distance of time and perspective allows us to see the bigger picture. These symbols 6 |


by J

could come from dreams, meditations, coincidences or from signs that stand out. They are also ideal for noting fragments of poetry, or phrases that form in the mind seemingly from somewhere else. Again, their meaning may be obscure at first, but they can later be seen to be prophetic or comforting in ways that we could not have imagined.

Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook, which will celebrate its 15th year of publication in 2014, is an ideal such diary, although there are many others available. Some, such as Cheryl Thiele’s Sacred Journey, published each year, are large enough to be used by a group. Such a book can be used at the end of spiritual group work by each member, to record impressions and thoughts, and to encourage the flow of coincidence and patterning. They also contain special monthly sections, and activities dedicated to special dates such as equinoxes and solstices, so that wider, cyclical patterns can be tracked, and goals can be set and observed.

Capturing the Flow We all have our own ways of recording our memories, which can be extremely personal to us. However, in our modern world, there is currently a tendency to rely on digital technology and storage on laptops, phones and memory cards. The art of manifesting our memories in the form


James Middleditch

of photographs and albums is being replaced by an intangible, online storage system, which, although useful in many ways, lacks some of the continuity and permanence of our old, physical methods.

The way our parents and grandparents stored photographs in albums are precious, and can play a significant part in keeping alive the patterns of generations that again could otherwise be missed or lost. We can discover unexpected connections by looking at such photographs and taking in all of the details; perhaps some of your relatives or ancestors visited particular places that are now special to you. Perhaps there is a sign or an object in them that has meaning to you now. Time is filled with such intricate designs, and they are so easily missed. By keeping your own versions of such albums, you may contribute to patterns that will have meaning to future generations.

A modern way of achieving this is to create ‘photobooks’, in which our digital photographs can be printed and published as beautiful bound book forms. These can be created with care and artistry, and become a permanent physical link to our 7

past, for the benefit of our future. It is always worth warning against becoming lost in such memories, and succumbing to the sadness that can come from nostalgia – however, such records of the past can become useful in containing our emotions; we can allow ourselves time to sit with the memories and feel them, before closing the book and moving on.

can illuminate even more patterns – themes will become clear through lyrics and styles of music, messages can be heard, and the patterns of Time can be perceived.

Sharing our Memories

As always, all of this advice is just that… memories are the most personal thing we have, so one person’s method of recording them cannot dictate another’s. Of course, memories do not have to be photographic. But I truly believe that it is worth doing. While They can be based on sound or moving image. Songs always being careful not to lose ourselves in our can be one of the most evocative and potent forms pasts, I believe we should take pleasure in recording of memory, opening extraordinary mental pathways the changing times, events and people in our lives. back through time when we hear them. Modern I believe there is much to discover from doing so… technology allow us now to easily create modern that Time leaves us messages, to be found in the art equivalents of ‘mix-tapes’, where we can compile of memory songs that mean something to us, that mark particular Next time… The Art of Meditation… ideas on how to occasions or times, that in years to come, we can return to and remember. Again, we should also make transfer art directly from our subconscious… these physical if we can; burn a CD, put it in a box, give the CD a name, make a cover. These actions

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MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINK Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth. We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds… their bodies….and their souls. This is our mission….our work. Blessings MystikMaster.


Happy Birthday Mystik Way Magazine By Richard Hayes (Warlockway)

Mystik Way Magazine is now two years old! During the last two years it has developed from simple beginnings to the magazine you see today. With the help of all its contributors and the editorial work of Ed, and the graphic design of Simone, it has developed a style which is inclusive, presenting many varied aspects of spiritual understanding in a visually engaging format. The number of people reading the magazine increases each edition, and at present it reaches a world-wide audience of one hundred thousand. The last time I drew up an Astrology Chart was for the founding of Mystik Way, in the first edition of the magazine. I have now prepared a chart for the magazine’s second birthday, based on the time when it was first issued. This is almost the exact time that the Sun is in the same position in Taurus, as at its birth. The magazine will always be Taurus – practical and down to earth, determined and in tune with the natural world. The chart for this birthday sets the tone for the year, and this year Venus and Mars are also conjunct the Sun in Taurus. This emphasizes the compassion of the magazine, its links to healing and female spirituality, and its relationship with the natural world. Recently, articles have been introduced regarding growing food, and you will probably know that Ed and I make wine together! For this year, the Ascendant is in Scorpio, conjunct Saturn and the North Node. Scorpio is passionate, sensitive and determined, and the presence of Saturn 10 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

emphasizes the need to learn lessons, to teach and to explore seriously the sensual side of life. The North Node in the First House means that the magazine will strive to reach as many readers as possible, and the passion of Scorpio is seen in the commitment of its contributors for their subjects. You will see from the chart that the Moon stands on its own in the top half of the chart, in the Tenth House conjunct the Midheaven. This is the public image of the magazine, emphasizing the importance of its awareness of Female Spirituality, Psychic Awareness and Intuition – expressed with confidence in Leo. These are the characteristics which will draw readers to our magazine, attracted by the caring, sensitive, nurturing nature of the Moon. The Moon is favorably linked to the Sun, Venus and Mars – giving great determination and true purpose to the expansion of the magazine. Venus opposition Saturn trine Pluto – should encourage a greater exploration of the deeper meaning of sexual expression, and enable the magazine to explore these deeper magical aspects of human existence. Pluto is on its own with five aspects to other planets, so there will be an innate energy to break down old patterns, and create the opportunity for a deeper understanding of spiritual values. Its squared aspect to Mercury and Uranus, which are conjunct, means that new inspirational ideas will be seen in the magazine – often challenging our outdated understanding. Mercury conjunct Uranus in Leo in the Fifth House, will mean that ideas


