Mystik Way Magazine 14

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Venus Transit June 2012


Sentience of Place


Your outer world reflects your inner world


Herbal planting: Sage


Nature Awareness – Chamomile


Insight Meditation Kit Review


Mystik Way Healing Link


Member Diaries – Summer Solstice



Cover shot: Rob Wilson 7

Stonehenge Aotearoa


Matariki – Maori New Year


Mystik Magnetism – Part 1


Solstice Ritual


Mystikal Dream Realms


Gratitude Tarot


How to connect with your Tarot cards


Welcome to Issue number fourteen Welcome aboard the Magikal Mystery Tour of this wonderful thing we call life, a fantastic journey through a land of Myth and Magik, all it takes is a shift of thought patterns. As we in the northern hemisphere celebrate the return of the Sun and those in the southern celebrate their mid winter, we realise with the advent of the modern era, the internet and modern technology that no longer do vast distances separate us any longer. We are indeed a global village; Avalon is not just the British Isles but the entire globe where we can all talk to each other as if standing in the same room… We have shrunk the world… what exciting times we live in indeed. There are many new and exciting additions to the magazine (as soon as we find more time) to come. Over the summer months, many mystery tours and parties we will find the energy and inspiration to implement them of that I am certain. This month’s issue has an overwhelming flavour of herbs (pun intended) as it seems we are being drawn back to the Old ways, detoxing our bodies as well as our mind and spirit. We would love to hear from readers about their experiences of growing, usage, remedies, photo’s etc as an on going monthly feature. I am certainly looking into the prospect of making herbal wines with childlike excitement and will feature up dates of my progress. So stop being shy and email your herbal blogs. Also I wish to feature a dream blog (get writing). I am about to start a feature myself, where I firmly know that I live indeed two separate lives, one whilst in the awake state and the other whilst in the so-called sleep state.

Enjoy the magazine, Blessings MystikMaster.


Where and when?

project an image of the sun on to a screen.

Don’t miss the Venus Transit of the Sun on June the 5th to 6th depending on your time zone. The Planet Venus will pass in front of the Sun for the last time this century with the next transit occurring in 2117. Venus can be seen from earth as a small black disk moving across the face of the sun. People all around the world can witness this rare astronomical event that lasts 6 hours and 40 minutes. Americans can enjoy the spectacle on the evening of Tuesday, June 5, 2012. For Eurasia and Africa the latter part of the transit is seen the morning of June 6, 2012 and parts of the Asia Pacific, Australia and New Zealand can enjoy the whole transit in daytime on the 6th June.

Astrological meaning

This transit will provide scientists with numerous research opportunities, especially into the sighting of planets outside the solar system, as the transit causes measuring dips in a star’s brightness. The transit can be safely observed by taking the same precautions used to observe solar eclipses, so make sure you wear adequate eye protection in form of eclipse viewing glasses for a few minutes at a time, or for a better view use a small telescope or a pair of binoculars to

Venus and sun do cross over quite regularly in astrological terms, however generally Venus passes our star high or low instead of moving across the Sun’s face. This month’s event had more impact in terms of meaning because it appears as an eclipse. Venus in general depicts the feminine, love, goddess energy, co-operation, beauty and is known as the giver of life and also supports aspiration, success and achievement in life. The meaning of the sun can be seen as the storehouse of our existence, the fuel and purpose to life in a masculine principle. These together seem to foretell great shifts in human consciousness and generally Venus transits can be traced back to moments of new ideas and world change. So when Venus aligns with the Sun, the principle of life force is merged with love and harmony. The June occultation occurs in Gemini with a strong opposition in Pluto. Pluto 3

adds even more powerful transformational energy to assist in harmonising the masculine vital force of the sun via communications near and far. All forms of networking and communications are favoured through the energy of Gemini, and it is a time for the exchange of multifaceted and diverse ideas to one another.

Nasa will broadcast a live webcast of the transit from the Mauna Kea Observatories in Hawaii. So if you are keen, watch it here on June 5th 2012:

Mayan Calendar Interesting to note is that the Mayan Calendar was based on Venus cycles. Over an eight-year period, the retrograde cycles of Venus around the sun forms the shape of a pentagram, the five pointed star. The measurement between each retrograde peak is a 72-degree aspect called Quintile. In astrological terms a quintile has the influence of creative transformation, which is the same meaning that has been placed onto December 21, 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar.

Or check out the website to find out your times and dates for the transit.

