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15 Best Home Remedies for Removing Pimples 15 Best Home Remedies for Removing Pimples
15 Best Home Remedies for Removing Pimples
Nowadays the problem of having facial pimples has become commonplace. In the coming days, there is no problem for anyone. The oily skin, especially those whose skin is oily. Home Remedies for Removing Pimples 1. Oatmeal - It is beneficial to reduce acne. It cleanses the skin pores of your skin and absorbs excess oil. Mix 1 cup of cooked oatmeal in 1 teaspoon honey and half lemon juice and then apply this mixture on your skin, then rinse for 2 to 3 minutes with light hands. Leave it for about 30 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water, do it twice a week. 2. Fuller 's earth - Mix 2 teaspoons fuller's clay, 1 teaspoon rose water and 4-5 drops of lemon juice and make a paste. If you want you can also add some water. Put it on the whole face of the hand or just at the place of pimples. Let it take 10 to 15 minutes and wash it with water, then wash it with water. Fuller's clay does not only expose the skin of 1/7
dirt but also pulls waste oil from the skin. Also, this soil enhances blood flow. This soil is particularly beneficial for oily skin. If your skin is curly, use this recipe carefully. Keeping the paste for a long time can increase the stomachache of your skin. 3. Aloe Vera - Take a piece of Aloe Vera and leave the Aloe Vera jail from there. Apply the gel out from Aloe Vera directly to the pimples. Let the gel stay 10 to 15 minutes and wash it with water. Aloe Vera gel is used in acne vulgaris treatment and used throughout the face and the back to treat acne on the face and back. The antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties present in it reduce the inflammation and burning sensation in the skin. 4. Lemon - Take out the lemon juice in a bowl and immerse it in a small piece of cotton. Put the lemon juice at the place of a pimple before roasting. Let the lemon juice stay all night and wash it with water the next morning. Lemon helps to reduce skin irritation and swelling. Antimicrobial and antiseptic properties are found in lemon, which kills the pimple-producing bacteria. Lemon juice can also be effective in removing pimple stains. If your skin is slightly more sensitive, take precautions in the use of this recipe. Lemon juice can make your skin rigid and irritable in your skin. 5. Garlic - 2 - 3 Take the bud of garlic and make a paste. Take a little water and get some water. Paste this paste directly above the pimple. Allow garlic juice to completely dissolve in water before use. After this, put the prepared paste on the pimple. Keep the paste from five to ten minutes and then wash it with water. Garlic contains allicin's antibacterial properties, which help to fight against bacteria that are responsible for acne.
15 Best Home Remedies for Removing Pimples
6. Honey - Take a little quantity of honey in a bowl. Put honey on your pimple with your 3/7
finger. Now leave it for 20 to 25 minutes to dry. Then wash the pimple place with water. Honey is a miraculous mask, which removes acne easily. It is a natural antibiotic that kills pimple-producing bacteria. It also has hydrating properties, so the skin is healthy. 7. Turmeric - Mix turmeric with enough water and make a paste. Paste the paste with finger well on the pimple. Give 10 to 15 minutes to dry the paste and then wash it with water. Turmeric is an antiseptic drug. Usually, turmeric lamps are used when there is a skin infection. Because turmeric kills harmful bacteria on the skin and fixes skin cells quickly. Therefore, it can also be effective in the treatment of pimples. 8. Neem - Make some neem leaves dry well in the sun and make powder. Now mix equal quantity of groundnut in a spoonful of neem powder. Mix the rose water in this mixture according to the need and prepare the paste. Put the prepared paste on the pimples with finger and dry it. Leave the paste for 10 to 15 minutes and wash it with water after drying. Neem use as a home remedy for the treatment of acne is quite popular. Neem is a natural Estridge, with antifungal and antibacterial properties found in its leaves. Apart from this neem leaves help keep our blood clean. Neem leaves are considered to be effective medicines for pimple treatment due to these factors. 9. Rosewater - Take two spoons of rose water and two teaspoons of sandalwood powder. Mix granulated water in sandalwood powder and prepare a thick paste. Place this paste on the pimple place with a finger. Wait till the paste is dry and then wash it with water. Rosewater is very good for the skin. The properties of the Astringent and Skin toner present in it help in eradicating the scars of acne and also provide essential moisture to the skin. It works as an astringent and skin toner. 10. Coconut oil - Put one or two spoons of coconut oil in a bowl and lubricate it. Put oil on your pimple with your finger. Keep putting it in every few hours. Coconut oil is cool and it keeps the skin soft. It contains antibacterial properties, due to which it is also mixed in the moisturizer and lotion. The antioxidant contained in it fills the skin cells again. Therefore, coconut oil is considered effective in treating all types of pimples. 11. Green tea - Boil the water and put it in a cup. Put some leaves of green tea in the cup too. Now add one spoon of honey and mix it all. Drink hot tea prepared. Drink one to two cups of green tea every day. Antioxidants present in Green Tea help in the detoxification of the toxins present in the body. It helps in balancing the level of hormones in the body. Therefore, it is advisable to adopt these home remedies for treating acne due to changes in the levels of hormones. Also read - Cause and tips for pimples
How to take care of oily skin 12. Glycerin - Glycerin can be applied directly to the skin without any preparations. With the help of cotton, place a little glycerin on the pimple place. You can apply glycerin to 4/7
pimples two to three times a day. Keep glycerin on the pimple for a few hours and then wash it with water. You can apply glycerin to pimples two to three times a day. Keep glycerin on the pimple for a few hours and then wash it with water. 13. Papaya - Crush some pieces of papaya well and make a paste. Wash your face thoroughly and then put this paste on the peel. Keep this paste from 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it with water. Papaya is considered to be a very effective drug in the treatment of pimples. It removes dead skin cells and removes excessive oil from the skin. Also, Papaya prevents the formation of Pisces in Pimple and makes the skin soft. 14. Ice - You wrap a small snowflake in a clean cloth. Now slowly rub that ice cream on your pimple. But keep in mind that you do not keep ice on pimples for a long time. You do this for two to three minutes. Rubbing ice on pimple reduces his swelling and he begins to recover slowly. If you try this recipe as soon as the pimples begin to come out, then it is more beneficial. 15. Toothpaste - There is no special preparation in this. Take a little toothpaste and put it on the pumpkin in cotton. Doing this can reduce the size of your pimple. Keep in mind that you use white toothpaste only, not of prison toothpaste. Try this recipe at night and wake up in the morning and wash the face with water... What to eat for pimples/acne - Diet for Pimples
15 Best Home Remedies for Removing Pimples
By improving dietary habits, acne or pimples can be avoided to a great extent. Let us know what we should include in our diet and what to avoid to prevent pimples. So below we are telling you what to eat and do not eat in the food to avoid pimple: What should we eat? 1. Eat green leafy vegetables, cucumber, sweet potato, carrot, and capsicum. 2. Add seasonal fruits to your diet. 3. Regularly eat curd. 4. Drink Green Tea. 5. Eat walnuts, cashews, and raisins. 6/7
Do not eat? 1. Do not eat too much oily or junk food such as pizza, burgers, noodles, etc. 2. Avoid eating too many sweet foods. 3. Stay away from things that have more glycemic content, such as white bread, white rice, processed food, etc.
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