will be projected enthusiastically, and be inspired by the need to present spiritual ideas in a rational form. There will be no shortage of energy in communication, as these two planets fall in the fire sign of Aries. Jupiter, also in the top half of the chart, is the philosophic teacher, bringing expansion and good fortune. Its powers of philosophic communication are enhanced by the sign of Gemini, making complex ideas easy to understand. Jupiter is in the Eighth House of Occult Studies and Corporate Finance, so it will expand the range of topics discussed and will hopefully bring in more finance to keep the magazine running. The most important aspect of the chart is its relationship to Healing. Chiron is conjunct Neptune in the Fourth House. Such a placement is the basis for compassion, psychic understanding, healing and complementary therapies. These two planets are linked to Jupiter and by trines to the Ascendant, bringing all these healing attributes to the outreach of the magazine. If this was a person’s chart, it would indicate a powerful healer, and this is a key role for the magazine in the coming year, promoting healing in all its aspects. When we look at the chart as a whole, most of the planets are in the lower half, giving a strong personality and character to the magazine, which is projected out to the world at large. Perhaps the most significant character of the chart is all the many aspects linking the planets together. This is a busy


chart, with lots of potential and variation, and should in the coming year, encourage a greater variety of articles. When I looked at the birth chart of the magazine and compared it to this birthday chart, there were many similarities – the same Ascendant, and most of the planets in the fourth, fifth and sixth houses. This similarity tells us that this birthday is a true rebirth, based on the Founding Principles of the Mystik Way Magazine, and that the development of the magazine in the last two years will be continued into the years ahead, reaching many more people on a global scale.

Happy Birthday to Skye Elizabeth Spirit, born 10th April 2013 at 19:01 weighing 7lbs 3oz sharing the Mystik Way birthdate.

As a Spiritualist Medium, I channel inspired writings dictated to me from the Spirit World, usually in the form of Spiritual Guidance.

Change – part one

We are aware that some people fear change in their lives – fear of change in relationship, home or occupation, and indeed the wider changes which affect all in your country or the world. However, we are also aware that some of you are excited and invigorated by the possibility of change, always seeking new opportunities or new experiences. But my dear ones, in your life on earth you will experience changes of many different kinds, and they are all there to expand your experience and opportunities, that you may discover more about yourselves and others. What is important is how you face the challenges of change in your life. We encourage you to face changes with a modicum of excitement that things are moving forward for some reason. Naturally there should be reticence, wondering what these changes will bring into your life, but fear should be banished. Open your hearts

and minds to the new, whatever it may be, and for whatever reason it has presented itself to you. Remember that you do not stand alone. You may have family and friends around you to support you and perhaps share in the new experiences presented to you. We remind you also of your friends and loved ones in the spirit realms, who willingly help you when called upon, and there are also those who guide and help you, should you attune to their energies and presence. Be assured that they will help you and encourage you through your life experiences, so that you may grow spiritually through them. We want you to become more open, more loving, more giving in all you do. Thus we can use you as our hands and feet on earth, bringing joy and upliftment to all. Change brings great possibilities to you for a fuller, richer life.


THE TWIN GODDESSES OF ANCIENT EGYPT By Richard Hayes (Warlockway) The Pantheon of Ancient Egypt contains many god forms, some in human form and some in animal form. By the eighteenth dynasty (1500 BCE) the spiritual tradition had evolved , and the five god forms created by the union of Nut (the Sky Goddess) and Geb (the Earth God) became the main deities, which explained the pattern of human existence, and became the focus for temple worship. These five god forms were Horus (the incarnation of Ra the Sun God), Osiris (the God of Resurrection) and his evil brother Set, Isis (Goddess of the Heavens) and Nephthys (Goddess of the Underworld). Some people believe that these god forms were real superior beings, who came to Egypt to teach a new philosophy and cultural skills to the early Egyptians. The origin of these beings is said to be either from Atlantis - at the time when its civilization was destroyed, or from outer space – possibly from the planet Sirius. In the Egyptian system, the realm of the gods was depicted as the relationship between good and evil, and the resolution of this polarity was seen as the solution to the pattern of human existence. Horus represented this synthesis, and the path of goodness was typified by Osiris and his consort Isis. The path of evil was represented by the union of Set and Nephthys. Each polarity had an important part to play in human spirituality, as mankind endeavoured to resolve the conflict, and find a spiritual synthesis of the polarity expressed by the conflict of the gods. For the Egyptians, Osiris represented goodness and the prospect of eternal life, whereas Set represented evil and eternal damnation. This battle raged in the legends associated with the gods, and in a complex tale – Set, assisted by Nephthys, tricked Osiris to enter a coffin which was then thrown into the Nile. It was washed up, and Osiris was retrieved by Isis, but Set stole him away again and cut up his body, scattering the pieces across Egypt. With the help of Nephthys, who converted to the light, Isis 14 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

was able to retrieve Osiris’s body, reassemble it, and through the magic of Nephthys and the use of a golden phallus, was able to bring it to life, long enough for her to conceive Horus (the Younger). Horus – the solar child and hero, went on to avenge his father’s death and destroy the evil Set. Osiris was now in heaven, in the afterlife, but he became the eventual source of devotion for both Isis and Nephthys, who are often shown standing behind him at his right and left shoulders. In the picture, Isis and Nephthys are shown paying homage to a statue of Osiris on the dyad altar. Isis represents the outer aspect of female spirituality, and is associated with healing, child care and having a strong intellect, being positive and outward going. This forms the basis of the Warrior Queen associated with day time and the powers of the Sun. Nephthys however, represents the negative aspect of female spirituality, and is associated with magic and psychic abilities. Being inward looking relates to the emotions, the subconscious and the powers of night time and the Moon. These attributes represent the positive and negative, yin and yang, aspects of female spirituality, and together the twin goddesses form a complex, balanced persona to complement the male consciousness of Osiris. The worship of Isis lasted 2000 years, and her role as Queen of Heaven was taken over by the Madonna, the Mother of Jesus, (the Holy Solar Child.) Nephthys can now be seen in the worship of the Black Madonna in the South of France, and the influence of the twin goddesses can still be seen in modern religion. Their true meaning belongs to the Ancient Wisdom, and the powers of Isis are still acknowledged and worshiped as part of the current Goddess revival, and for some the synthesis of Isis and Nephthys, in the form of Great Isis, is the best model for female spirituality.