Many consider this Venus in Gemini transit as a key marker of a new 2600 year cycle of humanity. It is said that this Earth/Venus/Sun alignment symbolises the energizing of the feminine creator in her one-ness. In other words it suggests a rebirth of the consciousness of our whole selves regardless of gender. I would say lean back, open your heart and take this energy in as it comes, affirm your intentions and bear witness to your creative potential and be the divine Co-Creator you are! Happy viewing, Simone Schreck


Place and placement, form and function, essence and existence.

Sentience of place is a concept on the periphery of many different symbolic and metaphysical systems and philosophies today. The sentience of our selves, of animals and plants, and even of rocks and roughage is a mainstay of many philosophies and religions. We ponder the stars and seek their guidance and we look to the changing seasons for energetic connection and a sense of time and awe. Yet, exiting outside of all of that and also acting as a platform and a container with which to hold it all is the concept of sentience of place. This concept embodies all symbolic interpretations and tends to tie them neatly together when understood to the fullest extent for without place and placement, form and function, essence Â

and existence we cannot hope to comprehend much of anything else. Cohesion is a must for the highest expression to emerge from the human psyche. And, when we begin to consider that each structure and each place has spirit and a unique sentience about it, this allows for us to see the cosmos with new eyes and to understand our selves even better as we connect to the very places we occupy on a daily basis. The intelligence inherent in structures and the soul of a place have always held great fascination for me. Perhaps that is why I have spent years studying symbology, feng shui, vaastu shastra, and the totems of various cultures in great depth and details. Even my light studies of numerology and astrology are rooted in their relationship to place and subsequent design. It is a personal goal in my vast design work to bring the sentience of symbols and the connection to place and all that dwells there to the forefront. But, quite recently I had a 5 Â

personal encounter with a decaying building that brought the reality of inherent essence within a place to vivid life for me.

But, the years were not kind to #5323. The windows were all shattered and the insides were rotting slowly and surely from exposure. It was a proud shell that still housed pigeons, squirrels, and the spirit of what it was and all that had happened there. In a single moment as I stood in the courtyard’s embrace I felt the pull, an undeniable connection to this place that I looked at and with an inner eye saw nothing but potential staring back at me. I saw the soul of the place and all it still had to offer. And, in that moment of seeing the potentials through the damage, #5323 looked back at me with its shattered window eyes and broken teeth doorways and whispered to my bruised soul and scarred fleshy shell, ‘I see potential in you, too.’

By happenstance and by the design of destiny I found myself out for a walk one sunny Sunday with a friend in an area of town where I very rarely go. It was there I met #5323. A grand old building that was new in the 1920’s, it had once provided lavish apartments for 36 total tenants and underground parking in what looked like a mote with drawbridge format. The outer brick and stone work with noble turrets and cascading stairways still echoed the potentials of all it once was and all that it might be again with the right help and proper investors. The open courtyard that was central to it no doubt once embraced visitors and was host to many gatherings.

I have visited #5323 regularly ever since that first encounter, our first blind date together. And, even though I am not the one to rehab her and give her a new life, I am her friend and embrace her spirit. I give her what I can, and that is company and acknowledgement. I know her and she knows me. A decaying structure with a lovely soul has given new vibrancy to my work in design and a deeper meaning to my understanding of sentience of place, for although I have sensed place and placement, form and function, essence and existence regularly… I have never had the honor of being seen for my very soul in place and placement before.


Stonehenge Aotearoa “Prehistoric monuments are something that have always fascinated me and the amazing structure on the plains of Salisbury, in the English county of Wiltshire, is one that has always been of great interest to me.”


even the name instils a certain amount of power, possibly this is because of my 1000 year old Celtic history.

The pillars are capped with lintels, completing the circle, and a 5 metres (16 ft)-tall obelisk marks the centre of the stones.

As I have never had the chance of returning to my homeland of the British Isles, I have never had the opportunity to set foot on this hallowed ground.

This modern henge was designed to demonstrate how the ancient peoples used such constructions to understand astronomy.

However I heard a rumour of a Stonehenge in New Zealand, my current place of residence.

Since Stonehenge Aotearoa is at a different latitude and longitude than the original Stonehenge, it is not exact to the UK site (some measurements had to be changed to preserve certain astronomical properties.) Its design was inspired not only by the original Stonehenge, but also by navigational and astronomical techniques of Polynesians and of the New World.

