10 top daily skin care tips for oily skin ritushreepandey12.blogspot.com/2019/07/10-top-daily-skin-care-tips-for-oily-skin.html
10 top daily skin care tips for oily skin
10 top daily skin care tips for oily skin
In this post, I will share with you how you can take care of your oily skin. In it, I will share my oily skincare tips which I have used myself and I have got good results. So I thought why not even tell you. Those who are troubled by oily skin must follow it. If you like this post, do not forget to like, share, comment and subscribe. Being oily of skin means that the level of lipid in your skin i.e. is high in fat. However, most likely to get oily skin is due to hormonal changes. Many times lifestyles are also responsible for skin oily. One reason for this is that even when the holes found in your skin are large and the activation of the salacious gland is high, your skin becomes oily. Whose face is oily skin, they have to struggle with many problems. Light oil remains on the face of such people and the face looks sticky. Oily skin emerges due to nail-acne, which spoils the beauty of the face. Of course, there are various types of cream present in the market to deal with oily skin, but long term use is not beneficial. Therefore, in this article, we are sharing some tips with you in this article, which will make your face beautiful, attractive and gentle. 10 top daily skincare tips for oily skin
10 top daily skin care tips for oily skin
1. Use face wash according to your skin type - If you have a skin oily then you should use oil-free face wash. You should use face wash twice a day, first in the morning and second in the evening. Whenever you come from outside, wash the face thoroughly. Also read - Doing so takes care of your face daily know the reason of pimples and why it comes Know how to take care of your skin in the monsoon 2. Use a toner after face wash - As we have already seen, people who have oily skin are very large and large. Toner works to stop the pores of your face skins. So that they can 2/4
not get rid of the filth in it. Rosewater can be used as a toner. 3. Moisture to face after the face wash - Do not forget to moisturize the face after washing face. Those who do not moisturize the face, they have more problems with oil. So after you choose the cream according to your skin type and after washing the face, cover the face with a towel and apply the cream.
4. Use a face scrub twice in a week - Face scrub twice a week. Doing this helps your skin to breathe the skin. Another advantage of this is that it will not even spot your spots. The face scrub is also available in the market, but if you want, you can also make use of homemade. For this, you take half a lemon and its juice gets out and then add some sugar to it. Now put it on the face with a light hand and massage. Wash after about 2 to 3 minutes.
5. A face mask is also necessary - Our skin sales are Rose dead. Dead Skin also occurs on the skin of the face. To clean these dead skins, we face masks on the face. However many face masks are available in the market but you can make it even at home. You can prepare your face mask by mixing some household items such as lemon, oats, egg, milk, papaya, etc. By applying it, your face blooms. 6. Include nutrients in the food - If eating and drinking are not fair, then many problems arise. The problem of oily skin is one of them. To get rid of oily skin, you should stay away from foods containing oily food or too fat. With this, you should eat fruits and vegetables a lot and drink green tea, juice, and water in liquid diets should be fierce. 7. Stay hydrated - it is very important to keep the oily face hydrated. For this, you must have 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. Through which our body's Ph level balance remains and the problem of paraffin is less.
8. Stay away from oily food - You should stay away from oily food, junk food, etc. and use nutritious food. Nutritious food is beneficial not only for the face but also for our body.
10 top daily skin care tips for oily skin
9. Stay tension free - Stay tension free and take adequate sleep. At least 8 hours of sleep is very important. Because of the tension, our face becomes oily too. 10. What should we eat Cucumber Orange Broccoli green vegetables coconut water Lemon banana Pulses Do not eat Fried chips Red meat Dairy products ie butter, cream, cheese Sugary drinks Polished grain Deep Fry Food Chocolate In the last, I would like to say that if you follow these tips every day, then your skin oil will be free. And your skin will be saved from pimples, acne, and stains - spots.