Rashmi Khilnani - a Modern Mystik New Monthly Feature Interviews with International best selling Author Rashmi Khilnani. In the June issue I will be conducting a questions & answers interview with her on healing, spiritual enlightenment and more, if there is anything you would like me to ask on a specific nature please contact me. Mystik Master

About Rashmi

She utilises her Goddess-given gifts of psychic intuitive channeling, sound, light, breath and vibration to help Rashmi Khilnani was born in Chandigarh, India, and was shift and heal individuals and groups and conducts ceremonies for morphogenic global heart healing. She conceived and spent the first 6 years of her life in Cairo, works closely with the Divine Father aspect – Maha Egypt. Avataar Babaji - and the Goddess Hator for Heart Healing. Having met influential personalities all her life in the realm of politics, spirituality and the arts, she seeks to Having lived and established a global business network serve the Ascended Masters in bringing a spiritualization with her former husband, in the last 15 years she has and heartfeltness of unconditional love and Unity Congone on to studying and teaching with world-renowned sciousness to people of all walks of life. She also works avatars, gurus and teachers and become a specialist in and trains her Reiki Master Students in the Healing and Energy Medicine. She is on the forefront of bringing the Rebalancing of the Sacred Elements and Mother Earth ancient mystery school teachings of Egypt, India, Tibet, Herself. China and the Teachings of the Essenes into current time and making these teachings simple and accessible to people at all levels of soul journeying. Rashmi’s connection to the Goddess Hator goes back to when she was 2 years of age playing around the sands of the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sacred Sphinx. She Rashmi is a modern mystic. She teaches and practices has particular intuitive knowledge of the Secrets of the several healing modalities and has taught Reiki Masters, Pyramids and the Star People such as the Hathor Beings doctors, scientists and people from many walks of life the in the higher realms of Venus. In spite of her cosmic secrets of the Mystery School teachings. She is a global orientation, she is down to Earth, grounded and teaches metaphysical teacher, urban shaman, international lecthrough practicality, Truth, Love and Simplicity and a turer, artist, seminar leader and TV personality. great sense of humour.


The Goddess Hator in the last few years has requested that Rashmi (who is one of the only Initiating Master Channels into the Mystery School of Hator in current time on Earth) recreates a school for her teachings not only for Reiki Masters and practitioners but for all Spiritual Aspirants everywhere.

At this time, leading up to 2012, the ending of the Mayan Calendar, the Photonic Energy is making it possible and probable for many souls across the globe to open up to the pure Heartfelt frequencies of Unity consciousness and unconditional love which are the hallmark of the Mystery School of Hator.

Rashmi has had graphic recall during initiations into Sekhem, Seichim, Seichem and Karuna Reiki Mastery, of lifetimes as Egyptian High Priestess and other powerful Egyptian esoteric lifetimes. She has appeared in the media relating to her pioneering psychic feng shui work and her work as an interior designer. Currently her ‘Heart of Hator Seminars’ across the globe are taking precedence.

As she has done in previous lifetimes in Golden Ages in Egypt, she is being impulsed in this moment of now to create a Pioneering Concept and Centres of International Spiritual Community where Art, Love and Heaven on Earth can flourish.

Through the channeling of this Sacred Work, the many pearls of wisdom and gifts of the Goddess have been showered on Rashmi and her earthly book team. She feels tremendous love, gratitude and humility for being part of such a deep and expansive ocean of grace and love. Rashmi would like from the bottom of her heart to share this celestial transmission with You her fellow brothers and sisters.

To find out more about Rashmi log on to or To contact Rashmi email


Creating a Magikal Persona Part 3


he use of the Archetype (Often referred to in Jungian psychology to mean a pre-existent idea, mode of thought or Godform that manifests through the collective unconscious of all that is.) I will begin to break that last paragraph down into meaningful workings by explaining that the Archetype is in modern words someone, usually a person we can admire & associate with (in other words a hero)..It does not just have to one person, as the name Archetype suggests…a type of persons sharing similar traits/ personalities, a collective….for example…Buddha & Buddhists, Druid & Druids or whomever you decide to associate with… Writers, poets, musicians, artists. The collective unconscious exists in the invisible realms (nonvisible to most human eyes) permeates all space & time when we with deliberation call out to our chosen Archetype we cannot but help to connect, very much akin to tuning into a radio or television channel…just a matter of selecting the correct frequency. Our sheer willingness to do so & our empathy for our chosen Archetype will aid us, so not only must you admire them but must study and mimic their traits, for example if you love & wish to write, spend some time studying and finding out about


the writers that you most admire, you will then begin to draw them to you, the collective unconscious will then inspire you as you write. By using an Archetype we are tapping into thousands upon thousands of years of experience thereby making that experience and knowledge readily available to us. A network of energy very much like a grid or spiders web of light connects everyone of like mind together, so all are able to share their combined wisdom as a collective, also you yourself will be contributing to this pool of experience & knowledge. As I mentioned in the previous issue spend some time selecting your chosen Persona and Archetype, begin to think as they would think, act as they would act maybe even change your dress style…re-write yourself letting go of the old “normal” self & by taking on this new Persona you will start to draw to you the success you desire in your chosen field…you will draw to you good health, wisdom and wellbeing….Life will become a joy a wonderful adventure not a repetitive chore with new avenues opening up for you in all directions thus allowing you to lead the life that was fully intended. Blessings on your chosen path MystikMaster