This Stonehenge is located in the North Island of New Zealand not far from its capital city of Wellington. The actual location is a small town called Carterton, which is a lovely spot. This henge is not a replica or a copy. This is, in fact, a working astronomical version of the original and actually built by NZ Astronomers. The henge contains 24 pillars and is 30 metres (98 ft) in diameter and about 4 metres (13 ft) high.

Anyway, the road from Carterton winds through some lovely NZ countryside... well-worked farm fields of green slowly roll towards a few bends which brings us up on to a nice plateau. 9

Through the gates of the entrance to Stonehenge Aotearoa, we see nothing of this massive structure. A small almost British lane leads us up to the car park where we were greeted by the smiles of Richard Hall and Kay Leather the astronomers who constructed this amazing Stonehenge.

Standing in the centre of the stones I felt centered... almost energized... some may dismiss this as coincidence or just the sheer thrill of standing in the centre of a structure as amazing as this.

We were there for a night shoot of this amazing structure and approaching it I must admit I felt something of its energy. I have no idea why but it felt like coming home.

I left that night feeling fabulous and Stonehenge Aotearoa has become a large part of my photography project.

I walked through into the centre of the stones and stood there and took in the sky and the sensation… without a word of a lie, I felt amazing.

So was it coincidence...? I, for one, am not a great believer in coincidence.

It really is an amazing place and well worth the visit… I have been back 4 times since my first visit... and I am due back there again within a few weeks... I am very much looking forward to that... Stonehenge Aotaroa website: nge/


“Ka puta Matariki ka rere Whānui. Ko te tohu tēnā o te tau e!” “Matariki re-appears, Whānui starts its flight. Being the sign of the [new] year!”

Matariki is the Maori name for the Pleiades star constellation, also known as M45 or the Seven Sisters. The stars rise only once a year in New Zealand midwinter – late May or early June. This event, happening on the 21st June this year is associated with the winter solstice. It marks the start of a new year and traditionally was the time to remember the ancestors and celebrating new life in form of singing, dancing and feasting. Officially it is the day of the first new moon after Matariki is first seen that signals the New Year. Literally translated Matariki means the ‘eyes of god’ (mata ariki) or ‘little eyes’ (mata riki). This coming from the Maori Myth, where Ranginui, the sky father and Papatuanuku, the earth mother, were separated by their children. The god of the winds, Tawhirimatea became so angry that he tore out his eyes and threw them into the heavens. Another story tells that Matariki is the mother surrounded by her six daughters who

appear to help the sun, Te Ra, on his journey from the north. Matariki celebrations were popular before the arrival of Europeans in New Zealand and quietened in the 1940s. The tradition has been revived at the beginning of the 21st century and now thousands are honouring the ‘New Zealand Thanksgiving’. Heaven bound kites, hot air balloons and fireworks mark the occasion, as they fly close to the stars. There are lots of ways to celebrate Matariki: A family feast, a clearing of winter vegetables in the garden, tree plantings or a sleep under the stars. Happy New Year, Simone


“What isn’t for passes you by.”


My grandfather’s advice Introduction This is the first of a three-part series which looks at the way in which we can harness and absorb particular energies in order to produce what I will call ‘positive magnetism’, which draws particular circumstances to us, or which leads us to the place we need to be. This is not a new idea; many other spiritual authors have described something similar, such as James Redfield and his Celestine Prophecy. However, my terms and way of describing it have come from my experiences and recent meditations.

The Principle of Magnetism I believe that our earthly bodies act as magnets, whether we know it or not. We have probably all experimented with magnets, and felt the pull of the correct metal and the sudden snap as they connect when close enough. Using two magnets, you can also feel the mysterious, invisible force that repels them away from each other. This idea is a good starting point, but while magnets follow the laws of the physical Universe and must do what comes naturally to them, I believe that we as humans can adapt our magnetism so that we change the things we attract and repel. The way we adapt our magnetism is to change the energy contained in our physical bodies, and by extension, our auras. James Redfield uses the term ‘vibration’ for this, and teaches us how to ‘raise our vibration’ through the appreciation of nature and avoidance of situations that bring our energy down. 13

However, he sets his teachings in the context of an action-adventure mission, and a series of extraordinary events – what about day to day life, and the many ways in which our energy can be built up or drained from the many signals flying around us all the time? As magnets, we must become aware of these many signals, as if we let them, they can adjust our magnetism to ‘negative’ rather than ‘positive’. This is when we may attract the wrong people and situations, and repel the ones we actually need. Purifying the Signals There are many signals that we absorb during a single day. Some are physical, such as the places we go and the people we meet. Some, however, are more subtle, and therefore potentially more able to adjust our magnetism in ways we don’t realise. Here are some examples of these subtle signals, and ways in which we can make sure they don’t harm us.

