Best hair care homemade tips which everyone can use
Best hair care homemade tips which everyone can use
Best hair care homemade tips which everyone can use
In this post, I will tell you the hair care home remedies, what to eat for hair as well and share some hair care tips so that all the problems of hair will be eliminated. If you like this post of mine, do not forget to like, comment, share and subscribe to it 1/9
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It would not be wrong to say that the beauty of everyone's personality is multiplied by the hair of his head. On the other hand, unbalanced eating, stressful life, dust and dirt, pollution and chemical-rich hair products have kept the hair of the head out. Now the question comes that in this run-of-the-mill life, where there is no time to breathe, how is hair care possible, then the answer is very simple. In this article of MYTHOUGHTSTECH, we are telling some hair care tips which are not only beneficial, but they are very easy to use. Also, it does not take much time to make and apply them and by using it, your hair problem will also go away. So let us know the home remedies for hair care... Homemade tips for hair care 1. Egg - For Conditioner
Best hair care homemade tips which everyone can use
Take two eggs and two teaspoons of olive oil. Break both the eggs and put their yellow parts in the bowl. Now add olive oil and mix. If needed, you can mix some water in it. Then apply this pack on your hair with the help of a brush and leave it for two hours. After this wash the hair with cold water and mild shampoo. You can apply it to your hair once a week. The egg is not only beneficial for health, but it also works miraculously on hair. It contains protein, fat, minerals, Bcomplex vitamins and other nutrients, which strengthen the hair from the roots and make them thick. The egg moisturizes the hair and cleans excess oil from the scalp. At the same time, olive oil and mayonnaise also have adequate hair conditioning properties.
2. Aloe vera - hair breakage Mix 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel and 1 teaspoon almond oil. Apply it well on the head's skin. Leave it on for half an hour and then wash it with shampoo. You should do this 2 times a week. Aloe vera has moisturizing and antifungal properties, which maintain the Ph of hair which reduces the problem of hair breakage gradually. 3. Lemon and olive oil - Itching in the head
Best hair care homemade tips which everyone can use 3/9
Two teaspoons lemon juice and two teaspoons olive oil. Mix all these ingredients in a bowl and mix them. Now massage your scalp with light hands with this mixture. After about 20 minutes wash the hair with shampoo. Use it at least once a week. Lemon juice is the major source of citric acid. It also contains vitamin-C and antioxidants, which eliminate dandruff, nourishes the scalp, eliminating itching from the root. It also keeps the scalp's pH level balanced. Due to the acidic effect of lemon, freshness remains on the scalp and helps the hair grow. The use of lemon is very important for hair care. 4. Avocado - Hair Loss Take a ripe avocado and a cup of yogurt. Cut the avocado and remove the seeds from it. Now mash it well and then add yogurt to it and make a paste. Apply this paste on the head and leave it for 40-45 minutes. After this, wash the head with shampoo and later apply conditioner. You can apply this hair mask once or twice a week. Use avocado as hair care tips. As a way of hair care, hair mask made by mixing avocado and yogurt is not only economical but also very beneficial for tangled and shaggy hair. Avocado contains vitamins B and E, which provide nourishment to the hair and prevent them from breaking. At the same time, yogurt cleans and nourishes hair from the roots.