Moon Magic and Esbats By Kirsty Merida Mellor

Blessings all! I hope you enjoyed my last article on moon magic. This month I will talk about the meaning of Esbats and share a small ritual to work over the changing moon. Esbats are rites held for the purpose of connecting with the Moon’s energies and are believed by white magic practioners as the time for most magical workings. Esbats can be performed alone or with in a coven or ritual group. In contrast to the Sabbats, which are fire or sun festivals, Esbats are dedicated to the Moon in her various phases. These are thought to be the ‘working’ celebrations, the time in which to attract, banish, invoke protection, or to perform any other magical workings. Most Sabbat festivals are held in order to celebrate the changing of the seasons, the time when light is equal to dark or the gathering of the harvest, etc. The Esbats are held in honour of the Goddess the ever changing moon and the feminine energies. 20 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

The Lunar Year contains 13 Full Moons. These have all been called by various names in the past but the ones that seem to have become the most popular are:





Wolf Moon

Fern - Alder


Ice or Storm Moon

Saille - Willow


Chaste Moon

Nuin - Ash

Seed or Growing Moon

Huathe - Hawthorn


Hare Moon

Duiir - Oak


Mead Moon

Tinne - Holly


Hay Moon

Coll - Hazel


Corn Moon

Muin - Vine


Harvest Moon

Gort - Ivy


Blood Moon

Ngetal - Reed


Snow Moon

Beth - Birch


Oak or Cold Moon

Luis - Rowan


But that’s only 12! Well that’s because the 13th Moon is called the Blue Moon, this occurs when four full moons fall within the same season (each season only has 3 full moons, the fourth full moon between solstice and equinox, or vice versa, is the Blue Moon). This happens once a year, and always at a different time due to the inaccurate modern calendar. The Celts originally set their year to correspond with the 13 moons but with the coming of the Romans and their method of calendar keeping this tradition was lost. The Celts 13th Moon was called Ruis or Elder. The Blue Moon is considered the ‘goal moon’, at this time it is traditional to set specific goals for yourself and to look at your accomplishments and failures since the last blue moon. Due to modern life it may be hard to fit all these celebrations in I know with my two boys sometimes I barely have a minute to myself, but I do try even if it is just for a few moments to bathe in the moons energies meditate and contemplate my life and focus on what joys I would like to bring to my family, my home and the universe. Part of my connection to the moon is because of her physiological effect. Moonlight allows us to see under a different light. Its magical and new silvery and ethereal, she teaches us to recreate our ideas about how things seem. By simply bathing in the moonlight, her healing rays enter our bodies and can manifest as increased psychic power, wonderful insights and a gentle, tranquil new love of our feminine side whether we are male or female. The moon changes all the time yet her changes are regular, harmonious and in tune with all that is around her, revealing the secret of our true selves that we too have time 21

to shine in our darkest moments that nothing is forever. Working with her phases can re awaken our own natural energetic flow and when we connect with her cycles we relax stop forcing and go with the flow. Just as we charge crystals under the moonlight we can also charge our tired etheric body cells or aura. Our aura is washed and cleansed under moonlight and the moon light activates our psychic abilities and intuitive power.

Wishing on the moon

Always remember the 3 fold rule when practising any magic:

Bide within the law you must, in perfect love and perfect trust, Live you must and let to live fairly take and fairly give, Light of eye and soft of touch Speak you little listen much, Honour the old ones in deed and name Let the light be our guides again,

Hold this thought in your mind and then write it down on a piece of white paper with a silver pen, any colour pen is fine but I like to use silver. Fold the piece of paper and slip it under a bowl of White flowers, you can place these on a window sill indoors or under the moon light if you are practising outside. It needs to be placed where it can pick up the full rays of the moon. If you wish to increase the power of this wish you can place an object that is connected to your wish under the bowl on the night of the FULL moon. If your wish is to be granted, you should see sign’s materializing before the month is out. But remember only use magic in a positive and good way.

Merry meet and merry part Bright cheeks and warm the heart,

As you gaze upon the moon ask yourself this: how much is there that we cannot fathom because as yet, we do not recognise the existence of those things we cannot see.

Mind the threefold law you should three times bad and three times good,

Enjoy the moon feel the moon and dance in her protective rays xxx

These eight words the rede fulfil ‘AN’ it harm none, do what ye will.

Try this simple yet effective ritual on the night of the new moon. Sit in a quiet room or outside. Light a white candle and visualize something that you long to happen. It might be an improvement on your health a new job, a new home anything you would like to wish for.


“High in the sky the moon shines like a beacon in the night guiding the wanderer and the sea farer on their way As regular as clockwork, her constantly changing face marks the passage of time for each and every thing that lives on the face of the earth” Author unknown.

Alma Delacruz Gossman

Your True Colours Whatever it is that gets you flowing do so with conviction from your true soul Souls guide you to your personal knowing Keeping you on target as well as whole Lessons are learned so often from your pain Yet in time you reach that epiphany When you do not accept ~ you live in vain for living is about discovery Facing fears and any disappointment Deepens your core consciousness and beliefs As you achieve and then become content Self realization stems from beneath When you face your own true self awareness, You discover your own actualness . . . Alma Joyce De La Cruz Copyright ~ May 1, 2013 I took this picture while trekking up to Oregon, discovering so much about our Earth and in turn about me.