compassionate to do this, as we can send light to sad situations from a position of strength, rather than become down, powerless and absorbed in darkness. Television: I am a big fan of television when used in the right way. However, as with newspapers, by tuning to the wrong channels at the wrong time of day, or keeping negative programmes running in the background to be absorbed by our subconscious, we can take in signals that affect our magnetism. Soap operas and rolling news channels thrive on drama and tragedy. I’m not suggesting cutting them out entirely; if they bring pleasure and relaxation, and are consumed in an aware manner, their innate negativity will not get through. Many programmes, such as nature programmes and those that explore art and culture can be consciously absorbed to raise energy and change our magnetism for the better. The Internet: Having so much of human knowledge and behaviour at our fingertips through our computers can lead us to both the good and bad sides of ourselves. As with all forms of technology, the Internet is not innately good or bad – the way we use it determines its role in our lives. Facebook is an interesting example. Look at your newsfeed and consider whether it lifts you up or brings you down. Again, this is not to say we should ignore our friends when they are down, but it can be a good idea to manage your friends and feeds so that only the posts that inspire you get through.

Newspapers and Magazines: While it’s important to be aware of the world around us, these forms of media can saturate us with tragic, negative stories that may lead us to believe that the world is a dangerous place where bad things are inevitable. This attitude can adjust our magnetism to attract a lower level of existence. The solution is to maintain an emotional distance to these stories; this is not being heartless, in fact, it can be more

Of course, we can also increase the amount of positive signals in our lives by following spiritual and meditative practices, as discussed elsewhere in this magazine, in past issues, and on our facebook group. Listening to inspiring music, using josticks and oils, having beautiful pictures on our walls – all of these things will purify the energy of your home and life, and increase the positive magnetism of your body and aura.


The Effects of Positive Magnetism The effects of positive magnetism will be noticeable. It will lead you to the right places, and the right people, at the right time. Similar to James Redfield’s synchronicities, you will find coincidences and messages that will lead you forward into better times. It will also repel negativity. This is hard to spot, as it isn’t there to see! But trust that it happens, and ponder, briefly, on the negative things that could have come to pass but did not. Of course, it is hard to maintain constantly. The subtle nature of the signals we receive, as well as those that exist in our psyches from years of experiences and exposure to them can make us wobble. But conscious focus on the goal of positive magnetism is a worthy pursuit, even if, as fallible humans, we sometimes fail. We should also remember that if we are magnets, so is everyone else! When we find ourselves in difficult situations, we should wonder, have we been pulled into someone else’s negative field? Or was our own positive field not quite strong enough to repel? It will likely be a bit of both. Ultimately however, I believe it is possible to have complete faith in positive magnetism. If something appears to be bad, we can trust that it happened for a reason that is not yet clear. If it rains on our holiday, it will have been because we needed it to. If something we want has not yet appeared, it is not yet time. Everything is as it should be. To be continued… In the next part, I will relay a personal experience of trusting positive magnetism fully and setting off on travels alone, to see what came my way…



we prepare for the Summer/Winter

solstice, depending as to which part of the hemisphere you are living in… it is time for rituals and celebrations. I decided a long while ago to write my own ritual and devise my own way of celebrating as there are so many differing traditions and conjecture as to which is the correct one. Any way I feel that ritual is a very personal thing with which you can celebrate your very own way, add the pieces to the Altar table that are indeed special to you and you alone. Whatever you do, draw together your friends and loved ones, celebrate and enjoy every moment, because after all that’s what it is really all about. MystikMaster.

follow the standard structure of the Fool through the World, plus an additional card called Gratitude Herself. The Major Arcana cards numbered on the deck.



The four suits also follow the same structure and correspond to pentacles, swords, cups, and wands. However, the suits are called Thankfulness, Awareness, Community, and Kindness in order to focus on the elements that will help you more easily “breathe Gratitude and swim in her waters.�


month I want to share an amazing new deck with you called the Gratitude Tarot by Teresa Deak. It all started with a beautiful swan named Duchess at a local part and the heart-wrenching story of the loss of her mate. You can read about it at: But being ever true to her vision and her ability to find gratitude even in a bad situation, Teresa used the story to create an amazing deck called the Gratitude Tarot to help people find inspiration and appreciation in the small things in life. The Gratitude Tarot is a working, usable deck that contains 78 cards and follows the structure of an RWS Tarot deck. There are 23 Major Arcana cards that

