10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

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10 easy yoga poses for weight gain ritushreepandey12.blogspot.com/2020/03/yoga-poses-for-weight-gain.html

10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

In this article, I will tell you about the weight gain exercises. Yogasan also contributes as much cooperation in weight gain as eating and eating. So let us know which yoga is that which you can increase your weight by adopting. If you like this post, then do not forget to like, share, comment. Do not forget to subscribe to read similar posts. Like obesity, low body weight can also cause many physical problems. If a person is underweight, it means that he is not getting the necessary nutrition. In the absence of nutrition, the body starts to become weak and the process of physical development slows or stops. However, there can be many reasons behind being underweight, including genetic, serious illness or malnutrition. It is not at all that the underweight condition cannot be corrected. In this article, we are telling you some effective yogasanas, which will work to increase your low weight. The benefit of these Yogasanas is only when you regularly eat healthy food and follow a balanced lifestyle. At the same time, if you are underweight due to some serious illness, then medical treatment is also necessary.


How does yoga help to gain weight? If you practice yoga or know about it, then you will definitely know about the physical benefits of yoga. The whole world is adopting this learning that has been going on since ancient times. Yoga has been considered the key to mental and physical health. Yoga increases the flow of energy in the body and purifies the body internally. Yoga is possible to treat any problems related to the body, but for this, you have to do regular yoga exercises and control the diet. Not only can obesity be reduced by yoga, but weight can also be increased. If you are a victim of underweight, then you can take the help of Yogasan. There are many such activities of yoga, which will quickly increase weight. These sexual activities will increase your appetite, which will also increase body mass. We will tell about some similar yogasanas, which will work to recover your low weight. 10 Yoga for weight gain Bhujangasana

10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

You can do Bhujangasana to get rid of the underweight problem. This asana works directly on the digestive system, which improves appetite. In addition, doing this asana helps to cure metabolism and improves breathing. Do this First, you lie down on your stomach. Reduce the distance between the legs and keep the legs straight. Now bring your palms straight to the shoulder. Now while breathing, lift the body from chest to navel. 2/12

Remain in this state for a few seconds and keep breathing and exhaling slowly. Then, while exhaling deep, come down to the initial state. In this way, you will complete a cycle. In the beginning, you can do this Yogasana four to five times. Practice regularly and increase the number of cycles. Diet plan for weight loss in 1 week ( Lose weight in just 1 week through this diet plan ) Tips to lose weight without diet or exercise ( 10 easy ways to lose weight without diet or exercise )


10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

This is the only posture that can be practiced immediately after a meal. This asana works directly on the digestive system and works to control metabolism. Apart from this, this asana also calms the mind. You can practice Vajrasana to correct the problem of underweight. Do this First of all sit with your legs spread on the ground. Bend the right leg with the knee and keep it under the right hip. Similarly, bend the left leg and keep it under your left hip. Now bring the buttocks in between the ankles. Keep hands on knees and keep the spine straight. Continue the breathing and exhalation process and try to remain calm. 3/12

To get into the first position, bring your right foot forward and then the left. Surya Namaskar

10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

You can practice Surya Namaskar to get rid of the underweight problem. Surya Namaskar is called a group of asanas, which consists of 12 postures and you have to do them one after the other. All these asanas work together to keep the digestive system, heart health, nervous system and muscles healthy. You can resort to Surya Namaskar to balance the decreasing weight. This asana also works to strengthen the immune system, which will improve your appetite and increase your BMI. Do this Pranam Asana: To do this asana, first of all, stand up straight and bring your hands near the chest and keep it in a posture of salutation. Hastautanasana: While breathing, raise the hands and take them near the ears. Now try to lean back. Padahastasana: Now while exhaling, bow down on the stomach and try to keep the palms on the ground. With this, try to touch the knee from the forehead without bending the knees. Ashva Sankalanasana: In this asana, first you have to sit on the left leg while breathing and then move the right leg back. In this posture, your right knee should remain on the ground. Also, try to look up while spreading the chest forward. Parvatasana: Now while exhaling, turn the left leg backward and try to lift the body from the middle. During this asana, keep the arms straight and try to keep the ankles from the ground. 4/12

Ashtangasan: While going from Ashtavasana to Ashtangasana, first breathe in and keep the knees close to the ground. Also, touch the chest and chin with the ground. Bhujangasana: For this posture, without lifting your breath, try to lift the upper part from the waist to the abdomen. Keep the palms close to the ground during the asana. Parvatasana: Now exhaling, try to lift the body from the middle. During the posture, keep the arms straight and make the ankles touch the ground. Ashva Sankalanasana: Breathing, bring the right leg forward and sit down. Keep your left leg straight and your left knee close to the ground. Padhastasana: For this posture, while exhaling, bring the left leg forward and keep the palms from the ground and the forehead close to the knees. Hastautanasana: Breathing, raise your hands up and try to lean back. Pranam Asana: Now be straight at the end, bring the hands in the salutation posture. Pawanmuktasan