My experience of a miracle by Peta Panos

“My husband is missing. Please can you share this with anyone who may have contacts in Indonesia....” “Brett Archibald bunked with me as cabin mate on our current surf trip to the Mentawaii islands off Sumatra Indonesia. He was very seasick last night during the huge storm while we were sailing to the islands through the night and we think he must have fallen overboard when getting sick on deck while all of us were sleeping. I only discovered it hours later when we woke up this morning at the surf spot and worked out that he wasn’t in his bunk nor on the top deck. The coast guard boats and planes have searched the ocean all day and so have we...but found nothing yet. Its dark now and we have to stop and start again tomorrow. I’m shattered..we all are. We wont stop searching. We are being inundated with messages but signal is very limited here so please rather not try contact us. I will post to facebook to try relay as much information as I can to as many people as possible. I believe that Archie is strong enough mentally and physically to survive the night in the sea if he hasnt already been picked up a local fisherman in a small boat or something similar. Please say a Prayer for Brett for strength...and for all of us. If he can keep going we WILL find him. Please forward this message to let others know to watch for Facebook posts when I can make them as we cant communicate with everyone Individually. Thank you. Jean-Marc Tostee”

Was the post I saw on Anita´s Facebook page on the 17th April. I was shocked! I quickly learned that Brett was on a surfing trip with 8 of his old school mates in Indonesia and was now missing overboard.

I had first met Brett when we both worked for Tourvest in1998 and had kept in touch with him over the years as we share a close mutual friend. Brett is a larger than life kind of guy; incredibly successful businessman; brilliant storyteller with a wicked sense of humour. His wife, Anita, is a beautiful petite elemental, full of love and light. 24 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

They have 2 children, Zara (9) and Jamie (6) who I had met just once when I stayed with Brett and Anita when they lived in London a few years back.

I couldn’t believe it. Brett had just turned 50 last year and had so much to live for. Was it possible that he would die all alone in foreign waters? Was he even still alive? What must Anita be going through?

I lit a candle for Brett, said a prayer for him and remained glued to Facebook for the rest of the day and evening, searching for any updates. A friend of the Archibald family based in the States had started a Facebook page “Searching for Brett Archibald” and like many others, I checked various pages every few minutes for updates. Going to sleep that night, I tried to imagine what Brett was going through. I knew he was fit, being a cyclist and a surfer; I knew he was a strong willed and determined man although would that be enough to keep him alive as the hours dragged on? The water in Indonesia is warm so he had that in his favour but what about sharks and the storm he was in?

I received an sms around 5h30 the next morning delivering the exceptional news that he had been found and he was alive. Fresh tears were now from joy and gratitude and I spent the next few days reading all the interviews and information available. Even though I was an observer through the whole event (although tried to do all I could energetically), I was so overwhelmed by the efforts of the people involved in Brett’s rescue and especially the outpouring of love, hope and support for the Archibald family from all over the world, from close friends and strangers alike. The whole process really buoyed my faith in mankind and what we can actually achieve when we pull together.

So what happened? Their surfing charter boat had

encountered a big storm and Brett had woken up in the early morning feeling queasy after a dodgy Indonesian pizza dinner and had gone up to the top deck for some fresh air. He was vomiting overboard when he passed out and was woken up by the warm water thinking his buddies were splashing him with water to wake him up. He could see the boat ahead of him and no–one could hear his calls. He guessed that it was around 3h15 AM when he fell overboard and knew exactly where he was as he had just asked where they were in their journey. He knew that the boat would turn around when they realised that he was missing (not realising that it would be 10h30 AM before this happened) and when he finally saw the boat, the swells were so big that they passed just 250m from him – he could even see his mates on deck searching the water for him. That was when he knew he was in deep trouble!

Brett had no life jacket and couldn’t find any flotation device at all so he alternated between treading water and swimming. He saw land a few times but the current stopped him from getting closer. He was bumped a number of times (although couldn’t bring himself to look under the water) and then around 6h30 PM, he felt a really big bump. He went under the water and came eyeball to eyeball with a 2m Black Tipped Reef Shark, which circled him about 8 times before moving away. He was also the target of jellyfish stings and a seagull that tried to land on his baldhead and peck his eyes out resulting in a nasty gash on his nose.

– “The jubilation of his mates on board, we go back 40 years, grown men jumping around the boat and dancing, hugging, screaming, high-fiving, crying, it was just super emotional and we are just so relieved that we got our friend back,” said Jean-Marc Tostee.

Can you imagine what Brett must have been going through during those 27 hours in the water with no flotation device? Apart from the sheer physical exhaustion, dehydration and hunger, the mental and emotional process must have been enormous. I would imagine that that is where the real story lies...

Brett had been thoroughly checked out by a Doctor onboard the boat that found him and as he was in relatively good shape, decided to complete his trip and was back in the water 2 days later, making his peace with the sea and surfing up a storm. With so much to integrate and at the time being completely unaware of the effect his miracle has had on the world, I believe it was the perfect choice.

Having finally made it through the night, Brett’s hopes lay with a fishing boat that was coming straight for him for an hour or so and then turned left and went off in another direction and it was at this point that he decided to just give up. Having heard that drowning was a good way to go, he sunk under water and took a deep breath but couldn’t go through with it and shot out of the water gasping for breath and it was then that he saw the mast of the boat that rescued him an hour later. I find it so interesting, that just moments after Brett’s true surrender, he was saved.

Can you imagine the elation and relief that every-one must have felt the moment they found him and as the news circulated (and Brett’s of course!) Brett was able to call Anita soon after and then rendezvoused with his boat and mates 25

When Anita was interviewed on a local radio station, just after Brett was found, she said that she had never given up hope that she knew her husband was alive and he would be found. anitaarchibald

Chantal Malherbe, who co-ordinated the rescue from South Africa told her story about the rescue in Wavescape: diary-of-a-sea-rescue.html

I loved the interview of the Australian Captain Tony ”Doris” Eltherington who went beyond the call of duty for a man he had never met and in particular that he believes he was guided to change course by one of his best friends whom he had buried that day.

Brett – I salute you! You are a legend and a true hero. You have touched and inspired so many people with your strength and tenacity and I cant wait to see what you will do with your miracle!

I have personally been inspired in so many ways through Brett’s experience. In small ways like when holding a yoga position for a few minutes (if Brett can last 27 hours then I can last a few minutes!!) and in more profound ways through remembering not to sweat the small stuff and that our life, and that of those around us, can end at any time so make the most of every day in every way with an open heart and in joy.