5. Aloe vera - thick hair
Best hair care homemade tips which everyone can use
Take one cup of onion juice and one teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Take three to four onions, grind them in a grinder and then put them in a cotton cloth and squeeze, so that its juice comes out. Now mix aloe vera gel in it and mix it. After this, massage the scalp with this mixture, until this mixture is applied on the whole hair. Leave hair like this for about an hour and then wash it with shampoo. After this, apply a conditioner. Do use at least once a week. This home remedy is best for hair. This not only makes the hair longer but also reduces the breakage of hair. Onion juice has all the qualities that are necessary for hair growth. It nourishes the scalp and activates hair follicles. Regular use of this mixture will result in better hair growth and thickening. Note - Some people have sensitive skin. Applying onion juice to them can irritate. Therefore, before applying this mixture, try it on your hand. 6. Lemon - For dandruff 5/9
Take 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 5 teaspoons coconut oil and mix both. Apply the mixture on the scalp well before bathing. After half an hour washes the hair with herbal shampoo. You can try it 2 times a week. Vitamin C is found in lemon which strengthens hair follicles. Lemon moisturizes the dry skin of sir and removes the problem of dandruff. Note - If you have any type of injury to your head, do not use this recipe for lemon. 7. Onion - thick hair
Best hair care homemade tips which everyone can use
Take one cup of onion juice and one teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Take three to four onions, grind them in a grinder and then put them in a cotton cloth and squeeze, so that its juice comes out. Now mix aloe vera gel in it and mix it. After this, massage the scalp 6/9
with this mixture, until this mixture is applied on the whole hair. Leave hair like this for about an hour and then wash it with shampoo. After this, apply a conditioner. Do use at least once a week. This home remedy is best for hair. This not only makes the hair longer but also reduces the breakage of hair. Onion juice has all the qualities that are necessary for hair growth. It nourishes the scalp and activates hair follicles. Regular use of this mixture will result in better hair growth and thickening. Note - Some people have sensitive skin. Applying onion juice to them can irritate. Therefore, before applying this mixture, try it on your hand. 8. Shampoo - To keep hair long, thick and healthy, it is important to keep them clean. Also, choose herbal hair care products. The shampoo is also one of them. Shampoos also vary for each type of hair. Therefore, whenever choosing a shampoo, keep this in mind. For dry hair: The shampoo should be such that it moisturizes the hair and makes them soft. Do not take any shampoo that can also dry out the natural oil present in the scalp. This will make hair more dry and lifeless. Before taking a shampoo for dry hair, check that it contains avocado, coconut, argon or grapeseed oil. Also, after shampooing dry hair, use conditioner. For oily hair: Do not take a shampoo that works as a moisturizing and conditioner for this type of hair. Oily hair does not need any more moisturizing. Dandruff problems are common in oily hair. Therefore, opt for anti-dandruff shampoos. Lemon shampoos are better for such hair. For normal hair: Such hair is neither dry nor oily, so any normal shampoo can be used for such hair. Keep in mind that this shampoo should be herbal and of a good brand. Diet for hair care
Best hair care homemade tips which everyone can use
1. Drink a glass of water, flaxseed, on an empty stomach. By drinking this, your body will get plenty of omega 3 and your hair will grow. 2. Take an Amla every day. Women use amla oil to get shiny curls. 3. Eat 5 almonds every night with water, do not peel them. This makes hair stronger. 4. Your head needs nutrition. So apply buttermilk, lemon juice, and coconut water, etc. to your hair. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. 5. To maintain protein intake in the body, consume chicken and eggs. 6. Prohibit drinking large amounts of tea and coffee during the day. 7. There is no age to drink milk. Take two glasses of skimmed milk a day. 8. Eat at least two or three types of fruits in a day like mango, banana, pomegranate, etc. This makes the hair longer. 8/9
9. Eat green vegetables. Increase the consumption of spinach etc. 10. White meat is more beneficial. Fish, chicken, and egg prove to be better for your hair. Stay away from red meat. Some important tips for hair care 1. Massage the oil 1 time a week. 2. Save hair from pollution. 3. Keep sorting hair from time to time. 4. Do not use substances containing chemicals. 5. Avoid using hot water in the hair. 6. Do not wash hair daily. 7. Use conditioner. 8. Dry the hair with a towel. 9. Keep the head covered. 10. Do not leave the hair open for too long. Hair maintenance is not as difficult as we think. Just, you need to take some time out of your busy routine for this. Believe me, using the home remedies given in this article will benefit your hair. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned here, then check it on your hand before using it. If you are jealous, do not use it. Also, how did you benefit from these home remedies, do share it with us in the comment box below?
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