I thought the changes in elements would be difficult and confusing at first (I tend to stick to RWS-clone decks), but the more I work with the cards the more I enjoy these changes and this ability to focus on different aspects. The Gratitude Tarot comes with a Little White Book (LWB) that contains some basic definitions and several spreads. You can also find poems and deeper meanings at Teresa’s website. A larger Companion Book is planned soon, and I will be one of the first to scoop it up! The Gratitude Tarot is definitely a card that will help you explore deeper meanings and set your life on a path of Gratitude. The cards measure 3 inches wide and 5 inches tall, and have a dark


blue border, which does not interfere with reading. I highly recommend exploring the Gratitude Tarot. There are still a few firstrun copies available, which come with a printed bag and a special thank-you gift from Teresa.

You can find yours at: The real gift, however, is remembering to stop and find the joy and the gratitude in your life every day. Michelle Amethyst Mahoney, BAFB


Nothing is more exciting for you, a tarot

reader than to have and build a strong foundation and connection to their tarot deck. But what’s even more exciting for a tarot card reader like yourself is when the deck speaks to you in volumes. Here are some simple steps in bonding with you deck of cards. Because tarot cards, just like pets and people, needs to feel love and wanted as well. I will now provide you with 5 easy steps on how to connect with your tarot deck. (These steps apply to all deck of cards, not just tarot.) Carrying your deck with you -­‐ Pretty much this is simple. Wherever you go, whichever location you are going to be at, take your deck with you. Take the deck that you want to build a strong bond with. Let it be your traveling companion. When your deck travels with you, a bond of trust is forming between you and your deck. Talk to your deck -­‐ Ok, this may see a bit odd to you and you’re probably thinking, “Why on earth would I want to talk to 78 pieces of cardboard paper?” Well, did you know that when you speak to your card deck, you are actually transmitting your

energy on to your deck of cards? Touching is one step, but speaking projects so many things that the energy that you deck sustains merges with your energy. And best of all, you build confidence with your deck and vice versa. Scan each card -­‐ Scanning also means to look through. When you are alone and have some “me” time. Take out a deck that you want to bond with and scan each card. Go through each card, one by one, for as long as you want. When you are scanning a card, look at it for a 5 to 10 minutes (or longer) and let them image penetrate in your memory. Look at every meticulous detail in the card. Do this as many times as you want. Building a space for your cards -­‐ The most rewarding thing you can do for your deck is to provide it with its own space. Like building a box and a pouch where you can store you deck after using it. You can easily buy or build one yourself. It depends on you. By making a space for your deck, you are letting your deck of cards rest, recuperate, revitalize, and reenergizes


itself. Pretty much like us after we’ve exhausted ourselves. Journal, journal, journal -­‐ On a blog or a simple paper notebook write what your tarot deck means to you. What do you expect from it and what are you willing to give for its service to you. Write how you feel when you hold the deck in your hands. Write the pros and cons about the cards. You can also write what each card means to you as well as the symbols. Write just about anything you feel like writing.

One more topic I wanted to cover is choosing your tarot deck. Yes, when you go to your new age book store and you see 20 different tarot decks displayed and you browse each and every one of them, pick the one that calls out to you, the one that you feel connected to, the one that gets your attention and does not let go. Never go by what people say about a deck. I can tell you that the Deviant Moon Tarot is one of the best decks that I have ever worked with and you follow my advise and purchase the Deviant Moon Tarot and after scanning each card, you end up disliking it because it’s too creepy. Or I can say that the Marseille Tarot is one of the most tedious and dull tarot deck that I have ever worked with and you end up not buying it, not knowing IF that deck could have been “the one”. Tarot decks, like people will never please anybody, but yourself. Go by your intuition, your instinct. You’ll learn from trial and error. You get a bad deck, you will now know which decks to avoid, you get a good deck and you’ll know which decks to look for. J.r. Rivera


“Intention + thoughts + words + action = a shift in vibration. When you shift your perception, you change your experience of life.�

Over the past few weeks, I have noticed a trend in that many friends and clients have spoken to me about difficult situations they are facing, and how their lives would be wonderful if even one aspect of their lives could change. Yet all saw the solution as something external to themselves and out of their control: all I need is a new job and THEN my life would be perfect... if my partner/friend/colleague/boss would just act/treat me in a different way, THEN I would be happy... if I could just loose 10 kgs, I would find the perfect partner and THEN I would be happy... The truth is, we subconsciously create/attract our external worlds as a reflection of what is really going on inside us. Every-thing is energy and the law of attraction shows us that our core beliefs (what we believe to be true about ourselves, others and the world) direct our thoughts, which give rise to our feelings. Our thoughts and our feelings influence our energy or vibration (the

vibe people pick up from us) and as like attracts like, we attract experiences that resonate with our vibration. If we have a low vibration (heavy; blocked; dense; murky; rigid; dark; needy) it is because our core beliefs are (inadequate; unworthy; negative incompetent; unlovable; powerless; useless) leading to negative thoughts (I am not good enough; nothing good ever happens to me; I never have enough money; every-one has it so much better than me; I am alone, unloved and unlovable) and we experience negative feelings (fearful; lonely; powerless; scattered; overwhelmed) attracting more negative experiences leading to the validation of negative core beliefs in a vicious circle. If we have a high vibration (light; flexible; calm and harmonious) it is because our core beliefs are positive (abundant; balanced; lovable; self accepting) leading to positive thoughts (I am the perfect me in my imperfection; I 23

love and accept myself: I deserve; I give and receive graciously) and positive feelings (happy; joyful; excited about life; peaceful; calm; unconditional love; interconnected to the world around us) and we experience greater joy and less struggle: We manifest more positive experiences easily, enjoy meaningful relationships, a high level of vitality, abundance and satisfaction in life and this perpetuates more positive core beliefs. If you ask yourself honestly – whom would you rather be around? And who would you rather be? I have no doubt that it would be to live in the positive realm. So, how do we get ourselves there? As feelings and experiences are a result of core beliefs and thoughts, the simple solution is: When you change your core beliefs and thoughts into the positive, your vibration shifts and rises and your life changes into a more positive expression. Of course when we are feeling centred and grounded, this is all quite obvious to us. However, it is in the face of adversity that we move into fear, forget the truth and go straight back to our old way of negative thinking. It is precisely at these times that we need to go back to basics and shift our perception of the situation. When you realize that you have subconsciously created/attracted every experience you have had to date, you can draw a line in the sand and step into your own power. The key is to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for where you are now (all the good and the bad) and accept that the choices you have made have brought you to this point in your life (even when you thought you had no choice, you still made a choice). You can then start to consciously co-create your life from this moment on.

Intention + thoughts + words + action = a shift in vibration. When you shift your perception, you change your experience of life. There is a huge personal development industry available with many books, courses and techniques to assist you in changing your core beliefs; release negative patterns and affirm positive thought, although if there was a one-fit – all solution, we would all be using it. I find I use a multitude of techniques in my spiritual counselling depending on the situation or belief that needs shifting. You have to find what resonates and works for you personally and in the spirit of life being a journey not a destination, it is often a combination of things depending on what issue you are dealing with at the time. Whilst identifying and working on core beliefs is trickier and may need more attention; you can make immediate changes just by being aware of your thoughts. If you do this on a daily basis until it becomes a habit, you will notice positive results and ultimately shift your core beliefs. It is as simple as noticing when you are thinking negatively, catching your-self and immediately saying: “I dissolve that thought in light and love” and affirming a positive statement like “I completely love and accept myself” or “all is as it should be”.


I found a beautiful daily affirmation by Maureen Moss recently that you might enjoy using:

I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance; the abundance of God/the universe is my infinite source. The river of life never stops flowing and it flows through me into lavish expression. Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God/the universe works in a myriad of ways to bless me. I now open my mind to receive my good. Nothing is too good to be true and with God/the universe as my source, nothing amazes me. I give fearlessly and freely into life and life gives back to me with fabulous increase. I am indeed grateful and blessed and so it is and so I let it be.

My suggestion would be to adapt the words to suit you, print out a few copies and carry on in your purse, paste one to your mirror and another to your computer and when you feel yourself slipping into fear and control, ground yourself and read it out loud as often as possible. I am not what happened to me I am what I choose to become – Carl Jung Written by: Peta Panos Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys Twitter: QuestJourneys

Web links for the soul: Free podcast/ guided meditations designed to help you benefit from meditation in everyday life. Binaural beat tones in the audio affect the brainwaves and bring about a deep state of relaxation. 21 different meditation tracks free to listen to and download. Highly recommended. Produced by Jesse Stern and Jeane July-Stern. Follow Erik’s story in the afterlife, documented by his mother Elisa. Erik, who took his life when he was only 20 year old, communicates through dreams, visitations and channelings and describes what the afterlife is like and what it feels like to be a free soul. Elisa is keen to share her story to help others who need to know that their loved ones are living on.