Where will you be going in 2013? We have an exciting range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more information and an overview of the journeys on offer, please click here

Brett believes that his connection with Anita and a higher Being saved him. He acknowledges his experience as a miracle and knows that he was looked after through his ordeal. Listen to one of his first interviews here https://

I am certain that Brett was saved for a higher purpose and know that he will fulfil this purpose with integrity, passion and inspiration. I look forward to enjoying his book (and probably the movie too!) and hope to hear the whole saga firsthand at some stage.

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys Email: Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys Twitter: questjourneys


Artwork by Christine Carlson 27


Journey into oracle decks

by Michelle Amethyst Mahoney


ach month you get to read something new about Tarot decks, but this month I want to talk about something different: Oracle Decks. Now, some people may argue that Tarot decks ARE Oracle decks. Let’s look at the definition of Oracle: (from Webster’s Online Dictionary): n. 1.a : a person (as a priestess of ancient Greece) through whom a deity is believed to speak b : a shrine in which a deity reveals hidden knowledge or the divine purpose through such a person c : an answer or decision given by an oracle 2.a : a person giving wise or authoritative decisions or opinions b : an authoritative or wise expression or answer

From these definitions, almost anything consulted for information could be referred to as an Oracle, including the Tarot reader herself. However, I view Oracle decks and Tarot decks by a different definition. In general, Tarot decks are those decks which have a set structure (especially along the Rider-Waite-Smith versions). In general, they contain 78 cards, 56 are what are known as the Minor Arcana (structured the same as a deck of playing cards), and 22 Major Arcana cards numbered 0-21. 28 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Tarot Art:

Oracle decks, on the other hand, can be any number of cards with any definition, and follow no particular pattern or structure. I used to be really against Oracle decks. Some of the ones I have seen in the past are just really terrible, and I feel like it’s something the creator pulled out of their a&* for a quick buck.

However, over the years I finally found some Oracle decks that I actually connected with, beginning with the Oracle of Shadows and Light by Lucy Cavendish (artwork by Jasmine BecketGriffith). Still, the deck only contains 45 cards. One of my biggest complaints about Oracle decks had always been that the decks usually only contain 40 to 60 cards, with 40 being a pretty normal number. Even though 40 is a sacred number in many belief systems, this is a lot less than the number of cards in a Tarot deck, so quite often I felt cheated with an Oracle deck.

Then I came across the Ocean Oracle deck by Michelle “Shelly” Hanson. This deck contains 200 cards as well as 2 boards printed front and back for you to choose shells from. This Oracle deck blew me away, and my acceptance of Oracle decks became complete. Now, it is time to take my own jump into the world of Oracle Decks. I have just started work on The Rabbit Oracle. Rabbits are an animal known for fertility, life, and renewal. They are a symbol for Spring, Ostara, and birth and growth. As a Spirit animal, Rabbit may encourage you to jump quickly and take an opportunity. You can use Rabbit energy when you need a boost, or to re-energize your creativity. Rabbit is often associated with III. The Empress card in the Tarot.

The Rabbit Oracle will be hopping your way in Spring of 2014. If you’d like to follow the progress, jump over to the page at: https://www.facebook. com/RabbitOracle



May’s card: Laughter

with Terssa Welsh Psychic Medium Rosalind’s words and guidance

This month is all about your reminding yourself about the wonderful things that are in your life, we sometimes become so weighed down with things that don’t really have to have an impact on our lives, but we allow them to.

Responsible for your life and choices

You are responsible for your lives and pathways, and sometimes you often live in excuses and can never find a way out, many of you have lived in the excuses of the past that have stopped you from moving forward, are you ready to take All this month set yourself a challenge to ownership of your life and the choices you look at everything with a positive mind set, make and the direction your heading, it’s surround yourself with people who will lift not up to anyone else to tell you what your mood, and increase your laughing is right or wrong, you have to make the abilities! choices within your life for you, you may seek counsel from friends and family and This month is a great month to get out whilst that is wise, you have the deciding and about and doing things you enjoy, vote in your life..... I wonder how long sometimes things are often not what they you can live in the excuses of the past.. seem and changes may be occurring in your And the “oh but this happened to me”, life and you feel like a chapter of your life is before you allow yourself to heal, take coming to an end... but look what happened the time to heal and then move forward... to the caterpillar just when it thought its life harsh as it may sound.. It is also very was over... it transformed into a butterfly true... taking time for yourself is not selfish, getting to know you is not selfish Know this month is all about positive and most importantly taking ownership affirmations, laughter and looking at for your lives is the best gift you can give situations and embracing life with a happy yourself do it today! mind set! Laughter is a great way of healing, and looking at all the good people, and things we are having within our lives can change the course and path that we are on

Have a great May 30 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Love light and healing

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine each month, please give consideration to making a small donation towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. To achieve this, the Mystik Way requires regular donations so that it can meet these expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button. Many thanks if you can help. Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.


Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele

May Animal of the Month - Deer

with deer energy feel a connection to the woodland gods and goddesses and to the woods themselves. Alternative paths will lead deer totem people to their life goals, like deer trails in the forests… barely noticeable to others, but deer folk know that they are there and where they can lead. If you are looking for an animal to teach you how powerful it is to be of gentle demeanor, to exert keen observation and sensitivity, then the deer is an excellent choice for meditation during the tender and abundant month of May. Deer are in tune with nature and all it comprises. They are sacred carriers of peace and show those with this power animal how to open their hearts and love unconditionally.