10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

You can also practice this asana to get relief from Durvet. This asana works well on the digestive system and controls it. Pawanmuktasana works to calm hyperactive metabolism. Apart from this, this asana also helps the body to absorb nutrients better. To increase the weight of the underweight body, you must practice this asana regularly. Do this 5/12

For this posture, first of all, lie down on your back. Keep in mind that your hands should be close to the body. Now take a deep breath and bend the right leg. Now hold the knees with both your hands and try to attach them to the chest. Now you have to raise the head while exhaling and touch the nose to the knee. Stay in this state for a few seconds. Now while exhaling, bring your feet and head to the initial state. After the process of the right leg is complete, do this asana with the left and then both feet. You can do this asana four to five times. Matsyasan

10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

Matsyasana is a very beneficial yoga pose for weight gain. This asana works on many systems including the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland can cause weight loss and this asana works to control this gland. In addition, this asana helps in maintaining the digestive system and metabolism as well as heart health. You can increase your low weight by practicing this asana regularly. How to do First of all sit in Padmasana. Now slowly start bending back and lie on your back. 6/12

Now you have to hold the left foot with your right hand and the right foot with your left hand. Now keep both elbows on the ground and keep the knees close to the ground. Now while breathing, move the head backward as much as you can. In this state, breathe in slowly and release slowly. Now take a long breath and come to the initial state. Do this cycle four to five times. Sarvangasana

10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

Sarvangasana is an effective asana to improve the circulation of blood and oxygen. The circulation of blood promotes nutrients in the body, which nourishes all parts of the body. You can practice this asana regularly for energy and strength in the body. Do this First of all, lie down on your back and keep both hands near the shoulders. Slowly lift the legs up to 90 degrees. Support the buttock with the help of palms. Straighten the body in such a way that the chin is attached to your chest. Stay in this posture for a while, then slowly come to the initial state. 7/12


10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

Dhanurasana is an effective abdominal asana, which can work to improve the digestive system including constipation. This asana can also relieve you from the thyroid, which can cause the body to be underweight. You can practice this asana regularly for the absorption of nutrients in the body. Do this Lie on your stomach. Now bend the knees and hold the ankles firmly with hands. Now while breathing, raise your head, chest, and thigh upwards. Keep in mind that in this pose your body shape should be similar to a bow. Stay in this posture according to the capacity and continue the process of breathing and exhaling slowly. To come to the initial state, come down while exhaling for a long time. You can do this asana four to five times. Chakrasana


10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

Chakrasana is an asana performed on the back, which benefits the body in many ways. This asana works effectively on the digestive system, so that food intake and withdrawal work smoothly. To nourish the body, strengthening of the five systems is very important. Apart from this, this asana also helps in blood circulation. Do this First of all, lie on your back. Now slowly bend the knees and make your ankles touch with the buttocks. Keep a distance of about 12 inches between your legs. Now raise your arms and bend the elbows. Move the palms above the head and place it on the ground. Now you take a breath and slowly raise the head and try to bend the back. Stretch your arms and legs. Continue the process of breathing in and out slowly. Stay in this posture for a while. Then to get into the initial state, bring the body down slowly and lie down. You can do this asana five or six times. Headstand


10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

The headstand is extremely beneficial. Its benefits are as low as possible. It works to great advantage in the thyroid, which can cause weight gain. This asana also acts to control blood circulation and metabolism. You can practice this asana daily to control body weight. Do this For this posture, first of all, sit on a yoga mat. Now, hold the fingers of both hands together and keep your head on the fingers, bending towards the front. Now move the legs up and try to straighten them. Keep in mind that in this posture you have to stand on your head. Stay in this position for some time and then bend the knees and slowly lower the legs. You can do this asana three to five times. Shavasan


10 easy yoga poses for weight gain

To overcome the problem of underweight, you can resort to Shavasan. It is an effective yoga practice that works directly on the flow of blood and oxygen. This asana helps in blood circulation and promotes nutrients in the body. This gives the body energy and makes the body strong. This asana is done to give maximum comfort to all the organs of the body. Do this First of all, lie on your back. Keep your hands about one foot away from the body. The distance between the legs should be about 2 feet. The direction of the palms should be upward. Now close the eyes and breathe in and out slowly. You can stay in this asana for about 15 to 20 minutes. Before doing the asanas mentioned in the article, make sure that you are physically and mentally ready to do them. If you are doing these yogasanas for the first time or you are suffering from some serious disease, then do it under the 11/12

supervision of a yoga instructor. These Yogasanas are effective to get rid of the underweight problem, which can give quick results. How did you like this article, do not forget to tell us in the comment box.


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