SAGE - THE WISDOM HERB Planetary Connection: JUPITER Herbal Animal Association: TOAD

branches by pinning down side shoots and covering with soil taking about 8 weeks to root. Mulch in winter and protect plants in heavy damp soil his is a good time to pot it up and bring it indoors.


single plant should satisfy your requirements. To sow seeds plant a pot grown specimen preferably indoors in spring, in a sunny well-drained spot, you may also grow indoors in winter or in colder weather. The sage prefers a sunspot with good air circulation with light dry, well-drained alkaline soil. For propagation take cuttings spring to mid autumn and root in a heated propagator, I have started to use cling film cover lifted either side so air can flow and until I feel they are strong enough, alternatively, layer sage

When harvesting, for best results collect foliage for drying just before plant has flowered, although some will collect after flowering and will cut back spent flower stems and trim regularly to keep compact and encourage new shoots. Sage takes a long time to dry out, and to retain colour well, the leaves need a long slow drying period. You can also freeze sage leaves in a plastic bag in small quantities.

Sage is best planted in the third quarter moon phase when the moon is in the fruitful signs Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. 26

Sage will keep for up to a year in a closed container. It is best to replace with new plants after five years. Eating Sage has a very strong flavour its main role to accompany onions in a traditional stuffing. Excellent to flavour duck or goose, it goes into Sausages, kebabs some cheeses and into the bean and tomato dishes, salads and for flavouring vinegars.

Magickal uses Sages main magickal uses are for cleansing, protecting, healing, purification, wisdom, and divination. Sage has long been burned to purify and cleanse a space. The ancients would burn dried prigs of sage in temples and during religious rituals, some would mix sage and lavender sprigs and sprinkle it over their floors to aid with protection and of course to give a magically divine aroma. It increases psychic awareness and allows glimpses of past and future; it attracts good health, money and offers protection for the home and family. It also is good for clairvoyance. If asked with intent can aid in attracting spirits from behind the veils and helps with the consecration of a chosen deity. The list goes on and on. Sage Magick.

Much love and blessings, Medicinal use


Astringent qualities are good in steamy baths sage has many medical applications and healing powers has been known to improve health and boosts the immune system. It also helps ease mental exhaustion and increases the ability to concentrate aids in lifting depression and soothing anxieties, it is ideal in sachets mixed with rosemary for those under pressure.


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chamomilla or German chamomile, also spelled camomile, is an annual plant of the composite family Asteraceae. It can be found near populated areas all over Europe and temperate Asia, and it has been widely introduced in temperate North America and Australia. It often grows near roads, around landfills, and in cultivated fields because the seeds require open soil to survive. Chamomile is often used in herbal medicine for a sore stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, and as a gentle sleep aid. It is also used as a mild laxative and is anti-inflammatory and bactericidal. It can be taken as a herbal tea, two teaspoons of dried flower per cup of tea, which should be steeped for ten to fifteen minutes while covered to avoid evaporation of the volatile oils.


As an interesting side note, chamomile is sometimes known as "the plant doctor", because it is thought to help the growth and health of many other plants, especially ones that produce essential oils. It is thought to increase production of those oils, making certain herbs, like mints (spearmint, sage, oregano) and basil stronger in scent and flavor. Chamomile tea is also thought to be useful to suppress fungal growth, for example, misting it over seedlings may prevent damping off.

Symbolism: Strength, health, energy in action, gentle yet firm balancing.

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Insight Meditation Kit: A step-by-step course on how to meditate by Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg


received this kit as a present in 2003

and put it to one side as, in my ignorance, I thought ‘well I already know how to meditate’ I go to group once a week! Well, it took me until 2011 when I was sorting through items in my garage to sell at a car boot sale that I stumbled across this box set again and realised that now might be the time to use this kit. I had already been reading a book earlier in the year called ‘The Happiness Trap’ by Russ Harris which in my opinion uses the essence of Buddhist teachings to address the issues around the transience of life, thoughts and feelings and living in the present. So I followed synchronicity and embarked upon learning what the set had to teach. Contained in a card box you get a spiral bound book, 2 meditation CDs and some concept cards. As you indicated by the cover principles covered by the set are principally Buddhist. For me this was initially a turn off, I had got the mistaken

impression over time that Buddhist meditation was all about just sitting still and trying to calm the mind, boring and (seemingly) impossible for me – but I was wrong! The style of meditation taught through the kit is called Vipassana and is characterised by concentration and mindfulness. The aim is not necessarily to induce any particular state of mind or actually stop the mind but to bring added clarity to your present moment experience. This is achieved not only through mindfulness but also through exploration of our thoughts and feelings and by learning to experience all that is without judgement i.e. by learning to accepting both the good and ‘bad’ thoughts and feelings and allowing them to flow through us without resistance we start to learn to live in the present moment without hindrance. Ok, so I had heard some of these pearls of wisdom before but didn’t really know or understand how to put this in to practice.