Deer are the ruminant mammals forming the family Cervidae. Species in the Cervidae family include white-tailed deer, moose, elk, reindeer, red deer, roe, and chital. This month’s deer totem is energetically closer to the white-tailed deer than other species and will hold more of a feminine interpretation. The deer’s energetic pattern includes gentleness in all forms and from people in word, thought, and touch. The deer gives the ability to listen well, the grace to move softly and swiftly, and appreciation for the beauty of balance. Deer people have a deep understanding of what’s necessary for survival while countering that severity with the power of gratitude and giving. Oftentimes people working


Symbolism: grace, agility, softness, innocence, freshness, tenderness, secrets, sensitivity.

May Plant of the Month - Lily of the Valley Convallaria majalis, commonly known as the Lily of the Valley, is a poisonous woodland flowering plant native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe and in the southern Appalachian Mountains in the United States. It is possibly the only species in the genus Convallaria (or one of two or three, if C. keiskei and C. transcaucasica are recognised as separate species). It was formerly placed in its own family Convallariaceae, or earlier, like many lilioid monocots, in the lily family Liliaceae.

This plant is best known for its wonderfully fragrant, petite, white nodding bell shaped flowers, which are surrounded by deep green oval leaves. It spreads nicely as a ground cover for a shaded area or woodland setting and is perfect for those tough spots where nothing else seems to grow. Meditate on the energy of this hardy species throughout the tender yet enduring growth inherent in the month of May. May it bring beauty and happiness into your life!

Symbolism: return of happiness, good luck, purity, sweetness, humility.

A limited native population occurs in Eastern USA. There is, however, some debate as to the native status of the American variety. 33


MAGIKAL HERBS by William C. Snider

e g a S

Sage~The Ancient “Cure-All” Sage has been around and cultivated for 1000’s of years. It is native to the Mediterranean. It has been noted in use from ancient Egypt, to the Romans, as well as China and Europe. The medicinal use of sage is old enough to have been called by different names throughout the centuries. As this is just a monthly article I will just go over the main medicinal uses, as well as some flavoring. Sage was chosen for this month since it a very versatile medicinal herb. It has been listed in the official pharmacopoeias from Egypt to the United States over the centuries. I will start with the properties of Sage and then go into some of the uses. It is the phenolic acids in sage which gives it many of the following properties. Sage has been listed and used as(an): Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-hydrotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-micorbial, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, aromatic, astringent, carminative, emmenagogue, oestrogenic, relaxant, spasmolytic, vermifuge. In addition, Sage has been used to treat excitability, Alzheimer’s, and other “brain related” deficiencies such as Parkinson’s.

Growing sage is quite easy. The soil needs a ph of 6-6.5. It grows to be 18 to 24 inches tall. It is a full sun plant, and should be approximately 15-18 inches apart. 34 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Sage can be grown from seed or from cuttings. Harvest the leaves just before it blooms. From Gingivitis to infantile diarhea, a fertility drug to warding off evil, sages uses and history is quite ancient! With a list like this, it is understandable why Charlemagne had sage planted in the official German gardens, and the Chinese imported tons of sage tea from France. The Romans used sage in the pharmacopeia to reduce the gas in the intestines caused by the fatty foods of the day. Some precautions-Sage should not be used by pregnant women or those with epileptic fits. As with any medicinal if you have any questions please consult a homeopath or other doctor. Some of the various names for sage are as follows: Salvia officinalis, Salviae folium, Broadleaf Sage, Common Sage, Dalmatian Sage, Garden Sage, Kitchen Sage, Narrow-leaved sage, Sage, Salvia, Sarubia, Spanish sage, and Tibbi Adacayi.

References Wikipedia - -[http://] University of Illinois Herb extension - sage.cfm[]

healing herbs

with Jennette Stevenson

Dandelion Taraxacum officinale, (tell the time wet the bed,cankerwart) You know it’s the beginning of spring when these little golden yellow flowers start appearing You will find them in cracks in the pavement,garden and fields As a child we all probably have memories of sitting in the garden or at school blowing the soft seedy fluff and watching them fly into the air with such innocence and magic yet as we grew older use a lawnmower to be rid of them as soon as they appear. BUT WAIT We know different of this wonderful gem in the garden For thousands of years our ancestors relied on this flower for so many uses especially in medicine so here are a few things you can use this wonderful flower for.

So this is just a few uses it sheds this flower into so many different shades for me now Try it make it have fun doing it use it There is also the majikal uses too but hey thats another story. Have fun!



In the next issue I will give the recipe for the Tincture and Tea Jennette Stevenson 35


Enlightenend livin


ello again, and thank you for reading this month’s instalment of, Eating for Enlightenment. As the sacred hoop turns yet again, here we are at our beloved Beltane! The summer begins heralding a most auspicious occasion, the end of winter. Winter is an arduous journey and souls can grow weary and hearts heavy, one can actually feel bone tired. Our ancestors had experiences of food running low and having a variety of food was nonexistent. The dreary winter blanket finally melting off perfectly illustrates the melancholy and exhaustion that infiltrates on so many levels to this day. Beltane is needed and required, as we need air water sun and nourishing foods, for our very Soul is crying out for the relaxation and rejuvenation that summer brings

season of celebration and gratitude of the summer’s return. If you have an outdoor fire/grill to cook on let’s make that our cooking center for the summer season. Make sure your grill is sparkling clean for best flavor and sanitation. Cast iron cookware is amazing for health flavour and retaining heat. Cast iron can also be used indoors as well as outdoors on the campfire.

The seed of spring have been planted and the crops are young and require tender loving care. With proper care the bounty will be amazing but we all have to do our part. Making sure that we tend what we have sown. Insuring crop fertility was the main reason for Beltane festivities, but also includes activities such as frolicking in the country, maypole dancing, fertility fire leaping, circling the fire three times (sun-wise) for good luck in the coming year, athletic tourneys feasts, music, drinking, and children gathering flowers.

Herbs ~ All-heal, blessed thistle, broom, curry, daffodil, dogwood, coriander, dragon’s blood reed, fern, fireweed, nettle, flaxseed, hawthorn, marjoram, paprika, radish, rue, snapdragon, mushroom, almond, meadowsweet, rose, woodruff, tansy, elder leaves.

Beltane also a decorative and festive celebration, Flowers, flower wreaths and garlands are typical, as well as colorful ribbons and streamers. Flowers are a vital offering, for they signal summer’s triumph against winter and the blossoming of sensuality in nature and the abundance that will usher forth. Beltane or Bright Fire is largely celebrated with fire, bonfires, and candles or whatever is most convenient to your situation. For me I will be talking about the hearth fire or stove which serves so brilliantly, and the foods we cook in this Beloved 36 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

So my fire is blazing, ready to nourish my soul but I’m not quite ready yet. I also believe in setting the mood for my celebration with my mind body and soul, so I like to dress my table. I use different herbs, flowers and stones. As the aroma of culinary delight fills the air, I also like to perfume the air further and pay homage with incenses.

Incense ~ Rose, jasmine, ylang ylang, peach, musk, or vanilla. Stones ~Malachite, garnet, rose quartz, emerald, beryl, tourmaline.

ng & eating with Ama’ritday

And to grace our table for our Soul’s sacred nourishment: DANDELION SALAD 1 Dishpan full of young dandelion leaves 4 Strips of bacon 1/2 c Sugar 2 T Flour 1 ea Egg beaten 1 t Salt 1/2 c Vinegar 1 1/2 c Water 3 ea Eggs, hard boiled, diced Wash, drain, and cut up tender dandelion leaves. Brown bacon; remove drippings and crumble Combine sugar and flour. Add egg, salt, vinegar, and water and mix until smooth. Pour into bacon drippings and heat, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Pour warm dressing over dandelion. add crumbled bacon and hard boiled eggs. Toss lightly and serve immediately.

MAY WINE from “Dancing with the Sun” by Jasmine Yalenorn 1 cup sweet woodruff 2 bottles rose’ wine 4 dozen rose petal ice cubes 1 quart strawberries 1 quart chopped peaches 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup white rum 2 bottles champagne 1 bottle white wine 1 litre lemon-lime soda Two weeks before serving: clean woodruff and pack into one bottle of wine. Cork and let sit. The day before serving: make four dozen ice cubes by placing rose petals in the compartments before adding water. Freeze until solid. Hull and wash the strawberries. Slice. Mix peaches and strawberries. Add sugar and rum. Marinate overnight. An hour before serving: Strain woodruff out of wine and discard leaves. Mix champagne, all remaining wine, lemon-lime soda, and fruit in a large bowl. Stir. Add ice cubes 15 minutes before serving. Serves 20. Much summer love to you. Bright Blessings, Ama’riday


Real Life Experiences by psychic & medium Kirsty Scott


ne of my first ever readings turned out to be one I shall never forget. When I first started I used to practice on facebook pages. I stood in my lounge one evening and suddenly my head jerked backwards with no prior warning. I knew immediately that someone was trying to communicate with me. I turned on my laptop and logged into facebook. I scrolled down a page that i was a member of and stopped at a photo. I instantly felt a connection

I was a little dubious but felt that i had to go ahead anyway. I asked the poster if this little girl had died of a broken neck. I waited for a few minutes and a reply came back “OMG, yes she did, how did you know that?” I typed back “she is here with me now, and is telling me her mummy is really sad and cries all the time and this is making her sad”. I was welling up myself it was so raw the pain that was felt between the child and her mother.

The picture was of a young girl, I knew that she had passed away, i could feel her coming close to me. She told me that she had died of a broken neck. This is why my neck had jerked back earlier. The little girl was really sad, I asked her why and she told me “mummy cries all the time, I don’t want her to cry anymore”. I tapped a message on the photo for the person who posted it, I knew that the poster was not the mother of the child.

As the reading unfolded I was able to relay details of her life that no one else could have known. These details were in turn been related to the girls mum as she felt she was not strong enough to talk to me directly. Tragically the girl had died in an accident that had been caused by her mother, but not purposely I hasten to add. The poor mother of this child was so wrapped up in guilt and grief that she was unable to even get out of bed in a morning , she was on the edge clinging on for dear life . The girl told me to tell mummy to look at the stars, this did not make sense to me but made perfect sense to the mother as after her death she


had bought a star and named it after her. The girl told me so many things to verify that it was actually there and that she was so aware of her mother’s pain, and that she wanted her mum to stop blaming herself . Every single detail even down to the song and the flowers chosen for her funeral were all passed on and verified.

ed to thank me from the bottom of her heart. For the first time in a long time she had clear vision and thought and the cloud that hung over her was slowly moving away. She felt so much more at peace with herself, knowing that she no longer had to live with guilt.

This little girl and the love she had for her mothThe little girl had a specific message for mummy, er stayed with me and is still with me today. And in a way I have her to thank for showing me that I she said to me “please tell mummy I was never meant to stay on earth, I came into the world only had to carry on doing this and started to pave the way for me. for a short period of time, to learn some lessons, i then went back home to put my lessons to good use. The accident although tragic was all part of a bigger plan, I chose you to be my mummy before i came and you were a wonderful mummy, so You can contact & connect with Kirsty on her please please stop crying”. I was balling my eyes facebook page out at this point as I was typing, I could hardly scott.963?ref=ts&fref=ts catch my breath. The reading drained me so much I was exhausted , and went to bed shortly after . A few days later I received the most lovely & heart warming letter from the child’s mum, again verifying all the information I had passed on to her . Also she want-

Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers Get one custom made!

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Bracelet as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know which beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my on-line shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 plus shipping. Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x


Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine! If you have enjoyed the journey, please consider a donation to help us with our running costs. Any small contribution is greatly appreciated and will enable us to provide this platform for spiritual growth.

...Issue 26 will be out in June 2013


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