To me the book adds a greater level of understanding and insight to the meditations via stories, personal experiences and even question and answer sections about principles such as: mindfulness; bare attention; desire; aversion; sleepiness; restlessness; doubt; karma; suffering; the five hindrances; loving kindness (Metta) amongst many others. The book is definitely a great accompaniment to the set and leads me to want to read and learn more about Buddhism. The complimentary CD includes 6 meditations (4 seated, 2 walking). These meditations relate directly to the principles learned about in the book, but also help us to relate to these practically by concentrating on aspects of life that anyone could directly relate to - the breath, emotions, body sensations and life’s hindrances. I enjoyed each of these meditations and looked forward to doing the next one after I had read the relative chapter in the book.

The kit also contains a set of concept cards which are a comprehensive summary of what is learned and these can be pondered at your leisure. Personally I would recommend this kit whatever your path as it is good value for money if nothing else – a good spiritual book, a meditation CD and some cards all in a lovely box! Aside from that if you have never done Buddhist/Mindfulness meditation then this kit introduces it in a way that is appealing, accessible, keeps it real and definitely keeps it spiritual. Peace love and light! xx The Insight Meditation Kit is available to purchase from on-line retailers including Amazon: UTF8&qid=1334506091&sr=8-1


Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. Several other groups join us and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Connect with us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing. It is manipulated by thought. The vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth.

Blessings MystikMaster.


Summer solstice time for warmth happiness and new beginnings Being the most mystical time of the year, it's almost like a lust filled craze for all fresh and new things. We all have desires for fresh veggies, fresh air, fresh & free feeling of love and positivity. It is a time at which we feel the need of all the elements. We have a solstice celebration where I have encouraged my kids, myself and my partner to let go of all negativity and begin again with positive thoughts and actions. We start that morning with a hike through the woods to be at one with mother earth. We then go for a swim at the river by our home where we become one with the water that we are blessed with. We then prepare our feast that is cooked out in the fresh air, then we gather dead limb that have fall due to the winter and age and we have a bonfire where we gather and write our past negatives, burn them to release, then we dance, drink, sing and celebrate our new beginning. Everyone reading this needs to realize to wake each morning is a blessing. To smile and get a smile back is a beautiful sign that happiness in any situation is a vital part of life. Any situation could be worse. So enjoy life. Find forgiveness where you need it. Love

everyone and never give up. We all choose our own destiny! Look for falling stars make wishes and follow your dreams! I’m also thinking about an “ask Samantha section” of which I’m greatly excited about! Just text your problem to 931-287-5070 any problem: love, sex, gardening, cooking, really anything and you will receive an answer asap. Then I will pick my 5 favourite ones and next month they will be added to help others. Have a blessed summer solstice. Much love and blessed be! Samantha Shelby Strawberry shortcake 1 1 1 1

angel food cake pkg of strawberry jello pkg of dream whip qt of fresh homegrown or farmers mkt

Slice the angel food cake longways, mix jello as directed take a fork poke holes in the angel food cake pour jello hot over the 2 parts of cake put in fridge for 30 mins. Meanwhile slice your berries thinly and make the dream whip as directed take the cake out layer dream whip and berries restack. Then put it in the freezer 6-24 hrs before serving. When your ready take out 30 mins before eating. It’s a magically wonderful almost like a healthy ice cream cake. Enjoy!


Contributors in order of appearance: Ed Mystik Master/ Editor Jennifer Adele Rob Wilson: Cover shot and article Simone Schreck / Graphic Design 5932151 James Middleditch 28251436 Amethyst Mahoney

J.r. Rivera Peta, Spiritual Quest Journeys Annie Pearson ove?ref=ts Jenny Spirit Samantha Shelby Join us on our Mystik Way facebook group: up_189115434442125 And find previous copies of the Mystik Way Magazine on Do not lead I may not follow, Do not drag I may not wait, Walk beside me, be my friend!


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